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Lesson 1: Worthy Web Sites

Lesson Overview: This lesson will

introduce students to the 5 Ws of web site
evaluation. Students will learn how to
evaluate a web site and then utilize this
knowledge to evaluate preselected websites.
Lesson Objective: Given a web site
evaluation form, students will identify the
characteristics of a useful web site and use
this knowledge to differentiate between
valid and invalid resources with 90%

Materials Needed
1. The 5Ws of Web Site Evaluation
(Schrock, 2014)
2. Critical Evaluation of a Web Site
(Schrock, 2014)
3. Google slides presentation
4. Web links: Ban Dihydrogen
Monoxide & Pairs of links on
multiple topics
5. Interactive white board
6. Document Camera
7. Instructor Laptop
8. Large white board for each group
9. White board pens (different colors)
Time: 60 minutes
10. White board eraser
11. 2:1 computer access for students
12. Pencils for students
Step 1: Pre-instructional Activities (5 minutes)
Display the following questions on the board: What makes a web site useful? How
do you know when youve found a strong source for your research? Students are
directed to brainstorm as a group and record their responses on the large white board
at their table. All students should be writing at once. Use of different colors will
allow instructor to gage participation level of each group member.
Once all groups have had a chance to record some responses, bring the class back
together to begin focused instruction.
Step 2: Content Presentation (15 minutes)
Display the purpose of the lesson from the Google slide presentation. Given this
purpose, have each group share their responses to the pre-instructional activity.
Instructor records the responses on a Google slide in one of 5 untitled columns.
After each group has had a chance to share (5-10 minutes), ask the students to turn
and talk with a partner to generate headings for each column. (Who? What? When?
Where? Why?) Students share responses, instructor records.
Instructor passes out The 5 Ws of Web Site Evaluation. Instructor will model the
evaluation of a web site while referring to this guide. Labeled web site example. The
linked labeled example may be used, or instructor may select another site on a topic
relevant to upcoming student research. This tool allows the user to evaluate a web
site in broad terms. Often more detail is needed, especially for beginning
Instructor introduces the Critical Evaluation of a Web Site form as a tool to record
student findings while looking at web sites. This tool will help focus students
thinking and provide a framework for sharing their findings. As instructor goes over
the form, explain URL and web browser. Define additional terms as needed.

Step 3: Learner Participation (10 minutes)

Instructor models how to answer the first few questions while looking at a web site.
This bogus site works well Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide.
Students work in pairs with the computers at their table groups, to respond to the
remaining questions on the first page. Instructor should periodically ask groups to
share their findings.
During this time the instructor monitors the students and can check for
understanding before releasing students to work in independent pairs.
Step 4: Assessment (30 minutes)
Instructor demonstrates where students can find links (on class web page) to pairs of
web sites to evaluate on a variety of topics. Within each pair there will be one valid
and one invalid source. Students will not be told this ahead of time. The goal is for
them to discover this through their investigation and comparison of both sites.
Select a pair of students to model the student activity. They will select a topic and
begin evaluating the first web site together using the Critical Evaluation of a
Website form. Encourage them to use the vocabulary from the page and provide
evidence for their responses. The students should only have to model for the first
few questions.
Now the pairs of students are ready to try it on their own. Explain to the class that
once they have finished evaluating the first site, they will repeat the process with the
second site. (Differentiate: for challenge or gifted students, each student could
evaluate a site and then they can share their findings with one another) Dismiss pairs
to work individually. They may move away from their table group.
At this time, students that were identified as needing additional support will move to
the front of the room to continue working with the instructor until they are secure in
their understanding.
At the end of the partner activity, the instructor brings the class together for closure
to the lesson. Ask a student to restate the purpose of the lesson. Give students a
chance to ask clarifying questions or identify areas of uncertainty that need to be
addressed in the next lesson.
Step 5: Follow-through Activities
For homework, students will select a single web site from the list of links provided
on the class web site and evaluate that site using the Critical Evaluation of a Website
form. For those students lacking computer access, a printed copy of a web site will
be available.
Partners will verify that each student has recorded the assignment in their planner
and filed a blank Critical Evaluation of a Website form in their binders.

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