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Breakfast coffee and toast with butter/honey (Andrea,

Nino, and Joy)

Bus 12 to and from school; need HVV pass
Observations of 5 grade English class with Mr. S (US
teaching experience and pop cultural references)
improvements in classroom management; wait time,
hand signal; more cooperation and student help in
regaining attention and quieting down to hear instructions
and listen to speakers

Pets circle discussion sharing type of pets (scorpion,

mouse, fish, cat, dog, turtle) English and German words;
projects create a pamphlet/flyer on pet print or draw pictures of animals
Observation of 11 grade English class Civil Rights Movement/Political Speeches and rhetoric

3 days - Barack Obama, Martin Luther King Jr. I have a dream speech, Malcom X
Rhetorical and stylistic devices of political
speeches - function, components and stylistic
Read, analyze and review with class aspects
of MLKs speech
Follow up listen to MLKs speech as it was
originally delivered (multiple means of
interpretation text and audio)
1) What is the message of the speech? 2)
Examples of metaphors 3) How do the
structure and stylistic devices support the
message (purpose)?
Tea time coffee and tea; lemon cakes and
sweets; wafers; chocolate covered
Dinner rice, turkey with stew, leftover potato
wedges and tomato salad; cashews, sweet

grape juice, ice cream scoops (coffee with nuss, chocolate, vanilla, raspberry swirl, wafers;
chocolate coating, sprinkles)
Weather forecast for rain incorrect; blue skies and sunshine (:
Senior Week wearing costumes around school; last weeks of school before final exams

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