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INGLES 2 Guia de estudio para la materia de Inglés 2, basada exclusivamente en los ejercicios del libro Inglés 2 , de preparatoria abierta, - unidades IX a XVI, mOdulos 1 a 16. 1.- We last winter. a) were 7 students b) was / student ¢) were / student d) was / students 2.- Monterrey is big now. It -- a) was not /biger b) was / small c) weren't / small d) were / big in 1700. 3.- It is 12 noon now. You____sick at 7 this morning. a ) b) c) were 4) 4.- Shakespeare's plays. a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't interesting. 5.- Calculus ____ difficult. 6.- I am slender now. I slender ten months ago. a) am not b) were not c) are not d) was not Cortez in Tenochtitlan in 15212 Yes, he was. 7 a) be b) Are c) Were D) Was 8.- It is autumn. The leaves from the trees now. a) are falling b) is falling c) were falling 4) was falling ¢ 9.- The woods a) are burning b) is burning cc) was burning 4) were burning —— for three days last week. 10.- a) What was b) How were c) Who was d) When were —— they at school ? Yesterday evening. 11.- on the table ? The book. a) What is b) What was c) Which is d) Which was 12.- She always to school by car. a) "was going b) went c) is going d) goes 13.- Mary usually studies in the morning. She. yesterday. a) studies b) study c) studying d) studied in the evening 14.- Their baby is craying. He a) cries b) cryes c) cried d) cryed all night last night. 15.- She her lesson at 3:30 yesterday afternoon. a) stops b) stopped c) did stop d) did stopped 16.- We _______the hall but not his room. a) sweep b) was sweeping c) swept d) sweeped us Algebra last semester. egaticgfavtos teached b) teachs c) teaching d) taught 18.- We at the notes yesterday. a) don't Took b) didn't Looked ¢) don't looked d) didn't look 19.- The boy. a) was cuted b) didn't cut c) cuted d) cuts the ribbon five minutes ago. 20.- we. a) Do / wrap b) Does / wrap c) Did / wrap d) Did / wrapped ‘the present beautifully last week ? Yes, you did. 21,- Did they throw coins into the fountain ? Yes, they___-coins into the fountain. a) throw b) didn't throw c) threw d) didn't threw 22.- Did he. with Helen ? Yes, he. with Helen. a) goes / went b) go / goes c) went = / goes 4) go J went 23.-____ did you arrive in Monterrey ? In 1971. a) When b) Where c) What d) How 24.-__ she. a) did / smiling b) did / laughed c) Did / smil d) Did / laugh 25. a) Where did b) When did c) Were did d) What did happily ? No, she didn't. you and Bod leave your books last night ? In the bookcase. 26.- The pregram a) be going to be b) are going to be g 35 going be )) is going to be over ten minutes from now.

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