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Other Books by Scott Cunningham Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs Earth, Air, Fire and Water: More Techniques of Natural Magic Barth Power Hawaiian Religion & Magic Living Wicca: A Further Guide far the Solitary Practitioner The Magic in Food Magical Aromatherapy: The Power of Scent Magical Herbalism ‘The Magical Household (with David Harrington) Spell Crafts: Creating Magical Objects (with David Harrington) The Truth About Herb Magic The Truth About Witchcraft Today Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner Video Herb Magic Biography Whispers of the Moon (by David Horrington and de Traci Regula) Llewellyn’s Practical Magick Series THE COMPLETE Book OF Incense, Oils & Brews Scotr CUNNINGHAM Llewellyn Publications St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0383, U.S.A ‘The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews. Copyright © 1989 by Scott ‘Cunningham. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including Internet usage, with- out permission in writing from Llewellyn Publications except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. FIRST EDITION ‘Twentioth Printing, 1999 Cover design by Maria Mazzara Interior illustrations by Victoria Poyser-Lisi Book design by Terry Buske Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Cunningham, Scott, 1956-1993 ‘The complete book of incense, oils & brews / by Scott Cunningham. p. om. —(Llewellyn’s practical magick series) Revised ed. of: The magic of incense, oils and brews. 1986. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-87542-128-8 1. Magic. 2. Incense—Miscellanea. 3. Perfumes—Miscellanes. 4, Essences and essential oils—Miscellanea. 1. Cunningham, Scott, 1956-1993. Magie of incense, oils and brews, 11. Title. ITT. Series: Llewellyn's practical magick series. BP1623.152C86 1989 138.4'4—ae20 89-35510 cr Note: The old-fashioned remedies in this book are historical references used for teaching purposes only. The recipes are not for commercial use or profit. ‘The contents are not meant to diagnose, treat, preseribe, or substitute conmal- tation with a licensed healthcare professional ‘Llewellyn Publications A Division of Llewellyn Worldwide, Lid. P.O, Box 64383, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383 ‘ Printed in the United States of America For Morgana, kahuna Ja’au lapa’au of Hawaii Acknowledgements ‘My thanks go to Marilee and fd for once again giving me access to their comprehensive herb library, as well as to Marilee for sharing her expertise in incense composition and allowing some of her for- mulas to be published here. ‘My especial thanks to fellow author M.V. Devine for allowing me toreprint some oil and incense recipes from her entrancing book Brujeria: A Study of Mexican-American Folk-Magic. Tm also indebted to Ron Garst for his gracious help and willing- ness to discuss oils and incenses. ‘Thanks are in order to the many friends, readers and reviewers who gave me ideas toward this revised edition and who compelled me to complete it, and to Carl Weschcke of Llewellyn for presenting the opportunity. To Annella of The Crystal Cave (Claremont, California), Judy of ‘Byeof the Cat (Long Beach, California}and Karen of Moon Magic (Lit- tleton, Colorado) for assistance in obtaining unusual herbs and cils. Icertainly must express my gratitude to the authors who, in the past, committed some of these secre:s to paper so that later genera- tions could reap the rich rewards of working in harmony with the Earth’s fragrant treasures, Finally, [must express my thanks to Morgan (Dorothy), my first teacher, who instructed me in the mysteries of the brews, incenses and oils long before I understood what it was all about. Contents Preface to the New Edition Introduction Warning PART I: BASICS Chapter One: On Magic Chapter Two: On Proportions ‘Chapter Three: Empowering Rites Chapter Four: Ingredients ‘Chapter Five: Creating Your Own Recipes PART I: PROCESSING AND RECIPES INCENSE. OlS OINTMENTS. INKS TINCTURES HERB BATHS BATH SALTS BREWS RITUAL SOAPS SACHETS OR HERBAL CHARMS, POWDERS ‘A MISCELLANY OF RECIPES PART IIT: SUBSTITUTIONS Introduction Specific Substitutions Magical Goals Planetary Substitutions Elemental Substitutions Astrological Substitutions Glossary Appendix 1: Colors Appendix 2: Sources Bibliography Botanical Index General Index 13 17 23 37 45 101 125 133 139 147 155 163 173 179 193, 199 207 213 216 225 228 232 237 243 245 249 255 263

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