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June 20, 2016

Church Leadership

Preparing for Worship

Our ministers and lay leaders are available

to answer any questions you may have to
help you connect with the ministries of
First Baptist Church.
Rev. Matt Sturtevant
Senior Pastor, x.202
Rev. Cheryl Harader
Associate Pastor of Adult Spiritual
Formation, x.204
Jenny Purvis
Office Manager, x.203
Katie Hobson
Intern for Youth Spiritual Formation
Holly Grassy
Bookkeeper, (785) 917-9622
Evelyn Falen
Mark Robinson
Chancel Choir Director
Christy Miller
8:30 Worship Instrumentalist
Susan Pauls
Digital Outreach Liaison
John Pauls
Buddy Langford

June 26, 2016

Worship service at

May 29-Aug. 7
One Service Summer Schedule:
Worship: 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School: 10:15 a.m.

9:00 a.m.
sixth Sunday after Pentecost

John Pauls

Summertime at QUEST!
Our youth leaders and students leave THIS SATURDAY for church camp in Wisconsin. There are
some pretty excited kids around here!
What is Quest? Quest is a remarkable, ridiculously
fun, re-imagined way for youth groups and youth
leaders to experience God, encounter Christ, grow
closer as a group, and refocus! It is completely different than any other youth group experience. (
Here a few of the things theyll be doing while there:
Worship: Immersive experiences invite students to participate in a tangible way and
actively engage in worship.
Bible Study: Students interact with scripture and with each other for two hours each
morning in small groups separated by age.
Group Day Out: From lunch to dinner on Wednesday, youth groups are free to plan
their own events either on the grounds or at nearby attractions.
Christ-Centered Focus: Quest is about bringing youth groups together while bringing
individual students closer to Christ.
Climbing Tower, Zip Line, Challenge Course, Waterfront Activities
Back Home Time: Following evening worship, each youth group gathers for Back
Home Connection to reflect upon the day and talk about Gods
work in their lives.
Please pray for our youth and youth leaders (adult sponsors:
Winston & Jesse Heilman, Troy Reimer, and Neal Purvis) that
their journey is fun, fulfilling, and safe! They will return home
on July 2.

Summer Preaching Schedule

While Pastor Matt is in Chicago the next few weeks for DMin classes, we will have a stellar lineup of preachers at First
Baptist. We welcome to the pulpit a wide variety of voices, offering profound words of hope and
June 26, John Pauls, FBC Moderator
John is a long-time FBC member who joined in 1988 when he came to Lawrence to attend KUs
law school. He has served our congregation in numerous ways over the years, currently as moderator. He has also served as president on the Bethel Neighborhood Center board of directors, and as
a board member of Central Baptist Theological Seminary. John was recently promoted to General
Counsel at UMB Bank in Kansas City, MO, where he has worked for 21 years. Anyone who knows
him at all will tell you he is an avid and unfailingly loyal sports fan who thoroughly enjoys the
Jayhawks (especially basketball, but even football), the Royals, Sporting KC soccer, and the Chiefs. It has been scientifically proven that one way to raise Johns normally low blood pressure is to physically remove him from watching a KU
basketball game. (It's true! He was being kept in the hospital after a supposedly out-patient surgery because they couldn't
get his blood pressure up. While he was watching the KU game, attendants came to wheel him into a different room, and
his blood pressure went way up!)
July 3, Rev. Nate Marsh, ABCCR, Topeka
Nate Marsh serves as the Associate Executive Minister for the American Baptist Churches of the
Central Region. He assumed this new role on September 21st, 2015. He has previously served as
pastor of Slate Valley Baptist Church Oxford, KS and the Gueda Springs Community Church Geuda,
Kansas, Broadway Heights Baptist Church Clinton, OK, and most recently at First Baptist Church
Minneapolis, Ks and Antioch Baptist Church Ada, Ks. In the final stages of completing a Doctor of
Ministry program in Congregational Health from Central Baptist Theological Seminary, Rev. Marsh
also holds a Master of Divinity degree, Master of Religious Education degree, and Master of Christian Leadership Studies
from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary.

July 10, Michaela Schenkel

Michaela is a Music Therapy student at KU. She was an American Baptist Churches participant in
the Festival of Young Preachers in 2015 and preached at the Biennial Convention in Overland Park,

Services For Dr. Roger Fredrikson

Rev. Dr. Roger Fredrikson passed away on Thursday, Jun. 16, 2016. Funeral
services will begin at 2:00 p.m., Friday, Jun. 24, in the sanctuary of First Baptist Church, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Visitation with the family will be from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., Thursday, Jun. 23, in the
Family Life Center of the church. Born in Canada as the son of a pastor, Dr. Fredrikson attended Salem High School
and Sioux Falls College before pursuing Baptist studies and serving as teacher and pastor in Ottawa, Kan. He also served
as president of American Baptist Churches USA and in 1975 became pastor of First Baptist Church, Wichita, Kan., where
he remained until he retired in 1988. Dr. Fredrikson received honorary doctorate degrees from the University of Sioux
Falls; Ottawa University in Ottawa, Kan., and Judson College in Elgin, Ill.
Roger's son, Rev. Joel Fredrikson, is pastor at First Baptist Church in Ottawa, KS.

Childrens CornerCorner-Upcoming Events!

Preschool5th - Invite a Friend!

Tuesday, June 28
12pm- Meet at the Shelter at Buford M. Watson Jr. Park
(7th & Kentucky) with a sack lunch
We will eat lunch & then let the kids play at the playground next to the
Outdoor Aquatic Center till 1 p.m.
1pm- Pool opens
Under 4- Free
Ages 5-17 $3
Ages 18-59 $4
Ages 60+ $3
Lead Contact: Melisa Lord, 865-8050. For safety reasons,
parents are asked to attend this event with their children.

First Baptist Musicians!

Sundays in July and August are a time to showcase the
talents of the musically
inclined in our congregation. Solo or ensemble performances are
being scheduled
now! Please let Mark
Robinson know if you
have a special song you
would like to play or sing. All Sundays in July and
August are open. Mark can be contacted at or send a text to 785-979-6908 with
a song title, composer, and the date of the Sunday you
would like to participate. Thanks!

Remember in Prayer
International Ministries Missionaries: Dan & Sarah Chetti, serving in Lebanon.
Regional Minister: ABC of Pennsylvania & Delaware, Rev.
Mark Mahserjain-Smith, serving in Williamsport, PA
Local congregation: Lawrence Bible Chapel
You are invited to send prayer requests to:
(E-mail coordinator) Betty Colbert,
(Telephone Prayer Chain) Hazel Nitcher, 843-5302;
Annie Merriam, 841-1384.
From the church office: Prayer requests reminder:

It is important to us to be sensitive to your privacy and

wishes concerning prayer requests. Please know that
requests made through the E-mail or Telephone prayer
chains (see above) are not automatically printed in the
weekly newsletter or Sunday bulletin. Although we see
and sometimes hear of those requests second-hand, we
will ONLY print them if they are sent by you directly to
the church office via an email
( or telephone call
(843-0020, ext. 203-its ok to leave a message). Additionally, if we notice a prayer request or concern that
has been posted on social media (Facebook, Twitter,
etc.) we will continue to value your privacy and not reprint in any church publication without your verbal or
written consent. Thank you for the many ways this
congregation supports and lifts so many in prayer on a
regular basis!
~FBC Office
Welcome New member!
Maddy Hajer, who joined First Baptist on June 12 and
will be baptized later this summer. Maddy is a relative of
FBC member Peggy Keefe. Welcome!

The Lawrence Community Handbell Choir is a new community music group forming in Lawrence in the Fall. This
group will focus on advanced ringing techniques for those who already have experience ringing handbells. This group
will be performing sacred, secular and popular music. There will be auditions in late August. Rehearsals will be held on
Tuesday evenings at 7:00 at Central United Methodist Church, 1501 Massachusetts. You may contact Evelyn Falen for
more information.

First Baptist Church

1330 Kasold Drive
Lawrence, Kansas 66049
785/843-0021 (fax)

Are you a fan of bell choirs? The Wesley Bell Ringers will perform at
First United Methodist Church in Lawrence this Wednesday, June 22, at
7:30 p.m. The concert will be the tenth concert on the choirs 51st annual
concert tour, and will feature 17 teenaged ringers playing more than 150
handbells and handchimes. The previous 50 summers have taken the
choir to all 50 states and most of the Canadian provinces. Admission to
the concert is free, and a free-will offering will be collected. You may
contact FUMC for more information as needed: 841-7500.

Life of the Church

Monday, June 20
8:00 p.m.rebroadcast of FBC worship
(public access channel 99)
Sunday, June 26
9:00 a.m.Worship service
10:15 a.m.Sunday School

Sunday Morning Volunteers

June 26
Nursery 9:00 a.m.Amy Munsterman
Extended Care 9:00-11:15 a.m.Michaela Schenkal
Sunday DriverTravis Cooper, 221-2884
Sunday A/V Jim Lord SoundKen Hite

Staff Whereabouts
The Leaflet newsletter is a weekly production of First
Baptist Church. If you would like to receive the newsletter by E-mail, along with other weekly announcements, please contact the church office:
You may receive a hard copy in the mail by request:
843-0020. Copies are available for pick up each Sunday.
Church Office:
785/843.0020, ext. 203

Pastor Matt has begun his first term of Doctor of Ministry studies in Chicago and will
return to town July 9 and to the church office July 11. If there are pastoral care emergencies during that time, please contact Pastor Cheryl, 316-680-3533.
Jenny Purvis will be taking some vacation time Monday, June 27-July 1.

By the Numbers
as of June 12, 2016
Weekly Receipts:
YTD Receipts:
Weekly Receipts:
Cumulative Giving:
If you would like more detailed financial information, please
contact our bookkeeper at, 917-9622.
Thank you for your generous giving. Your generosity helps to
make our many ministries possible.

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