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Improper wall thickness a) Adjust annular gap in the distribution assly.

b) Align take off equipment
c) Adjust rpm of machine and take off equipment
d) Avoid surging of melt in the extruder by balancing temp.
profile and rpm of the
e) Check heaters on the die

Inside rough surface a) Adjust temp. profile so as to melt polymer completely

b) Avoid melt fracture by increasing die temperatures, lowering
shear by reducing
screw rpm
c) Avoid moisture by pre-drying
d) Avoid excessive frictional heat built-up on screw by cooling
the screw

Outside rough surface a) Increase temp. on barrel and die

b) Cool the extrudate near die exit so as to avoid excessive
swelling of Pipe before
passing through sizer
c) Avoid melt fracture by increasing die temperature.

Lack of gloss on outside a) Increase die temperature. surface.

Lack of gloss on inside a) Adjust temp. profile on barrel and die so as to melt the polymer
surface completely

Porosity a) Avoid moisture by pre-drying

b) Avoid moisture and air entrapment by use of vented extruder
or vacuum system
c) Lower temp . of the rear zone so as to melt the polymer only
near the head of the
uurface defects a) Avoid moisture and air entrapment

Indented pock marks a) Avoid forced water spraying on the surface of PVC pipe during

Discolored material a) Lower temp. of barrel and die

b) Avoid running at very high or at very low rpm. High rpm
increases shear rate while
low rpm increases residence time of melt in the extruder
c) For larger pipes blow air through spider.

Lumpy surface a) Extrudate is cold, check barrel temp. and adjust them so as to
melt the polymer
b) Increase rpm & temp. so as to give more shear to compound

Oval pipe a) Cooling arrangement is not adequate, increase the effectiveness

of cooling and
b) Reduce distance between Die exit and sizer
c) Check alignment of the sizer

Brittle pipes a) If failure is on weld line, avoid weld line by increasing the
and adjust rpm of screw (avoiding faster and cold extrusion.)
b) Avoid excessive draw down of the pipe
c) Avoid using excessive regrind material

Circumferential waviness a) Avoid surging of melt by and ridge slowering rear zone temp.
and adjusting rpm
b) Avoid uneven take off speed

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