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ARLINGTON COUNTY, VIRGINIA Board of Zoning Appeals Agenda Item ‘V-10424-10-UP-1 Meeting of August 11, 2010 DATE: August 6, 2010 APPLICANT: Mike Hirsch and Barbara Clark LOCATION: 6129 18" Street North ZONING: “R-6," One-family Dwelling District, LOT AREA: 7,500 Square Feet GLUP DESIGNATION: “Low” 1-10 units per acre SUBJECT: To permit a right side yard of 4.5 ft instead of 10 ft as required and an aggregate side yard of 12.7 ft instead of 18 ft as required, re replace existing right side porch. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached Resolution approving the subject Use Permit, with conditions. ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS: Side and Rear Yards: For all single-family dwellings and their accessory structures: Ten (10) feet, provided that one (1) side yard may be reduced to eight (8) feet. The aggregate width of both side yards on any lot shall not be less than thirty (30) percent of the required width of the lot, provided that on interior lots no structure shall be located closer than twenty-five (25) feet from a rear lot line. (Section 32, Subsection D.2.b.) EXISTING CONDITIONS: The subject property is a 50-foot wide interior lot containing 7,500 square feet of land area. The lot is zoned “R-6”, One-family Dwelling Districts. This zoning district permits one-family dwellings on lots that are a minimum of 60 feet wide and contain at least 6,000 square feet of land area. The General Land Use Plan (GLUP) designation is “Low”, 1-10 units per acre. The existing dwelling is located 29.7 feet from the 18 Street North. right of way, 4.8 feet from the right side lot line and 8.2feet from the left side lot line. PREVIOUS BZA ACTIONS: None. PROPOSED CHANGES: The applicants propose to demolish the existing sun room and to construct a new screened porch in the same location. The existing sunroom is constructed over an encroaching right side basement garage. The existing roof is flat. The new screened porch would have a pitched roof. STAFF ANALYSIS: (1) Would the proposal promote compatibility of development with the surrounding neighborhood because the overall footprint size and placement are similar to the structures on the properties surrounding the subject property and would the proposal help (Staff: Tony M. Burnette, Deputy Zoning Administrator, Zoning Administration V-10424-10-UP-1 Q) @B) 4 preserve natural land form, historical features and/or significant trees and foliage? ‘The proposed addition would be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood because the footprint size and placement are similar to structures on properties surrounding the subject property. The proposed new screened porch would replace an existing sunroom and would not be located closer to the side lot line. The proposal would not affect natural land form, historical features or significant trees and foliage. Would the proposal adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing in the neighborhood? The proposal would not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing in the neighborhood. Would the proposal be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood? The proposal would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood. Would the proposal be in conflict with the purposes of the master plans and land use and zoning related policies of the County? ‘The property is zoned “R-6” for single family residences. The GLUP designation is “Low” 1-10 units per acre. The property is improved with a one-family dwelling which is permitted by the Zoning Ordinance an¢ is in accordance with the GLUP. The proposal is not in conflict with the purposes of the master plans and land use and zoning related policies of the County. COMMENTS FROM NEIGHBORS: The applicant has submitted a petition signed by neighbors who support the proposal. CONCLUSION: The proposal would be compatible with the development on the surrounding properties and in accordance with the County’s master plans. Therefore, staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution approving the Use Permit. MOTION: 1 move that the Board of Zoning Appeals adopt the attached Resolution granting Use Permit V-10424-10-UP-1, subject to the conditions listed in the Resolution. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning Appeals (“BZA”) has held a duly advertised public hearing on August 11, 2010 on case number V-10424-10-UP-1 for a Special Exception Use Permit to permit aright side yard of 4.5 ft instead of 10 ft as required and an aggregate side yard of 12.7 ft instead of 18 ft as required by Section 32, Subsection D.2.b of the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance to construct a right side screened porch at the property located at 6129 18" Street North; WHEREAS, the BZA finds that the proposal will not affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing in the neighbothood; and, WHEREAS, the BZA finds that the proposal will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood; and, WHEREAS, the BZA finds that the proposal will not be in conflict with the purposes of the ‘master plans and land use and zoning policies of the County; and, WHEREAS, the BZA has determined that the modification is compatible with development in the surrounding neighborhood and that the structure's overall footprint size and placement are similar to the structures on the properties surrounding the property and the proposal would help preserve natural land form, historical features and/or significant trees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the BZA hereby approves a Special Exception Use Permit case number V-10424-10-UP-1, subject to the following: The applicant agrees that the structure/addition shall be constructed in accordance with the footprint shown on the survey, and the architectural drawings attached to the staff report dated August 6, 2010 and that no enlargement of the structure/addition may be made in any dimension shown on the plat or architectural drawings. 2. The applicant shall obtain and provide to the Zoning Administrator a wall check plat, unless determined by the Zoning Administrator that a wall check plat shall not be required, at the time the foundation of the addition/structure is installed. ‘The applicant shall obtain a building permit to construct the addition/structure permitted herein by August 11, 2011, or the Use Permit shall be null and void. JUN 0.9 2010 NN ‘imate | Case No. [By MIKE HIRSCH Arlington County vr Permit #: ZADM10328 ‘ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY PLA ING, ‘CPHD Case #: HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT * PLANNING DIVISION ZONING ADMINISTRATION APPLICATION FOR USE PERMITS AND VARIANCES, DATE: 6/2/10 2100 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 1000 Arlington, Virginia 22201 Hike Kirsef aul Bay bare Clark nite BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS erty Block See, subatvision__FOSZo y 1 Q vremrerinonan 6/29 NISE, SH. cove anociton FE Hishlaad fas -dusleelenl hereby aply fora Use Permit_!/ Variance to Sgetion___Subyection __of the Zoning Ordinance as contained in the appendix ofthe Arlington County Code to permit. Fy Ly _@X/: pecek witha tht foot ¥ recbusftudon «f & new & rek_Game heaped) with as (gh ty pitched. Coe Lot Coverage: Existing. To Proposed_// z Main Building Footprint: Existing 5 [LS Proposed A/2« 5 Make checks pes to: Treasurer of Arlington County ZONE, prorosat.ruxn_6\A\ dap . ree pevostren 31-1 |, 9.7 2:0 5 payne touphoe (203) 237- YS oe NoR\ ONES. Owls, FEE. jo. ‘1 Agent Contact Information: RECEIVED BY. ; Name: write Previous Cases Address Zip. ‘Telephone. # LAM [0328 (READ INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY) rev. 07/01/09 Disclosure Statement TYPE OR PRINT IN INK Case No. Complete the following: 1, Description of the real estate affected List the addresses of all property that is affected by the application. Provide the lot, block, section, and sub-division of all parcels only if the properties have not been subdivided. nauewte) 6/29 Me [84K SH Lot(s) LH ioe Section subdivision 0570 7 Q 2. __Isthe owner of said real estate, a corporation whose stock is traded on a national or local stock exchange and having more than five hundred (500) shareholders? YES eo If "Yes," give the name of the corporation and skip to item 4 List the names, addresses, and nature of interest of ALL persons having equitable ownership of the realestate to be affected, including, inthe case of corporate ownership, the names of stockholders, officers, and directors; and of ALL parties in intrest. PARCEL ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS _| NATURE OF INTEREST Fike Bryse, 6129 WV/8 HAS. owner arkarca C “ "1 HSBC Povt9ag0X vo 4. Thereby certify that this is a true and accurate disclosure of all persons having equitable ownership real estate to be affected and of all the parties in interest. . B hk sooioutsiomurtcle unk | Barbara Apptcansaddess C/29 MW. 18 LK FF STATE OF VIRGINIA, COUNTY OF _7T(\\. 4 To wit: Mike, hh ves Subscribed and sworn before me this day of_JWne ,20_49 DANE RTCLA gia URN SSTATON # Tape COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINA uy COMNMEBON ERPS MARCH 3017 (READ INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY ot ave) wn et eFRWEN +e parbara clare Signatire, DANIELLE STOLAR ROTARY PUBLIC, REGISTRATION # COMMONWEALTH ‘OF VIRGINIA Ny COMMBUON EXPIRES MARCH), 2011 Notary ia ‘My Commission Eppise feference to | Mike Husch signature,

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