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Introduction to numbers and

Week 1

Pre test
A. Perform the indicated operations and simplify
1. 2+




2 +2


+ 2
9 1

B. Find the solution set of the given inequalities

1. 2 5
2. 2 4 + 4 0
C. Sketch the graph of the given function
1. = 2 3
2. = 2 + 6 + 9
3. = sin
4. = cos
5. = tan

Ch 0.1. Numbers

Natural numbers
Whole numbers
Rational numbers
Irrational numbers
Real numbers
Complex numbers
Repeating and non-repeating decimals (p2)
The order properties (p5), field axioms

Ch 0.2
Inequalities and Absolute Values
Open interval
Closed interval
Split points
Test points

Absolute values (p11)

What is exactly an absolute value?
Properties of absolute values (p11)

Practice on Absolute Value

Find the solution set of the given inequaities
1. 2 5
2. 4 + 5 10

Ch 0.3
Coordinate System
Rectangular coordinate system = Cartesian
Coordinate axes, x-axis, y-axis, quadrants ;
ordered pair
Distance formula using Pythagorean Theorem
Equation of a straight line (p21)
Equation of a circle (p17)
Changes; run; rise; slope; perpendicular line

Ch 0.4 Graphs of Equations

Graphing Procedure
Symmetry of a graph
Symmetry to the respect of the x- axis / y axis
Symmetry to the respect to the origin

Intercept ; y-intercept / x intercept

Ch 0.5 Functions and Their Graphs

Definition of a function
Set, domain, Range
Notation of a function
Natural domain
Dependent and independent variable
Absolute value and greatest integer function
Odd and even function

Special Functions

Odd and Even functions

Constant function
Identity function
Linear function
Polynomial function
Quadratic function
Rational function
Exponential function
Explicit algebraic function (p39)

Identity Function

Linear function

Quadratic and Qubic Function

Rational Function

Exponential Function

Trigonometric Function

Ch 0.6 Operation of a function

Field properties (sums, differences, product,
quotients, powers)
Composition of functions

Ch 0.7 Trigonometric Function

Sine and Cosine functions

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