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xz. qi. Iv. ’ BEAR_FRONT Xy mM 5 oO Qo oO a = ee Ne ASHAN/BULL MM R A. 3 pt. stance, inside foot back, align in a six technique. Jab step toes straight ahead. Key inside clavicle. BIG DEAL ~ Kick the TE’s Butt! (Win!) B. Align in @ ghost six technigue/ Tilt slight2y at an angle. ‘The "First step" is at.near hip of offensive tackl 0.7. Down bieck close and wrong arm blocks or come up field for contain. A. 3 pt. stance, inside foot back. Align in a tilted stance Point at V of the neck of offensive guard. Key near Clavicle of offensive guard. BIG DEAL - Beat cutoff block of 0.7. NOSE GUARD A. 3 Bt, stance, inside foot back. Align eye to eye on Center. 6" step with inside foot. Eyes to near clavicle of center. You are a 2 gap player. BIG DEAL - Dominate the center. KNIGHT A. 3 pt. stance, inside foot black. align in 4 eye, depth off Los hands at hells of Ne. Key near clavicle of offensive guard. Cancel "BY gap. (Win!) BIG DEAZ - Beat cutoff block of O.T. v. Lpers: A. VS. J ~ Backs ~ Mike and Rover - 3 technique. VS. Ace - Mike or Rover 2 eye technique. B, Mike - wan alignment on inside leg of #3. Rover - man alignment on inside leg of #2 weak. c. Keys and Responsibilities 1. Normal Key progression a. VS flow to ~ Mike and Rover ~ scrap (D-Gap} vs flow Away ~ fast flow stay on backside hip of ball carrier. 3. VS #2 wk outside tackle box ~ Rover force technique.

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