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Dr. David Kelly Name: Dr. David Kelly Organisation/Subject: Ministry of Defence (see notes) Work Phone: see notes Mobile Phone: He never switches it on. Email: Home Phone Home Ad SS mE. Sail CHECKED SEPTEMBER 1998. BIOLOGICAL WARFARE / CHEMICAL WARFARE / BIOLOGICAL DEFENCE FOR TRE UX / IRAQ / UNITED NATIONS ADVISER / ORGANO - PHOSPHATES / GULF WAR SYNDROME David travels extensively in his job and has given us three contacts numbers : 1. London : CS 2. New York : @RQUMMMMMB (Or. Christian Seelos will answer the NY number and will know how to contact him). 3. Porton : David works for the MoD, is employed by the Foreign Office but is seconded to the UN at the moment. He is scientific adviser to the UN Special Commission on Iraq. What can I say but he sounds absolutely gorgeous and is extremely helpful! He told me that he has been injected with more anti biological drugs than there are diseases and he is perfectly okay. (re Gulf War Syndrome). Printed 07/08/2003 15:41 by Andrew Gilligan page 4 BRCI 7 |OO33 22

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