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The New Lmage December 2008 89th Eaton Update From November's Support Group Meeting Our attendance was down for our Novernber meeting. There was. a total of 78 people in attendance. Out of that total, there were 31 Post-Op patients, 25 Pre-Op patients, and 22 support visitors. There was a total of 3,784 bs. Weight loss fromm the 31 Post-Op patients. we had our annual Fashion Show featuring several of our Post-Op patients modeling Our guest speaker for the month was Dr. Willian Guthrie, the owner of Brookside Cosmetic Surgery and Wellness Center. More about Dr. Guthrie’s presentation and his center is mentioned elsewhere in this newsletter. Our testimony of the month was given by Tim Edwards, This was the 10th anniversary of his gastric bypass surgery. Tim was the Sth patient that Dr. Gorospe performed the Roux-en-y Gastric Bypass surgery on and he has lost a total of 295 Ibs, Tim is one of our past president's of the support group and he and his wife Debbie have always had a big part in making this support group and its events run smoothly and successfully. The Support Statt of the! Quarter Award was presented to Chantelle Hinds from Dr. Gorospe’s office. Being greeted by Chantelle's smiling face and heating her friendly voice on the phone is always comforting and refreshing for Dr. Gorospe's patients. There were three door prizes awards given out. They were given to the following Bettie Oliver of Tulsa won a canister of Strawberry Kiwi Whey Protein Nectar valued at $35.95; Shella Horton of Oolagah and Doris Tumer of Tulsa both won 1 ticket each to attend the Gorospe’s Christmas Dinner & Dance, valued at $30.00 each. The half and half pot was won by Gloria Henderson of Muskogee, winning $21.50 for her part, ATTENTION! Dr. Gorospe and Dr. Kirk are no longer associated with SouthCrest OSes ts patients there. If you need hospital care with Dr. Gorospe or Dr. Kirk, you will need to go to Bailey Medical Center in ( o, OK, Page 1

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