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TlIE BLACK I-IA1~ L:\1\1A ()F


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The eighth incarnation of Karrnapa, Mikyo Dorje, the symbolic form of the Mabamudra teachings, shown holding a book and wearing the Black Hal. He is surrounded by past and future emanations of the Kargyudpa Lineage. A detail from a large banner depicting the complete Lineage 'tree' of the Karma-Kargyudpa sect, used for visualisation. It is at Rurntck monastery, Sikk im.

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With boundless wisdom and skillful means Lord Buddha taught us to cultivate: virtue and avoid wrong anions, especially stressing the value of true compassion, in order that Liberation and Supreme Knowledge be: effectively achieved.

In accord.mcc with the prediction of my predecessor I was, as a child, n'cogniscd t« be of the unbroken linl'age of the Gralwa Karrnapa. It has been especially difficult for me: to propagall' thr Noble Tc:achinp as fully as my grt~at predecessors, but I h:IH' most earncst ly endeavoured to be- truly beneficial and helpful to all beings, without dist inct ion. If henceforth the true and pure- Buddhist Ttachinp can p"nl'tratt' throughout the: world in l'ITry language then I believe that all lIorldly troubles and miseries will be: J"uage:d,

This book, on the origin and tradition of the gn':lt Kargyudp« Lineagt', will be rnoxt helpful for understanding the Buddhist Dharma and will be beneficial for all who long for Enlightenment. I am therefore most grattful to those who have worked with faith and devotion tr~nslating and compiling it.

At this rime in the Dark Age, when there is disease, famine, war and people

---d i ('-I)c fore t h t' i rt i lilt'; - 1- pr a yth.i t t I remn i rol. t .ri ncdf romt h i \ -W()r kma ybc Ill' fi t-------"II beinp and bring PCICl'. I also pray that all may learn loving kindness for one another, that there may be: a wealth of hal'pinn\ and that all will achieve

Fnligh tcnrncnt.

I, the Gyalwa Karmapa, holder of the unbroken Lineage, by my own hand have scaled this, The ycar l 973,

(Seal and Signature)


Thi» remarkable document, scrupulously compiled from authentic Tibetan sources, tells of the transmission of rnyst ic tcachings from India to Tibet and their subs('gucnt embodiment in the line of successive incarnate Lamas known as the Kar mapa Black-Hats. For the first time the Teachers of the great Kargyudpa 'Oral 'Ir:1 nsmission ' art shown as an interconnected Lineage and t heir truly txt raordinary lift-'sturin related in :111 historical context, right up to the present. The consciousIlt'SS ('xprcs,ed shows a distinctly Eastern view of reality, in which the conn'pt of nl.irth and the 3CCl'ptann' of the all-l'tT\'ading influence of action tKarma) in the formation of d('stiny is of particular importance.

Karll1apa mrnns 'Man of Anion', .J Mastn of Karma. As an emanation of the (,()l1Ip,,,,ionatt' /i(,./j.j,\"l/l"/ Avalok it cshwara Ill' was the first incarnate Lama ('1111/.;11) of the Tibetans and has been honoured as a Li"ing Buddha for the last ('ight hundred years, in an unbroken succession. The present sixteenth incarnation of Karrnapa, His Holiness Hangjung Higpl' Dorje, was recognised and brought up in the manner of his predecessors, but the Chinese invasion of his country forced him to t akc refuge in Sikkim, where he has founded a large monastic Centre for th(, pro!1)olg:ltion of the Buddhist te:lchinp, It wa~ through his enthusiasm and gt'flno~ity that this work carne into being, The story is his, told ill the traditional manner and under his scrutiny and guidant't', In lion life-stories of eminent I.amas art' believed to be excellent vehicles for an inner awakening and art read

_______ in tht, spirit of actual initiation, In this English rcndning copious footnotes and rl,rz,r(,ll{-l:;:-f)ill'e -1'('i.'O;ld(IRi--whnc rc I ('I' an t-;-a s-a-mea ns- t 0-3 id i ng_t hl'_T_l~a_d_(;r t2 ___ unu.r st and the: significlIll'l' of the incidcnrs. It is hoped that the extensive 'lpprndicl'S and the kngthy glossary will make this a complete book,

The first part concerns the ancient transmission, which began in India about oru: t housand years ago, The Yogi Tilopa receives the highest in it iat ions, perf ccts the Tantr ic tl'achings and b(TOl11l'S 'a Master. a Siddba. He transmits the essence of his an ainrncnt to his disciple Naropa , who in turn becomes fully perfected, Siddha Naropa teaches Lama Marpa, a Tibetan, who later becomes Realized and undertakes the work of translating the esoteric teachings, Lama Marpa accrpts Milnrcpa as his disciple and after many hard tests transmits the complete teachings to him, From the Hermit-Yogi Milarepa the teachings pass to Gampopa, who in turn initiates Dusum Khycnpa. the first Karrnapa (1110-1193),

Traditionally the coming of the first Karrnapa fulfils a prophecy made oy Lord Buddha some sixteen hundred ),l'ars previously As an emanation of the Bodhisattva Avalokitcshwara he comes to the world in order to help alleviate the sufferings of humanity and irnmcdiatcly takes on the task, He builds monasteries, distributes alms, heals the sick and preaches to the people, In subsequent incar-

"'AIIMAI'A 1111 IlI.ACI; IIA'I LAMA or 1111El

nations, tran:lIing widely, he becomes the Teacher of great Emperors and Kings, using his influence to further peace and spirituality in Tiber, China, Mongolia, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim and India. A Master of miracle and prophecy, Karmapa uses his powers to emphasise the relevance of his teachings.

The six HTn life-stories of the Karrnapas, compiled from Tibetan biographies and diaries, COITr right hundred years of events of great cultural and historical importance. Detailed accounts of the initiations, visions, miracles and prophecies gil'e a great insight into the structure of 'lilxt an mysticism, pointing to para lk-Is only recently heing explored in the West. Throughout thl' Iifc-st orie-, the play of Karma is cver-dominanr , tramcending lifc-t irncv, forming the course of history. It is in this respect that the tLlchinp of the Kar rn.ipas have a n levance particularly suited to the Pl'l'Sl'fll agl'.

I-:I'tr)' effort has been made to ensure accuracy and clarity. Sornrt imc, it has h('en valuable. in the fO(ltllotn, to gin' a full tr;lmliteration from the 'libctan, II'hl'rl'as in the text ibl'lf lIT han: kept to ;1 simpler and more easil)' readable form. Various Western tcrmx such as Deity, Goddcs», Saviour halT been used to express lastrrn concepts, which should be understood in their Buddhist scns«. The manuscript was compiled under txtrl'llldy difficult conditions, owing to the very limited t nnr in which the original Tibetan reference works could be conxulu-d in Sikkirn. linal additions and corrections were made while aC('(lmpanying I lis JJ()lilll'sS The SIXll"t'lllh Gyalw3 Kal'lmpa on pilgrimage in India. The Tl'adn\ indulgence is nqucstcd for any minor err on which may remain.

Most gr;ltt'ful thanks art' owed to II. H. The (;plwa Karrnapa and all thos« at the Rurntek monastery who gal'l' their t irnc to make this work possible. Further

------a'·knowl('dgtnJrnt~-art,dllt,-t()-thl'-Vcll~Ehob')'am')·rungpa-Rinpoche-;-th-e-VcJl:-AKtJrlg------Rinpochr and the Vcn. l)or70ng Rinporhc for their kind help in supplying

valuable additional material, to the Government of India, Bcnarcs JJindu Univcr-

sit)', Bcnarcs Sanskrit University, the Bengal Asiatic Socil't)' Calcutta and the

Trihhuvan University of Nepal for their assistance in making available all research

f.rcilitics. Special credit to the work of G. C. C. Chang. Karma Khcchog Palmo,

Karma Tinlay Rinpochc, H. E, Richardson and G. N, Rocrich, as also to those

who have contributed photographic matcrial and services. Finally, particular credit

to Meryl White, who has worked with me on this project and to Messrs Luzar &

Co, who have brought it to completion.

Nik Douglas





The, statue was carved from a rhinoceros horn by thc tenth Karrnapa incarnation, Chos Yinj:

Dorjc (J604,1674) and" preserved In the new Rurnrck monaster)', Sik k irn.



nib: 7'i-Io-p.1)

Tilopa was horn into a Brahmin family of Eastern India, I in the malt earth mouse year (9RR), Legend tells that as a boy he was put to a test by the great Siddha N:lgarjuna,' who asked for his help across a river. Carrying the Teacher on his bark the young Tilopa waded fearlessly through the raging waters, never doubting that he would reach the other silk saftl)"

Some years later Nagarjuna again appeared in the district and found Naropa playing at heing a King, with two young girls as his Queens. The young mall immediately prostrated himself before the Siddha, who asked him if he would really like to become the King, Laughing Naropa replied that indeed he would, but added that it was unlikely ever to happen, When the King of that rt'gion died. however, the Stall' Ekphant, guided h)' Nagarjuna\ magiral powers, placed the ritual vase of holy water on top of Tilopa's head, thus indicating the Divine choice for the new monarch, At the same time the b'Tt'Olt sage conjured up a might)' and invincible arm)' which would only obcy the wrJlmands of Tilopa.

The young,man was crowned King and after rt:igning for several years began to \n'ary of the lift, of luxury, Renouncing his kingdom he became a monk, lie received formal initiations into the priesthood, being ordained by his uncle at the Tantr ic temple of Sornapuri, in Beng;l!' One day, while cngagl'd in his priestly duties. an ugly hag-like woman appeared before him and asked if he would like to attain true Enlightcnml'llt. 'lilopa rel'Ognisl'd her as a Dakini, a keeper of esotvr ic secrets, and bc:ggl'd for her instructions. She initiated him into the Cliakrasannura 7alllra~ and he was able to absorb the teachings fully,

__ "IJ!(jpa stayed at So mapuri for twelve years, engaging himself in the revealed tl':Jrhings,-'Hc-y,;a;;-:!llrl:-IovisinnTi'i.C;dnlso(-thrn,Il!illi.l;-sur\'i\'ing-many-ordeals--and tcmptations, culminating in his meeting with the f),I/;ini-Qul"t'n' herself, from whom he received the full and final tr<lI1smission of the teachings, He united with

a )'ogini-asCl:tie, who was a pounder of sesame seeds, and on this account was driven out from the order of monks, lit went to lin' in lonely crt'lllation-grounds

and was believed to be a madman,

Tilopa travelled throughout India, ml'cting many fine teachers from whom he received initiations into many esoteric practices. Soml'timl's he pounded sesameseed (Skt: Til) to cam a living and it is said that his name derived from this, His main teacher was the Celestial Buddha Vajradhara, from whom he received the direct transmission of the teachings, without the need of any intermediary. The Mabamudra especially was revealed to him in this way, Of the Siddhas with whom he came into contact some of the better known were Luipa", Krishnacharin"; Vajraghanta7, Mat:lI1gi", Vinapa" and Darik apada' 0,

From the Four Directions he received the Four Precious Doctrine», and the


'J WIHl plilyrd 011 thc \'ioll. II "IIIU~('J invt rumcnt. , . .

f I \' 1 k III I karl! ~ILldlUi DOlrik"padu

10 A Ikllpdi. tlu- J!~lil'lr: of thr SiddhOi l,uip~ laud "h.(I (' t l(' ~~r(,lll t~JIII.II"\ III' .

Wlole (Ill 'he h'u/.It 11.,L-ro1 Tantra

11 Lit: .. In .... clllliJll.h:rdC' ".

11 Tilt" AdrJIIJ,/.Jh.l, t lu OTifillitl HLiddha. .

If Y .: who initia i r d him 11110 tilt' 1Il)"If'nn of

I ~ A wasbcrruan, ":110 live-d ill ~tlliputtrll~lll}!ili. r ~u'dl 1& fO~J. t J I . me: a siJdhll.. lk then ","U" .hll'

CJ'Jkr.HIH'11'arol After IoOIlU- ),('110. llf prat'1",:c he' MUlllnr per n11011 IUlt ."tll •

10 rlcun dirty 1,:loth(" ... by Im'rely \lI~'"hin~ them. , , . "

J" . . . 11 \' I ny flo))' men (\I1·Jf.til) III India. LIIWllpa

I. Who wore only iii wnol hlankct , Thi .. ullt Ilion ). ,1,1:1 ,I ill fur), h~- t~rnrJ all the woturn ru

('Bnle' from thr HHIIlU)' of llr}o::)'("II.I°I)~t·lld[J"A'I1I; ttnlr, ~~lI~l:.(~{~l;::l~)~a~:J..("I_r(Jht" n om rhr [lec cce . lain he

(Ill' lira into ,.lwC'p, He ""hC'illl·J t 1C'11I an rnur (" 11111"'('

tllmnl tlu' !\ht'C'I' barl.. inro women .~ .. ill, .'

I ~ .' -l I" . S' t 11 the 'hit he, of 1·'HJI1UI.~umhJIII\," (who r"'l"hll,hni th(" Hrd. Hat, N),IOl!Il'lll)·

A .KIIl)! \\.)(~ )n.ltn~( ..• ' u ~ Ill, I d he countr ' uf Uddi 'ann, the IotTC"' centre 'If Tant rrstn 11\ Ih,' ear ly 'I'antrir Huddhl .. m III lil.ct ). tic ru (" I. irl ) I I .) J in ()ri'''1 (F ... I('rlllndiu: mnll)' ",~'holltn. hold \'IlJ'jJ.l',HJ.1 period ... UJdi)'II.IHI "' yrl.~'C'.n, I" tit "". 10 i'C' so~at(' \on 01 Nor rhr r n I'.kit-ull. KinJ! ludr ahhuti'a thi .. vie-w in rhe iii-TIll Clf.nm\'lnnlli! C\'IJc"',Il'('~ '" 1~ t 1(' i ,-,a\~~~t" ",/'aj.I)'.1"11 c:olI("cpt.aUld teacher of ~id,th.

",i<,ler wa .. r allr d L.bbnl1lik.rfl, the i!rnal 'l'l-:IJII. c;.;pn~'.H cr 0 . •. ,

---o-----------I---------Ll""O)t •. _ The- most (amou" work of SIlIJhll_IIHhuhhull 1~ __ lhe }tljUldQ.lJI.',

II('-fivcdm-d('~ertl'd places and bccame -recognisl'd as agrea t Yogi hy t he I. A f'r"~S;'~~-f""~;~ s,,:;;;~:I'~r-'~(;h;~C;,,~~,JI.o,;~I~.;r;;;Qna---------------------

heavenly light which continually surrounded him. Once he appeared seated on a I? l-rorn Nor t hctn A,,,111

lion and manifested the power of wntrolling both the sun and the moon, so '1I,I •• r' and 1-.,.". In Irltl;, 1I"",od.)" thiv " .. Iiuou i, .. omc times meinraincd

J ~ A Sidllh ... who dtr,,-.("d (111)' " ,

putting [0 shame a non-Buddhist Yogi called Mati who had boasted that he lor 'he (,-", SodlH"

possessed the most occult power, On another occasion Tilopa flew high in the air 19 WI", int roducr d cevcr al new Tam ra .. of impottanrv, <>pcc·i.1Ir 'he hra,/ono),ornor1 'lantra

With his (on sort and could he seen from a crowded market-place. 20 The",' arc the fun"'"' 'Si, Topir of S,ddh. Til"",

Tilopa had a number of fine disciples, the foremost of whom were Laliravajra 19 and Naropa. His teaching was the expression of thc highest realization of Yoga, He passed away in the female earth bird rcar (1069), at the age of eighty(Inc and entered the subtle realms.


three esoteric teachings of Norbu Korscm'l were also revealed 10 him, lie brought together the many schools of Indian Tantra, consolidating them into one system, expressible in seven parts. The teachings derive both directly from the Celestial Buddha Vajradhara 12 and from his numerous human teachers. Thus;

(NOHTlI) Luipa Drt'ngipa Dar ikupada Sukhadari


Dhobipa'3 Vinapa Lawapu!" lndrabhuti' S


Sukhasiddhi Tanglopa 17

Shinglopa'8 Karnarcpa


Nagarjuna Aryadeva 16 Chandrakirti Matangi (SOUTI-I)

"Do not imagine, think or deliberate, Meditate, act, but he at rcst.20

With an object do not he concerned." (Tilopa)




) LUIlI., Larauat ha !tH)'!> he: ........ )0 luu n in alit Lll,,\("rI\ (it)' of C .. tifhilvo. ide nufied .'1. ChinaglHlg. E. licngwl.

Tht. peal I'hilo .. ophrr,Yofi and AIl'hrllli~I. the- fll\ln,kl of lh,' A1.:rdl')'.1,,,rk.J sc-hool t'fl:\t~J';)""'I.~, lie Wll~ fr om ~oulh Illdili - SdlOiar!. a rc vt't)' divided Ilt-UUt the rcri{,J of hi .. life. lie revea r c I ie tnt IIn~ ()

l'r.lj'I.ll'ilr.1mitQ o.

J A IHl:ljOI Tantrir ("",ctlC'ri" lcuhiui:, a 'r oot-tcxt ' of the Kllrgyudpa Io("l'( In 'I ibet .

I I' • I I i·L·· . Q 1(:"("11 and tlnB. gc-t .. lill the !.("ot"lltl.

.. Om" hii!hl)' h),lllholin&l .wr)" .db. 10'-' rc .. t It .. HIt l .

A Ikllflloli. who used hi ext the e nu ail ... of fi .. h. . .

From O,i~~a. Ihi~ rrt· ... t Siddha W~, rhr di'~'il'lt' of Jillulldh:ui and tilt t eac he r of"J Knupa,

i '1 ilt /)0'1(' t n/J"Jl'a

tI A Notth ~IlJ,th.


The main Siddhas of the Kargyudpa sect. A detail from the great Lineage Tree thangka at Rurm ek monastery, At the top is Lotro Rinchen, with the Siddhas Saraha and Nagarjuna to Ihe kft and right. Underneath arc Siddha Shavar ipa and Siddha Maitripa and below them the )'oXi",·Siddha Ycshe Khandro (centre), with Siddha Matangi and Siddha Luipa to the left and ri~ht. Chandrakirti is below Yeshe Khandro, with Siddha Darikapa da to the left and Siddha Su kha dari to t hc ri!!IIl, Under Chandra kirt i is Siddha D"'ngipa with Siddha Vinapa and Siddha Lawapa to the kft and TI~llt, Below is Siddha Dhobipa (centre) with Khandro Kalpa Zang to Ihe left and Siddba Tangl"pa to the right. Under Dhob ipa is Siddha lndrabhut i w it h Siddha Kar na rcpa and Siddha Rolpa to the Idl and right. Finally at the bottom centre is Siddha Shinglopa with Jnanag.rbh. 10 the left and Siddha l'cnt apa. The Lineage Tree continues with t hr Adi-Huddha, followed by the direct Kargyudpa transmission of Siddha Tilopa. Siddha Naropa, Marpa, MtI.rcpa, Gamropa, and the Karmapas, Sharnarp av, Situp.s, Gyaltsara, and soon,


Thf. statuto was ... carved ,from a rhin~)ccro.\ horn by the tenth Karmn pa incar nat ion, Chos YinF DOT)" (1604]1,,4) a nd is pr cscrvcd In t h .. new Rurntr k monastery, S,kl;im,

SI!)DHA t\:\ROPA (1016-1100)

(Tib: Na-ro-pa)

Nar opa was born into a royal family of Bengal, in the male fire dragon year (1016), There wert' many unusual and auspicious omens at the time' of his birth, The child was named Samantabhadra and was (artfully brought up with the' idea that 11t' would eventually become King after his father, however his interests moved towards the Buddhist Dharma, At the age of eight he: demanded to be: allowed to go to Kashmir for hight'! education, and after much dispute he was permitted to nuke the journey, lit- arrived there at the age of eleven and bt'gan to study the arts, the sciences, grammar, rhetoric and logic under the most eminent teachers.

The young scholar remained in Kashmir for three ),c'ars and then returned 10 his p;ll'c'nts, He was forced into marriagc' with a Br ahmin girl, Vimaladipi, and lived with her fOI right yt'ar~ during which time she became his disriplc.',!' Then he insisted that the marriagc' IK dissolved, so cnabling him to continue with his studic's in Kashmir. There he was or d.uncd as ;1 novice and ('ngagt'll himself in studies for three }'('ars, He l.ccarnc renowned for his rcmarknblr scholarship and it-arning,

At t hc age of tWfnly-eight Naropa returned from Kashmir and went to live at Pullahari, He joined the nearby Nalanda univcr sity which was presided over by four great Buddhist Masters," Upon the death of one of them he was elected 10 the vacant place. Thus, taking the name of Abhayakir ti, he became an Abho: of Nalanda. His fame spread far and he converted many to the way of Buddhism, For c'ight Fars he taught at Nalanda.

One day, while studying his ho,,~ks, an old woman appeared before him, mani-

----ft'qing-thin)'-srl'en_ugLy_f~_;ll\lLe~'\.:·,.As _a__Tl_ embodiment of the I'ajra /J<lkini" she revealed to him the futility of book-know!c.:agl.:-aiiatxpl:Jit)Rl tlfarh-cr-'·urolher-"----(Tilopa) could transmit real knowledge, Naropa left his exalted pmit ion at the university. gal'e up his books and set out in search of his destined teacher.

'I r;ll,tlling towards the' Fast, with only a robe, a staff, and a begging bowl, hr encountered many strange ruanifcstat ions in the search for his teacher. As he was about to commit suicide out of despair he suddenly met Tilopa, "a dark man dressed in cotton trousers, his hair knotted in a tuft, and with protruding blood-shot eyes."

Tilopa revealed the Lineage'_~ teachings to Naropa and then put him through twelve hard tests, each of which ult imatcly resulted in the transmission of an important esoteric teaching. Though Naropa suffered considerably he persevered and received all the higher initiations, For some }'ear~ he frequented the cremationgrounds of Eastern India and was generally taken to be a madman, Having absorbed the full transmission of his teacher, Naropa travelled to a remote rq;ion and there t'llgagl'd himself in meditation.


KAIiM/d'A, 1111·: Ill.ACK IIAT 1.AMA OF 111l!;T

Some time passed and then Tilopa instructed other disciples to fetch Naropa, declaring that there was some work for him to do. Naropa returned to Pullahari, where in a vision he saw the arrival in India of the Tibetan pilgrim Marpa, who was soon brought to him. Marpa was accepted as a disciple, was initiated into the higher Tantras?" and taught the Mabanllldru to perfection. On two other occasions Marpa travelled from Tibet to meet Naropa, thus enabling the Oral transmission to be preserved into the future,

Naropa spent his last yt'ars in isolation, only occasionally appearing to his closest disciples in times of need. lie passed on to the subtle realms in the male Iron dragon year (1100), at the age of eighty·four. His foremost disciples were: (i) SlImllA DOMBIII HEHUKA (Dornbhipa): lit- was a King of Magadha, in

the East. From Siddha Virupa'.") he received pr<;,~linary initiations. Ill' united with an outcastc girl (Sahajayogini Cintar·2) and kept her as his mistress. When his subjects showed disapproval the King went off to live with her in the jungks There was a famine in the land, after which the King returned with his mistress, riding upon the back of a tigress and holding poisonous snakes. Be survived an ordeal by fire, took over his Kingdom and spread the Dharma widely Siddha Dornbhipawa« a reacher of Siddha Krishnacharin and also of Lama Drogmi (992-1072)?",~the founder of the Sakyapa sect in Tibet.

(ii) SlDDHA SHANTIPA: Ill' was born in Magadha, into a Brahmin family and studied the Vedas as a young man. lit- became a monk and was admitted to the Vikrarnashila university where he received teachings from Jetari. He became an Abbot of Sornapuri and taught there for several years. Then he

------ 3ffl'ptl'd-an--in\,itat-ioll-lO-Cc'ylolJ,-traITlling--there-in-ordn--to--spread-the-- _

Dharma further. After a sta), of three years he returned to Eastern India, on

the way mcct ing and initiating the future Siddha Kodalipa.!" Upon his

arrival at Vikrarnashila he was appointed Abbot of the Eastern quarter and

quickly became famous for his erudite scholarship and supremc mastery of

debate. He had man)' fine disciples, one of the foremost of whom was Lama

Drogmi,? J the founder of the Sakyapa Stet in Tibet. Siddha Shantipa passed

away at the age of Onto hundred and eight years.

(iii) SIDDHA MAITRIPA: A great teacher of the Lineage of Siddha Saraha. He

influenced many of the important new teachers, especially Diparnkara Atisha (982-1054) and Marpa. He was also the teacher of Bodhibhadra. SHANTIBHADRA: A great Tannic teacher of Eastern India,

PITOPA: Who developed and expounded the Kalarbakra Tantra.t? DIPAMKARA ATISHA: Be was born as the second son of a Bengali King, in the year 982. As a young man he studied hard and soon became a master of

debate. At the age of twenty·two he had a vision of Hcuajra and shortly

(iv) (I') ... (vi)



afterwards he met the teacher Rahulagupta, who initiated him into the I'ajra Dakin! Tal1tra. He met a lAl_killi,. \\~h.o ~'as wearing a nn'k!ace of b~?es and skulls and from her he received mmanons and the mystic songs. l'he Siddha Avadhutipa bestowed further initiations on him. He also studied under the famous master Dharmakirti.

At the agt' of twenty-nine A t isha received ordination as a monk, after which he spent his time studying the Illany A1.liJayalla S:Jtras u~der the most illustrious teachers. Ill' became Abbot of Vikr arnashila, which prospered grt'atly under his guidance and after some ycars accepted an invitation to visit Tibet, arriving there in 1042, lit- travelled all over the country, preach, ing and establishing religious centres. l lc passed away III the year 1054. His

main disciple was the Lama Domtonpa.'?" " ..

(vii) MARPA: The Tibetan "Translator", who carried the teachings to I'ibct, so forming the heginnings of the Karg)'udpa sect. HIS life-story follows.

(J 012.1(97).


, I ~)It. brl'al1lC' II glntl Yu~ini. known a" t\ii!~JllIa. and laul!hl (he T.ntnt .....

"}-,- WIHI weft' n.lkd Shhrab Jungut'!'>., ~.~llOllil (Kri~hnal'harin), 'etari and Rawakara!<lohanti. ,:\ Tib, /Jury'- rh0J.!"'o,

z.._ , .. Th('",C' rhirt y-seven u~l)' fUlur("'~ an- liL.ent'd to 37 "I ·lIlhwll)"''' (r,;.ldl~). Ihe suhrlc "hallllC"h, I' •• 1"01037 different L.intl" of worldly diM'''(P.fiKtion.

'H The' lint" of direct tranlomis. ... ion.

---~--" ,.i;~-F'pC"("iill}-.---ttf<.-JIn.,lJiri1-l'(J'ltra~tIIC-(-,'ub)'a!O.lrnJjQ-1-p"t-ra-and_111("_(-""k_rJ.i~a'm~atil_:_l_aX'll. -------------" Sahajl:l),l)pni Clntl wa~ • grnt female eccetic. • di,ciplc of Sul,lh. l>:arikap'Hil.l.. Sh" wa- • dcvutve of

\ 'aj,.-jl.\dI tl'Q ..

'" Lama Pw(:mi J.p("nt ("il-"It )'car~ I' the fatliOUt. \'ikTllma"hilll Tant rn. univcrwir y . IIr Wit ... 1\.(\ • dl"'lplr- of ~IJJhli Shantiplt., who initiurd him into the 1Ir'·vaJt"~ 'l'antra

29 Virupa, a di"ciplr of l..ahhminkara, tauJ!ht Avadhut ira" t:rcat Siddha.

30 Sidtlha Kodallpll v.'a" I farmer in the- South of India. Shll.lltira gil"" him a mcdit a tion fur hi" wor k and soon he b(',:ame perfected.

,._')1 This Lama J>J()~i uu~ht Marpa Sam.krit.

;11 Which wa.\ brought from Shambala country. which may be idcntified .a" ~hr ,~('¢on c.'f S~mh"~rU!: in Oris,a, A wealth of evidence fiU~("M!ro that '·itop. carne {rum East('rn h~dla Sc-c_ Hllddf)unJ In (~"~"01 hy N. K. Sahu. publi .. hed hy lltkal Univer vit y, 195J{, ra~(" 14~. Thr IO("~flon of Shaml~ala ~a' al\4lp. z: linked to thar of Urgyen, once believed to be in the Swat rCI-!,on of N.~. InJI&. but rC'I..('nll) more rO-"ltl\C)

Identified with OriJo. ....

.41I-~ln05·1()(l4). Tib. Bromst on.

(For full details of Nampa's life-story, see "1'1,(" l.ife of Naropa"; trnnvla tcd by H. V. Guenther. Oxford University Press, 1963.)


MARPA (lOl2-IOY7) crib ,

"brpa was born in the malt water mouse )'l'al (1012) in Southern Tibrt. Iii, father prophesied that he had the potential for gn'at ,piritual at tuinrncnts. provided that he chovr the right path, At an tarly age he embraced Buddhisrn, taking the name of Dharma mati, lit- studied Sanskrit with the S;lkyapa Lama Drogmi," Then he txd,anged all his worldy po,snsions for gold and srt out for India in the rom- 1':111)' of a friend,

The journey t ook the two Y(lling men through Nt'l'al, where tln'Y met two disripln of the Siddha Naropa who impressed them weatly with their practical knowledge. After a long and difficult journey Marpa was led dircrt ly to Naropa, who :IlTrpt<'d him as ;1 spiritual son and began to tr.mvrnit the tcachinp to him. Marpa presented all the gold to his teacher as an offning,

For si:>.I<TI1 ),(';lrs Marp:' rcrcivcd initiations and t<'achinp from Naropa. Ill' received addition:i1 tcaching, from In:II1:lgarhhaH in the Wot and from Siddha Kukur ipa" in the Sout h. Anotln-r of N;lropa\ di,ciplo, Siddha .I,bitripa, taught him the .Hd'.11//IIdr,l to perfect ion. Marpa spent some time li"illg in crcmat iongrounds and then returned to Tibet.

Marpa spent many years tr:lI1slating the m.musrript copies of the Tantric traehinp brought with him from India. Ill- l'Stabli"hnl ;1 community farm and monavtcry at Lhobrag. and married Dagnll'llla who bore him several sons. lit' was known as :1 reacher by only a small ex elusive group of disciples, among>! whom he dispnsed the essence of his understanding. lie became famous a, a tr.msl.uor.

The teacher Marpa made a second jourucy to India in order to bring b a ck more tcachings to Tibet. Upon his return he took Milnrcpa as ;1 disciple, but

, S11I in 1 ittnLbiDJ_I(Lr_qll':I_Le_d _ _j[i;lb_;ill_d_li'1-1,_llc f (lrl' fina II>"-J).<"\ t ()\\jllg_ t he s<:t!_(·t__ tc:lthinp on him, In answer to a qun)' from Milarcpa concerning the most secret 1)1II1Il!, JugH ll'achings Marpa searched through all of his manuscr ipts but found that he had not the cxplan.uor y treatises for this prart icc. Thrrcforc hr decided to return once ag:,in to India. in the hope of bl'ing ahlr to receive those teachings as well.

Despite his advanced age Marpa undertook the long journey to India, his disciples contributing gold for the l'Xpen..c of the journey and for prcscntat ion to Naropa. In India Marpa met up with Diparnkara At isha , who informed him that Nampa was just about to leave the world, IJOWl'ITr on his arrival in Eastern India he was abk to have a miraculous mccting with his teacher, who appc.rrcd in :1 vision and transmitt cd the required teaching to him, Marpa then returned to Tibet.

Marpa al\l':I)''' ur iliscd dreams and omens for undcrvt.mding till' course of dcxr iny. Ill' lias a hard tc.uhcr, farnou-, for his r.'ging tellll'l'T'-, yet l'llu:dl)' noted


The st a tur ~\·a ... carved from a rhinoceros horn by the tcm h Kar mapa incarnat ion, Cho\ Yin!! ()"'J" (J(,()4 1(74) and is prt',,',nd in the new Rumt ck rnonavu+y. Sikkirn,


I\ARMAI'A, 1111. IlLACI\ IlAT LAMA or 1111~.T

for sudden moments of great generosity and good humour, Amongq his four main disciples he distributed the esoteric teachings, along with various holy relics brought with him from India. In the female fire ox year (I (97) he passed away at the age of eighty-six, having firmly cstnblished the beginnings of the Kargyudpa seer in Tibet. His foremost disciples were:

(i) ) ElSUN MILAREPA: From Gungrhang, Who received theteachings of the Mystic Ileal, some clothes which had belonged to Naropa and a hat of ,\bitripan (J052-1 135).

(ii) NGOCIlV DOH)E (Ngogdun Chudor). From Zhung, Who received Tantr ic tt'achings, the Six Ornaments,)' a sacrificial spoon and a ruby ros:lry which

had klonged to Naropa, .

(iii) TSUHTON WANGYE (Tsurton Wangnt): Fr<J1I1 DoT. Who received the Transference teachings, relics of Naropa 's hair and nails, precious pillsH and a head-ornament of paintings of the fire DbyaniBud dlias,

(iv) METON TSONPO: From Tsang. Who received the Clear Light ttachings, a thundnbolt"sceptre (Dorjr) and bell (TriIlJU) which had belonged to Naropn, as well as a small double-drum (D.IIII.JrU) and an oystcr-shcll libat ion cup.


33 Lama nrvgrni WI!. I disciple of Siddha Shall1ira and from Siddhll Domhhi Heruka he received the initiation of IIrvajrQ

34 Who inilillrd Marra into (he (;JlbyJ~","j" 1Im,r" .

. B Who received Lntipnrnmrnt lhroug-h fli!l dog. an emanation of Ava/(Ikilr:.IJ'U'IIra.

;'1, The /)w"X jUK tnchinj!' arr fur rnlnifll! the bodies of ethers. Used for ttK animation of "(lrp~C'~ The Transformation Yoga.

3' The Siddh.,. disciple of Naropa, teacher of Dipamk ara Atir.ha .

. HI BOflC"'apron, hat, arm-handv necklace, hracrirh and rar-ring-.. The)" arc symbol .. of the- convtituc nts of the iniriatory M.,,,dQ!a.

j v I'reciouv pi'" arc- fC'nnallr made of 1-'1\'(' Elixirs' (SkI .'Pa1H/'o1mrlla), often mi~('d wi 111 rrlil"s The pre-c nt . (;Yfl'",~ Karrnapa disr tibutcv .. uch rill .. , rsrc'("ially in connection with the Hlack Hat nr("moIlY.



Mil:trt'pa'o was born ill the GUllgthang pr ovicc uf Western Tibet, c10~(' to the Nepalese border,' I on the twcnt y-fift h day of the seventh month of the male water dragon year (1052). Ili~ [at hrr died when he was only seven, and the family property was left in the care of grn:dy rcl.u ivcs who treated his mother and himself wry badly, She lxcamc VlTy bit ter and as soon a .. her son wa .. old enough she sent him off to learn the art of Hlack Magic in the hope that ht would he al.k- to a I't'ngt' tilt- wWllgdoings,

The young man quickly learned how to manoeuvre t hc pO\l'n .. uf destruction. lit- brought havoc to his village and caused the death of mall)' pcoph, However his rcarhcr rcpcnred for the misdeeds and stilt him off to find somvonc who could help him counteract all tht had 1\.11"111.1.1 accumu l.n cd through his magical ions. Thus he hetame a pupil of a Nyingrnap;l43 Lama called Hongton, who soon dir crtcd him to t.1.,rpa·the·Trambtor, who wasli,ing in l.hobr.rg.

At t hr age of thirty-t'ight Milan'pa lxcamr a pupil of the great Lama Marpa, who had h.rd a vision uf his roming, M:lrpa allowed him to remain at Lhohrag hut refused to admit him to ria' inner cirvl« of initiates and would not gilT him any te;lehing, lor six ),rars Mibrt'pa w., .. treated like a servant and was gil'l'n extremely difficult physical work, After SlInal frustrating ;iltempts he finally built a ninc-st or icd town arcor ding to the specifications of t.brpa,

Dagmt'n1:l, Marpa's wife helped Milarcpa in his moments of despair and pleaded with her husband to allow Milan'pa the initiation which he sought.

Finally the difficul: trials were OITr, the had Karma used up," and quickly ,.I-.------i\'I"'rl'pa--was-~ITn-tht.-full-t('al,llillgs-and-init-i:lti()ns~,~1a~pa-pl'l'par('d-hiI11-f()r~a----life of solitary nicdit.u ion and imparted the Sl'lT('t teachinp of Naropa, in par-

ticular the Yoga of thr Mysti(' Ileal. Clad only in cot ton, Milarep:1 lived for lliallY

)'e;lrs in total isolation in high mountain caves, He t'ngaged himself in the pcrfcc-

tion of the It';,chings transruit tcd to him,

The ycars passed and the cotton-clad Yogi became fully Enlightl'nl'd. People got to hear about him and sought him out to listen int cnt ly to the rnyst ic S(mgs through which he expounded his teachings, After completing nine full years in isolation he began to accept disciples, He continued to live a vcry simple life, sprcading his tcachings through his mystic songs, many of which survive to this day. He became famous throughout Tibet,

In the female wood hare year (I J 35), at the agc of eighty-fpur, Milarepa p:lsscd away, Icn'ing t·ight 'greater' and thirteen 'Insn' disciplt-s. Fin' of the l'ight disciples did not spread any tcarhings and went srr;Jight roth" suln lc realms JhrtT remained in the world. two of which rcccivcd and transmitted the esoteric tl-;Ichinp of Siddha Narop.i. Thr:«: foremost disciples were.


'lhr st at ur \\.1'" carved frorn OJ rhinocrr ,« horn hy the t cru h Ka r mapa incarnnt ion, Chp~ Y;nt:

Dorjc (}()o4')674) and i\ prl"\cr\'(:d in the new Rumt ck mona surv. Sik k im.

MILAHEPA (1052-J 135)

(Tib: Mi-I.I Ras-pa)



(i) JE GAMPOPA (Dl'ag'po Lharje): From Nyal, He received the complete teachings. His attainment was compared 10 the Sun. The derailed life-story follows. (1079-1153)

(ii) RECIIUNGPA (Rechung Dorje Trakpa). From Cungthang. He mel Milarepa at the age of eleven. He: contracted leprosy and at the age of fifteen he: set out for India in search of a cure, There: he met and was initiated by Siddha Balachandra,·· who abo cured his disease.

Recbungpa returned to Tibet where he rcrnct Milarepa and received instruction from him. Some years later he again visited India and was there initiated into further teachings of Naropa and Maitripa. These he passed on to Milarcpa and Jc Gampopa. His attainment was compared to the Moon. 0084-1161 ).

The other foremost disciples were:

(iii) SHIWA OJ) REPA; A young nobleman who met Milarcpa at a river-crossing. lie became \'Cry devoted to him after lis(t'Iling to his songs. I It- renounced the world and became a Yogi, receiving many of the teachings.

(iv) SEWAN REPA: From Dota.

(v) NGAN DZONG CHANGCHUB GYALPO: From Chimlung. (vi) Kln'IRA HEPA: From Nyishang,

(vii) DHIGOM REPA: Frum Mus.

(viii) SANGYE KYAB REPA; From Ragma.



40 At h." birth he wa~ nlkd Thora~". nlcaninr 'Dchghtful-to-hear". 41 At Kylnga TIi.I, • fc"" .. mila Ea!'1 of modern KyirooE:'

42 I\Qnt1JJ (A("tion~) hive I tendency 10 sccurnulare.

• J The older Rod II., sect.

44 An Indian Narh Siddha, of the Carrliti-Gorichandra Lint.

- (For more details of Milarcpa's life-story, sec: "Tibet's Great Yogi .11il<11e/,.1", edited by W. Y. Evans-Wentz, Oxford University Press, 1928 and "Unr l lundrcdThousand Songs ofMil.1rcpa", translated by G. C. C. Chang, New York, 19(2).


s :;

;.. '" ;"':::""0

>-.~ (3 2..

<; ..c.



seventy-five, having firmly established the Kargyudpa teachings. At this time there were many remarkable and auspicious omens.

His foremost disciples were:

(i) DUSUM KIIYENI'A: From Kharns, Eastern Tibet. He was the earliest and most devoted of all the disciples. He received the complete transmission and founded the Kharns-Tsang-Kargyud branch and the Line of successive incarnate Karmapas. His life-stories follow in detail. He was the first incarnate Lama (Tu/ku) of Tibet. (1110-1193)

(ii) I'HACMO GHU DORJE GYALTSEN: From Talung, Eastern Tibet. At the age of nine he took the primary ordination and over a period of years he studied under sixteen different Lamas. At the agc of twenty-five he took the final ordination from Lama Dunz in, lie: travelled to Sakya monastery where he received the higher initiations from Sakya Kunga NyingpoH (1092-1158). Then he perfected the Subtle Breath Yoga.

Later in his life he met Je Gampopa, who complimented him on his spiritual attainment and imparted the teachings of the Mal>a111udra. Lama Phagmo Gru founded the first gnat Kargyudpa monastery of Dcnsa Thil (in 1158), which became better known as the Phagmo monastery. Thus he established the Phagmo Gru branch'" of the Kargyudpa and produced eight smaller divisions in it. He had about eight hundred disciples, five hundred of whom became skilled in the practice of meditation. At the age of sixty Lama Phagmo Gru passed awa),. so At this time there were many auspicious rainbow omens in the sky, Auspicious relics were recovered from his funeral p)'re. (111 (}-1170). His foremost disciples were:

'--(a) J IGTEN- SUMG UN :-From-Khams,-IIt'-sp~nt--twent-y-cight- months.with, his teacher and quickly attained perfection in higher meditation. He was a victim of leprosy, but, on account of his great compassion for all beings, the disease left him. At the age of thirty-five he took full ordination from Lama Shongsarn Topa. In the year 1179 Lama Jigtcn Sumgun founded the great Drigung monaster)" thus establishing the Drigungpa subdivision within the Kargyudpa, This monastery was soon to house more than eight hundred monks. Lama Jigten Sumgun was believed to be an incarnation of the Siddha Nagarjuna. He produced an incarnate Line of successors, as well as many fine disciples. (1143-1212)

(b) L1NGREPA PADMA DOHJE: From Nangtod. At an early age he had visions of the Protector Mabakala, Yamantaka (The Lord of Death), and Cbakrasamoara. He met Lama Phagmo Gru and received the teachings of Mabamudra from him. Within three days he had the full Realization of it.

Lingrcpa founded the important monastery of Halung (c.1180) and



established the Drukpa subdivision!" within the Kargyudpa. Once, in a dream, he had the complete teachings of the Kanjur" revealed to him. He revealed many precious teaching' and wrote a fine commentary on the great Tantra of Cbakrasamvara. From Dusum Khycnpa, the first Karrnapa, he received important initiations. Before his passing he transmitted everything to his disciple Tsangpa Cyare, the founder of the Tsangpa Kargyudpa. (1128-1188)

(c) TANGPA l'ASH! PAL: He was born at Yungshu. Up until the age of eighteen he studied under many teachers. At the age of twenty-six he met Lama Phagmo Gru and received important teachings and initiations. As advised by his new teacher he perfected his meditation and then travelled to Taklung where he built a large monastery (between 118(}- 1185), to be known as Taklung.'l Thus he founded the Taklungpa subdivisions within the Kargyudpa. He had many disciples and successors.t? and passed away at the agt· of sixty-nine. (1142-1210)

(d) CHOSJE MAHWA DRUI'TOI': Also known as Martsang Sherali Scnge.

He founded the Martsang subdivision, passing the teachings to Yeshc Gyahscn and Rinchen Lingpa.

(e) DROGON GYAL TSA: Founder of the Trophu subdivision.

(f) YERPA YESHE TSEGPA: Founder of the Yerpa subdivision. He established the great Ycrphug and Tarna monasteries.

(g) ZHARAWA YESHE SENGE: Founder of the Yamzang.suhdivision, and the monastery of the same name (in 12(6).

(h) NYII'HU GYERGOM CHENPO: Founder of the: Shugscb subdivision and_thcJIlQll_a~ery_oftl1('s.?lll~rJamc(al Nyiphu).

(iii) WEUNGOM TSULTRIM NYINGPO: He bccanle-a disciple of J(' Gampopa and received many important teachings and initiations. He founded the Tsalpa branch of the Kargyudpa, through his famous disciple Lama Shang (l123-1193), who established the important monasteries of Tsal (in 117 S) and Gungthang (in 1187). He was also known as Gomtsul.

(iv) DHARMA WANGCHUK: From Bahram. He received many important teachings and initiations from Je Gampopa. He excelled in meditation. He founded the Bahrarnpa branch of the Kargyudpa and the monastery of the same name.

Je Gampopa had a fifth disciple, SALTONG SHOGAM, from Kharns, to whom he also transmitted the complete teachings. He remained in meditation and did not take any disciples.

Thus it can be seen how the four main disciples of Jc Gampopa formed the four 'larger' schools of the Kargyudpa sect, continuing the unbroken transmission of the precious teachings through their disciples and the future incarnations.




;1 45 Founded b)' Lam. Donnonpa (I (X'8·1 OM).

_y{ Founded in 1121.

4(' The son of. wulth) householder an Rajgir (Bihar), who had aske d Lord Buddha 10 preach the Somadbira ,.ulltra.

.. 7 Who died c:.649. lie had two wives, one hum NepHI Iflli lht' ot her from China. Thc y l'OIlVCr!cJ him to Huddhism.

~ di ... ciple ()f Kunchok Gyalpo, founder of Saky. nu)()a\lrr)', YNo( all invet na te Line.

_:; s o A"Tordjn~ 1o tilt Drb-Tet-Mar-Po. "He an·olhpli,.htd '"0 many df'rd~ fur tht' he-lldit of olh(",,, dUll iI cannot ("\'("11 he' conceived." (p. 2(3),

~ I Cauonu-al luetature, of 100 or 101\ volumes ('BudJIa,,',. WOld .. ').

52 Nol all ilu:arnalC" Lint' until the fir..1 Malu} Tulku. Tht' prC"Io('1l1 iucarnu tion j" ill Dulbouvie. India. 5:1 The Tdduni: ruouacre ry had three thousand monks.

S4 Tilt: Dru'-rll )'ubJi"i .. iou devclupvd ("~pt'c.:ill;lI)' ill Hhut an and Lad .. kh.

(For more details of Garnpopa and his teachings, sec "Gampopa. The .Jewel Ortmmcnt of Liberation", translated by H. V. Cuenthcr, Hider &. Co, 1959).



TilE LINE OF KARMI\PI\S (Life-stories from the Tibetan)

15t DUSUM KIlYENI'A (1110-1193)
2nd KARMA I'AKSIB (1204-1283)
3rd RANGjUNG DOHjE (1284-1339)
4th ROLPE DOI{jE (1340-1383)
5th DEBZIlIN SHEGI'A (1384-14 I 5)
6th TONGWA DONDEN (14 I 6- I 4 5 3 )
7tl~ CIIOS TRAG GY AMTSO (1454-1506)
8th MIKYO DORjE (1507-1554)
9th WANGCIIUK DOHjE (1556-1603 )
10th CIlOS YING DOHjE (J 604- 1(74)
11th Y [SI! E DOHjE-- ----------Ol'i76-'17(2)-
12th CHANGCHUB DORjE (1703- I 7 32)
~ (J 733- 1797)
f 13th uu DUL DOHJE
i 14th THEG CHOG DOHjE (1798-1868)
15th KHA CHAB DORJE (1871-1922)
16th RANGJUNG HIGPE DOHjE (1924-prescnt) 29

. ~~;+_v"~~:.:tFkt\W

. -, _~~1' '<'7,<


The 'J).1wa-Cbu-Sbcl-Gyi- Trcl1g-l1'a', the 'Moon-Watcr-Crystal-Rosary', by the ==--=~ __ -=~~~tiglifhSilu~ItiJku~~c:hosh}"iJlIllgll~s __ (17_()0~1_7~~).------ -- - - - ------1'he--'/{[,('-l'bi-G'a- TOl1'T_the_'rxposition_oLJ'aJ)_dila_s_',_ll)'__tllc__~('cond~ p;i-"·o--- -----

__ ~---~==============~=~==~===============~~================---~-=~~~-~~--I- __ ~~-I,~U:~lk~.U~,~·I,':S~uk~l:ak~ .. ~T~re:.n~g=\\:'~a(1504-1566).

______ .___ _ _ ht._'llLu_cAnnals',_l>y Go Lotsawa Zhonu Pal (1392-14H1).

TI1l' ~~roken c(;nmlClltar-),tif II __ Tr.-Ttll·- Six tcent h-Cyalwa-Karmapa,-RangJung I{igpe Dorjc, the present incarnation.

Under tbc direction of:

(i) II. H. Thr sixteenth Cyalwa Kar mapa.

(ii) The Yen. Sharma Tulku, Choskyi Lodru, the thincl'nth incarnation.

(iii) The eighth Tr angu Tulku, Khcnpo Karma Lodru Ringluk Nascng.

(iv) Darnchos Yongdu, General Senior Secretary to the Gyalwa Karrnapa.

(v) Jamkar Gonpo Namgyal, Personal Secretary to the Gyalwa Karrnapa. (vi) Terizin Narngyal, Secretary in the Tibetan department of Rurntek


(vii) Dr. Urg}'cn J igmc Choswang (Chungdr 'I'scring), Personal Physician and

G(.'ncral Secretary (English Section) to the Cyalwa Karrnapa.

(viii) Lama Chotrak Tenphcl, General Assistant.

Compiled by:

Karma Yon len Paljor (Nik Douglas)


Karma Dolma Chosphc1 (Meryl Whitt)

Auk_Dew Rurntck monastel}'_

in Sikkim. -------------

_ -=~=_:_::_::-.. -_:~~:l!rt_ll_e---

water mc)usc andv.'atcf6xye-ars:;C (] 972/3)




This statue, made of mixed red, yellow -and while precious metal, preserves the funerary relics of Dusurn Khycnpa and is believed 10 be a good likeness of him.

(The statue i, one of the most precious treasures kept at Rumrek , Sikkirn).

DUSUM KHYENPA: THE FIRST KARMAPA (Til>: Dus-gSum-mKbyen-pa) 0110-1193)

. Dusum Khyenpa was born in the male iron tiger year (1110), in the village of Ratag. situated in the snowrange of Treshod, Do Kharns, Eastern Tibet. His father was a Yogi-devotee of }'amttntaka. 55 called-Gompa Dorje Gon and his mother,

Gangcham Mingdre:n. a natural Yogini. He was a remarkable: and gifted child and

----was-givcn-thc-namt-oLGephe:L . _ _ _ _

From his father he received the MantraH of Ek.1J.1ta,l;"--incgreaCsecret Mother-Goddess and Protector and by his eleventh year he had propitiated and realized her fully. From l.ama Jagar Bhairo he learnt the rites of the great Protector MabakalaH and quickly perfected them. Obtaining miraculous powt'rsH he made a clear imprint of his hand and foot on a rock.

At the age of sixteen the unusual boy received ordination from Khenpot" Choskyi Lama and Chepa Choskyi SengeOOI and was given the new name of Choskyi Trakpa. He studied the rites of Cbak rasamuara':' according to the method of Paldcn Atisha and soon became very adept at them, At the age of nineteen he:

travelled to Tod Lung where he met the famous Geshe" 2 Cya Marwa, became his disciple and learned the Doctrines of the Future Buddha Maitrrya and the l'rajnamula teachings.

For one year he travelled from teacher to teacher, eventually meeting Gcshc Zharawa, who introduced him to the Doctrines of the Kadampas."? Lama Patsap Nyima 'Jrakpa, a great Translator. taught him the 'Six Treatises of Siddha

:j Nagarjuna'64 and these he also quickly perfected. Through a vision of Maitrl'ya.

··1 the Future Buddha. he was initiated into five important esoteric practices. In the:

, presence of Khenpo Mal Duldzin and Lhelop'" Yeshc Lodru he was, at the age of

, twenty, full), ordained as a monk and set himself the task of thoroughly studying

; the \iillayaH precepts,

,1 _.D"'.u .... s.,.u._.m._._Kh}'£I1.I)~travelled to the Pcnyul Gyal(,11 monastery and there met the

! great teacher Pal Galopa arlo-otner5;-Wn-o gavchinrthe-tcaEhings-e£-thC--gl'e3L _

( . Kalacbakrjl61-cyc1e,tog(;therwith those of Mabqkalakaka_I1I1Jkba, the crow-headed

-f form of Mabakafa. At the-age of tnirryh-e decided to go to meet Je Gampopa and

r set off on the journey, Arriving at Dvagspo Tragkha he met the master Gorntsul

j and Shapa Lingpa, who were residing there. From Gorntsul he learnt the Mabayogini Tantra and at that time had a most auspicious vision of the white Tara Goddess, Then he proceeded to the Dvagslha Gampo monastery, where he met Ie Garnpopa, his destined Lama.

Dusum Khycnpa presented a silk scarf and obtained precepts from Je Gampopa, who taught him the Lamrim':" of the Kadarnpas and said. "I meditated on it' So sho~ld you!" Sometime later he begged for further teachings and was




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initiated into the mysteries of Hcvajra. During the empowerment rites Ie Gampopa manifested before him in the form of Hevajra':" himself. Within a period of nine:

_ days Dusum Khycnpa received the full transmission of the esoteric teachings. His Inner Heat was developed and he felt a strong feeling of well-being, Wearing only

a single cotton-cloth he went into retreat for nine months.Tasting and meditating under the guidance of his teacher. A great faculty for concentrated trance was born - _ inhim at th_iHiITlC::lTld()f the hundreds of disciples of Garnpopa it was realised that

" he had the greatest abilityat m-t·&tation. 'Cam-P(Jpa madca propbecy about-him.

Still continuing his meditation he travelled to the Til cave at Zangri, where he stayed for four months. Then he went to the Phagmo monastery where he remained for one month and five days. Attaining the power of fixing his mind on anything whatsoever he returned to his teacher and remained with him for three more years. From Rechungpa, a disciple of Jetsun Milarcpa, he learnt the teachings of Naropa and Maitripa, the 'Six Doctrines' and others. As indicated by Gampopa he stayed in a cave at Ri Wo Che and there, in a vision, a woman said to him "Don't stay herel My mother is coming back!" TaJ.ting this as a good sign he spent fourteen months practising the meditation of cornpassionv'" and as a result gained complete control of the Inner Heat. Many wonderful signs manifested, so he returned to Garnpopa.

Dusum Khycnpa explained his realizations to Je Garnpopa, who told him to continue with his meditation for some months more. Six months passed.and, like the sun bursting through the clouds, he attained complete Enlightenment. Gampopa recognised the great attainment of his disciple and laying a hand on Dusurn Khyenpa's head he said, "My Son, you have severed your bond with the world of phenomenal existence," adding that it would henceforth be his duty to impart his realizations to others.

According to an ancient scripture··b Lord Buddha had once predicted that approximately sixteen hundred years after his own passing there would be born a

-----m=-'-'a'-cn-o=-i:f great spirituaJ-au;rinment-and-infinil~€-0mpa~sion.-J'his_man_would slHead _

, the Buddhist Dharma for many successive incarnations and would be known as the

------ Kafmapa, 'Man'of'Karma ' .. J e Gampopaandihetwo great Masn:rs=~ohhattirnc:i.-::'~~ Lama Sakya Shriue from Kashmir and Lama Shang.?" recognised that Dusum

Khyenpa was indeed the Karrnapa foretold of in the prophecy.

Acting on the instructions of je Garnpopa, Dusum Khyenpa, the first Karrnapa, left for Mon and went to the residence of King Gathung, who immediately became his patron. Then he travelled all over Tibet on pilgrimage and began preaching and teaching. He spent three summers and winters on a rock at Yabzang and attained the power of being able to pass right through solid rocks and mountains. For four months he remained on the 'Flat White Boulder' at Phabong Karlcb, which had been a scat of Guru Padrnasambhava and there he was



fed by the Dakinis. He returned to his teacher once again and was told to visit

Kampe Nesnang "as it would be of great benefit for living beings". .

Sometime passed and then Karrnapa heard of the departure of his teacher.

Immediately he returned to the Dvagslha Gampo monastery, where he met two of the disciples, who wert in tears. He had a vision of- J e Gampopa in the sky and . then engaged himself in extensive rites for the propagation of rhe.Kargyudpa Line.

I! was while he was there that he promised his disciples that he would live until

----hiseighty,fouHh-year.----______________________ _

The Protector Doric Pal Tseg· of Nesnang, in the Kharns provincc;-rcifuCstt-dT that Karrnapa visit the area, which he did, establishing the large Kampe Nesnang monastery there in his fifty-six th year (1165). This place is noted for the huge rock upon which the Tibetan letter 'Ka' appears whenever a new Karrnapa incarnates into this world.' I

One day, while practising the Light Yoga of Siddha Naropa, fifteen heavenly Dakinis appeared before him, manifesting in the circle known as ./)o/ma Ycsbe Kborlo, the Mandalan of. the Goddess Tara"", On another occasion Karrnapa

" miraculously travelled to Singara, Ceylon, where he had an audience with Siddha

.1......... Vajraghanta fteruka," who gave him the greater dinitia~ion of ChbakFrasamvBarad'dlhie

• next travelled to the heavenly realm of Gaden an agam met t e -urure u a !I1n;treya. from whom he received many important teachings. It was at this time that the Nesnang monastery was completed.

',5 At the age of seventy-four Karrnapa Dusum Khycnpa left Ka~p.o Nesnang ~or

; a place called Tri-o, in Kharns, situated on the banks of the On fiver. Reaching

Dampa Choschug he stopped and preached to several thousand mo~ks before

continuing on through the province of Treshod, Do Khams, where h~ intervened to end hostilities between rival villagers. In the village of Leh he established a new monastery, calling it Kharns Mar. Then he travelled to Karma Gon, where he founded another monastery, which later became one of the largest and ~ost

1 imRortant Kargyudpa centres. At this time Karrnapa bestowed m~ny blessings •

.. j.' ~~';;;~~~~'~~:;~~:~:~I~:;~~;:r.::' ,,~dIn ""'_""lr1=1mg those Wh.O .. _. -----

. , ., '., One of Je Gampopa'saisciples. JigtencSumgun. senl~message aSKing Kar~apa

. to visit the Dvagslha Gampo monastery. in accordance With Gampopa's last Wishes

.. that his foremost disciple shou Id reside there for some time. Karrnapa undertook the long journey and upon his arrival began reconstructing his teacher's monastery. He bestowed blessings and initiations on the many monks and Lamas there. As soon as supervision of the alterations was completed he travelled to a about fifty miles West of Lhasa, called Tsurphu, and there arranged for the building of a large ~cw mc.lnastery?S of that name, which became the principal scat of the Karmapa incarnfres.


KAI{MAPA, 1HE IlLACK HAT LAMA 01' 1'1111'1'

Karmapa sent seven large turquoises and seventy Yaks laden with tea to the Dvagslha Gampo monastery. He arranged for four copies of the greater Prajna_I'Jramita to be written in gold and along with a further one hundred and eight volumes of religious scriptures, ten more large turquoises andfif_ry fine horses, he---sent-them an additional.offering to the monastery of his teacher. ... -

He made a predict ion containing all the details of the place y.;hcrchlS-nexi_________________ _irl_carnation would be found and left it in the care of Drogon Rcchcn, one of his

__ foremost disciples.1Icocclarcdtnarthercwuuld be many-future--*armapas;-adding that there were already other incarnations of himself iil-txi~tellcc:woncbeing in the region of Purang (near Ladakh), one on the Nepal-Tibet borderland, another in Eastern India as an emanation of the Bodhisattva Av,,/okilrsbwaran and a fourrh in the Eastern world as a King named Trakpa Taye. During the last years of his life the letter 'Ka' appeared on the large rock at Kampo Nesnang. He told his senior attendant to distribute his accumulated wealth amongst the monastic communities. Then, in thr female water ox year (1193), at the ag" of eighty-four, he passed away and was received by numerous Dakinis. Many miraculous omens appeared at that time and auspicious relics were recovered from the funeral pyre. His foremost disciples were:

(i) DECHUNG SANGYEPA: Renowned for his accurate predictions. (ii) BATSA TRAG DELWA: Renowned for his miraculous powers. (iii) DROGON RECBEN: A fine spiritualguide and teacher.

(iv) CHOSPA JIGTEN SUMGUN: Founder of the Drigung subscct, (v) TANGPA CHENPO: Founder of the Taklung subscct.

(vi) GYALWA LINGREPA: Founder of the Drukpa branch.

(vii) DROGON TSANGPA GYARE: H Founder of the Tsangpa subsect. (1161-1211)

(viii) SANGYE YONTEN: From Ring Gong, (ix) KADAMPA DESIIEG:


55 Lord of Deeth. Til" Sbin·'J'. S6 My",i, sylilblu.

50' Lit; ·Onc Uair" • secret MothC'r-Goddn..,", especially familiar to the Nylngrnlp. 1oC"<"1. A Tannic form of MJbokali, depicted with one ('ye, one tooth, one breast and 00("

S! The Grel' Black One.

S9 S,ddl,i.

60 I\b""po means Abbot.



601 In rbe vicinity of Gaden monastery there arc to be" eeen hand and (oot prints of thi" Lam., embedded in the HKk. ( ... c "'Gmgr'rh)' of Tibet" b)' Wylie, r, 86).

6' Tutelary.

62 Gni)( is. degree, similar to our 'Doctor of Philosophy'.

_ ~3_ The Ki4.'-Hp_~ __ "l"~t'- founded through-Paldcn-Ati!loha.- 6_~ 1~'(' 'Rig,,-'_)b~Jg)dnJl, of the A1~.II·'ya"'iA:D. -

6~ Lh;I~~; a~-a~ O;de~~ cio~(> 10 Abbot.

66 The \';nQya ~'u'rQ1 deal with vows ll( monkbood.

f- ----6·' ... cL~".<"_.-_·.

,..,a Penyul Cyal, I KldilmPI nlOnastC'fY in the Penyul vatic-y- foulldt'd-.n foff"tl)'--Oo-ijc W.:ngchiik-. fit! Tilt meditarion WIY,

t.9 Jlrt'QlrQ U. • Tuttl'f), Deity O·idom). It ii ... id in the 7Ilnlr", that "Guru and }'idam afC' Ilw.Y' One". 691 Aia;,';.

69L 11lC' ~JI"a in which thh. prcdictton occurs it. the "ml)o-l'ing ·Cbi"~rCyal-p()".

69C' Lama Sak)'. Shnhh .. dr a, who Wi!'. the laM Abbot of the grcat Vikranll .. ~hil& Tantric college Hr .penl ten yr." in Tibrl. (1127,1225)

'0 (1123-1193).

'71 The letter °KI' ic-n~ral1y IPPC'Ar.. in I line', next to the' previous one. For the rr~nt Klrmapa it IrrcarC'd lar"~f, end sbove the' others.

7l M) .. tic Circle, ,t'oC'r.lty of initiation. ~3 Til>: Dolma, the UudJhi", Sevioure ..... 7. A Siddhe of the ~.rlha UO(·.~.

75 Teurphu r .. unded (.118S.

76 Sf'vrral inclrnatiun!'. can cxi't limultancou.I),: e .... of Hudy. of Speech, of Mind, of KnowlrdJc, etc. 77 The: Camp.Aiona,e OnC', whose MDn,rp it. 'Om-meni-padrnc-bum, Hrill

.,,, Drogon T.I!ni:PI WL\ born in Nangtod in the year 1161. At the- agr of twt'lvthC'wuldmittcdIOthc Kulu monastery. At the age of twenty-three he met Gyalwl LingrTr' at Ralung. and became his; di.cir1c. Be rece-ived the complete 'C'achin~. t.kine ani)' seven d.),t. tn perfect the Vas-I of the Innn uc.t. Ordained by Lam. Shang he founded mona.:leries. It Longdol and Nlmdruk. Iii .. best disciple was. Go TunJPI Gonpo Dorje, who took only dgtl1rC'n daY" to .ttain perfection. Lama Co Tllngpl wu the teacher of the Siddhl Urgyc-npa, who ntaLJi.hru the 'upper' division of the: Urukpl branch.




the centre of the forehead which. according to local stories. came from the mouth of the celestial hawk Garuda. The image had been designed by the eighth Gyalwa Karmapa (1507-1554) and he himself had carved the sandal-

-:::"'o6d throne. The images of the past-and future Buddhas were made of clay

---------mixedwith_cons!:crated herbs; they were decorated "'ilh preciousstones and

each had a ru by on its forehead. A table for offerings w;l.splace-d-btforn:lcb--image.

--------- --ScenfrornthcoulSide.-thr-monastery-was-a-grand-sight with.the fast.flow _

ing river below and the screenofmoiiiuainsbehind. ltwasbuiltint hrce tiers;

the uppermost roof over the high chamber of the three Buddha images was

gilt surmounted by a golden scrto, a nest ornament denoting dignity. largely

used in Tibet over monasteries.

The cloisters contained eight Buddha images and four Stu pas ten feet high. made of precious metals and placed under gilt canopies. All these had been brought from India ill former times; three of the Stu pas came from Nalanda.

The monastery of Karma was a wonderful example of the artistry of the incarnation of Gyalwa Karmapa and especially of the seventh. eighth. ninth and tenth of the line; these Lamas were experts in carving. sculpture. painting and embroidery. and in smelting and casting precious metals. Karma was a unique example of the beauty of the traditional art of Tibet".


KARMA PAKSHL THE SECOND KARMAPA (Tib: Ka-rma Pak-sbi) (1204-1283)

Karma Pakshi was horn in the male wood rat year (1204) in Drilung Wonted, as ------ thcson-ofanoblc -falnil>, .froin the. race:-ofthc-grear-Tii>clan - King.Tri Srong-

---- --- Detsen;7'--Thtrc\\Trl'--manyauspicioussigns_a t bis birth andhe was soon noticed-

to he: quite an exceptional child. lit was given the name of Chosdzin, By the age

l - "-"i-x,,- __ -h-_-t _"-_.· .. as.~ _.fu._ll"y proficient in the art of writing. even though he had no teacher.

- At tenhe had cornplcu'd--;!_ stud)~()rin" rdij,tious -ttxfnvailahlnn-him-and-only-needed to glance at a text or hear it once in order to know it fully. It was this power of natural knowledge which finally convinced his parents that he had a high spiritual birth.

His first reacher was LIma Gyaba)' Born Trakpa, a disciple of !Jrogon Rcchcn, whom the first Karrnapa had entrusted with the prediction details of his future incarnation. The Lama said to him. "Today the IkJOo'o and Dakiui» appeared in the sky like a mass of douds. You will be blessed by l ukinis:" The same night the Tutelary Deities informed the teacher that the boy was the new Kar mapa and there were many auspicious indications to confirm it. He told the boy "You arc fortunate! All the Kargyudpa teachers. including Dusurn Khycnpa, have appeared. Now you should practise the doctrines!"

At the age of eleven Karma Pakshi received the primary ordination"! from Khatog Champa Burn and was given the name of Choskyi LIma. He was taught the mystic l>oba-songs8' of Siddha Saraha and the Gampopa teachings of the' Mabamudra. Whilst instructing him in the art of meditation his teacher found that the young Lama was already perfected in it. He: was initiated into the mystic teachings of Siddha Tilopa and during this period had a vision of Avalokitcsbioara, who manifested in the form with eleven heads and many arms. For ten years he practised meditation. perfected the Yoga of Inner lit-at "3 and frequently received visions of the Goddess Tara while reciting her Mantras.

·!------I:li-st urbarrces-bfo!.tc-eut-ill-t-AG-I'c-giol1-and_thL},n_ung_K arma g;t_kft for Tash i _

Pom Trag. Easter!) Tibet. where he stayed in the Tsorong Gon monastery and engaged himself-in·deep=-meaiiatiol1.Shc-r:c:nclfaa.a5'i~j()Ir:()f:th(:-ProtcclorDorjc

Pal Tscg of Ncsnang. who asked him to visit his territory. Karrnapa undertook the journey and on his arrival there seated himself upon a large rock close to the small Ncsnang lake and once more practised his meditation. He had a most auspicious

vision of Cbakrasamuara, and used his powers to control many demons and demi-

gods who were li\'ing in a nearby mountain. To the human eye the mountain appeared to dissolve in landslides. The Protector Doric Pal Tug then promised to prot{'ct all future disciples of the Karrnapas.

Once. while visiting a place of pilgrimage called Sharchog Pung Ri, Karmapa




saw many Dakini: dancing together and the Great Protector M.7bakala" himself, requests from Kublai, who demanded that he must remain. He left the palace and

apparently busy constructing a building. Feeling that the place must be ex- travelled to the Mi Nya province, there establishing a large temple and many

rrcrnely auspicious Karmapa decided to found a monastery there. The Dakinis smaller ones. Thousands were converted to the way of Kargyudpa Buddhism.

informed him thatthe siriging DfMidltras during roe building work would gr~atly In. the second month of the _Ill ale fire dragon year (1256) he reached Amdo

.. help- the progress.H _As a resultoL this _ _the_ monaster), was C0J11pIC1Cd in a Tsong Kharegion of North Eastern Tibet. In the meantime there had been disputes

remarkably short time. Karmapa resided at this place for eleven yean :l!l(fer;gaged --I)clv.'cernlie MongolianrulcrsrKublaihad- beenoustedby Mongkor Gen,'1 who

_____ . himself in the practice of the Subtle-Breath'" teachings. On many occasions rain- now ruled over Mongolia and a large part of China. Hearing of the wondrous deeds

.. _ bov.~ were sccnallarou no him and colou rcenignc streamedou t-of- his bod yc-His----- - --- ---o!-the- Karmapa.ube. E rnperotjnvited __ birn_!!a_ck_tQCh i!1a._J~h! __ inv~ tion was

fame spread far and wide and many pilgrims came to receive his blessings.-arceptl-d and upon his return- Karrnapa was very . royally received at the. new

In the South there was a place called Rong Tscn Kawa Karpo, known to be Emperor's palace'". He bestowed many teachings and initiations.

inhabited by the Tutelary Cbakrasamuara. No human had ever been able to find a On the nineteenth day of the l'ighth month of that year (1256) he visited Sen

way to reach the sacred spot but Karrnapa had a vision of the route there and had Shing, Tao Si and Er Kaow, where in a debate he defeated many non-Buddhist

soon opened it up for pilgrimage. He spread the teachings far and wide, and Sages and converted them all to Kargyudpa Buddhism. On the twelfth day of the

brought the doctrines of the Kargyudpas right to the regions on the Sino-Tibetan ninth month he performed the miracle of stopping the snow and the wind, even

borders. lie journeyed to Tuk, in central Tibet, to rebuild the monasteries of though it was the middle: of winter. He abo arranged for all prisoners in the

Dusurn Khycnpa and also to revitalise the spread of the Buddhist Dharma in the region to be set free. On another occasion Karmapa recited Alarllras to drive away

provinces of Dri and Den. Then he visited eighteen regions of Southern Tibet and hordes of insects which had attacked the crops. Other pests were likewise dis-

stayed for a while in the great monastery of Karma Con. Hearing of excessive pellcd by casting a single handful of soil at them. He then returned to Tibet, on

hunting in the country of Jpng he sent a message prohibiting it. the way establishing a new monastery at Tao Ilu Chu Makha, where he stayed

Karrnapa travelled to the important Tsurphu monastery, badly damaged for several months.

during local wars."? Completely rebuilding it he spent six years there and After four years Karrnapa reached the Sino-Tibetan border region of lJa,

bestowed many teachings and initiations on the Lamas, monks and lay-people. He where he was informed that the Emperor Mongkor had died, to be: succeeded by

left for Tsang. in Western Tibet, passing by the Lam lake from which the great his son Ariq Boga, who had subsequently lost a war with Kublai. Thus Kublai

Lake-Goddess Lam Tso Lhamo appeared and presented him with a goldt'n elixir- established himself as Supreme Khan and Emperor of both Mongolia and China

jar. II (in 12(0). Karmapa was much grieved to hear of all the fighting and bloodshed

At this time China was partially under Mongolian rule. The Emperor of and spent seven days in the region, meditating and saying prayers for the future

Mongolia was called Mongkor Gcn (Mongka) and his brother Kublai (Gorbe La) peace of China. On the last day of his meditation he had a vision of Lord Buddha

was ruler of the Sino- Tibetan border regions on his behalf. From Kublai an envoy standing before him. In this vision he was instructed to arrange for the building of

--------~wa~~scnt-be-aJ'ing-al'l-ip,\''mapa-to_vis.iLCbio.a. . ...Al the age of fort)'.:___ statue of the Buddha, twenty-six arm-spans in height, in order to establish

__ ~~~ __ ~rn~~ootooilie~~journry.h"el!~g~a~ri~~ili~ye~he ~----~~~~p~e~a~eic~~~~~~~~~~m~~~~W~~~~~~~-------

- ---~"":'--spread- t hCcKar~1JOpateacliings~Y;'idcliarid3cacliC:d_th~~gr~an\'.ukl'ok: palaC'_eil!::::::':::==::' . The Emperor K u blaiKhan,hearing that Karmapa was inlla and remembering

the female wood rabbit year (1255 ).19 how sn-cnycarscarlicf he ·'ladrc.'fufc-dKublai'srequest:to:prolonghis-stayinthe

The Sakya Pandita, Kunga Gyaltscn.t? had been staying in the palace for palace, sent thirty thousand soldiers to arrest him. When they confronted Karrnapa

some years previously, but had passed away before the arrival of the Kargyudpa they were immediately paralysed by his Two-finger Mudra," but feeling com-

party. Karmapa was highly honoured and there were many fine celebrations, passion for them he restored their movements and freely allowed them to seize

culminating in his blessings being bestowed on Kublai and his court. By this time him. They wrapped him in a cloth and tried to tic him up. but his body was like

the Sakya sect was firmly established in China. through the influence of the Sakya a rainbow, with no substance and they found the task impossible. Then they

Pandita, who expounded the Buddhist teachings to the Mongolians. Unfortunately forced him to drink poison. but far from having any effect blinding rays of light

political factions resented the arrival of the Gyalwa Karrnapa, and threatened began to stream from his body instead and the soldiers were very afraid. They

inter-sectarian schisms. Karrnapa decided 10 rerum to Tibet. despite repeated took him to a high mountain and pushed him off, but he glided down, landed on a



",.'~ ~ ;", ',::;:<:; ,.'<!!. 'li"~{Ll"':'""''''''"'iI','-: "'j,<;%i<",,~ '",,~~~~ .,~'~ .,,,1i3"'~,,,,,:,'y :,,',' .' "':".:"'''' .~' iif" ~'" ',ft' "',,,,' ", ',.:" jjli ~, ., "'Y". '., "c' , ,

" "'~~.

t(ARMArA, TIll: IlLACK HAT LAMA 01' TlllfT

lake and travelled across the surface like a duck. Unsuccessfully they tried to burn him, throwing him with two of his disciples'" into a blazing fire, Streams of water

_ "came out of their bodies and.soonput out the flames, The Emperor Kublai Khan ______ h~ard of the events and ordered that Karrnapa should belockedup.without an}' provisions. For a pcfiod6f sevendays- people could-observeheavenlybeings _, providing him with food and drink. The Emperor relented" 5 and became his ------==--=--disciplc;-For-s0me-timc.he_remail1~d_itL!h~.gT£~jJala~"· and was highly

-"h-tlnoured. -'-'-----,--

Karmapa recalled the vision with the instruction for the building of a large statue of Lord Buddha, The task was soon to be undertake-n, seven large loads of gold being sent to Tsurphu monastery. accompanied by a messagt· that a smith from Tsang who was living there was one of Karmapa's manifestations and should be put in charge of the work. His disciple: Den Gorn, h'l\'ing been sent back from China to Tsurphu, supervised details of the construction of the grt'at statue, Materials and funds were continually sent from China so that the work could be successfully undertaken. After three years it was completed. but the image curiously appeared to be leaning over to the left.

Karrnapa spent six years. in China 97 giving teachings, blessings and initiations.

He built many monasteries and temples. His grateful disciples honoured him with many gifts. which he threw into a spring ncar Shang Tu before leaving the country. Upon his return to the Tsurphu monastery. some two ycar~ later. the prrsmts were all miraculously recovered from a pool nearby.

The return journey passed along the borders of Mongolia. where Karrnapa found a huge golden roof. It had been taken as booty when the Mongol army had attacked India. but left behind on their way home as so many soldiers were sick that they could no longer carry it. Karrnapa took the roof to Kha Chu, on the Sino-Tibetan border. but a bad omen indicated it would be wisest to leave one half

-- ---'o~fi_!liti_!ltl!'lC'"r_"e._. _.T:_,-h"c;_<· other piece was taken with him to Tsurphu, where it was bent in

half and placed on top of the monastery along witlrtwo-goldtcn--pe-aG0Gk-s-and _

'~:__ ~-~::-.':cTg()lden~,rinnaelc,.'AtTsurphu-::monastery- Ka_rl1lap_a_,sa~in meditation posture

-, 'before the huge new statue of LOid-BlIdalra;lininghisbod>'up\\~itl1tlie~tiltoC::: the image. Slowly he straightened himself up into a vertical position and simultaneously the statue did likewise.

The Siddha Urgycnpa,"" a disciple of Rigdzin Go Tsangpa, visited the Karrnapa and imparted several additional teachings of Siddha Tilopa to him, Karrnapa told him that he would be the teacher of his next incarnation. A couple named Chosphcl and Changdcn, from Tingri Langkor in Southern Tibet. came to Tsurphu on pilgrimage and had an audience with Karrnapa. He told them that his next incarnation would be born as their son and that he had already transmitted part of himself into the womb of the woman.



Five months passed. and then, on the third day of the third month of the female water sheep year (1283) he passed away. having performed the rite of Consciousness-Transferencc.t" There were many curious and auspicious omens

- and on the ninth day _the cremation was performed. Numerous relics were recovered from the ashes. among them those of his hc::ait,tongucand eyes. as well a~ aa7.zling conch-Iikc : fornwtwistedto the right and, interconnected letters, symbolic signs and images, Be was in his eightieth year!OO His foremost dis-

--'--eiplcs-wc:-rc-: _

, .. -- (i) DR UPTOP'URGYENPA: ThcSiddha r;:c;n1Urgyen:-

(ii) NYENRES GEDUN BUM: A great Lama, who taught the next Karmapa incarnation.

(iii) MACHAWA CHANGCHUB TSONTRU: A great scholar and teacher of the Afadbyamika.


"9 Who ruled wi .. r:I)' ('.740798), and constructed the Jrnt Sarnye monutcry. 10 V"'"l.

8, Tib , R'''lum G,uu/, !l Tib: Dc-ba d\(1""SII," 13 Tib, g1'um''''o,

14 lIlu.lI)' of wrathful .ppcu&nc(', coloured blue or black.

85 It WI". traditionatly. the (inl time that Mantras wert lune in th;~ WI)'.

16 Til» rT,a Lllng, the' subtle nerves and breath. A \'og' technique developed by the SiddhD. 8' S'arttd hy nhni, I robber-cbiefta!n.

88 Til>, ""m,b.

1'_9-A:ccordingnrH:-R-i-clra-rdr.on,K-I-mu-pl-joinC' Rong):'ul Sertod. which he loc.ln somewhere nClr Techienlu. (in 1,R.A.S .• '958),

-'~!C)_.Tht~l'-akY.I'a:odii.11182'1251);'-di ... iplt,orSakya,5hribhad,a from t(~",ir. rmivtdlh<.foUowin, letter from Godan Khan in Iht' yia,-ft4,f'- -r, the m05l--po_rfulcand,p""pc:rou,:l'rin~-G"da~. wi,h 10 Inform rhe Sakya randiu Kunga G)'al .. en thai we need a Lama 10 .dW< m)' i",or&l>1 people on how 10 conduct themselves mora1l), and spiritually. I need someone to pray for the wt1(art' of my deceased p.rcnu, .. II WOUld, of course, he' C'uy for me to send I largc body of troops to bring you here, but in doing so harm and unhappinC'!o!> might be brou,ht to the innocent. So come quickly!"

9' In <.1247 the Sak)'& Pandita w", appointed Mon~lian vice-Rege m in Tibet by Godan Khan. "and..,n 01 Ghcot:hi7 Khan and Governor of the North-Rastern regions bordering on TibcLAftC'r various disputC'~ ~ to who should be Supreme Khan the power puscd from Godsn' .. family to anorber branch of the GhC'nghi7 line. and the erandJ.on MOIl~ka bc-CIT1lC' Grand Khan. The Sikri Plinditl died just before thi~ chI-nee and his ncphC' .... , Phagra (who died in 12RO, having invented the Mongol script} diplomatically IO .... -itchcd hi!> luyaltic!> to Kuhlai, Mongk ... , younger brother. Phagpa enthroned Kuhlai in 1260, and spent most of hi!'> remaining ycar,; in the court (If the Emperor. It ",u likely that he v.I.'" there durin~ the 'tRy of Karmara in the pal Ice.



92 At'c,.'ording to B_ Ri('hard~lm, he went to the grand palace of 7.i-Jta Us-Do in On-Ge'l Yul. South (If Mongka', headquarters at Karakorum.

-!:~ __ The. TantTic·p.ra_')·"1_lIg~ pt_u~ _ (M"dr.:J).

-- ---- ----------94-Rin-('hrn P,.r'ridVttohcWan~~huk~-i~~ ~i-hi!. foremost d-;~-c-frl~". -_

-- ---- - 9 S Kuhl'l Khan p&Jo! 1n-f'dU:l.-dcdaring "In Tibet and other countries you ml)' nov. prsctice your religion

an'ordlng to your de-sire, and let )'(lU offer pr.ycn (or me." --

96_~~~f~!ding to Marco Polo; "The palac..'C' ii the I'fgt"il that was ever seen It hl~' "cry hlg" roof Inside, the wan" of wc-tlalliiin-d charnlicri ere all covered with Bold and '1Ivcr_&nd_dc~_!_.!~~ith picture!. of dragon~ end hlrlh and horsemen --and varlou&-l'Tccdlo-of be.sUo and ~'tllC"" ofbattle. The "_citing i_~_ "lffii!lr"fy-ao_OrIIt' d. Tllt-nall-i\ so large; that I nlC"al might be served for .ix tbousand people in it. The whole building i~ M_dmmtnft.C" and well-made thlt no improvement could be' made, The roof ~ all ablaze- with ~c.rlC'l. green, blue and yellow",

9' 10 '7vr 1rat'rls (II Mareo Polo' (Tr: Ronald Latham, Folio S(Kie-IY. London, 196M) there i,,; the following iOtC'rcning reference to the goini!1'-on at Kublai Kh"h'~ court; " ... Here i~ a!lother remar kalrle Isct about these enchanters (Ut,"a~ >, or l1alclnbi IJt, tltt)' are calle-d. J ~\ur(' you rhar, when the Great Khan it. seated in

his; high haU It his table. which i~ raised mere thin eight cuhiu, sbove the floor, and the ('Up~ Ire on the table

of the haU, a rood ten pact'''' di~unt from the table", and arc full of wine and milk and other drirtka., these 1'"kb5bi contrive by their encbanrment and their art that the full cups ri. .. C' up of the lr own eccord from the floor on which tht')' have been iunding and come up to the (;,cat Khan without anyont' touching them. And thi,., thry do in the .iglll of ten rbousend men, "'lat I have told ),ou if' the plain truth, without. word of

f .. lsebood. ,.

The' referred to Kerns. to be the followers of Karma PiJklbi, since be WI" the innutnti.l 'enc .. benter ' of thet time. In the memoirs of Lanll. Phagp. (the Sak)' IIC' mention", thlt Kul1lai Khan WL' friendl), with a strangc-r from a far-awl)' land. Undoulnedly thi,,; rdC'R to Mar,:o Polo, who lived for nutny ynr!~ in the coun of Kul1lai.

9~ llrgyrnpa "".." born in Yermo Tang, l:utcrn 1'jl>tt, in the yC'IH 1230. lie took ordinations from 8odong RlngtM'pl and studied with Go T"ngpa Cooro Dorje, the foremost di.ciplC" of Drogon Tungpa Cyart' (founder of the Tungpa Kargyud ~ub.C'ct). He visited many Holy plal'r~ and travelled on pill-Yfimagc to the land of Urg)'cn (where,vlI WI"; born), where he' ,aw the great Dahni \'ajravarab, and thut) became • Siddha. Be travelled on pilgrimage .11 around India. visited Ceylon and together with the Ceylonese King contributed to the repair of the' rrc*t Bodh GaY8 temple. lie' visited T"urphu montitef)' and then went to China, where he became I reacher of the Emperor. After hi" return to 'I'ibet he pJ.!o\ed away there at the ai.'t' of eevenry. He ha d msny di!>eipIC'fl., the foremost of whom W&1> Gyaiwi Yang Gonpa,

.9 Til» Ph" ... o. One of 'he 'Six Yoga,' of the Siddhl Narorl.

100 III the 'Ill.r "nnol,' of Zhonu Pal (Tran.llled by G. N. Roerich Calcur .. 1953) it dnrl)' giVClo Klrml Plk,hi', birth date I. the male wood ral Y""' (120-4) end hi, p ... in~ L< 'he female Wile, .h«p yelr 02R3), mentioning that be wu in hh, C'lghtieth year when he left hi" body, Other Tibetan sources diui'"ee in the year or-fii.tlirth~ich-irp-u-.-two-rca-n-ll-t-t-r-;-thc-male_{i[c_tjgrr_~C'ar (1206), All aTe in agreement with the

__ y_e~rof hi' pI"ing. It _rm th&1 the records of Zhonu Pal are most likely '0 be reliable.


RANGJUNG DORJE: THE THIRD KARMAPA (Tib: Rang-byung rDo-rje) (1284-1339)

~~-=-=~=RangjungDorjewasbom on the eighth day of the first month of the male: wood _nlOnkey -year ( 12M), in the evening, just as-thenloony';as rising, on the roof of a I!t)use in Tin-griLangkor, Southern-Tiber-After- his birth he sat cross-leggedand said, "The moon has risen!" His mother took this to be a bad omen and threw ---~-ashes-into-his--mouth,-but_his_hth_t"r recalled the w ords of Karma Pakshi and

-_ -rcsfrained her from acting further.Conseq~~~lt.G;-ij)tboy dio-notspeak-a-gain-until--

he was three years of age.

When he was three, while playing w ith some other children, he suddenly asked them to make him a throne out of cut squares of turf. He sat upon it, produced a black hat, which he put on his head and then declared that he was the Karmapa. He told his friends that they were indulging in Samsara, the cycle of births and deaths, but that he had already transcended it. The children went off and told their parents about the remarkable things that he had said,

His parents took him on a pilgrimage to the image of Lord Buddha at Tingri and on perceiving it he experienced the sensation of a rainbow merging into him. He learnt some Buddhist precepts from his father and knew the alphabet without having it taught to him. In his dreams he had many pure visions.

At the age of five he told his father that he would like to see the Siddha Urgyenpa, so they travelled together to the place where he was staying. The day before they reached there Urgycnpa had a dream in which Karma Pakshi appeared and told him that he would be coming to sec him on the following day. Earl)' in the morning Urgyenpa told his disciples of the likelihood of the auspicious event,

, a throne was set up and a large procession organised,

~ The child arrived, accompanied by his father, went straight up to the high

il throne and sat upon it. "Who are you that you sit upon the throne of my Teacher?"

: asked the Siddha, "I am the famous Lama Karrnapa!" replied the boy, Urgycnpa

'. then asked hun-fo relatcnow drcTh:rd-met-bc-f0F~-to-whi_ch_the bo~IJ1ied,- _ "Onc-greatSiddha-onec_eame to me.lle was you and told me about all the pilgrimages andtrllvds made throughout- that marvcllousIandofIndia": _ He-then climbed down from his throne, prostrated before the Siddha and said that in the previous life he had been the teacher. but that in this life he would become Urgyenpa's disciple. The prediction details left by Karma Pakshi were consulted

and it was established beyond any doubt that the child was the Karrnapa.

From Siddha Urgycnpa Karmapa received the empowerments of Cbakrasammra, Hrvajra, Kalacbakra and I'ajrakila, I 01 as well as the special teaching! of I 'ajrilpani. At the age of seven he received the primary ordination from Kundcn Shcrab at the Tor Phuwa monastery. and studied the teachings of Pratimoksba



under his guidance. During a higher initiation from Siddha Vrgyt'npa he saw his teacher in the form of Cbakrasamvara. Some-time later the Great Protectors Mab.lkala and Ekajata appeared before him and told him to go to Tsurphu as

- ~quickly:is posvible.

---------- -In the meantime.Lama Nycnres (;eQul1 Bum,lo, who ",;a_s atl'surphu. had a

vision of the compassionate Avalokit cslnuara, who informed him -ih-at th-c new

______ . _il~~ar~a_ti_on of Gyalwa Karrnapa had appeared, Soon Karrnapa Rangjung Dorje

._arrived and was grc:allynollOu-fca-DY:all-anhTgreatnronastery-founded-in his---first incarnation. Lama Nycnrcs imparted the Six Docrrincs'P? ofSiddha Naropa

to him, along with the detailed instructions for realizing the Mabamudra 104 and

full initiation into the Mula Heuajra Tantra. Karmapa had a vision of his teacher surrounded by Lamas of the Kargyudpa Lineage. The Goddess Ekajata once more appeared and presented him with a dry sprig, which he planted and which later became a large tree. He learnt the 'Old' and the 'New' Tantras and also the rites of

Cbod.t'" .

At the age of eighteen Karrnapa received the final ordinarion'v" from Sakya Zhonu Changchub, studied the precepts of the \'illaya and the worship of the Goddess Tara. lit travelled to the great Karma Gon monastery, founded in his first incarnation, and established the small temple and hermitage of Lha Ten about half a days journey from there. On one occasion this temple suddenly caught fire but the young Lama extinguished the blaze: by throwing a handful of grain into the: flames and uttering Mantras.

He made a journey to Rong Tscn Kawa Karpo, the place sacred to the Tutelary Deity Cbakrasamuara which he had made accessible to pilgrims in his previous incarnation. Then he visited the monasteries of Ncsnang, where: he found that owing to regional fighting the situation there was unsettled. Karrnapa acted as mediator and put an end to all the hostilities. When peace was fully restored he returned once more to Central Tibet where: he wrote a commentary on the Mula

--------Fll'vilfra-t~a(;.lling,-He--stu.died-th("[inc_Lof the Great Perfection,IO? the ______ _~lll~bakra Tantra and other higher teachings of the Kargyudpas and also per-

- - ---- ·--fcctedhiskllOwlcageofgcrieralphitosfib)'.~ EtQn:C_Y!l1:<1:Ba~gehelcarnt-the basictexts of medical science, loa from Tsultrim Rinchcn the teachings of the Gubyasamaja and from Rigdzin Kumararaja the Heart Drop doctrine I 09 of Vimalamitra and the secret teachings of Nigurna.' 10

Karrnapa returned to Tsurphu and stayed in the Perna Chung Tseng hermitage there, engaging himself in meditation. In a vision the Siddha Vrgyenpa appeared before him, explained all the special teachings of Karma Pakshi III and initiated him into the: inner esoteric doctrines of Siddha Tilopa. He also had a vision of Guru Padrnasarnbhava and received his blessings. Continuing his meditation he saw the planets and stars of the inner and outer spheres resolve themselves, had a


TilE LIN!' 01· KAkMAI'AS, FKOM lll~: TlllrTAN

great inspiration and composed a treatise on astrology, which later became established as a new system. I I )

On a mountain range: behind Tsurphu Karrnapa Rangjung Dorje founded a ~ .. _ __largenewlJ1onasterywith many caves for meditation and called it Dcchen Yangri. ,- -- -- ·-There he composed a nether treat ise -- onasfr6Io~' , __ called '"rhe_Hiddcnlnner

4 -- -Meaning'; II) Hc-u avelledtoSouthern Tiber.and foundcdanhe.r_mi_tagt:. at Nak-

t phu, In the provinces of Kong, Lung and Ral he preached to the people, and

~------csla.b.lish_ed_lI_1a_r:Kt_l1l.()I1_;ls~D'_a_t_~'Eak Ru, near Bhutan. In the tiger year (1326)

j .. he visited Lhasa, preached there extensil;ay-an(n)tsto~;i:ainiliarion!l:md-bkssings~

1: The Mongolian Emperor Tokh Tcmur,' 14 who was ruling all China, invited

Karmapa to visit him and this he accepted, travelling via Tsurphu. Continuing the journey he reached Dam Shung in the Kharns province. There it suddenly started to thunder and snow in a most unseasonal way. Karmapa meditated on the portents of this strange occurrence and found that it indicated the imminent death of the Emperor, so he turned back to Tsurphu and passed the: winter there, During this period he sent all the Chinese representatives, who had been with him

to organise his journey, on pilgrimage to various pam of Tibet.

On the first day of the second month of the water monkey year (1332), at the beginning of spring, Karrnapa again set out for China. When he reached Kharns he decided to speed up the journey, in the hope of meeting Emperor Tokh Ternur before his death. But on arriving at Chin Chow On, in China, sudden

flashes in the sky informed him that he was too late, so he set up camp and perfromed the death-rites. The journey was continued and the party arrived at the Tai-ya TUIIS palace on the eighteenth day of the tenth month of the monkey year (] 332), where it was confirmed that the Emperor had indeed died on the day of the sudden lightning flashes. Rinchcn Pal, who was in charge of the palace, officially welcomed Karrnapa, as did all the members of the Royal family, the Ministers and the monks and laymen. All honoured him highly and received his blessings. He made a prophecy about an accident which would befall Rinchcn

-----PaJ:-H-6-------------·------ - ... -------- _

Aft~rol!e_ monthKarrnapa Rangjung Dorjc performed great ceremonies and

... rites in memory ofthe deceased Emperor. Hisl)roihcr s ToghonTernur;"! ? was to succeed, but the astrologers had advised a six-month wait, and E-Ie Ternur was temporarily acting as Regent. Then, on the fifteenth day of the first month of the female water bird year (1333) the new Emperor was ceremonially enthroned by Karmapa, who bestowed blessings and initiations on him and his family. In return the Emperor gavc him the honorific title "All-knower of Religion, the Buddha Karrnapa ". Hundreds of thousands of people were witness to the highly auspicious events,

On the fifteenth day of the fifth month of the male wood dog year (1334)



Karrnapa returned to Tibet, establishing many new monasteries on the journey. Ill' visited Riwo Tsc Nga, the great mountain pilgrimage place of the Bodhisattva Mal1jusri,·· I in Western China, where he performed many rites and had an

:;{u~picious vision of the Bodbisattva himsc:lf.He reachedTsurphu in- the ninth ____ month of thdemakw()od pig year (1335)._

Karrnapa visited Mi Nya, travelling to all the Kargyudpa monasterie~thercin in order to revitalise the Dharma. While giving the empowerment of Avalokitesl»

-------~_-=-1lJar;fnqnt:-pebplea-i'aijjoow-:jppearrainth-esky-m·l.'rhe:rd-and-flowcrs-fell-down----from it. Many of the Bonpos·· 9 and non-Buddhists in the region were thus

quickly converted. In the same period a local war broke out between the provinces

of Wang)o and Mi Nya. A large group of merchants, accompanying herds of some

three thousand Yaks, who were in the region of Mi Nya, were suddenly seized and threatened with death. Karrnapa intervened and saved them. Then he helped

to make a peaceful settlement between the waring parties, explaining to them the

value of compassionate anion in every-day life. He then returned to Karma Gon.

All the Protectors of North Eastern Tibet, especially in the region of Mi Nya, asked Karmapa to remain and continue spreading the Dharma there. On the twenty-fifth day of the eighth month of the female wood pig year (1335) he preached in the Dam province of Kharns. In the ninth month of the same ycar he returned to Tsurphu and there received a new invitation to visit China. Instead he travelled to Lhasa, reaching there on the tenth day of the eleventh month of the same year, where he was met by another messenger from the Chinese Emperor, again inviting him to visit China. While in the vicinity of Lhasa Karrnapa Rangjung Dorje visited the great Sarnye ' 20 monastery and the famous Chirn Phu·2• temple, where he stayed in deep meditation for five months. During this period he had an auspicious vision of Guru Padmasambhava and the Mystic Circle of Dakinis. He arranged for the preparation of new copies of the Buddhist scriptures, the Kanjur and 7imjur.·22

----In_t1lC_eighth_mnnth_QLthe___ffi;!_Le_(irc_L:!1_year (1136) KarmaEa set out f_c0-'or _

China once more, visiting Tsurphu on thc way. He performed many ritc~ and ~~~~~cc[cmoli icLon_Hjc long:joti[ncy:anclcyc:mu_aU}'- alrivc:dat-_ the Tai-ya l'u-l'alaee~ ..

The Chinese Emperor was waiting for him at the gates and welcomed him warmly. There were great celebrations.

Karmapa spent eleven days in each of the palaces of Tai-ya Tu, Tai-ya Tsi and Tai-Y3 Sri imparting teachings and bestowing initiations. In the great Tai-ya Tu palace he founded a new monastery especially for the Karmapa sect, in which the Mandala of red four-armed Avalokit{'sbwara,2) was constructed and painted; in addition several beautiful statues of the great Kargyudpa teachers were installed in the new monastery. The palace ,Halldala of Cbakrasamuara was presented to Karrnapa by the Emperor.



Some influential Ministers became anxious at the presence of Karmapa, feeling that the influence of his new Buddhism might interfere with their political ambitions. They arranged for some temples to be destroyed in China and Mongolia

. -·--and demanded that there should be an immediate inquiry. This was duly arranged -and both the Emperor arid Karrnapa were called to speak. In-answer to charges that he was furthering his own political interests Ka:rmapareplied that he had come to China at the request of the Supreme Emperor and that if there was any


.- by thintifri of events, particularly since his sole motive for coming to China was that he hoped the Buddhist Dharma would be of help to the people; he had no political ambitions. The Chinese Emperor was very upset and begged Karrnapa to remain.

After performing ceremonies to put to an end a severe drought, which had for some time been affecting certain parts of China, Karrnapa It-t it be known that the time was approaching when he would leave his body. The Emperor fervently requested that he remain alive longer and continue his work in China, but Karrnapa told him that the moment had come for his departure, that he would be reborn in the- region of Kongpo and that he would return to China and sec him again in his next incarnation.

To his personal secretary. Kunchok Rinchcn, he gave precise details of where and how to find his next incarnation, adding that he would declare himself at the appropriate time. Then, on the fourteenth day of the sixth month of the female earth rabbit year (1339), while in front of the great Cbakrasamvara Mandala, having just completed the full rites and distributed the sacramental pills' 2. to all the participants, he passed away.

There was great lamentation. However, very early in the morning of the next day, the sentries of the palace looked up in the sky and there in the full moon they could clearly see Karrnapa. Immediately the bells were rung to awaken the

and who looked out of the cc window and saw their

Teacher clearly visible moon. very a

I-~--···-- +-finc-craftsrnan-wes-summoned and-instructed to carve carefully a likeness of.the --Gyal\\'a Kil'mapa as he had appeared in the moon. This ilTlage when completed was

most beautiful and remained one of the most precious possessions of the Empcror.P"

At the time of his passing Rangjung Dorje, the third Karrnapa, was in his fifty-six year. His foremost disciples were:

(i) YAGDE PANCHEN: A fine Lama. He was also a disciple of Yungton Dorjc (1284-1376), the Sakya leader who was also greatly influenced by Karrnapa Rangjung Dorjc.



monastery, where he explained his understanding of non-duality and had a vision of the Goddess Vajrau» rabi. At the age of thirteen he visited Lhasa, where he was greatly honoured by the Ruler, Tai Situ Changchub Gyaltsen.')4 He made

Rolpe Dorje was born on the eighth day of the third month of the male iron tiger offering» at all the main shrines in the city and had wonderful visions of the

year (1340), at sunrise, in A-I:! Hong of the Kongpo province. His father was Tutelary Deities. Then he returned to Tsurphu for the continuation of his

called Sonam Dondrup, and his mother, Zobsa Tsondru, was a natural wisdom- studies.

DakiTl;. ,76 While still in her womb he could be heard reciting the 'Il1aTli'Ma'ltra From Kenchen Dodrup Pal he received the next ordination" S at Tsurphu,

and his body frequently assumed strange_postures, which ~aused_her to~hake. ~s __ =~ and waS giv_en th!_nan'lt'_12harmakirri.~[he l{'a_c_hj!l~_QLtllcYil1<t)'J1S,-thd'rat;~~c--~

-::-,:~=c_~~~~-S-~ifCYn'jrs~he-"'asbornn~sat-cross-Fgg-ta~ands3Id;-"Onrnuni-PaJmeHum'Hri!Iam---- moksba andthe Karikdswc:ri: passedto him and he receivedtheinitiation of red--

the Karrnapa!" Then he recited the letters of the alphabet. His father was very M,mjllghosa. He had visions of the Bodhisattva Vajrapani and other Deities.

sceptical but his mother told him not to doubt as she had had many highly At the age of eighteen he received the final ordination'P" from Kenchen

auspicious dreams. Dodrup Pal. For a while he studied philosophy and rtligious debate with the most

At the age of three the child was taken to Nyangpo and there he said to his learned Lamas of Tsurphu and then invited Cyalwa Yung Tonpa to come from

mother 'I am the reincarnation of Karma Pakshi. I shall have many disciples in this Hi Wo Che'l? and impart the esoteric teachings of Tilopa to him. Once Yung

world. just you wait and sed" He assumed the meditation posture of Amitablia, Tonpa, a disciple of his previous incarnation. asked for evidence of his former

the Buddha of Boundless Light. and then told his mother not to mention his con- lifetime. The young Lama told him stories of how he had converted the Mongols

vcrsations to anyone else. He then added that he would eventually go to Tsurphu and the journeys that he had made.

and Karma Gon and that he already had many fine disciples in the Imperial palace Karrnapa Rolpe Dorje observed all the ll;lI.1YJ precepts. He forbade anyone to

of China. bring even the smallest piece of meat into his presence. Always keeping many

A search parry. looking for the Karmapa incarnation in the Kongpo province, books around him it was said that he was able to read them in his dreams. He also

heard of the remarkable child. Led by the personal secretary of the previous knew more than sixty different kinds of scripts and always amazed his teachers

Karrnapa they were quickly convinced that the new incarnation had been found with his vast knowledge. Once, at Dcchcn, he gave full description of the Imperial

and he was taken to the Dvagslha monastery of Je Garnpopa. Upon his arrival palace of Tai-ya Tu, in China. stating the number of inhabitants and the names of

there he immediately pointed to the statues of past Karrnapas, saying 'That is some of the officials there. He said "Keep it in mind, and later when we reach

me!" to each of them. there you will find it to be true!" Shortly afterwards an invitation was received

Once the ascetic Gon Gyal asked him about the Tushita heaven, explaining to visit China.

that one of the disciples of the previous Karrnapa had had a vision of him living On the twentieth day of the fifth month of the male earth dog year (1358),

there. Karrnapa Rolpe Dorje replied, "Yes. I went there in the form of a at the age of nineteen, the journey was started. Lightning suddenly struck at

unicorn"!" and sometimes was a vulture. On the whole, Tushita is not far off!" places on the way, without doing an}' harm at all, so Karmapa took this to be a

On being pressed further he said "In Tushita all the waters arc Elixir,' H the stones favourable omen. Throughout the journey he preached and bestowed blessings on

are jewels.The things of men have no value there." .. .. . .. .. ..____ .. '1~.~~_".~ •• _'!~.I!I~tm".~Lll.._"'-!l" .. _.IL""'-~,~.-.-, ~.'vu,· ,,~met~(iMe_lndian~JoIoJ)c..Mcn!}B-·who .~ .. ~.

~----·ltnlre age -oni~R6IpeD.orjercccrvedTnc~p.r~-mary ora:riiarioril' 9'. fn;m-f~F(icn---~··· of Lord Bu

NllgirJuna cting-mii:aclcsoIBudoIJa's-lifc.,n··-

HOLPE DORJE: THE FOURTH KARMAPA (Tib: Rol-pa'i rlso-rje) (1340-1383)


of the Cbahrasamuara Tantra, the MabayogillitaTltraraja,130 the 'Five Treatises' of Maitreya' 3, and the 'Heart Drop' teachings of Vimalamitra. The full empower-

_____ . ment of the Kanjur was given to him. together with the transmission of the 'Six Doctrines' of Naropa. Then he travelled to Tsari, where he had many visions of Teachers of the Kargyudpa Lineage and received the secret rites of Kuruk ulla.P? Many songs were sung by him at this time.

Karmapa travelled to the great Tsurphu monastery and then to Phagmo' 33

Karmapa reached the Tai-ya Tu palace on the eighteenth day of the eleventh month of the male iron rat year (1360) and was warmly welcomed by Emperor Toghon Ternur, who was especially delighted since he had been a devoted disciple of the previous Karmapa. He bestowed the initiations of l'ajrayogiTli"o and Cbakrasamvara and preached extensively to the people. To the Emperor he gave the special teachings of Mabamudra and composed a number of treatises for his benefit. Karrnapa spent several years in China and established many monasteries.



Visiting Amdo Tseng Kha, in the North-East, he composed a treatise,' 41 which was a great help to the community.

Once he visited Kam Chu Ling.!" 2 and near the throne in the monastery there appeared a flower unseen previously in that region. It had one hundred stalks springing up from one root. each stalk having one hundred flowers and each flower having one thousand golden petals, with a red centre and a yellow stamen. Everyone was amazed. At this time there was a plague in the region, but he

effectively subdued it. .. .._... . ......_ __

__ . !_::::::._~~c.:_~_: ..•. 7\t-anoillei-.:.p!;IC( .• irl Ellina- ht'-dcIiVercd~a mmolY btfOre-a-grcat-nJul!ituae~o-F

; ; people, many of whom spoke different languages. On the right side of his throne

i stood Mongol and Uighur translators, and to the left were Mi Nya and Chinese

1 translators. Thus his disciples were clearly able to understand his words. He set

! numerous district officials and important personalities of China, Mongolia. Uighuria, and Mi Nya on the path of highest Enlightenment. He pacified revolts, stopped famines and eased droughts.

Karrnapa foresaw a great change of events in China, and said "Harm will come to the Imperial throne. And soon I must myself leave for Tibet." Those Ministers who heard him say this were very upset and refused to allow him to leave. Then he said "Marvellous indeed is the play which comes to its end before a large audience. The duty of a monk is to go wherever a peaceful place is to be found and to help spread the doctrines through compassion to all beings." These words were written down by the officials and were preserved as a sacred relic. He was granted permission to leave.

He proceeded Northwards and then on to Mi Nya, where he met Prince Ratna and Princess Punyadhari and preached to them. At Zor Con Moche he established a large monastery and made a rule that those who had received his blessings on

'. . .. ~;. ?ne day ~hould not com~ again ~n the next. He used to ~ispense blessings with?ut

~:- ~ /.,. ! mtt"ITuptJOn from mornmg until sunset and once continued to do so for nme-

~~ • .., " .,. ., ",.;11" teen days without a break.

- . • A great epidemic spread in the province of Kam Chu, and Karmapa was asked

, ., . .' ." . ..... .. . .. J' to. help drive it away. "WelI don't wake me up!", he said, and then set"med to b~ ... ~,~~_.~._ ~_~

~ __ ~A~s~at.ue..o(~'bofd~lluddllaT"sho.w~.n~ml~a",ul<)u.s..,,\'c'"t· •• "f~hl.~II~"""l·"ne~e(~t·wo·wIH"'h·wcfe~~~~·~·, --~~ aSlecp~-Somefime passed-ana~thcn- a loud bump· was heard on the roof of the

__ pr~'~nted to KarmapaRolp~()orJe ~)'flv.elndlan 1101), Men. whom he mc:t on .:hew.x 10 Chma._ .... .. ._ .. mona!ftcr-y=and=h~-=awukt=sayiITF't(fSFrrOw=l=assumca=rne-snapc· of-a-l1uge ... __ . __ ---=

--===========1:::1i"'1'=· =sl"'.=tu=c:C:,,=·as made Ii)' Slildlia NagarJuna. out of. metal-IIkc malenal which was recovered G dal43 bi d d d d II h d h h d he enidcrni I

. ." aru ir an evoure ate crnons w 0 a sent t e epl cmrc. came

from the magical lake of the serpent Km!!, (Nagas). It IS preserved at the new Rumtek d h f f h h hi h h hId 1 h d"

Sikki own on t c roo 0 t c nousc, w IC was w y t c ou bump was to ec car .

monastery, I' rrn, Th id . di I I

c epl cmic isappearcd comp etc y.

One day a family brought a roung boy to him for the primary ordination. Instead of giving the expected one he he stowed the fuller ordination and at the same time (136 J) made a prediction that the child would eventually become a great spiritual leader. This was Lobzang Trakpa, who later became the great

j I 1 !




, I





teacher Ie Tsongkhapa.!" founder of the Gtlugpa sect. Karmapa was asked to four, ht'ginning 011 the fourth day of the seventh month of the female water pig

remain in the region longer, but he decided he had to leave, year (1383) he showed signs of being indisposed. 011 the night of the: fifteenth

Once Princess Punyadhari told Karmapa that she had had a dream in which of that month he performed a ceremony, packed up all his personal books and

she was told that if anyone made a Buddha image the size of the Yang Pen rock ritual items, explaining that the}' should be carefully preserved for his future

then it would be of great benefit to all. Karrnapa told her "Make it! I shall abo incarnation who would be reborn in Nyang Dam, circumambulated the Holy

assist you." When the image-makers did not know how to do it he himself laid out Objects fifty-five rimes and passed away.

the outlines of the image with white pebbles on the slopes of the mountain. Then His remains were cremated on the mountain, amidst numerous auspicious

the huge applique banner was prepared by seven hundred artists, whowOI'keAu______ __u signs such as rainbows, glowingc1iglw,,=tu'JJ)oLund_showtTs~oLJ]o~:crs~~DjsciflJes~= .. ~

--cc~~~::::-~_:~~:_~:':':':::-=:_~('£lf1:ttJ!UousJ)'~{or~thirle('rt:hrdrr"tIr<~K~J(rlr:r~itpl'nt~a~ col1siQcialJlt-~fOrIUnt,~oi;the-=-· J~~~:cc --saW him - iI1tlfc-sK)' ,sifting illside . a railir)ow ·eiicr~rldirlgon -;jJI(;nand sitting on

preparation of it and himself supervised all the details. When it was finished it was the sun, the moon and the stars. Many remarkable relics were recovered from the

eleven full arm-spans between the right and left tars of the central Buddha figure. pyrl·. His foremost disciples were:

To the left and right wert' images of M,mjusri and Maitrcya and below the lotus- (i) SHAMAR KII/\ CHOD WANGPO: The second Sharnar Tulku. (1350-1405)

throne wert' embroidered many beautiful birds and animals. It was consecrated by (ii) DHIGVNG CIlOSKYI GYALPO:

Karmapa and hung over the huge rock on auspicious days. (iii) DHIGVNG LOTSAWA:

After the completion of the banner Princess Punyadhari presented it to the (iv) J E TSONGKIIAPA: I H Who established the Gelugpa sect. (1357-1419)

Karrna-Kargyudpa sect and it was preserved at Nyangpo. She invited Karrnapa to Liu-pin Shan and when he reached there strong ru mours spread that troops were likely to invade. Karmapa said "If it is true that I havr never harmed Ji\'ing beings, then let the soldiers not come!", and they did not. Then he returned to Tibet, to the Karma Gon monastery.

In the male earth monkey year (1368) the Yuan dynasty of the Mongol Emperors fell and the 'first Chinese Emperor of the Ming dynasty, named Tai Tsung, sent messages to all the most highly revered Lamas of Tibet at that time,

requesting them to visit him. Karmapa was among those who were invited, but "6 A ,"il"ilDilki"i A Wi,dom·holding Godde ... Generally there ore believed '0 h. IUS a. anyone lime.

heing unable to go personally he sent an envoy of learned monks and Lamas to 1271'il>, Cang -s brJ-Kyj.rla

[('present him. 128 Ski' "'",rila.

On the way to Karma Gon while cro~sing the Shamnam Dzung river, he met 129 Til>, (;'"Y'"'

the incarnation of Sharnar Trakpa Scngc, recognised him and named him Kha 130 Til" "'I\b .. ··gro rGyil mtso.

Chod Wangpo.l<5 After a period of extensive preaching he reached Karma Gon, 1)1 Til" Ilya""cbos.

where he indirectly predicted that he would soon be leaving his body. He said "I 132 A Pakini who hold, a bow and arrow mad. of flowers.

shall not die right now. Don't be afraid! But afterwards, if I should fall ill in a ... !_~_~~~13~~3~m!I __ Ihi]~(c'l!1ukd_b.):'JL.mla~I~lllagrllo":;,U,,~~_._~._._._.~~_~ .. _ ... ~_~~._.~ .. ~~ __ .... ~_"_ ... ~-

·~----pure-pla·cewlrer't-nurrrcruarsra1ts-al''('-roamingaD6uf;-flien-plcase-oon'i scaitei'my--~~- ;;j===:=C=JTS~~~;~=====CCC::====-~=O======-::===========C==-:=C-:cc--==

. __ -,-_=====h.nq_~~~t_J __ ~~:~~=gQ.iH-g-=-tg-th~__N_~£tit~r:8=r:_egie_·l:l=-~G·~Gha-A-g=h~~i-n·d-ie-a-rcrl=t-ha-t=therc·=-:c:. === d --_ ---------- .. --- -----------. -

would be a need for scented wood for the funeral pyre and said "I suspect there is a scarcity of firewood in the North, therefore rut a large quantity of Juniper wood and take it along."

Karmapa Rolpe Dorjc journeyed towards a solitary mountain in the far North, preaching extensively on the wa)'. He set up camp on the barren mountainside and said "Should the remains of a good monk he cremated on the summit of this

. _. mountain, thenChinese tr(lops will.not invade Tibet!" There, at the age of forty-



rn r LINE 01' KAHMAI'AS, "kOM ll1E 1I1lETAN

136 Til" Ny,,,zng. 137 In Khams.

138 Sadbus.

139 All th('~ ~tatuC'!o. are preserved at the new Rumt e k mone .. 1rry. 140 rib. [)(Jrj( Noljormo.

141 ThC' '1"aUli1 NyrrJtlrl' .

J 42 Ken-chou, in Kansu province.


143 A hugt hawk-lilt bird. tbe devourer of ~nllkn and poi~oJU" In the Hindu pantheon GaYlJda i!lo the vehicle of l'iw"lI.

144 Je ".ongkhapa 0"7-1419) WAl. about 3~~ yean old al (hi", time and received [hr Kung-Ii N)'ingpo (rom Karmapa. An eruanatjon of the /luJJ.i3.attwJ M.:mjl41n he WI ... grratl), influenced hy the Kargyudrn. theKadamp ..... and rhe Sak),lIipb, before be established the 'reformed' CdugpJil sect. The Dalai Lam. i~ the

present Heed of [hr GdUgpL\, -

J4~ Shamar Kha Claud WAllb'l'O wa~ seven )'Cilf" old at thl)': rime. lie Wk." taught the 'Six \'ogu' of Naropa and rhe complete :\1Jbtlrtlud,.a

146 Jc T .. ongkflilpa had I~O main diM·jpln, ~'JlO founded the hugr GC"lugpit ruunast eries of [)rC'pullg (in 14J6) and Storl! (in 14J9),

DEBZHlN SHEGPA: THE FIFTH KARMAPA (Tiv: De·bZb;n gShegs·pa) (1384·14J 5)

Debzhin Shegpa was born on the eighteenth day of the sixth month of the male wood rat year (1384). at sunrise. in the region of Nyang Dam in Southern Tibet. lIis father. Guru Rinchen, was a Tantric, and his mother was a Yogini called

.' Lhamo Kyi, Even before his birth he could be heard reciting the 'Man;' M.mtra

andthc:alphal>tlinsidc his mothers womb. A uhctime of his birth hiLmo_tberand=ccc~ __ ~ -nurncrous otherpeople dreamedofthe comingofK3rmapi.-oFrailingsrlJaaaromrainbows. showers of flowers and sweet fragrances. As soon as he was born

auspicious rainbows appeared everywhere. The child wiped his face and said "I

take refuge in the Buddha. thc Dharma and the Order of monks. I am the

Karmapa! Om Mani Padme Hum. Hri!"

The Lamas at Tsurphu heard of the birth of the remarkable child. He was brought to the monastery. where he was immediately recognist'd by Sharnar Kha Chod Wangpo, 14' who had been his disciple in the previous incarnation. At the age of seven he received the primary ordination from Khenpo Nyaphu Sonam Zangpo and studied the Vinayas. the Pratimoksba and the Kankas. He was given the name Chospal Zangpo. For some years he engaged himself in intense studies. Visiting the Kongpo region, he stopped the fighting which had broken out there and then travelled to Karma Gon and Ri Wo Chc, where he spread the Dharma widely.

At the age of twenty, in the horse year (1402), he took the final ordination from Khcnpo Sonam Zangpo and Yon Lowa, at the Namdruk Riwo monastery in Kongpo, along with eighty other monks. Under the guidance of the most learned scholars he studied the Prajnaparamita and other related teachings and the great Pandita Kazhipa Rinchcn Pal taught him the essence of Buddhist philosophy. He spread the teachings continuously and many influential people from all over Tibet came to take refuge with him. By this time he was considered to be one of the greatest spiritual teachers.

? ... .... .. In the. female wOQd_.biLd_}'_~M .. (14Q~!. __ aLthcJgLpLtwenzy~tW_Q,_Karmapa~~~_.

~~=,~~-~~~-=--===--=-==--=== ~~-~--==-'==DcbzhTn' Shegp;-rec~i\~~n i;;-vitation to visit China. The Jetter from the Emperor

'-c=-======::C.======== ~:-=====1'ai-Ming··€nen 1:!I:'-was-v.1'inen-in-golu=lctten-and rr rtquesre<:l t!jatlle maKe tne

ffi journey as it could be of great benefit to the Chinese people. Karmapa accepted the invitation and set out on the journey, travelling via the Karma Gon and Lha Ten Gon monasteries, accompanied by Situ Choskyi Gyaltscn and many monks and Lamas.

On the twenty-first day of the first month of the fire pig year (1407) the party reached the outskirts of Nanking. where they were warmly welcomed and Karmapa . was placed on anelephant, At the gates of the city the Emperor himself! 4 9receivcd




Karrnapa, who presented him with a golden 'Wheel of Dharma' and received an auspicious white conch-shell in rerum. Many thousands of monks gathered 10 pay their homage, and all received his blessings.

Karrnapa bestowed the empowermcnts and init iat ions of the red AvalokitesbW.1r.l and Hcvajra. The sixteenth Arhat, the Protector of the Dharma in China, appeared before him whilst the Emperor was present. For the next hundred days Karrnapa performed wonderful miracles, om- for each day and the Emperor was so impressed that hereferred to J(armapa asthc_Tathag:ll_a..=cc=~~~=~=c~

~ .. ~-=-=--~-=.-=-=.-=-=-=.:::." .. =~ ='·On=l"lu:=rirst-day-there=appeare-d-anifiacsccnTcloua-Onil'i:-,ololl-isofnlosi----- .. -------.

beautiful hue, expanding and contracting in various ways and as brilliant as the Wish-b'Tanting Gem. Then a ray of light, like the full moon, shone out above and around a Stupa containing Holy relics and two bands of golden rays rose up above the place where Karmapa was staying. On the sixth day then' were seen a large number of iridescent clouds shaped like hegging bowls, which filled the whole sky and in the South-Western sky there appeared many figures of Arhats, each followed by a large retinue. On another occasion flowers fell from the sky, some fully open and others in bud; their stems and upper parts were like crystal and they floated everywhere, both high and low. After that a five-coloured rainbow appeared above the temple where Karrnapa had prepared the A1al1dala of initiation. Then more Heavenly Btings appeared, carrying begging-bowls and pilgrim staffs; some were wearing hats and others held Yak-tail whisks. and moved about among the douds. On the eighteenth night there appeared two heavenly lamps of a vcr)' intense red colour, as well as other lights cf different kinds and they lit up the whole sky. In the distance Gods could be seen adorned with precious jewels, riding on blue lions and white elephants.' 50 The Emperor instructed his finest artists to paint these events on a silk scroll, which was then sent to the Tsurphu monastery. '51

The Emperor presented Karrnapa with seven hundred measures of silver objects, and bestowed upon him the honorific title 'Precious Religious King. Great Loving One of the West, Mighty Buddha of Peace', He told Karrnapa that ther(' were too man~ different sects of Buddhism and that it ~:~mkLb~c..m..u~chJl.eJter~--- ,,~~-~ ... ~~~C_"~.~~·"

if there \\;as only one, the Karrna-Kargyudpa, offering to bring this about by force. \i======

--,--,....-,======l?afmapa-ex-plainca-ro-nim-tfiannis-w3s-Mt ·rrls aesire,--nor coul"d in5e Beneficial J

to humanity, since mankind requires varying methods of teaching and that in reality all sects arc but one great family of Buddhism. Despite pressures from his Ministers the Emperor Ming Chen understood the advice Karmapa had given him and withdrew his forces from the borders of Tibet, even though the), were in a great position of strength and could easily have overrun the country. The Emperor took teachings and initiations from Karmapa, eventually becoming a great

-- lsodbisattva himself.



H. H. Gyalwa Karmapa displays the Black Dorje Hat {I'ajra MlIklll) during a special ceremony. I! was presented to the fifth Karmapa b)' the Chinese Emperor Tai Ming Chen. The origin of the Vajra Hat goes back to vcr)' ancient times. when the Il"dhisatt\"a Avalok iieshwara was presented with it b)' the other Enlightened Ones. The Gyalwa Karmapa is an emanation of Avalokireshwara, and is the custodian of this Black Crown, the mere sight of which is believed to ensure

Libcrat ion within one lifetime.


One day, during a ceremony, the Emperor saw a mystic l'ajlo1-hat,' s 1 made from the hairs of one hundred thousand Dakinis , hovering over his Teacher's head, Rcilising that it was visible ani), on account of his own advanced spirit ual attainmrnts, he decided to make a hat that would be visible to all. When it was finished

----- he presented it to Karrnapa and this same Black Hat has been worn b): successive Karmapa incarnations since that time, It is said that this Hat hasthepow('rof

- ~~~~-:(:ol-lfrrring dtli'Trance-on-sight 1O;lllli"in-g kings who htilOld it, --- - ---- - ---

_4,.-,. ,,'" Karmara travelled far and wide, through China, Mongolia, Yunnan and Mi Nya,

.~~~~~~===4-1~)l~'S~I~O\\'illg teJl'hings-and--initiations-and-rolll,t'fting-man)'-thuusands-of-peopk-IO---Kargyudpa Buddhism. After some ycars spent in China he reached the Karma Con 11l()nastt'fy in the female earth ox )'t'ar (J 4(9), ha"ing gil'rn teachings and bestowed blessinp throughout tlir long return journey, From Karma Gon he went

on to Tsurphu, and was warmly welcomed along the wa), by many leaders of the:

difftrent sects; Sakya Dripon, Drigung Rinpoch« and the Rinporhe of the Dcnsa

Thil monastery. At one village a Illessengrr arrived from jc Ts()ngkhapa, the

Gt'lugpa leader. bearing ;1 statue of Lord Buddha and a letter sayillg that though

he could not come in person he hoped that they might have further contact with

e;Jlh other in the future. The place where Karrnapa received the auspicious statue is called Nakchu Kha, in North Eastern Tibet, where the river flows towards Burma.

From Tsurphu he travelled to Lhasa and offered a precious yellow robe,' 54 covered with pearls, to the statue of Lord Buddha in the great Jo Khang temple. The local Ruler, Wang Trakpa Gyah scn, invited Karrnapa to the Nyi'u 'hong palace, situated on the banks of a river, and there he was highly honoured. The ruling family and all the Ministers received initiations and became patrons of the Karrnapa. lit' then returned to Tsurphu, rebuilt many shrines and Srupas, and completely renovated all the living accommodation there,

At the invitation of Li-u Pa, the Ruler of Central Tibet, Karmapa revisited Lhasa ill the male water dragon }'l'ar (J 4) 2), staying for several ),ears in the great Pot ala palace. lie preached and gave many initiations. Meeting the youngincarnat ion' of Shamar Tulku, Chospal Ycshc, he supervised his ordination and

~~~~ __ ~=~~_.!;h:.:;e.::.s!..:!l~)\\::.'.!;e~d:_:m~_:.::a;!!ny initiations on him, 1S1 l'ajraMukut (Til>,"ar.",'~I~h<~'Il::!I.::.c~~..!.'!!Ia.!;t'~), ~ _

Karrnapa became afflicted by a serious disease and it seemed that he was ready 153 Thi. h., i. with tbc pr<.<nl GYI!WI Karmapo and i. used on ceremonial ()("'·L,ion., by .pccial re quest.

'==========r:t<r;::) lea\'c-thc-worl,(FlTis-CfiscijYles-IR'I:,l-a-propiriation eermrony-for-the-pro+ongatiiT"()~ni=====-=====I:$,,,-·c;-';':t:;;,,;;o'a"', ;;:(,"Oiill",<<l;;::::;·{::-;:l;:;:,,,",g,i,:;/<,;:::·a;:::,,,",g_l;:;:.acrr:::. ===~=========================

of life, hut Karrnapa said, "Following an omen I have projected myself to a place I 55 Trung Ma'< w"_, horn"_, the son of I Ruler of Mi Ny" r .. stern Tiber. H< met Karmlpl It the Tsurphu

in the vicinity of Karma Gon. You should address your prayers in that direction ruonavtr-rj and received the p,e("<pL' from him. La ter , when K"mapa visited hi, <ountr)' 10< made !ar~e ofr('r_in~ to him ~r~~ _,ccciv("d .ddition~I __ !C'ac_~lin~. In~_~_a~ _ h~ ~_rccivC'd __ th~ __ ()ral_~c.~hillr from ~.rrTl.~a.

- ---------and-I shall protect-rou. "<To the -head servant he said -"Do not-scatter the books-- -iiidudi"g ,o01< -"-'hid; W<'''-;'<V<I fivei'-IO 0.10..-" (th<.c 1« known-I' Ihr 0 .. 1 "«<cpt,-of Su,m.-rigpll fo'--

and images, for an owner will soon be coming." Then he handed over all his ritual len y<ar, be remained in retreat and ultimately attained the perfection of I Siddha. H< founded the j:f<lt Surrnang monast ery and origillatc:d the Sacred Dance of rhc Karp'udpa v. lit W&!<t. .i!O(J known 1.." Kung.

implrrncnts, precious relics and personal boob, predicted that he would be reborn Gph .... n.

at She Krollg and told his disciples that he would meet them again in future I" Who wac abo known a' Natuk ha . He WI' III ad<rt at deer meditation and lam became known a- mKhl

-- - --------jJl-l·-irriations. --------------- - '-!-r),c;(f"p2--(lkann"t:oflc)-,--a\ hr l~ftno hc),ii"I)'-rclic; L("hind~onl):hi~niil~in-iltli~ hair:-- --------------- - -----------




On the first day of the eighth month of the female: wood sheep year (141 S), in the Potala palace, he passed away, at the agt' of thirty-two, At the time: of his cremation many rainbows, haloes and showers of flowers were observed. Images

. of Avalokit cslruura, Cbakrasamvara and IIrl'o1jro1 were recovered from the ashes. - His foremost disciples were:

(i) SHAMAH CHOSPAI. YESIIE: The third Shamar Tulku. (e.H()6·1452)_~~ __ ~_ ~~~~----(ii)-SITU CBOSKYI GYALTSEN: The first Situ Tulku (c.1377-1441l)

(iii) THUNe; MASF TOKi)EN:w Thdirst Trungp==a=lc::::·u=lkc:c·u=.===~==~c=== (il')-TSURPlltJ JA:MIlY1\NGCIlENPO: TtakpaGyalrslcn~-an-lrwaTlration-ohhe-------Bodhisattva Mo1lljUSri. (13 74-c.14 31)


(\') (Ii) (vii)




147 The IIoC'U)lld Shatuar Tulku who emhr cned him and rrensmined the highC'! lC'achinw- whim, 14 It The Emperor YunpIn (l403,) 4 2S), .10.0 known a!o elI'cng Tsu.

149 A('('ordillg to Tsuklak 1'r(,I11.""", lilC' hi~loriMn: "ThC' ChillC"M'lIlollk!'l and {)ffKial~ burned incense. blew on l-OIH_'h .IH.'-Ih., and sp nukled nowC"r> on the road, Some IhrcC' thousand of the highC'!o1 offl(:i~I~, wC'arln~ C'Aquh.ite garrnrno. end "tllnding ill respectful silence. lined lilt' road from the gatr to the three pallcr doors. 111e Lmper or stood II the centre door and aC'l'ol1lpanit"d Karmapa through it. The Emperor and Karma". occupied two thronex al the centre cf the hall, .. "

I ~o Thi" dC')l.4.:ripliofl j, taken from the tranvlation of the .noll at Tsurpbu. See H. Richar dxon "t br J(o,.mopa "'ii' (j.R.A_S. 1959).

1 ~I H. F Richaf(hon saw, in Tsurphu monestery ill JY49, "a silk-backed Kroll mn!ouring .soh hoY 2Y.1((, beau tifully'd and re,'()ulltin~ in five 111lf\Jagcfo ~ Chinese, Tibet an, Arabic, Mongol andlhghur - miracles perfonue d b)' the Kumar_ Lama on twent y-two day. during his .. IY in the Cheng TIr>u' Emreror', court".



KAI{MAtA, 1I1E IILACt-; IIAT LAMA 01· 111111

ellos TRAG GYAMTSO: TilE SEVENTH KARMAPA (Tib: ebos·grags rG),u·mTlo) (1454·]506)

I HI 'lit.. 'Dul-wa'i Trn',

:... 15\1 Til," (;(I"PO "'ukpv Cbrn I so 1 ib "ol"): Cbrnma

________ l_t~I __ "1lO ~prr .. d tilt" Buddhis t tcaching'

It,' TII[, AJ, JiUJJhOl, the root t e ac'her of tht" J\.krgyudp. W-Cl.

ChosTrag Gyarnts« was born on the fifth day of the first month of the malt wood-dog year (1454), at Kyi Lha, Northern Tibet. As he was born he wiped his face

,-«««-<-<-«« C said,"Knj;FUI "("Mc)thtr! "): Atlhc:age' of five inoIJth~h(: said,"Ah Irllng!~

There is nothing in the world but voidness. People may think there is sorncth

erc isn

At the age of mne months he met the first Gyaltsap Tulk u, who immediately recognised him and arranged for his enthronement. All the details of the prediction

letter were found to correspond exactly with the facts of his birth. Many people

carne to pay their respects and the young child astounded them all by reciting the

alphabet correctly.

On the first day of the third month of the rualc earth tiger year (1458), at the age of five, he received the empowerment of the Buddha of Boundless Life, Amitayus, '6' and later, the init iations of Cbakrasamuara and Mabam'lya. '65 When news reached him that the provinces of l.o and Mon"?" had begun hostilities, he went there and made a lasting peace. Acquiring many new disciples in this way he asked them to undertake ten million repetitions of the '/I1.:171i' MaTltru, saying that it was undoubtedly the cure for all ills. Later both jet sun Milarcpa and /It'l),ljra appeared to him in a vision and in accordance with details revealed to him Karrnapa Chos Trag Gyarntso told his disciples to construct an iron bridge over the Tsog Chu river.

The young Lama visited the monastery of Tscn Den and then went on to Karma Con. On the eighth day of the ninth month of the male water horse year (] 4(2), when he was nine years old, he received the primary ordination from Gyaltsap Goshi I'aljor. The young Lama made the vow to fulfil his obligations with the greatest compassion for humanity, Flowers rained down from the sky as he took the vows of a Badbisattva,

At the age of twelve he received the next ordination from Pcnk ar )ampal I--~--Zangpo, wfio fiaa-veen a <liSCiprconlls last incarnation.-From Gyalt~ap TuTl(uh~e:----~:============================================I=====Ef~-('{':i*lO.~a:l:I=t-I:1:e::::tea:eh:i:flgS:=6J=t-I'l:tc=~i:lI"a;ya=:5:u:l1'a:s=a<nel=a1=t:hc=agc=o:f=t-h:~tecrdl:ce===== received the esoteric transmission. One of his closest advisors at this time was the

second Situ Tulku, Tashi Namgyal, who also imparted the Oral teachings

_____ ~~ Karmapawas invited to visit the borderlands oLChangMo,Tri-o,DarTse Do

and Mi Nya. On the fourteenth day of the eleventh month of the female wood bird year (l465) he travelled from Karma Gon to these areas, giving teachings and initiations to m3ny thousands of people. Prior to his arrival there had been fighting

- -~-in the area and <3 number < of people had been imprisoned- Karmap3<arrangcdfor----< their release, with the result that tension was lessened and peatT was restored. In



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o "

KAI(MAI'A, -lilt bl.ACK IIAl l.AMA 01 T11lJ-:l

I t.9 Karma Tilillil)'p¥ W .... famous for hill commenh.ry on the /)01.'.1 Korsum, till: Mp,til' SOil!. .... (If SiJdhOi S;.!rah •. J iOThr '81..1'.\ iJ,,',

Ii) TIlt" h'''''' Rmpoche statue.

I 72 At this time Tibet w&!- much divided.

1'73 ArrorJing 10 w. D. -Shllk.tJpa i~1 "7Ib;, 11 f'o!Jti;al l list ory" (p. 87): "Donyo Dorjc , Ihr .. on of killpUlif. NlHlang. ","'IJHcd to build. Olollaqcrl ill Lha .. a Oil be-half of Iht t\arlll'-lra IIo('rt i hllt rlu- Lha .. Ot .dflljlli!>tr~tor,

_"_~~='-.~=_wlw_!Iollpron['d _tht_Grlugpa W"l'I,_ refused him rC'rJlli,\ion The ruouacrr ry __ wa~ .the-n. huih()lll .. idt" __ of- Lha'il ~~_~~"~~_

Ml'llk-. from thr rlri.:hlJ(lurifl}:: GduJ..·pa monavte ries devccndc d 011 il our night and t;il1C"d II. A Karmtlr" Lama.

",~'¥j-~-, CL\lqTII.~ GpUl1hO,'iIo'ly escepe d bri'lg ~.!Ilrd IIC' took rcfu~(" in Lhasa." .. --_. -,

~~~~~~=~~~~=ll';J}LC.~lil=_:cJ!(~Cw:a~H_mi}fhll~i:E#I-.fllii;,t'ir:_,",JI"ncfrnitl.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I 7!> Completed in 1490.

J 7t, The 'mlsu sl srrqyrn', the' 'Cbu~ ,'\'y,J.r/\'am 'byrd', tht> 'r(''_;'utJb!.a-m.J' etc. 17., The' 'Jlt'J",.J HIX g/butlj. rl;.)'iJnjT~()I.

MIKYO DOHJE: THE EIGHTH KAHMAPA crib: Mi-b_\}{yod rl io-rjc) (J 507-1554)

Mikyo Dorje WJ~ born early in the morning of the fourth day of the eleventh

. .. mont h of the frrnalcfirc rabbit year (1507), in the province of Dam Chu, Eastern Tibet There were many auspicious signs and a strong smell of incense pervaded ~~~tll(;-rtgion, A- r;linbow pilbT fornit~d-ovtr thr houst-of his hir-ihand m:i~ly flowers .

fe.:11 down from the sky. The newly horn baby iipt-d his mouth .wd dn'lartd, "1___'_~.:2__~

am KarlHapa'-~f am-Kar-m:lpaF -' --- --

Situ Tulku ' n IKard of the birth of a vny unusual child, in the province indio cared in the prediction letter. lie sent a messenger to determine if it could be the new Karrnapa. Soon he was called to till- pbcc himself, where he asked the following questions:

"What are t hc names of the mother and father? Art- there any palm-trees near the house? Which direction does the doorway f:Jce? b there a stream nearby, and if so in which direction does it flow?" lie was told that An Jam was the f.uhcr's name and Arna Drum the mother's. Yes, t hrrc were palm-trees, the doorway faced East and a nearby stream also flowed towards the East.

All the answers accorded with the derails given in the letter of prediction, so it was cstnblishcd that the child must indeed be the new Karrnapa. When he was only one and a half months old he declared, "Eh-Ma-lIo!'79 Don't doubt me, for I am the Karrnapa!" At the age of t hrcc months Situ Tulk u look him to the Karma Gon monastery, where he was regally received,

At the age of four months Karrnnpa Mikyo Dorje met the GOIll('hen"o Scr Phuwa, who had been his disciple during his last incarnation and who presented him with a ritual bell'" and a double-drum.I"? Immediately the small boy became vcr)' happy and played them both with great delight. When asked by the Gornchcn which teachings he had transmitted to him in his past life the Loy replied, "I gave you the Al.1bal11udra and the Six Yogas of Naropa."

When he was five he was invited to the house of Lhorongpa, a nobleman from

({i Wo Chc, in Eastern Khams_ One day, while stJ~ there he was asked bl_-=:: l,,-- _

Sonam Rinchcn to say who he really was_ Immediately the small boy laughed and ==================================================1=====s.a:i~~m<'t,j:nl('.>-I~:HfFP-a:tlmaslHnl:rlla\'a, -S(-)Ill(,times~~hfaha-ana at other times FI ====== am the Karmapa!"

At about the same time the mother of a child born in the Amdo region dec.Iared that .hcr.son.appcarcd.tobc.thc new Karrnapa. The- news of this boy-spread rapidly. Gyaltsap Tulku Tashi Narngyal and Lama Yang Hipa travelled to Ri \\'0 Chc in order to sculc the matter, and vowed not to show ;my distinction between

j the two little l)(lYS until it was determined beyond doubt which of them was the

I· . ----''"'- ·;0","" ;00,·1 lowcvcrwhcnt hcy were presented bcf ",,";ky,n 'p'i< .'h~:-











highly honoured according to the customs of the rountry. The King, who had for- occasion. Some years later Shamar Tulku passed away also (c.1524), at the age of

. __ .~_merly l)(:en opposed to Buddhism, now took the Buddhist refuge and received s('\-cnty-two.

----lcirningsah-d-illiri-ations;-Hcpror11ised-to-sl·nd-fiv(;=huJl(l~ed-bo)'s=to.Tibt·t~_nJlll:illL::.::.=== _ At the age of twenty-two Karrnapa Mikyo Dorje received the final ordination

_ == __ I()oc-trail1i'd-as-Boddhistmonks-at-his-expcme,andabo made.a.vow _ _!o_keep_____ _ ·-fron1--K!:n('l)cn-C~osnUp':Stngc=arrd-t()oIHurther·ttachingdronuhe:..,iI,bllQ.LK;J!'Il1:1=c==::.:_::_=c.:_

the peace with the neignbouringtcrrirories for the next thirteen )'ears.Arrange-_._~=-~-flnb);:-lricluding-tnok-of-thcFil'e· Doctrines-ofMJitrrYJ ,-sc\·rnvolume{of.:_-·

mcnts were made for the construction of a hundred monasteries and temples Dharmakin i's philosophy' 9' and the I1bl>iJbJnna in two volumes. Aliogctberhc.

_~~~l:hr-Qugb{)uLtb-l:..lao_d. studied twenty-five different teachings and thoroughly assimilated them all. Then

---------------==-.:~arln;lt)a-M;k),H--:;I;;-)(:-:.)r-;-:-~('=-=s=p=en=(_=' =sc=·\'='c=n= __ d'7· a-_)-'s-'_:-iJl_---'th""t-'--lL-a"--la-c-e-~oFt'he-KiI1g, ('o,wtrting ---"==-._.-_-:,. h,=-\\_~I'l{=~0"'l:h~.:..L~~11-_spo-S.1KdLup Ling l'Olkge whne he instructed the foremost

mallY 10 the ways of Buddhism, and before leaving he made a promise to return pupils-tt1ad~'anccd-doctrinal mattH~---~

within seven years. Passing through Li Thang, where many miracles had been per- While travelling to the pilgr irnagc-place of Tsari, where there is a natural image

______ !~:rllll'd in the past, he meta crowd of people and pointed out all those who had of Cb.1krJs,mll\lra, Karrnapa was met by a grOllp of pilgrims who rushed to pro-

colmcr-ilom-Y:'ithnirn in prl:viou~' li\'es:Whik-inthe~region-of-Nyl'\lhehl'ardof_____ _ stuJe_bl'fort:_~iITLAm(lnglhcm was a small boy whom he recognised to be the

the passing of the second Gyaltsap Tulku and sent a message that the relics should new incarnation of -SI,a;nar-lulCu;~;;o~-hc--t6()k himalong-to-see-tiJe-wonderfuL

be collected and preserved in a Stupa. image of Cbukrasamvaro. Together they returned to Central Tibet and when, in

Karrnapa travelled to Tsalin Dari, where he performed a special rite for Je 1529, the boy was five yt'ars old Karrnapa enthroned him as the fifth Shamar

Tsongkhapa 'Fathcr-andtwo-sons'r'P" and then went to Rinchcn Ling in Tog Go. Tulku, Kunchok Yenlak.

Wishing to receive further initiations himself, Karrnapa wrote to the third Once, when staying at Tsurphu monastery, Karrnapa had a vision of the Sakya

Situ Tulku, asking that Sangyc Nyenpa Druprop be sent in order to impart Pandita, ,., who appeared to him surrounded by many Bodbisattvas, from whom

them. he received important teachings. At this time he made a small marble statue of

In the eleventh month of that year Karmapa Mikyo Dorje received the pre- himsdf'V] and with a piece of left-over marble he made an impression of his

lirninary ordination from Sangye Nycnpa Druptop.! " 9 The 'Puspamalla'; the palm by squeezing it. When the statue was consecrated, in the presence of many

Karikas, the Vinaya Sutras and the Bodhisattva vows were all fully explained to Lamas, Karrnapa addressed it, asking if it was a good likeness of himself. The

him, together with the complete transmission of the Tilopa and Naropa higher statue replied, "Yes, of course!" much to the amazement of all those present.

doctrines. He also studied all aspects of the Kalacbakra Tantra in great detail. He Karrnapa recognised the new incarnation of the fourth Situ Tulku, Choskyi

then made visits to Biyu Phug, Phugnes, Kokh Mote, Cham Sar and Gadcn Ling. Gocha, enthroned him and took him as a disciple. Later he also recognised the

Though he received an invitation to visit Sokpo in Mongolia he did not have fourth Cyaltsap Tulku, Trakpa Dodrup, He composed a commentary on the

enough time to make the long journey. He returned to the Changchub Ling I'inaya Sutra, '94 another on the Prajnaparamita, i s s one on the Abbidbarma,' 96

---------~n~l-;o:;n~as~t"=e;r}~',~visltlng alltoe pilgljlllagltThtcCYi')fl-t-lte-wil1~t-n~re,--a!'tCl" __ ~ one on the Madbyamit:«, ,97 as well as many works on the Mal'amudra'98 and re-

__ ~__:_:_l'l'eded to Karma Gon. ~----11altt(;edd(Jdrco;Cctitrilin~cCisi:-. ~--_:____---__:'--_:__---------- _

~-:----:- 7."___:;I~;h-::_('EnlperorWuTsung'V06fChih-;lsC'nt-fivchundredscniorarmyofficers-to--__Karn1apaMik}'o Dorjc passed on all the higher teachings to Shamar Tulku,

====~~~~"'--~_K~·.alEr!lll111ap·a-l)('.aring,Hrcsents.ofgol(I;:stlvcr;::fl:e-aTh;-:-s:[Ctc9=ima~c_s-al'le-I!H}na-sti-c-H)bes.-- __ - ""appointed hlm-- as his actingsuccessorand "entrusted him-with-all- his-personal.

with a request that he visit China. At tfiistime Karmapa ffiffi :n'isjt>n~of=t~;;:SUA5~-=- ------:--=--c.::-. ll_(,)_()~I'(;.lic-S~<lcnd-rirual Iti'Jllhas-wen:astOc:-]c:rteT-cJJl1taining-t-he-pF~O-ict-iol1-o.lhi,,-. _

in the sky, one of which he saw suddenly fall to the earth. He took this as a sign ---next birth. Then he prepared to leave the worlo.-- . -- .

that the Emperor had just died and sent the envoy of officers back to China, At midday on the twenty-third of the eighth month of the male wood tiger

when' they found that Karrnapa had indeed been correct in his divination. year (1554), while staying at the Dvagspo Shcdrup Ling monastic college of

For the next three years Karrnapa received all the remaining teachings from Shamar Tulku, he passed away in his forty-cighth year. At the time of his passing

Sang),e Nycnpa Druptop, who passed away in the Karma Gon monastery when there were man)' auspicious signs in the sky and precious relics"?" were found

his work instructing the young Karrnapa was completed. In the first month of the among the ashes of the funeral pyre. lIis foremost disciples were:

female earth rabbit year (1519) a memorial ceremony was performed for him, (i) SIIAMAR KUl\:CIIOK YLl\:LAK: The fifth Sharnar Tulku, (1525-1583)

during which he miraculously reappeared and gave teachings specific for the (ii) SITU CHOSKYI GOCHA: The fourth Situ Tulku. (1542-1585)




(iii) GYALTSAP TRAKPA DODRUP: The fourth Gyaltsap Tulku. (1550-1617) (iv) PAWO TSUKl..AK TRENGWA: The second Pawo Tulku, A scholar, historian and visionary, whose works included a book on the Karma-Kargyudpa sect -----c=:"=====--'alldits'histofy-:'-(-l-S04'l-S66Y-----------


crib: dBang-pbyug rlro-rjc)

===.c_:_W<!ngdlll_kJ)prjccwa_s _RQr!1_0Iuhese\,_en_th_<ja)'c0j_thesevcnth month of the male

- --- fire dragon year (1 SS6),in tht region of Treshod in EasierniT~et::-lfef~re his birth his mother dreamed that she was blowing on a white conch-shell and-that many

people were rushing towards her. While still inside his mother's womb the baby could be heard reciting Mantras_ When he was born he sat cross-legged, wiped his

- - - - _. . ~face=ana- sa ia-;='"-I-a mrhe_K-;mrnfP"lit'':lk-:r"C·nra·im--d ... sitlin-g~in=that ... p:osit-ion-:fm-:-t:btee----days and his father v v as so overawedt:llaOie starteopfostratingocforfnlm.}\-t -------

this the child stood up, said "Orn-Ah-Hurnl", and started to laugh. His mother untied her apron strings and tried to wrap up the child in it, but he threw it off --------saying·'Oh No No!"Then_hcwaswrapped up- ina sheepskin, which he aen·pled._.

People in the neighbourhood told his father that the child must surely be the

Karrnapa, but he doubted them. However, on returning to the house he found the baby sitting in the lotus-posture of a Buddha, gazing up at the sky, with a bright light moving around his head, By the time he was eighteen days old he could

17P1 Situ T."hi Paljor. lk '1 d II' d d Th f f h I ild d f

wa ' vcr)' easi y an was rota Y III 'pen ent. e arne 0 t c C 11 sprea ar,

1'9 The seed ... oundv of Kuntu Z/"'f,!,O. the Ilod/>i,",tv" '\,m.",.bbaara, reaching the ears of Shamar Tulku, Kunchok Yenlak, who sent Lama Gyaltscn to

11\0 lirrmit Lama.

invest iga te.

181 Tib: n-ilbll.

It was found that the letter of prediction correctly indicated the place of his

I tl2 Till: Damaru,

birth, for it read, "My next incarnation will be born in a plan' called Treshod

la, The second. T",hi'al. Horkok, close by a rock bearing a naturally-formed statue of Aualokitrslnuara,

I •• A Siddh •. diwiple of the previous Karmlpa. ncar to a river coming out from the Himalaya mountain." As soon as Lama

1'5 The grell Arba?," and ,,., .. 1.'01, Gyalrsen reached the place the baby boy looked very pleased and started to call

.86 The' Itwician from South India. (Tib./>1u,uIPa) "51 I Sh I" 200 d Id th hi h Sh T Ik

•. 0 0 out • iarnarpa: amarpa.. an 10 OSC ncar irn t at soon amar uixu

I", This .lOry i, "ill told in Ladakh. would meet him.

1(11;8 TIli" rite w ... \ called 'J, )'"lo Sr Sum', ThC' two 't-om.' we're hi~ dilocirlc!r>, GYllltup Dharma Rincben and I f - h h k d h d h

Kbedrup Jc. At t ic age 0 SIX mont s e was ta ccn towar s Tsurp u monastery, an on t e

------~~---,- .. -."I\wi,l(~, ~h.~dill;>C~cn;-;l~ddii,~c-;;:ip;j;lc~o;rfhh~i,-;;p;;,e:;;;v;i;;"u~,:-;i;.nc;;,;;",;;;-ol;;;io;;n;:-. ~ ~~ ~_~ __ ~ _ _jI\\,'lI'al}y'-.1tbh~eDreuh:}Jc:;_' .Js;_tta:ar!:.!l~e_dd~sa~ying "Si tu pa! 5 itu pa ,"2 0 I Everyone was very su rpriscd

____190 Ahncal1edCJI.ngT.(l~(",.JS22) when a messenger from Situ Tulku arrived the very next morning. Some days later

--- i-9'-1-h;;~-:;J"'~-~/~<bl)JI';;-;'f i;h~;';;;kirti~- ----- - the fourth-Situ Tulku .himself appeared. recognised. the_childas_th_cincarna ti()n

._ 1.91.~',!-th-._S.kt",cc<.KuneG),.h .... n-(.,.<";N-ln); c' _c •• c •. _. ,0 of_Kar:mapa~an.(LbeslQ_wed_QlLhim_tlll:_empowcrmcnt of Amita~, the Buddha

193 Til;; statue;.rl ese ~cd at the n~w Rumtek monastery, Sikkim i",Cillu"r~'i"n). .. . c"",,, 0~B"0-\i:n=-cllii:.;'S~J§ff~EjCuFiR~g"-i:A€rej:i;m~Qr:Jy:cthC~}·6:jfng-",JfaTcltlap'a:o=&a,w=his~tScacE-MF iFl,=-_·-",-:c.~ ==~~

19. The 'N,.;.""';-".,.;/ -e ",,,' of IS(Kllcl.r> (in Rumtek}. this form.

195 The .,}< 1>7>,," Nf."I.b!io' of 180olclv<> A few days before reaching Tsurphu monastery Karmapa Wangchuk Dorjc

10. Thc.C"'b.I>r.igCb .... }o.of 30()Olcovn, joked with his attendants. saying that it was time Sharnar Tulku had come to sec

I" The '1>:'".d'r(;yuJ C'.!, pa'i SJ.i"gr7a' of 1000 lcom (in Rumt ck ). him in person. Upon reaching Lung Tsc the party met up with the fifth Sharnar

I.' 11" .• /'1,)., cbrn ,"aria' of 2(H)() leave- (in Rumtck ) Tulku, who immediately took a great liking for the little boy. Tognher they pro-

11,. 'I"'P.""" (;ndTbun{ (C"nmeM.h""ud •• 1 in ~(Kllcl.", cccdcd to Tsurphu, reaching there on the twelfth day of the second month of the

199 'Rr",h,f". 1<1;<" usually hkc cr ystal. female iron bird year (1561), which was considered most auspicious. Many cere-




"AHMAI'A, r m: llLAC" HAl LAMA 01·' 111"':1'

lilt LINt o r "AHMAI'AS, I'HOM TilE TlllE1AN

monies were performed and presents were received from the King of )yang, who this was only one of many repeated requests he decided to accept. lie imparted

had been a devoted disciple of the previous Karmapa. teachings all over the land, restored man}' monasteries and gathlTed new disciples.

---------==::=~---_~==':c-(c)n=-thc--'si'I'tnth:caay==of=-the--fourth=month:coLtlH"ccsamc)'eaLht'_:u'c_ejn,'gcJh_cc- --_=--=-==-. ==---IIc ... tr_;lI'cilt:Q.=_torhtNakphu provinceof Kongpo, where he rebuilt many monas-

-- ---pr i 1l1Jry-or d i 11a t ion - all do. t he- ha ir-cu t t ing- em mon y,in-f ron t _()L t rgl'sla tueof _== ._===_:::::_ _ _t~rit:,\,-anti Q_I1t_<)ISarrTr;Suu-ill-Fasitrrj-"'il£r;:i'h-erTIit'ga\,t<ll:r;ri Is-oft hc.'corrt;CC~-c:c

-------- Lord Buddha at the Tsurphu monastery, Then Sharnar Tulku formally tnt hroncd approach to a 1ll'":-I;irgllrl1~lg(;:i)Ei-t'{'--or(:IJwr,CJ,\a'lIl';lra~ This -pIaTe- came to-be - -

him as the ninth Gyalwa Karmapa. In the company of Sharnar Tulku he travelled known as Tsar: Nam~,'yal. Karrnapa founded a monastery there and called it Tsari

-- ...:..._tuoL...!'I_;'aWng Chen and from thert' to Central Khallls, preaching and rcachin]; wherever no Kar.

-~tlit')~S-IOpFCtr:-tXlrOgTIIITr_sonlcJlfi11)' thousand monks-wtrt'-oraaliitO-on=rn~c~===;=~-::===~~~~t)~1rJ:1:t_tlrcr:C:lnfJI:'jl1n:[IK}=.lia_f'mi1'I~.I_~"a'Bgl~:l:l-l:.,,=IJ<-)l=jt!-"isj1-l'-d-l:sa[i_Cbl).SJll1,,_I,,~,-,-h,-,o ~

journcy between Tsurphu and the Chinese border. Monastcr ics Wl'TC rebuilt and Tong anilmany othn places, -ht'stowill'g-lt:aThiHgs-alld-initlati(-)ns-all=~I:;-t;::wl:;-il~~~c-~

the Buddhist Dharma was revived everywhere, They took three years to reach Tri-o When passing through the valley of Dung Tso Kha 1-1 he performed the miracle of

Dar Tse Do, on the ex trcme North EaSI borders of Tibet. flying. Everyone who saw this prostrated and m:lIl)' non-Buddhists wer e quickly

---------Ori-'lie-inird--daYM!licl'ItVt.-hlh- mont lr ofthcnu Ic-w()odrat-year·( 1564 )----. - -------convert(,d. . _

____ Knrrnapa and Sharnar Tulku turned back towards Central Tibct , eventually King Ga Thong-;;-f-l~l~~~~,~:-i~i-~J~~~lf~kilj~d;;~-n;agr(:arl{Eor':cr};-;-fl;i\;ingllcilid------

arriving at Karma Gon monastery On this journey thc), pas .. ed through till' rcgion ---.-- -- - of Karrnapa's miraculous powers, sent an invitation 10 him at Tso Nak, requ('sting

of Knrrnapa's birth, gi"ing tt'athings to many and tr:llTlling via the gn'at Chang- him to visit his country. Kar rnapa accepted the invitation and had soon con-

chub Ling mOnJSltT)' of Sangye Nycnpa Druprop. They com inucd thl- journey to vcrrcd m:lny more to the Buddhist reaching. Ill' was presented with one thousand

Charndo, where thousand .. were initiated into the religious doctrines, gold coins and after a short stay in Bhutan he travelled back to Kongpo and Tsari

One day a man brought along a scroll painting'°2 picturing both Karmapa Tso Kar, where he rested.

and Shamar Tulku and asked for it to be blessed. When Karrnapa threw the con- While Slaying at Tsar i, Karrnapa engaged himself in deep meditation for nine

serrated grains onto the picture the), miraculously stuck, like jewels, onto the hats months, lit- had visions of Cbakrasamvara and Kalacbakra and Deities and Pro-

and remained permanently fixed there, Karrnapa and Shamar Tulku visited tcctors of the great Kargyudpa Lineage appeared before him, At the end of this

Ch:JIlg, whtrl"t1ll')' were \'('r), well received, ordained many thousands of monks time he travelled to the Phagrno monastery of Dcnsa Thil, where he met the new

and impart cd teachings and initiations to the people, Then t1lt'y finally returned to incarnation of Shamar Tulku, Garwang Choskyi Wangchuk, Karrnapa formally

the great Tsurphu monastery, n'cognist'd him and performed his enthronement ee[('mony at the Dvagspo

At the age of twenty-four Karrnapa Wangchuk Dorjc received the final ordina- Shcdrup Ling monastic college.

tion from Shamar Tulku and under his guidance studied the 'l'illl1)'a Sutra Tika' Karmapa wrote brief commentaries on the I'inaya Sutra, the Abbidbarma

and all the commentaries, Sharnar Tulku returned to the Dcnsa Thil rnonasrcry.t"" Kosba, the M.ldbyamika, the Prajnaparamita and three major works on the

---------~wl1itfJ(armapa \'isitcJ---h.rng~'_"_'-Ta-mi-l:;h-tmr-()~-flgF-a-~ki_ng._Ch-Ol'dc..J'a' Mabamudru. lO~ Jk then received an invitation from the King of Sikkim, request-

Mar, and Sanprn Dol' Chen. At Tashi Lhunpo he performed a special rite in front ing him to visit that country, but since he hirnsc was una) c to make tnf'ico-ijrro'"urrrnll7"cuy------

-_----ufll1(-;-'J(;-Ts()ngKhiipa~-Faihcr~ana'tW'(5-;-s(jTlS '100 thercllc-went-tothe 101 rge-Sa kya ------bcsrnt a high ly.qu aljfic_d_L:lma_il1_hisJlla_cc~Th is Lama. founded three monast cries

c-:. _ .. monast er:y of:Tnut)(jm:-f\lamgyal-Ung:::rn-d:::rhc[qIcrfor_mc:d-a-!>Jlc('ial-::r-it(O-i~-fF~R_:t______ in.Sikkim, th e H a lung, the Pot ong an d the R u mt d<,' 0 9K'a rn13 113 was askcdto"

i)f t he large st a lu c of Sa k y a Panrnrn; tfii' lea acroft IkSa I;;y a pas. He gave tCJchinp ::=::::-:=~:- __ ~e1Fs~wa~i.:stlTc~n-(iv.~jO:fi;FsH:l'it'~f)~whi{'-l-r_:_hc~n'pliedtb at h='o_lilij~o -so .(;fr;ro;rm;;-_- __ -~- .. --.----

and initiations to Lamas, monks and laymen, Then he returned to Tsurphu where Tibet, as he was unable to make the journey there himself. He sent instructions"

he arranged to have a large applique silk banner of Lord Buddha made. On the indicating the' auspicious time, day and month of the l'l'Temony, sJying that evcry-

day of its completion it was hung over a huge rock and a vcry bright light was seen thing should proceed accordingly, At the time of consecration of the Ralung

t'Ollling out of the Buddha's forehead, producing grcat illumination everywhere, monastery three large eagles came from the direction of Tibet, flew three times

No-one could look directly at it, because of the intense brightness. Shortly after around the new monastery and dropped consecrated grains of ydl()w rice right on

this event Sharnar Tulku visin-d the lllonaQery and transmitted the remainder of top of the new roof? I ()

the Oral tl'achinw-,07 to Karrnapa. Karrnapa recognised the new incarnation of the fifth Situ Tulku, Choskyi

The Hub of Chang, Dcpa Rinpungpa, invited Kar mapa to visit him, and since Gyaltscn. lit- made a visit to the Kargyudpa college-monastery of Sungrab Ling.



KAKMAPA, rut IlLACK HAl LAMA 01' TIBET I where he taught and expounded many doctrines. At this time he began to refer toi I his imminent passing and his health began to decline.

_______ -=c:_= .. ~=~i-e~eIl-t-:allthtprophetic- details of his future birth to Shamar Tulku. Then, on I

__==_tb~t\\'('_IlSY-~ghih~dayof'thc-fir:~i -mon ifionfie -fen1-ale-Waterra obi c§e:rr:':tI(03)=== .~::~--:~:==.:cCh os\'i ng Dorje.w as- born.on :thttwtnty:eighthc.dilY m:!bc: th i[@l()_l}_th_oi.t_hemale

______ hepassed away.Hcv,·as-in hiaort}';sC\;entn year. His foremosfdisciplcs- \\'ere:----~- • -----wooddragon ycar-( 1604 ),at .GoloLKhamiTang, _ _irLtht_ex_t!tl1!e~()!th-E~st--of --

(i) SHAMAR CIIOSKYI WANGCHUK: The sixth ShamarTulku (15841630r- !------Tihet. During her pregnancy his mother dreamed that Guru Padmasarnbhava? iT

_ c =::(ii) SITU OiOSKYI GYALTSEN: The fifth Situ Tulku. (1586-1657) came towards her and entered into her. There were many auspicious omens, When

_____ - __ -.~-.~-.- ... _-~(:ii.j-):::::frY-Al::--Es-A-I'::3':R~~K:-&~d~HG£-¥A-!'-i:c:-;.....:I~!:Jt'-f-i-f.t,h_GpllSap 'Lulku .•. (,c:>---,1'-:'.0,:,:1 .... 7_· ..___ the bahy was horn he took one step in each of the four directions, sat cross-legged

c .1-6T8} --- n~'~, intht'l'trrtre and said, "8mccMalli=P:acrme=n~nrtl=I=ptry=rhcs(J'f:fcrirrgs=of'-- -------

(iv) PAWO TSUKLAK GYAMlSO: The third Pawo Tulku. (1567-1633) humanity, for I am Karrnapa!"

News of the birth of the extraordinary child spread far and wide and reached

j Chang Mowa, the local Ruler, who invited the baby to be brought to Ma Chu in

i--------Eastern-Tibet~-Thc-child was-honoured -and-taken .to the- Tsong.Mo Che.palace '-.~----.~.-

i Magyal Pornra,? " one of the two Protector-Deities of Tibet, came to receive

i "blessings from the young boy: Be stayed in the palace for six years and by the

time he was seven he had fully learnt the art of painting, surpassing even the

greatt'st of his teachers.

The sixth Sharnar Tulku, who was staying at the Tsari Tso Kar monastery,

sent his personal secretary, accompanied by several Lamas, to collect the new Karrnapa incarnation. They were very surprised when the small boy asked if Shamarpa was well, even before they announced who had sent them. It was found that all the details of his birth complied with the letter of prediction. Be was invited to meet Shamar Tulku at the Zadam Nyinche Ling college.

On the fourteenth day of the twelfth month of the: male iron dog ycar (1610) the young Karrnapa reached the college: and was immediately recognised by Shamar Tulku. On the twenty-third day of the first month of the female iron boar year (l611) his enthronement ceremony took place and the young Karrnapa

, performed the Black Hat rite. He entered into debate with about five hundred

rrscrrs k-'-ltl'flt'-tiJ'EHI-ag--bam-as,aM-was-ask.c.d.ahruu Lord Buddha's life-story, the teachings

_______ _,-"-o_T_hLn .. ,!~"lSh"lTlar-Iulk_u_('R_<_J I_I_ .. On<). of the Bodbisattuas and doctrinal matters of the Madhyamika school. Karmapa

______ '01 The name of Siru Tulku. -- I---~--c:xcdledin-thedebate;-despitehis-youth.-and-wasableto clarify.scveral.importarll..

~~~~~~"""'Aiii .. !:.!Q.b~.,l:iEs-r/i.:r;I,i.1i~~~~~~_:_=:.- :-.~:-.-- . :=::::.==._====-_---. -",- .. .:..""......:.. .. =----.w--......:..,,----=---.:...___:__:--f---......:..~!-- .. - .. _. _poi_rrts-t:o--thp~e-gat-ll~~.£~=!h:~F~ GeeS Glllt'llS_and_lu_cky_signup-peared in the sky _

20) lx~ •• Thil w., f;~nd;d by-La';", pi;."moG.u." . ." - ... arouna anClover· ilkmnnaster5;-·a;:;a -C\·cr)~tiflr\i'as~\'{O-1')Eimpl'c;.~1;-cd~b1;Ztn-Cigikecl-_----=:-:-~

204 In Sourhcrn Tih<l. young Karmapa.

20S Ncar Shigal"'. Founded in 1445. it;' the monastic .. at of the Panchen Lam... Several days later, while accompanied by his attendants, Karrnapa Chos Ying

206 The ';< }'Qb Sr Sum', the CoelUgj" 'trinity' of J< T.onEkhapa and hi, IwO main di,riplc,. Dorjc went for a walk along the banks of the Dza Chu river. He pointed out a

107 T~" 'Dom N~ag" large white boulder in the middle of the stream and told those with him to take it

2"" Th< '/'I'pg cbrn g ...... asbr'l rn 1'I.'.l'ag-m""oa, the Tho,.,"" m'Isubb "I "'!i' and the ·ftja·rrg "-1"".,,1'. out of the water and break it open. Everyone protested that the task was too

"" Th. old Rurn t c], monact cr y i" ,il< jusr bclow the new monastcr y. difficult, however Karmapa insisted that it be done 'for the Dharma and for all

z i o There ar< people in ~,.kim who treasure thel< )'c1lo" p-.i",. kcp t vi nee thiv time. sentient beings'. With great difficulty the huge boulder was lifll·d out of the water



(Tib. Cbos-db Yings sDo-rle)


I\AkMAI'A, 'litE IIl.ACI\ IIAl LAMA 01' r n.rr


and broken in two. Imide it were found a duster of insect-like creatures, which largest religious centre' in Tibet at that time. Karmapa was admitted to the college

Karrnapa blessed Soon he had released them all from their sufferings and received the complete V.tlaya Sutra and Madb.ya7ll;!.:a teachings, as well as

- ---===:=an_(_LAt. htt_.·)t'_I·I~,_'c_·ar_g(,·(.r_-loJfl_('_~nl~;hjD.l--_-_lKI.~_~_Lr}nt__'ll_·_~-.rn(__·a .. 3_-_ltn_'r-_laS.I·.'_'_'_l_-l_~~_'(l-._-t_-o._-_-l-_'-:._.-u- __ r=--l)-.h-u- .. -.\ .. ' .. I.--:.I.--t·I-};;- .... Pl-I--o- ::_\\-''-(-)-.'-'_,.-.l.~.--t .. =-r-l.-c·~.-t=.-o·.-f·.=.=.-=---_- .. -_'.-_-.'_ __ ! ----"'thh,o;~is"e-liof the higher A1atltr.lyatl~. ll'ral't:lling in a group they visited Tsang, where

, , " ~ "1= ' ,.' , LJ ., 111'ilfd:t6-sraY-"uFt It'-ncw-\\'ok---Ming- Lingpalace.ofthe-newKing -==

------- Southern Tibetand upon his arrival a rain!J()wcanO-p),~mir_Jl·uIOti8)'-fol'nlra -rignC------ ng,-Karm'l-'rcn kyongWangpo,ll 0 Tht),-conserratt'dsel'eraJn("luhrines and =

over the monastery. lie took the primary ordination from Pawo l\uklak---"- .. -----"'l'te "most w.umlywclcomcd by the King and tht--ptoplt.AIl prisoners were

Cyamtsol13 in the Lila Chen temple where there was the huge statue of Lord released for the occasion and there WJ~ much rejoicing. They went to the SakY3

:--:::=::_:::_-=-_:_-=-:__:-: _=_=~~~::;::::::--=~=iIi!';lu;;-;:' (llffla-;=ana=at=thrsamt'--t i mt-lTI:='Wl:~~~~~~~~~~h~~~~~;~:~~;~~;i'~ ~a====::-==.1·~§~=;~~~~~·5~~if.~· ~5a~r~ld~rin~('§t dl~)'ili'lk§' (~'I~lt~.n~){~i~Lo~e~h~e~ll~I~~a~nEd~D~;~1 n~II~)a~K~' u~n!g~a~==~=~:

and Tanjur scriptures."! 5 Remaining at T~urprlUUfifinllr age ohwthc-hrrngagrd-._~.~--'

himself in the perfection of the teachings. wonderful visions of the eighty-four Siddhas.

An invitation was brought from the Tsang King, Phuntsok Namg)'aJ,l'· Karrnapa and Sharnar Tulku travelled to Tingri Lang Kor, where they saw the

- ------rtquestingKarnupa-to-l'isit-I,hasa,_A_King_JrOIJLtb-, __ Eac\t_[)afl1(~d __ <::~i__I~~______ i Sakya Siddhal13 flying in the sky overhead, playing a bell and a drum, Karmapa

approached the city, kading a huge army, and hl'!~an to prepare for an attack. The r-------Il;i(l a\;iS-ic,[J'oT MiHtrt'lj,claughingin xparcand it made him\'cry-happ)',lle·founded-·---- ..

-. King asked Karrnapa to help, and wa .. told that there would he no cause for worry. 1 a monastn), at Chos Chung Ling and both he and Shamar Tulku laboured in the

,~\irarulously the army simply turned back upon reaching Lhasa and returned in construction of it, hdping to carr}' earth and stories. After completion they per-

the direction from which they had come."!" The King was highly impressed and for mcd the consecration ceremony together and then set out for Tsurphu once

became an ardent disciple of the Karrnapa. more, On the journey Sharnar Tulku became ill and passed away (1630), Karrnapa

Leaving Lhasa the young Karrnapa Chos Ying Dorje went to Tsal and Li-u continued on to the monastery, where he built a slupa to preserve the relics of his

Dong Tscn, where he gave teachings and blessings to the people, Accompanied by teacher and also performed the death-rites.

Shamar Tulku, Situ Tulku and Pawo Tulku he journeyed to Lhobrag Nga Tsang, Karrnapa foresaw that a time of political oppression was approaching. He went

where news reached him of the death of the Tsang King. At the: request of the to Lhasa, visiting the monasteries of '!'sari Kyang Kha, Shol Kha and Kong Me on

Queen he travelled to the Samdrub Tsc palace to supervise the death-rites. It was the way there, Ill' gal'e many teachings and performed an important rite at the

while he was in this palace that he received the final ordination from Shamar great Jo Khang temple in Lhasa, before continuing on to the Yang Dop monastery,

Tulku, in the presence of Pawo Tulku and ten monks, Together they visited the where he engagrd himself in contemplation of the future.

main shrines of Lhasa, where Karmapa performed ceremonials and made offerings The King of Tibet at this time, Dcsi Karma Tcnkyong Wangpo, who was one

in front of the three statues of Lord Buddha in the main temple. Then, togcther of Karrnapa's disciples, became: strongly anti-Gclugpa and practised religious

with Pawo Tulku, Sharnar Tulku and Situ Tulku the 'Tsc cu« ceremony of the discriminations during his reign. The fifth Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobzang Gyarntso,

---------~·igh-t--ma-ni£est-ations-n{ Guru Padmasambhava was plTformed and dam'es wrre held sent three representatives to Mongolia, asking for military help from the chieftains

to dcp ic t th is th erne. thcrr;--'t'lR·--cJri-ef~mtf{)t-Mt>-~-s;--G-u~h-l'i--K-R-a-R,a~thc.-r.cs.p-Qnsih~il~it'-1y'--_~ __

+Karmapa travelled-to- tht'-Tsurphumonastery,wbcrc_h_t:_rc:_crivediniti~~i()n_s_o_f'_____ \ and promised to visit Tibet in support of the Gdugpas.ll•

_ . .. ··_==_h~afacbakr-a.Ma-l)a/..Catil-and-th(.-T-ed...ll:uaLa/':.iu_s./.w.ara, lie made five beautiful statul'S !---KarmapaWas very disturbcdbyallthcunrcligious activity-and sent-a-lctterto---- -

... - ou r= riFffiirtd~c~{T~--.-~orn~·t£~~erif:vF~iorr~~r:.ID-flj'tl~<I=b-~!1r3!gGc-Qf=\!airadh11'a;~- ---I cJJalat::La m;! . ex Elai ning-::rlr«chr\£",s=n_:9J=in::-fa .. '(')u-r-f)f-::milit-a1):::-af.t-i0n-:i~thl.---_

Tilopa, Nampa, Marpa and Milarcpa At this time he received the special Lineage' . ! namrofrcfiglOn ana tnat neitfin he nor tlk Karg)'uapa S('crlll'-a-nyway~sanc:tionc-&:-'-C=~===;:

tl':lchings of Siddha Tilopa and engaged himself in deep meditation, the activities of the King of Tsang, The Dalai Lama replied that he understood

Accompanied by Sharnar Tulku and Gyaltsap Tulku"!" he proceeded to the this to be the case and to rest assured that nothing untoward would happen, 115

~'lTat Sarnyc monastery where he received the Bodbisattva t cachings from Sharnar Karrnapa realised, however, that events would take a different course.

Tulku and took the appropriate vows, Together they went on pilgrimage to all the The King of Tsang hegan collecting together a large army, gathrring people

Holy places in the region. Then' was much rejoicing and ceremony, many monks t ogcthcr from Kongpo and preparing them for fighting. Karrnapa went to see him

were ordained and the Buddhist teachings spread widely. and told him to cease making war prcparat ions immediately, as it was contrary to

The next visit was to the Nyinchc Ling college of Shamar Tulku, which was the the Buddhist Dharma, He pointed out that many thousands would die if fighting





z <


c < :<0 < ...J



he rl'cogni~ed to be the incarnation of Shamarpa.i"" The child had himself SI1AMAR YESIlE NYINGPO: The seventh Shamar Tulku, (1631-1694)

declared the previous day that Karrnapa was coming to Sloe: him and reC'Ogniscd SITU MIPI1AM CHOGY AL RABTEN: The sixth Situ Tulku. (J 658.1(82)

cc:=::::=c==--==---- .. hi~c:-tcachtr"despitcthLhq;gaJ-.s=dQlh<:Lthat Jt_c:was _\\,~aring. _ Togtther_ the)'. __ GY ALTSAP NOJ{BU ZANGPO: The sixth GyaJtsap Tulku, (1659-1698)

_____ . __ --started the.TelUrnjeHlrnq'- and in _J\_(~J,; _ _Yul_~r_n_l.11~a_:_r_e:a-ll~(Fthatllis s('fl'ant= ---.---------- - e-=cflflh P;m~o-I!llhl!'~~-

--------KuntuZangpo wasbrroming vtTy_anxious_about_hiswt:IH,tingand_stntaj3rtY_==-_= i---------------ro-,

of people with mules to fetch him, At SuI Chu Karpo K3.rmapa left a footprint permanently embedded on a large

::_-=~====:;==3rdt~)(j,k2, ~ai}ll~d~:~lIit51~1I~s~[lla(l' nisser\'ant--KU1TIU=7:angp(rJ-frin"d::to=nm::l=bim-::-H('-I:J~~-IQ\I~.,(j-~ - I=:::;~~===:::==~=~=;:;=:~~§:;~-;:~==~§~~~§=~~~==~~=:====~

thl' ordinations on the: young Sharnar Tulku, Yl'sht l'\yin~1)() :Ino-fortwll),-t-:rrs-h-c: -- r

fully explained the Kargyudpa teachings to him, Receiving another invit at ion to

visit the Kingdom of ]yang he tr avcllcd there: and was royally welcomed at the -------------LllrDok- palace:-Jle--foundl'(l-a-temple--for--_(hcLi\,l'__Ji(}dbj~,JJI_l!a~,~~ _ _!_lan_1j~lg_it Pot ala, and even thr King of )yang laboured ill the wnstruction of it. The younges-t---------son of tht'King,Mipham Tcnpa Nyima,rl'l'ci'Td ordination as a monk and was personally instructed by Karmapa.

Karmapa Chos Ying Dorje rcmgnisrd a boy as the incarnation of Gyaltsap

Tulku2H and his enthronrment ccrrmony was performed when he was three )TarS old, On his return from Golok news carne that incarnations of Situ Tulku2JO and Pawo Tulku2)? had been found, Karmapa travelled to Khams collected the young Tulkus and brought them back to Jyang for instruction, litgave the empowerment of the Kanjur2l8 to all of them and transmitted the complete Oral teachings. On the eleventh day of the third month of the female iron ox year (1661) he finished imparting the doctrines and they set out for Lhasa

visiting all the places of pilgrimage on the way.

On the third day of the third month of the female water ox year (1673) the

party arrived at the Tibetan capital. Karmapa went straight to the Potala and met the Dalai Lama, who asked him all about his travels and experiences, ex pressing a at co

towards Karrnapa he gave instructions that he should be free to return to --monastery;-------

~~-~--~-~-~--~-~~-~-~.-~~~-~--~-~~-~ -~;~~~~~.~~~~~~;;~~an~;;~~~~~~~~~~~;;il~~~"~~~1~~~~~2~23~~"-~~;~~~;~M~r~~~-~~I~la~I~~'~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

celebrations. At this time he indicated that he expected to leave the world soon 22< In 1~3R Gu,hr' Kh,n {Tih: T<n7in Ch"n'ol) went on pilj:fimlg< to Tih<t anJ me r the Dalai Lama, who

and gavc the predictions of his future rebirth to Shamar Tulku and Gyaltsap Tulku, in'rr<"rJ him !!fratl)', At a ceremony in the jo Khang rernplc he w"' given hi, T.hrtan rule and ,cal 11<

On the ninth day of the eleventh month of the male wood tiger year (1674) p",",i-.d""urrortthrGrlugrL',

12~ The Ih,l.i Lama wav not ,WITC' that his Mini"I("n. were dctC'rminrd on a military solurion.

he became ill, On the morning of the eleventh day of the same month a white

. d d I f'f h d 22f1 Donyo Dorje. the Bonpo chieftain of Hhcri. en tcrcd into an alliance with the Kin~ of T~an~. with the

ram bow appearc right over the monastery. I It: pas~e away on t ll' I t ccnt ay intention o{ rlimin.t.n. the Gdu~1>"" 11< wac r ap turr d .",1 rut to doth "r l;u,hr' Khan.

of that month, the rainbow remaining in the ~ky overhead for several days, I It- was 2~? The Dala' Lama wa< rnovt ul'''t at the un,c1i.i'H" turn or evc ntv II< wac. howcvcr , the victim or the

in his seventy-first year. His foremost disciples were: pobtic.1 intri.u« or hi, Mini"m,




ES------------- -----------------------------------------------

__ '11 .-"HiIlHI JUfl)""I'lC"'., 1i1(' Nyinpnap" tU(:,hc_r_ tlf tht cii!hth ('("flinT)'.

'I' Ah.o known ." 'rA1J r(;"a"'o-Cl>ojl'jJ,~/)mtJ'Ua· (Lit: ')I'01l1l<a, Grnl Ki;\~-I'car()(,k'), he live"> in tht' .IWW mountain of A-ltJt')'rM,,d 'hr1l ('lIail AlHiC'!)t On(" Great IJnt'{Kk '). on the t-h Chu rive-r, AOido. Lin~ KC',.ar'lo ,""",lTd h, believed to be hidden in thi .. mountain. hIT more deluil" of Ihi", H.dllion in 'I{rilxiHU) OJ,lo,.',:mCt'j, 'tI ,/,11,1"', by N.. Ekvall. r. 243. There j" anolhcr Grut Prot errot Drit y of Tihet , who i,. known ••

'TMI[: V(lrjr nOrUJQ'.

'13 TIlt" third Pawo Tulku. a di!>('iplt' of lilt" prt'\'iou,", Karrnepa ,

21. 1'ill: LunS

, I 5 111(' canonical lireeature. of SUlr,,), TI1,,'tO) and the-it comrnenraties.

, I f> According to W. D. Shal.hpa in ''fiJ,t'1 II 1'"lltlcal ttiuory (p. (9): "In 1(,11 Karma Tt'n,",ung Wan.-::po died and wa" succeeded h)' hi" NUl, Kuma PhUfH"ok Nal1lgyll. Afre r a tour of thr sourheru hor der , Karma Pbuntsok Namp'al visited Lhua and .. cut hi .. pri ... -ate secreraty to the: Dalai uma .",king for I rciigiou,," audience', .. he received a polite note .. a)'illi: thllt the 4th Dalai WL" in meditation and could not be disturbed. The Tung chid was dt"C'pl)' offended." Phuntsok N .. mgyal died in 1621 and WL\ succeeded by

Karma Trnkyong W&n.,.,..o.

21'7 A('(:ording to, T:AI'tl (1". lot): "The M(lllgol ,.oldir"r.. returned to Tibet in 161'9 in the guj"'r of

rilgrim~. Thc)' camped some di!l.tI.m'r outside Lhesa".

,111. These art' in Rurntek (see illu"lntion!lo).




22M The KUI~ of T"'311& w"'''' eve-utu allj' execut cd. in }t.42.

22'" Tht fLfth l>.dui Lama, NgiLwaof Lolaling Gy:"II11\O, W1Io!t. born ill )()17 into II N)'ingmapa fumil)" He ________ -----~'.' _5,_till)li\hcd __ hirll'.c.-lf_lil, SUP_U'flll: __ }{ulc"r ~)L~PJ_-il~c::!. __ t~~_r~.)_ugh_ (_h_t_ ht·lpof_ C~_"'l:r_i K!~a_n, _It'li_~t" of ~_I_I!; _~'UH_~l}~

_____ -r--r-r: a--;l~jJ~-~ft-iTLt-~It=at~Pl)-fal~-palal·T--il\ Uflf"'lCllt:-dLl"lhll=--I6H_2:~~~~ -_- -~===~~~_ -------=-=-=------=---~===-==-=-=

----~-23U-A~-.~~-~Zfi-l__;_il(_;_-~m.l!ii(;Vt.-K-){i-L.llara .. o-ri-:-in-·;4-CultJn,Jl-Jln'lIry-"f-TI/)rl~-(r;-l-YH}:-~-~-Tht·--t("IIlh_HlarkJlul _

----"-----·,~i~-r~rl.h Y.'IP"- ('a-ugbt"-up inp olit ical t"\·CIH!t.WU,lly a t-variancv with hi!t.yuilr proptTu-li,-:l_ou!I._ W.ll), _ __(l_r __ h(_c:_tl~, . _

wa-, a remar kahlc (h ... ractet, tyrinal of the l.r st of TibC-IHli 1.11IlI<I. .... " and "Tilt Hl ac k 11111 IIIt'fD.rrll ("M'apt,d r hr

'''_-'---,;-, fii!hlill~ Ilnd live-d fll' many yv II n., MIIIU-limn di ... ~~lIi!'ocd a ... a !oifllJlk IIHlIlk andlllwlIY'IH'('Cl'tIJlC h:ird ... lllp'" of

~\'('r)' kind,"

YESIIE J)()HJE: TilE ELEVENTH KARMAPA (Tib: Yc-sbcs rlio-rjc) (1676-1702)

2~~ A ""_,,II (If prllyt"-!oo!lIl1n, \:111\'(".:1 with At.wt,..B!'ouch a ... "(llll- ~b!li i; a dIlH:'lhHn, " 2~3 'lhc ~("\'t'lIth, Ycvhc t..:),int:po,

2 :401 Tilt' '(,),.1/4'iJ ", tlj.;>I'.


2~" The' sixth, Miphum (:110'1:)'111 Raluen.

,--- --'B'7 Tilt fihh, , .... uki;kTI.IlI u y (;;:~I1lIIo~l;.---

::2:HI The- script urcs.

2:'\9 Tbe Ioun h iruar nation , T,u~I~I\ J-\unI:Ul~ (J(,33 )(,4~') died \'cry yount-:

to their mockery Ill' flew up in the air, hovered for a while and then returned to the ground. The news of this mir.uulous event spread far and reached Shamar

Tulku'40 and Gyaltsap Tulku, who hoth sellt off their rrprrsrnt at ivcs to investi-

ga t t' --- ----------- ----- --- -- - --- -- ---------

_ It was found that all the details of the birth were in exact accordance with

the letter of prediction left by the previous Karrnapa. "Hr was thus brought to the gn'at Yang Chen monastery when' he met the ~e\'l'nth Shnrnar Tulku, who rcrogniscd him immediately, The young Karrnapa was taken to Tsurphu monastery where he was cnrhroncd. He performed the Black Hat ceremony shortly after'

wards. From Sharnar Tulku he received the preliminary ordinations and studied the scriptures under the guidance of the sixth Gyaltsap 'lulku and Karma Tinlay Tulku24I _ From Sharnar Tulku he: also received the full esoteric teachings, including the transmission of the 'Six Yogas' of Naropa. Sharnarpa passed away,

Karmapa Ycshc Dorjr received the teachings, explanations and initiations of Tcr Cbos2" from Yongc Migyur Dorje20 and 'I'aksharn Nudcn Dorje."· He performed the death-rites of Shamar Tulku and built a stupa to house the relics. The Tsurphu monastery was rebuilt and many other temples and monasteries

------------------------------------------------1---- _ _;w~.(:'r~e~r~l.~p~a~ir;e~d~~,~h,~a\,ing been badly damaged by the Mongol soldiers, One ycar after

, r.fllr.n-TtJ+ktJ-Kar-m:tp~_<l_\'P.._i_~t_lW_-nt'w-incarJl_ali_Qn'_oL~ILl')du_ _

nts for the boy to be brought to Tsurphu from his birth'phlcc in

.¥4§!k ,'--'




would reincarnate at Al Or in the malt- iron dragon year (1700) and imparted this information to the new Sharnar incarnation, ,. S along with the remaining teachings

lit- spent much time engaged in deep meditation.

Karrnapa Ycshc Dorjc sent the kiter of prediction concerning his next inrnrnation to the young Shamar Tulku. He then pavscd away in the male water horse year (1702), at the age of only twenty-seven. There were rcrnarkabk ocrurrrnrvs at that time. Hi- foremost disciples were:


KARMAI'A, 1111: IlLACK HAT LAMA Of 1'1111'1'

CHANGCHUB DOHJE: THE TWELFTH KARMAPA (Tib: HY,11Ig-rbuh rlro-rje) (1703-1732)

~~-----::-:=~C11angclluD-lJorjC:-\\'JS=IT()fn-in=thCCt~f(_'nlaltC\\'afeFsJ I ('ep-c}'t-ar-'(+7 OJ1=a tc:loi tsa_'I'okcin '--- c=

__ =-==_tll~!)t:rgt;- pr()vinceofTa~n'rn 'I'ihcc-Two-months-after-his-birthht-suddrnly-----declared himscl( to- be the - Karmapa-,-Shamar Tulku heard of the birth of the -------_rtlllarbbk child in the plan: mcnt ioned in the letter of pH'diction and sent a

::::::;::;:;;;:::::- s(,'a-I+I-1'f-)il,r-t-y_lt~d_l).)-=-lliS:-pJ:J-SJlI1.1Ls,rcretary, On the waythcre the), met tht Tenon

--. ·;--Mi-g)'url-)orje.l-._,,--wJl(;-g.;:;dt:d-tl1t~m-sir-Jight-to';lce,

Upon their arrival at the village they were most surprised to set' a white rain' bow which ended right on the roof of the house where the child had been born, ___ -'-F.:.:_,''("!)~t_!Ji!lg was found to be exactly in accordance with the details given in the

letter of' pr~'di(,iiO-n:-l'ilc-:.inau-cllild-rorrc-t'ilychb~\r--au_thc- items whicldlad--------belonged to theprl'vious il~carnation of Karrnapa and threw away all the others

in disgust, A message was sent to Situ Tulku, who came to meet the new in-: carnation, leading a party consisting of Traltg Rinpoche,H1 Surmang Garwang Rinpoche24 8 and Sangyc Nycnpa Tulku,l49 Together they proceeded to the

Karma Gon monastery, reaching there by the time Karrnapa Changrhub Dorje

was seven years of age,

One night Karrnapa had a dream of Lord Buddha preaching to many monks

seated around him.Among them he saw himself, with hands folded in supplication, asking for the methods best suited for learning the Mabayana, He received a concise mystic phrase in answer and on waking from his sleep Karrnapa instructed his servant to write the words down, Later, in a second dream he saw Paldcn Atisha and asked him several questions about the Dharma, From him he received mystic verses in answer; four sentences for the Mabaya7la and four for the Vajrayana,

Karmapa returned to Derge, the province of his birth and from there set out for Tsurphu, visiting many places on the way, At Tsurphu he was enthroned by

Shamar Tulku, 111 the presence of stnr4'uiku-:-He-reeciv-c:d-me-rf-im-af}'--3nd-£ina1------

..• , _Q~dirla_ti()m and was initiated into the complete Karg)'udpa teachings, including

~~~~~~~~.~=~_~.~~~-~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l ~'Six~~~rN~~~~~~if~R~~~t~o~mn~i~o~H~-~

_,F,,", u "" :' ._' ","",P , .... _. _ ..... _.,Tct't'Qgn.i,<;cd-thc-se'ICcn1bG raltsaj}-TurkiT,::KUfjChok:{}Stra:n:d-e:nJhroned-h:~ml-;-' -- .--------

. Karmapa Changchub Dorje mel the Nyingmapa SiCIal1aKnaTo-g-c-cldgaii~rr-ii~-~-:-ii: ",' ~==O;""

Chenmo and along with Situ Tulku and Gyaltsap Tulku the), discussed various

aspects of the teachings, Karrnapa decided that it was time a special pilgrimage

was made to Nepal. Accompanied by Shamar Tulku, Situ Tulku and Gyaltsap

Tulku the long journey across the Himalayas was compktcd and on arriving in

the Kathmandu valley the party went straight to the great Bodhanath St upa where

they madc many offerings, There the four incarnate Lamas were received by King Jagajayamalla,lSo who was scat cd in a golden howdah mounted on top of a huge

(i) SHAMAR PALCHEN CIIOSKYI DODRUP: The eighth Shamar Tulku, (J 695- 1 7 32)

.. ---===-(iiF-K [NCII EN-K'!flfMkDONYOJ'):--~-===-.-C:=C------=--=- --==-~===-------c -- (iii)-TENZIN CHOGYAL:Tht flfth-Trungpa-~i;ulku~=:_-~= --=---- ~-~-=---=-~- ...

~ -- - - -----_ .. ,~. -----------.---

._------------ ------ ------



240 The seventh. 241 111(" third.

,.2 The "di ... covered' teaching-.. hidden hy Padmavambhsva. 243 The prcM'nr incarnation i~ in Gangtok.

244 Who (IrC' ...... C'd in a tlr.n'", "lin. A yrnt Nyinl!mapa Lama. "";(1 prC'''("llt inca mation known.

245 Who rC(:0i!'ni .. ed thr ci!=hth Situ lun. ... u in a\.nut 170M. The "ev('uth Sit u Tulku, Na\,I,'C Nyima .. drr d vcry





KA I<M!\I'A, '1111- IIIA( K II A'I LA MA 01' 'I IlII 1

'1I1E I.INI· 01· KAI<MAI'AS, I·HOM 1111. lIBUAN

elephant. There wert" many attendants with gold and silver spears, honorific umbrellas and huge drums, who escorted them to the King's palace,

~c==. Karrllal'a.cI<:_J~!I~'wayinto the palan' assembly-hall, whcre_all.(J!Js~T~'td the _-==Ql~'lll_Jlla r)' Iltr:it)d--()c_srlcIln'- -in tron toTthZ.-'):Ortr ait-urFi':lt-F:1IilaP"-'I'}llCI1-a-==:C::_ _~_ splendid feast was. prcp:H(Xandro(;m;:-"-l~r(' mJdt'-:i\'air:;l;lt\Karmap:l sta)~:d in----the palace for seven Jays, bestowing blessings and preachillg th': Dharma. An ---- -- . epidemic had hr okt-n out in the valley just before his arrival and at the H'qUl'q of __ --_- _- _-_---_--~~ .. ~_rh{'~"tflg=_lfClrt'Tf(tm.r'-d=-a=-PToIIi:ti::I:ti:(:w=<'nt::!llt)"ll)'~J:f1:.tl_--:.t:l:ts"'l)itlt'-m.i(;-i.H.1.H.wd.i.:11:t'I-),'-' ---- .~=;;;~~==~:::~::::~=-:~~;:;:~~=~~~=:;§:;~-§~~=:§~~==~~~§~=~~

-subsillt-a~"'ince the country was suffffiTIg-fro!Jl drou-gln-K-:rrmap:nhrew-t'On-'- -- -

sccrarcd grain into the air and it rained heal'ily, I le preached the Dharma through-

out the Kathmandu valley, fully explaining the laws of Karma to t hr people, The

. _ . __ . !{o)'aLEamiIY_feceivnLnlan),-o:(TlleDI l.eaching~i!llQ..!lI~L1'.a_l_l_dit!1~.~~1'!!l_tto dis-

cuss points of doctrine, --.---~--- ..

Karrnapa took the party on pilgrimage to Narno ltuddhaya.. the pla('e where, as ,I ltodbisat tra , in the distant past Lord Buddha had offered the flesh of his own body to a hungry tigrt'ss.25 I. At this place an invitat ion was received from King ){;lnajitamalla,2S' asking them to visit his city. Elephants were provided for Kar mapa and Shamarpa and fine horses for Situ Tulku and Gyah sap Tulku, In a rnagnificcnt procession they circumarnbulatvd the city, bestowing their blessings upon all.

Karrnapa and the other incarnate Lamas left Nepal and travelled on pilgrimage to Kushinugara? S 3 in India, the pla(,(' of the final passing of Lord Buddha, Then' they all prostrated, made offerings and said prayers for the good of man'

kind. At this time an invitation was received for Karmapa to visit China, Retracing '41, A To, ben. 'r eve aler of 1JC"U'O"

the route through Nepal the pilgrims returned to Tibet, reaching the Tsurphu '4' All ;11"",,,.1;00 o( t hr SI,IJh. Sho~.m, 011< o( Je (;""1"'1'''' d""irb. The p,,,,,elll Rinpoche i,.

monastery safely. student II Samarh. India.

K d SI T lk If')' I h hi I d f h hi d 24K From Surman~ 11I011lI!oIt'r),. The PIC'!o-CIlI incar nation horn in II" rbe son of Kaz.i Sonant (;),."100, A~

arrnapa an . lamar u .u c t surp lU on t c t mccm 1 ay 0 t c t ir 7 rem,

month of the female wood snake year (1725) and travelled through Kharns and '49 The Iounh incarnation.

N~th Ea~nn11bet, ~sitingmanytcmpll'Sandmonanenl'Sonthcw~yto~~n~a~.~~~~-~~~~-1'1'io~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~-~-~ . Ruler of Yambu (Katlunandu} (rom 1722·]736, which period \\'L' remarkable for the' phenomenal

_____ I'ming_ t hroughnu mcrous, prQl'inc.es_'S'_ ille),. r(:at:'hecl__~ing_<:h i -e~'._~ here _they_ J'OU~hl,

______ _::.~\:ixiJ.ed_th.c_tcm.ples of Avalokitrsbwara and the Goddess Tara. They performed 25 '-(If P-;-.I.P.~n-.II:.~. for;;;-e;- ~fV.nlbu, ;;hc'-e.m~-Io Ih~lh,(,,;< ill I'6JY-anJdred in 1689 He wi, •

=~~~=~~,"","""",m':f!lY .•. Fr:fGS#'gi"ii;rg""-spcCGial~ifiS:fi'tI"'tiflI'lSict:0",t:hf'ci!",-Gillifllt·sFsa~'ing:·that: th.e)'· shou.I.d~"-~~· . ---::::= .. ------.~ .. nw,n'(-B"<:,!I-"I>itiTr'll-~lc,"ri!llZ ... -,,'C~_e\'~~d-r~ni'·ul.,-e",·,gr-I'rhrinl!in~'ol!"l.hN:-I!."Jil.':-hom-nl'II~'_· ~~~-~

try their utmost to propagate the Dharma in the difficult times. This was a period .. . . " ...... -:~~';'~~I,~:~,~!';~:;il:~'1~0;=n~~:ir7(I::~:~~I~'C~·;r;;r:~~~r/£i'I-"-''i@'''ii_EftnniOilicZ~~,"!i)'L-&Ff,in~t:-tl£~~'''_ii,~o:.,.;;;: ~.i'. ~--~"'-~~"'::~

of great religious discrimination, Karrnapa and Sharnar Tulku considered it more 2510 Situe tcd to 110" ra" "f IIh., •• "II. ncar t o t hc villagr (If Panavat i

favourable for them to leave their bodies and reincarnate. 25' Of IIh"g au lI, in the Ka rhmaudu valley. lie reigll<d ('0",1722,1769,

Karrnapa sent a letter of prediction to Situ Tulku? 5 and OIl the thirtieth day 25~ III 11I,li., the 1'1.,e of the /'J,",,;n'JnJ uf Lor d Huddha.

of the tenth month of the water rat year (1732), early in the morning of the new 254 SllIill" Lcnju. Tvu-tvui. Ch.n.·,I",i, Ng"'.' NinglCll, 110 Chang,hm, Tscn Challg),i, Chin!! II;, Chi-ew.

moon, he passed away. Sharnar Tulku followed him two days later, amidst many Luntok Shcn. Chillf·"hi,<w etc.

on)cns, His foremost disciple!' \\'erc: 2!>~ Thr ('if,hth. who at t hat lime wac at 1'00'rullg rnuna<.trT)',

(i) SITU CHOSKYI J UNGNES; The cighth Situ Tulku. (1700·1774) z s« The vixt h incnruauon. Cho"),i Dodrup. died ),oung,

(ii) GYALTSAP KUNCIIOK OSEH: The ~('\'l·nth Gyall'.p Tulku, (1699-1765) (iii) 1'/\\\'0 TSUKl.AK Gl\Wl\: The seventh Pawo Tulku.i?" (Died: 1781)

(iv) DHUKCIiLN KAHGYUD TINLAY SllINGTA: The sixth Drukchcn Rin-

==::.._.,-:_-~ .. _ .. ---:=·~=C:P()C hr~c===.::.=:==:===:c-=----.----- ... --' ~==-==:c==-=c::.===-c__.____ _-=:===cc···.-::._--=::

-~----(I)--YONGlnINKAI{Ml\lIlUB'IEl\:-N(;I\\\'ANG:- ...---

-··------~-(I'i)· JETSUNJYUNGON TULKU: ------- .. ~.--~.-.-.-.-----""





1111' Lit·,,: 01· KAHMAI'AS, H{OM 1 "I. ruu': AN

Karrnapa Du Dul Dorje made a pilgrimage to Nepal (c.1750), meeting King ]aya PrakasamallaH4 and arranged for restoration to be undertaken on the: grtat Swayarnbhunath Slupa."s He was well received by the King, the Ministers and

=-----==l5u=DllF-Dl)rjt'=-Y;.is-bOrri-ih=-thc=.sCl'6Jid-.wtek--of-the=-tighthmontIFofc.thtcft'nlakc===-=- .. - -: ..•. ··=thcpl'oplclnd:.\\'auhk_tQCnSllJ<c1!lj!_Ltb.r::WQJhwas~a_tisfag()riILc:lr~it:dc()ll!' ==--_--

------------ war cr: ox - year-(1733 );- in- Cha wa -Drollgof N )'('n Chowa -prol'ince,As-aslJlallchild':_~-=-:_- ~~~~~::_-_~A I_I hcage.ofth irry-nineKarrria pa.went to_Jhc:_l'alpul1g_!1_10nasltr>·,l·_·_.Y"!l('r_e~ --

·-----h,'- st artcdrccount ing stories of his' past visils to India; Nepal and China; One day .-- -- -~--he discussed the results of his meditations with the righth Situ.Tulku and received

a sixteen year old boy dressed in white, holding a basket of flowers, appeared the remaining trachings and the Oral transmission from him. He recognised the

befort, him. 2'? Scattering the flowers at his fn't tht [JOy damTd around him and said. tenth incarnation of Sharnar TulkuH? and then travelled to Tsurphu monastery

----C'---:-==-····c-~-·-I;;n;=.r[iI;;_,E.iIi:iTI-c(.llnt._frolll-tbLl_ighu:if.::KmillII'd gt',:_~QIJJJ.'[imo in~n;rat lif ul __:____~ . . a'iT-SStO=in=tlli=r'Ol)(:s=or::an=Oi:cri~,a ma~~\"isi t i ng-3 Il::rlIt::\i1I;i~l'''::uf::r;-h-;rnrs:-:-, --------

form! As Teacher and Protector there is no difference between you or me!" The ... . Eastern Tibet, he gave teachings to the people in an cxtrelllery;-inlpTiTitcl-form.

figure then scattered the last handful of flowers and laughing, dissappcarcd. As At theend of tht, journey he retired to the hermitage built by Karma Pakshi on

mallY people were witness to this curious event the fame of the )'t1ung boy spread thr mountain behind Tsurphu and then' spent many years in deep meditation.

- .. ----------Tariildv.~idt:,A~car(_;IIT)iil5' lea uy'- tlleSl'vi'ill h -Cplltsap Tulk ucame tornccrt hc------ ------·Ht, -rcvcalcd- rna ny-precious-t n'asures- andwas-especiall),-rcno\\'nrd Ior.his..ability .

. _hoy and found that ('"errthing was in exact agreelllt'nt with the letter of prediction to communicate with animals and birds.

left by the previous Karmapa. Thus the young'illcarllation was recognised and The Ruler of Southern Tibet invited Karmapa to consecrate a small monastery

taken to the Tsurphu monastery, when' he was ceremonially enthroned and where in the palace of Phowo, which was fifteen days journey from Tsurphu. Hcing

he performed the Black Hat e('rcmony for the first time. A representative was sent unable to go in person Karrnapa fixed a date and tim" for the ecremony and sent

from the Dalai l.ama.B> a messenger to tell the Lamas there to make all the necessary preparations. At the

On the fifteenth day of the fourth month of the female wood ox ycar (J 74 5), exact moment of the consccrat ion Holy grain started to rain down from the sky

at the age of twelve, the young boy took the preliminary ordinations from the and ('\,eryont was \'cry happy with the auspicious event. Later he had a vision of

cigluh Situ Tulku, Be completed his basic studies by the time he was nineteen, the new incarnation of Situ Tulku and a part)' was sent to collect him. He was

when he then took the final ordination and was taught the 'Six Yogas' of Naropa, enthroned by Karrnapa and received all the teachings from him,

the Kargyudpa Lineage and received the full Oral transmission. Ill' had a clear Karmapa Du Dul Dorjc gal't the letter of prediction to his disciple Situ Tulku

vision of Padmasarnbhava and jctsun Milarepa. and passed away on the fourth day of the eighth month of the female fire snake

One day water started pouring out from underneath the great statue of Lord year (1797), at the age of sixty-five. There were many auspicious signs at the time

Buddha in the Jo Khang temple of Lhasa. There was a danger that the image of his passing and precious relics were recovered from the funeral pyre. His fore-

might become submerged, possibly to be taken off to the land of the Nagas.lSY most disciples were:

A prediction was found in a book written by Guru Padruasnrnbhaval t? in which (i) SITU PADMA NYINGCHE WANGPO: The ninth Situ Tulku. (1774·1853)

------~~~it~"='~as~d~eclarcd that thc ~n~~~~~~pd~~~-~~~~~·~~~~9ll{I'P MIPIIAM GYAMTSO: The tenth Shamar Tulku.

the danger. The Dalai Larna'" I asked Karmapa Du Dul Dorjc to come to Lhasa, (1742·1792)

-- ----sorhat he migllfticlp savc-tl1C-p-reciolls statue-:- Owing-to circumstances beyond-his --------(iii)-PAWOTSVKLAK-CIWSK-YI-G\'ALI'O:-The-eighthi>awo_Tulku,. ._

- .... ----.--- wntroIKarma!lacoulanot[!ersonall~::make=rht\'isiJ;-b:u:hIJSlea~hcnt:-..a:-I~et-t_cr ~iv-)-l)i{-tJK-GI-II-'-N-K-IJN-ZlC;-CHOSKY_I_NAN.GWA:_Tb.c....KY_c_nth Drukrllen Rin·

with instructions thaI it should be plaeca on tfiev.;ater.Tnislctter wasaaarl'Ssca~ --'u· ·-p(}drt:---m-------

to the King of the Nagas and when it was presented the water immediately started (v) LADAKH HEMI GYALSA Y: A Prince, from Bemis monastery, Ladakh.

subsiding. Later Karmapa himself travelled to Lhasa, riding on a hornless Yak21'2 (vi) KIlAMTJ{ UL J IGME SENGE: The Line of Khamtrul" ~ Tulkus, from Kharns.

and going directly to the Jo Khang temple he prayed before the great statue of

Lord Buddha. He offered a white silk scarf to the image and thc arms moved into

the 'receiving" position. remaining permanently outstretched from that time on. lit- had an audience with the eighth Dalai Lama,"] who thanked him for Willing and presented many gifts to him in gratitude.

DU DUL DOHJE: un: THIHTEENTH KAHMAI'A (Tib: dl nrd-ldu! rlro-rjc) (J 733- J 797)






KAHMAI'A, lilt IlLACK IIA'I LAMA 01· 111\1-.'1

,),hl'gcLII()g=J)_OLjt-=_WJ~=-Il!lm--'QU=lhj:~Jnllhd_J>'ccQf'cclh_'='c::t_\~f~Illonthof_tllt' fire ___ ---sna kc--ytaL( 17 9HC in-_t he Ih na ngvi Ilagcof_.z~hli_()_C;angin_ tht·I?~)=KT1:11l~~iZ.iii-o_n -------- -of Ea~HTn 'librt. Many rainbows wert to be: sccn.ovcr.Jhc village and at the timc_ of his birth the haby wiped his own face and said, "Om Mani Padmc l lum, Hri! Ah i\hh I Ii Uu UU ... ""'~ The fume of the child spread far, rl'aching the

'" aTg), u d Ilab III a~I-)ru M'1il:n=Kuii'i-Ig=GI'ilKK)'t"Nangw:f;-~:":"=wlf( nl·nt:a:s:otdl"p:ar-:t:y·----=-=--to the rl'gion. Situ Tulku and Gyalts:lp Tulkul7" abo sl'ntsl'arrn:partlts amlall-of

them I11et in the I'illagl' of Danang. Tog('lher they took the boy to the Karma Gon

monastery, where he was wclromcd hy the ninth Situ 'lulku. hnding all the

----d(·t ailv-in-t he-let t cr--of-prnlil'l ion-to- bt-e:x;J ct IY_l'Orrl'ct ,Si t u .Tulku _offi~iall>'_ __ ------, re('ognisni him as the new incar nat ion of Karmapa and bestowed the primary ordination.

Staying in the Karma Gon mouastcry for several years, Kar mapa Theg Chog Dorje rcrrivcd both the New"? and the Old" ~ tt:lchings and studied several versions of the lift- of Guru P;ldmasamhhal'<i. He travelled to Tsurphu, where, by the agl' of nineteen, he had received most of the tcachings and the esoteric transmission. He took the final ordination, rebuilt the monastery and repaired all the stUP;IS and small temples in the area. I It- also founded a meditation centre, calling it Drupde Samtcn Ling.

Acting in accordance with a prediction made by Guru Padrnasambhava,

Karrnnpa invited the Tenon Chogyur Lingpa1" to rome from Khums to the Tsurphu monastery, There were great celcbrat ions, culminating in Lama-dances of the 'Eight Manifestations of Guru Padmasambhava '2 7S and those of l'ajrakila."6

Karmapa made a pilgrimage to Kang Rinpochc, Mount Kailash in Western

_______ ~~~~~ __ ~~_~~_~~~~ __ ~_~~~_~~ __ ~~~ __ ~~_~~~_~~~~~l'il~t, and during his "ay there some p~oplc~TresurrtheycouldKehim~ning -t'4i-t-ating in a teuLinJb_ctni.J:hlle of lake Manasarovar.'77 Be circumambulated

the Holy mountain, visited all the shrines, and had a wonderful vision of Cbak-

i -----rasammra;-0n-his-return-journey-hc passed by a_craggyhill._Jamous_aubc:_ abod~_ -

=~~~~~~'ii-~ .. ii!_~0ii:i!" .. _"·~- -~"," ~'iii~iii" ",~~""~"'''ii''~;;>-""",~~~~~~;;:;-,,,~"~,~ __ ~- ~~~~~-~'-~:~"""""~"~~" ~~~~~~"'~_~;;- 1--"--'4--c~~~T~0~n~~:~~~~~},~~s~t1~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!:l~;~~--.---"~

rocks remained where they were and the smaller rubble and dust completely disappeared,

Karrnapa travelled to Tsari, where he had visions of the Goddess Tara and of C/.>.,krasammra and where he left a permanent footprint on a stone. Then he returned to Tsurphu monastery, travelling through the province of Kongpo, where he preached and bestowed many hkssings on the people, He imparted the complete teachings to Drukchcn Kunzig Gyamtso and Jamgon Khongtrul Rinpochc,"?

:l~R The I>t"vrntil Ualili 1.:111);1, KiiIJltll~' G)'af1lt~() (17UX 1757), 2 ~9 SC'Tpellt I\.in}o."!<..

___________ ~_~_'_O_~h('_l'h'l'h('() boo,", "a'> thr '!.lJ.p hmjt, 'O.fkyl U.'-U'.l C/.'I"I' (II I'\'yinpllara 'l rrma),

----=---~TI~-I~_:r~-_:e-j~~ll ~:,-J :~~~-~J(: ;'-:ill~:l~.-~---~c-~-_=~_~~~=_-- ====~==- ---~~=---=--~ ----===--=~===--====--=:~~-===-=-~-~--

-'t.1--:-~;~A1~;;·:--- - - - ----- -------- ---- -- -- - ----------- -- ------ - - -

21,-' 175~ JH{)S-~------------·--·--- --- ----------- - - ---~-----.- - .. ----------

;,(,4 Hri.~IIt"l1 frlllll173hl7ML

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------Libr-ary. - -- --- - -

2t.(, Of Situ ·Illiku.

HILG CHOG nOR]E: rur FOURTEENTH KARMAPA (Tib: 1bcg-mCbuJ!, rJ)u'7}C) (l7Y8- J 8M!)

1(,7 The tcruh. Tilt· 11111111 Sh,II11iH Tulk u. t\.1I1Hh\lk JUllgllt'\,dinl )'(JIJI1~. ha\'illlo! ber-n ~~I('all)' IllIr,I',\,J by t hredlln'lt M!!li\It'r!'>

--------i-('-!LTllt prt-"'('Ill-illrllTliJliolJ,J>')fljud--NyiIlW,i\--tht'-c-irhth.-Ih-_Jo\ll1{k;,Lu_C'_ll_f_t_(;U_HH:__ilL_I __ ;t~!.0j_~_II~,_l.!l~_I"_. _



KAI(MAI'A, TIlE IlLACK HAl LAMA O~· 1'1111'1'

leaving the leiter of prediction with his two brothers, Dodrup Tulku and Choswang Tulku,

------=~ __ _=.::.~=On-::-the-=-twl'nty,fim=day=of=the=fi~st-::-monthoLthccnlalcc.eartld(agoIL)'ear-c--=-ccc . -------(-IH6R) - he- pam'd--away.-in- his -st'venty.frrst-rear.-RalnlJOws-wnr,::,lO- be _set;ri:all-=-'::'::

-- ~~'-"arollndhimat t hatrimerHis foremost disciples were:--- ------------- ---- .. ----

(i) DIWKCIIEN KUNZIG GYAMTSO: The eighth Drukchcn Rinpoche. (ii) jAMGON KHONGTIWL HINPOCIlE: The first jamgon Tulku. An

____________ nJIIQ_J)_oLil.mjusri ..

(iii) DABZANG DEDON TENPA ){ABGYE: The first. (iv) GYlJ){,\\E TFNPIIEL: The t'ighth Trungpa Tulku.

KHA CHAB DOI{jE: THE FIFTEENTH KARMAPA niv: 7111\/1.1-/;/1),.11> rl so-rjc) (l R71,1922)

1------._---_. __ . __ ._---- ----

1------·_---------- ------------- ---- -- - --- -

! __ '::'==.·.Kba __ Ch;t_15m)rjc \\,aEQ(>rl1(_)n_tll£t("llthd.:'),_()!:the eighllllllol1tllof-tnc-frrilali:-=---------::-:

__ -iron sheep _year (1871 ),inShtlkarvillagc of JS()Ilg provinrT~Vc.~tC:fn-Til)eT t\s -- --

soon as he was horn he looked up into the sky and declared himself to be the new --- ---.- - - --_j. Karmapa. He had a white mole in the middle of his forehead, By the time he was :-= ......... -_-. ~a~yt'ar-o la=l'ie~a Ire:! dy_h-;al::-;rn--:rsturrrs'lrilrgl:r=p:w.fc:ttl:Jitl-lI-ndl':l2l::l:I!d+_Ag~f,..FI'l,a:J:li' sul,,:;- .::;-::::::::::::::== -- I jeers and was able 10 pass nis~no\\'lroge on to others. Hc-runri-nu-e-d-adris-own---- .

reacher unt il the age of six,

Drukchcn Rinpochc, Tenon Chogyur Dechert Lingpa and jamgon Khongtrul

j --------·R in poche f el t-convin ced.r ha r.he m u stbe .thc.. im'aJJlatioD_.oLJ(_;l_r_n!_ap_a _ _a_n~._u p__c>_n _

consulting the kiter of prediction it was found that all the details were exactly

correct. As a final test the boy was asked to select items of clothing placed before

him and he immcdiatrly chose those which had htlonged 10 the previous Karrnapa,

Thus he was taken to the Tsurphu monastery,

In the female fire ox year (J 877) he was ceremonially enthroned and on this occasion composed a prayer to Mahaka/.1. lie studied all the doctrines and became skilled in the science of medicine, At the age of eleven he travelled 10 Lhasa, where he met the thirteenth Dalai Lama, Thupten Gyamtso,219 who honoured him greatly, In Lhasa there was a very large statue of Dorjc Dragdcn the Protector, which offered his spear to Karrnapa. Staying in Lhasa for a while, he taught widely and then returned to Tsurphu,

Karrnapa Kha Chab Dorje received the empowcrment/ "? of the Kanjur from Kcnchcn Tashi Oscr and that of the 'Six Books of Padmasambhava'H I from Pawo Tsuklak Nyingchc,H2 At the agc of fourteen he received an invitation to consecrate a newly restored monastery in Li Thang. Drawing a map of the place he droppcd Holy grain onto it and at that same moment showers of grain fell on the

·--------I'(lOTNOTES·- -- -- .--.-

roof of thc monastery.

---In the, male fire_dog-year(JS86Lh-c-W.t'TlL tQ_KhalTls,_vlsi_t_ingth£.J>;!_lfllll1g __

=~~--~--~'~--~-~--"""",,-!iO"'~'~~~:-:~:~;~2~J~~;~(r~o~~I:~~O~{~-[;~;~~::~:§r~:,r.I~.~.Ci~§I~_~)".=u~d-F·."~A~d~;'-·~·~-;~;;~I~-·~o~T"-!'ilh~C-'O:P-'~rc~~-~~' l-,o;;U-'~-i~n-,~.a~r-n~a-~ti--"'o-n"',~~~~-~-·'"-':'_·"'-ii-""-"'-Ci.-~-fi,':'_fi,-'ii:.-'ii;_:_i:~~iiii~~~~~;:: i----~·~r~:;~~~1i~~~~i:~~i~~f-ii:~~~~;~;i~~~~;~:~~:~I;~':;:;!~~~I~::I:i~:it\;:~~-

271 The cigh'h, Cbospal 7,ongro (J7M.182(). VOWS, the Kalacbakra and the Oral trammission, He travelled to the Dzong Sar ....

272 The 'Sor mo': 'he 'new',cachinp. rnonastcry of the first Khycntsc Rinpoche.'~) where he recounted all the events

273 The 'I\'yingma', the 'old' Inchinp. of his past lives. Then he visited Bonpo Gon in Li Thang, where he performed a

274 A 'diccovcrer' of 'exl' and treasures (1r,,,,.,). lie was from the hila monas tery. (1829,187(1). miracle by pushing his finger right into a hard rock. When he withdrew it, streams

27~ The 7>- cbu of milky water flowed out of the hole. Ile visited all the region around Li Thang,

27<. /'"'1''' "'up Cbrn, a wr a thful Tant nc form. imparting teachings and bestowing initiations. At the request of Dzigar Rinpochc

277 The Holy Lake ncar to the mountain. of Shang Ling monastery he gave the rebirth prediction concerning thc next

2'" A great teacher. who influenced many. Drukchcn Rinpoche.





In the male earth rat year (1 R88) Karrnapa received many teachings and () 922) he passed away, at the age of fifty-two. There were many auspicious signs

initiationsH4 from Jamgon Khongtrul Rinpoche'?" and studied the lIigher visible in the sky and precious relics were recovered from amongst his ashes _

______ ===----Ia_rm<ls,_rn.f.g_i_('ifle_=and=y_:~_t_rol_(Jg)'._:J:'r.()m .JambyangKhytntscRinpochc2 •• he His foremost disciples were:

__ ~-=-.:::=u-~-ei\'.{'d_n)al1y_crnfl_Qwtrmcnlsa_nd.initi:ltlo~s::~a-;_\'\ilr:~_tEc:=,::-arg)-;uapa-Lin~a-gt~-=---_-~~_""=::"~~~(i)=SIH.J=PAI)MAWANGCIIOG_GYi\!J'O:::Thcckn:nt11S.iLlITulhu.(18H6,)952)c---.-

__ ~ teachings, the A1.1i.>amlldr.1 and the. Oral transmission. _Throughlhc_-Cert:~~(iar-- - !-------(ii)- JAMGON-KHYENTSE- OSER:~~The_stcoriaJamgob_:__Kh~l~tiuI_~ljJJk~~-===

Buddha Vajradbara he realised perfection in meditation. I (1904-]953)

Karrnapa made a prediction of the whereabouts of the eleventh Situ Tulku, (iii) PAWO TSUKLAK TJ{AWE WANGCIi UK: The tenth P3WO Tulku. (b. 1912)

~= r -~~~_-.~-"'-=---="-- __ ""'''''-'-'''-I':ITlma-Wangdiog_e;r::Illm;=rtn)gtri-srd:-!rim __ allrl::sxrr("ITi"-t"~d=h-is t'Fl.t-Af0r-lffl'l(oFl-l"'(,-Fl.'- .... . . _ (iv) SIIAMAR JAMBY ANG: The de\'enth Sharnar Tulku. (c) HHO-1947)

mony. IfetTICrl travcllr(fTcjDusa, to-SJng 'l\:gagCtwT[ing,~'-7;ITld-nnlft'-grtat .. -_:_: (_\') __ (;-"'t\LTS.I~P·-I·RAJ{I'AGYAMTS(k·llie=ertvt-mIi::"Gpl~:):'UItu:=-(rtc;;>tl2'~'-------

Samyc monastery. lit- enthroned the new Drukchen Rinpochc and taught him ]959)

fully. Going to Tsari he practised his meditation there and man)' visions revealed (vi) KIIYENTSE RINP()CIIE:

------thcmsclveS-tohim.-including those.of Guru PadmJsambha\'a,J~ajr.Il',lr_aI.>i,_/lt:_vaj_r<1 •. _._____, (vii) CIlOSKYJ NYINJ E: The tenth Trungpa Tulku, who received the R.lbjll711

Kalacbakra and Cbakrasanrrara. The Protector of Tsari also appeared and pre- . 1-------·---i.lrairl;lti(jn--fronnhe-fifteenth-K-armapac---------.-----.-------------.------.---

srnicd Karrnapa with a precious statue of Guru PadmasambhavJ2H' and a sky- i

fallen sceptre.H9 I

Karrnapa returned to Tsurphu in the male wood horse ycar (I H94). founding the Tsur Kung monastery nearby, and repairing the main buildings. He built a temple of the Protector-Deity of Lhasa? 90 and then travelled to Palpung monastery where he preached and bestowed many initiations. At this time Jarngon Khongtrul Rinpochc came and transmitted the remaining secret teachings to him. He

returned to Tsurphu when' he witnessed the dance of Mabakala and conducted man)' important ceremonies.

Karmapa received many requests from the King of Bhutan. asking him to visit his country, He started off on the long journey and reached Trongsar Dzong, the old capital, on the first day of the first month of the male earth dog year (]898), at the time of the New Year celebrations. He preached and bestowed the ld,liJIl111udra initiations in their complete form. with full explanations. for which the King of Bhutan was extremclLgratcful.

Karmapa returned to Tibet. where. guided by particular visions. he found the ------nt-w-incarnations of_) amgonKhongtruLRinpQcbc2_"1 _and tJw t<:nlh _Pa",,<L Tulku, 292

. _;sllp-tr:\:isin~b_()_th_.cothr-Qo.e.m.enl .cmmonies at Tsuq~hu. monastery.' ~(o-Situ----

~~~~~ii.ii.;;';;:i>i.!ii_iiii·. :'rul~tT29Fa:rf~J=J:RfgBcii~R=rrrpgIi'JciC;'Ol1ce~pas.~ccr'i:6tjz;jHall~tl-"J£:h:i:lJgs,-thFA1.zl>d nllldta=~.the Kargyudpa Lineage. the 'Six Yogas' of Naropa and the complete Oral transmission. On the first day of the first month of the male water rat year (J 9]2) he insisted that the New Year trumpets be blown towards the East29• instead of towards the South. as was customary.

For many years Karrnapa Kha Chab Dorje engaged himself in deep meditation. lie bestowed his blessings on the people. Then he wrote a letter indicating details of his next rebirth and left it in the (arc of jarnpal Tsultcn, his favourite attendant. On the twenty-sixth day of the third month of the male water dog y<:ar


,,9 (lH7(o'19H).

2"0 'l.ung'.

,It' The ninth I'~W(l Tulk u, who died 4:.191].

ltD Who had mun), incarnatiom, the third of which wa .. KIIr):)'udl'l. The- ()Ihcn Wt'H' N)'inJ.!mapa and S.kyapa.

,tI The 'Rinrbr n gTrr-m/);.od', .. in 7S volumes. ,"5 The fir.t .


292 Tilt" tenth. HOW Ij\'in~ in Bhutan. A pca' teacher. 2Y3 Thr clrvcnt h

294 Lain til; .. YOa" in n-r pr ct cd .... indlnlrinf till: dir cc-tion in which hi .. [ut ur c inruruation would Itt' bor n. The !';)"I(,(,l1lh t\armap~ wa ... born in the Ea't.




... ,.,

lUI. Rangjung Rigpe Dorjc, the sixt ccnth Gpiwa Karrnapa.


RANGJUNG RIGPE DORJE: THE SIXTEENTH KARMAPA (Til» R,mg'''Y"llg Nig-pw'irDo-rJc) (Born: 1924)

!:--:=.--..::.:: c_= Ran gj u n gcHigpcDorjt'. __ t he.:.prt'sml::_G)'<lj_wa=~_<lT_J:J1;!paL \\_'a~orn.:.()_n t he, fifteen th _

---·---da y-of- the -six t h mon th. ()f- t hc.m al c __ \\:ood~-ra_C)~ta_[ (19 4_1X~_tP_~ nkho ~~)nt ~e l)-a-nkS-- -- -_ '-~~-----of the Dri Chu river; ncar-to the 'A thup'- palace in Dergc, Eastern ;ra;:cI,-Be-f()re-:':::_=--

his birth the Siddha Gyal Je and Dzogcben Thupten Choskyi Dorjc both pro___......_....._.___phesied that a great lsodbisattv« would soon come to Arhup and advised the family

,-=-- __ -_~_~t()_s_d·· 0 p_TIam pout si dccthe-pala (,l~SO- In a Hh c-b irrlr::wUTfI-d:mrt=t;rkr::pbe~c:ifl:;Jdil:)'_ . .occ~~ ~_

environment. His father's name- was Ts('wang Pafjor ancnlis mother was calh:-d---· -----Kall.ang Chosdun.

While still in his mother's womb the baby could be heard reciting the 'Molni'

-------,,\1.111 lra:--One-day; short ly-bcf orc-t he-birr h,his mot her not icedthatherstomach _.

had become completely flattened, as if she was not pregnant at all. She proreeded 10 the camp, setup on a hill behind the palace, and at sunrise the next morning she felt a great heaviness and her stomach began to swell very rapidly. Soon afterwards the baby was born.

There was a slight fall of rain and many rainbows appeared all around, some ending ;11 the camp and others at the palace. When the child was born he took seven steps, saying, "Mother, Mother! I am going away!" She wrapped him in a blanket and it was noticed that all the water in the offering-basins had turned into milk. Realising the import ann' of the birth the family let it be known that a girl had been born, in order to protect the child from ill-wishers.

In the meantime Siru Tulku and Jamgon Khongtrul Tulku had opened the letter of prediction left by the fifteenth Karrnapa and found the following detailed instructions: "East of Tsurphu, close by a river, in a place that long ago had belonged to Pawo Dcnrna Yulgyal Tokgod29S and to the Minister of Ling Kcsar, on the Pal hill, decorated with the letters 'A' and 'thup', is a house made

. birth will take lace there

conditions exactly as had been predicted in the letter. The search was over. Thus the sixteenth Karmapa was recognised. For some years he remained in the palace,

in the good care of his parcnts.

lie was a child of extraordinary natural insight; if horses or cattle were missing from the area he could always give an exact description of the place where they could be found. His room in the palace was on the third floor. One day visitors brought him tea in an earthenware pot. Kar rnapa threw it down into the court-



yard below and then sent a servant to pick it up. Miraculously it was not broken, nor had one drop of the tea been spilled. Laughing, Karmapa squeezed together the: neck of the: pot and scaled it completely. For a long time: it was preserved in

==== tllc:~A t hu pcpa lace~=:=c=====c==:-=~cc_=-=_:c= --------

~:=:::::--=~=~-~When:K3rrJJ:l pa- was .sevcn.ycars old-Situ-l'lllku and.] :lmg()n Khongi ru ITlilk u --"-'--'---\'i,itnl the palacr and performed his primary ordination. A ceremonial empowermcnt of the Goddess l'ajravilrabi2"'-was completed and Oil the twenty-seventh day of the first month of thl' felllale iron shel'p year (1 Y31) the young incarnation was

ordained as a novi(T monk=Then Kh)'gltsc Rin!1_oche_, Zimflow!-.tgshea=-c;_yal-;-;rs""c=n-·--· -- ... --_---------.- ........ and Donycr Cyaltsen Zangkyollg together offered the sixteenth Gyalwa Karrnapa

his ceremonial robes and Hat.

On the first day of the second month of the same year he was taken to the -------PJlpung·monastl·ry;lt·thl, invit a t icnofSit u Tulku';-On the way-there the-party-was --- .. ----met by the local Ruler, Tsewang Palchod, who led them to the Lhendrup Teng "--"--palace, where many fine ceremonies' were performed in honour of the new incar-

nation. Thousands of people gathtrt'd to receive his blessings,

On the: eighth day of the: second month the: party reached Palpung monastery.

The enthronement Ctrl'lllOny took plan' four days later in the large assembly hall and thousands of pilgrims gathered to pay homage to the Gyalwa Karrnapa on this auspicious occasion. On the twenty-second day of the fourth month Situ Tulku accompanied him to Tsurphu, visiting many monasteries and places of pilgrimage on the way, Halfway between Khams and Tsurphu, at Gyina Gon monastery, the senior secretary and a hundred Lamas honoured the new incarnation. The following day, the thirteenth of the sixth month, the Black Hat lTrt'mony was first performed in this lifetime. The sky was filled with rainbows and many flowers fell down from the heavens. Thousands were witness to this astonishing and auspicious event,

The journey was continued, The way passed through a valley ncar the palace

crest of a mountain. Karrnapa sent sacred grain and a white Yak as offerings to ---------this- Protector- and-theYak-was- seen rorunstraightup ro-the-top-wi thout-any-

----------. --. __:'Fht-)'()ung~S-ix-~cc-nt-h-K-a-~ma-l'a~1fh-his--fl"~her-.--fhr-E-le\·enth-Situ-'J:ulk-u,-in-'J:ibc-t-:-:-- ... ---. --- -. -__ _ gJ,1id~J1~c:_::G}'a-Jt_sap=TuJ:k-u;:::Pa-wo-Ju~k-u:;-J-a!ng~n~~h~l)g!-ful-l:u-lku-a-~~-:~~!lr::~t!'t!_r-=--===_:::::::-=-::

~.-·----:::;::;g:::::'-:- .. A------'-' ----.---------- .. -_. --.--- ... ---.--.--- ------- - .. - ----.- _n. - H • _

. , -,='t::anlas 3riivdF to escort t1k parry t6-n'orplro monastt'ry;tl1e trJail'i'on"a·I:O-seat~of ~=-

the Karrnapas.

The Gyalwa Karmapa travelled to Lhasa to meet His Holiness the thirteenth Dalai Lama,297 who performed his 'hair-cutting' ceremony. At their first meeting Karmapa was wearing his 'Nc SbU'2H hat, but the Dalai Lama saw another hat on top of it and pointed this out to his chief Minister. When Karmapa performed the traditional prostrations he was seen to take off his small hat, but afterwards the Dalai Lama asked why he had not taken off the other hat also, as it was cus-

__ ~_c_~_.. __ : __ .




tomary to be bart-headed on such an occasion. All those pn:sent protested that Karrnapa left for Tungnak Lhachen Gon monastery and was asked to perform

he had indeed been bare-headed. Then it was realised that the Dalai Lama must a consecration cerrmony. After the Holy grJim had been thrown it was found

c_ c=_ --== __ h_'l\'_c__se:n _ _th_e_~ubtle /iodbi5.1Itl'.1-hat,199 \'isi!~e ~nly_ to those of the highest that they had all turned into dnzling white 1I0ly relics. One of the most famous

___________ spir_i_Tual a~tainn1_tnt; and-haa tlloughlthat -e'tiYone erSt coulaSt·t·-italso~- - -- - ::--,~~=-~-=_==-=-JjUriltTs':in'-the-'rl'gioncl'amt'-~IO'-Karlllapa,,-pwstrated.:._and_mllf(~\S£lLJb_a_Lh,,_haQ_=~-=-_:c_-==_:=

______ _ Karmapa rcturnrdjol'surpllu-rilOn:istcry, _"'llcrtasrcon-d-eriih-iclneri1eni cefe~--- -------killcd many -innocent - animulv-unnecessar ilyvHc then.presented hishunt ing_ dog-'~:__~-_ mon}' was performed, supervised by Drukchcn Mipharn ChoskyiWangpo and ihe ----,- -----------to hinr.At thesarnetirncanother visitor brought three baby deer and presented

eleventh Situ Tulku. He studied with Kangkar Rinpoche for four years and often them to Karmapa. Soon the hunting dog and the three deer became very good

~~-------~----~-~--_--~~--_~dd~~~~i~~~B~~~d-~I~~_~~l~h.~~~~~~~~~good friends, being conlpletely at ease in each others conlpany. Other people

mon t n oflller emalewooaptgyr-ar<-1-9-S-5-)-;-anlrragt-of=-fw~fvr~Il(,:::_)'OU ng --__'::::I,rmighl__cat-s-; guiJJ_e_a.:.pig-,,-, rni cc and ra ban d soon - a rr=tl~i n);! b-wcr l~sl7=n;-;;'Ir;i)imnOiig-------

Karrnapa travelled to Kharns. On the way, at a place called Lorong, he told side by side. While Karrnapa was preaching at the Tanam lIlonastery one of the

Drchang Ycshe Palwar to open the window of his palanquin, saying that he could deer left a clear hoof-mark on a rock.

-- ~ __ .sl·e_llJal)y weIJ:dH:__!.s(:dpl·oplcridinglQ"'a_rd_:\J1_i_~I_<)Tlnl_oqbeautiful horses. It was Karrnapa reached Dil Yak monastery. where the party all stayed in tents,

realised that the people must be the Protectors of that-pl;;c~~- co-nling tohon-(~ur -------~\l;\;l.-ral-ofwhich-wertj()ined-togl'ther;-()n-one-oceasion-hc··was-sccn-highup-ofL.

Karmapa, since rio-one else rould sec thrill. the ground, riding a deer along the ropes from one tent to another. The party

The p:lfty reached Tardzi Chursen, the hot springs, and stopped to rest and reached Radza J)wng in the mountains, where there was a grcat shortage of

bathe in the curative waters. It was the middle of winter yet man)' snakes sud- drinking water. The Lama Samtcn Gyarntso explained to Karrnapa that the nearest

dcnly started rrawling out from between the rocks. Karrnapa rushed into their spring was three miles away and asked for a blessing to help the situation. Karmapa

midst and was soon covered in them. lit- st artcd to dance, saying, "I am the King ordered that a wooden tub should be brought and placed near the monastery.

of the snakes!" Everyone was terrified and begged him to stop, but he only Then he said he wanted to take a bath, so people carried water to fill it up. After

laughed and did not stem to be at all worried. Presently the snakes unwound the bath he told the attendants to empt), the water onto the ground, Immediately

themselves and went back into the hot springs. it started to rain and a new spring broke forth from the spot where the tub had

On the tenth day of the twelfth month, at Chite, Karrnapa discovered a new been standing. The water shortage of the monastery was permanently resolved.

stream, naming it 'Five Nectars'. On the twenty-ninth day of the same month, Passing by Chos Gon, in Kharns, where the local Protector had a palace on the

while passing once more through the neighbourhood of the Protector Nycnchen top of a very high mountain, Karrnapa offered this Protector a beautiful red horse

Tang Lha, a white Yak came straight up to Karrnapa bowed before him and dis- which ran straight up the: mountain to the summit. The party reached Karma Gon

appeared. Everyone was astonished, hut Karmapa just said, "Its only natural!" and as Karrnapa entered the great assembly hall all the tops of the relic-srupas

The party reached Shakshu Kar, where Drukchen Paljor Rinpochc came to were seen to raise themselves, as if in a salute. Several days later he visited the

receive the Karma a. They started to joke together about their respective miracu- Dam Gon Phug cave, where a Naga·King was seen to come out and honour him.

lous powers and suddenly Karmapa took a sword from IS attcn ant 's scab[)ard Situ. Tulk-u--e-am-e-ttr-~lHI-nd-W-Qk-Kaunap:Lto the Palpung monastery,

---------- __ and_tied_aknotjnJhe_l>_Ladc:~1t_h_h~~al'c_hands.~ooPa_lj_(_>r Rinpoche was totally where he received the full Kargyudpa 'Treasury' teachings? 0 2 and the Oral trans-

ama7.Cd and did not offer to comEete. The combined party reached- Tsokpui~----- mission.'o3- ·Ik rravcllcdto talOg;-where-he gave-many-teachings- to the Ruler

===~~~~-i\i-",,·hc~cLthcr:e~'a:'tia"'f~fWtJl~rci:\cer~f:e-'ZlJ.kHe£5{'d;c;,.l~~r-(=K-aJO!-nal!a=-ldt=a-fo_otErint-'QI1::=~ .. ---~--- lkrorc rrromiT,g::ro:::r_dlpU_lJg::and::_c:C>!"ltintl-ing-~~-f0-b-i..:j:~3:Il!}.-:-aGC-Qmpanied_h_)'_Situ___ .. :::: __ ~ __

the icc, and when the river melted later in the year it was found that this foot- . Tulku.: Thc)"'isited Dzong Sar monasrcry, whcrrt~NI1hot~~k)'-Cn{::fe=@chc0'sk~)'i==~:=---;

print was still visible in the water and again on the ice the: following year. Lodru requested that the Black 1-1 at ceremony be performed. During this auspicious

Paljor Rinpochc led the party to the Riwa Barrna monaster)', where a cere- event Khycntsc Rinpochc saw Karrnapa in the form of Dusurn Khycnpa, the first

mon)' to Guru Padrnasarnbhava was performed. At the end of the rite the offering incarnation, and the Black Hat was to be seen floating about eighteen inches above

clkes~ol were thrown in the different directions in order TO dispel evil forces. his head.

When the), were thrown to the East flames could be: seen coming out of them. It At Pangphug Gon monaqery there was a statue of Dusurn Khycnpa that had

was at this time that there was a sudden and unaccountable pause in Chinese: been known to speak on several occasions. In the main hall, on a pillar support

aggression on the Eastern borders. stone, Situ Tulku made a permanent footprint on the left side and Karrnapa made




- D$

lin ~IXTI unit C,\'ALWA I(AHMAI'A, A Illot;HAPlty


one on the right. On the flag-stont" in front of the monastery his dog left a print and his horse left a hoof-print on a stone in the st ahlc. Close hy the monastery there is a lake at the head of th« valley, where Karrnapa kft about twenty foot-

c_~_==-·~-~-priilts=iJijcti)p-oHflarge-'r()Gk-;c-====c:c==,c=::_-c-.-=--==---=:::._~_~_= --_~-~-~.:::=:.::==-=-c:::====-==-=

----------- K nr m.rpa-travc llcdt o-Tukshi -mo nas ttT)'-,qu ite-close- l»~.-a 11d - t ht'rc~s-tagtd--t ht-~---------

-.--------. -I );IhCc--()C-.t1tlj,i1kil/d-:--T\\'onrigh bouring - provinces -v.t:rt fighting--Jnd- many rt"orlt:--·--·~

had hem killed, so Kar mapa visited the area and made PClCt" between the various

In of China Gcncrnl Ch Kai-Shrk. invited

where he took the elll!l(lWtTlllcnts and iuit iations of '/)ruptop Kunt u' and studied the l'ill.I.1'.1 Sutra, the I'T.1jlhlp.1r.1l11it.l. the Abbidbarma Kosba, the C)',I/.:r·,I.\.I111<',lr.1

Tautra, the Kalacbakr« '/,1I/tr.1 and other tt'adlings. under the guidantT of Situ

-----·---')'il I huaTld -KI1},6ltSt'-H ihf)(RIlt'":-lle·-rt,tt'il'c-d-a II- thesein t heirTolll plete-form,--- .--- .. --.--.---. - ..

Oil the fifttTnth day of thr ninth month of the male iron dragon year (1940) I;e tr.ivcllcd to Tsur phu, \'isiting the Pcnchcn monastery on the way.}» that place there wa~ a statue of the Protector Zhing Kyong, riding on a horse As soon as Karmapa approached the horse started to neigh, much to the surprise of t\'tr)'one, Ill' proceeded to Dam Chung, where the main )kity offered him a large unpicrced nine-eyed Zi-stonr. a type of precious banded-agate. The party reached Tsurphu on the eleventh day of the ('ighth month of thr female iron snake year (1941), For the next few )'t'ars Karrnapu engagl'd himself in his study and meditations, while the monastery was extensively rebuilt.

In the malt- wood monkey year (J 944) he made pilgrimage to Trag and Sarnye monasteries and then visited the Drowolung monastery in South Tibet, a scat of Marpa the Translator, where he had marvellous visions of Marpa, jet sun Milarcpa and .Je Garnpopa. lie received an invitation from His Royal Highness Jigme Wangchuk. King of Bhutan, asking him to visit his country. In the second month of the malt- wood monkey year (1944) Karmapa travelled there and visited the

King, At his request the Black Hat ceremony was performed and on this occasion ----- ---the K illg -Sa"'- Karrnapa inma-ny-difftrcnr mirarulousforms:: :

tan, - ere a ceremon

bhava in the Kujc shrine. where there is an impression of Padrnasambhava's body

in the rock. The silk scarf flew high up into the air and stuck itself onto the

forehead of the large statue, All who witnessed this were very amazed and it

was taken to he a most auspicious and significant event. From Bhutan Karrnapa

rct urrud to 'lsurphu monastery,

Situ Tulku travelled from Kharns to Tsurphu, meeting Knrmapa there on the eleventh day of the ninth month of the female wood bird year (J 945). At the age


H. H. The Sixteenth Gyalwa Karmapa as • young man.




twenty-three Karrnapa received the detailed final ordination, together with the On the twenty-ninth day of the fourth month of the male water dragon year

initiations and explanations of the higher Kargyudpa tcarhings.lo4 On the twenty- (1952) he visited Chang in Northern Tibet and there performed the Black Hat

second day of the fourth month of the female fire pig year (1947), he left for ceremony. He went to the Kar Chung monastery and before entering it was seen

- "Tcod in Western Tibet and Situ Tulku returned to his monastery in Kharns. to spit on the ground outside. An elderly lady devotedly gathered up the spittle

Karrnapa visited several Kargyudpa monastcr ics at Mt'Ildong and Bu Kar and and carefully preserved it, Later it was found to have turned into precious shining

from Tcod he travelled on pilgrimage to Nepal. There he was highly honoured by relics, which kept on multiplying, Many of these were given to sick people, helping

---~'~', K-ir.lg-l~r-ilJllU~:al) Bir lIikram Shah Dt'I' and the Royal family and performed tl~e them to become cured, and many arc still preserved by his followers. Karrnapa

=---========I-lb:ck=nat=i'l.'fl'nw!1)'--for--them'.aU, lIt \'isited--all-tl1e--m~in=-ptlgJ'ifiT;cgt~p:l:a:l'_C~1L__·_·.-.---------c-:---.·_._·._u:tl:JfIlnl::tt)~Fsll£l~hu-()!1-t-ht'-st:~-t.n.!t·t'nlh_d;.q~o_( the tenth month of tht same )'car

l\:t'pal and bestowed his hlcssinp upon thousarHJS:-hJf this jounwy tlTc .'fing=uf (1=9=5=2). --------~

Bhutan graciously delegated four high gOl't'rlll1lent officials to an as ,gul,de: and On thecightecnth· day of the fourth month of the male water snake year

interpreters, The Maharaja of Sikkim, Sir Tashi Namgyal, sent K'~II Shcr~h (1953) Karrnapa journeyed to Lhasa, where he had audience with His Holiness the

Cyaltscn to an as his personal escort. All this help was greatly apprt'Cwtt'd as It fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tcnzin Gyamtso,311 and received the empowerment of

enabled the pilgrimage to take place in the most satisfactory manner. Kalacbakra from him, On the twenty-fifth day of the tighth month of the same

From Nepal Karrnapa travelled to India via Lurnbini the birthplace .of Lord year he returned to Tsurphu, where he imparted the full empowerment, explana-

Buddha and Oil to Sarnath and Bodh GaY,I, where he performed prostratIOns and tion and initiation of 'Cbosling Tcr'312 to Chong Hinpoche313 of the Mindroling

prayers; there were many fine ceremonies. The pil{.,rrimage w~s t'Ontill,ued to Nyingmapa monastery. lie also performed 'A!cn-dn,/,', the collection of medicinal

Ajanta, Ellora and Kushinagara, the place of Lord Buddha \ fll1'.ll passlllg, !I.e plants, and distributed them widely. '

received an invitation from Sir Tashi l\amgyal of Sikkim, a,sking him to bless hIS On the seventeenth day of the sixth month of the malt- wood horse year

country with a visit. Accordingly Karrnapa travelled to Gangtok, the capital, and (1954) the Gyalwa Karrnapa visited China, together with His Holiness the Dalai

stayed in the monastery attached to the Royal palace, The Black Hat ceremony Lama, Chong Rinpoche and other High Lamas, During this visit Karmapa made

wa~ performed and he preached to the people. a prediction of the whereabouts of the new Situ incarnation, the twelfth, and a

On the thirtieth day of the first month of the male earth rat year (1948) letter containing details of this was sent to Tibet. After a stay in Peking and other

Karrnapa returned to India and travelled to Rcwalsar.?" 5 in the North West, parts of China, Karmapa returned to Tibet, travelling via many monasteries in

where he spent several days and performed a special rite of Guru Padrnasnrubhava. Kharns and Do, where he bestowed teachings and blessings, On this occasion he

Thousands carne to receive his blessings and the local people remarked that many was asked to f('prcsent His Holiness the Dalai Lama who was himself unable to

whitt, snakes appeared from a stone wall and that there were most unusual move- make the journey, (1955),

merits on the surface of the lake, Karmapa went to the Palpung monastery, where he recognised and enthroned

The party travelled on due North, via Kunu and Purung, to the Holy mou~- the new incarnation of Situ, Tonyod Nyingche Wangpo. lie visited Lhasa briefly,

rain of Kailash,)06 Karrnapa made three complete cir curnambulat ions of this where he had some important conversations with His Holiness the Dalai Lama

mountain, taking three days for each one, and also went all around the lIoly lake after which he returned to Tsurphu, reaching the monastery on the seventeenth

=====.= .. · .. =()f-t\ranasar6I'aL~:!':-:=:Hl·~\:isirc~d=aU=t:hl":pJ;tG~":.~J.""~ilgE-imagt~!hL4f:-T_{·g_i_Qn._Thcn____h_c_ day of the fifth month of the female wood sheep year (J 955),

'travdled right across Tibet, via the Mendong Kar-g)'udpa-:-monastCry-;'and reached ,·~·'l'JirDilaiblma-acccptea=nis-iiiv:i·f3t:ion%o:.\'i'Slf:'TSlTrpITIr~=d.\l'tiJrg~.whi(2h~visi!'- ==_.

Tsurphu on the seventeenth day of the eleventh month of the male earth rat year Black Hat ceremony was performed for him, and in return he gave the empower- -

(194R). rncnt of the compassionate Avalokitcslruxrra. At this time fighting broke out in

Karrnapa invited Jamgon Khongtrul :ru lku ' O. to com~ an~(~ll'~ tcach~~~s Eastern Tibet, between the Khampas and the Chinese, The Chinese sent a request

to him at Tsurphu. From him he received many teachings,. including the SIX for Karrnapa to visit the area of Charndo and he travelled there and advised both

Yoga,- of Naropa and the remaining Oral transmission. In the ycar of the male sides to refrain from any further hostilities. Ill- made: them promise to keep a

iron tign (1950) an epidemic of smallpox struck Tsurphu, so Karmapa performed five-year truce, but the Chinese were now trying to convert {,I'eryone to COIll-

the \ 'ajra Kila?' 0 rites Soon it had subsided and all those who were affected munism and people were ft'ding I'tTy uneasy. While in Charndo Karmapa had

recovered I'ery quickly, numerous visitors and bestowed many empowCfmcnts and blessings to create






stability in the area. Then he travelled to Lhasa, where he: explained the situation to the Dalai Lama before: returning to his 1ll0naSllT), at Tsurphu.

On the twenty-ninth day of the ninth rnont h of the male fin' monkey year (J 956) Karrnapa tr avclled once more on pilgrimage to India. lit rested at the . - -DcchcnChoskor Ling monastery and again at the Kargyud monastery at Yatrong, near Sikkim. lit- visited Gangtok, the Sik kimr se capital, where he was most warmly welcomed by the Maharaja, Sir Tashi Namgyal, who deputed Kazi Sonant Gyamtso as Karmapa\ personal guide and interpreter. From Sikkirn the party

-':_-======--====:=:==IJJ:m.'l'd-ro-1 rrdi;t_~iDg-l\odh-GaL'l,----SaHlalh,-Ku ,h illag-;rr;c;rmj=-I~U1n:hi:oi;:::_\\JKtt •. ~_~~__:.:_

cC'cc -c,_ Karrnapa met upwit h III, Horine,s tlu:--na1:ti Lam;r;-wlro-wa's-:rlstl-ttnfi:lg:i'lfjtil:g1'~--'---_:_-~--

there. The journey continued to Nepal, where Kar mapa visited the three Holy places,

Bodhanath, Swayamhhunath and Narno Huddhaya and gave blessings and teach-

ings to many thousands. lit returned once mort' to India, where he visited many

Holy places of the South, including Ajanta, l.llora, and the {,'ITat Stupa at Sanchi,

He cont inucd on up to Kulimpong, near Darjccling, where he was met by Her

Royal Highness AziW;lIlgmo of Bhutan. lit- travelled toSikkim, visiting the

Potong monastery in the North. There the elderly Lamas of the nearly ruined

Rurntck monOlstny asked him to visit that place also, Karrnapa told them that the

time was not yet right, hut that he would collie later. lit returned to Tsurphu, by

which time further hostilities had started in the Domed region of Kharns,

The Ninth Sangre Nycnpa H inpochc and the Eighth Tralcg Rinpochc both came to ~tay in Tsurphu, having left Khams on account of the troubles there, Karrnapa recognised the twelfth incarnation of Gyaltsap Tulku, Trakpa Tcnpai Yaphcl, and performed his enthronement at Tsurphu monastery, From Scchcn Khongtrul Rinpochcv'" Karrnapa received the initiation of 'I.ongcbcn Zod Dun', the teachings of Longchcnpa the Siddha, along with the full explanations, Situ Tulku came to visit Tsurphu.

Fighting broke out all over Tibet and Karrnapa was begged by his disciples to flee the eountr)' while he had the chance. He told them not to worry, saying "It is not necessary for me to leave yet. But if the time comes you can be assured that ~_ tlr~IT=wi1:tbc~_I'!<?o,di£Ci('ull)~fOJ=mc_;;~S~olllrt irnda_t~_I Karm~IP sent Situ Tulku and

~c~c .~cCC-the ninth Sangye Nycnpa i\iTkll tonfiuta-rl;-:nr-gavC-imtfueliblidorthc-rt'storation--~-------~of the Nyide Gon monastery in Lbobrag, in the South, telling the monks to go

about life ill their normal way, At this time a new monastery was bcing built for

Karrnapa at Kur Tod, in Northern Bhutan, under the patronage of Her Royal

Highness Azi Wangmo, who had met him in Kalimpong. The monastery was

finished and prepared for usc,

The Chinese hostilities became intolerable and future possibilities for a peact'ful existence were very unlikely. Realising that the cause of the Dharma would

His Holiness The Sixteenth Grah .... Karmapa, in Peking.




best he served by escaping from the evcr-tightcning grips of the Chinese, His Holiness the Gyalwa Karrnapa decided that he had no choice hut to move to more peaceful areas, Accordingly, on the fourth day of the second month of the earth

-- --b0:n year (J 959), accolllp:ll1ied by an entourage of one hundred and sixty Lamas,

monks and laymen, Karrnapa left Tsurphu monastery, the ancient scat of the

Kar mapas since the twdfth century, and proceeded towards Bhutan, Accompany_____ ~_.-~ing him were Shamar Tulku, Gyaltsap Tulku and the fourth Ponlop Rinpochc, as c....::=====~===,,~T:!:lII='!a~s ::!n!l1~an)' otlIer in (arnatt' Lama S-;-J3Illg on-Jz:hongtr-u 1='J"fflku=w;eca-ln'ad-y ±infl:' ':::::=:::':::=:= Kalin.pong. India, and Situ Tulku was inBlliluJit~alfnl:-,----~-.-·-=. =-=--=-=-::::::=-===========

Under the directions of the Gyalwa Karmapa the party wen' ahlc j o bring with them the most precious of the sacred SCHUl'S, ritual items, relics, icons, paintings, books and costumes, which had bern preserved at the Tsurphu monastlTy over the centuries. The hazardous and difficult journey, taking twenty-one days in all, passed through Lhobrag in Southern Tibet, the birthpl:lcc: of Marpa

___ theTram13tor, Rites were performed at various s;lcn-d places on the way, for the welfare of all sentientheings and for llie prc:servationof thelluddhist Dharma------

in the difficult times ahead,

The parry arrived safely at Shabjc Thang, in the Bumthang district of North

Bhutan, on the twenty-fifth day of the second month of the earth pig year (1959), They were most warmly welcomed by Her Royal Highness Tsultr irn Palmo, the Aunt of His Royal Highness the King, and many Ministers and high ranking officials of the govcrnml'nt, At Bumthang Karrnapa visited the Kujc, ChampaH 5 and Tashi Chos Ling temples, where special rites were performed for the pro-

tcction and progress of the Buddhist Dharma, .

His Majesty King J igme Dorjc Wangchuk, acwmpanied by his senior Ministers,

gave a warm welcome and reception to His Holiness the Gyalwa Karmapa at Khasa Drab Chu, ncar the Bhutanese capital of Thimpu, At this time discussions were started with the Government of India, considering future plans for the resettle mcnt of the Gyalwa Karrnapa and his many followers, It was decided that all should transit through Bhutan and settle temporarily in Dharamsala, North

==~,=-='=' =\\·C"Stl'rn=lndla~coc==,==~~~=~~~~-----~-

.===c ... Meanwh ilc, i~-sikki~-;ihfJ{byaF{am il)':-fie~acac 5)'. Slrn:slriN amg)' al-liaa,_ .~ •• ~ .• =-- .

been discussing what could best be done to help Karmapa in this time of diffi-

culty and uncertainty, The Maharaja had not fogotll'n the long-standing links of

the Royal family and people of Sikkim with the Line of Karmapa incarnates, It

was decided to offer him a permanent place in Sikkim,

Thl'TC was one thought uppermost in Kar m.rpas mind, and it was that, though in cx ilc, he should not rest but must take full rcspomihility for rekmdling and rnit.dising the torch of the Dharma, with the material and spiritual co-0peration of the many Buddhists throughout the world. He felt that the Dharma had become

J 18


like a lamp which needed an immediate and sustained supply of vital oil, in order to bl' able to burn a clear strong light.

In his contempbtions the G)':llwa Karmapn felt that Sikkim would undoubtcdly In- the b('q place to set about cnoating the conditions for the fulfilment _ --of his-mission. Sikkim he considered espccially suit able on accou nt of the natural

Buddhist inclinations of the P("llple and p.m icularly as the country had been

I s,lIlrtiflcd by ;1 vi-it of Guru Padllla~ambh;l\'a in the dist ant past. Therefore he ,_~~~-,-,n~"I_;ed..'..'.i1y accepted thc kind inl"itation to set up his base in that country, Accorn-

-- -- 1',ln ic(U)~'llcJ H (»)'al-Highnns_'bultrinl--Pal m(-l-of-=m1UITi1=Kar.mapa-lcd=t Irc~l'·aT_t_)'__. __ .•. ~- .. - to G;,ngtokarri\'ing on the twellty-filth aay (lfthc fourth lllonrlniF1ln'-cOlTr-lrpig . . )'l'ar (1959), I Ie \\,;I~ rn'ein'd at the palace by the Maharaja, members of the

Royal family, gm'l'lIlml'nt officiab and the Sikk imcsc people. He was highly honoured and all received his blessings,

Sir Tashi r-.:amgyal, the Maharaja, offered Karmupa the choice of several silt's in his Kingdom, for the lootion of till- new Ilwn;lstcry. Karrnapa Sl'kned the site

. at Rumuk, \\ here a Karrna-Kargyudpa monastery had been built during the time

of his ninth inrnrnat ion, Wangrhuk Dorje, 'I'hisplac« posses~ed all the auspicious -attributes needed for t hr site of a scat of thr Kar mapa: seven streams flowing towards it, seven hills facing it, a mountain behind, snow ranges in front and a river below, spiraling downhill like the form of a conch-shell.

Karrnapa and his part)' immediately arranged to proceed directly to Rumtek and arrived there on the fifth day of the fifth month of the earth pig year (1959), At that time Rurntck ronsisll'd of ;1 monastery mostly in ruins and about half a dozen huts surrounded by junglc There was neither alkquate accommodation nor facilities for preparing food. Conditions were extremely diffil'ult,

The immediate problem was to commence making the plan' habitable, During this period land was cleared, tents were Slot up and everyone began to work hard in order to fulfil the dream of establishing a new Centre for the Gyalwa Karrnapa.


._. ~_;U:!lgl'l"~=t-l-;rn4k~H)=~l'w=I.).l4hi'j=wIH;,l;_cbce-ml"LJ)alldi!.o.=J awaharlal Nehru the

,~- Illdiin Prime Ministn: I le-W:;-sTl'l'l'i\'l'd W1t"llgre:li"""warril-fli-:ancrcof-ai"Jlit"y-and:therc===--=-:C==c_,=

WCH' many discussions, Pandit Nehru fully understood the difficulties faced by

Kurrnapa's follower» and promised that the Indian Cm'Crnment would provide

financial assistancc for the construction of the new monastic centre. He made

assurance~ that thrrc would bc a frrr supply of food and clothing for the people


On the fiftccnt h dav of the second month of the female iron (l"\ vcur (19(,1)

the community of monks at Rumtrk heg:<n preparatiollS for \'<1r,\ba, till' Buddh;l\

J 19



rainy-summer retreat, as laid down in the ancient Buddhist script urcs. The world and for the prnt:rvation and propagation of the Dharma nTrywhere. Sinn'

Maharaja of Sikkim graciously gifted seventy-four acres of land at Rurnt ck to The 1967 Karrnapa has been making regular visits to Bhutan, at the invitation of His

Gyalwa Karrnapa, in perpetuity. The Sikkirn (;o\,trnment gUllTously donated Majesty the King and the R oyal family.

__ funds towards the prdiminary romtrunion costs and provided free timber. A His Royal lIighm'ss the btl' King and lin Royal lIighncss the Queen Mother

mot orablc road was made, electric cables brought in and water pro"i,kd,- most gCfH"(lusly prol'lltl'd ·the 'lashi Chos Ling palace at llul1lthang, togt·th'T

The Government of India made a large grant for the immediate construction with its entire landed property, to Karmapa, who proposn to start a large Dharma

of an assembly-hall and for residt'ntial quarters for the monks, A further sum was I Centre there. Work on the construction of the main shrine and residential quarters

~ . ~~~.~. ~-_---~an~=for-a-aisptnsar:)'-;=h-(J(rsiug=(ncd):cmedi.l~a·I-(-)ff:i(,l~r-amj-(:()J1~r-i.hlLlioJ)s_",:e-re . 1 • .. fULI],otll thrce hUlldred and fifty m()nk~, nen to tht, llIain pab'T, W:l' ~urted in

ccc~c.rfccil'ea from the genl'ra-Frul)lic.t'''Tn=t=li'tlHgIFJR~-=a=PI-H<al=''''::ls=maDe::=l.)_t'2l'itt t:ll~-'-'-' . ---I---···_·~· _._. -J %9,' ------- _. .'. '. .

generosity of so man)' people these funds were Illsufflcl('ntfor the purl'ml', so I Karm.rp« has taken mt';I'U[('S to l'stal,lish mon.tvt rricv.iu [a(jal::h ano !·'kpal.

Karrnapa added a huge amount from his own resources. I lurrhcr rnonavtvric s have hl-l'n gill'n in Bhutan and in Calcuu a a new Centre is

Work OIl clearing the site began on the auspicious twenty-second (by of the i being convt ru ct cd. In J 97 J Kurmapa condurlcd [('adings of the Buddhist snip-

eleventh month of the water tiga year (1962), Monks and laymen pkdged them- tU[('S and gan' initiations to a Iargl' gathering of Buddhists from mall)' different

selves to complete the clearing and preparatory work in the shortest pmsil>k time, countries at the 11('\\' Rurnt ck Centre. In the same Yl'ar onr thousand It'll-inch high

working in both heat and cold, It took one hundred and eight men, working ten gilded st atucs of Lord Buddha were made, filled with herbs and charms and blessed.

__ ---hours-a day, some five hundred and forty daysto clear and lrvcl thc site. .Ibere. In addition ,'ighty-fouT statues of the Indian Siddhav, six of Tihct an Siddhas and

were many casual labourers not included in this figure, The foundation stone of many others of the teachers of alfscrts of Buddhism wert' similarlyprcp;JT(:d. All

the new monastic centre was laid by the new Ruler of Sik kim, Paldcn Thondup were then placed in boxes and presented on the altars of the main asst'lllhly-hali.

Namgyal, on the sixteenth of june, nineteen sixty-four, a most auspicious day III 1972 Karmapa undertook another e x tcnxivr pilgril1l:lg,' throughout India,

according to the Tibetan calendar. ;J('Companied by the thirteenth Sharnar Tulku, the fifth Ponlop Tulku and other

It rook four yrars to complete the construction of the new centre, designed in Lamas and monks from the new Rumtvk monastery. The party visited Bodh

the most beautiful traditional Tibetan style. One hundred and thirty disciples, Gap, Sarnat h, Sam-hi, Ajanta, Ellora and Nagarjuna Sagar and then nturncd to

including volunteers of various nat ionalitjcs, worked togcther to complete the Sikk irn. People journeyed continually to sec the Gyalwa Karrnapa and many

new Centre for Dharma, It was named 'Pal-Kamwpa-/'-Cbos-Kbor- received his bkssings,

Jing', meaning 'The Scat of His Holiness The Gyalwa Karmapa: A Centre for the In 1974 Karrnapa led a party of Kargyudpa Lamas to thr West, I'isiting Furopc,

Teaching and Practice of the Dharma.' America and Canada, and performing the Black Hat rill' on a number of occasions,

The rare treasured religious relics, icons and books brought from Tibet were In this W:ly he has bern able to establish direct contact with his overseas Centres

installed in the new monastery, On the first day of the first' month of the fire and to spread his teachings more widely, To all those seeking the Way of the

horse year (J 966) The Gyalwa Karrnapa ceremonially entered the new Centre, It Dharma he acts, as in his previous incarnations, as a guidc, reacher, friend and true

was a magnifircnt and highly auspicious occasion, example,


In 1967 Karrnapa, accompanied by a party of ninety-five followers, visited Thimpu, the capital of Bhutan, at the request of His Majesty the late King. Reaching there on the tenth day of the eighth month he was warmly received and taken to the Tashi Chos Dwng palace in a ceremonial procession. During the course of his stay in Bhutan he visited Tak Tsang. the 'Tiger's nest' cave-monastery, famous for the visit of Guru Padmasambhava, He also travelled to the Kyichu temple in Pam, there performing sperial rites for peace and tranquility in the


~~ "M<by=aJLspj[i.l_ll!!i~k~~j;u_~jg}~lo-ngJll'fS_JlI!9_l'ros[l_ni!y, May the religious

=.c =c==--==-:-Ordcr:-m-ultijjiyancFmaFall-fulfil-tlrcirdutil's:c'Ma)~fiC-=['lessings:-oFjnC=T!Il:li'ma-- =.:::.~:::::--:-_:==:= liberate all departed souls, In this world may sickness, poverty, wars and evil

influences be cut at the TOot, and pnmanl'lltly destroyed, "by all things be

Auspicious. Mayall aspirations be well fulfilled. "by the darkness of this Kali

}'liga, The Black Age, be dispersed!"

J 21

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AClI\TI'lES AT TilE n:!'.;'mE

The rich heritage of traditional Tibetan culture ha, been much encouraged by the t'stal,li,hing of a printing-prc", an arts department and a metal-casting section

-Manyw(lodblocks-for-printing_books_h;lv<: becnrnrvcd and the prt'ss h:!s produced quite a large number of scriptural texts in Tibet an. Skilled ar1isi~' arc - - engagl'd in paint ing traditional icons (n',mgLI,I) and expen craftvmrn manufacture hig~lu;ility ritual ohjcrts, bronzcs and u-rnplrfitt ingv, from gold, silver, copper, m'W:l7I~l1)J:tirnn_,_~--cc--c-, --------.' c=---c~_---_---c-----:---=-~_. ,----"--- __ ~~-,--_--

-y <HI n gin c a rna t e La rna sea nd . m on " s, a lllOITg-,-Jrl'1ll-t-ltt=-Vtt]:;::S+'~-II-I'J1=I:''H'lkll~t'llC Veil, Situ 'lulku, the Vcn. Gyaltsap 'lulku and the Vcn. Khongtrul Tulk u, take part in the varied actil'itil:S at the Centre. Many come to Rurntck in order to study traditional literature, philosophy, art s, scienct's and correct rl'ligious pr act iccs. Special training is gil'en so that the young Lamas become well-versed in the drawing of pantheons, M<llId,I/,1.\ and the making of sacrificial c;lkl'S (TUrln,I,I), Tbcy

_________ arclaught the propt'[ intonation of vocal sounds (/),l7Igwang), the l>lpwing of trumpets, -((JIl,·h·shclls and· (lther--lraditionally Tibetan instruments. I{cligiou~ - dance-dramas art performed rl'gllbrly, In the training of young Lamas stn:\\ is laid Oil the reading and writing of Tibetan lit cr aturc of rtligious importance and the mcmorizat ion of ten major religious rites, Ex.nuinat ions arc conducted regularly, w\,lTing the many different subjects,


Rcligiou« ceremonies and rites, as laid down in the Buddhist scriptures, arc regularly observed at the Rurntek monastic centre. The following are part of the gmtral prob'1'amme of events:

(I) 'Tscdrup Tbap Sbc Kba Chor': The Rite for long-life, From the ninth to the fifteenth day of every 1 st month,

(2) 'DO/lila Mandai Zbi Cbog', The four Mandalas of Goddess Tara and 'Tscringma': Worship of the Guardian Deity, From the third to the ninth of

c.:y_(_:!,y~nrQ_l_H,h-;- .

---------- ·'(3) 'l>rup· Cbril' (/'urpa'dant't')andc-~T.\ccT/.>U:·--:-(GUfO~-Pa-dmasam[)ha\'a-): Dan<'l'====== training and full rehearsals art' conducted throughout every third month, for

t he dances due cad] year.

(4) "Cbos I-i7lg Tertin Kyi l'urpa /)rup Cbcn' (The Rites of I'ajt.lki/a, as introduccd by Tcrt on Chogyur Lingpa): Togcthvr with the traditional Lamadances thest' art' held elTry alternate year, from the first to the eleventh day of the fourth month,

(5) 'Kl-orlo I>C1lleJ..og': I'rcpar at ion of the Mandalas of the Tutelary Deity



Cbakrasamvara, in coloured sand, and their accompanying Rites. From the the afternoon of the fifteenth day (full moon) of every month.

first to the tighth day of every fifth month, continuously for seven days. (6) '/)01111<1': The Rites of Goddess Tara in the morning, and

(6) 'Cl-od Kyi Tsog Kbor': The Cbud. Rite of Phadarnpa Sangyc, from the fifth 'J'I'aglll(l 1',l1l1"'yi': The Rites of the Great Dak ini VajrJI'arahi, in the after-

______ ----lOthe ninth day of ncr)' sixth month,for (ilT days continuously. noon, on the twenty·third day of every month.

(7) '\'arsba', The Buddha's rainy-summer retreat. From thtfiftetnth d,i),(full ---- ------ (7)' "bug ')1'11 p', The I kart: Y oga practice~, in the morning, and

moon) of every sixth month, until the thirtieth da), of every seventh month. 'l'b,lgIll0 l.lia ,T\'g,I': Rites of the Five Il.tkiilis, in the-ilftcYif6Nl;on-the-

Religious instruction, memoril.ation of scriptures and the reading and writing twenty·fifth day of every month.

~~~~~~~~~~~~()~f~n~'I~ig~ifo~u~s~bOOKS an' all a pan of=rhT:T('lJIJ:iJxd3)h~t'rYmlt'('-s-:-a-t~t-hi.q-im('- .. ~~~~ _ (H) 'Kull Rig Nam I',/T N.l11g Dzc': Rite of the Yoga·Tantra, the 'ali-seeing'

O~b~D~~~cho~ wnlmtr IT~r~==_=_~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~P~T~~~ct~~~~~e-~c~~~)I~~~~~h~~~t~~~w~a~-~a~J~y~(§~§r~e~\'~c~0~r~n~[~(!~U~T~h~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-

(H) '(;yalwa Gyamtso', The l.bndala of B()dhi';aill·,iA\-aI6kitc.·sh\~'aril, in the red

f . f Iii +ddition:

or m. PreparatIOn 0 the coloured Mandala from the twenty-first to the twenty-seventh day of t'very seventh month, with all the arnllnpanying


(9) 'Karma Lingpa Zbi Tro', Hites of the peaceful and wrathful Tcrt on, Karma

________ l.ingpa, from the first to the fifth days of nIT)' nint h month. (10) 'J{UII - Rig- cbo -(;.i':Worship and Rites of-Vairochana: the Dhyani Buddha,---

from the third to ninth days of every tenth month. (11) 'J)lOlod )'c::or', Worship and Rites of the wrathful Dorjc Drolod, from the

twtnly-second 10 the thirtieth days of ('ITr), eleventh month.

(12) '(;OIlPO Dmjc Bcr Nagpo Cbcn', Worship and Hites of the Great Protector Black Mahakalaand Lama-dances, from the rwenry-svcond to the thirtieth

days of (,I'try twelfth month.

On Auspicious Days: The following monthly practiccs arc obserl'cd in addition,

(l) 'Dolkar Ngodrup Kuntsol': A ceremony to the Goddess White Tara, in the morning, and "Isrringma': Ceremonies of the Guardian Deity, in the aftcrnoo.i, on the

third day of every month.

(2) 'Gyalwa Gyamtso" Rites of the Bodhisattva Avalokitcshwara, III the

morning, and ==::===_=_===-''J_-asun Mi~~£q_",:~batSJp~'=R(a_i~e-oLl!:tsun-Milare~,jrl__t_l1_<: afternoon, on ---== - the eighth day of c,:ery-monifi:-- -------- -----==-----: ----- - ~c

(3) 'Tbug Drup Bar Cbed Lam ScI', The Dharma-heart morning, and ':I,bing Kyong': Protector·Hitt·s, in the afternoon, on the tenth day of every


(4) 'Bod Kyo1lg Tell Ma Cbu l\yi 501 Cbod': Offerings to the Twelve Guardian

Deities, on the thirteenth day of t'I'er), month. (5) 'Dcmcbog", Rites of the Tutelary C/.>,I/;r,I.l.1I11; .. n.l, in the morning, and 'Tbang Nycn Do': Deity offering> in the form of coloured threads, III


(i) ')',11 ""go', Yogu-Tantra observances on the day of the rising moon, and

(ii) 'M,n Ngo', Yoga·Tanlra observances on the day of the waning moon.

Thl' Protector Mahakala is worshippnl rontinuollsly in the Eaqern-wrner temple, ___ with four monk s in atlend:llltT, as was advised by l lis l lolincss the Dalai Lama In -,fIt. -Wl-S-t.(_'()rtlt'-r rO(llii t II c· rc is a-small- tcmple, where-one monk keeps con~tanl



Tht, Tibc.,tall c-alendar i:. Ji\'idt't! into major r yclcs of .. ixt)' )'t'I.n dur arion 11lC'''c ~ix')"ycar "')'c.:IC',, arc themselvc .. divided into five minor twelve-year cycles, eadl yeur of which i~ idnltifini \1)' the name" of an animal. bird OJ reptile. The twelve )'C'iln. arc .1 .. 0 paired "(m"C'l'ulivd)' with • di!>lingui!l.hifl~ Element. There arc five' M..llh Elcruc ntv. lIt-ilb .1Iclliiltin~ male and female attribute:.. Thu .. carh ).ixty-ycar cycle- rune:

(1) Female Fire H..bilit (9) Female Wood hg

=====J21 M.k Earth Dragon (10) Male Firr Mou ..


(5) Female Iron Sh("cp (l3) Female Earth Rahhit

(6) Malt- WlIlC'f MonJ..n' (14) Male IWIl D,aJ.!0n

(7) h:lllrik W<£I('1 Bird' (J 5) Female Iron Snlll"c

un "hie W(lo\1 l>o~ and so on.

A year i .. bawd on the Lunar calendar, ccr t ain dar!'> of whicb arc l!<:llcrally con .. ider cd W he p4lrticululy

3U,PH'itH1\, a" arc rho .. ( bllinJ! (11\ the "'lh, 10th. 151h, and 25th of the month. When 3 day i .. deemed C"pCI.:ially unf avout al-lc , (lwin~ III a !Iol'tdfll- combination of 111(' ph a .. !.' of the- moon and the plliol at which it occurs witlun thc s.ix t y-ycar c-yc-le, such Ii dar nlil)" lit" omit t cd fr om the Ui(':llLu a1to~nhrr and a more hendlClal

day of the ruontb doubled in il\ place.

('1"1"('1<111 timc-vy .. tern- can l.e fur rhcr under .. flHhl thT()U~h tb c pcal A'Gl;;c! Tel/ITa).

Ii Notc Oil lilt' Tibcta! Calrndar





"1111 RL'Mllt; US'I RI

by the Terchcn Rama Lingpa and prt'srntrd to the fifteenth Karrnapa. It is pn:serl'td within :1 silver rc lic-box inscribed with the auspicious symbols.

(12) A statue of Dolni: !\'godl'lll' I'ci n.lrIlIl1. a form of the Goddess Tara, made

------(1 ) Imide a guleitn rciicc\>ox, a statuto! MikyoDorje,lhr ('ighth Kur n.apa. made from I,; Kad,«, a kind of bell-metal. Tilt, image is heavily gilded, with many

[rorn marble by himself, The fare is painted and the rest of the illl:igl:-is---- -prtrious red l'llralsdecoratingtlll'uppn part,hisprotTl,tdwithin:l_I,tauti·

covered with gold and precious wrappings, It is said that "Whoever sees this ful nlicbox. Thiv statue hrlps succcsvivv Karrnapas to makr their important

= _~~~~~~~~~;;Ji~n~lag(' must quickly beconlt" Liberated", Whl'n the st a t ur was m.idc a sJ1lall prnliCliom,

=- picrr::::J1_f::nr;nlrlcwas-IC_::-Ct-m'N-ane=fhis-was-sq[rn'lul=1t)~j:I:J:'I:pa~s-h-:H'ld.-------------:--:,_- ~~~~~(_L3_).J\ st:ttm' of )'nf.r \'(17'/>/1. a form of Guru I'admasambh:ll'a. di,cOI'l'red by t hr

.~_ leaving a clear. imprcssion onTis palm,T1TI'lfi=("ccc:rn=-ln'-!>n'n-I-)H~'(,-F\'("d=-:FI-H-)s:t~, ~-~- ~.~.-=-~:::_~_~-~- ~--~-~-~--~~~~~~'I~~(~OI::-~t(~_I~I-I-~'~1:-~aJ.~':;'~~l¥la~ngL;K~~'_~U:-~d_~'F~n-~I-)gu~rJ~'l~':-~I~-n~s~ci([l.<:_~,-~t~h~(~~~l'~(~'~'la~-~(~IC~=~fl~H~'-ciir~n~;f~g~'c~i~'S=~I~t[_~e~~~T~-\;l'~tl~jI_~ •• ~; .• ;~-~ __ •• ~_.~~-~~_~'

tltt, main st a t uc, along with a sllIall personal im:lgr of l'.ljl.l;"n:il>i,thi" -preciomj('wrL= ~ -- - -

i'rott'ctor-Goddns of thr Knrrnapas. (14) A statue of Lord Buddha, made in l.avrcrn India from l.i J\.dll1

(2) l nvidr a golden relic-box, :1 statue of/'I'.1gllll1 J\b,1Cblldlll.l,' 011('(' thl' pnsonal was pres('Tlll'd to the prrsrnt Karmapa by Situ Tulku, after his ordination

icon of the Siddha Naropa, who prcxrntvd it to Marp:t, It is of ('opper ccrcruony.

and is hcal'ily ornamentni. One of the most pr('ciolls tr cavurvs of t hc Karm.ipa (15) .II st.uuc of ".ljl,mlT.d';, made from red /)~i Clnm 11)('t:l1. She is the Guardian

incarnates. Deity of the Line of Karrnapas.

(3) A statuc()(}'flli.i-j/lII!!."ri.(.'/,illl.t!I}'.1! n.1I/1I.1; a forlll-of-Guru-I'admasalll'-- __ ( J(I) Ast;llue of Lord Buddha. in carth'witnl'ss MII,b.l, made in Eastl'l!l India

bhava, which \\':IS miraculously dis(,()ITrnl It o III wit hin a mine by Kha Chah - from l.iKadur ~1~'-t:ll.fiv.'as ol1et' -thi'pro!ll'rty of Oser (;odla.tht,- King of

Iiorjc, t hr fiftt'('nth Karrnapa. I'\epal who was the father of the first 1I11ddhist Queen of Tibt,t.d This

(4) A statue of /\'07 U,.1 Jam/,I,.,I.1, madc' froml):; C;';/II metal, it was presented precious im:lgl' was presented to the tenth Shamar Tulku by King Mantra-

to Rangjung Dorjc, the third Karmapa , by the Protector of the 'lxar i lake in simha of I'\epal. It is l'Onsidrn'd 10 bt- as important as the Lord Buddha st at ur

Southern Tibet. called [tnau }'obr Nurbu . which is in the grcat Jo Khang temple of Lhasa,

(5) A statue of Cb.1/;r,I.I.l1In'1nll and \',ljr,lV<lI,lbi made from rnix cd whitt" red and (17) A Ya/>' )'11111 statue of Guru I':tdmas:tmhhava, discovered by 'lcrchcn Urgyl'n

ydlow Dzi Cbnn mct als, divcovrt cd from within the relic-box of the Ruler Chogyur Dcrhcn Lingpa whilst he was prcparing precious medicines in the

of Ikrge, in Kharns. (,31'e known as J\[..11Jdro IIml1 Dzong (;i De eben Pbug. in lower Kharns. This

(6) A statue of M.II •• ilca]«, named Conpo t .ya 1\'.1/.:11111, consecrated by Karma small statue was re('ovl'red from within a lump of the medicinal mixtures, It

Pakshi, the second Karmapa. is preserved within a fine golden relic-box.

(7) A fin"pronged S('cptrc (1'l1jl'.1), made from l};i C/>;III metal, which belonged (IR) Helin of Lord Buddha, discovered by Tcrton Taksham Nudcn Dorjc, They

to the Tcrron Dorjc Lingpa, who discovered it. arc preserved within a golden relic-box.

(R) A statue of Tong Drol C/>r111110, a form of Guru Padlllasambhal'a, in a relic- (J 9) A statue of jctSlI1I /)01111.1, the Goddess Tara, known as 1; ji /iarwa, the

box of silver. It was discovered by the Tcrton Chogyur Lingpa'' from the Guardian Deity of the Buddhist King Indrabhuti of India, It is completely

===_= __ ==_ =.=.=(,l!j)Hl12a='ha"'=F~k=ifl=~~aroi~l~sQ=KaJ;,o~ covered with inset precious jewels,

.--~~=yytA statue.' of (;urll Drv.u77.~cnl;ot:bl'niacAtrong,-a-form .: oteuru~Padmasam,---::~~.~--:c-: l21)r:.WniTC=funcraqc-=T(:.tkE(oR;n.\l!.dc)~iE~i~~a~statu.l'o_of Dusum Kh)'enpa, the first

hhava, A most important relic from the Tsurphu monastery of the Karrnapas. - ---Karriiapa, It _ is' made of UJ\<7dllr metaFrromT-aslcrn TrJdia'Cand-w-aY-('onsc·'-_c-.-----

It is prestT,'('d within a golden relid,ox, decorated with the dancing figures crated by himself, This most prt'cious image has thrice preached the 'Six

of /).I/':ill;S, Yogas' of Siddha I'\aropa, It is heavily gildcd and painted.

(10) A statue of J\;',11101l Dulc N.1 II1gyal , a form of Guru Padrnasambhava. (21) A statue of J)USUIll Kbycnpa, the first Karrnapa, made from mixed red,

made hy Tami Conson from Ekadlwn! mrtul and disc(ll'l'rl'd hy the 'lcr chcn yellow and white /)~; C/o;1II metal, It procrvcs the funerary rcli('~ of Dusum

Raina l.ingpa,C It is prrscrvrd within a golden relic-box, with the ampicious Khycnpa and is l.clievcd to be a good likeness of him.Though paint has many

symbols around, times been applied to the top of the head, it always peels off or disappcars

(11) /\ statue of '/.\Ilg,l'oI/ s.wgdrlll', a form of Guru Padmasamb:13I';t. discovered l'omplctrly, "hny tests of this have been made,

PIU:UOUS THEASUHES OF rur KARM.II-K/\}{GYUDPA SECT I'rot'!\'t'd at till' Rumtck Monastery



1111' Kl'M1LK CEN1KF

(22) A statue of 1'.ljradbara, the Adi-I\uddha and root-Guru of the Kargyudpa sect. It was made by Chos Ying Dorjc, the tenth Karrnapa, from a rhinoceros

horn. It is partly gildtd and painted.

(23) A statue of the Siddha 'lilopa, carved by Chos Ying Dorjc, the tenth

---karmapa, from a rhinoceros horn.r lt is partly gilded and painted.--

(24) A statue of the SidJha Narupa, carved by Chos Yillg Dorjc, the tenth Karrn.rpa, from a rhinoceros horn. It is partly gilded and painted.


CC'(2(;)A statue of jttsun Milarepa,carl'tdby ChosYing Dorjc, the tl'lllhKarmapa. from a rhinoceros horn. It is par tly gilJcJ and pa int cd.

(27) A statue of I ',Ij"ll'.wi, called Cbag /)OT, holding a kite-bird, madv by Chos Ying Dorjc, the tenth Karrnapa. in gilded copper.

(2H) A ) ';I/>' )'11111 statue of J'lIrl'.l/':i/a, n.uucd /)orj(' S/.lOI1I1 />11/(' 1\',1111.1;),;1/, presented [0 the fifteenth Karrnapa by Shrr ab Jungnts, a great J)OrtOl. II was

-- hisProlt'ctor Ikity.- - --- --- --

(29) A round goldcn relic-box (Gau), usually carried by H. II. Tht' Gyaiwa Karmapa, containing relics found in the: head of Dhanuadhot i. t he son of the reacher Marpa. When he was l'fcmatt·d a small statue of l"ljr'll'inal.'i was

found within a cluster of relics.

(30) A golden relic-box containing the original green silk used to wrap up the:

N.lIllgya/l'lIrpar (ritual knife) worn by Ycshc Twgyal, the disciple of Guru Padm;ls;lmbhal'a. It was found within the Thang La rock, one of the eight gre;1t pilgrimagl' centres of Tibet.

(31) A relic of Karma Pakshi, the second Karrnapa, king a cheek-bone in the form of the Tibetan letter 'Dhi', along with several other relics, all prestrved

within a fine goldtn relic-box.

(32) A stone statue of Ava/okitrsbwara, discovt:rt·d from within a large round

stone by'Dzigar Dorje Trakpa,

(33) Inside a fine relic-box, relics preserved in the form of the Tibetan letter 'Ah',

. the remains of a rib-bone of Mikyo Dorjc, the eighth

A statue of the Goddess Tara: it wa' the Cuardian Dcit y (If Klnj: Indrabhuti of India. It i, covered with l'rcri(lu,



(34) Within a golden relic-box. a bone offhacham rerna scr,ct_l1c C{;l1soriof~~C Guru Padmasamhhal'a, showing the self-formed (U'lIIgjU1/g) statue of [ctsun Dolma, The Goddess Tara.

(35) Within a large golden relic-box is a smaller goldtn box containing a statue which used to be worn in the hair of King Srong hen Garnpo, the Siddha King of Tibet. It is called De C/mug II'.1I1g (;i Gya/po, meaning '1ulfillcr of Desires'. It is a goldcn form of [atnbbala, the wc.rlt]: Deity and was rctr irvcd from the precious lake of Tsar i Tso Kar by Hangjung Dorjc, the third Karrnapa.


A precious statue of the (;"dde" Saraswat i. preserved in the Rurntck monastery,

t iu I<l'M·II.K UN'If(!'

(3(,) A 1\"III1C/>"" sky-fallen Purp» (ritual knife). disc()\·trt'd by Terchcn Chogyur l.ingpa It is a grrat treasure and is kept within ;1 relic-box.

(37) A ,"all/clod/.: sky-fallen 1'111'1'.1, of mixed l rz] metal of a red and whitt colour, discOI't'red by Terchrn Chogyur l.ingpa.

(3H)A whitt, st aruc sh<.\\ ingthr ten miracles of Lord Buddha. It was made!>)' thl' Siddha Nagarjuna, who discovcrcd t hc m.ucri.rl Lu Znn [rorn the glLlt Naga· lake in India. It \\'as prornted to Rolpc Dorjc , the fourth Kur mapa, while on

by theSiddha Nag;lrjun:l out III 1II,;um:t the Naga·lakc It was prrsrnted to Rolpc Dorjr, the fourth

on the way to China.

(40) A statue of Lord Buddha, made of !.i-Illrtal from Lastnn India. This was the

personal Guardian of Paldcn Atisha, from whom it passed on through to Jl' Tsongkhapa, founder of the Celu!:.'!,a St'CI. When l)ell/hill Sht'gpa, the fifth K:lfI1J:Ipa, was ITtlirningto 'l ilxt after \'i,iling China this statue wa' sent to him hy Jt· Tsongkhapa, his former-di-seiple,

(41) A statue of Lord Buddha, made of Li·metal from Ea..rtrn India, prol'ntl'd 10 Shamar Tulku by the prl'sl'nt II. II. The Dalai Lama, after ordaining him as a

monk. This statue is called ;\1./1'",(' Srllp.r,

(42) A statue of I'ajra!"wi, made from Chinese htil-mt'taL

(43) A painting (Tbang/.:a) of Paldcn Atisha, drawn and painted hy himself, with

an inscription on the reverse, in his own hand,

(44) A scril's of forty-six scroll'p;lintings ('f/.'allx/.:as) of the Kargyudpa l.incagc of

Teachers. Vl'f)' precious to the Kargyudpa sect.

(45) A statue of Lord Buddha in the standing postUfl', known as 1'1.>111' 1',1 Troug Cloer ;\1.1, which was the personal Guardian of King Avhoka of India. It was presented to the teacher Marpa by Siddha Maitripa.

(46) A statue of Lord Buddha, known as Tbu p 1'.1 Cbam Sbllg M,l, the personal Guardian Deity of the Indian Siddha jowo Scr Lingpa, the teacher of At isha (47) A statue of Lord Buddha, made of yellow /.i-metaL The Guardian Deity of

the tenth Karrnapa.

(49) A statue of 11v,ll,,/.:itcsbw,n.I, known as Sa }'i A)'illgpo, m.idv of [):i Chilli

metal hy the rcnth Karrnapa.

(50) A statue of l'ajnJ;',l1.lf.i, made of Dzi <:l.>i111 metal. It was the main (;uardian

Deity of Lima Ngof,1,a, one of the important disciples of ,'-.1:1rpa It is a st at uc that has spoken on occasions ('SlIl1g 0'011'),

(51) A st a tu« of JI'I.III11 Dolma, the Goddess Tara, known ,IS ,\'god,--,,!, I'dlli,mll.l,


KAI{MAI'A' 1111. BLACK IIAl LAMA or 11111.1

of yellow U-mctal. The Guardian of the great Kcnchcn Shiwa,

(52) A statue of Karma Pakshi, the second Karrnapa, made by himself and named Paksbi l\'gu Tra Ma ('My likeness'). It is composed of mixed white, black and _______ ruulticolourcd Dcr Cbint mrtal.Tt _\\'JS comerratc~byhimse~f.

(1) The Kanjur . in 104 volumes. (2) The T'11Ijur: in 206 volumes.

(3) The 'Rinclirn Tcr Zo d', in 61 volumes. (4) The 'D,lIlI Ngag Zod': in 10 volumes (5) The 'Ng,lgS Zo d': in 3volull1es .

. - ----(6}"Thc 'Sbc Cba Zod': in 3 volumes.

(7) The 'l'adma Karpo S'lIng 1111711': in 14 volumes (8) The 'Dru pt op Kuntu': in 10 volumes.

(9) The 'Kba Cbab J)orjr Ka BU7I1': in 10volumes. () 0) The '1\bollgtrul Ka Bum': in 10 volumes.

(1) The 'Mila Gur Bum': in I volume.

(12) The 'SC71g Trcng Namthar': in 2 volumes.

(13) The 'Sbamar Kba Cbo d Ifangpo Ka 13l1m': in 4 volumes of 10. (14) The 'Yesbc Kor Sum': in 1 volume.

(15) The 'J)vagspo Ka Bum': in 2 volumes.

() 6) The 'Cbag. Cbc7I': in 3 volumes.

Plus numerous smaller works.


• Naro 1.;J.>.wdroma (Ski' Sorvab uddba Dakini},

II (I )\2',),) ti70), • p"cat divcovc r cr of t r ca .. urcs (Tn't(lrl).

c (14()3-147R) .• grnlt diwovcrcr of treasures (1r,-lOn). lie WII' I devotee of \'Qjr",bla. the lantrir "l utela t y. tic- hwugtJl 1OF!C'lhcl t hr- important,'Old' 't antras, coml'iljn~ them a .. the '"'\'J"'''K"ma r(;.l'ud"/futtl, the' ')OO,O{KJ Old 't ontras',

d l'rinccs-, Hhrikuti , the' dnught ct of King Arncuvarman of Nepal (Till O ... r r Gpch:d, who ma t ticd Ki'l~ Srorll! T"'C'1l (;;ltllpO o( Tibet

C Uf tluec filJE:er~ width in sizc.


Clearing the site for the new monastery.

Preparation, of materials for building .

THE SHAMAR INCA}{NATIONS (The 'Red lIat' Karrna-Kargyudpa Lama)


The first Sharnar Tulku, THAKPA SENGE. was born in the Tibetan female water sheep year (12R3) at Pomper Gang. on the Lank of the Shel river in Khams,

~~~~~~~~_~~~~~_~~~~~~~_~.~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~. ~~~~~~_~~~~==~_. ~stcrn Til~t,Early one nlorningin his fourth year he had visions of the Sid-

__ -_- -_-- __ - --::dlla~J>wt ~'rt or lJE~lu'g=njangJT;r-:a-!rd-t hc-6oddt·ss--')'ara.-~rt·lcei\'i!lg-jm por-ta n t'--"-~~~~

init iat ions from them,

lIy the time he was six he had quire 3 reputation as a snT-of-dcnHHls and often

described to people the amazing forms of Tutelary Deities and Protectors, His

parcnts became worried about this and took him to see Lama Lodru Trukpa, in

the hope that he would find a way 10 exorcise the disturbing influences. The

Lama asked the small boy 10 t(,11 him what it was that he could see and was given

_ a fully detailed drscriptiollof the Tantric Deity Jluyugrim and his accompanying Mul1dula, Recognizing the unique powers of perception inherent in the boy the - Lama ad\'ised' his parents to make him a monk. saying that it was likely that he would become a great Lama. thus benefiting the cause of the Buddhist Dharma,

The boy was ordained as a monk and studied with Lama Tr akpa and Lopon Gyal je. At the age of seventeen he met Rangjung Dorjc, the third Karrnapa, accompanit'd him to the Tsurphu monastery and received precepts from him, Then he went to the great Sang Phu Neutok college. where he completed his studies, He soon became famous as a scholar and master of debate.

At the age of twenty-four, at Dechcn Tcng, he again met Karrnapa and received from him the complete teachings. including the 'Six Yogas' of Siddha Naropa. For a period of two years he went into retreat in a (ave, While there practising the Dream Yoga he had a vision of Rangjung Dorjc, who advised him to start a meditation centre, The Protector M,lbakala provided all the details of the location and it was founded at Nesnang. The buildings were quickly completed and within a short time Sharnar Trakpa Scngc had about twenty-five disciples. who prae-

_ ___= tisca=Yoga:=mt'atr:itt([O=-t'hTfe~~Fh("n=hc=rGWFfl("d=t0=hi~=<;a~~c=and_spent_J))ucst _ o=f ===

-- __ - -- -hi~ life in meditation, -

On the twelfth day of the second month of the female ox year he passed away amidst many auspicious signs. ill his sixtY-SCI'cnth yt'ar. IIi, foremost disciples wert' Yagdc Panchen and Tokdcn Gon Gyalwa, (12R3-1349)


15t TRAKPA SENGE (J2!l3-1349)
2nd KIIA CIlOD WANGPO (J 350-1405)
3rd C110SI'AL YESIlE (J 406-14 52)
-- - 4th - -C1~OSKYI TRAKPA --(1453-1524)
5th KUNCBOK YENLAK (J 525-1583)
6th CBOSKYI WANGCIlUK (15R4-1630)
7th YESHE NYINGPO (1631-1694)
9th KUNCIIOK jllNGNES (1733-1741)
10th MIPBAM CIIOSDR UP GY AMTSO (1742-1792) (No formal recognition. for political reasons. unt il.)

II th 12th 13th


(r.18RO-1947) (1948-1950)

( 1952-prcsent)


The second Sharnar Tulku, KIIA CIlOD WANGI'O, was born in the Tibetan male



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KAI{MAI'A "IIfl IlLACK ItAl LAMA 01' 111l1'T

soles of his [ret there was formed the Mongolian letter 'Gytl' (meaning Victory), Ill' W,I\ immediately recogllist'd as the incarnation of Shamarpa and was identified as such by several of his former disciples. All the prediction details agrn'd pre-

---~---.'Thdlo\\'er is fl'ady,butnotytt_optned,_ ciscly with the circumstances of his birth, so he was rakcn to Takt sc, passing

Wait for the right time, for you arc still human, -through Gadcn Marno medit at ionccntrv on the way thrre;--

Highly qualified as you are, plt-ast' wait a little longer, At t hr age of six ),CJrs he was observed r1imbing all over the grt'at \\'onpo rock,

And I shall teach you to become fully plTfl'Clt:d'" known to be tilt: residence of an important Pr ot cct ur Deity, On the third day of

_ Thl'l1 i{arma[lasnap[lt'd his fingt"r-s-lll-tlll'=51~I=CI'O:fIT::rlITt=fITrmRlJCt:h:cp:ltnlg tJlt' the ftmak 1I;1l t'l' snakt Far (14 I 3), :It t ht agt of tight, he

c=(.hild could rl'lllt'lllkr an the dl'tails of his past life :HlU b('g;mnJteH--ptt>FI:c=t=llat~-. -. -'~-'--.--'--'---- - 1l11'J:::~am:t;I:IN:::I-)l~t-JlchiI1-~11('~pa-=a:t=I'a:i~L]Ior=JlTII tog('rbt'r" they· pr()('l'{'dl'd to

he wa\ the incarnation of Trakpa Scngt" -- -- - -- ---- -- c,' "lakt sc.

By the age of fourteen months he was prt::tching the Dharma and at the age of On the tenth day of the eleventh month of the S:II11e ycar he took the pre-

three ycars was gi\'ing specific teachings. His [arne spread quickly, reaching ser- liminary ordination from Karrnapa and received the prt'ccpts and tcachings. Later

vant s and disciples of the previous Shamar Tulku. They carne to visit him and he rtTogniscd and cnt hroucd the new Karmapa, Tongw;1 Dondcn and took him to rt'l'ogllis(,(j him as the !H'W incarnation. Then he was t akcn to Karnpo his monastery, From Kcnchcn Son.un Z;lI1gpo he received t hc final ordination,

Nnnang rnonavtrry. where he wa\ enthroned. Cohe l{igJ/in g;I\'(' him some important teachings as did the pupil of his former

- ----Ai-the age of seven )'ears, while l'f(lSSinga rivcr , hemet Kar mapa Rolp« Dorjc, ... - incarnat ion.iSowo n Higpl' _l{aldrt, Hal'ing completed all his st udics he ocgan to

who taught him the complete M.lballllldra, the Six Yogas and the Kurgyudpa impart teachings, A fine Lama, he had Illany disciplt's, Aft-(:r lllany years SI)(:llt

Linl'agc, From Khrnpo Dondrup Pal he received the primary and sccond.iry sprcading the Dharma he pas\cd 311'ay on the fourth day of the sixth month of the

ordinations, Having completed his studio he travelled to the pilgrimage-place of ruale water monkey yc:tr (1452), at the agt' of forty-seven. There wert' numerous

'lsari, where he had an auspicious vision of the Siddha Dornhhi Hcruka Later he rainbows overhead at this t irnc and flower» fell down from the sky, His foremost

received a Red lIat crib: Zba-nur) from the Gyalwu Karruapa in rt'wgnition of disciples IITrt' Jampal Zangl'o, (;elong Zhonu Pal the hivt or ian and Ngampa

his grt'at uchicvcrncntv and a~ a symbol of his function as a teacher. Chatrcl. (l40()·1452)

Sharnar Kha Chod Wangpo rn:ognisl'd the next incarnation of Karruapa,

Ikb/hin Shcgpa, and enthroned him at the 'lsurphu monastery where he transmitred the teachings to him.At the agl' of thirty-seven he founded a large monastic mcdit.uion centre ,11 Gadcn Marno and soon there were three hundred Yogis pr;I,·tising there Ill' engaged himself in the perfect ion of the secret teachings and had many visions of Protectors and Tutelary Deities, from whom he received many important initiations,

On the twenty-ninth day of the seventh month of the female wood bird year

=========(('!11:1-405c) _ he ~as\ed=acwa,)~Hi,s-(QKmOSl disciples wsre the fifth Karma[l:l, Lama

·-==~~=K37IiipaJ{inCh-tn-a;ld SO-woncHigpeHa'i(lre,-O 3S0-1'40S).·. =====

iron tiger year (1350) at Chcma Lung in Chang Narnshung, Northern Tibl't. At the age of seven months Karrnapa Rolpe Dorje appeared before him in a vision and said:

(4 )

The fourth Shamar Tulku, CIIOSKYI TRAKPA, was born on the third day of the third month of the female water bird year (1453) at Kangmar in Domed, Eastern Tibet. On the night of his birth people in the region saw two moons in the sky, When he was born he told relatives that he knew the Gyalwa Kurrnapa.

At the age of seven years he was taken to the Kangmar monastery and there he went straight up to his throne and sat upon it. His previous disciples mixed up all

= __ =.=·.=_=_= .• =_= •.• = ... rndrcl()ts=-an~d=pl:a]:J;:d~-!:!IQl.l=lll~f(lFl=him'FI)ut=ht~s~I(,£t~J.l=all=tIH:-\Hitings of t .. h",,,,c===

- ---.----- -K:ll:mal)a~ aridthell put alr-thc-pilgc~ ill-the rightor(ler;-'C~~~ _,-='=-'::C,cc_, ~-=----~~--~---

Sharnarpa was invited to Chang Mo Sar and to the great Surrnang monastery, where he met Chos Trag Gpmtso, the seventh Karrnapa. The Black Hat ceremony was plTformcd for his benefit and he received many teachings and init iat ions at this rime. At the age of twelve he pnformed the Red Hat ceremony and was formally cnt hroncd. lit- had a vision (If the Goddl'SS Sar aswat i, who offered him an ,1rm.1 (Myrob;dan) fruit. As a result of this he was able to learn \'Cry quickly lit- went to Gadrn Marno where he meditated for six months. In the malt: iron


The third Sharnar Tulku, C110SPAL YESIlE, was born on the fourteenth day of the s('cond month of the malt- fire dog )'l'ar (1406) in Trang Do of Kongpo pro· vinrr in Southern Tibet. Whilt- still inside his mother's womb he could be heard reciting the ',-I1.l7Ii' M.m!ra and at the time of his birth there were sl'\Tral rainbows in the shape of an umbrella, which formed right over the roof of the house, On the




child. Karrnapa Wangchuk Dorje recognised him when he was five years old and enthroned him at the Dvagspo Shcdrup Ling monastic college. From Karrnapa he received the hightr teachinp and by his twelfth )Tar was considered an expert in meditation. Under the excellent Lama Karma Tinlaypa he studied Sanskrit and

. .. quickly became proficient in it.

On the eleventh day of the seventh month of the serpent year (J 583) he founded the Thupdcn Nyingche Ling meditation centre. By the age of sixteen he had. fully mastered Sanskrit and had a reputation as a fine scholar. l-Ie visited

. ('ollq;n of all-the~differt'nt serts, tooKpart-·in-m;Ifl)'-sl·'xaminations.and~~~· .drb.ucs and became rt'['()gnisl'll as one oflhc greatest scholars of his time H-,.------fully memorised thirty-two volumes of the Buddhist scriptures and 011 one very

important occasion defeated the Bonpos in a great debate,

Shamar Choskyi Wangehuk had several auspicious visions of the Sakya Pandita and received important teachings from him, Ill' composed a bcaut iful prayer for the Sakya Pandita and for the /loJI.,isul/v.d1.l1ljllsri, The Ruin of Jyang invited him to visit rherc and he didso, correcting the mistakes in the Kanjur SIIIW in the mOIl:lstl'Tin: He irnparttd -the- lola/.o'lI/lUJra teachings and -attral'!l'drnany fine disciples.

lit- trnvclled to the great Surmang monastery and gave teachings and initiations

to the monks and LImas there. Shortly afterwards he rCl'Ognistd and enthroned

The fifth Sharnar Tulku, KUNCIlOK YENI.AK, was born on the tenth day of the the tenth Karruapa, Chos Ying Dorjc. Then he travelled Oil pilgrimagt to Nepal.

t'ighth month of the female wood bird }'('ar (J 525) at Gadcn KallgSar in Kongpo Arriving in the Kathmandu valley hr went straight to the great Bodhanath Stupa

district. At the time of his birth many flown, bloomed even though it wa s the where he was met by King Laksminara Simha Malia, who honoured him and pre-

middle of winter, As soon as he was born he was heard to chant the 'Malli' M,mlra, vented him with a garland of flowers, Impressing the Brahmins with his knowledge

Ill- was quickly recognised as the new incarnation and enthroned by Karmapa of Sanskrit he debated doctrinal matters with them and spread the: Dharma in

Mikyo Dorje, who began to impart the teachings, Nepal. King Simha Malia, Ruler of another of the valley Kingdoms, sent a large

By the time he was twelve Shamar Tulku had compktcd his studies, Attaining elephant for him to ride upon, lie visited the great Swayarnbhu Stupa and built

perfection in his meditation he attracted many fine disciples. Ill' rel'ognised the four golden altars at the four directions, instead of his original plan for a golden

ninth Karmapa, \\'angchuk Dorjc, and performed his enthronemtnt and over the roof above it. A record of this auspicious visit, in the male iron dragon year

next years transmitted all the esoteric reaching» to him, (1640), was inscribed under the arch of the South side of the temple.

======::::=~=~(~ln~ ... ~th~t~, second day of the se\,tnth month of thr ft:male water sheep year (1583), I Shamar Tulku returned to Tibet, travelling via Yolrno in Northern Nepal.

. _ -~.~~-in-h is fi f ty-n i 1m] year, !le'pass"ed caway,.=:-l'htrt:v.'Cfe_manY:-:lInu,~uaiIFfusI)'tci(lJfSc .= -c .. :Ii= ===.= .. ~P~a~ssing=-~hFtll;lgh~<;~~b(C~!!_~~il)(',=h_<:::'~ln'coth~I~J)11<1.'i-bl'11jo"_in it iat ionuo_lhq)e0l.lle====

signs ;11 that time. l Iis foremost disciples wert: the ninth Karrnapa. Karma Tinlnypa. -.-.- :--~~., '--"-iiHl cxplaificd the lawsof/(arnl<l.' At-Tashigang he met tnt Gyalwa Karinapa.pre- _.---'-

Drif,ullg Chogyal Phunt sok and Taklung Kung» Tashi, (1525-1583) scntcd him with a mongoose from Nepal and imparted the remaining teachings to him,

On the fourth day of the second month of the male iron horse )'l'ar (1630) Sharnar Tulku became ill. His disciples requested him to postponc his passing until the arrival of Khcdrup Karma Chagrnc, who still had to receive some important teachings. Shamar Tulku made and painted a small clay statue of himself and blessed and consecrated it (this is preserved in HUT11tl'k monastery). Khcdrup


tign Yl'ar (1470) at the age of seventeen Sharnar Tulku made a brief visit to Mongolia and upon his return to 'fibct he received all the final tl':!chings from Karruapa. Go Lot sawa Zhonu Pal, a disciple of his previous incarnation, taught him Sanskrit and the classical trl'atists.

At the age of forty-six he bt-cal11C Supreme Hukrof [oundedth« -.-

Ltrgc Gadcn Mamo monastt'T),. with an asscmbly-hall of ninety-four pillars. The work was started on the second day of the third month of the male earth monkey

=======:::':'j):'t;t':i'aPi (t4:!'R)=:nnI::,w;!'C.CJImpll"l·cd-(-)n-t-hlq.t~l1-t-ll-da-)' 0.( the si.~_tb month of thc malt iron dog ye-:rr (14Y(-1}-_.t\-t-tAh'fgtqrf:::tlf't-Font=b:t':::f:o,I:IJ.tlnl--a-l:trgt· 111iir.i-asu'ry ;11 Ya;lg Chen, a short dist.mcc North of 'I\urphu,'with Sl'l'cnty-two p illars inthemain assembly-hall. This work was started on the nimt ccnt h day of the fourth month of till: [cmalc water pig ye;lr (1503) and was l'olllpktcd in the second

month of the rat year (1504),

In the monkey ),car (1524), on the twenty·fifth d.iy of the twclft h month,

Shamar Tulku passni away, amidst many highly auspit'ious omens. Ill.' was -----\('I('l1t)"tIl'O, His foremost disciples wntTaklungNamgyaLTrakpa, ZbaLu Lot, .. awa --and Drigung Rat na. (1453-1524)



The sixth Sharnar Tulku, CIIOSKYI WANCCIIUK. w:ts born on the third day of t hr ninth month of the male wood monkey year (15f{4) in ~holung. There IITr(' many auspicious signs at the time of his birth and at all earl)' age he was a remarkable





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Sl\T(Tlllh Cyli!WOI Klilll!ilpa ,\11 tin .. pt-H"ll ""I":

TIlt' ninth Shamar Tulku, K UNCI 10K j UNGNES, was born in the female water ox '.'In" ".' k"'''''''f: ,,,,,11,, .".1 stu aller . 'I hc t r ""' mu .. h r"I"".1 ,,,mk,,,,,,, 11I ... t w a h .... omin •

........ year (J 733) and was rt"('ogni~('d and enthroned by Situ 'I ulku, who had been a i "hi". 'I! .. 'cd "., l-e ... ",i"f U""';,) II, ,10" """ " wa- " .. , 1".' ,,,.,\.), ,,, hun '"l ~ha"""I'" 'n"fn,,,'.t

di (1'111( (f I' ., . ··.·1'1-(. I ... "') c' I .. J ; _tH(,.Jllhftll.H-d. 'v.c .. r~'lh;llr ".'a,.l..C-jlt sr-c rc t '111('" iuc a rnatiouv 1lpp('>tr(·~f. hut \'.TII uot rn'n,lnl"


"~=~(Orf)i(l(fing .ahout .. or.enthroncany ~hal11ar .. jTlt'Jrll,lri(lrr.=Iytr --- -~--- - ~~--~ -=~-~

Situ '1 ulku challenged the order in the High Courts and won the l~ase-,' .' ~· •.. ~~.~.~~.~_.c .. _. (J J ) ..•..•

l.arna Khatog Itigdzin Chcnmo made a prediction t hat if the ('nthroncmUlt (TITlllon), could take place at the Khatog Con monastery in Khums then there would he a good chance that the child would live for a long time. Unfortunatcly the Lama died and the other Lamas of the monastery refused to allow Situ Tulku

. to pnforlll the enthronement ceremony there, for fear of Ill~ing their mcn.rstvry "ii;rq)ii~aE bythe Gdll!1)a( Th(''y'ollng Shamar'Tlllku r;Js~l'l1 awayat the age of __ l'ight, in the female iron bird )Tar (J 74 J), h;II'ing received only the essence of the tl';lching~, (1733· J 74 1)


the water rat year (1732), two days after the pas~ing of the Gyalwa Karmapa. l lis foremost disciple W;IS the eighth Situ 'lulku. (J 695· J 7 32)

(9) _


The tenth Sharnar Tulku, MIPJ lAM CIIOSDH UP CY AMTSO, was horn in the water dog year (J 742) in Tashi Tsc of Tsang province. Ill' was born as the: brother of the Panchen Rinporhc, Lobzang "alden Yeshe (1738']7RO), and was r('lognised by the thirteenth Karrnapa and the eighth Situ Tulku.

From Situ Tulku he received the primary and secondary ordinations, and all te;lchings were transmitted to him. Sometime later he recognised the ninth Situ Tulku and taught him everything, Sharnar Tulku spent many years rel'iving the Dharma in Tibet and then went on pilgrimage to Nepal.

======~:'T~\~\,~h~il~e~he was in Nepal fighting broke out between that country and Tibet. In

.. ~c_===I.h-;rsnll:-innuentialC'<:>clugpa:-=MiniSl('r-..-l:agf.Sag.,.:rt'npai::G5npo,-lJeca~m('~a:warec:of.aF. === political opportunity and claimed that Sharnar Tulku wasinstigatingthc figliiing-

with Nepal. He seized the grl'at Yang Chen monastery of the Shamarpa and an

order wa~ passed by the gOHTnml'nt dcclar ing that all the monasteries of Sharnar

Tulku must become Gl'lugpa and that he should never reincarnate again, His crrcrnonial Red Hat was buried under the floor of the temple of Sharnarpa in

Lhasa and the building was turned into a court house. In fact Sharnar Tulku was

trying to make pea('(' with the Ncpalr:«. and had visited Nepal only for reasons of pilgrimage. He offered a great bell to the Swayamhhll Stupa in Kathmandu (it is


AI'I'I Sl>llIS

still to be ~ccn) and then p,I~~l'd allay In Nepal at the agc of fifry. lit- h;td many important di~lipln. (l742·]7Y2)

~{n I Fill!!! lilt, P;.v.:llf (If lht h nth ~h;Jlll;1f -I uJ~u III 17{)2 unt i! the bit, IlltH·ItTflth u'IlILlry liP !-.Itamarpw wa-, f11!1l1all)' rn"If,lli .. ,,1 Til have dltl\(' "'\1 WlILlhl have' ill'''~lll["d thc \'.1;.1\1 of rlu- pojili,-.d fttCIOflio of tilr f\l!Jtti-! __ --------------C;dllt-:p~ ... who had_M·iJ("~f ull tlH·_1I1"1I'1'lrri_t·"_Ull_ltpr_l)pt:r~y __ ~)j __ l!_1_l:_~~1II II I"'! 'J __ I~_I~_u Tilt c ommrnr uj l i II Tile-

Th« clrvcnt h Shamar 'lulku, jaJ1lhy<lng l{in],odl(',lil'l'd mostly in Nort]: 'I ilxt I Itw.'~ i hc son of the Karmapa Kha Ch:lb Dorjc hut relllailll'li lirtll;dly unknown litplal'li~l'll his nndit.n ion ill n-ruotv areas. reccil'ing tC;ll'hings and init iat ions, but ncvvr particil'atl'll in thc monastic lift'. Ik h'canH' pnkctnl a~;1 Siddha, !ral'ing .illl!'1 osi(ln~ of-hi~fe('t. atSh.iwa Trak.irIN_llrthnn 'I_i!lCt~ llc\\';~_a vcry s;lintly Lama :Illd pa~~l'll ~I\\,;)y in ]947, bu twas known to only ;1 few, (eJliY5·JY47)

(J 2)

TIn: twclft h Shamur Tulku, 'IINLAY KUNCIIAP, WJS born on the fir~t day of the fir~t month of the malt iron tign ytJr (J 94 R), I lr wa~ recognised by the sixteenth Karrnupa and inst allcd at rhe Tsurphu rnonavtvry. Ill' PJs~rd away at rhc age of OJl(' year and two months. (J 94R·1950)


The thirteenth Sharnar Tulku, C110SKYI I ()DHU, was horn on the third day of the eighth month of the male water dragon year (1952) in the Athup palau' of

I '. ... J.krcge,ha!>twl Ti1tc.L !.lcJorl· his hirth the elevcnth Sill~Julku bd prophesied that

i====='==6Jie6f-t Ile-highest K a rgYlldpa :i'ncarna tionsw()\lld. be \JornJ lrnl'~At~th(·~t:illll~'lf:=1111irs.~=_=_=_= .. ~=. '.='.'=_=.=_ .. ,~c

. hir rh the sky \\'3~ filled with rainbows. one forming like a tent right ()ITr t hc palace. All the water in the nl'ighhourl)(lod turned milky, thus informing t hc pl'Op!r of a mir aculous birth in the It'gion. In the old Yang Chen mOI];lqn), (If the SI);ll1larpa~ thnl' was ;1 vtat ur of the Prouct or Dcit y, riding on a horse. At the time when Sh.imar Cho~\"\'i J.odru wa~ horn the horse spat out some sh('('p\ hOIH's which had bccn put in its mont h aft cr t hc Ilwn.lqny had hlTn confiscated,

At t hr age of six the young hoy wa~ taken to 'lsurplm l1lonaQn)" Ilis nurse

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'1 HE SITU INCAHNATIONS (A Hnlllat Karma-Kargyudpa)


Prior to the fiN Situ Tulk u the Lineage was formed by three great Yogis: (i) Drogon Rcrhcn (lOHH-l15H)

(ii) Naljor Ycshe Wangpo (l22()-12Hl) (iii) Higowa Ratnnbhadru (l2H 1-134 3)

_ DrogonHcchtn was born at Nyaruo Shung in Yarlung, Southern Tibet. As a small child a rainbow W.IS frequently to lit· seen over his head. At the agt: of nine years he ran away from home and went 10 study with the teacher Drogompa. He received the teJcllinp of tilt: Inner l lcat and was initiated into the cycle of C/'>,!I, He had a vision of Dusum Khycnpu, the first Karmapa, and from him received the tC;lrhings in an csotcr ic way. These he imparted to Grab)' Hom Trukpu. After a lift- immersed in mcdit.uion he passed ;m'a), at tht" agr of st"\'cllly. There wcrr Illany auspicious signs. His line passed to Naljor Ycshe \\';rngpo, who in turn passed it to Higowa Ramabhadr a.


t st C110SKYI GYALTSEN (l377-144H)
2nd TASIlINAMGYAL (1450·1497)
3rd TASIIII'ALJOH (1491'-1541)
4th C110SKYI GOCIIA (1542-151'5)
7th NAWE NYIMA (161'3-1698)
8th CIIOSKYI JUNGNES (1700-1774)
9th I'ADMA NYINGCI1E WANGPO (1774-1853)
11th PADMA WANGCIIUK GYALI'O (11'86-1952)
12th PADMA DONYO NYINGCIIE WANGI'O U 954-prt:scnt) (1)

TIlt' first Situ Tulku, CIIOSKYI GYALTSEN. was born in the region of Karma Gon. He became a disciple of Dcbzhin Shegpa, the fifth Karrnapa, and from him received the init iations and teachings of the M.1hamudra in the complete form. He perfected the teachings and travelled to China with the Karrnapa. The: Chinese Emperor Tai Ming Chen (Yung Lo) conferred the honorific title 'Tai Situ' on him. lit' spent most of his life meditating in caves and was a fine Lama. (1377-1448).


The second Situ 'lulku, TASIII NAMGYAL. was born into a Royal family in Tibet and was recognised by Tongwa Dondcn, the sixth Karrnapa, who enthroned him and ga\"C him tilt" complete teachings. lit was an excellent Lama and became t-llc-companion~l1ItoLoLC_h_QLTrag Gyamtso. the s('\,enth Karrnapa. He \'isited

--- 'many parts ofTibet, giving teachings-and bCMowing initiations. Therewere many __ auspicious signs at his passing. (1450·1497).


The third Situ Tulku, 'I/\SIII P,\LjOI{' was rrl'Ognist'd and installed by the srvcnt h Karmapa and from him he received ;111 t hc tt'achinp. lit perfected t hcm

I and then rtTognisni. Mikyo Dorjc, the t'ighth Karmapa. Ill' passed on all the

1-------tcachlT1p-t(l-Karrna~LUllaypLJ1~'Jl-11t·passt:-d away at Karma Gon. (14Y8·1541).

I . -_.-- - .... - .. -----------







(4 )


The sixth Situ Tulku, MIPIIAM CHOGYAL RABTEN, was born in Mcshod. lie was Tl'cugnised and enthroned by Chos Ying Dorjc, the tenth Karrnapa. He performed the miracle of hanging his monks robe and rosary on a sunbeam and left many of his footprints on stones and rocks. He spent some time studying at Tsurphu and Karma Gon monasteries, where he impressed everyone with his great learning and insight,

Situ Tulku was a great Sanskrit scholar, an astrologer, a doctor and a fine painter. Many beautiful Tbaugkas were made by his hand and he also wrote the ·SulIg·J!um',a compendium of all-knowledge, From the tenth Karrnapa he received all the teachings. lit: forecast the derails of his future incarnation and then went

---- ·---to~Ri_\"'Q_Cha_.Gan~hina, where he passed away, There were many highly

------auspicious signs at that time. His disciples wert' numerous, (T6-51:F1Ji82).

The eighth Situ Tulku, CIlOSKYI JUNGt\ES, was born in the province of A·Lu Shckar. At the age of t'ight years he was recognised by the tighth Sharnar Tulku, Palchcn Choskyi Dodrup. and was taken to 'lsurphu monastery for his enthronemcnt. From Shamar Tulku he received al! the teachings and initiations and studied philosophy and medicine,

. Situ Tulku travelled to Lhasa, at the time when Tibet was ruled by the Ministrr« Ngagpho, l.urnpa and Gya Rawa. Ngagl'ho invited him to make some predictions and Situpa declared that the Miniqt'D would be overthrown and that Nga!!pho would he killed. In the year of the monkey (1716) it happened that Plio Lhawa SOlum Tohgyal killed him. Situ Tulku became very well known in Nepal.

,In the female fire sheep yt'ar (1727) Ill' founded the great Palpung monastlTY 111 Eastern Tibet, 011 the seventh day of the third month. lit- visited JY.lllg. as invited by the Ruler, and imparted all the te:lching.~ to Du Dul Dorjc, the thirteenth Karmapa, and to the tenth Sharnar Tulku. lit- was recognised as a fine scholar and was an excellent artist.

lit- visited Nepal on pilgrimage and was highly honoured there. Once, after a debate with Pandit a Jaya Mangola of Kashmir, he was told by him that he merited seven umbrellas according to the Indian standards of honour. After discussing the Vilhl)'a Suttas and points of Dharma with Pandita Pr ahduma he was told that he must have been blessed by Lord Shiva Shankara, since that was the only way he could have achieved such insight and learning.

Situ Tulku returned to Tibet and preached throughout the land, He translated many books from the Sanskrit, including prayers to the Goddess Tara, All the precious teachings he passed on to his many disciples, Then he visited China at the invitation of the Emperor Chi'en Lung (l7 3 5·1796) and was highly honoured,

While meditating in the lotus-posture of a Buddha he passed away and it was

observed that his heart-region retained heat for seven days afterwards and there was_a-slLOng_smcJl of inscnce everL\\·herc. His_ foremost disciples were the thirt('enthKarmapa; - the tenth . ShamarTulku, thc-nrukchtilTTnTi>'Sningnr;~-~-'--~Drigung Choskyi Gyalwa, Pawo Tsuklak Gyalwa, Druptop Chos Je Gyal, Kharn-

trul Choskyi Nyima and Lot sawa Tscwang Kunchap. (1700,)774),

The fourth Situ Tulku, C110SKYI GOCIIA, was born in Tst Chu near Surmang. lit- was recognised and installed by Mikyo Dorjc, the ('ighth Karmapa, from whom he received all the teachings. Later he recognised Wangchuk Dorje, the ninth Kar mapa, and passed away sometime afterwards. There Wl'TC mallY auspicious signs. (1542,1585),

(5 )

The fifth Situ Tulku, CHOSKYI GYALTSEN PALZANG, was born ill the male firt' dog year (1586). He was recognised by Wangchuk Dorjc, the ninth Karmapa, and from him received all the teJchings. lit built the Yer Mo Che monastery (with one hundred and sixty pillars in the main assembly·hall) and was prevented with d Red Hat by the Karrnapa. He passed aW;IY ill the female fire bird year (1657) amidst Illany highly auspicious signs. (J 5H6·1(57)



Thr seventh Situ Tulku, t\AWE NYIMA. was born as the son of the Royal family of Ling. lie was immediately rt'cogniscd as the incarnation and was admitted to a Sakya wlkge. l lr passed aW;IY \Tr)' young ha\'ing rcceivvd ollly the

-l'SSCIllT-of the teaching,._(I6_Rl:l_(,9!!)_. ~_


The ninth Situ Tulku, PADMA t\YINGCIlE WAt\GPO, was born III Yilung in






Khams, Eastern Tibet. At the age of five years he was formally enthroned and received all the teachings from the thir tccmh Gyalwa Karrnapa and the tenth Sharuar Tulku, He spent most of his life in deep meditation and was a great scholar and teacher. At the age of sixty-one years hc received his final initiations and practised the tt'achings for cighll't'n years afterwards. At the age of s(,l'cntY' nun- he passed :Iway. At that time the sky was filled with rainbows and there were many other highly auspicious signs. l lr recognised the first jamgon Khongtrul '1 ulku as a teacher of tilt Karma- K argyudpas. (177 4- I I' 5 3).

malt wood horse year (1954) in Taiyul. 'lhe details of his birth were completely in accordance with the prediction of the present six tccnt h Gralw:! Karrnapa. He was taken to the Palpung monastery founded in his t'ighth incarnation and cerelJJoni;dly enthroned there: by the pre:stnt Gyalwa Kar mapa. At that time it was clearly noticed that he rt'('ogni,td all hi, old servants and disciples Afte:r ltcei\'ing .111 the customary initiat ions and empowcr mcurs heleft Tibet for Bhutan, at about the time of the gleat exodus. l lc is now studying in the new Runuck monaster y, Sikkim, and is in his nincucnrh )Tar.


The tenth Situ '1 ulku, PAI>MA KUNZANG CIIOGYAL, was born at Nam Tso in Chang, ncar to a lake, in the male wood tigtr year (1854). lIis formal enthronemcnt was performed by the fourteenth Karmapa, Thcg Chog Dorjc, and the first j.ungon Khongtrul 'lulku, l.odra Tart, lit- ~pl'nt the whole of his life pnft'rting the Karg)'udpa teachings and became a Siddha. lit- left many of his footprints on rocks and was able to walk right up sheer mountain faces. At his passing there: werv numerous highly auspicious signs. (1854· 1885),

(J 1)

The eleventh Situ Tulku, PADMA WANGClIUK GYALI'O, was born in the male f~re dog year (J 81'(,) in Li Thung. Thl'TC were many unusual and highly auspicious ~Igns at. that time. The predictions of the Gyalwa Karmapa concerning his rcIflrarn~tlon were found to be absolutely correct. At the age of four yt'ars he was recognised by Karmapa and taken to the great Palpung monastery.

From Kha Chab Dorjc, the fifteenth Karmapa, he received the ordinations and teachings. J~n~g.on. Khongtru! Tulku also taught him and bestowed many empower rnents and inmat rons on him. Situ Tulku later discovered and recognised the prescnt Gyalwa Karrnapa. Rangjung Rigpc Dorjc, the sixteenth incarnation, and

·~---pcrJ()rmcd_his_formaJ...c_oJhronemcnt and ordination. Ht' transmitted the complete - ---- teachings 10 him and bestowed all the initiations, explanations and empowerments.

At about the agc of fifty he visited the great Surrnang monastery, and there performed many miracles, lit- passed the rest of his life partly in meditation and partly bcstowing teachings to his many disciples. Then, at the agt· of sixty-seven, he passed a,.,.ay amidst many auspicious signs. (11'86' 1952).

(] 2)

------Thetwelfth Situ Tulku,PADMA DCH\YONYINGCUEWAr-./Gr'(),\\·a,_b_orll_in the



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TIlE GYALTSAP INCARNAI IONS (An Orangl' l lat Karma- Kargyudpa)


API'El\:J)IX: (C)
/11 carnation
ht GOSHI I'ALjOH DODHUI' (cJ427-14H9)
2nd TASIII NAMGYAL (1490-1518)
3rd THAKPA PALjOH (1519-1549)
4th THAKPA DODHUP (15501617)
5th TRAKI'A CIIOS YANG (I (, 18-165 H)
6th NORIIU ZANGPO (I659-169H)
7th KUNCIIOK OSFI{ (1699-1765)
8th CIIOSI'AL ZANGI'O (1766-1820)
9th TRAKPA YESHE (IH21·1H76)
10th TENPAI NYIMA (J 877,1901)
11th TRAKPA GYAMTSO (1902,1959)
12th TRAKPA TENPAI YAPHEL (1 %O'prescnt) The first Gyaltsap 'lulku. GOSHI I'ALjOR J)OJ)RUP, was born in Yagde Nyrwo, lrorn the six th Karrnapa, Tongwa Dondcn, he received the complete teachings and init iat ions, pcrflTting them in his lifetime. He recognised, enthroned and taught the seventh Karrnapa, Chos Tr;lg GY;II11tS() and bestowed the ordinations on him. lit- lived a vcry saintly life and passed away at the age of six t y-tb rce, in the: male earth dog year. lit- prophesied that he would have many successors. (r.1427'1489).


The second Gyalts:tp '1 ulku, TASIII NAMG)' AI., \Ias horn in Nycwo and was recognised hy Chox Trag Gyamtso, the seventh Kannapa , from whom he: received all the initiations and teu·hings. lit- was presented with an Orange Hat by Karmapa, in recognition of his high attainments. A fine Lama, he enthroned Mikyo Dorjc, the l'ighth Karmapa, and transmitted the tcachings to him. When he passed away there were many auspicious sigm. (1490·15 J H).


The third Gyaltsap Tulku, TRAKPA PALjOH, was recognised by Mikyo Dorjc, the tighth Karrnapa, who passed on all the teachings to him. I lc practised his mcdit at ions to perfection and had visions of many Protectors and Tutelary Deities. He passed away at an early age, amidst auspicious t'lmens. (J 5 J 9· J 549).

(4 )

------------~----_==_:__-----Thl~four-th-G¥altsap--Tu-lku, TRAKPA DODHUI', was recognised by Mikyo Dorjc,

the 'eighth Karmapa; and from him received nl3ll)'-initiations ana-tfach-rngs-. --Another of his teachers was the fifth Shamar Tulku, Kunchok Ycnlak. He com'

posed a lit-tailed nlll1nll'ntary on the Bodbis.ut ra doctrines and another on the tearhings of llcvajr«. lit was a Siddha and had many disciples. (J 550-1617),


The fifth Gyaltsap Tulku, '1 HAKI'A CIIOS YANG, was horn in Tcnchcn Gar in



.,; A" MAI'A, Till· IIL. ... <:.,; IIAT U\MA 01· lllll'l

tht Tsang province, in the female fire snake ye;u (l617/1R).lIe was recognised by the sixth Sharnar Tulku, Choskyi \\'angchuk, enthroned by him and received all the teachings. Ill- spent most of his life pr'lrtising deep mcditat ion. A contcmporary of the fifth Ihbi Lama, under whose rule the Kargyudpa sect suffered gre.ltly, Gyaltsap Tulku was able to keep control over his monasteries and was known as a !:,'feat diplomat in the tinus of difficulty. lit had many disciple». (161R·165R).


The sixth Gyaltsap Tulku, NOHBU ZANGPO, was born in the male iron rat ycar (1 (diO) in the Gelthang district of ]yang. I lc was a remarkable child and could explain all the details of his past lives. The tenth Knrmapa, Chos Ying Dorjc, predicted his whereabouts. recognised him and enthroned him at the agl' of three, Gy;dtsap Tulku received all the teachings and became a grl'at Siddha. Wit h the seventh Shamar Tulku he recognised the eleventh Karruapa, Ycshc Dorjc, whom he also taught. (l6('O·169H).


The seventh Cyalt sap Tulku, KUNCIlOK OSEH, was born in Nycwo Chu Gor. He was recognised and enthroned by the twelfth Karrnapa. Changchub Dorjc, and received all the teachings from him. Hr travelled to Tsurphu monastery where he received ordination from Situ Tulku in his fifteenth year. The eighth Shamar Tulku, Palchen Choskyi Dodrup, transmitted the remaining Oral teachings to him. Then he travelled to the auspicious pilgrimage place of Tsari Tso Kar, where he meditated for three years.

Gyaltsap Tulku travelled to Nepal with the twelfth Karrnapa, the eighth Shamar Tulku and the eighth Situ Tulku. Together they visited many places of _____ [lilgrimage and were highly honoured by the people. After this the party travelled

.... to ·India alld then-rcturnea-toTiofr.-Gyalrsap-l·ulku~passcd-away-in~his-sixty-- _

fourth year amidst many highly auspicious signs, having recognised the thirteenth

Kar mapa, Du Dul Dorje. (1699-1765),


The eighth Gyalt\ap Tulku , C110SI' AL ZANGI'O, was concerned in the recognition of the fourteenth Kar mapa, Theg Chog Dorjc. He was an excellent Lama and had .. ----~ many disciples (1766·1 H20).




The ninth Gyalhap Tulku, T1{AKPA YESIIE, was an excellent Lama, who received all the teachings and initiations. At his passing there were many auspicious signs. (1821-1 H7 6).


The tenth Gyaltsap Tulku, TENPAI NYIMA, received ;111 the te'lchings and perfccud them in his lifetime. lit was a fine Lama and had man)' excellent disciples. (lH77-190l).

(11 )

The eleventh Cyaltsap Tulku, TRAKPA GYAMTSO, received all the teachings from the fifteenth Kurmapa, Kha Cl131) Dorjc. lie had many disciples. At the time of his passing there were many auspicious signs. (1902·1959).


The twelfth Gyaltsap Tulku, TRAKPA TENPAI YAPIIEL, was recognised hy the sixteenth Karrnapa, Rangjung Higpc Dorjc, and was enthroned at the Tsurphu monastny. He was hrought from Tibet by the present Gralw;! Karrnapa and is now studying in the new Rurntck monastery, Sikkirn. lie is in his eighteenth year.

Th(' Twelfth G),alt",p Tulku. (JO(.7)



-.--1tfi •• -.....,. ...... ----- ... ~





The first Jamgon Khongtrul Tulku, LODH.A 'lAYE. was Lorn in the female water bird year (11'13) in Hong Chap of the Dng(' province. in Eastern Tibet. Born into a Bonpo family he quickly perfected their teachings. Then he received ordinations from the Nyingmapas and Kargyudpas and had many teachers. The ninth Situ Tulku, Padrna Nyingche Wangpo. r('cognisl'd him as a Tulku of the Karrna-Kargyudpas. lie became a disciple of the fourteenth Gyalwa Karmapa.

Jamgon Khongtrul Tulku was an excellent artist and a fine physician. lie had more than sixty teachers and perfected t hc science of medicine. Tcrt on Chog),ur Lillgpa (I R29'1 1'70) met him and recognised him as an crnanat ion of the Bo dbisoJllW M71Ijllsri.

In his lifetime: he wrote more than ninety books. covering the whole range: of Tibetan culture. lit was of the direct Lineage of Siddha Krishnachar in and an emanation of Siddha Avadhutipa. lie spent the whole of his life bestowing initiations and explaining the teachings to his numerous disciples, amongst whom was the fifteenth Gyalwa Karrnapa, Kha Chab Dorjc, whom he recognised. Throughout his lift' he never once became ill. Ill- passed away in his tight)'tighth year. amongst many important and auspicious omens. His other foremost disciples were the tenth Situ Tulku, the tenth Trungpa Tulku and Jamgon Mipham Rinpochc. (I R 13-('.1901).


The second Jamgon Khongtrul Tulku. KHYENTSE USER. of Palpung, was recognised by the fifteenth Karmapa, Kha Chab Dorjc. He received all the teachings from Karrnapa and also from the tenth Trungpa Tulku. He spent most of his life

I)ra (!ising m('OilatiOil anal mpan-e-d-all--thc-H'aehings--to-Ih ~pRs('nt-si xrccntb __ ~ --- ~ Cyalwa Karrnapa. He had many fine disciples and was renowned as an excellent

Lama. lit-left prediction details of his future rebirth. (1904-1953),


The third j amgon Khongtrul Tulku , LO))){:\ C110SKYI SFNCF TF~I'AI (;OCIIA. W;I~ born in Central Tibet into the wca lt hy S;llldu S;lJlg Lllnily. It w.r- found that ~ _the prediction derails left by the previous Khongt rul Tulku were o;al,tly in accord,



anrc with those of his birth. He was recognised as the new incarnation and received crnpowermcnts and initiations. Shortly after the: increase in Chinese hostilities he saft·l), escaped to India. lit- was enthroned at the old Rurntek monastery at the agt· of six years and is presently studying with the sixteenth Karrnapa in the new Rumt ek monastery. lit- is in his nineteenth ytar.

The Third j3",~on Khongtrul Tulku, (J 965)






The first Pawo Tulku, CHOSWANG L1WNDlWP, was a Siddha who could fly in the air and walk on water. lit wax givcn the name 'PaUlO', meaning 'Hero', by the local people,

Many of the later Pawo Tulkus were disciples of the Knrmapas and were famed for their knowlcdg« of the Six YOg;lS. The preSl'lll incarnation,PAWO TSUKLAK NAWA, in his sixties, lives in Bhutan and is a meditation trucher there, One of the grc;lt incarnations of the Kargyudpa Lineage, he has perfected the Six Yogas of Siddha Naropa and the Mabaniudru. His Lineage:

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Rth 9th





The Tenth Pawo Tulku. (1966)

The Eleventh CII()(;YAM TI{UNGPA TULKU was born in North-Eastern Tibet in February 1939. He was the Supreme Abbot of the grclI Surmang monastery, founded ill his first incarnation as Trung Mase the Siddha. The present incarnation was recognised by the sixteenth Gyalwa Karrnapa, from whom he received many important initiations and teachings. After reaching the West he founded the Samyc Ling Tibetan monastic centre in Scotland. Now he i~ in America, where he has established two important new centres of Buddhism,

The J.i71l'age

(1440· 1503) (1504·1566) (1567·1633) (1633·1649) (1649·1699) (1701· ? )

( ·1781)

( ? . ? ) (? ·1911) (1912'presenl)

I Kunga Gyaltscn

2 Kunga Zangpo

3 Kunga Osd

4 'Kunga Namgyal

5 Tcnzin Chogyal

6 Lodro Tenphel

7 Jampal Chogyal R Gyurrne Tenphel 9 Karma Tcnphcl

10 Choskyi Nyinjc

11 Choskyi Gyamtso

Trungpa Tulku, (1968)


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KAI(MAI'A rnr, bLACK HAl l.AMA OJ-' r nur


The second KALU }{INPOCHE has a monastery in Sonada near Darjn'ling and has twice visited Europe, Canada and America, founding a number of new Centres for Buddhist Dharma and meditation, lit is an excellent teacher, especially of the 'Six Yogas' of Siddha Naropa.

Kalu Rinporhc.


TIll' first Sangye Nycnpa Tulku, DEMA DR UPCIIEN, was a great Siddha. He was the main teacher of Mikyo Dorje, the eighth Gyalwa Karrnapa. All his subsequent incarnations were fine teachers and Yogis, famous for the extraordinary miracles which they performed, The present incarnation, the tenth, is aged nine years and lives in the new Rumtek monastery in Sikkirn.

The Tenth S"n~)'e N)'cnp" Tulku. (1 Y70)




The first PONLOP TULKU was a Siddha of the Nyingmapa tradition. The fourth incarnation, je \\'on Ponlop. was born into a Nyingrnapa family. lie travelled to the Tsurphu monastery and received Kargyudpa t(,<lchings from his elder brother, who was a meditation teacher there. IIr became part of the Karrna-Kargyudpa and W:lS a fine Lama. II(' passed away in the old Rurntck monastery ill the male water tiger year (J 9(2),

The loun h Ponlnp Tulku.

The fifth PONLOP TULK U, Sungrah Ngedon Tcnpc Gyaltscn, was born at the new Rumtck monastery at sunrise on the twenty-sixth dayof the fourth month of the female wood snake year (1965), a s the son of the General Secretary of the monastery. His birth was in accordance with a prediction made 0)' H. H. The Sixteenth Cyalwa Karrnapa and his recognition was confirmed by II. H, The Fourteenth Dalai Lama. I It- was enthroned at Rurntck, where he is now studying. He is seven years old,

The l-ift h Ponlop 'lulku. (IY72)





TRONGSAR KIIYENTSE WANG PO The third incarnation, aged twenty-six. lit- lives in Madh),a-Pradesh, India. Of t hr Karma-Kargyudpa Linr.


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An emanation of Jr Cumpopa, he live, in Nepal, a~ClI forty-five.


The eighth incarnation. Agtd fort)" he i, the Abbot of the new Rurruek monastery,

DELGO KIIYENTSE RINI'DellE The second incarnation, aged fift)'ci~llI. lit- li\'t-, in the Kiehu monaster)', Bhutan. Of the N)'in~ma·Karg)'udpa Line.


The second DRU paN TULKU. presently studying In Rurntek, Sikkirn, aged seven years.

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;: :~I ...:.. • Dru Pon Rinpoch«. (1972)

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Thf third incarn.u ion. 31!ni fi(t)'·~("\'Cn. livr-, in Ka t h mn ndu , Nepal.

TI\Al.rG RI!""DellE

The ninth iruar na t ion. nov. a~nJ ('ifh teen. li\'l'~ in Sar nat h, India.





AKONG RINPOClIE Presenlly rum the Sarnj:c Linf Tibetan centre in Scotland A disciple of II", Karmapa, he w;" the Abbot of the /)0/'11.1 temple. near Chamdo. lit- i~ t hc ~t'rond incarnat ion.

The I>ruk/lil-Kargyud is composed of three sections, heing termed the 'rop', the 'bottom' and the 'middle'. Thus:

Tbc 'top '. Founded by Cyalwa Ling Repn, who passed the tcachings on to Drogon Tsangpa Gyarc (founder of the Tsangpa SU!>SlTt). lit- in turn passed them to Go Tsangpa Gonpo Dorje, whos« foremost disciple was Siddha Urgycnpa (the teacher of the third Karrnapa). Siddha Urgyenpa passed them on to his disciple Gyalwa Y;lIlg Gonpa, This section lxcarne known as the 'Namkbyr Karma', or 'Star of Heaven', It was very large.

Tbc 'bottom ', Founded by Siddha Lorcpa, who went to Bhutan and there met Tsangpa Gyarc. from whom he received all the teachinp by the time he was S("ITn, At the .1ge of thirteen he went to Khara and there meditated for three yt'ars, He travelled to Naill Tso, where there is an island in the middle of a lake and two caves on the island, both of which he used for prolonged meditation. He had only one load of baric), flour and had to cat his animal-skin clothing, yet he was able to spend many rears there and ultimately attained perfection, One slimmer he performed a miracle of creating a path of icc from the island to the: shore. As he walked across it a shepherd saw the icc mclting behind him and thus his fame spread far. He had about a thousand disciples and founded two monasteries, Karpo Chos Ling (in Tibet) and Tarpa Ling (in Bhutan). He passed away at the age of sixty-four in the malt- iron dog year (1250). This section became known as the 'Say; 15; Sbing', or Tree Branches'.

Tbe 'middle '. Founded by Won res Dharma Senge, the nephew of Tsangpa Gyare. Born in the fire bird year (1177), he received all the ordinations and initiations from his uncle. He prophesied the coming of a flood but stopped it by leaving his footprint on a rock in front of the great Halung monastery. Then he repaired the monastery, constructed many new shrines and built great statues, He

~~ I2a.\s_c_d_a'"~Lat!h('_~gc~f_!ii>;_ty-onc ,leaving eight successors in charge of the

monastery. Thry were: ------ ----------- -----~--"-- ~ ---

(i) Zhonu Senge, (ii) Nyirna Sengc, (iii) Scnge Shcrab, (iv) Scngc Nyinche, (v) Chosjc Sengc Gyalpo, (vi) Jamhyang Kunga Sengc, (vii) l.odru Scngc and (viii) Sherali Scngc.

The elder brother of Shcrab Smge, Ycshc Rinchcn, spent fifty )'t'ars as their spiritual leader and was succeeded by:

Tbc First ])/il.lJ\unx /uN/'OCII!: (;yalwang Kunga Paljor , who was born in the male earth monkey )Tar (13(,1':), lie was the fir\! teacher of the 'Drul.cbrn


DOH)E LOI'ON TENG!\ IUNI'OCIIE The second incarna: ion, af"d [or: y' one, live- in Rurnt ck.


'llu- I llirdiiii:a-,riaf;t1i1; .c""nr;",~-' .... ""c--- ----

ho in Rumtek.




CbY,lhgoll' sect of the Karrna-Kargyudpas and received the complete ,\l,Il'illlllldril from the Siddha Namkhi Naljor and others. From the teacher De ){ingpa he received the teachings of Pramana and the Mad/.>yilmik.l. From Changchub Pal he took initiation into Jlcmjm and MJbil11l.1Yil. Ill' spent six )'tars in the monastery of Jt' Carnpopa and then went to Ralung, where he succeeded as Abbot At the age of fifty-nine he made a prediction concerning his future incarnation. lit, had a nephew called Ngawang Choskyi G)'alpo, who had Illany teachers and became a [in« scholar,

The first Druk chcn Rinporhc meditated at the Ralung monastery for nine )'l';lrS, perfected himself and became a Siddha, lie was an incarnation of Marpa and helped to spread the Dharma widely, At the agt' of seventy-six he p;,ss('d away.

Tbc second /)}{VKCIIFN IUNI'OCIfF: J.lml>yang Choskyi Trakpa, was horn in j ayul, according to the prediction of his predecessor. He beClIII l' a discipl« of i'l:gawang Choskyi Gyalpo and received many rcacbings and initiations from Sh.unar Tulku and the Gplwa Karrnapa. Pcrfcrring his meditation he hccarnc a Siddha, !raving many footprints permanently on rocks and was able to sit in the air in the lotus-posture of a Buddha. In accordance with the instructions of the Sukhasiddhi he founded the Tashi Thong Mon Ling monastery. H(' per- • formed many miracles and passed away at the age of forty-five

7/.,(, tbird I)/(VKCIII:N RINI'OCll/:': Padrna Karpo was born in the female fire pig year (J 527), He had many teachers and quickly became a Siddha. He founded the Sang Nga Chos Ling monasttTy and wrote many books, His foremost disciples were (i) Thuchcn Chosgon and (ii) Yongdzin Ngawang Zangpo, who founded the great Dcchen Choskhor Ling monastt'ry,

Tbc [ourtb DRVh'CHLN RINI'OCIIE Mipham Wangpo, tt» fifth DRVKCH/;N RINI'OCIIE: Paksarn Wangpo. 1'/>(' sixtb DRVKCIiFN I< I 1\'1'0 CII1:'.· Tinlay Shingta.

Tbc seventh DRVKCIlEN I\lNI'OCII/;'. Kunzig Chosnang.

Tbc rip,blb DIWKClfEN fUNI'OeIlE: Jigme Migyur Wangyal. tt» nil/It> lJl<l'KCIfL'N RINJ'OCIIE' Mipham Choskyi Wangpo, Tbc tcntb IJRVKC/lI:N RINI'OCIII:': Khcdrup Yeshc Gyarntso.

-----TbT7/cvcnTE-I)KUKCf/EN-R1N1'()CIIE:Jigmc-r.1igyur-Wangkyi-Dorje,-thc---present incarnation, who was predicted and recognised by the sixteenth Gyalwa Karmnpa. His enthronement ceremony was performed at the Do Tsuk monastery

in Ihrjn'ling. He is now aged nine yean and already exhibits powers of prophecy,

Ilis monastery is at the Mcrn tea-estate, below Sukhia Pokhri in the Darjeding

divt r ict.


'l l:c [irst KII:tWlR VI, IUN/'()U IL. Karma 'lcnphcl (]5911-]638), a disciple of




Yongdzin NgJwJng Zangpo (who had two other important disciples: Taktsang Rcpa of Ladakh and Dorwng Kunchok Cyalpo, of Far Eastern Tibet), A great teacher, he produced an incarnate Line.

7Z,(' second KIIA\lTR UL IUN/'()UI/:' Kunga Tcnphcl (1639'] (.79), who had a fine disciple called Dzigar Sonam Cyamtso, the first DZIGAH C110KTH UL HI Ni'OCl IE,

'l hr Line cont inucd uni il

The Ninth 1>7igu Choktrul Tulku. (1969)

J ipne Gor ha, thr ninth incarna t ion, who hvcs in Ih,' new Rumt ek mon:l!l.trr)' in Sikkiru. a~ed eleven ),,'ars.

Tbc third KHAAl1R UL IUNPOCIII:': Kunga Tcnzin (1680, 1729), a disciple of the first Dzigar Choktrul Rinpochc, he founded t hr Kharupn Gar monastery in Eastern Tibet.

n- [ourtb KII.·l'11T1WI, IUNI'OCH/c" Choskyi Nyirna (1730-17110), Tbr fifth I,II:\MTRUJ, IUNI'()CJlI:' Dupjud Nyirna (I7111-JR-l7), Tbcsixtb KJl.HUJ\UL /ilXI'()UI/:. Tcnpai Nyim« (111411-1907), 'fbI' scrc ntl. /\I/A\ f J1i U I, Iii :\'I'OCH/: San!-,,)'l' 'l cnzin ( 1l)()1'·19 29),


KAIIMAI'A, Till BLACK IIA'I LAMA o r 111l1.1

1[.{' {'igbtl> 1\Jl.1M,/J.: UL JU"'['OC}/J;'.' Donjud Nyirna (born 1930), the prcseut incarnation, who lives in Tashijong (Himachal Pradesh) where he has rvt ahlishcd a 'I ilut an Art and Craft centre.

The Eighth Khamtrul Tulku


In accordance with a prophecy made by Drogon Tsangpa Gyarc, his disciple Satlgye Won produced a disciple called Phajo Drogon, who went to Bhutan, There he founded the Tan Go monastery and spread the Dharma widely,

--------------------------(IV-)-Hlli-DRIGUNG-BRt\!l.:CIL________ _ _

Founded by Jigtcn Sumgun, of Kharns, a disciple of Lama Phagrno Gru Dorjc GyaJtSUJ (a disciple of je Garnpopa). Ill' founded the Drigung monastery in 1179 and had many fine disciples, the foremost of whom was Lama Nycu, who was born in Lhanang in the male wood monkey yt'ar (11M), He received all the tLlehings from Jigten Gonpo (who is also known as Rinchcn Pal) and then tr.rvcllcd to Mount Kailash in Western Tibet, where he meditated for t hir ry-four years, Ill' attained perfection and became a great Siddha, as did many of his



disciples. Another great teacher of this school \1';1, Kadampa Chosjc, born in Kharns in the iron dog year (1190,), lit- was initiared by J igtl'll Gonpo and quick ly anuincd perfection. Ik founded the Lung Shok and Rinchcn Ling monasteries.

"Half the Tibetan pl'Opk arc Druk pas, l l.rlf the Drukpas arc bcl4!ing ;I"l'ctics, Half the b('l4!ing ascetics art' Saints."

(popular Tibrtan ~;lyiJlg)




"In the sky before me is my Lama.

In the form of Mikyo Dorje, the eighth Karrnapa, Wrapped in countless W;IITS of Enjoyment,

He wears the robes of a monk.

Upon his head is the Black Hat Crown, And his complex ion is of a golden colour."

"lit' holds sceptrt' and bell,

Symbolic of the Unity of Wisdom and Means:

Thus hc makes the non-dual Voidness-Bliss Discernible. "

"As I make this pr;lyer and meditate, Thc Fire of devotion flames.

As I meditate upon it,

Thr Blessing of the Lama blazes in reply. When I meditate upon this Blessing, Warm and sacred, like fire,

All the powers come to me,

And the Manj-jc'wels burst into flame."

"From the sky and from the earth,

Yet neither from above nor from below, The Blessing falls likt· rain.

From my very heart, KYE!

Listen to me, and to my prayer!"



_"Manifcstationis_inthe_\'.oid, _

The Void is in all things manifested:

Manifestation, inscpcrable from the Void, Is the body of the Lama.

To this body I am praying,

Oh Precious Lama, give me the Bkssing."

"Sound is in the Void, The Void is in all sound:


.....,..- ..



Sound and Void, inseperablc, Is the speech of the Lama. To this speech I am praying.

Oh Precious Lama, give me the Blessing."

"For all sins, veils of ignorance, And the faults that bind us,

Before the revered Yogini, with folded hands , am penitent."

"Bliss is in the Void, The Void is in all Bliss:

Bliss and Void, inscpcrable, Is the Mind of the Lama. To this Mind I am praying,

Oh Precious Lama, give me the Blessing."

The second is the Raina Dakini, yellow of colour. She removes pride, and is the Heavenly Mother of Jtwcls:

"In the sky before me is the Wisdom Dakini, (YELLOW)

Yellow of colour.

All sickness, malefic influences and defilements, Are purified in Her light."

"KYE! Listen to me.

When the Lama-jewel appears,

The sky is filled with rainbow light.

Imagine the eight Goddesses of offerings, The Blessing flames like fire, HU R U R U ....

Like a flash comc the first Realizations, SHA RA RA, , , ."

"For all sins, veils of ignorance, And the faults that hind us,

Befort the revered Yogini, with folded hands , am penitent,"

"KYE! Listen to me,

Great Lama, that in your presence I may attain the Realizations, Come and Bless me,

From that supremely sacred place Descend,

Bestow upon me the supreme attainment Of the Four Initiations.

Bestow upon me the occult powers. Remove all my wrong ideas

And mental obstacles.

_________ ...Ma_"-e_("\!£I'y beirJg r>c:_a_cei~·"_

The third is the Padma Dak ini, red of colour. She removes passion, and is the Heavenly Mother of the Lotus:

"In the sky before me is the Wisdom Dakini,

Red of colour. (RED)

All sickness, malefic influences and defilements,

Arc purified in Her light."

"For all sins, veils of ignorance, And the faults that bind us,

Before the revered Yogini, with folded hands I am penitent."


The first is the Karma Dakini, green of colour. She removes en\')' , Heavenly Mother of Action.

"In the sky before me is the Wisdom Dakini, Green of colour.

All sickness, malefic influences and defilements, Arc purified in Her light."

and IS the

The fourth is the Buddba Dakini, white of colour. She removes ignorance, and is the Heavenly Mother of the Buddhas:



White of colour.

All sickness, malefic influences and defilements, Are purified in Her light."


"For all sins, veils of ignorance, And the faults that hind us,

Before the revered Yogini. with folded hands , am penitent."





The fifth is the Heavenly Mother of the Sa maya , bound by oath, black of colour. She purifies the vows of Yogis, and is not different from Sri Dcvi, the Maba Kali.

"In the sky before me is the Wisdom Dakini, (BLACK)

Black of colour.

All sickness, malefic influences and defilements, Are purified in Her light."

Ecstatic Joy of the I'ajra, shining in

rays of eight colours. :


The Heavenly Messengers flame at the power of your speech.


"For all sins, veils of ignorance, And the faults that bind us,

Before the revered Yogini, with folded hands I am penitent."

Fierce is your Buddha-activity, purifying all defilements.


The sixth is the Vajra Dakini, blue of colour. She removes all ill-will and hatred, and is the Heavenly Mother of the adamantine Vajra:

"In the sky before me is the Wisdom Dakini, (BLUE)

Blue of colour.

All sickness, malefic influences and defilements, Arc purified in Her light."

J)LVOTION TO 11/E KARAM/'AS "Most venerated Holy One,

With power over the Four Bodies, Whatever you undertake is the Divine play Of the transcending Wisdom, Encompassing all.

Oh Karrnapa, in whom resides the power of the Buddha, Ocean of Buddha's Blessings,

Think of me."

"For all sins, veils of ignorance, And the faults that bind us,

Before the revered Yogini, with folded hands I am penitent."

"You have gathered a heap of virtues, And all that is good.

The essence of the Buddhas,

Is manifested in the Holy Lama, Great in mercy.

Born of the Higher Senses, is your Body of Illusion. Oh venerated I'ajra·essencc of speech,

Think of me."

The seventh is the Heavenly Mother of many colours. She removes the faults and failings born of the three 'poisons' of craving, hatred and ignorance:

"In the sky before me is the Wisdom Dakini, (SMOKY)

Smoky of colour.

All sickness, malefic influences and defilements, Arc purified in Her light."

"As long as this body lasts, It is upon you that we rely.

Of the nature of the Four Bodies,

__________ ls_th_c_Oral_I~llsmissi~of Garnpopa:

Giver of Blessings.------

To those who arc worthy,

You of the magnificent succession, Think of me."

" For all sins, veils of ignorance, And the faults that bind us,

Before the revered Yogini, with folded hands I am penitent."



The sky is full of Mikyo Dorje.


"All negative mcntal fabrications, Collapse of themselves.

In the Dbarmadbatu, immaculate,





Your Form of Light appears.

Oh Master of the Buddha-activity, Who knows past, pre~ent and future, Grt~at Heart of Love,

Think of me."

"You who arc all the jina» in One, Karrnapa, think of me.

You who are all the Bu ddbas in One, Karmapa, think of me.

You who are all the Tat baeatas in One, Karrnapa, think of me.

You who arc Omniscient,

Kurrnapa, think of me."

"In this Agc of Darkness,

Many are the ways which you show For controlling all beings,

Oh power of the Victorious Ones, Caring for all, without discrimination,

You from whom all occult POW'tTS emerge, Most Holy One,

Think of me."

ttn: MANTRA: "KAHMAI'A ClIEN NO" (Hepcat it as often as you can)

"Who arc all the Victorious Ones In One,

Who can ripen those who arc worthy. The Order of the Karmapas,

Showing the l'ajrayalla Path of Bliss, Away from the two veils of ignorance, Oh faultless One,

Think of me."


"You who arc all merc)" Think of me.

You who arc all the Buddhas in One, Think of me.

You who arc at all times the Supreme Teacher, Think of me."

"By yourself, you have attained

The Four Activities of the Buddhas. Through your Will and Blessing, Bestow upon me the Wisdom Supreme. The succession of Realized Ones,

Is concentrated within you.

Oh speech of the Vajra, Great Karrnapa, ___ Think_Qf_mc. .. "

"To Mikyo Dorjc, I am praying.

To Chos Trag Gyarntso, I am praying.

To the Oral Transmission of Gampopa, I am praying. To the Order of the Karmapas, I am praying."

"Moq venerated One, may I become like you. Learned Abbot, may I become like you. Guru-Lama, may I becomelike you,

Protector of the people, may I become like you,"

"Possessing the Eight Virtues,

Of the Celestial Buddha Vajradbara, Having the Seven Aspects,

Of the Tutelary Hcruka:

Thou who arc all the Buddhas in One, The power of the [inas,

The real Buddha, venerated Mikyo Dorje, Think of me,"

"With your spiritual father, Omniscient, Sangyc Nycnpa, great in Realization, Oh Victorious One, Mikyo Dorjc,

If I do not pray to you, to whom should I pray? Of your ml'Tl'Y, if you do not look towards me, Who will look?

Therefore. to you I am praying. That you give me your Blessing."



.-,"""""_,,,, __ ,~_, .. .., ..... _. _~_",,_., __ .. M"" .""".... -~~-. ,....,.~~ ...... ,""i"".7"-_'·~ .... ·'~~,A>;<"~~''!'I't ... '~'."...,.,..,.--''·-··~" --:"';._....,..~.- __

i>:' ~



"Of all the sentient beings,

Especially those who rely upon you alone As their Guardian,

Cherish us, beyond 'limc itself. And bestow upon us

The Realiz.uion of the M,d,,J mu dra , "

Arc related to each other,

I pray that now and always,

You may bring them to Liberation,"

_____ '_.'If )'oujl_(l_ll_9_!_gil'c the Hlts~ing, who will Bltss me?

In your Love if you do not hold-mr,--who will h-o'ld'--m-e'?--

I f you do not show me your grace, who will show it?

If you do not control me, the willing one,

Who will control me?

Oh most venerated One, if you don't guard me from bad action, - .. -Who will guard me?

MaSIn of the spiritual power.\, if you do not protect I11t, Who will protcn me?"


"Look towards all sentient beings, And save those who pray to you,

At this time, like he whose house collapses, -'-I~.;rlrnfjni il:fmdfcserby-f ('ars~---Pra), turn your mind towards him,"

"It is you who will 3ct'Ompan)' me through the lifetimes, Cut the root of all my dou hts,

And always be the Wish-fulfilling Gem,

I rely upon you continuously, for you can protect me, Oh Eternally Awakened One, dry up the lake

Of the world's sufferings,"

LAM,," 1111:' (;1<1:':1 1'J/:I\'J:L

"You who know the Ultimate Meaning,

You who know how to trunsIcrthc Bkssing, _ You who can show us the Ultimate Rcaliz at ion, Ilal'ing the Divine Eyt· and the occult powers, Showing a mass of miracles,

Inexpressible is the kindness that you bestow upon us:

For you put Enlightenment right in my hand."

"Ocean of virtues untcllablc, Teacher of all beings,

Like the sky, their only mother.

Oh treasure-house of mercy, beyond imagination, In this Age of Darkness,

If yO\l do not listen to the people, Then who will listen? "

"When unfortunate manifestations rome, YO\l arc the: guide, showing the Voidness In its manifold aspects,

Transcendent Lord of the Universe,

From the depths of m)' heart, I beseech you, For you alone have the: required powers,"

"To you of the merciful heart, I am speaking.

Oh Master of the powers, of the Oral Transmission, Beyond debate,

All powerful One,

- Of action beyond compare,"

"If you do not protect me now, Then when will you prot crt me?

If you do not bestow the powers upon me now, When will you bestow them?

When I sec my mind and yours as One, I am Liberated from delusion,

And all the knots of my consciousness are untied, All people, like the vast expanse of the Heavens,

"Most 1I0ly One, Fully Enlightened,

All the gratT of body, speech and mind is yours, For the sake of all beings,

line and now I am offering myself to you, Of your great Love acccpt me,

And having accepted me, yO\l who have the pown, Always protcct me,



Oh venerated One, from my heart I beseech you, Give me the Bkssing,

That I Illay become like you."


KAHMAPA, TilE IllACK IiAl lAMA 01· Tllitl

"To the most revered and 1I0ly Lama, I am praying, Give me your Bkssing.

~\3y I understand all that you do, ------, ----Alld-nl:l)'II1'tlkfljh{'f'a llrhar )'OU53)';'-'------------------- -------~ -----/:N7Rl:ATING __ T! I FU/I.'LO /;_T1J LLIAU_SUCCESSj_Q!V:

"To the matchless Line of the Oral Transmission of Carnpopa, I am praying.

To that Supreme among men, Dusurn Khycnpa, I am praying.

To the Realiz ation-Line of the Order of Kargyudpa, I am praying.

To the One great in mercy Hangjung Dorjc, the Omniscient, I am praying.

To the One of great ability, Sangye Nyenpa, I am praying.

To the One of grace abounding, the Gawi Yangchen," I am praying.

To the \'ajm-voiccd One, I am praying.

To the good voice of the egoless state. I am praying.

To the incomparably good Mikyo Dorje, I am praying.

To the peerless One of great Love, I am praying.

To the peerless One of the: merciful Heart. I am praying.

To the peerless One greatly skilled, I am praying."

"The Heart of the Path is devotion and the M,i/.'J7l1uJra. The CSS{·IltT of dissatisfaction with the world,

Is the body of the Precious Lama.

And lit- Himself is the Full Attainment Of the Celestial Buddha, Vajradbara, Indivisible. "

"Give me your Blessing,

That I Illay realize my mind and yours As One."

"From birth to birth, Throughout all my life-times, Gil'( me your Blt-ssings,

That all I do may add to your Happiness. May whatever be displeasing to you, Never arise in me.

Pray gil'e me your Blessing."

"In the innermost recess of my heart, Remembering the hour of death,

May pure devotion be born in me.

May disgust with the world br attained by renunciation. May I always remain with the Blessings

Of Mikyo Dorjc, the Joyful One."

"Throughout all my life-times,

May thc venerated Karrnapa, Mikyo Dorje, Be my Lama,

And from the transcending Path of the Vajrayana, Of the Arising and Perfecting Path of Yoga,

May I attain the Realization of the non-dual body."

"In all my life-times, may m)' Teacher be the Gyalwa Karmapa, Who wears the sacred Black Hat Vajra-Crown.

May m)' Protector Yidam be that honoured One,

Of the Great Bliss.

May I always be in the presence of Cbakrasantuara."


"Uncertain is the time of my death, And from my innermost heart I pray GiI'C me your Blessing.

BIos mc that from deep within me,

• The Great voice of Ecs ta .. )'.



Dissatisfaction with the world may arise.

Bless me that all outer things may appear meaningless.

Bless me that I may understand the impermanence of everything."

"You, whose loving kindness encompasses all, Away from any attachment to your own,

To you I pray.

You, whose Buddha-activity knows no bounds,

----i'()youTpra~ ----------

To you, whose Blessings art beyond now and then, To you I pray.

To you, whose Holy Sight and Words arc full of meaning, To you I pray."

7111-. I'RA lTR OF 7J/t: JiU/J/)JlA OCJ:AN-WIDE. CALLl:D TIlE GYALWA G }';1MTSO: In the Circle of Fire, recite this:

"Sitting on the crown of my head.

In the moon-disc in the heart of the Lotus,

ls the Gyalwa Karmapa Rangjung Dorje. Surrounding Him arc the host of Kargyudpa Lamas. With deepest devotion I am praying;

Pour your Blessings upon me,

That I may see the Voidness of all things. Both inner and outer."

"In my heart, on the Eternal Vajra-seat,

Is the Lord Buddha of the Great Mercy, Surrounded by all the Buddhas. Ocean-wide. With deepest devotion I am praying;

Pour your Blessings upon me,

That I may see the Voidness of all things. Both inner and outer."

"To my right, flaming in the enjoyment of the Great Bliss, h the King of the Angry Ones, the peerless Jlayagriva, Surrounded by the Ocean of Heroes.

With deepest devotion I am praying;

Pour your Blessings upon me,

That I may see the Voidness of all things, Both inner and outer."


"To my left. in the Palace of Pure Space, Is the Secret Mother, the Wisdom Dakini, Surrounded by an Ocean of Dakinis. With deepest devotion I am praying;

Pour your Blessings upon me.

That I m.IY Sl't· the Voidness of all things. Both inner and outer."

"Above me, in the Pure Palace of the Gods,

Is the \'o1jra-(;uru, Padmasambhava, Lotus-born. Surrounded by an Ocean of Siddhas.

With deepest devotion I am praying;

Pour your Blessings upon me,

That I may ~('C the Voidness of all things; Both inner and outer."

"Below, in the Palace of the Great Vows,

Art the Dharma-Protectors, with their consorts, Surrounded by an Ocean of Vow-keepers.

With deepest devotion I am praying;

Pour your Blessings upon me,

That I may see the Voidness of all things, Both inner and outer."

"Having prayed with faith and devotion, To my Root-Lama, and to all the Line, May I and all sentient beings

Of the Six Spheres,

Attain the most Perfect Realization."

"Oh Great One, Rangjung Dorje,

Finding you is like finding the Wish-fulfilling Gem. If I and all others make the offering to you,

Pray fulfill our heart's desires.

And may all be Auspicious!"

"lIy your Bodhisattva Actions,

The Rays of Merry stream in the Ten Directions,

JUq like the moon becoming full on the fifteenth day."



.. - ....... --


Rangjung Dorje


"I pray to the Guru, to the Yidam and to those Holy Beinp in the Manda/a,

I pray to the Buddhas and to their Bodhisattva Sons in the: Three Times and the

____________ "The rta(k[_y,jILQL~("O\'Q_tbt"_QJltnirlg_~a.ll~a_s_()(_ Tbc l'u_U' e~-1~r_t~~_thc !~lig_i(~ll~ --------Ten--Dirt("tions,------------------------------ _

and spiritual tradition of,1. The first five: stanzas proent t hc funda- Remember me, have: compassion and pity on me,'-

mental principles and the necessary 'wishes' of the Buddhists. The author of Tbc Bless with accomplishment my wishes."

VOU' is Karmapa IlIrd (121'4-1339), a very great authority and an accomplished Yogi, whose nurncr ous writings include Tbc Profound lnnrr MrallillK of Tantrism, considered by Tibetan scholars as the greatest work on the subject. Tbc \'u'U! is

--- -- recittd by the WhiteSchool as a daily prayer,"


(From: 'Esot crir Teacbings of tbc Tibetan Tantra' hy G. C. C. Chang. published by Aurora Press, Lausanne, Switzerland. . ,& C. A. Muses.)


"The pure action of my body and my mind,

My virtuous deeds and those of all sentient beings,

Art like clear streams flowing from the: Snow Mountain-devoid of the defilements of the Three Circles.

May they flow freely into the great ocean-the ocean of the Buddha's Four Bodies,"


"Until I attain the Four Bodies of Buddha,

May even the name: of Sarnsaric miseries and sins Be unheard in all my future lives,

While I enjoy the happy Dharma-oceans,"


"May faith, intelligence, diligence and leisure,

Good Gurus and the essential teachings come to me,

May I practice rightly, without stumbling and hindrances, The blessings of Dharma filling my future lives,"


"The Holy and Wisdom reckonings liberate me from ignorance, The pith-instructions destroy my dark doubts forever,

Through the Light from meditation, vividly and unmistakcnly I behold Reality. Increase, Oh Light of the Three Wisdoms."


"The Root-principle is the Two Truths+the absence of the concrete and the null views,





The Superb Path is the Provisions-without either the exaggerating or minimizing views,

The Fruit i~ the Two Benefits of neither Nirvana nor Samsara. In future life, may I meet such right teachings,"

Such is the Non-created Nature of Being, which transcends the realm of Consciou sness.

May I attain, decisively, this uttermost Truth,"


"The Essence of Mind is the Two-in-One, the Void and the Radiant Original Source,

----- ------------,1 iabamu dra;-tht'-Diamond-Pra ft ire,is-tht-Pur-ifitT:

- - The Purified are the flickering and insubstantial blindness and defilements,

May I attain the Immaculate Dbarmakaya, till' Purified Fruit."

(13 )

"Ignorant of this, we drift in the ocean of Sa 7IJ.lara ,

If one realizes this essence. there is no other Buddha,

In the final Truth, there is neither Yes nor No, "tt)'i_rt_;l_lil!:_j_hLJ)llarnl:t:_lla_!lJ_rc:_,_tbc:_fl_r_~l_rill!t:__Qf Ala_y",a_._, '_'_.~_


"The View of Afabamudra lies in neither addingnor deducting from the Nature of


Iking mindful of this View, without distraction, is the Root-action of Mabamudra, Of all meditations, this is the highest practice,

Let me always find this right teaching of the View, Action and Practice."

(14 )

"The manifest at ion is Mind, the Voidness is also Mind,

The Enlightenrncut is Mind, and the blindness is also Mind,

The springing of things is Mind, and their extinction is also Mind, May I understand that :111 IncTl'asing and Decreasing inhcr in Mind,"


"All Dharrnas are the expression of Mind:

The Mind is of No-Mind, Void in essence, Void, yet not extinct, it manifests all.

Let me observe this essence and retain this immutable View,"


"Unsullied by inunrional practice or mcditarion-with-effort , Away from the Worldly Wind of distraction,

With no effortand correction, I rest comfortably on the Natural state of Mind, May I find the adroit and subtle teachings of Mind Practice,"


"In our confusion, we consider the self-manifestation apparent in outer objects, In our blindness we hold the self-awareness to be the real ego:

Because of the Two Clingings, sentient beings wander in Samsara, May I cut this root of confusion and blindness,"


"The waves of Thought flow strong and weak, dear and dirn.e-subsidc, Without disturbance the River of Consciousness flows Naturally,

Far from the mud of drowsiness and distraction,

Let the steady and immutable Ocean of Samadbi absorb me,"

. (l1)

" 'Nothing really exists,' Buddha, himself, sees no existence,

'All is not empty!', since the causes of Nirvana and Samsara exist.

This is the Middle-Path of the Two-in-One, neither agreeing nor contradicting, May I realize the discrimination-free Mind-essence,"


"Repeatedly contemplating the Incontemplatablc Mind, Clearly discerning the Indiscernablr Meaning,

I forever climate the doubts of Yes and No,

Let me surely behold my Original Face,"


"No one can describe tbat by saying, 'This is it I' No one can deny tbat by saying, 'This is not it!'


"When I observe the outer objects, I find n(lthing but my own Mind:

Whcn I observe my Mind, I find nothing but the Voidness,

Observing both Mind and Objects, freed am I from the Two Clingings, Let me realize the True Nature of the lllumin.uing Mind-essence,"

• Ar cumul a tionc, the rC'rn~ancnl non-di .... olution.





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ABHIDHARMA (Skt.): A section of the Buddhist Canon concerning metaphysics.

A basic work of the Htnayana. A Hrdaya Sbastra.

ACHAI{ YA (Skt.). 'Master'. An honorific title denoting great spiritual attainment.

The head of a religious Order.

ADI (Skt.): 'Original'. 'Tht Beginning'.

-------- -- -- - - ---~---- ----. --------- -----AI)ldlUDDlIA-(Skt.):-The-'Original-Buddha',thl, Hoot-Teal41t'T.-the-s),mool-of--universality and completeness.

ALI-KAU (Skt.): The vowels and consonants, thc structural clements of all A1alltras. In the Tantras it has been said that 'the whole Universe is nothing but Ali-Kali', The esoteric signifirann' of these sounds is the inner relationship between the left and right subtle nerves iNadis) of the Yoga-body.

AMITABIIA (Skt.): On, of the: five ])bj'ani-Iluddhas, the Buddha of Boundless-

Light and Discriminating Wisdom. (:rib; Opantr d),

AMITA YVS (Skt.): The Buddha of Boundless Life. (Tib: Tscpamcdi. AMHITA (Skt.). Nectar, the Elixir of Immortality.

AlUlA T (Skt.): A Worthy-One, who has transcended the Cycle of He-births. crib:' Tracbompa),

A V ALOKITESHWAHA (Skt.): The Great Compassionate Bodhisattva. (Tib: ebenrr:igs ).

BARDO (Tib.). The Intermediate State, between death and rebirth. There arc various forms of Bardo. (See: 'Tbe Tibetan Book of tbe Dead').

BLACK PI LLS: Special sacramental medicine, prepared and distributed by the Gyalwa Karmapa, to confer Liberation from all suffering. Generally associated with the 'Black Hat' rite.

BODH GA VA: The pilgrimage-place in Bihar state, N.E. India, where Buddha gaine:d his Enlightenment.

BODHISATTVA (Skt.). On,' who is freed from the notion of self and who works for the Liberation of all beings.

BONPO (Tib.): The indigenous religion of Tibet. A form of Shamanism which, in the course of time, adopted many of thc Buddhist practises.

BYA!l1S-CHOS (Tib.). The Doctrines of Maitrcya, the Future-Buddha. The 'Five Treatises' of !I1.1itrrya.

CHAKRA (Skt.): 'Whc~'I', 'Centre', 'Cycle', Especially in connection with the subtle focal points of the Yoga· Body.

CIIAKRASAMVARA (Skt.). An important Tantrie Tutelar), Deity t.Yidam), the mystic aspect of the Teacher. Of wprcme importance to the Kargyudpa sect. (Til» Dcmcbog),

CHOD (Tib.). The rite of \Iaying the ego'. A Tantric practice revealed by Siddha

.~-~--~-~ .. ", ""



KAI<MAI'A, r m: Ill.ACK BAT lAMA (n Tlln.1

CL()~SA I< v

Phadarnpa Sangyc. Especially familiar to the !\'yillglll.lI',1 and Kargyud]» DOHjE (Tib.): The Adamantine ('Diamond') Sceptre. Symbol of the,

seers. the Tantric War of Buddhism, (Skt . Vajra).

CIIOf{TEN (Tib.). A structure. usually built to house funeral relics, or other DOHjE CHANG (Tih.). Tilt' Celestial Buddha, the Root-Guru of the: Kargyudpa

precious remains. Built as a symbol of the subtle Yoga-Body. (Skt: sect, Usually dark blue in colour, he holds a Sceptre and Bell, s),lnholic of

Stupa). the Union of Wisdom and Means. (Sk t I'ajradbara),

C()~SCI()VSNESS·THANSIFRENCE YOGA: The Yoga which confers the power DOHjE NALjORMA (Tib.). Sec I'ajrayoginj,

to transfer the consciousnessprinciple from the human body, at will. (Tib: DOHjE PIIAGMO (Tib.): St:e I'ajr.n'ar.lbi,

Pb("01_~._ On_t'__o_!_t_IJ£~Six ~ogas' of Siddha Naropa. Dln-:AM YOGA: The Yoga which arouses the consciousness from both the sJt-eping

DAKINI (Skt,): Heavenly G(Jdd-eS:~~'angCT':'-(;u:lrdiai;:~orrht: esotcrir-te:ll'lliilgs;----------------arla-w;[i;i-rlir·oreofFsraTcs'-of-Samsaricexistrncc-·toa·true-undt·ludt,df:on---------·-

pcr sonificat ions of the cosmic feminine' enngy, sometimes crcar ive, some'- .... scious state tNirvana), One of tilt: 'Six Yogas' of Siddha Naropa.

t imes destructive. They play an important part ill the: Tantric hierarchy, OHONGjUG (Tib.). The Yoga of Transforrnauon, used for the animation of

(lib: Kbandroma), corpsl's,

DALAI LAMA (Tih.): The incarnate spiritual Head of the (,'clugf'a sect, The Ol{UP DE (Tib.). Tilt place where a community of monks practises

Ruler of Tibet from 1642 until the Chinese invasion of 1 Y5R/9, The present caves or other retreats.

Dalai Lama is the fourteenth incarnation, DRUPTOP (Tib.). Sec Siddba.

D:\MAHU (Tib.): A double-sided ritual drum, DZICIlIM (Tib.): A precious metal, with properties of spiritual power, made: or

]):\1.1 NGAGS (Tih.): The 'Oral Transmission' of the secret teachings, Many of the found by magical means. There arc various colours of this precious material,

Tantric teachings were never written down, but passed directly from teacher used for casting bronze statues and prou-cuve talismans,

to disciple. DZOGCHEN (Tib.): The Tantra of Non-Duality. A meditative Way, followed par-

])ANCWANG (Tih.): The control of the pitch and resonance of the voice, An ticularly by adherents of the Nyingmapa sect. It is called the 'Great

important asp('CI of ritual chanting, Perfection'. (Skt: Maba.lampallna),

DJ:l1TSE (Tib.): Sacramental medicine, composed of five herbs noted for their EKADIlATU (Skt.): 'One Element', A particular metal used for the casting of

powerful curative properties. The 'Five Elixirs' (Skt: Pancbamrita). sacred objects,

DIIAHMA (Skt.): Religious Doctrine. The Buddhist Law, governing all aspects of EKAJATA (Skt.): A Tantric form of Mabakali, depicted with one eye, one tooth,

existence. (lib: Cbos), one breast and one hair, A secret Mother-Goddess and Protector, especially

DIIAI{MADIIATU (Skt.). Absolute Truth, The 'Universal Whole'. The ultimate familiar to the Nyingmapa sect.

location of everything. GADEN (Tib.) A Paradise, presided over by the Future Buddha Maitreya,

DIIY ANI-BU[)OJlA (Sk t.): There arc five Buddha-aspects, Amitabba, Aksobbya, GAR UOA (Skt.). A huge hawk-like bird, the devourer of snakes and poisons, One:

A III ogbasiddbi, Ratnasambbaua and Vairocana. These arc known as Dbyani- of the outer gate-keepers of Mandalas. In the Hindu pantheon Garuda is the

Buddhas, each of which has an all-important part in the great transformation, vehicle of Visbnu, 'Lord of the Universe'. crib: Kbyung).

They arc the expressions of the varied Tantric tcachings and form the basis of GAU (Tib.): An amulet-box, reliquary. Usually made of metal.

every Buddhist Mandala. GELONG (TiL,): An ordained monk,

DOHA (SkI,): Mystic song. as sung by the Siddhas. This form probably originated GELUGPA (Tib.). The 'Reformed' sect of Tibetan Buddhism, founded by je

in Eastern India, where wandering Holy Men (Sadbus) can still be heard to Tsongkhapa, It is the 'Yellow Hat' sect, The Dalai Lama is their reincarnate

sing them, Teacher.

DOLMA (Tib.). The Great Mother Goddess and Saviourcss a personification of GE NYEN (Tib.): The primary ordination, given to Loth lay-people and monks.

peaceful and helpful influences She has twcnrv-onc different forms, (Skt. Various Buddhist vows are taken at this time.

Tara), GESHE (Tib.). 'Doctor of Divinity'. An honorific title, usually received after

DOLMA YESIIE KOHLO (Tih.): The Mystic Circle of the: emanations of the passing difficult n ligious examinations,

Goddess Dolrna. GE TSUL (Tib.). A novitiate monk, An ordination of ten vows,





GHANTA (Skt.): Ritual Bell, symbolic of the female principle. (Tib: Trilbu). of the Teacher Kalacbakra means 'Cycle of Time', and is depicted blue of

GII{I (Skt.): One of the ten orders of ascetics of Shankaracharya. It denotes one colour, with twenty-four arms, embracing his consort. Also the name of a

who lives in forests and foothills. Tantra, which gives the relationships between the Yoga-Body and the Astro-

GOl\1CHEN (Tib.). Ascetic. (Skt: Yogi). logical pam'rns and cycles. (Tib. Dusk or).

GONPO (Tib): A Protector. Especially used for Alal.>olkala, the Great Time Deity. KALI (Skt.). The Mother Goddess, of the Hindu pantheon. Dark and wrathful

usually black of colour and very wrathful. 0, ternally, she conceal» her inner compassionate nature The spouse of J\,11,1,

GI{EAT PERFECTION: See Dzogcbcn. 'Time'. (Tib: LI.>a1l10).

-----~·----(i\:JIIY-ASAMAJ_A-(Skt.-};-The-name-of.a-.l"antric-Tu tl'laT:},J)eil)' ,_the_eJllb_Q_djm!_J)_t KALJ YUCA (Skt.). The last of the Four Ages, which make up the Great Time

of a specific esoteric teaching. ---(:);,H.17,aYilg.l)-ilftlicTnaian c1as<;"il'aITraditimr:-It-isthe-prnt"nt-Dark-Ag<'.------

GU!{U (Skt.): Teacher, Master. (Tib: Lama). of q~()tism and dissention.

C;YALWA (Tib.). 'Victorious One '. A title of a Bodhisattva. The honorific name KANG IONPOCIIE (Tih.): Mount Kailash, in Western Tibet. The main plan' of

of H. H. The Karrnapa Lama and H. H. The Dalai Lama. pilgrimage for both Buddhists and Hindus, This mountain can be understood

GYALWA GY AMTSO (Tib.). A red, four-armed form of Aualokitcslnoara. as an initiatory M,l7Id,1Ia.

HA YAG){IV A (Tib.): A horse-headed Tantric Deity. (Tib: Tamdnn). KANJ U!{ (Tib.): Canonical literature, "lnmslat ion of the Buddha Word' con-

HEAHT DROP: The Dz ogcbcn Nying-Tbig. The Tantrir doctrines of Vimalamitra, siS! ing of 1';1I.J)'.1 Sutras, the I'rajn,lp.J1",lmit.l, the AI.Ii.'"yall.! Sutras and various

as taught mainly by the Nyingmap« sect. The M.Jba Ati doctrines, meditative and ritual instructions (Tantras), About OIH' hundred volumes in

I!L!WKA (Skt.). Wrathful Tannic Deities, usually .... ·ingl"d.The embodiment of the entirety, attr ibutcd to Lord Buddha himself.

male qualities of Buddhahood, they unite with the Dakinis of certain realms. KAHG\,UDI'A' (Tih.): A sect of Buddhism in Tibet, founded by Marpa 'The

HEVAJ RA (Skt.): An important Tantrie Tutelary Deity, the mystic aspect of the Tr.mslat or', in the eleventh century. The sect which especially stresses the

Teacher. Heuajra means 'The Indestructible', 'The Adamantine One'. Depicted importance of the 'Oral Transmission'.

usually blue of colour, dancing, with sixteen arms, embracing his consort KAI{IKA (Skt.). A commentary on the Sutras.

Nairatma ('Non-self'). It is also the name of a Tantra which gives the ex' KAHMA (Skt.): Action and reaction. understood as One. The course of events.

planations and mystic symbolism of this form. Destiny, self-made.

HINAYANA (Skt.): The ancient Tbcrauada tradition of Buddhism, as currently KAHMAPA (Skt./Tih.): 'Man of Action'. 'Man of Karma', The name of the

practised in Ceylon, Burma, Thailand and Cambodia, Gyalwa Karmapa, founder of the J\.lrIl1a-branch of the great J\argylldpa sect

ILLUSOHY·BODY YOGA: The Yoga through which Full Knowledge of the in Tibet. Leader of the 'Black Hat' Buddhists.

purely relative existence of natural phenomena is attained. (Tib: Gyu-lu). KIIENCHEN (Hon. Tib.). Sec Kbcnpo.

One of the 'Six Yogas' of Siddha Naropa. KHANDHOMA (Tib.): Sec Dakini.

INNER·HEAT YOGA; The Yoga through which Psychic Energy is developed and KAZIIIPA (Tib.). An Order, denoting spiritual attainment. One who is especially

controlled, creating a source of inner warmth and invulnerability to extreme fit for bestowing monastic ordination.

cold. (Tib: Tummo). One of the 'Six Yogas' of Siddha Naropa. KHENI'O (Tib.): Abbot of a monastery, and in charge of monastic and academic

INTEHMEDIATE-STATE YOGA: The Yoga through which the transition through studies.

the Intermediate State between death and re-birth can be controlled and KUHUKULLA (Skt.): A Tantric form of the Goddess Tara, depicted holding a

transcended. (Tib. Bardo). One of the 'Six Yogas' of Siddha Naropa. bow and arrow made of flowers.

JAMBHALA (Skt.): The God of Wealth. Usually depicted holding a mongoose. K USIIINAGARA: The pilgrimage·place in U.P., India, the site of the Paranirvaua

JNANA DAKINI (Skt.): A Wisdom-holding Goddess tDakini). (Tib. Ycsbe of Lord Buddha.

Kbandroma). LAMA (Tib.). Teacher, Guru. A Superior Man. (Skt: Gum).

KA))AMPA (Tib.). A sect of Buddhism in Tibet, founded by Pandit Atisha in the LAMIUM (Tib.): Meditation Way.

eleventh century. It influenced the Kargyu dpa and later sects. L1IAMO (Tib.): A Mother-Goddess. A female Diviniry, usually of a wrathful

KALACHAKRA (Skt.). An important Tantric Tutelary Dciry, the mystic aspect nature, but boon-bestowing. (Skt: M,ltrika).


__ 215


(;L()~SA HY

LIGHT YOGA: The Yoga through which Knowledge of the Void, from which all Understood as the component vibrations of the Universe. Used for rontrolling

phenomena arc made visible, is attained. (Tib. 05.1/). One of the 'Six Yogas' the Mind and for transforming it.

of Siddha Naropa. MANTHAYANA (Sk t.): The Way of M.l11tra·prJctice.

LI KADUR (Tib.). A metallic compound, used for the casting of imagn and bells. MATIUKA (Skr.): Mother Goddess. Forms of Ma/.l.l/.:ali.

LOTSAWA (:rib.).: A Translator of the BUdd.hist teachings. MUDRA (Skt.). Gesture, 'Seal', Consort. A mystic term, with many meaning' in

LUMBINI: 1 he birthplace of Lord Buddha, In Nepal. different contexts. As Maballllldra, the Higher Teaching.

_______ --I.UNG_C[il_l.}: 'Wind~_An_~iJ_ClWtrm('nt, or authorisation. MULA (Skt.): 'Root '. As Root-Guru. Root-leaching.

MADIIYAMIKA (Skr.). A philosopl1i-(~rl"Onc.'Ci)!~as exp<lUn-dt"d-hy-the-Siddha------ NADI (Sk~ll)e subtle nerve-channels of the Yoga-Body. (Tih. Tsa).

Nagarjuna. The 'Middle Way' of Buddhism. - NAIHAlMA (Sl(t~rl\-Wi~oonl'116IOiTfgD;rk_ini~Tmbodiment-of-tht<-'Non-st·If-'-Con' _

MAIIAKALA (Skt.): The Great Time Deity, a Tantric Protcct or , especially of the sort of l lcvajr«. nih: lJagmr7lla).

Kar&.'1!udpa sect. He is usually depicted as being extremely wrathful, black of NAGA (Skt.): A snake or serpent, Guardians of the underworld, treasures and

c.ilour, and holding a skull-cup and chopper, A Guardian of deep secrets, his certain esoteric secrets, crib: Lu).

consort is the A1abi1kali. (Tib. Gonpo Nakpo Cbcn}. NAMCIIAK (Tib.): Literally 'Sky-fallen'. The narnr givl'll to nictcoritc-rnctal. Used

MAIIAKALAKAKAMUKIIA (Skt.): The crow-headed form of Mabakala. In the for ritual ohjt,cts and talismans.

form of a cremation-oracle. NAIH) C1iOS DRUG (Tib.): The 'Six Yogas' of Siddha Nar opa. (i) lnncr-l lcat

MAIIAMAYA (Skt.): The Great Illusion. The name of a Tutelary Deity and the Yoga, (ii) Illusory-Body Yoga, (iii) Dream Yoga, (iv) Light Yoga, (v) Inter-

teachings concerning the overcoming of illusion. mediate-State Yog:1 and (vi) ConsciousncvsTransfcrcnce Yoga.

MAIIAMUDRA (Skt.): The Great Sign, Great Symbol. The Inexpressible, the NAHO KIlAND){Oll\A (Tih.): An emanation of the Great Dukini, in the form in

Highest Teaching. A mystic concept, especially held by the Karma- which she revealed herself to the Siddha Naropa. (Skt: Sanvbuddba

Kargyudpas. (Tib: 'Cbakya CbC11pO'). Dakini).

MAliA Y ANA (Skt.): The 'Greater Way' of Northern Buddhism, as opposed to the NATH (Sk t.). 'Lord', The name of a sect of Sadbus in India. A tit lc of Shiva, Lord

Hinayana ('Lesser Way') of the South. The teachings of lIfabayalIa stress the of Yoga.

Bodbisattua path, and incorporate the Tantras as the means to the activation NIH VANA (Skt.): The final extinction of the false idea of self. Freedom from the

of compassion. The Vajrayana is the inner part of the Mahayana. suffering of Samsara.

MAliA YOGINI TANTRA (Skt.). The esoteric teaching of the Great Yogini Cycle, NOHBU (Tib.): Gem. The Wish-granting Gem. (Sk t . /'lfaharat'la).

(Til» Naljorma Gyud). NORBU KOR SEMS (Tib.): Particular esoteric teachings revealed to the Siddha

MAITREYA (Skt.): The Future Buddha, from the West. He is usually depicted Tilopa. (Lit: 'Jewel-Mind Cycle'),

seated on a throne, with a Stupa over his head, NYEN ZOG (Tib.). Full ordination, of 253 vows.

MAITRI (Skt.): Compassion. The essence of action as a Bodhisattva, NYINGMAPA (Tib.): The original ('Old') sect of Buddhism in Tibet, founded by

MALLA (Skt.). A rosary, used for counting Mantras. Prayer-beads, Guru Padmasambhava. the Lotus-born. Closely related to the Kargyudpa sect.

MANDALA (Skt.). A Mystic Circle, generally used to convey initiations. Symbols NYING THIG (Tib.). Sec Heart Drop,

and expressions of the psychological processes of unfoldment and integration. PADMA (Skt.). LOIUS, Mystically as well as actually. Symbol of femininity,

(Tib: Korloy. PADMASAMBHAVA: A native of Urgycn, Guru Padrnasarnbhava visited Tibet in

MANI (SkI.): jewel, in the mystic sense. The philosopher's stone. The 'Mani' the middle of the eighth century, at the r<'qUt-st of the Tibetan King. Ill' sub-

Mantra is of the Compassionate Bodhisattva Avalokitcslniara. ducd the Shamanist demons and established Tantric Buddhism. Founder of

MA~jLlGHOSA (SkI.): A form of the Bodhisattva Manjusri. the Nyiugm.lpa sed. He is also known as Padilla jungnay or Guru Rinpochc.

MANjUSRI (Skt.): The Great Compassionate Bodhisattva of Wisdom. The ern- I'ANCHA .... \RITA (Sk t.). The Five Elixirs, of medicinal herbs. A sacrament.

bodiment of All Learning. He is usually shown holding a sword and a book. P/\NDITA (Skt.): Scholar-Teacher. A learned man of grclt n-PUll'.

(Tib: [ambyang), PARANIRVANA (Skt.). 'Beyond Nirvana', The passing of a Bodbis att r«, the

__ "-\ANTRA (Skt.). M)'sric sound-syllables, composed of vowels and consonants. Greater Enlightenment. away from this world.



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