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Sean VB6 Reference Sheet Varlable Declaration Dim As Data Types Boolean Byte, Curency. Date, Double, integer, Long. Object, Single ‘ttn, Variant “Type Declaration Dim suffixes %6- Integer $- Sting. @ - Curency, & - Long. # - Double | - Single Comments ‘Use the apostrophe hike this. Arithmetic Operators “(ad -(subtract, mulipy), (sie), Vinteger dvi), Mociremainder), Ypower) Logical Operators AND, NOT OR, XOR, IS, EQ, IMP, LIKE Comparision Operators. (equal fo), <>(not equal'o), (@reater than), <=(lessar than or equal to) >=(areater than or equal to) Bitvise Operators AND, OR, NOT, XOR \Fietse I condton>) Then ise “statomonts> End Intine F variable = F(., ) Case Statement Select Case() Case()) statoments> (Case ( ase() estatoments> Case Else] End Select For Loop For = To [Step ] “statements> Next fecounter>) o-while Loop Do Whie() “statoments> Loop o-Loop- while De “statements> Loop Whie() Do-Untt Loop. Do Unty) Loop Do-Loop-Until Do Loop Unt expression») While-Wend Loop Whie Wend For-Each For Each In “statoments> (Next feslemant>) arrays Dim ( ‘Dim ( To ) As ‘change Array Length ‘ReDim («Maxindexval>) Procedures [PrvaterPubie} Sub () statoments> End Sub Functions [Prvete/Pubic] Function ( ‘tatoments> Name>=retum_value End Function Argument List ‘SubvFunction (Optonal] argument! as Type, argument? as Type.) Cling Procedures/Functions [al] ((Argumenitish) File Handling OPEN for as ‘mode: INPUT. OUTPUT, APPEND For reading elds from a file nto variables INPUT , esting, vanable> For Writing Data WRITE #7, Data with quotes PRINT #1, Data without quotes ‘To Close the Data File: CLOSE ‘Simple Error Handling ‘On Error Galo ‘On Error Gata

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