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Arrays array_Intersect array_merge ‘array_pop array_push array_reverse array_waik count In_array Date and Time date mktime strtatime time Filesystem clearstatcache copy felose foets file fllemtime filesize file_exists fopen fread fwrite 's_dir Is file readhle Headers header headers_sent setcookie Mait ‘mail Numbers floor number format round Miscellaneous define eval exit Network fsockopen PHP Options Ini_get Ini_restore Inset phpinfo Execution REGULAR EXPRESSION SYNTAX Start of string End of string Any single character Borb Group section Item in range (a or b or c) Not in range (not @ or b or c) White space Zero or one of a Zero or more of a One or more of a ah Exactly 3 of a a3,} 3 or more of a (3,6) Between 3 and 6 of a \ Escape character [ipuneti] Any punctuation symbol [:space;] Any space character [:blank:] Space or tab entosigcics Case-insensitive Period matches newline * and § match fines Ungreedy matching Evaluate replacement Pattern over several lines Geant) array_push ( array, element ) In_array ( needle, haystack ) explode ( separator, string ) spiit (pattern, string ) preg_split ( pattern, string ) fereg ( pattern, string ) strpos ( haystack, needle ) str_replace ( search, replace, string ) ee r Read xecgu~ r+ Read and write, prepend w Write, truncate we Read and write, truncate a Write, append at Read and write, append sien Y 4digit year 2005 ¥ 2 digit year 05 F Long month January M Short month Jan Mm Month (leading zeros) 01 to 12 Month 1to 12 D Short day name Mon | Long day name Monday Day (leading zeros) 01 to 31 J Day ito 3t h 12 Hour (leading zeros) 01 to 12 9 12 Hour to 12 H 24Hour (leading zeros) 00 to 23, G24 Hour 010 23 | Minutes (leading zeros) 00 to 59 S Seconds (leading zeros) 00 to 59 W Day of week! at06 Zz Day of year Oto 365 W > Week of year = 1to53 © Days in month 28 to 31 a ‘am or pm A |AM or PM. B Swatch Internet Time 000 to. 999 S Ordinal Suffix st, nd, td, th T Timezone of machine GMT. Z Timezone offset (seconds) © Difference to GMT (hours) +0200 1 Daylight savings Lord Leap year ioro U Seconds since Epoch * © 150-8601 (PHP 5) RFC 2822 41, date("w"): 0 is Sunday, 6 Is Saturday, 2, Week that overlaps two years belongs to year that cantains most days of that week. Hence week number for 1st January of a given year can return 53rd week if week belongs to previous year. date("W", mktime(, 0, 0, 12, 28, $year)) always gives correct number of weeks in syear. 43, The Epoch was the Ast January 1970. Regex ereg ereai ereg_repiace eregi_replace split split preg_match reg_match_all preg replace reg_split Sessions session_destroy session id session_start Strings addslashes crypt echo explode implode mas nlabr sprintf strip_tags stripslashes stristr strpos strrev strstr strtolower strtoupper str_replace substr trim URLs rawurldecode rawurlencode uridecode urlencode Variables empty is array iscint is-null bject isset serialize unserialize ‘SuperGlobal S_ENV $.GET POST $_COOKIE $_SESSION S_SERVER S_FILES S_REQUEST SGLOBALS Available free from

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