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How to Know if Dog Arthritis Glucosamine Supplements are Working

As a caring dog owner, you’re hoping that glucosamine supplements for dogs are going to
help ease your dog’s arthritis pain. And the chances are good it will, but you can’t continue
treatment blindly. Here’s a sure-fire way to tell if it’s worth continuing down the
glucosamine supplements path, or if it’s time to try something else.

The Top 3 Questions About Glucosamine Supplements

1. Is there a way to tell if glucosamine supplements are actually working?

2. How long after starting my dog on glucosamine products should I start seeing

3. Why might my dog not be responding to these dog joint supplements?

Great questions! Let’s explore the answers:

Is there a way to tell if glucosamine supplements are actually working?

The best way to tell is to look for these improvements:
Mobility Improvements: Your dog should start becoming friskier, have an easier time rising
after rest, climb stairs easier, and be more willing to jump and walk on the leash.
Lameness Improvements: Look for reduced limping and more willingness to put weight on
the affected legs and joints.

Less Joint Licking: If your dog had been licking and chewing his joints before treatment
started, you should see a marked reduction.
Behavioral Changes: Aggression levels should drop and your dog should start becoming
friendlier. His appetite should be returning to normal as well.

You don’t have to pay to have a study done. Just observe these points yourself. Keep a
weekly log and record your observations over a two month period. It will be easy to tell if
your dog is benefiting from glucosamine supplements or not.

How long after starting my dog on glucosamine products should I start seeing

Two months minimum. Glucosamine is not a quick-fix. If you don’t see improvement after
that time, check with your vet prior to discontinuing treatment. There may be other
circumstance contributing to your dog’s arthritis that requires more than dog joint
supplements to deliver results. For example, glucosamine isn’t going to work by itself if
your dog’s arthritis is caused by conditions other than aging such as cruciate ligament

Your vet will be able to diagnose the underlying cause of your dog’s arthritis and
recommend the proper treatment. This may include dog glucosamine, but there will
probably be other solutions offered as well.
By keeping a close eye on your dog’s arthritis symptoms, and working with your vet, you
can play an important role in helping to relieve the pain your dog experiences because of

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