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You can run, but you can’t hide

by Keesha Michelle Washington

I have become hooked on creating YouTube videos on the topic

of Primary Soul Mates and Twin Flame connections. As I receive
‘downloads’, higher information from Spirit, I create a video, or if
I receive an email from a follower who is very confused,
frustrated or completely exhausted by their Twin Flame or Soul
Mate connection, I will help them out with some of my off the
beat but extremely accurate wisdom and guidance. I created
what I thought was one of my most important videos on Free
will. Apparently, people have been very confused about the
whole concept of Free Will as it relates to their Flames and soul Mates. I was
receiving a hell of a ton of ‘panic’ emails, asking me the big question: “Keesha,
what about Free Will? What if my beloved doesn’t choose me? In the video, I tried to
break down the whole concept of Free Will and how our human understanding of it
is so limited and misleading, and this miseducation has tainted the minds and hopes
of Soul Mates and Twin Flames that are struggling to come together, so when you
get a chance, please visit my YouTube channel to see just how I laid it down!

Now for the topic at hand, you can run but you cannot hide, this article will
hopefully give you some insight about the futility of running from the soul mate and
twin Flame energy. But, I would like to make note that there are exceptions, but
very few exceptions to this rule. Now, I have written over and over again about the
soul mate and Twin Flame energy, and how the connection is not a mere falling in
love, romanticized, sexual yearning connection, that it is a very powerful vibrational
magnetic connection. Now my peers in this field and myself all agree that this
connection is apart of a soul contract for those of us that carry this energy, meaning
that prior to our birth, we carried within us a energetic vibration signal geared
towards magnetizing our vibrational compliment, in simpler words, we were born to
walk this beautiful journey of spiritual love and all of the forces in the cosmos are
awaiting for us to awaken to this path.

See, when we are in a state of panic, and for lack of better words, in a state of
ignorance, we do not understand the sheer power that backs these connections,
power that makes the whole concept of Free Will laughable. I am now going to
attempt to do my best to explain the power that keeps these connections in forward

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is one of the most powerful Laws not only in this cosmic
space, but throughout the Cosmos in general. This law or energy is, what I call the
law of relationships. This law ensures that all things in the Cosmos relate to one
another according to their frequency signature. if you take a deeper look at how the
cosmos, you will see that absolutely nothing stand alone, not even God or the Most
High itself, because in essence, all of us humans carry a relationship charge that
draws us to our spiritual relationship or Union with God, and although we do not
have the full power of “the One’, we have the potential within us to unfold in
greater degrees to move closer and closer to the Infinite energy of God, so see, all
things in the cosmos have an energetic compliment, as well as lesser energetic
potential that carry the potential to unfold as a compliment.

How the Law of Attraction works with Primary Soul Mate and Twin Flames

As I had stated earlier, soul mates and twin Flames carry within their celluar DNA
and soul composite, an energetic frequency geared towards magnetizing their
complimentary energetic match, much like a key to a lock. With this said, as we
carry on with our lives, going in and out of relationship with people we believe are a
fit to us, we are actually searching for the lock to fit our key. Most people, who
believe in the concept of Karma, call these unsuccessful fits with various mates in
our lives as Karmic partnerships. But since I am a simple girl, and see things very
plainly, I like to use this analogy of the key and lock. So there we are, carrying this
energetic complimentary charge, but not really knowing it, but inside of us is this
deep desire to feel the wholeness within us. So we go from one relationship to
another. Placing our key in many locks, and with each attempt we are finding that
these relationship do not carry that soul satisfying quench we just know lays deep
within us. Now as we go in and out of relationships, and as we struggle to line our
energy up with the mate in front of us, we are learning and growing, we are finding
out through contrast the things we like and don’t like, we are waking up, and with
each miss, we are being shaken up and pointed to our true spiritual nature,
awakening to the Soul mate or Twin Flame path.

Some of us awaken, and get busy in getting clear about what we don’t want, but
still have a vague idea of what we do want, at least consciously, but deep inside our
DNA and within our soul composite, we KNOW. So once that strong signal is sent out
into the Law of Attraction, whether we consciously send it out or not, the law of
Attraction begins to draw to us our energetic compliments. Now here is the kicker,
the more in tune you are with your spiritual nature, the more easily you will
recognize and ACCEPT ‘The One’. There is RECOGNITION and ACCEPTANCE that
needs to happen before the key can fit the lock properly. I say this because the
Universe will bring to us many potential relationships that carry similar energetic
frequencies of our own. Okay, let me break this down even further.

See, because we are vibrational beings, and we learn and evolve through our
experiences, we hold within our vibrations many experiences and emotions that
relate to any particular subject or theme within our lives. So if we are sending out a
vibrational signal out into the universe about a particular subject or desire, usually
our vibration is not clear, we send out not only our desire for that things, but also
the vibration of all of the previous experiences we have gathered within our energy
about that particular desire. Think of a spectrum, where we have a lesser vibrational
desire that sits on one end of the spectrum and the strongest or exact math
vibration sitting on the other end of the spectrum. You got it? I think you do.

So we are sending out this signal of lesser and stronger desire and the Law of
Attraction will send in our experience the potentials. And if we carry the soul mate
or twin Flame energy, we will eventually draw to us our exact energetic
compliment, our key to our lock; and now that we are in the period of acceleration,
where like is magnetizing like frequency, this coming together is happening at
record rate. Okay, so depending on where we are on our spiritual growth, we will
not only recognize our complimentary energy, we will also have the ability to accept
this energy for what it is. The ‘stayers’ are the ones that usually fall in this
category; they recognize and accept the energetic connection. But If you have not
awakened to both the recognition and acceptance of this energy, you will become
the ‘runner’, and this is okay, because soon or later, the runner will find out that his
or her ass ain’t really running anywhere.

Running is essential

Boy do we panic when our beloved pull away! We get so scared when they don’t
accept the connection for what it is and they don’t just frickin choose us and get on
with the business of making non stop love and happily ever after. But if you are
clueless to the spectrum of potentiality, cellular DNA memory and the soul’s
composite, you will panic at the physical actions of your mate, you will take the
running as rejection, and not what it really is, an exploration of one’s soul and an
awakening to one’s true path.

See, you, the mate that recognized and accepted this energy, have enough spiritual
growth and attunement to sift through the potentials that the Law of Attraction
presents to us, but our mate, who are usually less awaken and less attuned see not
only you, the mate, they also see the other potentials that lays on their spectrum.
Because the runner is unaware of the cellular memory and the Soul composite that
gears him or her to follow this path, they believe that they are in control of who
they will spend the rest of their lives with and they are the ones that choose their
mates; so they see these potentials as an opportunity to explore their choice. They
don’t see yet that the lesser potentials that may carry similar vibrational frequency
are not ‘the one’ that their soul is really yearning for. So as they are running from
you and entering in one relationship after another, they too are awakening slowly to
their true nature.
See, the lesser potentials that are on your mates vibrational spectrum play a very
important role in the awakening of your mates’ true path to you. See, the potentials
sit on the lesser vibratory end of the spectrum for a reason, they usually carry a
weaker spiritual frequency, meaning that their energy will carry more chaos or an
energetic void. This void and chaos will force your mate to feel that painful spiritual
restlessness. This restlessness will then force your mate to search within his or
herself for the truth of who they are. And one by one, as they go from one
relationship to the next, and one failure to the next, they are becoming sober to not
only their spiritual nature, but they are accepting the truth, and that is, this, in
accept themselves, they are essentially accepting you or choosing you. This can
feel like a painstakingly drawn out dramatic process for the ‘stayer’ and a confusing
and frustrating process for the ‘runner’, but it is a very necessary process for the
both of you. See, the both of you must learn to become obedient and trust the Laws
of the Universe, and to learn to use your spiritual energy to create harmony and

In close, stop worrying and get busy removing the emotional and energetic
dysfunctions within yourself so that you can continue to stand on the higher end of
the vibrational spectrum for your beloved, so that he or she can truly have a clear
vibrational pathway to his or her true nature, and to you.

Keesha Michelle Washington is a Spiritual Life Guide that supports men and women
in living in integrity with their spiritual values and principles. She also assists men
and women in finding and maintaining spiritual relationships. She is available to
answer questions about spiritual relationships and spiritual growth. You can learn
more about her service work by visiting her websites.

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