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Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN: 2394-1561
Online ISSN: 2394-157X
Shuja Ahmad Abbasi, Ph.D.
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Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology

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Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology

Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Experimental Investigation of Factors Affecting Performance and Efficiency of
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Module
Nidhi Singh, Akhilesh Gupta and Ravi Kumar


Modern Ways of Implementing Renewable and Sustainable Technology and Smart Waste
Management in Developing a Smart City
Saurav Verma, Kumar Rohit, Kanupriya Jain, Neeraj Kant and Divyanshu Sharma


Performance Analysis of Solar Air Heater

Vikram Dhaka, Ahilesh Gupta and Ravi Kumar


Research and Development of Aviation Bio-Fuel using Jatropha Oil

Dinesh Kumar.G, Francis Samruth, Davis Antony and Anderson Pearldian


Rejuvenation of Ghats at Varanasi (India)

Anil Bharti


Review of Green Building Material in India

Ms Ruchika and Shashank Shekhar Singh


Generating Electricity and Production of Ethanol using Kitchen Waste

Divyanshu Sharma, Prakhar Srivastav, Vedangi Dhyani,
Preeti Chauhan, Rima Mukherjee and Nishikant


Analysis of Solar Power Plant Dynamics and Reliability

Megha Khatri


Optimization of Storage Systems for Effective Integration of a Wind Farm into A Power Grid
G. Ruban Ebenezer and C.M. Benish



Dairy Effluent: A Source for the Production of Bio-energy

Renu Baweja and Anita Kapur


Development of Low Cost- flexible Dye Sensitized Solar Cells using Polypyrrole Counter Electrodes
Radhika Velayudhan, Garima Dwivedi and Ashok N. Bhaskarwar


Techno-economic Evaluation of Grid Connected Solar Rooftop Projects in India

Saurabh Motiwala, Ishan Purohit and Amit Kumar


Performance Evaluation of Green Roof

Raunak Katiyar and A K Chauhan


Hazard Identification of Geological Storage of Co2 for Production of Methane from

Permafrost Gas Reserves
Karri Srinivas Anish, Sukamanchi Venkatesh and Goli Sai Rahul


Energy Savings by Installation of Solar Panels: A Mathematical Model

M.K.P. Naik and S.K. Sharma


Investigation of Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Dual Fuel Compression Ignition

Engine Using Sugarcane Bagasse and Carpentry Waste Producer Gas as an Induced Fuel
Harmanpreet Singh, S.K. Mohapatra and Mandeep Singh Kaler


Novel Investigation of Combustion and Noise Characteristics of Biomass Derived Producer

Gas Fired Modified Dual Fuel Compression Ignition Engine
Mandeep Singh Kaler, S.K. Mohapatra and Harmanpreet Singh


An Approach for Electricity Generation using Microbial Fuel Cell Technology:

A Green Energy Initiative
Ajay Agarwal, Gaurav Verma, Yogesh Singh, Anjali Kumari, Sanjeev Kumar, Om Ji Agnihotri, Sushmita,
Nishika Sabharwal, Akshay Jha, Mansi Singh, Pawan Kumar, Inderbir Kaur, Ruchi Gulati Marwah, Geeta
Mongia and Avinashi Kapoor


Club Enerji Program at Tata Power

Shubhi Thakuria and Sanjay Verma



Paris Climate change Agreement and the Status of Achieving the Goal of Sustainable
Development: A Legal Analysis from the Perspective of Developing Countries
Satyadeep Kumar Singh


Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities of Direct Seeded Rice in

Bhandara District of Maharashtra
Sumedh R Kashiwar, Dileep Kumar, Usha R Dongarwar,
Bijoya Mondal and Triyugi Nath


An Overview on the Ground Water Recharge by Rain Water Harvesting

Sumedh R Kashiwar, Usha R Dongarwar, Bijoya Mondal and Manik Chandra Kundu


Clean Energy Technology for Sustainable Development in an Input-output FrameworkA Case Study of New Holland Agriculture Farm Industry
Saloni Chaudhary and Raghavendra G.Rao


Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 47-51
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Experimental Investigation of Factors Affecting

Performance and Efficiency of Solar
Photovoltaic (PV) Module
Nidhi Singh1, Akhilesh Gupta2 and Ravi Kumar3

Student, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India

AbstractSolar energy is one of the most popular, affordable,

inexhaustible and clean renewable energy. There are many
techniques to convert solar radiation into electric power, amongst
which conversion through installation of photovoltaic (PV) panels is
popular in India. PV panels performance and efficiency is affected
by various factors like PV cell technology, ambient conditions,
selection of equipments and design parameters. To ensure full
utilization of system capacity and deliver a consistent and reliable
power it is essential to understand the significance of these factors on
system performance. In this work we have reviewed the effect of
Panel surface temperature, dust and irradiation. It includes the
experimental results obtained during the test conducted on two
identical panels (Multi Crystalline Silicon of 100W each) installed
side by side at the rooftop. The dynamic study of current voltage (I-V)
characteristics of two PV panels those were exposed to same ambient
conditions but one has been varied among them showed that factors
influence on panel performance. This comparative approach helped
in better understanding of losses attributable to a particular factor. It
also explained the phenomenon of power loss with the increasing
quantities of dust deposition and panel temperatures. The graphs
plotted with the data of the test clearly indicate that the open circuit
voltage was not significantly affected by dust and irradiation
however, short circuit current degraded to great extend. The results
obtained were in good agreement with the trends available in
previous literature. The drop in current and consequent drop in
efficiency could result in immense loss of electrical power and
economic loss considering the scale of the plant.


short circuit current


open circuit voltage

Ever increasing worlds demand for energy, huge emission of
carbon dioxide and other toxic gases into the Earths
atmosphere and limited supply of natural resources are big
Concerns over energy nowadays. In such scenario solar energy
appears to be the most effective way to reduce carbon
footprint to save environment and a promising source to lift an

economy to new levels of prosperity. The government

announcement of JNNSM has given pace to development of
solar power plants under which it plans to expand its solar
installation to 100GW by 2022. There are various factors
which should be taken into consideration before installation so
that one has realistic expectations of overall system
performance and output [1]. The main limiting factors which
slow down additional dispersion of PV uses include the high
initial investment cost and the low conversion efficiency of
PV cells. Consequently, in order to establish PVs as a
commercially competitive technology high attention should be
paid on the factors which affect their performance [7].
There are some factors which can be controlled and the losses
occurring by them can be eliminated but few of them are
inherent losses which can be reduced through proper
designing but not completely avoided [3]. The main factor
affecting the PV-modules output, is the variation of the solar
radiation intensity, increase of temperature and the
accumulation of soil and dirt on the surfaces of PV-panels.
Although dust effects are a priori site-specific i.e. depend on
local conditions such as the presence of air pollution,
frequency of rain, wind speed, humidity, as well as on the
panels orientation and inclination, certain attempts have been
made to determine the influence of dust on the performance of
PV-panels and draw some more generic conclusions [2-8].
Most of the available PV module in market can convert 6-20%
of the incident solar radiation into electricity; this is entirely
dependent upon the type of solar cells used in the module and
the climatic conditions at the location of installation. The rest
of the incident solar radiation is converted into heat, which
significantly increases the temperature of the PV module and
reduces the PV efficiency of the module [6].
In this context, considering the increasing share of PVs in all
fields including the educational institutes, investigation of
these effects on the performance of PV-modules becomes of


Nidhi Singh, Akhilesh Gupta and Ravi Kumar

special interest, especially in the case of our campus which got

its solarification just few years ago.

Table 2: Panel Specification

Table 1: Major effects on the energy production of PV module[7].



Angle of incidence
Soil and dirt
Partial shading
Diodes and wiring

5% over lifetime
Location dependent
Location dependent


Fig. 1: Outdoor experimental setup

The method employed for processing of this experiment in the

outdoor conditions involved the study of I-V curves obtained
from two identical panels of the same specified ratings
installed side by side at an angle of 29o to the ground (which is
the latitude of the place) facing southwards on the rooftop of
mechanical and industrial engineering department IIT Roorkee
(latitude 29N, longitude 77E). The PV modules which are
studied in this work are 100W Multicrystalline silicon, which
is the most widely used type among all other types of PV
module available today. Multicrystalline silicon cells are less
expensive and simple to produce than monocrystalline once,
with an efficiency range of about 12-14% [1].

Module Dimensions
(mm x mm x mm)

1150 x 675 x 35

Cell Dimensions (mm x mm)

45 x 61

Cells per module


Cell area per module(mm2)


Electrical specification
Maximum power (W)


Open circuit voltage (V)


Short circuit current (A)


Voltage at maximum power(V)


Current at maximum power(A)


The arrangement for the outdoor experimentation is depicted

in Fig. Both panels experienced the same instantaneous
insolation levels, ambient temperatures and wind incidence.
The solar radiations were measured using two pyranometers of
kipp & Zonen. The voltage was recorded by keithley 2701
Ethernet Multimeter and Data Acquisition system and the
current was recorded by DM-501 Digital Multimeter. A
rheostat was used as a variable load to get the characteristics
curves. The top and bottom panel surface temperatures were
measured using calibrated T-type thermocouples and were
recorded through a T-type thermocouple temperature
indicator. The thermocouple sensors were kept in contact with
the top and bottom surfaces of the panel. The data were
recorded every 5 min interval in various batches. The first set
of readings was taken when both panels were clean, in order to
characterize the performance of the two panels under identical
ambient conditions. For the second batch of measurements,
the panel on right in Fig. above was spread with dust layer in
order to approximate the reduction in the performance due to
dust. For the last batch of readings the date of few months was
collected, with different panel surface temperatures but almost
same irradiation levels. Even at times the panel was
maintained at required temperatures by the flow of air from
duct below the panel. The experimental results have been
described in the following section.


In order to indentify that the two same specified panels
installed are also similar in their behavior, it was first required
to plot the IV characteristics curve of the two panels under
similar conditions.

Fig. 2: Indoor Unit

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Experimental Investigation of Factors Affecting Performance and Efficiency of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Module


As seen from Fig. (4,5), the short circuit current increases

with the increasing solar radiations, whereas the open circuit
voltage increases logarithmically, which in the above figure is
a horizontal line when plotted on a log-log graph.

Fig. 3 I: V characteristics of both panels with clean surfaces.

Fig. 5: Output efficiency Variation with solar irradiances.

Fig 3 demonstrates the comparision of the I-V curves of the

two modules at the irradiance level of 444 W/m2. It can be
seen in fig that the two profiles are nearly overlapping each
other. The open circuit voltage and the short circuit current are
almost same for the two cases. After this performance check
we have safely assumed that the panels are identical for our
further work.

The influences of irradiance on the cell characteristics are

shown in Fig.

Effect of solar intensity

Fig. 6 I-V characteristics at different irradiation and similar

surface temperatures.

Fig. 4 :Varition of short circuit current(Isc) under

different solar irradiances.

To show the variation of panel performance under variable

solar insolation levels the data obtained with different
irradiation value but same temperature was chosen and I-V
curves were plotted. The curves clearly indicate that with the
increasing solar radiations the short circuit current increases
significantly whereas the open circuit voltage increases
slowly. Thus the output power increases. This again proves the
linear relation of Isc and a logarithmic relation of Voc with solar
Effect of surface temperature
The influence of panel surface temperature on the cell
characteristics is shown in Fig. 7.

Fig. 5 Log Log graph of open circuit voltage (Voc) with


Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Nidhi Singh, Akhilesh Gupta and Ravi Kumar


the same conditions of insolation and ambient temperature,

while one of the panels was totally clean whereas the other
was spread with dust on its surface. A comparative analysis of
the I-V curves led to an understanding of the phenomenon of
power loss due to dust accumulation on photovoltaic surfaces.

Fig. 7: I-V characteristics at 252 W/m2 at two

different surface temperatures.

The effect of the increase in panel temperature is on short

circuit current, which increases with the cell temperature as
well as on, the open circuit Voltage which decreases with the
increase of the cell temperature.

Fig.10 I-V characteristics at 252 W/m2 of Clean and Dusty panel.

Fig.11: I-V characteristics at 252 W/m2 of Clean and Dusty panel.

Fig. 8 I-V characteristics at 344 W/m2 at two different surface

Fig. 9: Effect of increased cell temperature on PV cell

characteristics at 837 W/m2.

Effect of dust deposition density

The effect of dust on panel performance was investigated by
obtaining I-V characteristics of identical panels subjected to

From the recordings and the graphs, the following

observations can be drawn:

It is clearly visible from the graph that dust deposition

does not largely affect the open circuit voltage of the
panel. It is very slightly reduced from the clean panel
voltage I-V characteristics at 446 W/m2 and cell surface
temperatures of 30C at various irradiation levels.

Dust has a huge impact on short circuit current of the

panel which kept on reducing from that of the clean panel
short circuit current values with the increasing quantities
of dust at all solar radiation intensities.

Power output was reduced due to dust deposition. This

effect of reducing power output became more severe with
the increasing quantity of dust layer thickness.

Power loss due to dust at higher values of irradiation is

higher than at lower solar radiations.

Dust deposition on panels does not show any particular

influence on the cell operating temperatures. Sometimes
dusty panel was operating at few degrees higher and

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Experimental Investigation of Factors Affecting Performance and Efficiency of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Module

sometimes at same temperature and sometimes at lower


This study was done to get understanding of the scale of
influence of factors like solar radiation, panel temperature and
dust deposition on photovoltaic system efficiency and
performance. Two similar PV modules were installed and
tested for various days. The data collected was compared in
order to plot different characteristics curves. Curves to show
the relationship for reduction in performance and efficiency
with these factors were also obtained. From the study
conducted and the experimental results obtained, following
conclusion can be summarized
With the increase in the solar radiation from 0 to 1015W/m2,
the open circuit voltage increases logarithmically (19.5V to
21.2V) whereas the short circuit current increases linearly (1A
to 5.9A) and thus the output power increases.
The effect of increased panel surface temperature is on both
the short circuit current which increases and the open circuit
voltage which decreases. For a temperature increase of about
200C of the panel, power varied upto 12W and efficiency upto
It was observed that dust deposition does not significantly
alter the open circuit voltage of photovoltaic systems.
However, the short circuit current was seriously affected by
dust deposition. For an increase in the dust deposition density
growing from 0 to 25gm/m2 the drop in the power output
increased from 0 to 25W and the consequent drop in
efficiency also grew to 9.6%.
These small losses will prove to be an enormous wastage of
available energy when scaled up from a 100W experimental
test setup to a few MW sized photovoltaic power plant.


[1] Mehmet Emin Meral, Furkan Dincer: A review of the factors
affecting operation and efficiency of photovoltaic based
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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 2920

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 52-55
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Modern Ways of Implementing Renewable and

Sustainable Technology and Smart Waste
Management in Developing a Smart City
Saurav Verma1, Kumar Rohit2, Kanupriya Jain3, Neeraj Kant4 and Divyanshu Sharma5

Graphic Era University, Dehradun, CSE


Abstract Across the globe, the movement of population from rural

to urban areas is increasing steadily. In terms of urbanization India
has been viewed as a by-product of failed regional planning. Now
with the announcement of 100 smart cities in the budget by the
government, India is also on the way to fast development and planned
urbanization. In a smart city, economic development and activities
are sustainable and consequently incremental due to the fact that it is
being based on success-oriented market drivers such as supply and
demand. They benefit everybody including citizens, government and
also improve exposure to tourism. But, there are many obstacles
which are to be taken under consideration during this process. It is
quite clear that planning a smart city and making it come alive on the
ground from paper is a big challenge when it comes to engineering.
Keeping in mind the environment factor, there should be technologies
that are renewable and sustainable. In this paper there is information
about the fundamental sectors of economy that are to be considered
while making a smart city, their problems or loopholes and the
solution to them by modern technologies and planning which are
efficient, eco-friendly and are already being used in some parts of the
world with effective results. These technologies when used in a
proper manner can come out as a boon for both the social and
economic sector. Most importantly the environmental degradation is
very much checked when the techniques that have been suggested are
applied effectively.

The concept of smart cities varies from city to city and country
to country. There isnt any fixed or universal definition of a
smart city. Even the word smart city is a fresher word in
context to what it was called earlier as sustainable city or
digital city during 1990s and early 2000s. It mainly depends
on the city residents. Their intension to change the social as
well as economic infrastructure. Twentieth century prototypes
of urbanization were applied without consideration of future
outcomes. But in the twenty-first century the planning should
be done so that there is growth in prosperity of city and social
collaborations. This is because the future cities will serve as
drivers for national & regional economics.


In this paper we have considered various primary sectors of an
economy and presented the different methods that can be used
to enhance the stability of them. These methods are being used
in several regions around the globe and have proved
themselves. Such techniques and measures when encompassed
can actually make the planning of a city and its various aspects
worthy calling smart. The sectors we have highlighted are:
Water resources and management
Road Technology and Smart Street Lighting
Disaster Management
Latest Technologies
In the coming era as the value of time would be unspecified
and so as the speed of persons. The persons who used to walk
on street would be on latest technology to utilize time in best
possible way. And hence the idea of smart city arises keeping
in mind the comfort and convenience of people. All the latest
plus safe and sound facilities are used in it. The use of
renewable sources and waste is also practiced.


The retention and storage of rainwater is simply termed as
Rainwater Harvesting. In the preceding decade the process
of rainwater harvesting have proved its usefulness all around
the world. Rainwater harvesting is widely practiced for
irrigational as well as domestic purposes. One vital application
is the groundwater recharging systems. The rainwater
harvesting is categorized into two parts:
3.1. Traditional Methods
This type of rainwater harvesting is done usually in rural
areas. Surface storage bodies like ponds, irrigational tanks,
temple tanks, etc. are used under this category.

Modern Ways of Implementing Renewable and Sustainable Technology and Smart Waste Management in Developing a Smart City 53

3.1.2.Modern Methods


The modern methods of harvesting are planned more

scientifically and are more efficient as compared to traditional
methods. The modern approach involves various techniques
Artificial Recharging
Groundwater Recharging
Groundwater Dams

Due to flexibility of roads being more than other several

transport options and the affordability of a larger section of
society to the road transport. It is considered the backbone of
transport system of a country. The invention and rapid
development of automobiles have made the expansion and
improvement of roads come alive to a wider extent. Asphalt
have been used as a traditional material when it comes to
engineering and building of a road. As we know there is
always a scope of improvement in everything then how comes
the usage of asphalt be an exception to it. The improvement of
roads is possible when we use some modified materials while
laying down the roads. Two such roads which are being used
in various parts of the world and can be a deserving part of a
smart city are:

Though all these techniques have been in use continuously but

till now no such system have been developed which can
manage the rainwater from several houses of a locality and use
that water for further necessary applications. In other words a
smart integrated system of rainwater harvesting isnt yet been
developed. Such systems are useful because they help the
water collected to be used for purposes like gardening, public
drinking water points, etc., even after being accommodated for
domestic use.
The concept of such a technique comes from the water
management system of the Indian Presidents residential
place, The Rashtrapati Bhawan.
3.2. An overview
management system





The Rashtrapati Bhawan is about 133 hectares in span and

holds up the staff strength of 7000 people. On an average
count about 3000 visitors attend the Presidential Estate daily.
Clearly the consumption of water in the premises is not just
big but its huge. All this load is managed by different
measures such as well recharging, rainwater storage tanks, etc.
But the system which is most considerable is Johad.
Johad is a crescent shaped architecture made besides a sloping
catchment in which the surface runoff is captured and stored
in the groundwater storage with the help of several pipelines
and drainage.
3.3. Concept of johad system to build integrated water
harvesting model
The model of Rashtrapati Bhawan water management system
can be very useful because of the integrated system which one
one side hold larger amount of water stored and on other side
benefit both the individual and public. In simple words it can
be explained as a system of several connecting waterlines or
pipelines which come from the rooftops of houses and other
sources and store it into a set of small storage tanks which are
placed underground. Firstly this water is sent to the respective
houses from which they come for washing, bathing, etc.
purposes. After this now the water again starts filling the
storage tank. When the water starts filling to the extreme level
or the flush point it is flushed into a bigger tank from where it
is sent to treatment plant for further use. This can be used for
various household purposes like washing, bathing, cooking,
gardening, etc. or can act as supplies for public toilet, drinking
water points and much more.

Plastic Roads
Rubber Roads

4.1. Plastic roads

Plastic roads refer to adding up of waste plastic with asphalt or
more precisely with bitumen to prepare roads. The benefit of
doing so lies itself within the side effects of asphalt and
stability of traditional roads. Before going to the concept of
plastic roads some facts about the asphalt should be raised
forward. Asphalt is to be blamed for emitting nearly 1.6
million tones of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere every
year which is only 2% of total roadways emissions. On the
other hand, plastic road doesnt emits such a huge amount of
CO2 as well as they are unaffected by corrosion. Also they can
last over 50 years and survive extreme conditions from -40
degree Celsius to 80 degree Celsius. The plastic road can also
be made in such a way that there is a gap between the base and
the uppermost layer. This type of system is hold by several
supports. As a result a small hollow chamber can be made
within a road which can be used for pipelining purposes
easily. The other method of including plastic is the mixing of
it with bitumen. The following procedure takes place while
preparing plastic roads by plastic-bitumen mixture:

After removing PVC waste from collected plastic waste

the whole collected waste is shredded
The aggregate is heated upto 165oC and transferred to
mixing chamber where the bitumen which is also heated
upto 160oC is sent.
The shredded plastic is mixed with the aggregate and it
gets coated on the mixture. This plastic coated mixture is
mixed with bitumen and laid at temperature between
110oC to 120oC. The roller capacity is 8 tones.

4.2. Rubber roads

Rubberized asphalt concrete (RAC) or rubberized asphalt is a
pavement material made by adding with bitumen rubber as
crumb rubber from tires. Asphalt rubber can be the most
reliable material for making roads especially on highways.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Saurav Verma, Kumar Rohit, Kanupriya Jain, Neeraj Kant and Divyanshu Sharma


This is because the roads made of rubberized asphalt require

less maintenance due to anti-ageing property invoked because
of the anti-oxidants of tires used. Also they do not undergo
reflective cracking due to the fact that such roads are shock
absorbent.. Rubberized asphalt when used in Stress Absorbing
Membranes (SAM) or Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayers
(SAMI) reduces the occurrence of reflective cracking to high
extent because of its elastic properties. The SAM or SAMI can
effectively stretch and move with the underlying pavements
rather than cracking from the stresses. Such roads lesser the
chances of skidding vehicles as a result reducind road
accidents. The noise level of highway traffic tends to decrease
to about 5 decibels using rubber roads. Over millions of tires
and rubber commodities are unused not only across a city but
also throughout the country. All such unused material can be
used to make rubberized asphalt. About 500-2000 scrap tires
are needed to make a one mile road. Though such large
amount of tires may be unavailable at certain times and also
these roads cant be made on every highway. Still such roads
can be made within a city or a locality or colony where
considerable amount of population lives so as to help the
citizens in travelling safely that even with lesser noise

Disaster management one of the most challenging and most
revolting topic in development of any economy as well as in
any development. Natural disasters bring lots of damage to the
society some of the precautionary cures are:
5.1. From earthquake
Sensitive Soniographs should be used in smart cities to alert
the citizens as fast as possible. A active voice message should
be send immediately to the citizens as fast as possible.
Advance first-aid should be provided after disaster. These
were the precautions at the time of disaster. But before the
disaster the precautionary measures are The design of the
building in earthquake prone area should be of H, L, W, X and
Z. The constructers should keep in mind the advantages of
constructing these types of building may cure from highly
fatal earthquake shocks.

in each corridor of the floor and for each house, Auto-opening

of windows and gates at the time of fire. Before fire
precautionary measures are at least one fire-station across ten
societies. Use of harvested rain water and solar water heaters
for getting water and heating it for extinguishing fire.


Since to develop a city to smart city use of latest technology is
necessary so here are some of the latest tech. used in the
development of a smart city are :
6.1. Radar sensors
For auto functioning of multiplex entrances and exits. It works
on the principle of weight sensor. As the persons compresses
its weight on or nearby sensor the entrance or exit gate opens
6.2. Entry in multiplexes through retina or thumb
This technology is used when the person tries to enter a
multiplex he/she is asked to either enter his/her thumb
impression or asked to show his retina. Through this proper
identification is done of the person who will lead to a brief
knowledge of the entering and exiting passengers. This
technology is introduced to reduce criminal and terror attacks.
6.3. Use of escalators
Escalated walkways as footpaths are used to increase human
efficiency and reduce time loss. This can even reduce
accidents as the persons cannot break any walking rule
through it. This technology is also useful for the people who
are physically challenged.
6.4. Integrated road circuits
Integrated road circuits are used for managing traffic. It is a
system in which 4 to 8 roads are connected through a circular
diverge. This is used mostly on roads of heavy traffic. This has
also lead to reduction in accidents on the heavy traffic roads.
6.5. Drainage automation

5.2. From floods

Flood another challenging disaster. Precautionary measures
before flood are the constructing design of a building should
be elevated above the surface and the pillars deep inside the
surface for the stability of house. This is done so that the force
of water is suffered by the pillars only and not by the whole
house. As it is well said A DROWIND MAN CATCHES A
STRAW similarly a life-Jacket is a straw for victims of flood.
After the calamity first-aid should be provided as soon as
5.3. For fire-safety
At the time of fire High intensity alarms for alertness, highly Sensitivity water sprinklers for emergency, Fire extinguishers

Drainage automation is a very useful tech. as at the time of

heavy rainfall this can protect the roads from getting filled
with water. This can also reduce traffic and accidents caused
during heavy rainfall as when roads are filled with water many
slipping and crashing cases are heard. The level of water
would be lifted upto certain inches and then drains would be
automatically opened. This would lead to cleaning of drainage
through forced water supply.
6.6. Vehicles running organic gases
Introduction of organic gas vehicles can lead to reduction in
pollution as well as can strength the economy. Organic gases
are cheap and easily available and have high efficiency. The

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Modern Ways of Implementing Renewable and Sustainable Technology and Smart Waste Management in Developing a Smart City 55

efficiency of any organic gas can easily be moulded, so the

use of organic gas in vehicles is really useful. Example:
ethane, methane. Use of organic gases like ethane and
methane as they cheap, efficient and are low on pollution. This
can lead to a strong economy as much of the national income
is lost in the exchange of natural oil and gas.
6.7. Development of solar devices
Solar heaters, fans, lights and solar panels are the need of
today as they lead to no pollution and are highly efficient.
They are one time investment. Initially they may be found
expensive but for long run they are considered cheap.
6.8. Temperature detector for safety measures
When there is a change in temperature it is gradual i.e. the
temperature rise is 2-5 degree centigrade in a day. But when
there is sudden increase or decrease in temperature this
implies a disaster or any problem surrounding that place. At
this time the technology of temperature detector is used. When
there is a sudden increase in temperature this indicates that
there is fire in that area and prevention could be quick.
Similarly, when there is sudden decrease in temperature this
indicates that the flood is arriving or it is about to come and in
this case preventions can be taken as soon as possible.

Bulky agents and sludge are first mixed. Then, they are
separated into two columns. One of the columns is forced
aeration and the other is turning. Firstly, in forced aeration the
mixing element is dried i.e the water is solid is separated and
in tuning maximum liquid part is stored. Then from forced
aeration and turning liquids are mixed together in curing tank
and there they are treated by recovery agents like silica gel,
chlorine and calcium hydroxide. They are treated under UVRadiation and then stored for further use.

The concept smart cities is not without challenges especially
in India. For example, the success if such cities depends
highly on their residents, businessmen, politicians and rate of
possible development in that area. There are many ways to
improve the daily life of citizens as a high percent of total
energy used in the hands of users. It depends on them how
they adapt themselves to the change and their habitat and also
time factor is a major issue because making such cities in
reality can take 20-30 years. The latest technologies used are
for the sake of development and comfort of the coming

generation. This may lead to increase in efficiency and skilled

human resources. Not only this, this may also lead to the
improvement in the economy as well as life style. The
BPL(Below poverty Line) could be increased with a
significant multiplier. The significant development in
technologies will also lead to increased rate of employment.
The basic idea of smart city arrived from our present prime
minister Shri. Narendra Modi.

This study was supported by Graphic Era University,
Dehradun. We thank our colleagues from International Youth
Society of Eco-friendly and Renewable Technology
(IYSERT), Graphic Era University, Dehradun who provided
insight and expertise that greatly, assisted the research,
although they may not agree with all of the
interpretations/conclusions of this paper.

[2] Crazypaving:Rotterdam to consider trialling plastic roads | World
|, Friday 10th July 2015.
[3] Process for laying plastic roads>chemistry>process
[4] Robert E. Hall, B.Bovermen, J.Braverman, J.Taylor, H. Todosow
and U. Von Wimmersperg, The vision of smart city in 2nd
International Life Extension Technology Workshop, Paris,
France, September 2000, pp. 1-3.
[5] What are future cities? origins, meanings and uses(WP 2O), from
Government Office for Science, Published at 29 July 2014.>uploads>files
[7] Niraj D. Baraiya, Use of Waste Rubber Tires in Construction of
Bitominus Roads, in International Journal of Applicaton of
Innovation in Engineering and Management (IJAIEM), 7th July
2013, pp 1-3.
[8] Benefits of Rubberised AsphaltClemson University.
[9] Use of Waste Tires for Road construction: An eco-friendlycost
effective solution for flexible pavements, By Tinna Rubber and
Infrastructure Limited, India.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 56-58
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Performance Analysis of Solar Air Heater

Vikram Dhaka1, Ahilesh Gupta2 and Ravi Kumar3

M.Tech.(Thermal Engineering) Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,

Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Uttrakhand
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Uttrakhand

AbstractDouble pass counter flow solar air collector is one of the

important and attractive design. Absorber plate of this collector is a
critical part of design on which performance of collector depends.
Flat absorber plate is the simplest design. For performance
improvement different variations of absorber plate can be used. This
paper presents experimental analysis of double pass solar air
collector with flat and wavy shape absorber plate. Effects of various
parameters on the thermal performance and pressure drop
characteristics have been discussed.

Solar energy is converted into thermal energy in a solar
collector. Solar collector basically is a device used to trap
solar energy to heat a plate and transfer the heat to a fluid
flowing under or above plate. When sun light falls onto a
plate, solar radiations reach the plate at lower wavelength and
heat it up. Then the heat is carried away by either water or air
that flows under or above the plate. Solar collector used to
heat up air is called solar air heater (SAH). Air is much lighter
and less corrosive than water. Heated air can be used for
moderate-temperature drying, such as harvested grains or fish.
Since the solar air heater has less convective heat transfer
coefficient, some researchers tried to increase this convective
heat transfer coefficient. A popular type of solar air heaters is
the flat plate SAH, which has a cover glass on the top,
insulation on the sides and bottom to prevent heat transferred
to the surrounding, a flat absorber plate that makes a passage
for the air flowing with sides and bottom plate. Usually, the
passage or channel has a rectangular cross-section. The
absorber plate will transfer the heat to the air via convection.
Unfortunately, the convection coefficient is very low. To
increase the convection coefficient from the absorber plate, vcorrugated plate is used instead of a flat plate. Tao et al.(2007)
stated that a solar air heater with a v-grooved absorber plate
could reach efficiency 18% higher than the flat plate on the
same operation condition and dimension or configuration.
Karim dan and Hawlader (2006) found that a solar collector
with a v-absorber plate gave the highest efficiency and the flat
plate gave the least. The results

showed that the v-corrugated collector is 1015% and 511%

more efficient in single pass and double pass modes,
respectively, compared to the flat plate collectors. Choudhury
dan and Garg (1991) made a detailed analysis of corrugated
and flat plate solar air heaters of five different configurations.
For the same length, mass flow rate, and air velocity, it was
found out that the corrugated and double cover glass collector
gave the highest efficiency. According to Naphon (2007) the
corrugated surfaces give a significant effect on the
enhancement of heat transfer and pressure drop.

Experimental set up has been designed for external data
collection. Two identical air heater set up are designed and
fabricated one with flat absorber plate and another with wavy
shape absorber plate. Both are double pass arrangement. One
pass is made between glass cover and absorber plate and
second pass is made between absorber plate and wooden base.
Second pass has air flow in reverse direction. Both the passes
has same length that is 210 cm. Width of both the passes is
kept 60 cm and depth 2.1 cm. These collectors are fixed on
iron base inclined at 30 degree due south to maximize the
incident solar radiation on collector for year round application.
Absorber plate of both set up is made of 1 mm thick aluminum
plate. Absorber plate is painted by black board paint which is
assumed to have high absorptivity value. Below absorber plate
there is 20 mm thick wooden plate which act as insulation and
supportive base. Transparent glass cover of 4 mm thickness is
kept as a cover which is transparent for short wavelength and
opaque for longer wavelength. Gap between absorber plate
and glass cover is 2.1 cm. Two passes are connected by
smooth U turn. Sides of both collectors are made by 20 mm
thick wooden plates. These collectors are supported on iron
base of size 25*25*5 mm. Entrance and exit duct are provided
at inlet and outlet to stabilize the flow. These are made from
plywood of thickness 20 mm and having cross section same as
test section. This is done on basis of ASHARE Standard 9277(1997). Two perforated aluminum plates of 1 mm thickness
and equal to cross section area of the passage are placed
perpendicular to flow direction to allow mixing of the air at

Performance Analysis of Solar Air Heater


entrance and exit of test section and to facilitate measurement

of air temperature after mixing at entrance and exit of solar air
collector. Exit section is connected to blower through G.I. pipe
and flexible pipes. A centrifugal blower of 2.2 kW capacity is
used to draw ambient air into collector through the entrance
section. Measurement of mass flow rate of air through each
collector is accomplished by two separate orifice meters.
Temperature is measured by calibrated copper constantan
thermocouples. The pressure drop across the collector has
been measured using a standard manometer with manometric
fluid as kerosene. The intensity of solar radiation has been
measured by means of a
Pyranometer (PSP Model supplied by The Eppley Laboratory
Inc., USA) having a calibrated constant of 8.0 *10^6 volts per

Dig- Actual set up of air heater

The experimental data have been used to determine desired
parameters. All the properties of air, i.e. viscosity, density,
specific heat, used in the calculations, are evaluated at the
arithmetic mean of the inlet and the outlet temperature of air.
The useful heat gain, Qu is given as under

Dig- Line diagram of set up

Thermal efficiency of double pass solar collector is

determined from following equation:


Dig- Cross section of flat plate collector

Double pass counter flow solar air collector with wavy shape
absorber plate gives higher thermal efficiency in comparison
to double pass counter flow solar air collector with flat plate.
This can be due to the fact that the porous material absorber
plate. Because wavy shape absorber plate provides very large
surface area for heat transfer and hence the volumetric heat
transfer coefficient is high.

Dig- Cross section of wavy plate collector

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)
p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Vikram Dhaka, Ahilesh Gupta and Ravi Kumar


Dig- Variation of efficiency with mass flow rate

Dig- Variation of intensity with intensity of

1. Tao, L., Wen, X.L., Wen dan, F.G., Chan, X.L., 2007. A
Parametric study on the termal performance of a solar air collector
with a V-groove absorber. Int. J. Green Energy 4, 601622.
2. Karim dan, Hawlader, M.N.A. 2006.Performance investigation of
flat plate, V-corrugated and finned air collector. Energy 31, 452
3. Choudhury dan, C., Garg, H.P., 1991. Design analysis of
corrugated and flat plate solar air heaters. Renew. Energy I (5/6),
4. Abhishek Saxena, Varun, A.A. El-Sebaii(2014),A thermodynamic
review of solar air heaters, Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Reviews 43(2015)863-890
5. Naphon, P., 2007. Heat transfer characteristics and pressure drop
in channel with V corrugated upper and lower plates. Energy
Convers.Manage. 48, 15161524.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 59-65
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Research and Development of Aviation

Bio-Fuel using Jatropha Oil
Dinesh Kumar.G1, Francis Samruth2, Davis Antony3 and Anderson Pearldian4

School of Aeronautical Sciences Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Padur, Chennai-603 103
B.E (Mechanical Engineering) LICAM, Chennai

AbstractThis research work paper represents the production and

development of Alternative Aviation bio-fuel using Jathropha oil.
Other oils can be used for production. But Jathropha seeds were
chosen because it is containing 21% to 48% of oil. Also its not
edible therefore; it will not pose any problem to humans and animals
in food competition. Before the Transesterification process was
carried out, some basic tests such as free fatty acid content, iodine
value, and moisture content were carried out. This was done so as to
ascertain quality yield of bio- fuel before the reaction the production
of the bio-fuel was done with standard materials and under standard
conditions which made the production a hitch- free one. The
Jathropha oil was heated to 60C, and solution of sodium metho-oxide
at (55oC) was added to the oil and stirred for 45 minutes using a
magnetic stirrer. The mixture was then left to settle for 24 hours.
Glycerine which by-product, was filtered off. The bio-fuel was then
thoroughly washed to ensure that it was free from excess methanol
and soap. The characterization was comparing with Jet-A1 which
preformed was done in Hindustan Petrochemicals laboratory.
Keywords: Jathropa ,Glycerine, Bio-fuel, Trans-esterification,

Due to the increased energy demand in the world, there is very
high potential for bio-fuels to leverage indigenous sources of
inputs. Potential increase in income and opportunities in rural
areas. Yet the development of a bio-fuel sector could increase
food insecurity for poor consumers. Currently, bio-fuel
production is minimal, accounting for only one percentage of
production globally. Supporting a future bio-energy sector will
likely require policy support (such as stimulus packages),
community and local interest, technological advancements,
and cost effectives feedstock production. Bio-fuels are
potentially important to worldwide because of the significant
number of lives they could impact and economic changes they
could cause. the terms of bio-fuels refers to several different
types of fuels, including bio-ethanol and bio-diesel ,which are
both viable options. Bioethanol is the most common form of
bio-fuel. It it likely that would use molasses, a by-product of
its Jathropha processing industry, to drive ethanol production.
On other hand, there are major impediments to larger-scale
production and use of bio-ethanol in the world including price

competitiveness and production limitation. There is a

continuing search for new sources of fuels that are renewable
due to the rate of depletion of fossil fuels. The term bio-fuel is
used to define fuels that are obtained from plants or animals.
Being a renewable source, it is gaining attention all over the
world today. Bio-fuel is demand as fuel comprising of monoalkyl-esters of long fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or
Animal fats. These fuels could be either in the form of
vegetable oils or animal fats that have been transformed by
chemical or natural methods for use in powering various
engines. Bio-fuels are obtained from renewable energy
sources such as organic materials from living organisms and
can also be obtained from biodegradable waste. Hence, the
term bio-mass is defined as the source of bio-fuels. These are
wastes from plants and animals that are capable of being used
as fuels in original form or with little modification. These
wastes can also be used in production of fibres and chemicals
which are essential in our daily lives. the term bio-fuel is not
the same with fuels from fossils, the main difference between
bio-fuels and fossil fuels is the content of carbon and the
amount of emission they give off when burnt. A large variety
of engines manufactured today are made to run on a wide
variety of fuels, such as premium motor spirit (petrol), diesel,
or gas as their pricipal fuels, with all these types of engines,
the diesel engine is the one most suitable to run on bio-fuel.
Also, bio-fuels are very similar to petrol and diesel fuel in
composition; therefore, there is no need for engine alterations
to run on bio-fuels. Bio-fuel engine burns less fuel producing
the same amount of work when compared to a petrol engine.
Biodiesel is a carbon-neutral source of fuel and is increasingly
becoming popular. This is a fuel that is created by chemically
processing vegetable oil and altering its properties to make it
perform similar to petroleum diesel. Biodiesel is very similar
to petro diesel, but they are not identical. However, the
difference is really small when we compare the procedure for
making biodiesel and petro diesel. Bio-fuel is produced by a
process called Trans-esterification; this process involves
modifying the chemical properties of a vegetable oil by using
methanol. Trans-esterification of vegetable oil is a simple
process that yields high conversion with glycerine as the only

Dinesh Kumar.G, Francis Samruth, Davis Antony and Anderson Pearldian


by-product. In modern times, the need to find and develop

alternative energy sources is on the increase; this is largely.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has
approved the use for Alternative bio-fuel energy resources
used in aviation purposes in 2008 such as BIO-SPK, FT-SPK,
which been implement in many airlines operation.


One-step alkali based catalyzed Transesterification was

carried out for methyl ester production process from CPO,
NCO, and CJCO. It is established that Transesterification
depends on several basic variables, namely, catalyst type,
alcohol type, catalyst -oil ratio, alcohol -oil ratio,

Materials and apparatus used in the production of the bio-fuel

are as follows: thermometer, retort stand, pipette, measuring
cylinder, separating funnel, magnetic stirrer, oven, water bath,
hydrometer, conical flask, digital weighing balance, stop
watch, hot plate, distilled water, methanol, and Jathropha oil.

2000 ml Jathropha Oil.

500 ml Methanol Solution.

Anhydrous Sodium Hydroxide ( NaOH ).

500 ml graduated cylinder.

250 ml graduated cylinder.

1L jar (2).

1L beaker.

Scale measuring to at least 0.1gram.

Hot plate.

Thermometer ( 0 110 C range ).

Stirring rod.


In the test carried out on the Jathropha oil, it was seen that the
free fatty acid (FFA) contents of the oil are high
(21.6%).Therefore, it became necessary to reduce it.
Procedure: Crude Jathropha oil was poured into a conical
flask and heated to a temperature of 60 C. A mixture of
Concentrated H2SO4 (1% w/w) with methanol (30% v/v) was
heated separately at (50_C) and then added to the heated oil in
the flask. The mixture was stirred for 1 hour and allowed to
settle for 2 hours.


Reaction temperature, reaction time, agitation rate, FFA, and

water contents of oils (Ma and Hanna, 1999). In this work,
extensive preliminary experimentation with vegetable oils
samples showed that it was most efficient to fix reaction
temperature at 60 _C, agitation rate 400 rpm, and reaction
time for 24 h. Firstly, in the Transesterification process,
different catalyst
NaOH -oil ratios (0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5% and 3.0%
w/w) and different methanol -oil ratios (10%, 15%, 20%, 25%,
30% and 40% w/w) were used to determine their effect on the
methyl ester yields of the oils.All the reactions were carried
out in the reaction glass tubes, which were immersed inside a
glass water bath placed on the plate of magnetic stirrer of 400
rpm. The temperature and reaction time for all processes were
maintained at 65.0 0.5 _C and for 2 h, respectively. After the
reaction, the mixture was allowed to settle for 24 h to
overnight before separating the glycerol layer and the top layer
including methyl ester fraction was removed in separate
bottles, weighed and analyzed by GC. Practically, the
separated methyl esters must be conducted to remove
impurities by washing with hot water until washing water is
neutral. However, due to small amount of the oil samples
being used in the glass reaction tubes, the refinement stage on
this experiment was omitted.
4.1 Procedure:

10.5 mL of Jathropha oil was poured into 250 mL conical

flask and heated to a temperature of 50C.

A small quantity of methanol was poured into a round

bottom flask and soxhlet apparatus, and the heater was
turned on. this was done to purify the methanol. then
sodium hydroxide pellet was placed in the weighing
balance to get exactly 0.25 g

The sodium methoxide solution was kept in the oven to

bring its temperature to 60C.

The sodium meth-oxide solution was mixed with the

warm Jathropha oil and stirred vigorously for 50 minutes
using a magnetic stirrer. The mixture was then allowed to
settle for 24 hours in a separating funnel.


A small quantity of methanol was poured in a round

bottom flask and soxhlet apparatus, and the heater was
turned on. this was done to purify the methanol.
The sodium hydroxide pellet was placed in the weighing
balance to get exactly 0.25 g.
A solution of potassium methoxide was prepared in a 250
mL beaker using 0.25 g (i.e., catalyst concentration of
0.5%) of sodium hydroxide pellet and 63 ml (i.e., mole
ratio of oil to methanol of (1: 6) of methanol.

The solution was properly stirred until sodium hydroxide

pellet was completely dissolved.
The sodium methoxide solution was placed in the oven to
bring its temperature to 60C.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Research and Development of Aviation Bio-Fuel using Jatropha Oil

The bio-fuel was then poured into a different beaker,

while the lower layer (which comprises of glycerol and
soap) was collected from the bottom of the separating
Washing process will be implementing next forward.

4.2 Chemical Reaction

This reaction is shown in Equation where Rn refers to any
fatty acid chain (Meher et al., 2004).Transesterification of
triglycerides is a three-step process where alcohol molecules
react with one fatty acid chain at a time. The first step is the
rate limiting step in which the triglyceride reacts with the
alcohol, a diglyceride and ester is formed. The diglyceride
then reacts with another alcohol molecule to form a
monoglyceride and second ester molecule. Finally, a third
molecule of alcohol is reacted with the monoglyceride to form
glycerol and a third ester .All three reactions are reversible, so
in order for the reaction to proceed forward, there is an excess
of alcohol added to the reaction in more than three moles of
alcohol for every mole of triglycerides as shown.


4.6 Removal of Methanol

For purification of the ester phase, excess methanol must be
removed. Heating of the ester phase will remove the excess
methanol. The step to recover methanol should be done prior
to any washing procedure, in order to avoid additional
processing of methanol to be distilled from water .
4.7 Removal of Free fatty acids
Free fatty acids can be left in the oil. However, they will cause
problems with the fuels efficiency. Free fatty acids can be
removed after Transesterification by the addition of acid. As
described in acid catalyzed Transesterification, a small amount
of acid can be added to react with excess fatty acids .The acid
must then be washed out of the solution.
4.8 Removal of Catalyst
Catalyst can be removed from the bio-fuel by-product by
washing with water. The Catalyst is more soluble in water
than oil so when washed, the catalyst will be removed from
the oil and dissolve in the water, which is not soluble with oil
(Meher et al., 2004). The mix can then settle and the two
layers separated. After all the steps and the process of the
Transesterification. The samples had been made for resting
time process.


Fig. 4.2

4.3 Post Reaction Processing:

After the Transesterification reaction is complete, there is still
a need to purify the fatty Methyl-esters. In the reactor
container, there is excess alcohol, free fatty acids, catalyst, and
the by-product glycerol.
4.5 Removal of Glycerol
Glycerol can be removed from the ester phase by washing or
through a secondary reaction. Washing can be done by either
using water or mild acid. It is argued that by Introducing water
some of the esters can be lost due to hydrolysis .Due to the
possibility of ester lost the excess glycerol in the biodiesel
layer can be removed through a reaction with alkaline catalyst
instead of water washing. Catalyst is added after the methanol
is removed so that the glycerol can be converted to
triglycerides. Once the triglycerides have been removed, they
can be added to new raw oil and re-enter the process.
After re-entering, they can be converted to usable methyl

Pre-treatment of J. curcas oil was done by acid catalyzed

Transesterification. As stated this is normally done for oils
with an acid value above 3mg NaOH/ 1g oil, even though the
acid value test showed a value of 2.7mg NaOH/ 1g oil a pretreatment batch of samples was done to see if it would still
increase production of biodiesel.
It was deemed unnecessary to proceed with an acid Catalyzed
Transesterification step after comparing the non-pre-treated J.
curcas oil to the acid Pre-treated J. curcas oil results after both
went through the alkaline catalyzed Transesterification
The non-pre-treated oil was able to reach a higher bio-fuel
yield under a shorter period than the pre-treated oil as shown
in Figure 5. In Figure 5-2, the four flasks to the left were not
treated with an acid step and the four flasks to the right were
treated with an acid step. The figure shows that the four not
treated with the acid catalyzed Transesterification are clearer
and have less soap formation than the pre-treated samples.
The one-step alkaline catalyzed Transesterification reaction
was followed, running four simultaneous experiments to
determine the amount of conversion to ester product. The
reactions were removed from the reaction conditions at time
intervals of 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes and left to rest at room
temperature. Figure 5-3 shows the first four samples in order
of lowest to highest reaction time from left to right. In

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Dinesh Kumar.G, Francis Samruth, Davis Antony and Anderson Pearldian


analyzing the samples, it was found that there was not an

increase in conversion from the 60 minutes to 120 minutes
time interval. Since, heating and agitating are costly processes
the lowest reaction time without affecting the yield of bio-fuel
was chosen. Graph 5-3 shows the biodiesel yield for samples
that used different reaction time. Based on this information the
best reaction time was 60 mines because it gave the largest
bio-fuel yield for the shortest period of time
Methanol amounts were varied between 5 mL and 20 mL at 5
mL increments. Before removing methanol through
processing, 15 mL of methanol added to samples averaged to
the highest percent yield of 83.7%. After processing, the same
samples had the highest yield of biodiesel product with an
average of 55.9%. These data can be seen graphically in the
following graph

Fig. 5.1

Fig. 5.4


6.1 Determination of Viscosity
Procedure: The oil sample was refined through a sintered
glass (fire mesh screen) to filter dust and other solid materials.
The viscometer was filled with the sample by inverting the
tubes thinner arm into the liquid sample and suction force
was drawn up to the upper timing mark of the viscometer,
after which the instrument was turned to its normal vertical
position. the viscometer was placed in a holder and inserted to
a constant temperature bath set at 30C; the sample was left for
a few minutes until it reached 300C. the suction force was
then applied to the thinner arm to draw the sample slightly
above the upper timing mark. the afflux time by timing the
flow of the upper timing mark to the lower timing mark was
6.2 Determination of Moisture Content
Procedure: the oil sample was weighed and the mass taken as
(1) thus was then dried in the oven and then weighed as
(2). the percentage moisture in the oil was then calculated
using the formula below:


Fig. 5.2: Effect of Mole Ratio Of Methanol to

Oil on Bio-fuel Yield

Where: 1 is the weight of oil sample before drying

(grams), and 2 is the weight of oil sample after drying
6.3 Determination of Free Fatty Acid.
The free fatty acid in the oil was determined by titrating it
against Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) using phenolphthalein as
Procedure. 2 g of oil was dissolved in 50 mL of the neutral
solvent in 250 mL conical flask, 3 or 4 drops of
phenolphthalein indicator was then added and titrated against
0.1 m NaOH. the content was stirred continuously until a pink
colour which persisted for fifteen seconds was obtained.

Fig. 5.3: Effect of Temperature of mixture of bio-fuel yield

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Research and Development of Aviation Bio-Fuel using Jatropha Oil

Determination of specific Gravity.

Density bottle was used to find the density of the oil. A clean
dry bottle of 25 mL was weighed (0) and then filled with
the oil; a stopper was inserted and then reweighed to give
(1). the oil was exchanged with water after washing and
drying was weighed to give (2) as


NaI solution. the tube was washed two times with 25 mL of

water each time and collected into the conical flask. 0.002 m
Na2S2O3 was titrated with the solution until the yellow colour
almost disappeared. Also, 0.5 mL of starch was added and
mixed vigorously and was carefully titrated until blue colour
just disappeared. A blank was also set at the same time.
TABLE 6.1: Standards specification of Jathropha oil

6.4 Determination of Iodine Values
Procedure: 0.5 g of the oil was weighed into a 250 cm3 glass
stopper bottle. 15 cm3 of chloroform was added to dissolve it,
followed by 25 cm3 of wijis iodine solution. the bottle was
placed in the dark for 30 minutes, after which 20 cm3 of 15%
Sodium iodine (NaI) solution was added; the bottle was closed
and shaken vigorously. This solution was titrated against a
standard 0.1 m sodium thiosulphate solution. Titration was
carried out with constant shaking until yellow colour of iodine
almost disappears. 2 cm3 of 1% starch indicator was added
and titration continued. When the colour disappeared, bottle
was covered with a stopper and shaken vigorously so that all
iodine in the organic solvent layer will pass into the water
layer. Finally, when the titration was finished, the titter values
were recorded. Blank determination was carried out on 5 mL
of chloroform and of equal proportion of wijis solution
allowing the precipitate to dissolve for same length of time as
for the sample analyzed.

TABLE 6.2: Effect of molar ratio of methanol to

oil on Bio-fuel Yield

6.5 Determination of Saponification Value

Oil of known quantity was refluxed with an excess amount of
alcoholic NaOH, after saponification, the remaining NaOH
was estimated by titrating against a standard acid.
Procedure: The oil sample was filtered to remove all
impurities and last traces of moisture. 5 g of the sample was
then weighed into a flask and 5 mL of alcoholic NaOH was
added from burette allowing it to drain for the same duration
of time. A reflux condenser was connected to the flasks and
allowed to boil for one hour. After the flask and condenser get
cooled, they were rinsed down the inner part of the condenser
with a little distilled water and then the condenser was
removed. About 1 mL of indicator was added and titrated
against 0.5 m NaCL until the pink colour disappeared.

TABLE 6.3: Effect of temperature of mixture on bio-fuelyield

TABLE 6.4: Comparison of Bio-fuel vs. Jet A1

6.6 Determination of Peroxide Value

The peroxide present was found by titrating against triosulphate solution in the presence of NaI using starch as
Procedure: 1 g of oil was introduced into a clean dry boiling
tube. 1 g of powder NaI and 2 mL of solvent mix was added
and transferred into boiling water and allowed to boil
vigorously for not more than 30 seconds. the content was
transferred quickly to a conical flask containing 20 mL of 5%
Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)
p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Dinesh Kumar.G, Francis Samruth, Davis Antony and Anderson Pearldian


The results of this research work will be discoursed under the
following groups of solution:

Analysis of Jathropha oil samples

Production and development of yield bio-fuel.
Analysis the result and comparison of Jet A1 and
Suitability of using the bio-fuel in aviation

7.1 Analysis of the Jathropha Oil Sample

From Table 1, the various properties of the Jathropha oil used
are within range of the standard in Table 1. As observed, the
saponification value of the Jathropha oil is 190; this is within
the range given in Table 2. this property is very important
since if it is too high the formation of soap will be more
prevalent instead of the desired bio-fuel. Another property that
is very important is the moisture content. From Table 1, the
value is 0.20. If the moisture content in the oil sample is too
high, soap formation will be more and there will be problems
with the separation of the by-product (Glycerin). Free fatty
acid level and pH are also very important because more
glycerine will be formed if the pH is too high. the two
properties are within the range of the standard as seen in the
7.2 Production and development of yield bio-fuel
The chemical reaction that yielded the bio-fuel was carried out
under standard conditions. Samples were kept at the right
temperature, and equipment and materials were kept very
clean. The required mol of the catalyst (NaOH) was used so as
to prevent emulsification. the mixture was stirred rigorously so
that the reactants will mix really well and produce the highest
yield of biodiesel possible under the given condition. the biofuel thus produced is free from glycerol and soap because
warm water was used to wash the bio-fuel. this is necessary so
that the properties of the bio-fuel produced should be
acceptable when compared with the standard. Emulsification
is a major drawback that can occur if the reactants arent
properly handled, this is a situation whereby soap molecules
encase the bio-fuel molecules. this can be corrected (if it
happens) by heating the mixture and allowing it to settle. Also,
hot solution of sodium chlorine could be used to break the
encasing molecules. the heat decreases the density of the oil,
while the salt increases density of the water. Two litres of
Jathropha oil was used and the yield was two litres of bio-fuel.
7.3 Analysis of the result and comparison of Jet A1 and
As the result, which the tabulation obtained in the comparison
between the jet a1 and the bio-fuel which has been produced
accordingly from the Jathropha bio-fuel after subjecting them
to certain parameters as shown. We find the thermal efficiency
of specific energy has very good yield in the both of type of

fuel. Also the caloric values are slightly varying from the Jet
a1 but still under the major requirement standards.
7.4 Suitability of using the bio-fuel in aviation application:
Jet fuel is mixture of large number of different hydrocarbons.
The range of their sizes is restricted by requirements of the
products, for example, freezing point smoking point . jet fuel
for sometime classified as kerosene type. Kerosene is include
jet a1 ,jet 1 , jet b and jp-4. the drop-in is type of bio-fuel
which are completely interchangeable with conventional fuels
in purpose to achieve of the required standards. Example of
aviation fuel used the drop in concept are Bio-SPK, FT-SPK,.

In the current investigation, it was confirmed that Jathropha
oil may be used as resource to obtain biodiesel. These
Transesterification is a blooming area of research for the
production of bio-fuel in large scale. Materials for use in the
production of biodiesel are readily available without the need
for special equipment or scarce chemicals. Oil from trees can
be used in the production of bio-fuel. On a small scale
production, the cost of production is low, but if mass
production and accuracy is the goal, the cost is going to be
high. Glycerin which is the by-product of this chemical
reaction can be sold to the pharmaceutical companies since it
is used to produce valuables such as creams and toothpaste.
Effects of different parameters such as temperature, time,
reactant ratio, and catalyst concentration on the bio-fuel yield
were also analyzed. The best combination of the parameters
was found as 8: 1 molar ratio of methanol to oil, 1.0% NaOH
catalyst, 60_C reaction temperature and 60 minutes of reaction
time. This optimum condition yielded 90% of bio-fuel. From
the characterization of the bio-fuel, the physical properties of
bio-fuel from Jathropha oil with methanol were found to be
within the ASTM specified limits. The viscosity of Jathropha
oil reduces substantially after Transesterification and is
comparable to diesel. Bio-fuel characteristics like density and
viscosity are comparable to that of the petrol, diesel.
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Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

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Research and Development of Aviation Bio-Fuel using Jatropha Oil

[4] DOE, Biodiesel Green Diesel Fuel, DOE/GO-1020011449, National Renewable Energy Lab, US Department
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Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016


Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 66-72
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Rejuvenation of Ghats at Varanasi (India)

Anil Bharti
Department of Architecture & Planning, Himgiri Zee University, Dehradun-Uttarakhand

AbstractVaranasi is a city which is known for multi-cultural,

multi-religious, and multi-ethics, it is mosaic of Indian art and
architecture which is one of the unique example of variety and unity
of India. It is world famous because of affluent culture and opulent
heritage of Ghats. The city is enjoying its ultimate spirituality status
due to its umbilical relationship with India s holiest of the holies at
bank of river Ganga since mythological times. Now a days Ghats
area are facing multiple problem of built environment. Gradually it is
declining its various religious, cultural, environmental and
architectural values.

Activity on Ghats area:

There are various activities happened at Ghats area from early
morning to late evening, thousands of pilgrims come and clean
themselves physically, mentally, spiritually by the taking holy
bath at Ganga river. The life and death can be seen at Harish
Chandra Ghat and Manikarnika Ghat , Except of these
activities many more are such as prayer , chanting , worship ,
music ,sketch, writer, Sadhu etc Are enjoying their lives.

Fig. 2-Sadhu at Ghat

Problems of Ghatscape
Fig. 1: Connectivity of Varanasi
This research paper will emphasis to improve built environment of
Ghat area ,various architecture style, current existing condition etc.

1) Entry: Ghat area is directly link with small street/lane

which has bottle neck entry at every Ghat because of
encroachment by the local shopkeeper. No door vestibules
are provided for security purpose.

Keywords: Built environment, Ghatscape, Universal design, Access

control, pedestrian friendly, Eco-friendly.

Varanasi is the city of streets and temples here we can see
various different culture, religion and architecture value. There
are more than eighty Ghats, Few famous Ghats are
Dashaswmegh Ghat, Mankarnika Ghat, Kabir Ghat etc. The
total stretch of Ghats crescent is 6.5 km, focal point of that
crescent is toward east direction, which is a very important as
per Hindu mythology. Which are keeping on its religion,
cultural, environmental value since the time was immortal.
Fig. 3-Narrow Entry

Rejuvenation of Ghats at Varanasi (India)

2) Steps : Steps at Ghats area are not in uniform its risers

and treads are not regular , Now the condition of few
Ghats steps are deteriorating its architectural value .


6) Railing: Railing for Ghat to river are not constructed it

may harm during summer time for the children and old
people. And some places railing conditioned are not good,
it is breakdown due to less maintenance.

Fig. 4-Broken Ghat

3) Landing: It is very congested and has not proper access

to pedestrian. Its levels are not match with each other.

Fig. 5-Congested Area

4) Shops: Road width is very less because of encroachment

of local shop keeper. So it is very narrow road, hawker
are open their shop on landing at Ghat area.
5) Temples: Temples are now deteriorating its religious,
architectural value because of less maintenance of its
structure. Cracks, shrubs etc are damaging its value day
by day.

Fig. 6-Deteriorating Temple

Fig. 7: Broken Railing

7) Boat voyage: These are not in good condition, Parking of

boats at Ghat area sometime it gets accident to the bath
8) Aarti stage (worship stage): Few Ghatss Aartis are
very famous like Dashaswmegh Ghat, Shitla Ghat etc. But
it doesnt have proper stage, For the worship stage, it is
very congested during the Aarti.
9) O.A.T: Only Rajendra Ghat has O.A.T for 80-100 people
which are very small in scale.
10) Kiosk: There is not a single kiosk for the any general
11) Ramps: Now a day we generally talk about the universal
access but that Ghats area are not accesses for physical
handicapped at all. All Ghats are directly connected with
steps and level.
12) Sheds: During summer and spring there are no sheds
provided for the visitors. Only few Ghats have sheds
which is not good in numbers and size.
13) Chauki (platform for Brahmins): There are very limited
chauki for Brahmins only few Ghats have proper seating
arrangement rest of Ghats dont have proper chauki for
religious rituals
14) Lanes/streets: Small narrow lanes are connecting to
Ghats are from Malviya road. It is a very narrow,
irregularly form. That are very congested to access the
Ghats area.
15) Changing room: There are limited changing rooms
which are not in good conditions and numbers.
16) Lighting: Only few famous Ghats like Dashaswmegh
Ghat, Mankarnika Ghat have lighting system but most of
Ghats dont have Ghat lighting at evening/night which
may not safe and secure for the pilgrimage.
17) Jetty: Jetty that is a big issue at Ghat area because there is
not proper parking for boats so Jetties are must for boats

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Anil Bharti


Environmental improvement
According to the Prayaschitta Tatva (1.535), a ca 9th century
One should not perform fourteen acts near the holy waters of
the Ganga river, i.e., excreting in the water, brushing and
gargling, removing all clothes from the body, throwing
hair or dry garlands in the water, playing in the water,
taking donations, performing sex, having sense of
attachments to other holy places, praising other holy places,
washing clothes, throwing dirty clothes, thumping water,
and swimming.
The whole Ghats area are polluted because of less
maintenance by the local people throwing burn/unburn humen
and animals dead bodies into the river Ganga .
Fig. 10: Garbage on Ghat area

Architecture Style, form ,function and other design

The Ghat towards the south in quest of majestic hindu and
Rajasthani architecture, prominently reflected in the building
(palace) along the Rana Mahal Ghat. The ghat, depicting the
grandeur and glory of Rajasthan rulers, seems to be a shadow
of itself.
1. Grbhagriha, i.e., sanctuary where the main deity has been
2. Pradakshina path, i.e., circumambulatory path having three
sides balcony bringing ventilation
and light to the interior.
Fig. 8: Air Pullution

Fig. 9: Statue immersion

Fig. 11: Vastu Purush

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Rejuvenation of Ghats at Varanasi (India)

3. Mandapa, i.e., columned assembly hall having two sides

4. Artha mandapa, i.e., entrance porch.
Architecture elements include:


super structure that rise above the sanctuary. Later in the the
13th century the use of iron clamps and wedges to hold the
stone slabs together, allowed the special feature of corbelling
in which horizontal stone layers were projected out over large
spans and cut into unusual shapes to produce highly decorative
ceiling schemes.

1-Shikhar, 2- Jharokha, 3- Chhatri, 4-Haveli, 5- Kunda, 6Chauki, 7- Steps and landing

It is in typically Hindu style of architecture with carved
balconies, open courtyards, and scenic pavilions. At present
the temples are not in a good shape. It is repository of the
history of the kings of Benares.
The Structural System of the Hindu temples
The basic construction technique used in the Hindu temple
was the trabeated system or the post and the beam method and
which was extended by the use of corbelling techniques. This
method was originally used for wooden construction in India
and was later adopted for the stone structures as well.
Fig. 13: Corbelling System

Trabeated System
In the trabeated system only the horizontal and the vertical
members are used and the stability is achieved by the massive
arrangements of vertical elements such as pillars and pilasters
together and heavy cross beams and lintels. The use of the
spanning system to enclose the interior spaces was the most
typical feature of this system. The openings in the Hindu
temple have lintel made of stone or timber. The roofing
system consists of horizontally laid slabs of stone spanning
from one supporting beam or wall to the other.

The Base or the Pitha

The base of the Hindu temple consists of series of mouldings.
These mouldings are horizontal bands corresponding to the
courses of masonry supporting the walls and super structure of
the Hindu temple. In Hindu temple architecture mouldings
exists not as edgings or modulations to other elements, but as
elements with larger elements. These are more similar to the
architrave, frieze and cornice in a classical pediment than to
mouldings within these.

Fig. 14-Pitha

Fig. 12: Trabeated System

Corbelling System

The Walls:

In the corbelling system the stones or the bricks in each

horizontal courses are projected out to bridge the gap between
the two walls to diminish until it can be closed with a single
piece of stone or brick. The corbelling system was used to
create the interiors of the temple and the stone shells of the

The zone between the superstructure and the base of the Hindu
temple architecture consists of walls, pillars and pilasters. The
walls in the Hindu temple architecture are constructed as
composite stone masonary with an infill of stone and brick
with lime and mud. The thickness of the stones varies from

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Anil Bharti


300 to 4500 mm. The average thickness of the masonry wall

varies from 800mm1200mm. Through stones are provided at
regular intervals to strengthen the walls.

Fig. 15: Plain wall

Fig. 16: Pillar

This usage of timber and bamboo governs the form of temples
mostly in the Chunar and Vindyachal area The construction of
temple in stone is the most distinctive expression of Hindu
architecture. The highly evolved techniques of excavating and
cutting blocks of stone constitute one of the major technical
achievements associated with the history of the Hindu temple .
The construction in stone dates back to 2nd and 3rd centuries
in the form of rock cut sanctuaries and later in the form of
temples with use of stones like granite, marble, soap stone,
sandstone and locally available stones. The stones were used
with most intricate and ornate carvings and sculptors
throughout India.
Joint Details

The Supporting Elements

The Hindu temple consists of tall, slender, free-standing, beam
supporting columns, pillars and pillasters. The columns are not
the defining elements of the Hindu temple architecture as that
of the Western Classical architecture. It is not easy to
categories the Indian columns as there are no particular design
type of the column.

Fig. 19-Stone layout

Fig. 17: Section of pillar

Step and landing, kunds

These ghats are the interface between the building edge
alongside the river and the river, permitting an access to the
ganga. The ghat may be pakka that is constructed with stone
steps and iron clamps or kachcha that a natural bank.

Fig. 18: Kunda of Ghat

Fig. 20-Dowel joint

Fig. 21-Iron clamps

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Rejuvenation of Ghats at Varanasi (India)


Fig. 22: Steps with iron clip joint

Fig. 25: SWOT Analysis


Fig. 23: Dowel and iron clamps joint

Source: Shweta Vardia Building Science of Indian Temple

Three bottom line of Ghat Area

As stated above the issues about the heritage structures

like house condition, lanes, encroachment area, pedestrian
environment, basic amenities, roaming of animals,
electric and telephone wires,hidden facades, jetties etc
.The following are the recommendations/proposal to
inprove the built environment of Ghat.
The heritage structures must be retrofitted in its own
character by same materials not by foreign materials like
stone ,lime, Surkhi, marbles etc should be used instead of
cement ,bricks etc.
Encroached area by the vendors on both side of road
should be removed ,and those vendors should be
accommodate somewhere else by making some shopping
For the ceremonial/ritual purpose of Mundana(hair
cutting),Pindadaan ,yajna etc proper space should be
provided at Ghat area.
Signages must be remove from the heritage faade ,so that
its panaromic view will not be hamperd.
To increase the Ghat area cutting and filling has to be
done at Dashashwamedh Ghat.Due to which more space
will be available for the pilgrims/visitors during festival.
Some more point to be added in the Ghat area like polish
checking kiosk, B.M.S. system, lost and found centre etc .
To control the crowed in festive period and provide them
temporary infrastructure like tent,sheds, drinking water
hat is typical sketch plan of Dashashawamegh Ghat only for
concept purpose. And following are proposals.

Fig. 24: Sustainable Development of Ghats

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Anil Bharti



Banz, Georage, 1970, Element of Urban Form :Mc Graw-hill

Book Company, New-York .
Heinrich, Zimmer, 1946,Myths And Symbols in Indian art
and civilization.
E.B. Havell, 1905,Benaras- The Sacred city.
Jagmohan Mahajan, 2004, The trail of Ganges :
Dhar D.N, 1987, Thought on Architecture: sterling
publication Ltd, New York,


Fig. 8: Proposal


Fig. 27: Sections



Varanasi has been flourishing its affluent heritage and opulent

cultural center since the time of immortal .But now its values
and significances are degrading day by day because of
infrastructure, basic amenities, various activity, tourist/visitor
facility etc. If we implement these all proposal then we can
bring its own original form, significant and religious value
upto the ultimate. It should bring because these all are our rich
culture of social, physical, spiritual, religious, art, science and
architecture ,astronomy, Ayrveda, music, dance, handicraft
etc. we have to bring it from den to abroad ,hollow to solidity
and scorn to respect.

Singh, Rana P.B. (chairman and editor) and Dar, Vrinda

(associate & co-editor) 2002 (March 20).Varanasi: Heritage
Zones and Sites. Varanasi Development Authority, Varanasi
(India). 110pp +18pp appendices + 70 figs./ maps ocational, site
plans, cross sections), 45 plates of photographs,including
historical outline and Selected Bibliography. 1st Report. Rana
P.B. Singh.
Dashashawamegh Ghatat Varanasi
TEMPLE ARCHITECTURE.Ghats and Palaces of Varanasi.
2006 , ISG Magazin (Internationales Stdteforu Graz; Forum der
historischen Stdte und Gemeinden; Hauptplatz 3, A-8010 Graz,
Austria; eds. Hohmann, Hasso, et. el.),4 (December): 9-11.
Jayadevi, venugopal, June 2012, VASTU PURUSHA
Carl, Bovill, Volume 4 (2000), Fractal Geometry as Design Aid
UNESCO Conf. on Network for Indian Cities of Living
Heritage, 2006, Jawahar Kala Kendra, Jaipur:
25-27 Sept.; presented the case of Banaras Ghats and Old City

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 73-75
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Review of Green Building Material in India

Ms Ruchika1 and Shashank Shekhar Singh2
1 Civil Engineering Department Mahrishi Dayanand University

Environmental Engineering Department, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India

AbstractThe concept of Green Building or sustainable building

incorporates and integrates a variety of strategies during the design,
construction and operation of building projects. The use of green
Building Material is used to control the pollution level also & it
makes our Environment Pollution Free. Green Building material
helps to reduced the maintenance cost of the building & also helps
for the conservation of Energy. It is the practice of increasing
efficiency with which buildings use resources- energy, water and
materials-while reducing building impacts on human health and the
environment. The Paper covers about definition, Scope of Green
Building Materials & uses of natural resources in the Construction.
Keywords: Green Building or sustainable building Material, Merits
& Demerits of Green Building Material, Energy

Green Building Material is an ecofriendly material which
generally used to reducing building impacts on Human Health
& Environment by using Natural Resources. Green Building
Concept is adopting in various countries. In this waste has
been minimized at every stage during Construction time.
These Technologies are very beneficial and includes uses of
natural resources like Solar Energy, Rain Water Harvesting,
recycling of waste Products & can be further used in Buildings
& energy Efficient Products.
The concept of Green Building or sustainable building
incorporates and integrates a variety of strategies during the
design, construction and operation of building projects. Green
building brings together a vast array of practices, techniques,
and skills to reduce and ultimately eliminate the impacts of
buildings on the environment and human health. It often
emphasizes taking advantage of renewable resources, e.g.,
using sunlight through solar , and photovoltaic equipment,
and using plants and trees through green roofs, rain gardens,
and reduction of rainwater run-off..


Plastic: The term plastics covers a range of synthetic or semisynthetic organic condensation or polymerization products
that can be molded or extruded into objects or films or fibers.
Their name is derived from the fact that in their semi-liquid
state they are malleable, or have the property of plasticity.

Plastics vary immensely in heat tolerance, hardness, and

resiliency. Combined with this adaptability, the general
uniformity of composition and lightness of plastics ensures
their use in almost all industrial applications today.
Glass: Glass making is considered an art form as well as an
industrial process or material. Clear windows have been used
since the invention of glass to cover small openings in a
building. They provided humans with the ability to both let
light into rooms while at the same time keeping inclement
weather outside. Glass is generally made from mixtures of
sand and silicates, in a very hot fire stove called a kiln and is
very brittle. Very often additives are added to the mixture
when making to produce glass with shades of colors or various
characteristics .The use of glass in architectural buildings has
become very popular in the modern culture. Glass curtain
walls can be used to cover the entire facade of a building, or
it can be used to span over a wide roof structure in a space
Steel: Steel requires the mining of iron ore, coal, limestone,
magnesium, and other trace elements. To produce steel, iron
must first be refined from raw ore. The iron ore, together with
limestone and coke (heat-distilled coal) are loaded into a blast
furnace. Hot air and flames are used to melt the materials into
pig iron, with the impurities (slag) floating to the top of the
molten metal. Steel is produced by controlling the amount of
carbon in iron through further smelting.
Fly Ash: Fly ash offers environmental advantages, it also
improve the performance and quality of concrete. Fly ash
affects the plastic properties of concrete by concrete by
improving workability, reducing water demand, reducing
segregation and bleeding, and lowering heat of hydration. Fly
ash increases strength, reduces permeability, reduces corrosion
of reinforcing steel, increases sulphate resistance, and reduces
alkali-aggregate reaction. Provide higher strength, fly ash
continues to combine with free lime, increasing compressive
strength over time
WOOD Wood is a product of trees, and sometimes other
fibrous plants, used for construction purposes when cut or
pressed into lumber and timber, such as boards, planks and
similar materials. It is a generic building material and is used
in building just about any type of structure in most climates.

Ms Ruchika and Shashank Shekhar Singh


Wood can be very flexible under loads, keeping strength while

bending, and is incredibly strong when compressed vertically.
There are many differing qualities to the different types of
wood, even among same tree species. This means specific
species are better for various uses than others. And growing
conditions are important for deciding quality. Historically,
wood for building large structures was used in its unprocessed
form as logs. The trees were just cut to the needed length,
sometimes stripped of bark, and then notched or lashed into
place. In earlier times, and in some parts of the world, many
country homes or communities had a personal wood-lot from
which the family or community would grow and harvest trees
to build with. These lots would be tended to like a garden
Fly ash-Stone Powder-Cement Bricks:Fly ash-Stone
Powder-Cement Bricksare manufactured by mixing weighed
amount of fly ash, cement and size stone powder in a mixer
and moulded in bricks making machine.Fly Ash can be used in
the range of 40-70%. The other ingredients are lime, gypsum
(/cement), sand, stone dust/chips etc. Minimum compressive
strength (28 days) of 70 kg/cm2 can easily be achieved and
this can go upto 250 Kg/cm2 (in autoclaved type).
Advantage of these bricks over burnt clay bricks:

Lower requirement of mortar in construction

Plastering over brick can be avoided

Controlled dimensions, edges, smooth and fine finish and

can be in different colours using pigments

Cost effective, energy-efficient and environment friendly

(as avoids the use of fertile clay)

Land Fill and Landscape: Fly ash can be used as land fill by
city authorities. It can also be used for crating mounts topped
with soil growing grass in landscaping.
Green paint: Paints may have a negative impact on the indoor
air quality of a building because they may contain chemicals
called volatile organic compounds (VOC) other toxic
components that evaporate into the air and are harmful to the
health of occupants. VOC react with sunlight and nitrogen
oxide to form ground level ozone, a chemical that has
detrimental effects on human health. These problems can be
eliminated by using low VOC paints healthy occupants are
more productive and have few illness related absenteeism.
Bamboo : Bamboo is one of the most amazingly versatile and
sustainable building materials available. It grows remarkably
fast and in a wide range of climates. It is exceedingly strong
for its weight and can be used both structurally and as a finish
material. There is a long vernacular tradition to the use of
bamboo in structures in many parts of the world, especially in
more tropical climates, where it grows into larger diameter
canes One tricky aspect to the use of bamboo is in the joinery;
since its strength comes from its integral structure, it cannot be
joined with many of the traditional techniques used with


As we all are aware that the utilizations of natural resources
is not properly & the level of pollution has been increasing
day by day. Renewable resources can be replaces by the Non
renewable Resources due this the resources gets expensive
everyday. So these green Building Material not only help to
decrease the Pollution level but it also helps the proper
utilization of natural resources & make pollution free
Construction & consume energy efficient products .Adaptation
of Green Building Material is very useful for Environment &
for public health also. This techniques helps in reducing the
cost of the project & easily available material which reduce
the pollution level during the time of Construction.
Merits & Demerits of Green Building Material
1- Cost:
The construction costs are the same as a standard building and
sometime they cost a little bit more as they require special
materials to be built. However, a regular building costs wont
stop after its construction since money will always be spent on
maintenance, renovation, operation or even demolition.
This doesnt mean that green buildings wont need
maintenance, renovation, operation or even demolition as
well, but being built of natural resources all that re-doing stuff
will take ages till done as they are not damaged that fast
hence, investing in green building is 10 times more profitable
than standard ones.
2- Efficiency:
This here is divided to the following:A- Water efficiency:
Green buildings dont know the meaning of wasted, they
recycle rain water and grey water and use them for toilet
flushing for instance.
B- Energy Efficiency:
These buildings save energy more than those built out of
bricks. They only depend on all renewable energy resources
such solar power, hydro-power and wind power which are
used for heat and electricity and help improve the indoor air
C- Material Efficiency:
Green buildings are built from natural, non-toxic and recycled
materials that dont cost much and Eco-friendly such as
bamboo, straw, recycled metal or concrete..etc.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Review of Green Building Material in India

1- Location:
Since these buildings depend on sun for energy, they need to
be located in position that will have the best sun exposure
which may demand placing them opposite to other
neighborhood homes.
2- Availability:
The materials to build such buildings can be hard to find
especially in urban areas where preserving the environment is
not the peoples first option.
So shipping these materials can then cost a lot than a standard
3- No air cooling features:
These buildings run on heat to generate power, so they are not
designed for hot areas as they do not have any ventilation
systems, so air conditioners will be required which will make
these buildings anything but Eco-friendly.


Ministry of Environmental & Forest (MOEF)

Environmental Impact Assesment (EIA)

Energy Conservation Building Code(ECBC)

National Building Codes (NBC)

[1] Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India: New
Delhi, India.
[2] Environmental Impact Assesment (EIA)

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016


Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 76-77
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Generating Electricity and Production of

Ethanol using Kitchen Waste
Divyanshu Sharma1, Prakhar Srivastav2, Vedangi Dhyani3,
Preeti Chauhan4, Rima Mukherjee5 and Nishikant6

B.Tech ECE. Graphic Era University, Dehradun

B.Tech ME. Graphic Era University, Dehradun
B.Tech BioTech. Graphic Era University, Dehradun
M.SC Chemistry, SGRR PG College, Dehradun
B.Tech BioTech. Graphic Era University, Dehradun
BTECH CSE. Graphic Era University Dehradun

AbstractThe methodology of generating electricity and producing

ethanol using any sort of kitchen waste (organic) such as cooked rice,
vegetables peels, banana peels or any other liquid waste will be the
next big step towards creating the green technology. We all are
having a lot of kitchen waste in various forms, which ultimately
remains unused. In todays world where the importance of energy
and waste management is required the most, this will be one of the
most significant things, and is simply generating electricity and
producing ethanol using organic waste.
India is amongst the largest organic waste producing countries and
thus it provides commonly available input in various conformations
to be used as lignocelluloses substrate. When it comes to our homes
itself, we create almost 45% of organic waste that act as the source
for bio ethanol production from the sugars created due to different
chemical and biological treatments.
While we have already developed a portion for electricity generation
and further we are introducing a new concept of making waste a fuel
in the form of ethanol. The combined technology is structured into a
single product. Initially waste is inserted through the inlet which
performs electrolysis process using a arranged structure of zinc
copper and a membrane. The output gives electricity. And then waste
is send to other chamber using a manual operating system. Waste is
then passed through a process to convert into ethanol. The concept of
manipulation of biodegradable kitchen waste such as vegetables and
fruits peels is an eco-friendly way for the production of an alternative
source of energy. Ethanol can be regarded as the most specific
energy form which is also termed as one of the most important biofuel.

Sustainable technology is now creating a great impulsive
impact all over the world because of the declining supply of
conventional energy sources and ever increasing population
rates simultaneously. The exploitation of oil wells and price
hike in fossil fuels has attracted the government to frame
policies for the development of bio fuels.

This project is about generation of ethanol from kitchen waste

and harnessing of energy from waste food. The idea is to
manage those organic wastes and take some energy out of it.
We have a lot of kitchen waste such as rotten fruits,
vegetables, and water too and usually we throw it somewhere,
now this concept can reduce such waste and give us back
some profitable energy too. In todays world we are lacking
fuel and energy slightly and so we have to move to some
alternate solution which could be renewable as well as
sustainable. Waste management is quite important and nothing
could match up with its proper use if we can generate some
remarkable amount of energy out of that. This project tells us
about the two most important aspects which is required in
rural India currently and that is Waste Management and
energy. Our primary goal is to obtain an eco-battery that is an
Eco-friendly battery which generates electricity using any sort
of organic or kitchen waste. This battery best manages waste
as well give output as electricity. The solution then formed can
be further used as fuel by making it ethanol.
The objective of project is to fulfil the need of alternative
energy sources. Apart from this, our project aims at raising
recycling rates, increasing diversion rates and using a cost
effective option. It also aims at generating cheap electricity in
rural areas, increasing the useage of biodegradable waste in
urban areas, to reduce the inadequacy of electrical energy and
to provide fuel in form of ethanol. The fuel in the form of
ethanol can be used as a fuel as a replacement of Gasoline. So
electricity and fuel both can be obtained with one input which
is usually considered as waste. And in the urban areas it will
for sure increase the value of waste and it will be managed
properly. Also it helps getting rid of energy scarcity.

Generating Electricity and Production of Ethanol using Kitchen Waste

Material Required:

Construction & Method of Production:


Food waste Pre-treatment-saccharification-hexose



pH : 4.5 4.8
Salinity (%) : 1.5 -1.8
Alkalinity (mg/L) : 0.1 0.3
Volatile solid (g/L) : 130-138
Total solid (g/L) : 163 190
SCOD (g/L) : 62-98
TCOD (g/L) : 150-180

Research Background:
Composition of kitchen Refuse
Moisture content


Food waste is alternative substrate for ethanol production

Because of its abundant supply

Because it is potentially promising substrate
Because of its high sugar content
Because of its high concentration of salt
Cause it does not lead to resource conflict


Initially waste is inserted through the inlet which performs

electrolysis process using an arranged structure of zinc copper
and a membrane. The output gives electricity. And then waste
is send to other chamber using a manual operating system.
Waste is then passed through a process to convert into ethanol.
The concept of manipulation of biodegradable kitchen waste
such as vegetables and fruits peels is an eco-friendly way for
the production of an alternative source of energy. Ethanol can
be regarded as the most specific energy form, which is also
termed as one of the most important bio-fuel.
In country like India where population has already reached
billon, checking and managing usage of crude oil based fuels
or funding the bio fuel technology and the alternatives is the
urgent need. Such kind of technique can solve the energy
crisis and acts as a good Ethanol generation method.
Moreover, it uses the same apparatus to generate electricity
and Ethanol. In the end, it is the economical way of Ethanol
We sincerely thank Graphic Era University for providing us
the facilities and all the required experiments equipments. We
are very thankful to everyone who guide us and support us in
any possible way. Thank you to our faculty member.
[1] Bockris,
(1998).ModernElectrochemistry. New York: Plenum.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016


Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 78-83
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Analysis of Solar Power Plant Dynamics and

Megha Khatri
School of Engineering and Technology Ansal University, Gurgaon

AbstractAfter hydro and wind, the third most growing energy

sector is solar photovoltaic which converts sun light directly into
electricity. An initiative is taken by the university authorities to install
solar power plant to support the Indian governments national solar
mission. This paper is based on the analysis conducted to seek the
opportunities to improve energy efficiency and to find issues related
to the extension of power plant capacity of campus. The data for
analysis is collected manually and with the help of measuring
instruments from in house solar power plant. The power plant
dynamics is understood to find the constraints in its extension and
discussions are done on this to find the appropriate solutions. The
paper is divided into various sections highlighting the parameters
related to plant. In order to increase the plant capacity continuous
monitoring of the plant has been done to find plant efficiency and
reliability. Due to the increasing demand of power in expanding
campus, the recommendations are given to reduce the electricity

The university has introduced innovation center to promote

the multi-disciplinary education programs. In order to attain
excellence in the techno oriented society and developing an
integrated personality of a well adjusted human being. This
paper is to focus on the power needs of expanding campus. It
is divided into various sections where the first section is
introduction, the second section explains the power flow
scenario in the campus i.e. power plant dynamics, the third
section is about the energy efficiency and reliability analysis
and the methodology used to complete the process of analysis.
The fourth section gives deep understanding in to the solar
power production from the in house plant, its parameters and
discussions are done based on its expected expansion, whereas
in the last section recommendations are given to further
improve the solar power plant performance to achieve the
energy efficient environment in the campus.

Keywords: PV System, Energy Efficiency, Reliability, Load

Distribution, Rooftop Power Plant.


The legacy of the Chiranjiv Charitable Trust in the realm of
higher education goes back to 1989, when the foundation of
the Sushant School of Art and Architecture was laid by Mr.
Sushil Ansal, to address the gap in Indian architectural
education. The School was conceived with the objective
of combining traditional Indian aesthetics and modes of urban
planning with the needs of a modern cityscape. As the School
made a mark in the field of architectural education under the
guiding force of late Fellow of the Frank Lloyd Wright
Foundation, Padma Shri MM Rana, the Trust further expanded
to establish the Ansal Institute of Technology in the year 2000
that received international recognition in the field of research,
extension and global collaborations. The Sushant School of
Design was instituted a decade later and in 2012 the Sushant
Group of Institutions came under the Ansal University,
established through the legislation of the State of Haryana
under Haryana Private Universities Act 2006. The various
schools under the University, located in a sprawling campus in
the heart of Gurgaon, have carved a niche by offering the
required educational programs and providing the best faculty
and facilities to promote academic excellence.

Ansal University has taken a remarkable step to build its own

renewable energy system in year 2014, to reinforce its
commitments towards green and clean energy, environment
safety, energy efficiency and reliability. The campus is
currently powered by four distributed locations in campus
with roof top standalone power plant having 100 KW capacity
of producing DC power to meet the energy requirement of
campus and 1000lb thermal plant installed in campus hostels
to meet hot water requirements in winters. The layout of the
campus installed standalone power plant of various locations
which includes block-A, block-B, block-C, block-D, hostels
and School of Law as shown in Fig. 1. While the flat plate
fixed tilt solar modules are located at the rooftops of block- B,
block-D and hostels respectively.
According to the areas on the rooftop of the building blocks
the flat plate solar modules are installed in series and parallel
combinations called solar arrays to obtain the required amount
of power. The series and parallel connections of solar modules
are decided based on the connected load and peak power
demand. The DC power obtained from the solar arrays of
different locations is converted into consumable AC power
with the help of string inverters. The approximate conversion

Analysis of Solar Power Plant Dynamics and Reliability

is obtained by multiplying DC output power with 0.8 as

multiplication factor, keeping in mind the performance of
system being optimal with respect to the environment
conditions such as cloudy/rainy days. The consumable AC
power produced from a plant is nearly 80KW and the details
related to power production from each distributed location is
summarized in Table1.The calculations shown are done with
the data obtained manually with the help of digital measuring
instruments and from the system monitoring software installed
in the facility department of university. Assumptions are made
where the data obtained is insufficient. The monitoring
software shows the daily based energy production data, which
is obtained from the string inverters of solar photo voltaic
power plant. Sometimes due to very common problems like
ware and tear in wiring the data is collected manually. There
are six string inverters in the campus at various locations for
solar power conversion. The string inverters are used because
of lower maintenance cost (e.g. no fans of air filters), simpler
design and modularity although these are costlier than central
inverters, If in case one string inverter fails its impact is
limited to few number of arrays compare to the central
inverters which can affect the whole plant, in short it is always
advantageous to use the sting inverters for power production
of more than 5KW [1, 2]. Research in the field of solar
inverter efficiency improvement is still going.
On clear day in winters; the whole campus can be powered by
solar power plant with power saving measures but eventually
it is not. Even on normal sun shine days, the campus is self
sufficient in delivering power at peak load demand and not
affected by the frequent power outages. Other than energy
from solar, the campus is also facilitated with the power from
state distribution power grid and with a popular backup
resource diesel generator set. The diesel generator when
excessively used causes air pollution and consumes high cost
fuel. Thus we are planning to enhance the solar power plant
capacity, so that we do not require power from other means
and the power demand can be fulfilled with available green
and clean solar energy.
Therefore the main objective of this analysis is to investigate
the energy consumption and identifying the possible energy
saving methods, due to the fact that the electricity bill has
been increasing extensively compared to load added in the last
year. The challenge now is to study the system and find the
methods to make the system energy efficient, reliable and
economically viable in the face of dynamic loading conditions
The uninterrupted AC power supply for the campus utilization
is obtained from three sources i.e. from substation, standalone
off grid rooftop solar photovoltaic system and diesel generator
set. These sources are connected to common AC Bus with the
help of power flow controlling panels kept at the power house
in the campus as shown in Fig. 2. The power flow is
unidirectional, because the power produced from the solar
photovoltaic power plant is not fed to the Grid. The power


house contains monitoring and controlling units which are

used to collect the data related to plant and also detects the
faults in the power flow system whereas the flow of power can
be controlled with the help of controlling units. The important
parameter to monitor is power factor of the system because of
different units connected together to supply the same load. All
these power provider works at different power factor either
low or high, generally the power factor of solar power plant is
near 0.9 and the power factor of diesel generator set is
nearly0.85, therefore with the help of controlling units the
power factor is controlled or matched with respect to the
power factor of load to get uninterrupted power supply in the

Fig. 1: Layout of Ansal University Solar PV system

Table 1: Location Wise Solar Power Generation

Building Blocks
wise Plant
Block-D part-1
Block-D part-2
Block-D part-3
Girls Hostel
Boys Hostel

Number of


Fig. 2: Power Flow Diagram

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016


Megha Khatri




The methodology adopted for this analysis was three step

Data Collection: In this first phase, where data is collected
using different methods from different resources such as
observations, measurements and sometimes approximations
and generalizations were done. The data such as building
layout, electricity bills, load distribution data, data of nonoperational equipments etc is collected from the staff of
facility department. Data sheets are prepared by using secured
information for the analysis of power plant dynamics and
Data Analysis: The analysis of data is done building block
wise connected distributed load and taking in to account the
power flow diagram shown in Fig. 2. The evaluation of the
data is done keeping the basic parameters in mind and
representation of it is done using tables and other graphical
methods. It helps in identifying the areas where electrical
energy conservation is possible [4-6].

The DC power produced from the solar arrays and converted

into deliverable AC with the help of string inverters installed
at all the six different locations in the campus. The monitoring
of these inverters is done with the help of software and data is
collected. Thus the solar power produced from all the six
plants per month in KWh taken at Indian Standard Time (IST)
17:30 is shown below in Table 3. The pie chart personify in
Figure.3 gives insight into the maximum power consumed
from the PV system is in the month of May and minimum in
the month of December and the data obtained from the energy
meter shows the consumption of electricity.
Table 3: Average Monthly Power Production


Solar Power
Production in


Solar Power
Production in

Recommendations: Based on the results obtained from the

observations and calculations, some measures are to be taken
to save the energy consumption, without affecting the working
of solar plant. While considering the limitations of existing
system and further expandability limit of the solar
photovoltaic system and reliability of plant in the campus
various recommendations are given, which are based on the
cost, product life, saving in energy bills, replacement of
inefficient appliances and expected addition of load [7].
The system design depends on the energy requirement and
maximum peak load demand by the consumer. In our campus
total 358 flat plate solar collectors/PV modules are used, each
module having following specifications as shown in Table 2a
are installed south facing at an optimum fixed tilt of 20 degree
and the six string inverters used with the specifications shown
in Table 2b.
Table 2a: PV Module Specifications
Maximum power Pmax
Open Circuit Voltage Voc
Short Circuit Current Isc
Peak Voltage Vmp
Peak Current Imp
Max. System Voltage in DC


Table 2b: String PV Inverter Specifications

Max. Power Point Tracking
(MPPT) Voltage Range
Max. Voltage Vmax
Max. Current Imax
Fill Factor


Fig. 3: Monthly power production

The power consumed is paramount in the month of May15 as

shown above and the weather data at which the solar power
production obtained at the campus location is maximum
shown in the Table 4 below.
Table 4: Weather Data of May Month

Avg. Temp.



Avg. Solar

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Wind Speed

Analysis of Solar Power Plant Dynamics and Reliability






Whereas block wise energy consumption by the distributed

loads in killowatts is given below in Table 6. Whereas the
block-D has the highest demand for electrical energy and
canteen is equiped with minimum load having lowest
electricity demand as shown in Fig. 5.
Table 6: Building Block wise Load Distribution

The handheld wind speed meter with wheel sensor is used to

collect the wind speed data, the temperature sensors are used
to collect the average temperature of the day and the average
solar radiation data, which is highly dependent on the
geographical location, is collected using pyranometer. The
geographical location of our rooftop plant in Gurgaon is at
28.5 degree north, 77.02 degree east coordinates. The
assessment of energy consumed by whole campus in kilowatts
load wise in descending order is shown in the Table 5 and
graphically it is shown in the Fig. 4. It also shows that the
maximum electricity used in the campus is by air conditioners,
which are generally operative for six to seven months in a year
as per the geographic location of Gurgaon [8, 9]. Thus the
electricity bill in summer during these months of the year is
comparatively higher than the remaining months.

Sr. No.

Table 5: Load Distribution in Kilowatts


Type of Load
Air Conditioners
Internal and External Lights
Fridge and Geyser/Heater
Fire and Water Pumps
Kitchen and ventilation Load
Ceiling and Exhaust Fans
Computer Load
Water Coolers/Water purifier
Mechanical Workshop
Electrical and Mechanical Machine Lab.

Load (KW)

Building Block wise load distribution Load (KW)

School of Law
Mechanical Workshop
Sports Complex
Pump House



Fig. 5: Block wise load distribution


Fig. 4: Load wise power consumption

The initial cost of setting up the solar PV system was Rupees:

Sixty three lakhs inclusive all taxes, duties, supply,
installation, testing, commissioning and five year
comprehensive annual maintenance of Rooftop Solar Power
Plant. The power flow in campus is measured with the help of
a common energy meter, which has a sanctioned load capacity
of 1000KW at 0.94 power factor, whereas the accuracy of the
meter is within the permissible limits. While considering the
tariffs, the power obtained from DHBVN, Gurgaon is charged

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Megha Khatri


at the rate of Indian rupees 6.50 under two part variable tariff
scheme and the electricity produced from solar is charged at
rupees 8.62 that is under fixed rate tariff scheme, whereas the
backup diesel generator set consumes approximate yearly
diesel (as fuel) of 47,000 liters charged at rupees 49 is used to
deliver power to the seven different locations in the campus
[8]. The cumulative monthly electricity bill of all electricity
resources is calculated and the bill calculations are shown in
the Table 7 and also represented in the form of chart in Fig. 6.
Certain steps already have been taken to reduce the electricity
bill. Further the facts and statics collected in this paper
expressing the plant dynamic and reliability. While
appropriate measures to improve it are discussed in the last
section of the paper.
Table 7: Monthly expenses on electricity

Total (Rs. in




Total (Rs. in




there is common energy meter for the whole campus.

Therefore placing the dual operated sub-meters in all the
blocks would help in calculating exact power consumption per
block. There should be master switch at each floor of the
block so that the power consumed per floor per room can be
calculated. Accordingly the equipments consuming maximum
power can be identified and their working can be controlled by
providing maintenance as per the requirement or appropriate
measures can be taken to reduce the power consumption by
replacing the equipments.
For the standalone solar PV system storage batteries can be
used so that the power backup can be provided from solar
system itself. All the building blocks of campus should be
centrally connected so that monitoring of the peak load
demand can be done. As the campus is expanding and the
electricity load is likely to increase up to 600KW by next year,
energy efficient building can be design in such a way so that
maximum sun light can be used for lighting purpose. The
motion sensors can be used in the laboratories where lights
used are more in number as compare to other places in the
campus. Maintenance of machines should be done annually to
avoid excessive power consumption by heavy machines in
workshop and other mechanical laboratories such as
computerized numerical control machine, three dimensional
printers and motor operated lath machines. As per the
calculations load because of air conditioners is maximum thus
the timings for its operation should matched with the classes
to be held and serious actions should be taken to avoid the
unwanted use of it.


This work was completed with the encouragement received

from Prof. Deepak Dahiya, Dean-S.E.T. and under the
guidance Prof. N. D. Kaushika, AU Innovation center and the
support and assistance received from Mr. B. K. Jha, Facilities
department of Ansal Univesity is also appreciable.












Fig. 6: Cost Analysis (in Rupees (Lakhs)


Based on the above data analysis the conclusions obtained are
discussed one by one. A major drawback of the plant is that

[1] Aiman Roslizar, M. A. Alghoul, B. Bakhtyar, Nilofar Asim, and

K. Sopian, Annual Energy Usage Reduction and Cost Savings of
a School: End-Use Energy Analysis, The Scientific World
Journal, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, vol.2014, Aricle ID
[2] Dr. K. Umesha, Energy Analysis Report on a Technical Institute,
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 4
n. 1,Jan. - Feb. 2013, pp. 23-37.
[3] Zhang Jian, Zhang Yuchen, Chen Song, Gong Suzhou, How to
Reduce Energy Consumption by Energy Analysiss and Energy
Management, version: 12, September 2011, pp.1-5.
[4] A. Alajmi, Energy analysis of an educational building in a hot
summer climate, Energy and Buildings, vol. 47, 2012, pp. 122
[5] All India region wise generating installed capacity of power
Central authority ministry of power, Government of India.
November 2011.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Analysis of Solar Power Plant Dynamics and Reliability

[6] Annual Report, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited,

[7] Energy Analysis Team, Energy Analysis of IIT Roorkee
Campus, January 2010.
[8] Energy management and Analysis, Bureau of Energy Efficiency
[9] W. C. Turner, S. Doty, Energy Management Handbook (Sixth
Edition, CRC Press, 2007).

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016


Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 84-87
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Optimization of Storage Systems for Effective

Integration of a Wind Farm into A Power Grid
G. Ruban Ebenezer1 and C.M. Benish2
1,2SMK FOMRA Institute of Technology

AbstractThis paper presents an approach for better utilization of

wind power generated by plants taking into account the demand for
energy at specific time.Wind energy harvesting requires Complex
Control systems.A Neural networks based approach is employed to
forecast the wind power and locational marginal price at specified
time.Neural Networks based approach has been chosen to impart
modularity into the system.Neural networks are parallel computing
units which can be trained to perform non linear computations. An
Energy storage system in the form of A Flywheel is also incorporated
to solve grid integration problems and to provide financially feasible
power dispatch mechanism.LMP data can be used to determine the
quantity of energy dispatched.This can ensure profitability to the
power producers and optimally meet the power demand.The
proposed method is implemented and Verified by using MATLAB

prediction methods to give some accountability to the wind

farms. This paper deals with one such concept for making grid
interconnection of wind power plant feasible.

Keywords: Wind power forecasting, grid interconnection, energy

storage systems.

Historical data can be used to train the network and

implementation to real time applications can be done after
evalution of their performance. The predicted power value can
be used for many applications such as power dispatch
scheduling and storage system scheduling and LMP data can
be used to incorporate the aspect of profitability into a power
system. Data used for the evaluation of the WPP behaviour are
sourced from the Energy Regulatory Council Of Texas

Wind is a carbon free renewable source of electric power
which has the potential to electrify the whole world and
barring initial investments it is also a cheaper form of energy
if the impact of other farms of energy is concerned. Though
wind energy was being used primitively, the availability of
fossil fuels proved to be a roadblock in technologies
associated with wind energy.
Due to adverse environmental impacts such as the emission of
hazardous carbon based gases and the depletion of fossil fuels
has shifted the focus back to the renewable energy sources
which apart from providing cleaner energy, is essentially
inexhaustible. But wind energy conversion systems required
considerable technological innovations for harnessing and
proper utilization of the wind enrgy and wind unlike other
energy sources presented peculiar challenges which warranted
for further researches
Wind energy was approached with sceptism as the power from
the wind farms were sporadic, prone to sudden variations and
were difficult to control, making it harder for integrating these
wind farms into electric grids. Scientists over the years have
suggested and implemented various energy storage and


One among those methods is the artificial neural network
based wind power and locational marginal pricing
predictions[1]. Artificial neural networks works in a way
similar to thought of human brain wherein the process is
unknown,but a result is obtained. Neural networks are usually
trained and tested before being implemented and satisfactory
performance levels are reached by the network.

Forecasting wind power and LMP could help in ensuring grid

code compliance by making arrangements for the grid
interconnection such as penalty for power quality variations
due to sudden variations in power output.

Fig. 1: Actual and Predicted wind power

Optimization of Storage Systems for Effective Integration of a Wind Farm into A Power Grid

The neural network employed in this study was trained by

using the marqueardt-lavenberg training method and the logsig activation function was used in the study. While training a
network it is important to choose data which would represent a
typical day since changes in weather conditions would have a
impact on the training of the network. For example, while
sampling data, it should be noted that if there is a sudden
variations n the weather condition during a particular day ,it is
advisable to leave that day so that learning accuracy can be
LMP calculations are done to schedule the power dispatch to
the grid in a profitable way for the power generation


E=1/2(wmax2-wmin2) (2)
It can be understood that the energy storage of the flywheel
can be varied by varying the inertia or the speed of rotation of
the flywheel until a cetain limits above which the flywheel
mechanically breaks down.
Flywheels work based on a reference point by which the
differenc between the actual and the measured value generates
thr reference signal.
Sref = Sactual-Sref
For example ,in case of frequency regulation the difference
between actual and measured frequency is used to generate the
reference signal.

Usually, a WPP is operated along with energy storage systems
to reduce the power output variations in a power plant. A
hydro power plant and a battery storage system is the most
common confiquration of the storage devices, This
confiquration can help the grid interconnection but without
compliances with the grid codes
Grid codes are a set of conditions which are to be met by the
generating companies, distribution companies and the
consumers so as to be interconnected to an electric grid. In
case if a WPP does not comply to the grid codes, i.e., paying
penalty for the power quality services which are usually
provided by other generating companies and a power quality
problem to arise in the grid, it is universal practice to cut off
the WPP from the grid invariably to restore the grid stability
conditions. Thereby reducing the monetary benefits to the
generating companies even if there is a large demand in the
grid and the power produced is very high


By understanding the wind farm parameters, the power curve
and its geographical location, the type and size of the storage
system can be determined. Typically, flywheel based energy
storage is employed for grid interconnection applications
Flywheels are an advanced storage mechanism which can
double up a storage device as well as power quality improving
device. Flywheels store energy in the form of kinetic energy
absorbing power from the grid as well as the wind power plant
helping to ensure the stability of a power grid. By
incorporating the predicted LMP data and devising a suitable
power dispatch schedule, profitability and grid security with a
wind power plant can be ensured.
The energy stored in this device is dependent upon the speed
of rotation of flywheel
E=1/2 Jw2 (1)
The maximum energy that can be stored in the flywheel is
given by

Fiq. 2: Simplified block reprentation of the system

The system also incorporates a power conditioning system

between the flywheel system and the point of common
coupling to the grid. The interface consists of measuring
devices which measure the various quantities associated with
the system such as the wind power, locational marginal
pricing, storage system capacity and parameters associated
with the electric grid such as voltage, frequency. These
measurements are essential to provide various power quality
solutions associated with the wind power integration .There
are different possible modes of integration into a power
system. The grid interface measures various quantities and
chooses the mode of integration

Mode 1:Normal Mode: In this mode ,The operation of the grid
is considered to be stable and power supply in to the grid is
based on the locational marginal pricing.
Step 1: Check for the power produced, and LMP and grid
Step 2:Supply the power to the grid if the LMP is feasible if
not store charge in battery and flywheel operating it as
Step 3:Make sure the system parameters do not take the
system to contingency conditions and supply power
Mode 2: Emergency mode: The grid undergoes instability and
needs immediate corrective action.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

G. Ruban Ebenezer and C.M. Benish


Step 1: Check for the power produced, and LMP and grid
Step 2: Calculate the power demand Pi at a particular time Ti.
Step 3:if the demand is higher than supply, check if power
produced from wind will increase after some time Ti if so,
operate the flywheel as motor and bring about demand supply
match, if the condition comes good, stop operating the
flywheel and supply power from wind farm into the grid.
Step 4:If the condition does not improve, increase the speed of
rotation of the flywheel and improve the storage conditions, in
case vice versa, supply power from both the farm and the
battery to meet the increased demand and pricing of the power
can be done on the basis of locational marginal pricing.
This modes can provide active power control to the grid and to
improve grid wind profile after incorporation of wind energy
into the power grid and give grid code compliance ability for
the wind farm.


Fig. 5: Performance analysis

The above graphs give the simulated results for wind power
forecasting using neural networks toolbox. Similar network
can also be used for LMP calculations

The simulation of the wind power prediction using matlab ang

grid interconnection connected with the storage mechanism
can be seen in fiqure.

Fig. 6: Simulink Model of motor generator system (Flywheel)

Fig. 3: A Sample Neural network

The network can be then trained using the marquardt

lavenberg training algorithm to find out an accurately trained
neural network, error parameter mean squared error is used to
establish the differences between forecast and actual
values,for example an error of 10% during training states that
the difference between actual and forecast value is about
10%.Generally number of training iterations are increased to
improve forecast accuracy.
Fig. 7: Predicted Wind power output.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Optimization of Storage Systems for Effective Integration of a Wind Farm into A Power Grid

Then afore mentioned algorithms can then be written in the

farm of a matlab code and then be implemented using the
MATLAB software for valuation of grid code compliance.

Wind as a natures gift has great potential for provision of
electricity if not for the availability of sophisticated
technologies. Researches are being carried out for developing
methods for wind energy integration into electric power grid
and this paper provided a method for integration without
monetary losses to the power generators and the consumers by
accurate forecasting using artificial neural networks and the
concept of locational marginal pricing.
[1] . Meng Liu, Student Member, IEEE, Franklin L. Quilumba,
Member, IEEE, and Wei-Jen Lee, dispatch scheduling for a
wind farm by ann based wind and lmp forecasting and hybrid
storage systems Fellow, IEEE
[2]., Junrong Xia, Pan Zhao, Yiping Dai, Neuro fuzzy networks for
short term wind power forecasting 2010 International
Conference on Power System Technology.
[3]. Ricardo J. Bessa, Vladimiro Miranda, Fellow, IEEE, Audun
Botterud, Member,IEEE Jianhui Wang and Emil M.
Constantinescu, Time adaptive conditional kernel density
estimation for wind power forecasting, IEEE transactions on
sustainable energy.
[4 M. Jabbari ghadi, S. Hakimi gilani, A. sharifiyan, H. Afrakhteh].A
new method for wind power forecasting.IEEE 2010
[5]., Jianwu Zeng, Student Member, IEEE, and Wei Qiao, Member,
IEEE Support Vetor Machine technique for wind power
forecasting IEEE 2011
[6].,S. Fan, J. R. Liao, R. Yokoyama, L. Chen, and W.-J. Lee,
Forecasting the wind generation using a two-stage network
based on meteorological information IEEE 2009.
[7, K. Bhaskar and S. N. Singh, ].A WNN-assisted wind power
forecasting using feed-forward neural network IEEE 2012.
[8].CPUC, decision adopting energy storage procurement framework
and design program, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2013.(webpage)
[9]. Locational marginal price forecasting in deregulated electricity
markets using artificial intelligence, Proceeds of institute of
electrical energy. vol. 149, no. 5, pp. 621626, Sep. 2002
[10]. ERCOT nodal protocols. Section 6: adjustment period and realtime operations, Ercot Austin Texas
[11]., . P. Mandal, T. Senjyu, N. Urasaki, T. Funabashi, and A. K.
Srivastava A novel approach to forecast electricity price for PJM
using neural net-work and similar days method IEEE 2007

Thai-Thanh Nguyen, Hyeong-Jun Yoo and Hak-Man

Kim.Energies. A Flywheel Energy Storage System Based on a
Doubly Fed Induction Machine and Battery for Microgrid
Control. IEEE 2015
[13] Flywheels and Power System Stability Michael Breuhl, 2013

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016


Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 88-90
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Dairy Effluent: A Source for the Production of

Renu Baweja* and Anita Kapur#

Department of Biochemistry, Shivaji College

Department of Botany, Shivaji College
E-mail: *

AbstractThe current global warming crisis can be mitigated by

using renewable bio-energy. Production of Microbial Fuel is one
such example. MFC is used to convert energy stored in chemical
bonds in organic compounds to electric energy through the reactions
catalyzed by microorganisms. This application of MFC has
generated considerable interests among researchers in recent years.
MFC can also be used to treat industrial wastewater. Through our
research work, we attempt to make microbial fuel cell from the
mother dairy effluent sample by exploiting the reaction catalyzed by
the microbial population present in the sample. The cathode and
anode of MFC were prepared using activated carbon cloth
surrounded in an aluminum mesh. Glucose was used as a substrate
and methylene blue was used as a mediator. The production of
electricity was measured using a multimeter at regular intervals.
Minimum of 2.24 Voltage and maximum of 7.02 Voltage was
obtained during experimental conditions in the laboratory.

electrons are absorbed by anode and transfer to cathode

through an external circuit [6]. The transfer of electrons must
be matched by the number of protons moving between the
electrodes in order to preserve electroneutrality. As shown in
Fig. 1, the two chambers are connected via Proton Exchange
Membrane (PEM). This is a salt bridge through which protons
enters into cathode chamber where they combine with oxygen
to form water. Electric current is generated as microbes are
present in anode chamber which is also an anaerobic chamber
and hence no end-terminal acceptor or oxygen is present here

Keywords: MFCs, Bio-energy, Effluent

Water is an utmost requirement of human beings. Without
water, life is not possible. Out of the total ground water
available to humankind, only 0.29-0.49% is available in the
form of drinking water. This necessitates the treatment and
recycling of water [6]. It is not only a universal and precious
solvent but also one of the abundantly available resources in
ecosystem which can be utilized by human beings for their
day-to-day activities. Since past few years, due to the
uncontrolled population growth and intensive agricultural
activities, ground and surface water has been exploited on a
large scale. These activities finally lead to the major issues
related to the public health like poor water quality, its safety
and conservation [6].
Microbial Fuel Cell is a Bioreactor which is capable of
converting chemical energy stored in chemical compounds in
a biomass to electrical energy with the aid of microorganisms. MFCs are used to produce electricity from
renewable resources without the net carbon-di-oxide emission.
Fig. 1 shows a schematic diagram of MFC with its various
parts. It consists of an anode chamber where fuel/substrate is
being oxidized to generate electrons and protons. These

Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of a typical two

chamber Microbial Fuel Cell [6]

Many microbes have been reported to be useful biocatalyst for

the MFCs. Marine sediments; soil, fresh water sediments,
wastewater and activated sludge are all rich sources of these
types of micro-organisms [6]. During the past few years, many
different types of wastewater or effluent samples have been
used for the production of MFCs. In one of the study, water
from the Yamuna river was used to construct MFCs [1]. MFCs
have been specifically used for the treatment of Municipal
wastewater effluent also [6]. However, not much work has
been carried out for the construction of MFCs using dairy
effluent. In 2015, Rahul, construct MFC using
lactobacillus species inoculated in dairy industry effluent

Dairy Effluent: A Source for the Production of Bio-energy

sample [5]. But very less voltage has been generated through
this MFC. Through our research work, we have constructed
MFC using Mother Dairy Industrial effluent sample collected
from Mother Dairy Plant located in Delhi. The two chambers
MFC was made using Glucose as a substrate and Methylene
blue as a mediator.

2.1 Sample collection and storage
The sample was collected from Mother Dairy Plant (located at
Patparganj, Delhi) and for our study we collected inlet or
untreated effluent sample in order to get good microbial
population for MFC production. For MFC, the effluent sample
was collected in a sterile plastic container and stored at room



The working of MFC and hence the generation of electricity
depends on the reactions carried out between microbes and
organic substrates present in anode chamber [4]. The voltage
output was recorded and plottedagainst time at regular
intervals. Fig. 3 shows the graph of Voltage (V) versus Time
The graph between voltage and time shows that the initial
voltage generated in MFC was 2.24 Volt. The voltage was
recorded for 4 days after every 2 hrs. The peak was observed
at the end of the third day with the voltage of 7.02 volt. After
that there is slight but continuous decline in voltage.

2.2 Microbial Fuel Cell construction and Operation

The cathode and anode chambers of MFC were constructed
using the cost effective plastic boxes of 2Liter capacity each
available in local market. They were sealed with the sealing
clay after the addition of required effluent sample in the anode
chamber and distilled water in cathode chamber. In the anode,
the anaerobic conditions are maintained by purging with
nitrogen.NafioR117 membrane (sigma) was used as a proton
exchanger for the transfer of hydrogen ions. The cathode and
anode were made of carbon cloth which was surrounded in an
aluminium mesh. The effluent sample was put in anode
chamber which was stirred continuously using the magnetic
stir bar and operated at room temperature. Glucose at a
concentration of 3gram/liter was used as a substrate and
methylene blue was used as amediator (300M). The amount
of electricity generated was measured in the form of voltage
using a multimeter (Sanwa CD 770) at regular intervals. Fig. 2
shows the experimental set of MFC.

Fig. 3: Graph of Voltage versus Time

The voltage generated by MFC constructed in the present

work using dairy effluent is very high. One of the reasons for
this is the presence of sufficient substrate in the anode
chamber and the addition of methylene blue as a mediator.
The mediators function as an oxidizing agent for respiratory
proteins in the outer membrane of the micro-organisms and
subsequently transfer the electrons obtained at anode [2].
Therefore, these mediators shuttle between the bacteria and
anode transferring the electrons and hence increase the output.
It has been reported previously that methylene blue at a
concentration of 300M act as very efficient mediator for
MFC [2]. We have also used methylene blue at a
concentration of 300M as a mediator and added it in the
anode chamber. This result in high voltage output of MFC
prepared in our study with the dairy wastewater effluent
sample. Though, there are many reports where mediator-less
MFCs have been constructed [1,3,4] from wastewater
samples, but in our sample we have not observed the presence
of various metal ions and other components which can serve
as a mediator (result not shown). Therefore, we decided to
construct MFC in the presence of mediator for the efficient
voltage output.

Fig. 2: Experimental setup of MFC

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Renu Baweja and Anita Kapur


Through our preliminary research work, we have shown that
wastewater from dairy industry can be used for the generation
of sustainable energy using MFC. The power generation
through MFC is affected by many factors including the type of
bacteria or population of microbes present in an innoculum,
the type of substrate and its concentration, ionic strength, pH,
temperature, materials used for electrodes & PEM and other
reactor configuration [6]. We have used conventional method
for the construction of MFC. Future optimizing studies can be
attempted to improvise the power generation through MFC.
Though Microbial Fuel Technology is still in its early stage of
development but shows great promise as a new method for the
sustainable electricity generation and wastewater treatment.
Major issues to be solved for its practical application include
its cost and power output.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support
provided by University of Delhi under DU-Innovation Project
SHC-305. We are also thankful to Puru Sachan, the student
under this project for his assistance in carrying out the
experimental work and our Principal Mam for the
infrastructural support.
[1] Darshan Malik, Sunita Singha, Jayita Thakura, Raj Kishore
Singh, Anita Kapura, Shashi Nijhawan. Microbial Fuel Cell:
Harnessing Bioenergy fromYamuna Water. International Journal
of Science and Research (IJSR).ISSN (Online): 2319-7064.
Volume 3 Issue 6, June 2014
[2] ErginTaskan, Bestamin zkaya, Halil Hasar. Effect of Different
Mediator Concentrations on Power Generation in MFC Using Ti
TiO2 Electrode. International Journal of Energy Science (IJES)
Volume 4 Issue 1, February 2014 Doi:
10.14355/ijes.2014.0401.02 9
[3] Gil GC, Chang IS, Kim BH, Kim M, Jang JY, Park HS, et al.
Operational parameters affecting the performance of a
[4] Rabaey, K., G. Lissens, S.D. Siciliano and W. Verstraete, 2003. A
Microbial Fuel Cell Capable of Converting Glucose to Electricity
at High Rate and Efficiency. Biotechnol. Lett., 25: 1531-1535.
[5] Rahul etal. MFC, a novel and efficient source for dairy effluent
treatment. Abhivnav National monthly refereed journal of
research in science &technology.Volume:4, issue:2. February
[6] Zhuwei Du, Haoran Li, Tingyue Gu. A state of the art review on
microbial fuel cells: A promisingtechnology for wastewater
treatment and bioenergy. Biotechnology Advances 25 (2007) 464

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 91-94
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Development of Low Cost- flexible Dye Sensitized

Solar Cells using Polypyrrole Counter Electrodes
Radhika Velayudhan1, Garima Dwivedi2 and Ashok N. Bhaskarwar3

M.Tech, Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Delhi

Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Delhi

AbstractFlexible dye sensitized solar cells (FDSSCs) have

attracted scientific interests from researchers and companies
worldwide. Flexibility of these solar cells allow roll-to-roll mass
production, continuous manufacturing which reduces the overall
cost. The major challenge of using these substrates is that they can
only withstand temperatures up to 150C. In the present study, a low
temperature, binder-free TiO2 paste was prepared to develop a
porous photo-electrode. Polypyrrole (Ppy) nanoparticles were
synthesized and deposited on ITO/PET substrates and used as
counter electrodes. The surface morphology of the electrodes
prepared on the substrates was characterized by scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). FTIR
spectrum of polypyrrole was analyzed to study the functional groups
and confirm the presence of pure polypyrrole. Cyclic voltammetry
(CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were done
to evaluate the catalytic activity of the counter electrode and study its
electrochemical behaviour. The FDSSC exhibited a photo-conversion
efficiency of 1.03% at an illumination of 100mW/cm2. Despite a
modest efficiency, Ppy nanoparticles prove to be a good source of
alternative in FDSSCs due to their low cost, photoelectric properties
and simple techniques of preparation.

Over the last few years, there has been an increased demand
for flexible electronics as they are light weight and can be
manufactured in large scales with a reduced production cost..
Flexible DSSCs are usually based on plastic/polymer
substrates such as transparent indium tin oxide (ITO) coated
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) or polyethylene naphthalene
(PEN) plastic substrates in place of glass. These are easily
installed on buildings, flat, curved or any surface due to their
flexible nature. Flexible DSSCs are adaptable to different
shapes of surfaces and used in portable electronic devices.
Transparent conducting oxide (TCO) glass accounts for more
than half of the total cost of DSSCs [1]. So replacing these
with polymer substrates like PET or PEN reduces the material
cost of the device. The major challenge of using these
substrates is that they can only withstand temperature up to
150C. However, the working electrodes need to be sintered at
450-500 C with any TiO2 paste formulation containing
organic binders. Absence of these binders could result in
cracks in the films during sintering and thus reduces the
electrical contact between the TiO2 particles. This calls for

some modifications in the preparation of TiO2 pastes, which

are coated over PET substrates and sintered at 150C without
producing cracks and thus giving a uniform layer [2]. In the
present study, a flexible DSSC is constructed using a lowtemperature, binder free paste of TiO2 nanoparticles as the
photo-electrode material, employing Ppy nanoparticles based
counter electrode and injecting a liquid electrolyte containing
I3-/I- redox couple. Though the efficiency of the cell is far from
the state of the art values (with platinum counter electrode),
considering the fact that it employs a conducting polymer as
the counter electrode material and this very application of
polypyrrole in flexible DSSCs has not been reported
anywhere, makes the work unique. However for commercial
applications, further enhancement in conversion efficiency and
stability of the FDSSCs is required.

2.1 Fabrication of flexible porous TiO2 photo-anode
A solution containing 4 ml of t-butyl alcohol and 2 ml of DI
water is prepared, to which 1 gram of TiO2 (21nm, Degussa)
is added and mixed thoroughly by subjecting to magnetic
stirring for 24 hours, to prepare the compact layer paste for the
photo-electrode. No other additional binders were added. The
paste was coated on ITO/PET substrates by screen printing
method. This was followed by coating the electrode with a
scattering layer paste,, consisting of the same composition of
TiO2 nanoparticles (250nm), over the dried compact layer.
Prior to coating, ITO-PET (15 /sq , Sigma Aldrich) were
cleaned in a detergent solution to get rid of the dirt and
impurities . It was followed by sonicating it in acetone and
later with deionised water. The active area of the photo anode
was maintained as 0.25 cm2 (Fig. 1(a)). The electrode after
sintering (while hot) was immersed into a 0.3mM solution of
N719 in an equimolar mixture of acetonitrile and t-butyl
alcohol for 24 hours. Fig. 1(b) shows the image of the same.
2.2 Preparation of
flexible counter electrode using
polypyrrole nanoparticles
Polypyrrole nanoparticles are synthesized via micro emulsion
polymerization of pyrrole in the presence of iron (III) chloride

Radhika Velayudhan, Garima Dwivedi and Ashok N. Bhaskarwar

as the oxidant. An aqueous solution (0.08 M) of p-toluene
sulphonic acid, which is used as a dopant to increase the
conductivity of polypyrrole was prepared, to which was added
pyrrole and stirred for half an hour, followed by the addition
of 10 ml of iron (III) chloride aqueous solution, as it has been
studied as the best chemical oxidant [3,4]. The polymerization
continued for 3 hours at 0 C. The black material obtained is
filtered, washed and dried to obtain polypyrrole nanoparticles.
These particles coated on the flexible PET substrates via drop
casting (Fig. 1 (c)).
2.3 Assembly of the DSSC
Dye sensitized TiO2 photo electrode and polypyrrole based
counter electrode are sandwiched together with a hot melt
gasket (25m) inserted in between them as spacer, to seal the
flexible cell and provide channels to inject the electrolyte. The
electrolyte is a solution 0.60 M Butyl imilidazolium iodide,
0.03 M I2 , 0.10 M guanidinium thiocyanate, and 0.50 M TBP
in a mixed solvent of acetonitrile and valeonitrile. The filling
of electrolyte was done via vacuum backfilling, which will aid
in getting rid of the trapped air between the electrodes [5].

Fig. 1: The photoanode of DSSC (a) before and (b) after dipping
in the dye (c) ITO/Ppy electrode as the counter electrode (d)
Flexible DSSC after the assembly


The morphology of the electrodes were examined by scanning
electron microscopy (SEM). The catalytic activity of the
electrode was measured using cyclic voltammetry (CV). It was
carried out in a three-electrode system containing 10 mM LiI,
1 Mm I2 and 0.1M LiClO4. The scan rate was 50mVs-1.
Electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS) measurements were
obtained in order to determine the electrochemical behavior of
the flexible cell, by a potentiostat/galvanostat under a
frequency range of 10mHz to 65 kHz. J-V characteristics
were obtained under AM 1.5 simulated illumination (100 mW
cm-2) illumination as shown in the figure. The performance
parameters are evalutaed using the following equations [6]:

FF =


% =



where Jsc is the short-circuit current density (mAcm2), Voc is

the open-circuit voltage (V), Jmax (mAcm2) and Vmax (V) are
the current density and voltage at the point of maximum
power output on the plot, respectively and Pin is the incident
light power.


The morphology of the electrodes was examined by scanning
electron microscopy. In a binder free- low temperature TiO2
electrode, it is very important to ensure good electron transfer
within the TiO2 film and from the layer to the substrate. This
is ensured by looking into the bonding between the particles
and ITO/PET and the inter-connectivity between themselves
[2]. The morphology of TiO2 photo electrode subjected to
thermal treatment at 150C for 24 hours is shown in the Fig. 2
(a) using SEM. The particle to particle connectivity is good
enough resulting in a compact structure. It also shows that the
layer is quite porous in nature [7]. The surface morphology of
Ppy/ITO-PET electrode is shown in Fig. 2(b). It shows that
polypyrrole nanoparticles (150-200 nm) are deposited on the
surface of ITO-PET substrate. The surface is porous that
facilitates better performance of the electrode and hence the
cell as it promotes good contact between the electrode and the
electrolyte [8].

Fig. 2: SEM image of (a) porous TiO2 layer on ITO /PET

substrate (b) Ppy layer on PET/ITO substrate

The surface roughness was evaluated by atomic force

microscopy (Fig. 3). Root mean square (RMS) roughness of
bare ITO/PET substrate was found to be 20.8nm, which
increased after it was coated with polypyrrole nanoparticles, to
215 nm. Greater the roughness, higher is the electro catalytic
activity of the CE for the I-/I3- redox reaction which in turn
enhances the conversion efficiency of the cell [9].

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Development of Low Cost-flexible Dye Sensitized Solar Cells using Polypyrrole Counter Electrode

Fig. 3: AFM images of (a) ITO/PET substrate

(b) Ppy coated substrate

The FTIR spectrum of Ppy particles is given in Fig. 4, which

exhibits all characteristic vibrations of Ppy [3,4]. The band at
1510 cm1is attributed to C=C stretching vibrations), 1480
cm1to C-N stretching vibration, and 1291 cm1 to C-H
deformation and the band at 1155 cm1corresponding to C-H
in-plane deformation vibration.


The catalytic performance of the cell is further investigated by

performing EIS. The value of Rct was found to be 44 cm2
after fitting the Nyquist plot using an equivalent circuit, as
shown in Fig. 6, which is quite high when compared with what
has been obtained for Pt or FTO/Ppy electrodes, as per
literature. High charge transfer resistance indicates poor
catalytic ability of this flexible electrode to facilitate the
reduction of tri-iodide, which in turn will lead to poor
performance of the cell [11]. This observation is substantiated
by the results from J-V plot. The series resistance was also
higher than FTO based DSSCs, around 10 cm2. While the
value increased to 30 cm2, which adversely affects the power
conversion efficiency of the cell, as is seen later.

Fig. 6: (a) Nyquist plot of the flexible DSSC

(b) the corresponding equivalent circuit

Fig. 4: FTIR spectrum of polypyrrole nanoparticles

Fig. 5 shows the cyclic voltammogram of I3-/I- systems. It has

oxidation and reduction peaks. The peak at 0.2 V describes the
reduction of I3-to I-, that estimates the performance of the
counter electrode in the DSSC. However, the peak current
density is very low for ITO/PET- Ppy, which is apparently due
to the poor conductivity of the substrate resulting in lower
catalytic activity [10].

Fig. 5. Cyclic voltammogram of PET-ITO/Ppy electrode at a

scan rate of 50 mVs-1

The photovoltaic characteristics of the flexible DSSC

employing the Ppy counter electrode are shown in figure. 7.
The squareness of the plot increases with the fill factor, which
in turn is dependent on the series resistance of the cell. When
irradiated, the cell exhibits a Jsc of 7.86 mA cm_2, Voc of 630
mV, and a FF of 0.2, which could be attributed to larger value
of Rs, thus giving an efficiency of 1.032%. The current of this
device is very small, which could be because of relatively
weak inter particle connectivity of TiO2 nanoparticles due to
the lack of high-temperature sintering. Low fill factor of 0.2.
This could possibly be the reason for the lower efficiency of
the cell based on Ppy electrode.

Fig. 7: J-V curve of Ppy based flexible DSSC

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Radhika Velayudhan, Garima Dwivedi and Ashok N. Bhaskarwar


Flexible DSSCs are light weight and have a wide application.
They are fabricated on polymer substrates (ITO/PET), which
are limited by low temperature tolerance (maximum 150C for
PET sheets).A flexible DSSC was assembled using a low
temperature TiO2 paste and a polypyrrole based counter
electrode employing ITO/PET flexible substrates, which has
not been reported anywhere till date, to the best of our
knowledge. The nanoparticles are 150-200nm in size, exhibit
good porosity and surface roughness to carry out the reduction
reaction. Though the conversion efficiency of the cell is not
very high, this involves a very effective, low cost strategy to
fabricate platinum free flexible dye sensitized solar cells.

This research work was supported by Indian Institute of
Technology, Delhi.

Veerender, P., Saxena. V., Jha, P., Koiry.,S.P., Gusain, A.,

Samanta,S. (2012). Free-standing polypyrrole films as substratefree and Pt free counter electrodes for quasi-solid state dyesensitized soalr cells. Organic Electronics,13(12), 30323039.
[2] Yune, J. H., Karatchevtseva, I., Triani, G., Wagner, K., &
Officer, D. (2013). A study of TiO2 binder-free paste prepared
for low temperature dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of
Materials Research, 28(03), 488-496.
[3] Reung-U-Rai, A., Prom-Jun, A., Prissanaroon-Ouajai, W.,
&Ouajai, S. (2008). Synthesis of highly conductive polypyrrole
nanoparticles via microemulsion polymerization. Journal of
Metals, Materials and Minerals,18(2), 27-31.

[4] Machida, S., Miyata, S., Techagumpuch, A. (1989). Chemical

polypyrrole. Synthetic metals, 31(3), 311-318.
[5] Mathew, A., Rao, G. M., &Munichandraiah, N. (2014). Towards
fabrication of stable dye sensitized solar cells based on
acetonitrile as solvent for the redox couple. Adv. Mater. Lett., 5,
[6] Wu, J., Li, Q., Fan, L., Lan, Z., Li, P., Lin, J., Hao, S. (2008).
High-performance polypyrrole nanoparticles counter electrode
for dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Power Sources, 181(1),
[7] Yune, J. H., Karatchevtseva, I., Evans, P. J., Wagner, K., Griffith,
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TiO 2 paste for dye-sensitized solar cells. RSC Advances, 5(37),
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Improvement of adhesion of Pt-free counter electrodes for lowcost dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Photochemistry and
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[9] Chang, L. Y., Li, C. T., Li, Y. Y., Lee, C. P., Yeh, M. H., Ho, K.
C., Lin, J. J. (2015). Morphological Influence of Polypyrrole
Nanoparticles on the Performance of DyeSensitized Solar
Cells. ElectrochimicaActa, 155,
[10] Tathavadekar, M., Biswal, M., Agarkar, S., Giribabu, L., Ogale,
S. (2014). Electronically and catalytically functional carbon
cloth as a permeable and flexible counter electrode for dye
sensitized solar cell. Electrochimica Acta,123, 248-253.248
253. doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2013.12.175.
[11] Murakami, T. N., Ito, S., Wang, Q., Nazeeruddin, M. K., Bessho,
T., Cesar, I., Grtzel, M. (2006). Highly efficient dye-sensitized
solar cells based on carbon black counter electrodes. Journal of
the Electrochemical Society,153(12), A2255-A2261.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 95-98
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Techno-economic Evaluation of Grid Connected

Solar Rooftop Projects in India
Saurabh Motiwala1, Ishan Purohit2 and Amit Kumar3

TERI University
Sr. General Manager Lahmeyer Int.(Ind.)Pvt.Ltd.

AbstractThe National Solar Mission (NSM) of Government of

India (GoI) has revised its target of solar power generation capacity
from 20 GW to 100 GW by year 2022; which categorically specifies
40 GW capacity for grid connected rooftop solar (RTS) systems. With
the cumulative installed grid connected capacity of around 7 GW;
GoI has announced state wise targets for grid connected RTS
projects from year 2015-16 to 2021-22. Several states have been
given the targets of more than 3 GW viz. Maharashtra, Uttar
Pradesh, Tamil Nadu. Till date the cumulative installed capacity of
grid connected RTS projects in India have been reported as 166
MWp by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE). The grid
connected RTS projects contain several technical and financial
challenges due to its variance in capacity (few watts to MW range);
hence its techno-commercial viability critically depends on the policy
and regulatory framework. Presently, there are 25 states which have
their specific policies or regulations for promoting RTS.
In the present study an attempt has been made to present technoeconomic viability of grid connected RTS projects in India taking in
to account the locations, resource, technology, and available policy
measures along with cost aspects. The state policies have been
ranked based upon their targets, achievements, incentives etc. The
technical assessment has been carried out for 37 representative
locations (i.e. all states and UTs) of India using Meteonorm 7.0
database in PVsyst software via system sizing under the scalability
from 10 kW, 100 kW, and 500 kW up to 1 MW covering all consumer
categories. Further a financial model has been developed in order to
evaluate levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) from RTS considering
the benchmark capital cost of SECI and other sources of state
electricity regulatory commissions. The study presents a straight
forward approach for investors towards taking techno-economic
decision to implement rooftop projects in the country.

Electricity would play a pivotal for a developing country like
India which currently stands at 130th position on the Human
Development Index (HDI), 8.37% behind the developing
countries average. On one hand, it has to meet growing energy
demands of its vast population and on the other hand it has to
also minimize GHG emissions in order to combat climate
change. With its recent global agreement at COP 21, India
intends to increase the share of renewables in the electricity
mix from 14% currently to 40% by 2030 and hence reduce its
emissions. The launch of International Solar Alliance by India

and an ambitious solar target of 100 GW by 2022 clearly

highlight Indias commitment for large scale deployment of
solar projects. Recently, the MNRE has approved
development of 33 solar parks across 21 states with a
cumulative capacity of 20 GW.
The GoI has set an ambitious target of 40 GW grid connected
RTS capacity by 2022 with an expectation to grow at 86% per
year. To achieve this target, it has to take measures to build
awareness among consumers, improve financial health of
utilities, develop skilled man force, reduce investors risks and
provide adequate finance by ensuring effective policies and
regulations [1]. In November 2015, Ministry of Power (MoP),
GoI has launched UDAY Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana
scheme to revive the utilities from their financial debt while
Surya Mitra program by National Institute of Solar Energy
(NISE) aims to train 50,000 personnel for installation and
maintenance of solar projects by 2020.
The RTS in US contributes about 0.8% to the generation
capacity with more than 3 GW installed capacity in California
alone. Experts predict that China would add about 7 GW
capacity RTS in 2016. In India, the installed capacity of grid
connected RTS stands at 166 MW [2] which includes 39 MW
installations from Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI),
1.5 MW from Ministry of Railways and 11 MW from Public
Sector Undertakings (PSUs) while the MNRE estimates the
potential of solar RTS to be 124 GW. Recently, India has
commissioned the worlds largest RTS of 11.5 MW capacity
in the state of Punjab. Still, there is ambiguity among investors
regarding grid parity, long term economic viability of these
projects and to choose the best business model for RTS
installation at a particular location based upon state specific
policies/regulations. The present study attempts to address
such issues via sectoral assessment.

In order to carry out the study at national level, a cumulative
of thirty four representative locations have been selected
across India which includes state capitals and union territories

Saurabh Motiwala, Ishan Purohit and Amit Kumar

policies/regulations applicable in the above selected locations
have been reviewed and ranked for each targeted sector (not
presented here). Thirdly, a detailed solar radiation resource
assessment has been carried out for all the locations by
comparing different resolution solar radiation databases
namely Meteonorm 7.0, NASA and SWERA. The detailed
approach has been explained in resource assessment section.
Fourthly, CUF has been estimated based upon the GHI
(Global Horizontal Irradiation) values and other technical
parameters using PVsyst software which has been discussed in
the energy yield assessment section. Finally, the financial
evaluation section presents a model developed to calculate
LCOE for different consumer categories which is followed by
sections on results and discussion and way forward.

The rooftop policies in India are an amalgamation of central
and state policies. The central policies provide benefits like
CFA (Central Financial Assistance), AD (Accelerated
Depreciation) while state policies provide additional
incentives (exemption on varies duties like value added tax,
entry tax etc.) and frame regulations, pass orders to promote
the rooftop installations in India. Under NSM, GoI has allotted
5000 crore for grid connected RTS implementation during
12th five year plan. The central policy provides 30% subsidy
on benchmark cost to domestic, institutional and social sectors
and up to 70% for special category states for the same sectors
while Govt. /PSUs are eligible to receive 15-20% subsidy.
No subsidies would be granted to commercial and industrial
sectors. Contrary, GoI aims to install 20 GW RTS systems by
2022 through these sectors and has already fixed 597 MW (for
FY 2016-17) target for its channel partners. Further, 0.4 GW
capacity projects under these sectors would be supported by
$625 million soft loans from World Bank which would be
channelized through State Bank of India. Indian Renewable
Energy Development Agency Ltd. (IREDA) also finances
RTS projects of PSUs, state utilities and private companies
with minimum 1000 kWp capacity at rates ranging from 9.9%
to 10.75%. The owner of the RTS system under all categories
can also avail 80% accelerated depreciation benefit in the first
year of the installation under the central policy. The Solar
Energy Corporation of India Ltd. (SECI) has been appointed
as the implementing agency by MNRE for grid connected
RTS projects in India. SECI has successful implemented 39
MW capacity projects under 4 phases and had also invited
bids for selected states to utilize roofs of warehouses and
Central Public Works Department (CPWD) under build own
operate (BOO) and Renewable Energy Service Companies
(RESCO) business models respectively[4].
The state policies/regulations have been reviewed and ranked
based upon the rooftop policy/regulation/order issued, state
specific roof top targets and respective achievements, state
subsidy/incentives, specifications of grid integration,
eligibility for Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) and

Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) mechanism, metering

mechanism and settlement of excess units supplied to the grid.
As on March 2016, out of 29, only 16 states have announced
solar policy, while 8 states have grid connected roof top
policy, 19 states have net metering regulations and only
Haryana has passed orders to mandatory install RTS projects
on all buildings. The MNRE has proposed yearly targets for 7
years up to 2022 for all states including UTs. However, only
few states like Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttar
Pradesh have considered them in their respective policies. The
solar potential, energy consumption pattern and grid
integration issues are state specific. Therefore, the MNRE
should actively involve all stake holders (consumers, state
nodal agencies & state utilities) in a state while setting up
targets. Punjab leads the country with 26 MWp RTS
installations, followed by Gujarat with 23 MWp and
Chhattisgarh with 17 MWp. Besides, CFA from MNRE, the
states of Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Uttarakhand
have proposed additional subsidy on benchmark cost for
domestic consumers while Delhi has proposed GBI
(Generation Based Incentive) of Rs.2/kWh for all sectors. If
realized, these schemes would substantially improve the
techno economic viability of RTS projects particularly for
domestic sector.
In 26 states, the RTS projects are eligible for meeting the RPO
compliance of the state utilities. MNRE has requested the
states to meet 8% solar RPO by 2022, which does not seem
feasible observing the technical challenges of grid integration
and current financial crisis faced by the state utilities. The
Supreme Court favoring the enforcement of RPOs may
productively contribute to the target to some extent. Also,
REC framework was developed to eliminate the difference in
RE potential of a state and the RPO of its obligated entities.
The present condition of REC market is lethargic with over 17
million unsold RECs, as on May 2016.
In this context, it would be sensible for commercial and
industrial consumers with RTS projects generating more than
100 MWh/year to utilize environmental attributes as RECs
and sell the electricity component at APPC (Average Power
Purchase Cost). Countries like US and Germany has
successful adopted Feed in Tariff (FiT) mechanism in the past
to ensure rapid deployment of RE projects. In India, only
Rajasthan has opted for this policy mechanism, which raises
risks to the techno economic viability of the project over its
life, considering the rapid declining cost of PV modules.
Net metering mechanism is being emphasized by 19 states
through their regulations while its operational ability is still
arguable. Few states support both net as well gross metering
mechanisms. In net metering, the solar power generated is
consumed and excess units are supplied to the grid which is
accounted by a bi-directional/net meter and generally settled at
APPC. In gross metering, the entire power generated through
RTS systems is injected to the grid which is accounted by a
solar meter and settled at the applicable solar tariff while the

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Techno-economic Evaluation of Grid Connected Solar Rooftop Projects in India


consumer pays for the units consumed from grid at the

applicable grid tariff. Taking into account, the long term
challenges of integrating RE to the grid, net metering
mechanism is favorable for India as it is easy for consumers to
understand and state utilities to implement.

locations, Dehradun receives the highest annual GHI of

2156.1 kWh/m2 while Itanagar receives the lowest annual GHI
of 1392 kWh/m2.


The energy yield assessment has been carried out for each
selected representative location using Meteonorm 7.0 weather
database. In order to size the rooftop solar PV system multicrystalline technology has been found optimum. The solar PV
module manufactured by Canadian Solar has been selected for
energy yield estimation which is a TIER-1 manufacturer. For
10 kW capacity project string inverter of ABB is selected;
however for higher capacity the central inverter of ABB are
considered. The energy yield estimation has been carried out
using PVsyst software under fixed axis (modules tilted equator
facing and inclined near the latitude of the location) project
design approach. The associated DC and AC losses have also
been considered for assessment. The systems were sized for
four different consumer categories: 10 kW (domestic), 100
kW (institutional), 500 kW (commercial) and 1000 kW
(industrial). The annual capacity utilization factor (CUF) of
the rooftop systems under all categories for all locations has
been summarized in Table 1.

The solar radiation resource assessment forms the backbone of

detailed project report of any commercial scale project. In the
present study, the following three different databases were
analyzed viz;

NASA satellite data

SWERA satellite data

Meteonorm 7.0 time series data

The yearly values of GHI provided by all the three databases

were compared following the approach of Purohit and Purohit,
2015[3]. Since, Meteonorm 7.0 data is most widely
recommended for commercial projects, it has considered as
the base data for comparison. It has been observed that the
mean percentage error (MPE) in yearly GHI values for NASA
database varies from 0.4% to 18.9%, while the range is 0.5%
to 15.8% for SWERA database. Among the 37 representative


Table 1: Techno-economic analysis of grid connected RTS projects










(10 kW)
( /kWh)

(100 kW)
( /kWh)

Commercial (500
( /kWh)

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Industrial (1000
( /kWh)

Saurabh Motiwala, Ishan Purohit and Amit Kumar


Port Blair*












*(Locations under special category, eligible to claim 70% CFA for installations in domestic and institutional sectors)



A financial model was developed to determine LCOE from

RTS projects for different consumer categories based upon the
latest benchmark cost of SECI, Gujarat Electricity Regulatory
Commission (GERC) regulations [5], applicable state / central
subsidies and accelerated depreciation benefits. Some of the
key parameters considered; benchmark cost:
operation & maintenance cost: 1,090/kW and discount rate:

The above study has been conducted for only 34 locations in

India which could be extended to other locations as well. An
approach could be developed for financial analysis of business
models catering to different consumer categories. Moreover,
grid integration issues and its rectification measures could be
worked out in detail.


[1] Solar Rooftop Policy Coalition., Unleashing private investment

in rooftop solar in India, 2016, pp. 3-23.

Table 1 depicts the CUF and LCOE values for different

consumer categories across all representative locations. It has
been observed that CUF varies from 21.32% to 14.09% for
domestic consumers while the LCOE varies from 5.90/kWh
to 2.55/kWh. Similarly, for institutional sector CUF varies
from 20.91% to 13.56% and LCOE from
5.91/kWh to
2.63/kWh. Certainly, the techno economics of RTS projects in
domestic and institutional sector would be an alluring
investment for developers with these sectors achieving grid
parity. The commercial and industrial sectors would gradually
achieve grid parity. Based upon the policy ranking and techno
economic evaluation of all the locations, Dehradun is
recognized as the best location for RTS projects for all
consumer categories.


[2] Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE). Status of Grid

States/Uts/SECI/PSUs and other Government Agencies,
February 2016.
[3] Purohit, I. and Purohit, P., Inter-comparability of solar radiation
databases in Indian context, Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Reviews, 50, May 2015, pp. 735-747.
[4] Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI).Grid connected
Rooftop PV. (see:, last accessed on 24th May 2016)

Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission (GERC).

Determination of Tariff for Procurement of Power by
Distribution Licensees and Others from Solar Energy Projects for
the State of Gujarat, Order No.3, 2015.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 99-102
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Performance Evaluation of Green Roof

Raunak Katiyar1 and A K Chauhan2

Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology Sultanpur 228 118 (UP) INDIA


AbstractA green roof is a roof which is covered with vegetation

and soil, planted over a waterproof layer. Generally the green roofs
are used to provide insulation to a room from the surrounding
condition. The most of the population in India particularly in rural
areas are facing bad comfort condition in the room during summer,
particularly in the absence of electricity. If the green roofs are made
then the human comfort may be increased even in the less availability
of electricity. In order to check the feasibility of green roof in Eastern
Uttar Pradesh, India, an experimental study has been carried out. A
prototype of a room was fabricated with reinforced cement concrete
(RCC) roof at KNIT Sultanpur. A green roof was developed over
RCC roof in order to investigate the reduction in the inside room
temperature. The temperatures of top surface, inside roof surface,
inside air and ambient air were recorded at an interval of 15 minutes
for all the roofs. From the experiments, it is revealed that, there is a
decrease in inside temperature of the room due to green roof as
compared to RCC roof. This reduction in temperature is due to
evapotranspiration, lower thermal conductivity of green roof and low
absorptivity of white painted roof.

In the present scenario, the population of world is increasing
very fastly, especially in India; increasing rate of population is
resulting in the deterioration of our non-renewable resources
and our environment. From the last few decades, there is a lot
of variation in the climate of earth. This is due to the man
made activities such as pollution, deforestation, increasing
population load etc. all these things are contributing in the
ecological unbalance which is resulting in the global warming,
variation in the monsoon, increased global mean temperature
etc. The development activities of human being are resulting
in the uncontrolled growth in transport facilities (increased
motor vehicles) and construction of buildings. These activities
are mainly contributing in the increased CO2 emission. This
CO2 entraps the solar radiation which again results in the green
house effect. This results in the increased global mean
temperature of earth which is worsening indoor thermal
condition for human comfort. There are many ways for
maintaining the indoor thermal condition for human comfort
such as fan, desert cooler, air- conditioning equipments etc.
Thus for maintaining the thermal comfort, large amount of
electricity is required by the many countries (India is one of
them). This again results in the increased emission of CO2 due
to the burning of fossil fuel such as coal, diesel etc in the
power plants and also depletes our non-renewable energy

resources. Thus for the sustainable development, it becomes

necessary to achieve indoor thermal comfort condition by
reduction in CO2 emission along with reduction in energy
demand. This can be done by installing the P-V module for
production of electricity and green roof for thermal insulation.
Though the installation of solar panel is the best alternative
but it has large installation and maintenance cost and becomes
in-effective towards recovery of our environment as it is not
able to decrease the CO2 emission, particulates, noise pollution
etc. So the green roofs become one of the best alternative
among all possible alternatives, which not only reduces the
electrical demand but also helps in saving of our environment.

A green roof is a roof which is covered with vegetation and
soil, planted over a waterproof layer. It is formed by placing a
number of layers such as plants, growing media, filter fabric,
drainage layer, retention layer, insulation layer, root barrier,
waterproof layer and substrate one over the other. Green roofs
are of two types: intensive and extensive. The green roofs
having substrate thickness greater than 150 mm are termed as
intensive green roof while others are termed as extensive
green roof. These green roofs have many advantages such as
thermal advantages, storm water retention, decreasing noise
pollution etc. According to the Magill et al [1], thermal
advantages are mitigation of urban heat island, enhanced
thermal insulation and increased life of roof etc.
From the previous few studies it is observed that green roof
reduces the heat gain during summer, temperature of top roof
surface, inside roof surface and inside room air. Celik et al [2]
performed experimental and theoretical analysis for insulation
properties of different green roof systems. They used 12
different green roofs in which there were three species of
sedum (sedum kamtchaticum, sedum spurium and sedum
sexangulare) and four types of growing media (Arkalyte,
Pumice, Lava and Haydite) and concluded that Haydite and
sedum sexangulare combination shows the best insulation.
Wong et al [3] performed a field measurement with six
vegetation species (Heliconia, Spider lily, Ophiopogon,
Raphis Palm, Pandanus and Erythrina) They observed that the
maximum temperature of hard surface reaches around 57oC
while the maximum temperature for the bare soil surface was

Raunak Katiyar and A K Chauhan

around 42oC and the maximum surface temperature for
planted roof was not more than 36oC. They also concluded
that bare hard surface shows heat gain of 366.3 kJ/m2, bare
soil gave heat gain of 86.6 kJ/m2 while bare soil with turf
showed heat gain of 29.2 kJ/m2.
In India, if green roofs are proposed over the RCC roof then
these will reduce the electricity consumption and save the
environment. Thus in this paper an effort has been done to
investigate the feasibility of green roof in Indian climate.

over the 0.1 m thick soil layer with organic material in the
ratio of 2:1 over a plastic sheet. Measurement of
temperatures was carried out with the help of four
temperature sensors. These temperature sensors were
measuring the temperature of top surface, bottom surface,
inside air of model and ambient air.

From the literature, it has been observed that green roofs help
in the reduction of heat gain inside the building which further
reduces the temperature of top roof surface, bottom roof
surfaces and inside air of room. The place of research is
Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. The most of the population of
Sultanpur is facing bad comfort condition in the summer,
particularly in the absence of electricity which availability is
very poor in this region. If the green roofs are made in this
region then the human comfort may be increased even in the
less availability of electricity. In order to check the feasibility
of green roof in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India, an experimental
study is required. The green roof will be constructed on a
prototype of a room on the top floor of KNIT Sultanpur, Uttar
Pradesh, India.

An experimental set up has been prepared which involves
fabrication of a model of a room, preparation of green roof,
measurement of temperature. A prototype of a room was
constructed which has dimensions of 1 m 0.5 m 0.9 m
with traditional RCC roof of thickness 0.1 m as shown in Fig.
1. There are three side walls (east, west and south walls)
which are formed with lateral single brick with mixture of
cement and maurang in the ratio of 1:3 along with water. A
layer of plaster of thickness 1 cm was placed over the brick
walls with the same mixture. The traditional RCC roof layer
was formed by the mixture of cement, maurang and aggregate
in the ratio of 1:2:2 along with water while 5.8 kg of TMT
rods were used.
Following assumptions have been considered:

Heat flow is uni-directional that is heat is flowing only in

vertical direction. For this purpose, all the side walls are
insulated with the help of thermocol sheet.

Steady state heat flow that is heat is flowing steadily. In

actual practice, the heat flow is not flowing steadily as
solar radiation is varying all the time so an average of all
the temperatures have been taken from the reading of that
day during 10:00AM- 4:00PM.

In order to achieve uni-directional heat flow, all the walls

were insulated by placing a sheet of thermocol internally
as well as externally. A layer of greenery was prepared

Fig. 1: Model with thermocol covers


Temperatures of top surface (T1), inside roof surface (T2),
inside air for RCC roof (TiRCC), inside air for green roof (TiG)
and ambient air (T0) were recorded from 10:00 AM to 4:00
PM at an interval of 15 minute. For RCC roof and green roof,
the temperatures were recorded on March 1, 2 & 3, 2016 and
March 7, 9 & 10, 2016 respectively.
Fig.2 shows the variation of top roof surface temperature (T1)
with respect to the time on these days. From Fig. 2, it is
observed that, the top surface temperature was the highest in
case of RCC roof and the lowest for green roof (GR). Some of
the absorbed energy (solar radiation) by the RCC roof
convected and radiated to the atmosphere and remaining is
conducted through the roof to the room. Lazzarin et al [4] has
investigated that 25 % of the solar radiation was used to
evaporate the moisture in green roof in addition to convection,
radiation and conduction as in the case of RCC roof.
Therefore, the temperature of top surface of green roof is
lower than that of RCC roof.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Performance Evaluation of Green Roof


T1 RCC (01/03/2016)

T1 RCC (02/03/2016)

T1 RCC (03/03/2016)

T1 GR (07/03/2016)

T1 GR (09/03/2016)

T1 GR (10/03/2016)

T2 RCC (01/03/2016)

T2 RCC (02/03/2016)

T2 RCC (03/03/2016)

T2 GR (07/03/2016)

T2 GR (09/03/2016)

T2 GR (10/03/2016)



Temperature (C)


Temperature (C)







Time of day (hrs)
Fig. 3: Variation in the inside surface temperature of
roof with respect to time on respective days

Time of day (hrs)

Fig. 2: Variation in top roof surface temperature with
respect to time on respective days

The inside room temperatures (TiRCC and TiGR) are plotted with
time (Fig.4). From Fig.4, it is observed that inside
temperatures are increasing with time with nearly same rate.
The temperatures for green roof (TiGR) were lower than that
for RCC roof (TiRCC).

TiRCC (02/03/2016)

TiRCC (03/03/2016)

TiGR (07/03/2016)

TiGR (09/03/2016)

TiGR (10/03/2016)

Temperature (C)

From top surface of the roof, heat is conducted through the

roof to inside surface of the roof and then it is convected and
radiated inside the room. The variation in the inside roof
surface temperature (T2) was plotted with time for all the 6
days as shown in Fig.3. From Fig.3, it is seen that inside roof
surface temperatures (T2) were lower for green roof than that
for RCC roof. The rate of increase of temperature is very less
in case of green roof while it is very high in case of RCC roof.

TiRCC (01/03/2016)















Time of day (hrs)

Fig. 4: Variation in the inside air temperature with
respect to time on respective days

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Raunak Katiyar and A K Chauhan


The temperature is one of the parameters which must be lower

for better comfort inside the room. The inside room
temperature is mainly due to convection and radiation from
the inside surface of the roof i.e. it can be said that inside room
temperature is function of inside surface temperature of the
roof (T2). For green roof, the slopes of the inside surface
temperature (T2) with time is smaller than those for RCC roof
which indicates that in case of green roof the environment
inside the room is more comfortable than in case of RCC roof.

In this investigation, a model of room with RCC roof was
made. A green roof was developed on the RCC roof. After
recording the temperatures with RCC roof, again that were
recorded for green roof and it was observed that there is
decrease in temperature of the inside room when green roof
was present and these green roofs reduces the fluctuation in
the top roof surface temperature which increases the life of

This investigation was supported by TEQIP II, KNIT
[1] Magill J. D., Midden K., Groninger J. and Therrell Ma., A
History and Definition of Green Roof Technology with
Recommendations for Future Research, Southern Illinois
University Carbondale Open SIUC, 2011.
[2] Celik S., Morgan S., Retzlaff W. and Once O., Thermal
Insulation Performance of Green Roof System, International
Green Energy Conference-vi, 2011, 076, p. 232-238.
[3] Wong N.H., Chen Y., Ong C.L. and Sia A., Investigation of
Thermal Benefits of Rooftop Garden in the Tropical
Environment, Building and Environment 38, 2003, p. 261-270.
[4] Lazzarin R.M., Castellotti F. and Busato F., Experimental
Measurements and Numerical Modeling of a Green Roof,
Energy and Buildings 37, 2005,p.1260-1267.

From this experiment it is advisable to develop green roof on

the upper surface of the RCC roof to maintain the lower
temperature inside the room which is one of the parameters
required for comfort environment.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 103-107
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Hazard Identification of Geological Storage of Co2

for Production of Methane from
Permafrost Gas Reserves
Karri Srinivas Anish1*, Sukamanchi Venkatesh2 and Goli Sai Rahul3

B.Tech Mechanical Engineering K L University, Guntur


AbstractThe tendency of gas hydrates to dissociate and release

methane, which can be a hazard, is the same characteristic that
research and development efforts strive to enhance so that methane
can be produced. The potential rewards of releasing methane from
gas hydrate fields must be balanced with the risks. Most methane
hydrate deposits are located in seafloor sediments. That means
drilling rigs must be able to reach down through more than 1,600
feet (500 meters) of water and then, because hydrates are generally
located far underground, another several thousand feet before they
can begin extraction. Even if you can situate a rig safely, methane
hydrate is unstable once it's removed from the high pressures and
low temperatures of the deep sea. Methane begins to escape even as
it's being transported to the surface. Unless there's a way to prevent
this leakage of natural gas, extraction won't be efficient. The
extraction of methane from natural gas hydrates while
simultaneously storing carbon dioxide in them seems to be a
promising approach to solve both problems at the same time. The
objective of this paper is to identify the possible risks in production of
methane gas from permafrost regions is studied in Both aspects of
risk and benefit as well as the balance are very important in
understanding the feasibility of CO2 geological storage at specified
situation of enhanced recovery of gas hydrates. Where the methane
could be extracted and transported safely and efficiently.
Keywords: Crystalline, permafrost, production, geological, storage,

Earths huge deposits of natural gas hydrates hold the promise
of gathering the worlds natural gas requirements far into the
21st century if they can be tapped. Currently they are at most
excellent sub economic supply, but understanding of even a
little part of their potential would afford an extremely
important innovative source of natural gas to assemble future
energy along with environmental necessities. In addition to
rich minerals, there are huge amounts of methane hydrate
underneath the sea floor. Several countries hope to develop to
Independent of energy imports by extraction of marine gas
hydrate deposits near their own coasts. The technology for

production is not yet available. Moreover, the risks to climate

steadiness and hazards to marine habitats linked with
extraction of the methane hydrates must be clarified first.
Equal aspects of risk as well as advantage and the balance are
extremely important in understanding the feasibility of CO2
geological storage at particular condition. Present there is a
gigantic amount of gas trapped in gas hydrate deposits
worldwide. The estimates vary but it is supposed to facilitate
the quantity of carbon in hydrates is double the size of the
carbon equivalent of all conventional fossil fuel deposits in the
world [Kvenvolden et al (1988)]. The overall energy demand
is anticipated to rise by one third as of 2011 to 2035 by means
of an estimated 48% increase in natural gas utilization [IEA
(2013)]. Due to the predicted rise in global energy utilization,
gas hydrates have achieved increased attention from the last
decade with esteem to create a potential future energy source
[Graue et al (2014)]. More than a few methods have been
planned in regards to gas recovery from gas hydrates. This
includes thermal stimulation, chemical/inhibitor injection and
depressurization wherever the future is the mainly promising
[Sloan (2008)]. A further recent recovery technique is based
on exchanging the CH4 molecules in hydrates by means of
CO2 molecules [Ebinuma (1993)]. This recovery method had
consequently gained improved awareness in the last decade
where the recovery of CH4 and the next CO2 sequestration
may eventually result in a carbon neutral energy source. There
has been wide research on the CO2-CH4 exchange method for
extraction of natural gas from gas hydrates.
1.1. Physical properties of methane
Methane (CH4) may be a colorless, odorless, combustible gas
that smolders for a faintly blue fire. "Natural gas," utilized by
numerous North Americans to warming furthermore cooking,
may be essential methane (>90%). Those 'gas odor' is from an
included substance there about that gas breaks might be
distinguished. Hazardous mixtures of methane for air hold
between 5 - 14 % methane. Mixtures holding more than 14%
smolder without blast.


Karri Srinivas Anish, Sukamanchi Venkatesh and Goli Sai Rahul

1.2. Physical properties of Carbon dioxide

visualizes the subsurface structure eventually Tom's perusing

method for reflected acoustic signs .The seafloor indicators are
stamped towards a white/black reflection, which implies that
those subsurface volume is harder over the volume over. To
acoustic terms, that acoustic impedance (the result about
medium thickness and speed about sound) beneath that
seafloor in the silt is higher over those impedance of the water
section. Clinched alongside contrast, the bottom simulating
reflector (BSR) may be denoted towards a black/white
reflection demonstrating potentially secondary hydrate
impedance over gas filled sediments for low impedance.
Likewise the determination of the seismic picture will be
constrained Eventually Tom's perusing those seismic sourball
data transfer capacity and concerning illustration the physical
parameters describing those seismic subsurface reaction need
aid recurrence dependent, various surveys with separate
procurement parameters need aid required should acquire all
the more finish information of the silt parameters [D.
Klaeschen et al (2004)].Seismic measuring arrays would
created of a callous source for example, air weapons (usually
An dozen or A greater amount of them), Also moving or
stationary receivers those reflected heartless waves give
acceptable a 2D picture of a cut through the earths surface.
The heartless waves head out through those water section and
back Likewise layering or waves, speaking to the verthandi
movement through the different materials [R. A. Duncan et al

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a boring and unscented gas

fundamental will an aggregation for world. Carbon dioxide
exists over Earth's climate concerning illustration a follow gas
in centralization from claiming regarding 0.04 percent (400
ppm) by volume. Characteristic sources incorporate
volcanoes, hot springs also geysers, What's more it will be
liberated from carbonate rocks by disintegration for water and
acids. As a result carbon dioxide may be dissolvable clinched
alongside water, it happens commonly on groundwater,
streams and lakes, on ice caps also glaciers and likewise for
seawater. It will be display in stores of petroleum Furthermore
characteristic gas.
1.3. Estimation of methane in gas hydrates (m3):
The table below provides a decade of estimates of natural gas
hydrates in the permafrost and oceanic regions. All of the
estimates of natural gas hydrates are not well defined, and as a
result somewhat approximate. It appears though that the most
recent estimates made by independent investigators through
different technique are converging on very huge values of gas
reserves in the hydrated form and indicate their enormous
energy potential [Kvenvolden et al (1998)].Indicated that the
10000 Giga tonnes or 1.8*106 m3 of CO2 in hydrates might
surpass the available CO2 in the global carbon cycle.
Permafrost (Volumes in m3)

Marine(Volumes in m3)


Gas hydrate reliable zone, abbreviated as GHSZ, Likewise
alluded should similarly as methane hydrate solidness zone
(MHSZ) or hydrate solidness zone (HSZ), alludes on a zone
Furthermore profundity of the marine earth during which
methane clathrates characteristically exist in the earth's
outside. Gas hydrate Strength principally relies upon
temperature also pressure, not withstanding different variables
for example, such that gas creation and ionic impurities for
water impact solidness limits. [Keith et al (1993)] the presence
and profundity of a hydrate store will be often shown towards
the vicinity of a bottom simulating reflector (BSR).The bottom
simulating reflector is an seismic reflection demonstrating
those more level utmost from claiming hydrate Strength
previously, sediments because of those separate densities from
claiming hydrate immersed sediments.[MacKay et al(1994)].
2.1. Seismic Detection Methods for hydrate bearing
The vicinity for gas hydrates clinched alongside seaward
mainland edges need been inferred primarily starting with
seismic preparing strategies. Seismic image transforming


Gas hydrates are a important hazard for drilling as well as
production operations [Timothy S. Collett et al(2002)]. Gas
hydrate Production is hazardous in itself, and for predictable
oil and gas actions that leave wells along with pipelines into
permafrost or marine sediments. For actions in permafrost,
two general types of problems have been identified as
uncontrolled gas releases during drilling and damage to well
casing during and after installation of a well. Related troubles
might occur during offshore drilling into gas hydrate bearing
marine sediments.

Figure explains the faults while extracting gas. This describes

landslide disaster

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Hazard Identification of Geological Storage of Co2 for Production of Methane from Permafrost Gas Reserves
Offshore drilling operation that disturb gas hydrate bearing
sediments could break or disrupt the foundation sediments as
well as compromise the wellbore, pipelines, rig supports, and
extra equipment occupied in oil and gas Production from the
seafloor[ George J et al(2006)].
3.1. Environmentalists warn of risk in extracting gas from
methane hydrate
The trillions of cubic feet of methane hydrates are available in
the ocean's floor are in geologically unbalanced regions. The
fear of extracting is one incorrect move and an underwater
landslide could send huge amounts of a particularly strong
greenhouse gas to the ocean's floor and into the atmosphere.
Tapping methane hydrate for natural gas may have an
optimistic impact on global energy making, but critics say the
potential fuel resource could have a negative impact on global
warming."Accumulating more amount of methane to the
environment is a really bad idea," said Kert Davies, research
director at Greenpeace. Even though methane remains in the
environment for a lesser time than carbon dioxide, "Rupee for
rupee, the relative impact of methane on climate change is
over 20 times better than carbon dioxide over a 100 year
term," according to the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Japan, the country making the mainly destructive push into
methane hydrate growth, will focus its efforts on
comparatively flat stretches of the seafloor off its coast. That
will reduce the probability of a landslide, according to the
Research Consortium for Methane Hydrate Resources in
Japan, a group with council from government agencies and


Hydrate bearing sediments would penetrated through a
progress to weight also temperature might happen and result in
the hydrates should get weak [Khabibullin et al (2006)].
Whether 1 m3 about methane hydrate dissociate, it will
generate 164 m3 methane gas. The point when a volume
transform in that happen it will bring about a kick or done
most exceedingly bad instance situation a blow out. In the
shallow depths the place gas hydrates as a rule are
encountered, those blow out preventer (BOP) riser, choke and
execute lines would typically not introduced [Amodu, a. A et
al (2008)]. Hydrate separation arrangement might make issues
for wellbore strength moreover subsurface equipment. Gas
hydrates may also aggravate encountered at more staggering
depths the purpose when the individuals would in addition
riser might acquainted. Supplies around surface In
accumulation subsurface might extra exhibited with hazard in
this chance for light of the fast grow secured close by volume
will incorporate a tremendous strain on the supplies[Amodu,
An. A et al (2008)]. Wellbore reliability because of hydrate
separation will be basically created toward two issues would
when those hydrates separate in the wellbore, the boring mud
will background a diminishment in thickness also a progress


clinched alongside rheology because of broken down gas.

Those including sediments may experience a development to
permanganic destructive and diminishing of nature.
[Khabibullin et al (2006)].
4.1. Did hydrates cause hazard in deep water horizon?
The individual semi submersible rig deepwater horizon
encountered gas release also a following impact at 21:49 hours
central duration of the time on the 12th for April 2010 [rogers
(2010)]. The individuals, Triumph struck them the purpose at
infiltrating an exploratory incredible again. Those Macando
Bield in the Gulf for Mexico throughout 1500 meters of sea
profundity. There were 126 persons endeavouring on the rig in
the people off chance at of the accident, done to the extent that
eleven persons lost. A champion around the workers
motivations of the incident Throughout Deepwater horizon
Halliburton performed that bond Specific occupation [jones j
(2010)]. Precisely 20 hours at the individuals accident,
security might bring been pumped down the individuals great
on set bundling. [shoe gren 2012]. The quality for gas hydrates
in the formation, heading them ought to melt. An extra will a
chance to be that liquefying to Hydrates the sum around
infiltrating settled on wide holes in the well, something
comparative to that that the side of the side of the point those
purpose The point when security might bring been pumped, it
might be not necessary for expansion will security the workers
total packaging set up. Throughout that point of view prompt a
gas kick outside those casing [Schwartz (2010)]. Gas hydrates
thus relied upon a accurate a piece in the disappointment over
recognizing the oil spill for infiltrating of the moving high
4.2. Drilling techniques to help prevent problems with
4.2.1. Managed pressure drilling:
Managed pressure drilling contains a unique appliance. It is a
drilling process used to control the pressure profile for the
well bore. Managed pressure drilling techniques may avoid
formation in flux by ascertaining the weights in the well bore
inside the environment limits. It allows or faster corrective
action. Concerning illustration it may include organize of back
pressure fluid density.
4.2.2. Slim and Insulated Marine Riser:
Drilling in deep sea and cold water, there is a need for
insulated risers. Slimmer riser means the returns will have
higher velocity. When drilling through hydrate bearing
sediments there will be less time for heat transfer to warm the
returns, which again minimizes the dissociation of hydrates.
4.2.3. Drilling with casing:
The formation might be rather fragile and the wellbore should
be cased as quickly as possible. A one trip drilling system that
carries casing with it and the possibility for fast cementing

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016


Karri Srinivas Anish, Sukamanchi Venkatesh and Goli Sai Rahul

could be the answer. Drilling with casing solves this. Instead

of drill pipe, casing is used and cemented in place as soon as
the section is drilled. This protects wellbore from the
formation and Hydrate bearing sediments and prevents influx.

cubic meters of gas. Huge volumes are also likely there in

muddy system, mainly in connection with chimney structures,
other than the lack of any possible production come near for
such deposits resources that these sources cannot at present be
measured as a part of the rectifiable resource floor. The unique
technique for enhanced extraction of gas hydrates is planned,
based on the mechanism of CO2-CH4 substitution in the
extraction of gas from gas hydrates. A variety of kinds of
profit of geological carbon storage studied with ocean and also
atmospheric discharge can be easily implicit in the scientific
feature of global surroundings and the economical aspects.
Equal aspects of risk as well as benefit and the stability are
very significant in accepting the feasibility of CO2 geological
storage at particular condition. The assessment of risks
affected by carbon capture and storage would be hardly
undertaken, due to some difficulties in shaping the end point
and parameters for estimating environmental and individual
risks. In order to attain clear risk authority for any
stakeholders, it is needed to extend the common support for
facilitating to fully communicate between any stakeholders.


For a lengthy time the risks connected with methane hydrate
mining were doubtful. At present there is well known
consensus that drilling is responsible for neither tsunamis nor
leaks in sea floor sediments through which huge amounts of
climate harmful methane could run away into the ocean and
the environment.
5.1. Panic of disasters
In present existence there is potentially harmful impact of
methane hydrate mining on the marine location and weather
has been a source of heated question in professional circles.
Concerns have been articulated that extracting the hydrates
could discharge huge quantity of methane into the
environment. In this occasion the penalty would be disastrous.
As methane is a greenhouse gas about 20 times extra effective
than carbon dioxide. A few scientists have claimed that such a
better release of methane from the oceans could hurry climate
change. The opportunity that hydrate mining might generate
submarine landslides on sharp continental slopes and
avalanches in mountain regions, submarine landslides are
normal events. They occur on continental limits where thick
layers of soft sediment have accumulate, such as near river

terrestrial Biota
Marine Dissolved Materials
Terrestrial Soil

5.2. In onshore permafrost region:

Such methane hydrate reserves are found in regions that they
contain only approximately 1percent of the overall volume of
the globe. Their impact on the weather would be equally
irrelevant. In the majority of these regions the deposits are
located at depths of more than 300 meters. Scientists trust that
global warming would, at most, reason the higher layers of
methane hydrate to melt. This method is expected to take
some thousand years. Deposits at lowest point of about 20
meters would be much more responsive to Global warming.

Almost two decades of drilling along with coring program
have decided that gas hydrates take place in large volumes in
nature. But, the structure in which these resources take place
varies generally, mostly influenced by the environment of the
enclosing sediment. As of those variations which contain gas
hydrate absorption, burial depth, and many other factors only a
division of the global in place source is potentially in principle
recoverable during the application of identified innovations.
This separation consists mainly of gas hydrates housed in sand
rich sediments. Overall reserve volume in sand reservoirs
remains as badly forced as the global in place estimates, but
may be lying on the order of 285 to more than 1400 trillion

Fossil Fuel



Carbon in Giga Tonnes

The bar graph compares the carbon in hydrates with the
sources of other global carbon cycle

This research was supported by K.L. University who provided
expertise that greatly assisted the research. We have to express
our appreciation to the Manoj Kumar Guddala (HOD
petroleum engineering K.L. University) for sharing their
pearls of wisdom with us during the course of this research.
We are also immensely grateful to our references for their
comments on earlier versions of the manuscript. Finally, I
sincerely thank to my parents, family, and friends, who
provide the advices.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Hazard Identification of Geological Storage of Co2 for Production of Methane from Permafrost Gas Reserves

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[2] IEA, World Energy Outlook. International Energy Agency. 2013.
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by CO2 Replacement - Review of Lab Experiments and Field
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[6] Kvenvolden, Keith (1993). "Gas Hydrates: Geological Perspective
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[7]MacKay, Mary; Jarrard, Richard; Westbrook, Graham;
Hyndman, Roy (May 1994). "Origin of bottom simulating
reflectors: Geophysical evidence from the Cascadia accretionary
prism" (PDF). Geology 22: 459462. doi:10.1130/00917613(1994)022<0459:oobsrg>;2.
[8].D. Klaeschen, M. Zillmer, and J. Bialas, IFM-GEOMAR Report
[9].R. A. Duncan, H.C. Larsen, J. F. Allan, et al., Proceedings of the
Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Report164, Ocean Drilling
Program, College Station, Tex, USA, 1996.
[10].Timothy S. Collett and Scott R. Dallimore, Detailed analysis of
gas hydrate induced drilling and production hazards,
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Gas
Hydrates, Yokohama, Japan, April 19-23, 2002
[11]. George J. Moridis and Michael B. Kowalsky, Geomechanical
implications of thermal stresses on hydrate-bearing sediments,


Fire in the Ice, Methane Hydrate R&D Program Newsletter,

Winter 2006.
[12]. Amodu, A. A., Drilling through gas hydrate formations:
possible problems and suggested solutions, MS thesis, Texas
A&M University, Texas, Houston (August 2008).
[13] Khabibullin, T., Falcone, G. and Teodoriu, C., Drilling
Through Gas Hydrate Sediments: Managing Wellbore Stability
Risks, SPE-131332, June 2006.
[14] .Amodu, A. A., Drilling through gas hydrate formations:
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Through Gas Hydrate Sediments:Managing Wellbore Stability
2006. MS.
[16] .Rogers, S.,BP oil spill: the official Deepwater Horizon disaster
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[20] Kvenvolden,K.A, Methane Hydrate A Major reservoir of

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 108-114
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Energy Savings by Installation of Solar Panels:

A Mathematical Model
M.K.P. Naik1 and S.K. Sharma2

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering IIT(BHU),Varanasi


AbstractIn this Research paper mathematical model was

developed to install the Solar panels and new star rating appliances
for saving of energy. For this the roof top was installed with the
different types of solar panels and old appliances like Ac,
Refrigerators was replaced with new technology star rated
appliances. Water heater was replaced with the solar water heater,
normal bulbs with led bulbs and normal glasses with Double glazed
glasses for the windows and doors, the decision of installation which
appliances at what cost was decided by using the linear
programming. The data which was used for the calculation was
collected from the dealers and some E-commerce websites. This
model was applied to the two story building for analysis purpose. The
budget was increased up to Rs2000000 the installation of solar
panels was feasible choice. The results shows the replacing of old
appliances with star rated appliances feasible when budget increases
above 2000000 and in the case study of hospital the budget was
feasible Rs 3500000 for long time investments.

Source: MNRE,GoI; CEA statacics

Global solar of 177GW and india 11th with 3.3 GW.

After the china, USA and Russia, India is the largest Energy
Consumer.[2] But Today, India is the fifth largest energy
consumer in the world. While the world consumes 12000
million tonnes of oil equivalent (mtoe) of energy resources,
India consumes 4.4% of the world total (524.2 mtoe). Global
consumption of primary commercial energy (coal, oil &
natural gas, nuclear and major hydro) has grown at a rate of

To Reduce the Energy consumption and to save the Energy

many Studies are Done by using different methods like
Reduction of Energy Consumption using Modern Electronic
System a study was done by Srabana (Pramanik & Tanmoy
Chakraborty etl).[x] This paper has studied the role of air
conditioning and lighting system in consumption of electricity
of the faculty room (25 x 30) belongs to Electrical
Engineering Department, Kalyani Government Engineering
College and suggests the reduction of energy consumption.
The reduction of energy consumption is a challenging job
without curtailing the facilities. It is an endeavour to optimize
the consumption utilizing the modern electronic system and
similar study also done by Oum Kumari. R, Dipti [6]It has
been from her Research work figured it out that most of the
households are really not aware about the problems related to
power and they are least bothered to conserve it.

Over the last decade. In India, the growth rate of demand is

around 6.8%, while the supply is expected to increase at a
compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of only 1%.[3] The
total primary energy consumption from crude oil (29.45%),
natural gas (7.7%), coal (54.5%), nuclear energy (1.26%),
hydroelectricity (5.0%), wind power, biomass electricity and
solar power is 595 Mtoe in the year 2013[4].By the end of
March 2015 as per MNRE CEA Statistics, the total installed
capacity of 263.66 GW and RE capacity of 34.35 GW [5]

To reduce power consumption R,Dipti was given a steps In the

first step people should be primarily be Aware of regarding
energy conservation techniques. Because of cheaper in cost of
people are preferring the inefficient appliances than efficient
one, to encounter this tax reduction and Subsidies are really
help to promote the star rating appliances. And some Energy
and also the Construction of green buildings have great impact
in saving of energy. Similarly There have been a number of
previous studies done on electricity consumptions like Fisher

India is the world's second most populous country after
the People's Republic of China. India occupies 2.4 percent of
the world's land surface area and is home to 17.5 percent of
the world's population [1], for the developing countries like
India the efficient use of energy is important.

Energy Savings by Installation of Solar Panels: A Mathematical Model

and Kayson (1962) [7] from there studies the electricity
consumption of USA, Residential electricity demand is direct
proptional to the stock of appliances. Similar study by the
Wilson [8] and Anderson [9] by using the cross sectional data
between the household characteristics and price of electricity
on the household consumption they concluded that price is the
major determinate of electricity consumption. And a study by
Parti and Parti in 1980 [10] by using regression analysis to
disaggregate the total household consumption into appliancewise consumption. In his doctoral thesis, Reddy in 1990[11]
by using three different approaches on the residential
electricity demand in the capital of Karnataka(Bangalore): He
recognized that the appliance stock and appliance census
approaches explained the end-use consumption of electricity
much better than the engineering approach.
In power consumption offices and the retail sector are the
most demanding energy consumers in the non-domestic
building sector and it is over 50% of energy usage was for
non-domestic buildings [13] the major electrical consumption
in the buildings surveyed was for lighting, air-conditioning,
plug loads and hot water [14].Most of the power consumed
was by the office buildings for Reduce power consumption the
optimal operation of office buildings is essential, this can be
done by the robust energy monitoring and energy auditing
However there have been studies that analysed electricity
consumption in different buildings. However, most of the
studies are done by using the monthly electricity bills because
of lack of the technology development. [15]. The analysis
done on the office buildings the results are different from the
each other because of their different in terms of their design,
construction, occupancy and activity which makes more
difficult to analysis from each other. [16].
Developing and under-developed countries can either prepare
their own norms or use international norms to evaluate the
energy performance of buildings [17]
In the office most of energy consumption of Room was due to
the glassed windows there have been several studies on the
energy efficiency and cost analysis of different windows units.
Sekhar et al. [18] presented a study in 1998; in his study he
compared the different type of glasses for the energy
performances and life cycle costs of the smart window
[18].similarly a study of Bojic et al. [19] In high-rise
residential buildings in Hong Kong in hot and humid climates
for investigation the energy performances of multiple-glazing
units And Karlsson et al. [20] published a study in 2001 in
which they further developed a simple model for the annual
energy balance of windows. To add this In 2004, etiner et al.
[21] suggested an approach for evaluating energy and
economic efficiency using different single- and double-glazing
facade configurations in an office block. Gugliermetti et al.
[22], in 2005, investigated the effect of reversible windows on
the energy performance of a building. The investigated
window was a double-glazing unit, where one layer is


absorptive glass and the other is clear glass. Urbikain et al.

[23] presented a study in 2009 in which the heating loads and
energy savings of a residential building with different types of
windows were obtained in three different ways. First, the
energy lost through the window was evaluated, considering
only the climatic conditions. Second, the window was
evaluated by taking the energy used for the heating system,
taking the climate and the type of building into account.
Finally, different cases were simulated using TRNSYS16 and
Know a days to generate energy Renewable sources are
preferring in which solar energy is the most preferred because
of the from the past few years the unit cost of Renewable
energy was falling down there is a feature predicting that it
will decreases, because the day to day the efficiency of solar
panels are increasing, the Indian government also providing a
subsides on the solar panel installation.
This research paper was discuss the new approaches to save
the Energy efficacy by installing the New star rated appliances
for this lingo program is used to solve the set of linear
Equations. By using the set of constraints like Area, Budget,
and no of appliances.
For this ABC analysis was done on the used appliances and
figured it out the most energy consuming appliances those are
replaced with star rated appliances.
ABC analysis: ABC analysis divides an inventory into three
categories- "A items" with very tight control, "B items" with
less tightly controlled, and "C items" with the simplest
ABC analysis was used to differentiate the appliances which
are most energy consuming , moderate and less consuming.
There is no fixed edge for each class, different percentage can
be applied based on objective and criteria. ABC Analysis is
similar to the Pareto principle in that the 'A' items will
typically account for a large proportion of the overall value
but a small percentage of number of items[24]
Example of ABC class are

A items 20% of the items accounts for 70% of the

annual consumption.

B items - 30% of the items accounts for 25% of the

annual consumption

C items - 50% of the items accounts for 5% of the

annual consumption.

LINGO : is a comprehensive tool designed to make building

and solving Linear, Nonlinear ,Quadratic, Quadratically
Constrained, Second order cone, Semi-Definite, Stochastic
and integer optimization models faster, easier and more

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

M.K.P. Naik and S.K. Sharma




For the case study of the building the total no of electrical

appliances used are considered and those are energy
consumption was converted to the yearly and those are
classified by using the ABC analysis the most energy
consuming appliances which comes under the category of A
was considered for the analysis the details of the appliances
which are using in the blinding are shown in the table 1:

The linear model which was created was solved by using the
lingo program by using the constraints like as mentioned

For the calculation of the power requirement of the washing

machine and some instruments the which are not continuously
used for that adjusted power requirement was calculated by
using the formula as

P adjusted=

Where the actual energy consumption was optioned from the

manufacturer websites

Table 1: classification of Appliances



Room Heater
Air cooler
Water pump
Battery charger
Table lamp
Table fan
Water heater


No. of
Applianc wattage(kw n depends on





















Eg, Energy saved by replacing 1m2 normal glasses with double

glazed window. W
Esi, Electricity produced by installing solar panel of model i,
Ep, Energy saved due to replacement of incandescent bulbs
with led bulbs, W
Eri, Energy saved by replacing old refrigerant with new
Refrigerant i th star rated ac.
Ewi, Electricity saved by installing solar water heater panel of
model i, W
Cg, Cost of 1m2 double glazed windows.
Csi, Cost of solar panel of model i,

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Energy Savings by Installation of Solar Panels: A Mathematical Model

Cp, Cost of led bulb,

The Details of the solar photovoltaic modules & cost of the

modules are optioned from the solar panel Dealer in Varanasi
is shown in table2:


Cri, Cost of refrigerator of i star rated model.

Cwi, Cost of solar water heater of model i,

Table 3: Details of solar photovoltaic modules

X,yi,,z,r,p,t are non-negative



Area in mm2


4 X 80Wp




2 X 255Wp




3 X 255Wp




4 X 255Wp



x, double-glazed window area

yi, the number of I th type photovoltaic solar panel to be
z, number of incandescent light bulbs to be replaced with CFL

1 if old ac is replaced with the new

star rated ac
0 otherwise



This Research paper used linear programming technique for

optimizing the allocation of budget to improve the energy
savings in buildings in India. All the data regarding costs are
collected from the local sources and from the internet. Know a
days the buildings are constructed most of them are multistorey apartments; we selected two-floor building for the case
study. And it was assumed that single owner of the complete
building because of it is easy to calculate energy savings for
each house hold when it is compared with the multi
households. And the total area of the roof top of buildings was
known so that for the installation of solar plates can be done
with in the available area. The windows area should be known
so that the normal glass can be replaced with the double
glazed windows. In our case study The building has two halls,
eight rooms and four bath rooms. For lighting of rooms
Sixteen100-w incandescent light bulbs are used.
Table 2: Details of a building
Total area available on roof,m2
Total windows area,m2
Total no of rooms(The building has two
halls, eight rooms and four bath rooms)
Lighting requirement


Cost and energy savings:

In this case study the following methods are chosen to
improve the energy conservation in a household.


Installing solar photovoltaic modules

Replacing normal glass with Double glazed windows
Replacing incandescent bulbs with led bulbs
Replacing normal appliances with star rating appliances.

The cost of the double-glazed window per m were obtained

from the local manufacturer website [26].in Double glazed
windows the thickness of the air will be changed as per
Requirement and company standards of supply in this study it
considered as the 10 mm and glass thick ness of 3 mm. the
cost of the double glazed windows and installation cost was
approximated Rs 650 per square feet. The energy calculation
was done by considering the both conductive and convective
heat transfer mechanism, radiation was neglected the
performed calculations are given below:
1 1

d glass , thick ness of the glass in m.

k glass, thermal conductivity of glass layer, w/(m c)
d air, thick ness of the air, m
k air , thermal conductivity of air layer, w/(mc)
Q reg : heat transfer flux through the regular window.
Q dg: heat transfer flux through the double glazed window
Q save: energy saved by installing double glazed window.
C dg : combine cost of double glazed window & installation
The average temperature of the Varanasi was considered as
the 35C this data was optioned from the local websites. [27].
For the living purpose the room the temperature was
considered as the 22C, the heat transfer coefficient and
thermal conductivity was gathered from the available
The cost of the led bulbs are optioned from the online
company website.[29] the power consumption by the led bulbs
are 20w , where the incandescent bulbs will consume 100w
the power savings was approximately equal to the 80w, the
cost of the each led bulb was approximately Rs90.
The price & Energy consumed annually of the refrigerator,
AC and solar water heater was optioned from the companys

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

M.K.P. Naik and S.K. Sharma

websites [30][31] [32][33]. For the replacing old Ac &
Refrigerator was replaced by the new star rating ac the details
was mentioned in tables are shown in the table 4, Table 5&
table 6.

Table 6: Details of the solar water heaters

Kwh for year
Solar Cost Dimensions In mm
150 Lit 25,500 10 Feet X 3048*1060
Width 3.5
250 Lit 35,000 10 Feet X 3048*2280
Width 7.5
300 Lit 45,000 Length 10 3048*3650
Width 12
65,000 Length 10 F 3048*4520 3692.33
X Width 15

Table 4: Star Rating and Energy consumed annually for

250 liter, frost-free refrigerator.
2014 star
Energy saving
Cost of
with installed
one(760.41)in in
in w
(in kWh)
Table 5: Star ratings and savings comparison for a 2tonne AC
Energy Cost Energy
Star Consumed savings with savings of AC savings
in a
in W
month (in one(672.00) installed
(in kWh)
one for
(in kwh)
298.68 38990 68.15068


















in W


By using the above technical data and price the linear program
was solved by using the different budget the results was
shown in the table 7& table 8
Si: solar module of type Ti.
Ri: No of normal refrigerators replaced with the star rating of
refrigerator i,
Ai: No of normal Ac replaced with the Star rating of ac, i.
G: area of the normal glass replaced with double glazed glass
B: No of normal bulbs replaced with LED.
Hi: No of solar water heater installed on roof top of model i

Table 7: Low budget with respective Energy savings

R3 R4 R5 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 H1 H2









































Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Energy Savings by Installation of Solar Panels: A Mathematical Model







Table 8: Budget with respective Energy savings

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 H1 H2














By installing the solar plates and changing the appliances

according to the available budget the energy was saved in
watts is shown above the table by using the saved energy
which was convert into the yearly savings and multiple by the










unit cost we will get the savings per year in this calculations
the cost of unit was assumed to be Rs4, and the energy savings
for a year was shown in the below tables9 for the less
investment and table10 for the high investment

Table 9: Income expected to generate with years for high investment


2nd year
in 1st year

3rd year

4th year

5th year

6th year

7th year

8th year

9th year












Table 10: Income expected to generate with years for less investment

1st year

2nd year

3rd year

4th year

5th year

6th year

7th year

8th year

9th year


After analyzing the data the budget 3500000 was optimal
decision point to investment. Because after that investment of
money was not profitable the energy savings was saturated at
that point. For the optimum budget we have to install s1 model
solar plates 40 nos should be installed and 5 star rating
refrigerators two and 5 star rating ac 4 and
Water heater of model 2 with one number, bulb 15 and
complete normal glass area should be replaced with double
glazed glass.

Future scope:
In this Research paper calculation of income the unit cost of
electricity was fixed by making the unit cost variable the
results will be accurate.
The efficiency of the appliances assumed to be constant for
all years. By considering these two new variables a set of
equations can me made which gives the accurate results.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

M.K.P. Naik and S.K. Sharma


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Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 115-120
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Investigation of Performance and Emission

Characteristics of a Dual Fuel Compression
Ignition Engine Using Sugarcane Bagasse and
Carpentry Waste Producer Gas as an
Induced Fuel
Harmanpreet Singh1, S.K. Mohapatra2 and Mandeep Singh Kaler3

PG Research Scholar (MED) Thapar University, Patiala-147004

(MED) Thapar University, Patiala-147004
AbstractDue to ever increasing use of fixed heavy duty diesel
engines, for various electrical and mechanical energy needs, the
concentrations of GHGs and air pollutants such as NOx, etc. are
increasing at a high rate. These emission characteristics usually
deteriorate with the increase in the operational hours. When these
engines are fired with a waste derived gas called as producer gas,
obtained by the gasification of the carbonaceous dry biomass, a
significant reduction in the concentrations of the pollutants such as
NOx, SOx, etc. is observed. Such an investigation was carried out, in
which the producer gas was prepared in a downdraft gasifier at a
flowrate of 5.07Nm3/Hr. A venturi type spray tower was used to
remove the tar from the gas followed by two charcoal filters to ensure
an ultra pure gas supply. A 3.5 kW, single cylinder, modified dual
fuel compression ignition engine was fired with blends of diesel and
the producer gas derived from sugarcane bagasse and carpentry
waste at a constant speed of 15005 RPM. The investigation was
carried out at a constant compression ratio of 16.The modified dual
fuel compression ignition engine showed a smooth working at all
load values in dual fuel as well as pilot fuel mode. In the
investigation, it was observed that on dual fuel mode, a maximum of
51% of diesel was replaced by the producer gas, with a slight
reduction in the net power output. This power loss to a great extent
was compensated by the significant improvement in the emission
characteristics of the engine. There was a maximum reduction of
~71% in the NOx emissions. A significant reduction in the exhaust
gas temperature has also been reported in the present work.

At present, the world as a whole is facing a threat of depletion
of the conventional fuels. These fuels due to their high heating
values are used in almost all small and large scale industries in
various forms. Instead of their high heating values, these fuels
are also associated with numerous harmful effects in the form
of high carbon footprints and deadly air, soil and water
pollutants. The pollutants include GHGs (Green House Gases)

such as CO, CO2, CH4 etc., ash, particulates, etc. In order to

overcome the threat of depletion of these conventional fuel
resources, the world is now fastly turning on to some
advanced renewable energy resources such as solar energy,
wind energy, hydel energy, etc. In such case, biomass appears
to be a promising renewable energy resource, which is
available in a large amount in most of the agriculture based
countries at an exceptionally low cost in comparison to the
conventional fuels [1]. Farmers in such countries are day by
day getting aware of the energy potential of biomass and most
of the use the biomass efficiently and effectively without
producing any carbon footprint or air pollution. There are
various biomass to energy conversion techniques, which
produce various more compatible products such as Bio-oil
from pyrolysis, producer gas from gasification, bio-diesel
from esterification, Bio-gas from anaerobic digestion, Bioethanol from fermentation. The carbon conversion efficiency
of these processes ranges from 70% to even 90%. [2] Talking
about the present work progress in the gasification area,
though most the investigations are carried out using wood and
other abundantly materials as raw materials, yet not much
work is reported on the use of sugarcane bagasse as a raw
Most of the villages and the regions located far from the
electric grid in the developing countries such as India,
experience the shortage of electric energy due to the heavy
losses associated with the transmission of electricity to a far
off distance. [3] In such regions, to meet the energy needs,
rural electrification by means of various small energy
generating devices serves a good purpose. For electricity
generation in such regions, fixed heavy diesel engines are
used. These engines are quite robust and also consume a high
quantity of conventional fuel. [4] After long hours of

Harmanpreet Singh, S.K. Mohapatra and Mandeep Singh Kaler

operation, these engines show a significant polluting
characteristics such as a large increase in the NOx levels than
the normal specified limit. Apart from NOx, other pollutants
such as soot particles, CO, HC etc also tend to increase with
the time of operation of these engines. Out of all the
pollutants, NOx are the most important and the least bothered
one. NOx emissions are responsible for various deadly effects
in human beings and other living organisms. The various
oxides of nitrogen are washed down to the earth in the form of
poisonous acids called as acid rain. [5]
As discussed earlier, biomass is available in plenty amount in
all the agriculture based countries, so due to the high
efficiency and low operational cost of biomass gasification, it
has become a popular technique used these days. This
technique finds its application in fixed or mobile IC engines,
furnaces, gas turbines, for the drying of cereals and beverages
like tea, coffee, etc., crematories, etc. [6] In IC engines, there
is a term called the dual fuel engine, which is a specifically
modified form of an IC engine, so that it could work using
blends of two different fuels, at least one of which is gaseous
in nature. Previous work done by some researchers has
reported that when the engine is run on the on dual fuel mode,
the gaseous fuel is able to replace a significant amount of
conventional fuel and a maximum replacement of 70% has
been reported. On dual fuel mode, there is a slight reduction in
the power output of the engine due to the lower heating value
of the gas. [7] Although a requisite amount of work can be
found in the performance characteristics of the dual fuel
engine, but the area of analysis of the emission characteristics
of the dual fuel engine is still lagging behind.
Keeping mind the gaps in the previous literature, following
objectives were made and are reported in the present work.

the combustion chamber and at the outlet, reduced products

are obtained as discussed earlier. This process is carried out at
a temperature of ~950oC. It found that, for the best results, the
permissible moisture content in the raw material should be
<20%. In such case, maximum range of calorific value is
4500-5000 kJ/Nm3. [8] The gasification process is divided into
the following four parts/zones:
2.1 Drying zone:
As the name suggests, it the zone, where excessive moisture
gets dried off. The temperature of this zone is ~120oC. Due to
this, some of the volatile components such as low boiling
hydrocarbons, etc. get evaporated along with the moisture. No
chemical reaction takes place in this zone.[9]
2.2 Pyrolysis zone:
It is the necessary step in all the thermochemical processes, in
which the carbonaceous matter is converted into some
upgraded products. In this zone, some fraction of the raw
material gets thermally broken. The temperature of this zone
ranges from 220oC to 250oC. The raw material gets converted
into volatile components such as CO2, CH4, CO and variety of
2.3 Combustion zone:
The pyrolyzed raw material now shifts to the combustion
zone, where actual combustion takes place, but in a limited
supply of air. Partially and fully combusted products such as
CO, CO2, CH4, along with some hydrocarbons are formed in
this zone. The temperature of this zone is 850oC to 900oC. [11]
2.4 Reduction zone:
In this zone, the actual gasification of the biomass takes place.
All the compounds such as CO, CO2, CH4, etc are reduced to
CO, CO2 and H2. In this zone, mainly four types of reactions
are observed, these are: Boudouard reaction, methanation
reaction, steam reforming reaction and water-gas reaction.

Use of sugarcane bagasse and carpentry waste for

producer gas production.

To use the prepared producer gas as a secondary/induced

fuel in the DFCI engine.

Investigation of performance characteristics of the DFCI



Investigation of the emission characteristics of the DFCI


3.1 Fuel Collection

The present work reports an investigation of the performance

and the emission characteristics of the DFCI engine

Gasification is a thermochemical process in which the carbon
content of the raw material gets converted into partially
combusted products such as CO, H2, CH4, CO2 etc. along with
a mixture of some complex compounds called as tar. In
gasification, the raw materials as wood, forestry waste,
agricultural residue, sewage sludge, etc. are burned in a very
low supply of air, which creates a reducing type atmosphere in

Fuel used for production of producer gas was sugarcane

bagasse. It was collected from a local juice bar owner as it was
just a waste for him. At the time of collection, a large amount
of moisture was present in it. So, it was sun-dried for one
week. After drying, it was chopped down into small pieces of
size 15mm. The chopped sample was stored in bags for
further use. Another biomass fuel selected was wooden chips.
It was collected from a carpenter shop. It had a maximum size
of 10mm. It was ready to use. The sugarcane bagasse and the
carpentry waste were mixed in a ratio of 2:3.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Investigation of Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Dual Fuel Compression Ignition Engine Using
Sugarcane Bagasse and Carpentry Waste Producer Gas as an Induced Fuel


Table 1: Proximate analysis, calorific value, size and moisture

specifications of the raw materials
Volatile matter (%)
Moisture (%)
Fixed carbon (%)
Ash (%)
CV (kJ/kg)
Size (before processing)

Sugarcane bagasse
Fibers of length <
Size (after processing)
1mm to 25mm
Moisture (before sun
Moisture (after sun

Carpentry waste
5 20 mm
5 20 mm

3.2 Gasifier system

In the present investigation, a downdraft biomass gasifier was
used. Following are the specifications of the gasifier system in
accordance to catalogue the supplied by the manufacturer:
Table 2: Specifications of gasifier system
Gasifier Make

Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Gasifier model
Gasifier Type
Downdraft with a throat.
Number of air inlets
Permissible moisture content <20%
Gas flow rate
25 Nm3/hr (Maximum)
Thermal output
30.21 kW
Typical gas composition
CO = 192%, CH4 4%, H2 =
182%, CO2 = 104%, N2 =
C.V. of the producer gas 4393.2 kJ/Nm3 5439.2 kJ/Nm3
Fuel Consumption
8-10 kg/hr

Fig. 1: Downdraft gasifier system coupled to the

gas cleaning system
The ultra clean gas was sent into the DFCI engine with the
help of a gas carburetor. The schematic diagram of the gas
carburetor is shown in Fig. 2.

This downdraft gasifier system was further coupled to a gas

cleaning system, which consisted of the following:

Scrubber: For cleaning and cooling of the producer gas

Secondary filter: For removal of the soot particles and

excessive moisture.

Safety filter: to ensure the ultra clean supply of the

producer gas.
Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of the gas carburetor
3.3 DFCI engine setup
In the experimental investigation, a four stroke, single cylinder
engine was used. The complete specifications of the modified
DFCI (Dual Fuel Compression Ignition) engine are
represented in table 2.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Harmanpreet Singh, S.K. Mohapatra and Mandeep Singh Kaler

Table 3: Specifications of the DFCI engine setup

Engine make & model
Engine type

Kirloskar AV-1
VCRE (Variable Compression
Ratio (CI) Engine)
553 cc
3.5 kW at 1500 RPM
12 -18
Eddy current type

Capacity of the engine
Maximum power
Connecting rod length
Compression ratio

The engine was water cooled so the water supply was opened
before starting the engine. Water flow rate of 250 LPH and 75
LPH was supplied to the engine water jacket and the
calorimeter. The compression ratio of the engine was fixed at
16 and the loads on the engine were varied from 2 kg to 12 kg.
Air and gas flow rates were measured using two different
flowmeters having an orifice of diameter 20 mm and 15.31
mm. The maximum flow rate of the producer gas for the
sustainable engine running was 5.07 Nm3/hr..










Brake power Diesel mode

Brake power Dual fuel mode

Fig. 4: Variation of brake power with respect to load

It is observed that there is an almost linear increase in the
brake power with an increase in percentage of load. Due to the
low C.V. of the gas, there was a slight reduction in the brake
power of the engine. At medium values of load, there was the
least reduction in the brake power. The maximum brake power
produced by the engine was 2.75 kW at the dual fuel mode
where as at pilot fuel mode, the maximum brake power of 3.49
kW was produced.
Fuel consumption
Fig. 5 shows the corresponding replacement of the diesel fuel
with the introduction of mixture of producer gas and air.

In this investigation, it was assumed that the volumetric

efficiency of the engine remains the same as in the diesel fuel
mode operation The engine was tested for performance and
emission characteristics on the following two modes:

Single fuel mode: operation of the engine on diesel as on

and the only fuel.

Dual fuel mode: operation of the engine using diesel as

the pilot fuel, whereas the producer gas the induced fuel.


Diesel fuel consumption cc/min

Fig. 3: DFCI engine setup







Diesel mode AVG.

Dual fuel mode AVG.

Performance characteristics
Fig. 5 Fuel consumption variation with respect to load

Brake Power
Fig. 4 shows the respective increase in brake power with
respect to increase in the load on the engine.

There is a significant decrease in the conventional fuel

consumption due to the use of producer gas. In diesel mode,
the fuel consumption shows a linear trend. In dual fuel mode,

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Investigation of Performance and Emission Characteristics of a Dual Fuel Compression Ignition Engine Using
Sugarcane Bagasse and Carpentry Waste Producer Gas as an Induced Fuel

Specific fuel consumption

Fig. 6 shows the BSFC of the engine with respect to the load
variations. A decreasing trend of BSFC is observed on both
the modes of operation. A sudden decrease in the BSFC at
33% load was observed on dual fuel mode operation,
whereas a regular decreasing trend is followed at the higher







Diesel mode AVG.

Dual mode AVG.

Fig. 7 Variation of Exhaust gas temperature with load variation


The first one is that due to the air deficient atmosphere, lesser
amount of fuel gets actually burnt, due to this lesser heat is
generated, so the exhaust gas is less hotter in comparison to
the exhaust gas in the pilot fuel mode. The second reason is
that the producer gas is a low C.V. gas, due to which relatively
low heat is generated, which cause the exhaust gas to get less

NOx emissions








Diesel mode AVG.

Dual fuel mode AVG.

Fig. 6: Trends for SFC with respect to load

When the load on the engine increases, there is a
corresponding increase in the brake power output of the
engine, due to which the SFC shows a decreasing trend with
load increase. The BSFC at the dual fuel mode is higher in
comparison to the diesel mode due to the low C.V. of the
producer gas.
Emission Characteristics
Exhaust gas temperature
The exhaust gas temperature shows an increasing trend in both
the cases. This due to the reason that at higher loads, more fuel
is injected into the cylinder, which produces a more amount of
heat and hence the exhaust gas becomes hotter with an
increase in the load on the engine. On dual fuel mode,
relatively lower exhaust gas temperature is observed at all load
values in comparison to the pilot fuel mode. Two reasons
support this trend.

The NOx emissions show an almost linear trend and the NOx
concentration in exhaust increases in both the cases but with
different slopes. In case of pilot fuel mode, it is observed that
the engine emits a greater amount of NOx as compared to the
dual fuel mode. The above stated reasons are responsible for
this trend also. The concentration of NOx emissions depends
on the temperature of the combustion chamber. As discussed
earlier, lesser amount of heat is generated in the combustion
chamber, so lesser concentrations of NOx are found in the
exhaust gas. The present work reports, a maximum reduction
of 71% in the NOx emission.
NOx (ppm)


Specific fuel consumption (kg/kWh)


Exhaust temperature

at lower loads, a lesser replacement of the conventional fuel is

noted, in comparison to the higher loads. There is an increase
in the gaseous fuel consumption due to the relatively lower
CV of the gaseous fuel. A maximum of 51% of the
conventional fuel replacement is reported on the dual fuel







Load AVG.
Diesel mode

Dual fuel mode AVG.

Fig. 8 NOx emission with respect to load.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Harmanpreet Singh, S.K. Mohapatra and Mandeep Singh Kaler


HC emissions
On pilot fuel mode, the engine shows relatively lower HC
emissions as compared to the dual fuel mode. The
hydrocarbon emissions follow an increasing trend in both the
modes and almost same slope is observed in both the cases.
The engine used for the experimental analysis had a constant
volumetric efficiency, i.e. it could inhale a specific quantity of
gaseous fluid at all the times. The gaseous fluid can be the
only air (pilot fuel mode) or mixture of air and producer gas
(dual fuel mode).








Diesel mode AVG.

Dual fuel mode AVG.

Fig. 9: HC emissions with respect to load variations

On dual fuel mode, an air deficient atmosphere is created in
the combustion chamber or it can be said that the engine is
now supplied with rich fuel mixture. This causes an
incomplete combustion of the fuel due lack of air/oxygen in
the combustion chamber. So, some part of the fuel comes out
uncombusted or partially combusted.

From the physical observations, it is concluded that the engine
shows a smooth and sustained working. From the analysed
results, the following is concluded:

Dual fuelling with the gasification derived producer gas is

a good concept of generating valuable energy from a

Valuable conventional fuel can be significantly replaced

using gasifier-dual fuel engine system.

At present the engine showed an increased concentration

of HC but, a slight modification in the injection system
can make the system better in terms of emission

Dual fuel operation results in a decrease of 51% fuel

consumption, 71% NOx emissions as well as the exhaust
gas temperature.

The gasifier-dual fuel engine system will be a popular

energy generation system in the coming years.

[1] Arthur R, Baidoo MF, Antwi E. Biogas as a potential renewable
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[4] McKendry P. Energy production from biomass (part 3):
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[5] Wang H, Wang L, Shahbazi A. Life cycle assessment of fast
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[6] Asadullah M. Biomass gasification gas cleaning for downstream
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[7] Banapurmath NR, Tewari PG. Comparative performance studies
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[8] Tinaut F V., Melgar A, Prez JF, Horrillo A. Effect of biomass
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[9] Olgun H, Ozdogan S, Yinesor G. Results with a bench scale
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[10] Jaojaruek K, Jarungthammachote S, Gratuito MKB,
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downdraft gasification for an improved producer gas quality
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[11] Machin EB, Pedroso DT, Proenza N, Silveira JL, Conti L, Braga
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[12] Babu B V., Sheth PN. Modeling and simulation of reduction
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factor. Energy Conversion and Management 2006;47:260211.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 121-126
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Novel Investigation of Combustion and Noise

Characteristics of Biomass Derived Producer
Gas Fired Modified Dual Fuel Compression
Ignition Engine
Mandeep Singh Kaler1, S.K. Mohapatra2 and Harmanpreet Singh3

PG Research Scholar (MED) Thapar University, Patiala-147004

Head & Sr. Professor (MED) Thapar University, Patiala-147004

AbstractThe heavy duty diesel engines are a good alternative for

various electrical and mechanical energy requirements in the rural
and off grid regions. Due the robust nature of these engines, these
are also associated with a significant noise, which originates from
various sources in the engine. The noise is associated with the robust
engine parts, such as orifices at the intake and the exhaust of the
engine, turbochargers, superchargers, combustion chamber, etc. Due
to a random expansion and compression of air/exhaust gases in these
parts, sound waves are generated. There is another aspect known as
the fast depletion of the conventional fuels, which has attracted the
world as a whole towards the use biofuels such as biogas, bio-oil,
biodiesel, producer gas, etc. in these conventional IC engines. It is
observed in most of the cases that these heavy duty engines show
enhanced performance in terms of fuel combustion and the emission
characteristics. Meanwhile, a different trend is observed in the case
of noise characteristics of these engines. A novel experimental
investigation was carried to observe the relation between the
combustion characteristics and the noise radiations of a producer
gas and diesel fired dual fuel compression ignition engine. This
engine produced 3.5 kW of mechanical power at 15005 RPM. The
engine was tested for noise investigation on both pilot fuel mode as
well as dual fuel mode. The dual fuel mode operation shows a
significant increase in the cylinder pressure in comparison to the
pilot fuel mode operation. Due to this increase in the cylinder
pressure, a slight increase of 3.4 dB in the noise characteristics of the
dual fuel engine was observed. The maximum noise of 92.1 dB was
observed at ~80% load. This noise was further suppressed to 91.7 dB
at 100% load.

The population in almost every country is increasing at a high
pace. In order to provide adequate resources the whole
population, the resource providers are now shifting on some
more efficient and preferably renewable resources. For
example, in the electricity generation department, emphasis is
laid on the use of large resources of biomass, which is
available freely or at an exceptionally low cost. Talking about
the electricity generation, there is an aspect known as rural

electrification. It is a better and an efficient technique to

provide electric energy to the off grid regions or the regions
which are located very far from the transmission grid. [1] In
order to fulfil the purpose of rural electrification, heavy duty
CI engines are used, which are very robust. The issue of fast
depletion of the conventional fuels is a great threat to these
generation devices. In order to make these engines more fuel
efficient and less polluting, charging devices such as
supercharger, turbocharger, EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation),
etc. are used. These devices contain a lot of orifices, where
random compression as well as expansion of air/exhaust gas
takes place. Due to this compression and expansion of the air/
exhaust gas, sound waves are formed, which are one of the
various sources of noise in the CI engine. [2]
1.1 Dual fuel engines
As the name suggests, a dual fuel engine is the one, which
uses two types of fuels, out of which, one of the fuel is
gaseous in nature and the other is the liquid one. In many
cases, both the fuels are gaseous in nature, but at least one of
the fuels is gaseous in nature. [3] At the time of the world war
I, infrastructure was developed enough to generate a
significant amount of natural gas. Due to lack of developer
resources, its use was limited to household purposes, or in
some of the steel industries. But due to certain circumstances,
it found its application in the dual fuel engine. Nowadays, due
to its non polluting nature, it's highly recommended to run
both light and heavy vehicles on natural gas, as far as possible
in the highly populated cities. Although the gaseous fuels such
as LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), Natural gas, etc. require a
high compression ratio, yet they have enough self ignition
temperature, that the combustion is self sustained in most of
the cases. [4] Those cases, in which the combustion doesnt
take place at its own, are initially ignited by a conventional
fuel and the engine run on the gas fuel afterwards. Due to the
robust nature and heavy duty of diesel engines, these can be

Mandeep Singh Kaler, S.K. Mohapatra and Harmanpreet Singh


easily run on various liquid fuels and even crude oil. Due to
the high compression ratio of the diesel engine, the dual fuel
engine is preferred to be made out by modifying existing
diesel engines. At both the dual fuel mode as well as the single
fuel mode, the diesel engines respond very quickly to the
variations in the load, speed as well as to the change in the
supply and the nature of the fuel. [5]
1.1.1. Working principle: The dual fuel engine works on
diesel cycle. The gaseous fuel (primary fuel) is added to the
air inducted by the engines or supplied by the supercharger
at a pressure slightly above the atmospheric pressure. A
mixture of air and gaseous fuel is compressed in the cylinder
just like air in fuel normal diesel operation. Some point in
the compression stroke, near top dead center (TDC) a small
charge of liquid fuel called pilot fuel (secondary fuel) is
injected through a conventional diesel fuel system. This pilot
fuel injection acts as a source of injection. The gas-air
mixture in the vicinity of the injected spray ignites at a
number of places establishing a number of flame fronts.
Thus, combustion starts smoothly and rapidly. [6]
In a dual fuel engine the combustion starts in a fashion
similar to the compression ignition engine, but it propagates
by flame fronts, in a manner similar to the spark ignition
engines. The power output of the engine is normally
controlled by changing the amount of primary gaseous fuel
added to inlet manifold. The pilot oil quantity is usually kept
constant for a given engine and is about 5 to 7 percent of the
total heat of the engine at full load. Dual fuel engine is capable
of running on either gas or diesel oil or a combination of these
two over a wide range of temperature ratios. [7]
1.1.2. Factors affecting combustion in a dual fuel engine: A
large number of factors affect the combustion in a dual fuel
engine. Among them the important ones are:
Pilot fuel quantity: Ignition in dual fuel engine
occurs in an envelope enclosing the pilot spray and then
propagates to the rest of the charge. The pilot fuel undergoes
pre combustion reactions and releases thermal energy which
increases the temperature of the gaseous fuel and a flame
front is developed. If the amount of pilot fuel is increased
more energy will be available to the gaseous fuel and the
combustion would be very rapid resulting in an increase in
the maximum rate of pressure rise. Therefore a large
quantity of pilot fuel will result in knocking because of very
rapid rates of pressure rise. This could be stopped by
injecting lesser fuel quantity. [8]
Injection timing: The normal injection timing is within 20
to 16o BDC. Advancing the injection timing results in higher
maximum cylinder pressure and knocking occurs at a leaner
mixture. Retarding the injection timing reduces the ignition
delay, but despite this reduced ignition delay the combustion
starts only after TDC. This reduces the maximum rate of
pressure rise and also the efficiency of the engine as part of
the expansion stroke is lost without giving any useful power

output. However the overall effect of the injection timing is

not very high except that at a slightly retarded timing there is
some improvement in the efficiency, but the rate of pressure
rise also increases making the engine more near to knocking
condition. [6]
Effect of cetane number of pilot fuel: With increase in the
cetane number of pilot fuel the rate of pressure rise near the
knock limit is slightly reduced. Thus a slight increase in the
mixture strength is allowed near the knock limit. However,
the power output is not improved. The use of low cetane
number fuels results in poor performance of the engine and
greatly affects the combustion. In general the ignition
quality of the pilot fuel has little effect on the combustion in
dual fuel engines as compared to the ignition quality of the
primary fuel. [9]
Effect of type of gaseous fuels: The knock limited output of
the dual fuel engine is greatly dependent on the type of
gaseous fuel used. As already stated the power output of a
dual fuel engine varies logarithmically with the reciprocal of
the absolute inlet temperature of all hydrocarbon fuels, but
varies linearly with inlet temperature when hydrogen is the
fuel. Methane, which is a main constituent of natural gas
does not undergo decomposition during the compressions in
the engine and is more resistant to knock, pre ignition and
backfiring from the cylinder into the gas/air inlet than other
gases such as town gas etc. The main effect of the type of
fuel is in the ignition and knocks limits. Due to wide
variation in the composition of various types of gaseous fuels
available all over the world, it is not possible to give their
effect on performance of dual fuel engine. [10]
Effect of throttling: It is usual for the conventional SI
engine to resort to throttling for richer mixtures and improve
the part load efficiency. However, when throttling is used on
a dual fuel unit maximum cylinder pressure reduces greatly.
This is because in a throttled dual fuel engine ignition
occurs very late in the cycle because of ignition delay. Thus,
combustion occurs after TDC and a reduced maximum
cylinder pressure is the result. The amount of throttling
before the ignition failure limits are reached is very low. A
diesel engine can run up to 50 percent throttling while
decrease of 0.05 bars in the inlet pressure might cause
ignition failure due to increased ignition delay in a dual fuel
Effect of mixture strength: The mixture strength is the
charge of a dual fuel engine is strongly dependent on the
amount of pilot fuel injected into the combustion chamber.
1.2 Noise and its characteristics of the CI engines:
It has been investigated that the combustion parameters such
as ignition quality, fuel stability, flow properties, etc. in an IC
engine are greatly influenced by the chemical and the physical

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Novel Investigation of Combustion and Noise Characteristics of Biomass Derived Producer Gas
Fired Modified Dual Fuel Compression Ignition Engine

properties of the fuel. In case of reciprocating engines, there

are many sources from which noise is produced. These are:
1.2.1. Combustion noise: The combustion noise is mainly
caused due to unsteady and sometimes uneven combustion
of the fuel in the combustion chamber. The fluctuation in
the frequencies produced by the combustion roar is the main
cause of combustion noise. The pressure forces responsible
for the combustion noise in the dual fuel engine are
dependent on the parameters such as fuel injection system,
which is further dependent on the fuels chemical and
physical properties such as cetane number in case of CI
systems and octane number in case of SI systems, bulk
modulus, viscosity, etc. Apart from the fuel properties, the
combustion noise is also influenced by the design of the
combustion chamber and it designed geometry. There are
some other reasons of excessive combustion noise. These can
be classified as:
Improper combustion due uneven charge distribution
Knocking in case of dual fuel CI engines due to sufficiently
large ignition delay.
Detonation in case of dual fuel SI engines due to high
compression ratio, overheating of the engine, poor octane
rating of the fuel, etc.
1.2.2. Exhaust noise: The exhaust gases are sent into the
atmosphere from the engine manifold by a tail pipe. During
the scavenging action of the engine, the exhaust gases get
compressed. Due this compression, the generated pressure
waves produce the sound waves, which come in the form of
exhaust noise. In the passage from the engine exhaust
manifold to the gas exhaust in the atmosphere, there are
present a number of orifices, which compress and
decompress the exhaust gases. These orifices contribute to
the secondary sources of the exhaust noise. [12]
Presently the technique of biomass gasification to use various
biomass materials to run the dual fuel engines is gaining much
importance. In most of the reported literature, various types of
hard woods are used for the production of the producer gas.
The use of cotton stalk specifically to produce the producer
gas is the least reported. A significant amount of work has
been done on the performance analysis of the producer gas
fired dual fuel engines.
In most of the experimental investigations, it has been
observed that on dual fuel mode, in spite of a smooth running
of the engine, there is a significant variation in the combustion
characteristics of the engine, which in case of dual fuel
engines has not been yet reported. Apart from the combustion
characteristics, it is actually physically observed that there is
also a slight variation in the noise characteristics of the engine.
This analysis is also lagging in most of the reported literature.
Due to these shortcomings of the so far reported literature, the
following objectives were made:
Use of cotton stalk for the production of producer gas.


Use of so produced producer gas in a dual fuel CI engine.

Investigation of the combustion characteristics of the dual
fuel engine.
Investigation of the noise characteristics of the dual fuel


The material used for the production of producer gas was
waste cotton stalk. The initially available cotton stalks had a
length of a few meters, which was reduced to < 20mm using a
shredder. Various properties of the fuel are listed in table 1.
Table 1: Proximate analysis, calorific value and
size specifications of the raw materials
Volatile matter (%)
Moisture (%)
Fixed carbon (%)
Ash (%)
CV (kJ/kg)
Size (before processing)
Size (after processing)

Sugarcane bagasse
Stalks of length < 2m.
1mm to 25mm

The processed fuel was introduced in a downdraft biomass

gasifier for the production of producer gas. The gas so
produced was cooled and washed using a venturi type spray
tower. It was further ultra cleaned to a purity of ~99.9% using
a set of charcoal and safety filters. This ultra clean was then
introduced into the dual fuel engine at flow rate of 5.15
Nm3/hr using a self fabricated gas carburetor in order to
ensure mixing of the gas with the inhaled air. The mixture of
air and producer gas was then inhaled by the engine. In the
investigation, it was assumed that the engine has a constant
volumetric efficiency. Due to which the part of air inhaled is
now replaced as an equal amount of gas. The specifications of
the dual fuel CI engine are represented in table 2.
Table 2: Specifications of the DFCI engine setup
Engine make
Engine model
Engine type
Start type
Capacity of the engine
Maximum power
Connecting rod length
Compression ratio
Dynamometer arm length

VCR (Variable Compression Ratio)
Electric start
553 cc
3.7 kW at 1500 RPM
12 -18
Eddy current type

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Mandeep Singh Kaler, S.K. Mohapatra and Harmanpreet Singh


Cooling system

Diesel alone and blends of diesel and
producer gas
Water cooling

To prevent the heating up of the engine and the dynamometer,

the water was supplied at a flow rate of 250 and 75 LPH to the
water jacket and the dynamometer cooling system. The engine
was run on a fixed compression ratio of 16. The loads on the
engine were varied from 1 kg to 11 kg with a difference of 2
kg. The results of the investigation are presented in the next

Cylinder pressure

Orifice diameter

3.1 Combustion characteristics of the DFCI engine:
Diesel Mode

In order to investigate the combustion characteristics of the

DFCI engine, various pressure transducers were used in the
combustion chamber and thermocouples gave the values of
temperature at various points. The information provided by the
pressure transducers and the thermocouples was sent to the
ICE test rig, which amplified the signals and sent to the
computer. In computer, ICenginesoft 9.0 software provided
by Apex Innovations Pvt. Ltd. was used to interpret the
amplified results. The combustion characteristics provided by
the software are as follows:
3.1.2 Cylinder pressure: In Fig 34 the variation of cylinder
pressure is plotted with respect to the crank angle. The
maximum pressure reached in case of the pilot fuel mode was
less as compared to the dual fuel mode. The maximum
pressure in case of diesel mode was 42.63 bar and it was seen
at 10o after TDC (Top Dead Center) whereas the peak pressure
of 49.3 bar was recorded in case of dual fuel mode at an angle
of 13o after TDC. It is observed that the peak pressure is
higher in the case of dual fuel mode as compared to the diesel
mode. This can be explained as: In the case of dual fuel mode,
air and the gaseous fuel are compressed and when the
compressed charge approaches the TDC, it is on the verge of
burning and the temperature of the air-gas mixture is slightly
lower than its self ignition temperature. When this hot air-gas
mixture gets an injection of diesel at a high pressure, there is a
sudden combustion in the whole region. No flame front is
formed, the whole charge burns collectively. Due to this, there
is a sharp rise in the pressure in the case of dual fuel mode.


Dual Fuel Mode

Fig. 1 Variation of cylinder pressure with crank angle.

3.1.2 Mean temperature of gas: In this case the mean
temperature of the gas was investigated by taking the
readings for 10 cycles. All the values of the 10 cycles for
each degree (o) of crank were averaged to a single value and
plotted on the graph. It is observed that the diesel mode
shows a regular trend and a slight increase in the mean gas
temperature after and near the TDC followed by a decrease
in the same fashion. Whereas in dual fuel mode, it is
observed that mean gas temperature is slightly higher than
the dual fuel mode upto TDC. As soon as the diesel injection
starts after TDC, there is a sharp rise in the mean
temperature of the gas. It is observed that the maximum
values of the mean temperature are 582.56oC (at 10o) and
885.59oC (at 18o) in diesel and dual fuel modes respectively.
In this investigation, again a sharp increase in the mean gas
temperature is noted in the case of dual fuel mode. As
explained earlier, due to the sudden burning of the charge,
there is a sharp increase in the average/mean temperature of
the gas. Also, due to the governor system, more fuel is
injected than the required amount on the dual fuel mode,
which causes more fuel to burn and increases the mean
temperature of the gas.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Novel Investigation of Combustion and Noise Characteristics of Biomass Derived Producer Gas
Fired Modified Dual Fuel Compression Ignition Engine


Fig. 3 Net heat release variations with respect to crank angle.

Mean gas temperature


3.1.4 Noise characteristics: For this investigation, CESVA

Sound Level Meter and Spectral Analyser model SC310
was used. The sound level observed using this device are
shown below:
As shown in Fig. 4, an increase in the noise produced by the
engine is noted when operated at high load, but at load >83%
the noise levels show a slight decrease in dual fuel mode and
this decrease is noted at load >66% on diesel mode.

Crank angle
Dual Fuel Mode

Noise levels (dB)

Diesel Mode

Fig. 2: Variations of mean gas temperature with

crank angle.

Net heat release


3.1.3 Net heat release: In this investigation, the trend for the
net heat release was obtained for the various angles of the
crank. In both the cases, it is found that the maximum heat
is released near the TDC At an angle of 5o before TDC, an
increase in the net heat release is noted in both cases but
more in case of diesel mode. At TDC there is a sharp rise in
the net heat release and a peak value of 21.2 J/deg was
observed at 5o after TDC in diesel mode. Whereas in case of
dual fuel mode, an increase is noticed, but not as sharp as in
the case of diesel mode. The peak value of 10.43 J/deg was
observed in the case of dual fuel mode. In this investigation,
it is observed that the dual fuel mode radiates/releases heat
at a lower pace, whereas the diesel mode releases heat quite
faster. The reason for this trend is the incomplete
combustion in the case of dual fuel mode. Due to air
deficiency, the charge is not able to burn completely so the
heat release rate decreases in the dual fuel mode.

Diesel mode AVG.

Dual mode AVG.

Fig. 4 Variation of noise levels with variation in load.

On an average, there is an increase of ~3.4dB of noise levels
when the engine is operated on the dual fuel mode. The
combustion noise in an engine is dependent on various
chemical and the physical properties of the fuel. The physical
properties include density, viscosity, bulk modulus, etc. In the
previous research, it has been reported that with an increase in
density and viscosity of the fuel, there is a significant
reduction in the noise of the engine. Where as if the density
and the viscosity of the fuel is decreased, it results in an
increase in the noise of the engine. In the present work on dual
fuelling, the density as well as the viscosity of the air, gas and
diesel mixture gets decreased, which results in an increase in
combustion noise and hence the exhaust noise also.

In the experimental investigation, it was observed physically
that the engine showed a smooth operation which was self
sustained. From the present work, the following can be

Crank angle
Diesel Mode

Dual Fuel Mode

The engine showed a smooth and sustained working on

dual fuel as well as pilot fuel mode.

There was a significant increase in the cylinder pressure

on the dual fuel mode operation.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Mandeep Singh Kaler, S.K. Mohapatra and Harmanpreet Singh


A significant increase in the mean gas temperature was

observed on dual fuel mode.

There was a slight decrease in the net heat release on the

dual fuel mode.

A slight increase of ~3.4 dB in the noise radiations was



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Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 127-130
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

An Approach for Electricity Generation using

Microbial Fuel Cell Technology:
A Green Energy Initiative
Ajay Agarwal1, Gaurav Verma2, Yogesh Singh3, Anjali Kumari4, Sanjeev Kumar5, Om Ji Agnihotri6, Sushmita7,
Nishika Sabharwal8, Akshay Jha9, Mansi Singh10, Pawan Kumar11, Inderbir Kaur12,
Ruchi Gulati Marwah13, Geeta Mongia14 and Avinashi Kapoor15

Student Research Group, Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi,

Department of Instrumentation, Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi
Department of Electronics, Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi
Department of Microbiology, Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi
Department of Electronic Science, South Campus, University of Delhi


AbstractThe most challenging issue today is production of clean

yet sustainable sources of alternate and renewable energy as nonrenewable sources of energy like petrol, oil, etc. are short lived,
expensive and pollute the environment. To address these concerns, a
major effort has been made towards clean and green electricity
generation through Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) technology. MFC is a
bio-electrochemical device designed for the purpose of electricity
generation in the process of wastewater treatment. It consists of four
parts, (1) Anode chamber filled with organic matter (anaerobic
condition), (2) Cathode chamber filled with water (aerobic
condition), (3) Proton selective membrane separating two chambers
and (4) external circuit connecting anode and cathode.
Decomposition of organic matter by bacteria produces electrons that
flow through external circuit and protons that pass through
membrane thereby producing electricity. In the present work, waste
water samples were collected from various locations and analysed
for various parameters such as pH, Biological Oxygen Demand
(BOD) and Colony forming Unit per ml (CFU/ml). A MFC was
constructed and the collected sewage samples were used to determine
the power generating ability of bacteria present inherently in the
samples. Useful open circuit voltage was measured, which ensures
MFC to be the one of the promising technology of future for cost
effective clean electricity generation. MFC has various applications
such as energy source for small electronic devices, bio-sensor for
BOD measurement, wastewater treatment, hydrogen production, etc.

In todays Smart Hi-Tech Modern World, life is next to
impossible without electricity. Due to rapid increase in
demand of electricity, the world is going to face a grave
energy crisis in future owing to the depletion of nonrenewable energy resources [1]. Statistics reveals that per
capita electricity consumption in India has reached to
1010KWh in year 2014-15 compared to 957 KWh and 915
KWh in year 2013-14 and 2012-13, respectively. Presently, in

India, 72% of total Electricity Generation is done by nonrenewable power plants and remaining 28% by renewable
power plants [2]. These non-renewable energy sources are
limited, costly and highly environment polluting. In order to
build a sustainable society for our future generations, while
simultaneously fulfilling the needs of increased demand of
electricity, we require less dependency on fossil fuels and
alternative cheap renewable sources of energy. Although,
there exists various renewable sources of energy like wind,
solar, geothermal, tides, biomass, etc.[3-5] yet one of the
emerging, promising and practical sources of renewable
energy is a Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) that harnesses the
power of bacteria to generate electricity from wastes water or
sewage. The concept of Microbial Fuel Cell started back in
1911 by M.C. Potter, a Botany professor at the University of
Durham. MFCs can be Mediated or Mediator-less [6].
Unmediated or mediator-less MFCs emerged in 1970s
whereas Mediated MFCs were first demonstrated in early 20th
century[7]. Bacteria in MFC breakdowns the organic matter
present in the waste water or sewage under anaerobic
conditions thus generating electrons and H+ ions which move
through different paths and produce electricity. Due to
degradation of organic matter, MFC simultaneously clean the
waste water or sewage. Thus, MFCs can bring down the waste
water treatment cost to negligible. The Microbial Fuel Cell,
which was a novelty in Science fair, is now a developing
reality and an ideal solution for sustainable, renewable and
carbon-neutral source of energy at reasonable cost. A
continuous research is going on to use MFCs in various
applications such as Power Generation, Biosensors,
production of Hydrogen fuel, etc. [8, 9].

128 Ajay Agarwal, Gaurav Verma, Yogesh Singh, Anjali Kumari, Sanjeev Kumar, Om Ji Agnihotri, Sushmita, Nishika Sabharwal,
Akshay Jha, Mansi Singh, Pawan Kumar, Inderbir Kaur, Ruchi Gulati Marwah, Geeta Mongia and Avinashi Kapoor



MFC converts the energy released due to metabolic activities

of respiring bacteria present in the sewage or similar waste
water into electricity. Under Anaerobic condition, the
decomposition of organic matter by the bacteria results in
generation of electrons, H+ ions and CO2 as depicted by the
chemical reaction in Equation 1[9, 10].

The prototype of MFC was fabricated and open circuit voltage

(VOC) was measured using digital multimeter fordifferent
waste water samples collected from Delhi-NCR, India. At the
same time, collected samples were alsoanalysed for various
parameters i.e. Colony Forming Unit per ml (CFU/ml),
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and pH.

C2H4O2 + 2H2O 2CO2 + 8H+ + 8e .(Eq. 1)

Fabrication of MFC

Produced electrons are transferred to the cathode compartment

through an external electric circuit, while protons are
transferred to the cathode compartment through the
membrane. Electrons and protons are consumed in the cathode
compartment, combining with oxygen to form water as
depicted by the chemical reaction in Equation 2 [9, 10].

Many different configurations of MFCs are possible. A

widely used and inexpensive design is a two chamber MFC
built in a traditional H shape which consists of two glass
bottles (chambers) connected by a tube containing a highly
selective membrane called Cation Exchange Membrane
(CEM) or Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM).The prototype
of MFC was constructed on the same lines as that of Biophotovoltaic cell (BPV) from our earlier research [13] and is
shown in Fig. 2.

2O2 + 8H+ + 8e 4H2O (Eq. 2)

Organic matter serves as food for bacteria (in the anode
compartment) from which they derive energy needed for their
survival[11, 12]. If the generated electrons in anode chamber
are transferred to anode directly without help of any external
agent then the MFCs are called as Unmediated or Mediator
Less MFCs. Bacteria in this case makes film on the surface of
anode called biofilm for direct and faster transfer of electron
or some bacteria have pilli on their surface that act as the
conducting nanowires that serves as channel for electrons
towards anode surface. If external agents like methylene blue,
Potassium ferricyanide, Theonine, Neutral red are deliberately
added into anodic chamber to improve the e-transfer rate to
anode, then the MFCs are called as Mediated or Mediator
MFCs [4, 5]. These agents act as electron shuttle and helps in
the transfer of electron from within the cell membrane of
bacteria to anode surface but these are toxic and expensive
thereby increasing the overall cost of MFCs [6].The MFC and
its working are depicted in the Fig. 1[9].

Constructed prototype of MFC consisted of the following four

parts: (1)Anode chamber (Left chamber): which holds the
carbon electrode, waste water (consisting of bacteria and
organic matter) in an anaerobic environment, (2)Cathode
chamber (Right chamber): which holds carbon electrode, a
conductive saltwater solution; (3)Proton Exchange Membrane
(Nafion-117), which separates the anode and cathode and
allows protons to move between the two chambers and (4) an
external circuit, which allows a path for electrons to travel
from anode to cathode. In the present work, open circuit
voltage is measured with the multimeter which is connected in
the external circuit.

Fig. 2: Constructed Prototype of MFC

Fig. 1: Working of MFC

The most versatile electrode material for both anode and

cathode is carbon as it has good conductivity, relatively
inexpensive and easy to handle [9, 14]. Materials like, noncorrosive stainless steel mesh, copper etc. can be utilized as
anode electrodes. But stainless steel is comparatively costly
and copper is also not very useful as even traces of copper
ions can be highly toxic to bacteria. There exists a variety of

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

An Approach for Electricity Generation using Microbial Fuel Cell Technology: A Green Energy Initiative


PEMs apart from Nafion such as Ultrex, Zirfon, Hyflon, etc.

each having unique properties [9]. These membranes only
allow protons, to pass through but not the substrate (in the
anode chamber) or electron acceptor (in the cathode chamber,
typically oxygen). The membrane is clamped in the middle of
the tube connecting the two chambers. An alternative and an
inexpensive way to join the bottles is to use a glass tube that is
heated and bent into a U-shape, filled with agar and salt (salt
bridge functions as a Cation Exchange Membrane) and
inserted through the lid of each bottle. The salt bridge MFC
however, produces little power due to the high internal

pH0: pH on0th day, pH5: pH on 5th dayin sample from MFC, VOCM:
Max Open Circuit Voltage
(*S1:Sample 1, Lawrence Road Industrial Area, New Delhi)
(**S2: Sample 2 (Phase I), Central Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP),
Mayapuri, New Delhi)
**S3: Sample 3(Phase II), Central Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP),
Mayapuri, New Delhi)
The BOD came in the range of 18-71mg/litre and the CFU/ml of the
sewage sample came out in the range of 3.5x106 to 5.5x109. These
values of the sewage samples were found to be suitable for use in the

CFU/ml Measurement

The constructed prototype in our work was mediator less MFC

as no external mediators were added to the sewage samples.
Observed results revealed that pH decreased (sample becomes
neutral) as the bacteria decomposed the organic matter in the
sewage samples. The samples with higher BOD gave better
electricity generation as shown the table. Higher BOD
signifies more organic content in the given sewage sample,
thus more generation of electrons and H+ ions on
decomposition and hence more electricity generation (or VOC).
A moderate amount of voltage was generated using sewage
samples collected from Delhi-NCR regions. The results
presented in this paper are a preliminary investigation on the
electricity generating potential of bacteria inherently present in
waste waters. Detailed investigations are being carried out by
changing the type of CEM, electrodes etc. to enhance the
voltage generated and to increase the practical feasibility of
the technology. This technique can reduce waste water
treatment plant operating costs if used in conjunction with
waste water treatment on site, making it an affordable venture
especially for developing countries like India [16].

The microbial load of the sewage water samples was assessed

by CFU/ml using spread plate method. The sewage samples
were diluted in normal saline upto 107 dilutions and 0.1 ml of
each dilution was plated on nutrient agar plates. The plates
were incubated for 18-24 hours at 37C. The number of
colonies was formed on each of the plates and CFU/ml was
BOD Measurement
The volume of 5ml of the sewage sample was built up to
300ml (dilution factor of 60) with fresh distilled water in
300ml BOD bottle made of glass and it was tightly stoppered
as well as completely covered with aluminium foil. The
dissolved oxygen (DO) of the diluted sample was recorded (0
day reading) with probe based digital DO meter (Hanna
Instruments Co. Ltd.) and then kept at 28C in a BOD
incubator for 5 days. DO was again measured on the 5th day.
Thus, BOD was calculated using the formula of Equation 3:



P(Eq. 3)

DO0:Dissolved oxygen in diluted sample on 0th day

DO5:Dissolved oxygen in diluted sample on 5th day
P Dilution factor

pH Measurement


This research work was carried out at Bhaskaracharya College
of Applied Sciences under DU Innovation project (2015-16).
We are thankful to University of Delhi for providing financial
support for the project.

ThepH was measured at the same time when DO was

measured using the digital pH meter (LabIndiaCo.Ltd.).


The Observation made for the parameters mentioned above
are shown below in the Table 1.
Table 1
4.86 8.24
18.6 5.7x109 0.3V
3.61 7.87
70.8 5.5x106 0.6V
5.28 8.28 4.25 7.92
61.8 3.6x106 0.75V

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130 Ajay Agarwal, Gaurav Verma, Yogesh Singh, Anjali Kumari, Sanjeev Kumar, Om Ji Agnihotri, Sushmita, Nishika Sabharwal,
Akshay Jha, Mansi Singh, Pawan Kumar, Inderbir Kaur, Ruchi Gulati Marwah, Geeta Mongia and Avinashi Kapoor
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[6] Sharma, V., and Kundu, P.P., Biocatalysts in microbial fuel
cells: A Review,Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2010, pp.
[7] Potter, M.C., Electrical effects accompanying the decomposition
of organic compounds, Proceedings of the Royal Society,1911,
[8] Zhuwei, D., Haoran, L.,andTingyue, G., A state of the art review
on microbial fuel cells: A promising technology for wastewater
treatment and bioenergy, Biotechnology Advances, 2007,
[9] Rahimnejad, M., Adhami, A., Darvari, S., Zirepour, A., and Oh,
S.E., Microbial fuel cell as new technology for bioelectricity
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[13] Mongia, G., Kaur I.,and Marwah, R.G., Algae: Power plant of
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in Future Instrumentation and Electronics, held at Shaheed
Rajguru College of Applied Science, University of Delhi on
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[14] Logan, B., Scaling up microbial fuel cells and other bioelectrochemical systems, Applied Microbiology and
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[16] Mahendra, B.G., and Mahavarkar, S., Treatment of Wastewater
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Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 131-136
KrishiSanskriti Publications

Club Enerji Program at Tata Power

Shubhi Thakuria1 and Sanjay Verma2

Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad


AbstractThe paper examines an environmental sustainability

initiative (Club Energi) by Tata Power, an energy company in India.
Through it, the school children are sensitized to save energy. The
company guides the club members, monitors energy savings on the
monthly electricity bills and helps in developing a self-sustained
community that can take the cause forward independently. The
various attributes of initiatives are delineated in the study. Till
February 2016, Club Enerji has reached 480 schools across India
and saved more than 12.3 million units till date. The program model
is industry agnostic and could be implemented in any industry that is
keen to protect and promote environmental sustainability.


Energy is regarded as crucial for economic growth of any
nation. Coal, oil, and natural gas are the three primary
commercial energy sources in India. In 2003, India ranked
fifth in the world concerning primary energy consumption. [1]
Despite the overall increase in energy demand, the per capita
energy consumption in India was still very low compared to
other developing countries. Even in 2014, 600 million Indians
do not have access to electricity and about 700 million Indians
use biomass as their primary energy resource for cooking. [2]

However, it was found difficult to raise awareness among the

residents of a metro city like Mumbai where people never
experienced power shortage.
Mr. Prasad Menon, then Managing Director of Tata Power
who was also then Chairman of sustainability division of Tata
group ideated to initiate an energy conservation program to
educate the children on climate change issues by promoting
the efficient usage of energy. In May 2007, the pilot program
of sensitizing energy conservation started in 28 schools of
Mumbai under the leadership of Ms. Shalini Singh, head of
corporate communications at Tata Power. The brainstorming,
research, planning, and benchmarking were done with Tata
Powers sister concern, North Delhi Power Limited, that ran
energy clubs in Delhi schools. Fig. 1 lists the logo and tagline
of Club Enerji. [3][4]

Resource augmentation and growth in energy supply has not

kept pace with increasing demand and; therefore, India
continues to face severe energy shortages. With a targeted
GDP growth rate of 8% during the Tenth Five-year Plan, the
energy demand is expected to grow at 5.2%. [1] There is an
urgent need to conserve energy and reduce the energy


Mumbai, one of the most populous metropolitan cities of
India, started facing the energy crisis in 2007. Due to the
increased demand and consumption of energy, its effective
management and conservation became the need of the hour.
That time, a leading power producing company in India, Tata
Power realized that power production of the city was very
close to its demand and consumption.
The company perceived that the town could have load
shedding anytime that would make the available power
expensive. It was also apprehended that the power crisis could
result in the complete public outrage and civil unrest issues.

Fig. 1: Club Enerji Logo and Tagline


In 2008, Tata Power scaled up TPEC to 48 schools of Mumbai
and Belgaum, encouraged by the response. Subsequently,
when Mr. Anil Sardana became MD of Tata Power in early
2011, he continued to lend leadership support to the initiative.
He promoted the inclusion of resource conservation modules
and the moral and civic values propagation modules in the
program and widened the scope of Club Enerji.

Shubhi Thakuria and Sanjay Verma


In June 2009, Tata Power organized a session on Combating

Climate Change which marked the presence of senior
leadership of Tata Power and several other eminent persons.
Mr. NachiketMor, then head of ICICI Foundation, was also
one of the delegates. He granted INR 5 million to scale the
initiative nationally influenced by TPECs mission.
At that time, TPEC was solely focused on improving the
quality of the outcomes and hence it was not ready for
scaling.The big grant pushed the team to do something big,
and the team accepted the challenge. TPEC went national
from solely Mumbai-centric program with coverage of more
than 250 schools in Mumbai, Belgaum, Delhi, Pune,
Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Jamshedpur, and Lonavla.
Table 1: Yearly analysis of the initiative

4.1. Phase One- Educate

In this phase, the club sensitizes school children of grades 4thto
8th about the energy conservation. If a school is willing, then
the program is extended till class 10th. Similar awareness
sessions have also been carried out for youth in colleges,
teachers and parents.
4.2. Phase Two- Enhance
The stage focuses on the advanced training sessions for the
students and mentors. The children are enrolled in the power
kids league. It comprises of a series of workshops promotes
students to interact and learn from professionals, participate in
various activities and learn about the technical aspects related
to energy. During these workshops, the students take up
energy projects like conducting energy audits at home and
work on them throughout the year under the guidance of the
4.3. Phase Three- Engage
In the third year of engagement, members are skilled to
propagate the message of energy conservation to their
immediate sphere of influence. In this phase, 3-4 school teams
with demonstrated commitment to energy conservation are
identified to form a peer group (Mini Clubs) to carry out the
sensitization process in other schools. Tata Power provides the
expertise, information, and tools necessary for the campaign.
The members of mini clubs perform street plays, conduct
rallies and celebrate energy conservation events.

(Source: Tata Power)

As the program matured, TPEC team realize power saving is

only one of the agenda in the entire spectrum of energy
conservation. A strong need was noticed to broad base the
portfolio of Club Enerji to natural resource conservation as
well. Hence, in 2012, the club rolled out the resource
conservation program for the schools that were associated
with TPCE for two years or more. Over the times, schools
have also developed their multiple mandates within that
agenda of resource conservation to save the environment.
However, the Club Enerji continues to ensure that children do
not lose sight on continuing to conserve energy and various
other themes that follow. [5]


The Club Enerji follows a four-pronged approach for the
implementation of its objectives. The organization guides the
members throughout and helps in developing a self-sustained
community, Mini Clubs. After teaching, children are asked to
practice energy conservation tips and submit their bills at the
start of the program. Further, the club proactively monitors
savings on the monthly bills of the students for 3-4months.
The bills are validated for saving after taking seasonal
variations into account. Following is the elucidation of the
phases. [3][6]

4.4. Phase Four- Empower

In the fourth year of engagement, the club educates children
not only about energy conservation but exposing them to the
bigger picture by educating them on resource conservation.
The program stands on the pillars of Fuel Conservation,
Afforestation, Waste Management, Energy Conservation, etc.


Mostly affluent schools in various metro cities of India are the
principal target schools for the Club Enerji initiative. Over the
years, the initiative has been deliberately geographically
expanded to metro cities, as they are high power consumption
cities in India. The team consciously took the decision to focus
students of affluent schools rather than that of government
schools as the former often lacks the sensitivity to energy


Some of the events to promote the objectives of Club Enerji:
6.1. Every Watt Counts
It is an annual essay competition that is conducted for school
children in various cities across the country.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Club Enerji Program at Tata Power


Activity Calendar

Activity Calendar is a year-long calendar that lists all the main

activities to be conducted in the Club Enerji in a year. It takes
5-10 days to formulate the schedule but the collecting
feedback is a continuous process that goes on throughout the

National Energy Savvy School competition (NESS)

All the schools, which have Club Enerji, are eligible to

participate in NESS. Schools are also monitored on their
energy consumption and reduction of electricity bills. Tata
Power awards the top 10 most energy efficient schools.

Energy Q and Spark of life

Energy Q is a national quiz competition organized for school

children across different locations. Spark of life is an annual
poster competition where students from various schools
participate and create posters on the matters related to

Energy Carnival

Children showcase their ideas and solutions through projects,

demonstrations, and working models.

Website and Mascot

The website ( serves as an interactive tool

where club members participate, discuss and share their ideas
on energy conservation.



7.1. People capabilities and competencies
The program requires the following competencies:
Strong ground execution focus and resources,
Approval of school and school principals,
Trained educators with prior teaching experience,
Education and content experts to develop the Club Enerji
modules, Statisticians for data management,
Information Technology, Energy efficiency, and other
subject matter experts.
7.2. Role of Information Technology (IT)
The IT platforms were used to popularize the Club Enerji
initiative. initiatives taken by the energy champions were
uploaded on the Club Enerji website and promoted through
social media. Pop-ups were used as an active medium to
broadcast information.

Reach out Agencies

Tata Power frames strategy, plans, and monitors and promotes

it well. The ground execution of Club Enerji is supported by
other partners to help the team to reach out to schools and
appointing mentors. At Tata Powers operational sites
employees are encouraged to volunteer as CSR

Energy Club Mentors and Educators

Energy X-Change is a quarterly newsletter that gives a

snapshot of all the various events taking place at the Club.
Watts up with Energy is an exciting and engaging book for
children designed to demystify the world of Energy.

The experienced and trained people in the domain of energy

and resource conservation are termed as educators. They
undertake the task of teaching the school children and are a
primary touch point for school teachers and principal. The
schools teachers associated with Club Enerji schools carry
forward the baton of energy and resource conservation and are
termed as mentors. The educators are selected based on their
previous educational experience and teaching skills.




Energy Xchange and Watts up with Energy

Power Kids League Workshop

It is a series of workshops designed to train the energy

champions further. Lessons on energy conservation are
combined with sessions on personality development and
public speaking.

Principal and Mentors Meet

Principals and Mentors meet is organized every year to

felicitate and recognize the contribution of all the schools,
school teachers, and principals. The school teachers &
principals interact with the senior leadership team of Tata
Power; share their feedback in the program and ideas for to
improve the program.

Role of Leadership/ Top Management

The senior leadership team of Tata Power plays a critical role

in brand building and popularizing the Club Enerji movement
in the organization, amongst stakeholders and the community
as a whole. The top leadership participates in most of the
interaction forums including the reward & recognition of
students, schools and during the principal meet. They
proactively promote the Club Enerji during media interactions
for a higher reach and awareness of the program.


Tata Power has developed a robust feedback system to assess

the performance of the initiative. The feedback is collected
throughout the year from students and mentors after every
session, incorporated into the yearly plan.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Shubhi Thakuria and Sanjay Verma


Following are some of the critical parameters through which

the performance is tracked:
Yearly targets: Number of million units saved and
Number of citizens sensitized
The Number of energy ambassadors enrolled in a year.
Pre and Post assessments of electricity bills submitted by
The Number of schools associated with the initiative in a
Reduction in carbon footprint.
The data is tracked and reviewed weekly by the Club Enerji


The Club Enerjiinitiative has helped Tata Power to flatten the

load factor and shift consumption to non-peak hours. Besides,
the children have not only absorbed the knowledge imparted
through this program but have also taken it many miles ahead
and made it a national movement through self-sustained
efforts.[7][8] The program has resulted in a tangible saving of
energy as shown in Table 1.

Fig. 2: Number of Mini Clubs over years

(Source: Tata Power)

The number of cities and schools covered by the Club Enerji

initiative since the inception is shown in Fig 3.

Table 2: Impact of Club Enerji (Till Feb 2016)

Unit Saved
Reduction in CO2 emissions
Total Sensation numbers
Number of energy champions
Number of energy ambassadors
Number of mini clubs
(Source: Tata Power)

12.3 Million
12,300 tones
8.3 million

This saving is equivalent to saving 12,300 tons of CO2 and is

enough to light up 5,783 houses for a year. The benefits to the
main stakeholders of the initiative can be categorized as
9.1. Benefits to Environment
The initiative has been able to record the reduction in the
usage of fossil fuels that intends to protect the environment.
The curbing of energy wastage also helps in installing new
generating units.

Fig. 3: Number of cities and school covered by Club Enerji

(Source: Tata Power)


Benefits to Company

The promotion of responsible usage of energy by its

consumers is helping Tata Power to achieve its sustainability
agenda. The initiative is also one of the strong contributors in
raising the positive share of voice for Tata Power. The
initiative has got phenomenal coverage by the print, social and
electronic media. The trends for news clippings and press
release are shown in Fig. 4. The website page hit patterns are
illustrated in Fig. 5.

Benefits to Schools

Schools associated with Club Enerji have been able to record

tremendous savings in their electricity bills due to the
awareness created by the students through the initiative. The
initiative has also received good feedback from the parents
who believe the program is shaping their children into good
leaders by instilling leadership qualities with right values and
attitude and making them a responsible citizen by inculcating
the values of energy and resource conservation in them. The
trends of number of mini clubs over the years are depicted in
Fig. 2.

Fig. 4: Number of activities and press clips over the years

(Source: Tata Power)

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Club Enerji Program at Tata Power



10.1. Maintaining Quality

Fig. 5: The average hit pattern on the Club Enerji website

(Source: Tata Power)

Some of the accolades won by the initiative are:

Most Innovative Campaign award at The Energy
Dailys 2010 Leadership Awards. [9]
Gold Medal in Environmental Communication category,
ABCI Award 2010.
Second rank in the Earth Care category for Siemens
Ecovative Award 2010.
CMO Asia Award 2011 for the Best Marketing
Campaign 2011.
Recognized as the best practice for presentation at
International forum in Auckland in December 2012.
APELA 2012-Eco Advocate Award by Asia-Pacific
Enterprise Leadership Awards (APELA), Singapore.
Gold Stevie Award for best Marketing Campaign of the
Year 2012 in the Energy category in the 2012
International Business Awards.
Asian Leadership Award for Environmental Leadership
& Best Corporate Social Responsibility Practice in FY
Won Gold in the Multimedia CD-Rom Interactive
Presentation category, Twitter Meter won Bronze in the
category of Web Communication Online Campaign in
2015 ABCI awards

Benefits to Community

The initiative has sensitized millions of citizens. It has resulted

in saving the considerable amount of energy whose trends are
depicted in Figure 6. Many houses and schools have recorded
significant reduction in their electricity bills.

When the Club Enerji was launched in 2007, the team realized
that teaching school childrens requires different skill. The
teachers were recruited from an NGO to teach kids. The
external grant at the start of the initiative prompted the
company to record the savings generated due to the initiative
and thus ensuring the accountability of the money used.
Monitoring the initiative with ensuring the out-stationed
quality became a daunting task when the initiative became
national. Tata Power formulated an appropriate strategy to put
the entire structure in place. It was tedious exercise from the
point of view of conceptualization as there were no existing
examples to deploy resources, structure, monitor them, etc.
Over the years, Club Enerji has embedded proper quality
checks and developed a base of volunteer members to keep the
quality checks on the sessions through regular visits and to
make the initiative self-sustainable.
10.2. Finding Appropriate Partners
Initially, the tie-ups and partnerships with other relevant
partners proved a stumbling block for the Club Enerji team.
While looking at the partners, the team ensured that they are
not using the initiative as the platform to get into schools and
utilize it as a vehicle to sell their products. The team continues
to monitor its partner agencies regularly to ensure that the
objective of the programs is fulfilled.
10.3. Continuous Engagement of Stakeholders
Finding interesting concepts and projects to keep children
engaged in the conservation programs continues to be a major
challenge. It is imperative to inculcate new things in the
module making it innovative to motivate continually the kids
to save and sensitive.
The Club Enerji team came with the concept of giving a
particular conservation theme like afforestation, waste
management, etc. each year to tackle this challenge. The
program also needed buy-in from principals and from the
teachers who are actually driving it. The principal meet is
organized periodically to inform school administrators of the
latest happening. The mentors who perform well are
recognized in a yearly program. Such types of a program
could not succeed if the schools are required to be persuaded
again and again. When the children learn something
important, and it helps the school to save its electricity bills. It
automatically results in a multiplier effect making it a win-win
situation for all
10.4. Scaling the Initiative

Fig. 6: Saved energy trends (Source: Tata Power)

Scalability of the initiative is necessary but expanding the

program in the locations where Tata Power is not operational
is continues to be a challenge.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Shubhi Thakuria and Sanjay Verma


By launching the Mini Enerji club program, the team also

ensured the program to become self-sustainable. The company
now also wants to scale the initiative globally.
10.5. Ensuring Sustainability of the Initiative
To ensure the program is self-sustainable is a challenge. The
program was thought through and, therefore, the pilot came
handy. It helped Club Enerji team to learn things that resulted
in the increased ground execution and efficiency. The grant of
50 lakh during the pilot of the initiative led to the
establishment of strong monitoring mechanism since the start
of the initiative.
The Club Enerji model is industry agnostic and could be
implemented in any industry that is keen to protect and
promote environmental sustainability. Tata Powers forte is in
the power sector; therefore, the company came out with an
initiative focusing on energy conservation. The other firms can
opt for conservation initiatives (namely biodiversity, safety,
forest/flora, etc.) in their area of expertise. The Club Enerji
model, rather than the whole movement, can be replicated by
other organizations in multiple domains.
We are thankful to Ms. Shalini Singh and her team from the
Tata Power Limited and Tata Quality Management Services
for their support in conducting the research.
[2]Retrieved January 2016, from Planning Commision IndiaEnergySector:
[3]Retrieved December 2015, from Club Enerji- Purpose:
[4]Sustainability at Tata Power. (n.d.). Retrieved December
[5]Club Enerji Schools. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2015, from
[6]Energy Conservation at Tata Power. (n.d.). Retrieved December
[7]Tata Power Press Release. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2015, from
[8] Retrieved May 2016,

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 137-140
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Paris Climate change Agreement and the Status of

Achieving the Goal of Sustainable Development:
A Legal Analysis from the Perspective of
Developing Countries
Satyadeep Kumar Singh

ICSSR Doctoral Fellow National Law School of India University Bangalore


AbstractThe Paris agreement on climate change is really the most

significant step forward in regard to climate change negotiations, in
which now the responsibility for emissions shall no more be based on
historical responsibility, but shall be shared by every country of the
world, once the agreement comes into force.
The agreement while shifting a significant amount of burden towards
developing countries seems to depart from the principle of historical
responsibly which was being advocated by developing countries and
was already accepted under the climate change discourse and
various such dispensations in last two decades causing the
apprehension of altering the balance of achieving sustainable
development with equitable justice in the world. Bottom up approach
in form of fixing Intended Nationally Determined Contributions
(INDCs) mandatory for every party countries is not only one such
tool through which the already accepted principle of common but
differentiated responsibilities under Kyoto Protocol has been diluted
but also, there is no trace of any legally binding commitment towards
any financial help or transferring green technologies to developing
countries for meeting their goals towards climate change mitigation.
However, the inclusion of some of the phrases and principles which
were being advocated by developing countries, like climate justice
and sustainable lifestyle and consumption may give some leverage
to developing countries for future negotiations which will take place
before the implementation of the agreement and fixing the modalities
further in effort of achieving the goal of sustainable development.
This paper has made an effort to evaluate the legal status of the
agreement along with the identification of the changing balance in
respect to responsibilities among developed and developing countries
to achieve the goal of sustainable development. The paper has also
made an attempt to analyze the effect of Paris agreement on
developing countries while appraising the implementing status of the
principle of historic responsibility and will suggest a way forward for
developing countries.

The Paris agreement on climate change is the first document
of its kind since international climate negotiations began more

than two decades back in which every country irrespective of

being developed or developing have taken responsibility of
reducing the emission of green house gases (GHGs). Under
this agreement now the responsibility for emissions will not be
based on historical emissions as enshrined in the Kyoto
Protocol, but shall be shared by every country of the world,
once the agreement comes into force. A substantives part of
the agreement document which is extended in thirty two pages
is full of non-operatives having addressed many key issues in
very general terms as COP decisions with 140 deliberations
without defining any specific rights and obligations of the
parties in such regard. In nutshell, with combination of nonbinding obligations, increased emphasis on review and
monitoring mechanism along with many deliberations to work
out the specifics for achieving the objective set under the
agreement, the Paris Agreement is a new framework
agreement agreed among the parties under the UN
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
which requires a multitude of further substantive decisions to
be taken. Shifting the burden towards developing nations and
denying the scope of carbon space and carbon budgeting, the
agreement seems to fail in giving a balanced approach towards
achieving a goal of sustainable development.


The Article 21 of the agreement sets out conditions of coming
the agreement into force, which requires to be ratified by at
least 55 parties to the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC) representing 55% of total
global greenhouse gas emissions to come into force on the 13th
day of achieving such ratifications.i In accordance of the
Article 20 of the agreement ratification process has already
started from 22 April, 2016, and the agreement will remain

Satyadeep Kumar Singh


open for the same till 21 April, 2017, at the UN headquarters

in New York.ii
Failing short of taking any lesson from the failure of Kyoto
Protocol due to backtracking of countries like USAiii and later
Canadaiv, the agreement is open for withdrawal of the parties
with a notice. After the commencement of three years from the
date of the enforcement of Agreement any Party may
withdraw itself with a written notice to the depositary.v


The agreement has set to achieve the objective of holding the
global average temperature increase to well below 2 C above
pre-industrial levels and to pursue further efforts for limiting it
to 1.5 However, any mechanism to achieve such
objective and fixation of any meaningful target to reduce the
emissions as well as other efforts in such regard are missing
from the Agreement. The agreement has relied largely on the
bottom up voluntary approach of the INDc, which seems far
from the set objective, as even if countries follow such pledge
made in their INDCs, the average temperature will rise 2.7
3.5 degree C.vii In response to the goal set in Article 2 the
agreement under fixes a vague time frame of as soon as
possibleviii under Article 4 of the agreement.
The Agreement is hardly creating any legally binding
obligation with any enforceable legal mechanism neither in
regard to emission reduction, nor any penal provision or
penalty mechanism in case of non-compliance by the member
states. The agreement does not use the word shall for
making obligatory to developed countries, whereas it directs
that the developed country Parties should continue to take
the lead in mobilizing climate finance from a wide variety of
sources, instruments and channels.ix However, the
agreement has been orchestrated in a way that it allows parties
with significant flexibilities for achieving their emission
targets and mitigation efforts, along with a strong reporting
and review mechanismx for ensuring accountability by
naming and shaming mechanism.

4. WHY



The legal status of the Agreement as an legally binding

international treaty was a sensitive issue during the negotiation
process as in case of USA being the largest per capita emitterxi
and one of the most significant player, treaty (for the purpose
of The constitution of USA) with any legally binding
obligation in regard to emission reduction or any spending of
money would have required legislative consent with at least
two-third majority vote of the Senate before the ratification by
the president.xii To save the Agreement from any such
legislative requirement to be followed for the ratification by
the USA, the Agreement has intentionally been kept with nonbinding obligations, so that in case of which, the President of

USA himself can enter into the agreement and carry out the
climate commitments by the virtue of Clean Air Act of
1963xiii, without going for the two-third majority approval of
senate. The present Obama administration had no hope of any
such approval for the purpose of ratification by the present
republican dominated senate, in a case if such Agreement
would have created any legal obligation as a legally binding
international treaty under the constitution of USA, and in
consonance of which, the word shall was replaced by
should in Article 4 of the final draft, safeguarding the
agreement from the scrutiny of American Senate. However,
some aspects of the agreement which does not require any
such obligations will be legally binding, such as submitting an
emissions reduction target and the regular review of that goal
which was not mandatory for developing country in earlier
Kyoto protocol.
In case of India, under Article 73(1) (b) of the Constitutionxiv,
the President of India can ratify any international agreement or
treaty, however further it requires to be codified in legislation
by the Parliament exercising the power given under Article
253xv, to make it enforceable before the court of law.




Though the Agreement has expressed the acknowledgement of

the principle Common but differentiate responsibility
(CBDR) at some places and has kept a differentiation between
developed and developing countries in many parts of the text,
particularly in respect of finance, but in actual sense it has
made a significant departure in comparison to the earlier
Kyoto position in case of implementation of such principle.
The agreement has replaced the principle of Historic
responsibility with new expression of respective
capabilitiesxvi at various places deleting the differentiation
between developed and developing countries while weakening
the obligations of developed countries in regard to various
obligations. The agreement seems to interpret equity in light
of respective capabilities and national circumstances.
Dilution of the notion of Historic responsibility is imminently
visible when text of the agreement has gone up to the extent of
mentioning that the loss and damage due to climate change
does not involve or provide a basis for any liability or
Specific mention of Equity and common but differentiated
responsibility (CBDR) principles under Article2 (2)
emphasized by developing countries along with specific
mention of Climate justicexviii and sustainable lifestylexix
among COP deliberations under the agreement can be noted.
However, the earlier basis of differentiation has surely been
diluted by shifting from historical responsibility to the
respective capabilitiesxx by adding this phrase (respective
capabilities) with CBDR in Article 2(2) and other places
wherever CBDR has been used. Further, unlike before as in

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Paris Climate Change Agreement and the Status of Achieving the Goal of Sustainable Development:
A Legal Analysis from the Perspective of Developing Countries

case of Kyoto, the differentiation has been lifted in case of

obligations regarding reporting, inventory of greenhouse gases
and progress made in implementation of Intended Nationally
Determined Contributions (INDCs), while making it,
mandatory obligation for all Parties irrespective of being
developed or developing, whereas the phrases like equity,
CBDR, Climate Justice and sustainable lifestyle have
been placed only for aesthetic value in the agreement without
any real meaning or creating any legal obligation in such


Following the principle of historic responsibility and
CBDR enshrined in Article 4 of the Kyoto Protocol
developing countries have been arguing for a climate fund
with contribution from developed countries to support them in
combating the menace of climate change. The Paris
Agreement using a vague language without giving any burden
sharing formula or providing any binding financial
arrangement, has intended to resolve for setting a new
collective quantified goal from a floor of USD 100 billion per
year, prior to 2025.xxi The gravity of commitment towards
such financial aid which is part of the historic responsibility
can be well understood from the fact that, it could not get any
place in the operative part of the Agreement under any Article,
however has found mention only in Para 54 and 115 of the
non-operative part of the Agreement.
The Agreement allowing the existing Warsaw mechanism to
operate, includes, the mention of loss and damage in the case
of devastating effects of climate change, but without any firm
financial commitment while denying any notion of historical
responsibility going to the extent of mentioning in the
corresponding part of accompanying COP decision in Para.52,
that the loss and damage due to climate change does not
involve or provide a basis for any liability or


The parties irrespective of developed or developing, without
any differentiation are under mandatory obligation to account
for their INDCs with accuracy and transparency Under of the
Agreement.xxiii A transparency framework has been placed
under Article 13, which requires biennial reporting with
updates regarding their mitigation efforts and in case of
developed countries, the financial support and technology
transfer to developing nations.xxiv Moreover, all submissions
under this framework are subject to a Technical Expert
Review, which will analyze their authenticity and identify
areas for improvement. A mechanism, to facilitate
implementation of and to promote the compliance, has been
established under Article 15 of the Agreement.
agreement also provides for a global stocktake mechanism


for assessing the implementation in interest of equity and in

light of the latest research reports.xxv The first such stocktake
will take place in 2018 at the 24th session of the COP and the
global stocktake in 2023 and thereafter at the gap of every five




The Agreement has opened the door even wider than the
Kyoto Protocol while agreeing upon opening a voluntary
carbon market to buy and sell carbon credits creating carbon
markets with financial speculations where parties can trade
carbon bonds. With this trading mechanism, developed
countries shall be allowed to buy cheap emission reduction
options, leaving even lesser option for the developing
countries. Unlike Kyoto, under the Paris Agreement,
developing countries having legal commitments through their
own INDCs will have not only to reduce their own emissions
to meet their commitments but also have to work for
reduction, to meet the obligations of developed countries, as
they can buy such reduction for their own emission. Such
mechanism with creating even more pressure on developing
countries will put the goal of achieving sustainable
development in peril as developed countries will get a carbon
market, through which they can offset their emissions, so they
will make hardly any effort towards the emission reduction
and will keep polluting more while they will buy carbon
credits from developing countries and developing countries
will keep cutting their emission to meet the target of
developed countries. Achieving the goal of sustainable
development looks hardly possible without carbon budgeting
which could have made a balance among different countries
considering the factor being developed and developing,
whereas there is no any reference to the carbon budgeting
and again developed countries are free to to disproportionally
appropriate carbon space in the future like what they have
done in past.
There may be combination of positives and negatives for
different groups of countries however the real winner without
any ambiguity at Paris are Multinational corporations and
international financial institutions for whom more business in
terms of the use of technologies and huge investments in
innovations and carbon credit market have been ensured in the


In the Agreement, developing countries have got words and
promise of money while developed countries have finally
got rid of their historical responsibility, but the biggest gain
has been achieved by the world and mankind when for the first
time almost all countries of the world have agreed to make a

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Satyadeep Kumar Singh


public commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emission in

direction to mitigate the climate change.
Developing countries, succeeded in getting mentioned the
terms like climate justice, sustainable lifestyle and
consumption in the text, which are though not in the
operational part of the agreement and presently are not backed
by any obligatory commitments but must be useful and work
as leverage in favor of developing countries for further
negotiations to ensure the sustainable development, as the
Paris Agreement is not the end, but the beginning of
negotiating future actions, where the review followed by
ratcheting up of INDCs commitments, finance mechanism,
reporting and transparency mechanism, functioning of carbon
market etc. are still to be negotiated in coming years.

This Agreement shall enter into force on the thirtieth day after the
date on which at least 55 Parties to the Convention accounting in total
for at least an estimated 55 percent of the total global greenhouse gas
emissions have deposited their instruments of ratification,
acceptance, approval or accession.
Article 21 (1), The Paris Climate Change Agreement, UNFCCC,
FCCC/CP/2015/L.9 (2015).
Article 20(1), The Paris Climate Change Agreement, UNFCCC,
FCCC/CP/2015/L.9 (2015).
Kyoto: Why did the US pull out? BBC World Service, March 30,
Available at:
Canada pulls out of Kyoto protocol, The Guardian, Dec 13 (2011)
Available at:
Article 28, The Paris Climate Change Agreement, UNFCCC, 2015.
This Agreement, in enhancing the implementation of the
Convention, including its objective, aims to strengthen the global
response to the threat of climate change, in the context of sustainable
development and efforts to eradicate poverty, including by:
(a) Holding the increase in the global average temperature to well
below 2 C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit
the temperature increase to 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels,
recognizing that this would significantly reduce the risks and impacts
of climate change;
Article 2 (1), The Paris Climate Change Agreement, UNFCCC,
FCCC/CP/2015/L.9 (2015).
National pledges 'far from enough' to halt global warming: UN,
Business Insider, Nov 6, (2015).
Available at:
Article 4.1, The Paris Climate Change Agreement, UNFCCC,
FCCC/CP/2015/L.9 (2015).
Article 9.3, The Paris Climate Change Agreement, UNFCCC,
FCCC/CP/2015/L.9 (2015).
Article 13, The Paris Climate Change Agreement, UNFCCC,
FCCC/CP/2015/L.9 (2015).
Each Country's Share of CO2 Emissions, Union of Concerned
Available at:
Article II 2(2), The Constitution of USA


Inimai M. Chettiar and Jason A. Schwarz, The Road Ahead:

EPAs Options and Obligations for Regulating Greenhouse Gases,
New York University School of Law, Institute for Policy Integrity p
68-70, April (2009).
Article 73, The Constitution of India.
Article 253, The Constitution of India.
Article 2(2), The Paris Agreement on Climate Change, UNFCC,
FCCC/CP/2015/L.9 (2015).
Decisions to give effect to the Agreement, Para 52, The Paris
FCCC/CP/2015/L.9, (2015).
The Parties to this Agreement
Noting the importance of ensuring the integrity of all ecosystems,
including oceans, and the protection of biodiversity, recognized by
some cultures as Mother Earth, and noting the importance for some
of the concept of climate justice, when taking action to address
climate change.
The Paris Climate Change Agreement, UNFCCC, 2015, p 21,
FCCC/CP/2015/L.9, (2015).
The Parties to this Agreement
Also recognizing that sustainable lifestyles and sustainable patterns of
consumption and production, with developed country Parties taking
the lead, play an important role in addressing climate change,
The Paris Climate Change Agreement, UNFCCC, 2015, p 21,
FCCC/CP/2015/L.9, (2015).
This Agreement will be implemented to reflect equity and the
principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective
capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances.
Article 2 (2), The Paris Climate Change Agreement, UNFCCC, 2015,
p 21, FCCC/CP/2015/L.9, (2015).
Para 54 & 115, Decisions to give effect to the Agreement, The
FCCC/CP/2015/L.9, (2015).
Para 52, Decisions to give effect to the Agreement, The Paris
Climate Change Agreement, UNFCCC, p.7, FCCC/CP/2015/L.9,
Article 4(13), The Paris Climate Change Agreement, UNFCCC,
FCCC/CP/2015/L.9 (2015).
Article 13, The Paris Climate Change Agreement, UNFCCC,
FCCC/CP/2015/L.9 (2015).
Article 15, The Paris Climate Change Agreement, UNFCCC,
FCCC/CP/2015/L.9 (2015).
Article 14 (2), The Paris Climate Change Agreement, UNFCCC,
FCCC/CP/2015/L.9 (2015).

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 141-145
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities of

Direct Seeded Rice in Bhandara District of
Sumedh R Kashiwar1, Dileep Kumar2, Usha R Dongarwar3,
Bijoya Mondal4 and Triyugi Nath5

SSAC, PSB, Visva Bharati, Sriniketan- West Beangal

Micro Nutrient Research(ICAR), AAU, Anand, Gujrat.
Programme Coordinator, KVK, Sakoli, Maharashtra.
Research Scholar, FRI, Dehradun
SSAC, BHU, Varanasi

AbstractRice is the most important food crops in the world, and

staple for more than half of the global population. Increasing water
crisis, water-intensive nature of rice cultivation and labour costs
have made to do the search for alternative management methods to
increase water productivity in rice cultivation. Direct seeded rice
(DSR) has received much more attention because of its low-input
demand. It involves sowing pre-germinated seed into a puddled soil
surface (wet seeding), standing water (water seeding) or dry seeding
into a prepared seedbed (dry seeding). The development of earlymaturing varieties and improved nutrient management techniques
along with increased availability of chemical weed control methods
has encouraged many farmers in India to switch from transplanted to
DSR culture. This shift should substantially reduce crop water
requirements, soil organic-matter turnover, nutrient relations,
carbon sequestering, weed biota and greenhouse-gas emissions. Still,
weed infestation can cause large yield losses in DSR. In addition,
recent incidences of blast disease, crop lodging, impaired kernel
quality and stagnant yields across the years are major challenges in
this regard. In this review, we discuss the experiences, potential
advantages and problems associated with DSR, and suggest likely
future patterns of changes in rice cultivation.

Direct seeding of rice refers to the process of establishing a
rice crop from seeds sown in the field rather than by
transplanting seedlings from the nursery. There are three
principal methods of direct seeding of rice (DSR): dry seeding
(sowing dry seeds into dry soil), wet seeding (sowing pregerminated seeds on wet puddled soils) and water seeding
(seeds sown into standing water). Dry seeding has been the
principal method of rice establishment since the 1950s in
developing countries [1]. In the traditional transplanting
system (TPR), puddling creates a hard pan below the ploughzone and reduces soil permeability. It leads to high losses of

water through puddling, surface evaporation and percolation.

Water resources, both surface and underground, are shrinking
and water has become a limiting factor in rice production.
Huge water inputs, labour costs and labour requirements for
TPR have reduced profit margins [2]. In recent years, there
has been a shift from TPR to DSR cultivation in several
countries of Southeast Asia [3]. This shift was principally
brought about by the expensive labour component for
transplanting due to an acute farm labour shortage, which also
delayed rice sowing. Low wages and adequate water favour
transplanting, whereas high wages and low water availability
suit DSR. TPR has high labour demands for uprooting nursery
seedlings, puddling fields and transplanting seedlings into
fields. The adoption of a direct-seeded method for lowland
rice culture would significantly decrease costs of rice
production. To date, no specific varieties have been developed
for this purpose. Existing varieties used for TPR do not appear
to be well-adapted for seedling growth in an initially oxygen
depleted microenvironment. As a result, farmers often resort
to the costly practice of increasing the seeding rate for DSR by
23 times. New varieties suitable for DSR must be able to
emerge and grow from a non-flooded soil. DSR is a major
opportunity to change production practices to attain optimal
plant density and high water productivity in water-scarce
areas. Traditionally, rice is grown by transplanting one-monthold seedlings into puddled and continuously flooded soil. The
advantages of the traditional system include increased nutrient
availability (e.g. iron, zinc, phosphorus) and weed suppression
[4]. With respect to yield, both direct seeding (viz. wet, dry or
water seeding) and transplanting had similar results [5]. DSR
has been practiced for some time, but has not gained
popularity; even though many research studies suggest its
benefits over TPR [6]. This review sums up the most recent

Sumedh R Kashiwar, Dileep Kumar, Usha R Dongarwar, Bijoya Mondal and Triyugi Nath


experiences, potential advantages, associated problems and

likely patterns of changes in DSR.

Direct seeding of rice was the major method of stand
establishment for about six decades. It was replaced with
transplanting during the 1970s in most parts of the world [1].
As a result of water scarcity and labour issues, farmers are
again considering direct-seeding systems in rice production.
Yield benefits, resource conservation, varietal development
and weed management of DSR are summarized below.
2.1. Role of direct seeding
Direct-seeding methods have several advantages over
transplanting. In addition to higher economic returns, DSR
crops are faster and easier to plant, less labour intensive and
consume less water are conducive to mechanisation, generally
flower earlier leading to shorter crop duration and mature 7
10 days earlier and have less methane emissions than TPR.
Typically, DSR is established earlier than TPR without growth
delays from transplant injury; which hastens physiological
maturity and reduces vulnerability to late-season drought.
Dry-seeding on flat land or raised beds with successive
saturated soil conditions reduces the amount of water needed
for land preparation and thus overall water demand. Direct
seeding also offers the option to resolve edaphic conflicts
(between rice and the subsequent non-rice crop) and enhance
sustainability of both the ricewheat cropping system and
succeeding winter crops, particularly early sown wheat.
2.2. Seed priming
In seed priming, a pre-sowing hydration technique, seeds are
partially hydrated such that germination processes begin, but
radical emergence does not occur [8]. This technique allows
some metabolic processes to occur without actual [9]. Seed
priming techniques are a promising solution to poor stand
establishment in DSR [10]. Seed priming techniques, such as
hydro-priming on-farm priming hardening and priming with
growth promoters like growth regulators and vitamins have
been successfully employed in rice to hasten and synchronise
emergence, achieve uniform stands, and improve yield and
2.3. Yield benefits
DSR is both cost- and labour-saving, although grain yield in
DSR is comparatively less than TPR. Some reports claim
similar or even higher yields of DSR with good management
practices. For instance, substantially higher grain yield was
recorded in DSR (3 t ha 1) than TPR (2 t ha 1), which was
attributed to increased panicle number, higher 1000 kernel
weight and lower sterility percentage. Among semi-dwarf rice
cultivars (IR-56, IR-58, IR-64 and IR-29732-143-3-2-1), IR58 had superior yield when seeds were directly broadcasted
rather than nursery transplanted [11]. The DSR in moistened
soil produced taller plants, more dry matter, lower chlorophyll

contents and specific leaf weights, and more panicles and

sterile spikelets than transplanted rice [12]. Farmer and
researcher trials in the Indo-Gangetic Plain reported irrigation
water savings of 1260% for DSR on beds, with similar or
lower yields for transplanted compared with puddle-flooded
transplanted rice (Gupta et al., 2003), and usually slightly
lower yields with DSR in flat fields. A study evaluating the
effect of different seeding techniques, cultivars, seed rates and
soil types on basmati rice found 44% and 30% higher grain
yield in direct-drilled compacted and puddled plots,
respectively than un-compacted/un-puddled plots [14]. Onfarm studies in India revealed comparable rice yields in some
DSR and TPR systems when weed control was adequate.
While comparing productivity and economics of various
planting techniques in rice-based cropping systems in the
Indo-Gangetic Plain, Gangwar et al. (2008) recorded higher
yield, root dry matter, net cost benefit ratio and infiltration rate
for a DSR-based cropping system using hybrid rice than TPR.
Higher values of bulk density, soil organic carbon, available P
and K were recorded under mechanical transplanting.
Similarly, higher total nutrient uptake was recorded in a rice
wheat sequence under mechanical transplanting than manually
transplanted rice under puddle conditions. Gupta et al. (2003)
reported 10% higher yields in DSR than flooded TPR.
2.4. Resource conservation
Rice farming is ongoing but subject to rapid change. The DSR
is a resource conservation technology as it uses less water with
high efficiency, incurs low labour expenses and is conducive
to mechanisation. DSR reduces the labour requirement for
establishment by transferring field activities to periods when
labour costs are comparatively lower (Pandey and Velasco,
1999). Substantial water savings are possible from DSR [17].
For example, experiments in Northwest India using DSR into
non-puddled soils found 3557% water [18],[19]. In these
trials, soils were kept near saturation or field capacity unlike
the flooded conditions used in puddle-transplanted systems. In
small plot DSR trials, the irrigation requirement decreased by
20% [13]. DSR on raised beds decreased water use by 12
60%, and increased yield by 10%, in trials at both
experimental stations and on-farm, compared with TPR.
2.6. Weed management
Weeds are the major constraint towards the success of DSR.
Estimated losses from weeds in rice are around 10% of total
production grain yield; however, such losses can be much
higher (Rao et al., 2007). In wet-seeded and dry-seeded rice,
weed growth reduced grain yield by up to 53 and 74%,
respectively [21], and up to 68100% for direct-seeded Aus
rice. More than 50 weed species cause yield losses in DSR
[22]. The DSR fields are more species-rich with greater
diversity in weed flora than TPR (Tomita et al., 2003). In
large-scale farmer participatory trials in India, [24] had
success with DSR by using the stale-seed bed technique

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities of Direct Seeded Rice in Bhandara District of Maharashtra

combined with a pre-emergence herbicide, pendimethalin,

applied within 2 days after seeding (DAS).



are altogether different than the TPR, where land is prepared

in standing water and soil is kept flooded during most of the
3.7. Lodging

Several challenges confront the wide-scale adoption of DSR

by farmers, such as weed infestation, stagnant yield,
availability of purposely developed varieties, panicle sterility,
nutrient availability, pests and diseases and water
management. An account of each is given below.
3.1. Weeds
High weed infestation is the major bottleneck in DSR
especially in dry field conditions [25],[20]. TPR seedlings
have a competitive advantage over newly emerged weeds
compared with emerging DSR seedlings. In addition, early
weeds in TPR are controlled by flooding, unlike in DSR [20].
More than 50 weed species infest direct-seeded rice, causing
major losses to rice production worldwide [20],[23]. When
farmers change from TPR to DSR the weed flora changes
dramatically. DSR is subjected to more severe weed
infestations than TPR because, in dry-seeded rice, weeds
germinate simultaneously with rice, and there is no water layer
to suppress weed growth. In DSR, weedy rice becomes
another major weed to control.
3.2. Diseases and insect pests
Sometimes the attack of arthropod insect pests is reduced in
DSR compared with TPR, but a higher frequency of ragged
stunt virus, yellow orange leaf virus, sheath blight and dirty
panicle have been observed in DSR. The soil-borne
pathogenic fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. graminis
has been observed in dry-seeded rice without supplemental
irrigation [26]. Root-knot nematodes have also been observed
when switching from flooded to water conservation rice
production systems.
3.6. Nutrient dynamics
Puddling in continuously flooded rice limits percolation losses
in the field and retains a saturated soil profile, which inhibits
establishment and growth of many weeds [27], and has
positive consequences for nutrient availability (Wade et al.,
1998). Reduced oxygen in the rhizosphere for long periods
prevents oxidation of NH4+ and retains this form of N against
leaching [29]. High pH favours NH3 volatilisation, and
increase stocks of plant available K, Ca, Si and Fe in soil for
rice growth [4]. Some evidence suggests that chemical
changes in flooded soils increase P availability. Continuous
removal of nutrients by the crop results in decreased
availability of NH4, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn and Cu. However,
there is a small increase in Fe availability in soil with
increased periods of submergence and crop growth. Land
preparation and water management are the principal factors
governing the nutrient dynamics in both DSR and TPR
systems. As most often in DSR, land is prepared in dry and
soil remains aerobic throughout the season, nutrient dynamics

Lodging, the permanent vertical displacement of the stem of a

free-standing crop plant, has been observed more often in
DSR than TPR fields in recent years. Lodging results in
substantial yield reductions due to decreased photosynthesis
by self-shading, and hampered grain quality due to increased
colouring and decreased taste. In addition, mechanical
harvesting of a lodged crop is extremely cumbersome. In this
regard, intermediate plant heights, large stem diameters, thick
stem walls and high lignin contents are lodging resistant

Despite several challenges confronting DSR, many
opportunities exist to tackle these issues; some of which are
discussed below.
4.1. Management options
Management options start from the selection of a good
genotype, site selection, seedbed preparation, sowing time,
plant protection, nutrient management, through to crop
harvesting. In DSR systems, soil type, weed management and
land levelling are of primary importance. Early canopy closure
helps to reduce evaporation after crop establishment.
4.1.1. Integrated weed management
Weeds pose a serious threat to DSR by competing for
nutrients, light, space and moisture throughout the growing
season. Tillage may help to control weeds temporarily by
burying unterminated weed seeds at a depth that stops
germination; but it may allow other, once deeply buried, seeds
to germinate. An integrated approach involving cultural
practices, crop rotation, stale seedbed practices, selection of
suitable competitive varieties, and use of herbicide mixtures is
essential in response to changes in weed community structure
in DSR
4.1.2. Nutrient management
Productivity in DSR systems approaches TPR systems when
N-fertiliser is supplied at high rates. Nutrient management
practices such as deep placement and use of controlled-release
fertilisers performed well under rainfed conditions. For
efficient use of N in flooded rice production, it is important for
N to be quickly converted into NH4+ which plants should
assimilate as early as possible. With improved management,
farmers should be able to double their present average
recovery of N fertiliser to 50%. One method of maintaining
soil N as NH4+ is to add nitrification inhibitors along with the
fertilisers, which also increase NUE and crop yield. Greater
fertiliser N efficiency in rice can be achieved by using N

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016


Sumedh R Kashiwar, Dileep Kumar, Usha R Dongarwar, Bijoya Mondal and Triyugi Nath

efficient varieties, improving timing and application methods

and better incorporation of basal N fertiliser application
without standing water. Split application of N has been
reported as the best method to improve N fertiliser use
efficiency, reduce denitrification losses, synchronize with
plant demand, and improve N uptake, straw and grain yield,
and harvest index in DSR.
4.1.3. Water use and water use efficiency
New water cannot be created; thus, we have to conserve and
make judicious use of every drop. Two possible options are to
minimize water losses through better management thus
ensuring more water for crop production, and improve water
use efficiency, i.e. increase in production per unit of water.
Soil type influences the need for irrigation water, e.g. coarsetextured soils have higher percolation losses. Land levelling
also facilitates uniform water application in less time and
helps in weed control.
4.1.6. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission
In wetland rice systems (both water seeding and transplanting
in flooded soils), large quantities of CH4 are emitted, which
account for 8.728% of total anthropogenic emissions.
Emission of GHG from rice fields is very sensitive to
management practices, so rice is an important target in this
regard. Direct seeding has the potential to decrease CH4
emission Wassmann et al. (2004) proposed that CH4 emissions
may be suppressed by up to 50% if DSR fields are drained
mid-season. The net effect of direct seeding on GHG
emissions also depends on N2O emissions, which increase
under aerobic conditions.
4.2. Genetic and biotechnological approaches
The use of molecular markers and genomics platforms offer
unique opportunities to develop early maturing and highyielding rice varieties with resistance to lodging. Dissecting
quantitative traits into single genetic components, so-called
QTLs, is a more direct method for accessing valuable genetic
diversity of physiological processes that regulate a plants
adaptive response. Genomics-assisted improvement of rice
genotypes to direct-seeding environments increasingly relies
on the QTL approach. Improvement of genetic resistance to
biotic stress is another important and effective breeding
approach to water-saving cultivation of rice. Rice blast
disease, a destructive disease of rice under water-limited
conditions, is a major problem. Likewise, production of
transgenic herbicide-resistant rice is a pragmatic approach to
popularise DSR culture. Although there are research efforts to
develop herbicide-resistant rice transgens, so far there has
been little success. Approaches to improve NUE are also
being investigated to incorporate the nitrogenase enzyme into
the rice plant chloroplast and to engineer plants to nodulate
with N-fixation bacteria.

On the face of global water scarcity and escalating labour
rates, when the future of rice production is under threat, direct
seeded rice (DSR) offers an attractive alternative. A successful
transition of rice cultivation from transplanting system (TPR)
to DSR culture demands breeding of special rice varieties and
developing appropriate management strategies. Despite
controversies, if properly managed, comparable yield may be
obtained from DSR compared with TPR. As the extent and
nature of weed flora changes as a result of this transition,
sustainable integrated weed management tools must be
identified. This shift also changes the dynamics of mineral
nutrients; the availability of most microelements is reduced in
DSR. If not managed, weeds may cause partial to complete
failure of DSR crops. In DSR culture, WUE and productivity
may increase if appropriate soil types from levelled land are
selected. Methane emissions are substantially reduced in DSR,
NO2 emissions increase; methods to reduce its emission for a
safer environment are needed. Lodging and blast attack are
threats in DSR that need attention; biotechnological and
genetic approaches may help resolve these issues.
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p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Experiences, Challenges and Opportunities of Direct Seeded Rice in Bhandara District of Maharashtra

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Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 146-148
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

An Overview on the Ground Water Recharge by

Rain Water Harvesting
Sumedh R Kashiwar1, Usha R Dongarwar2,
Bijoya Mondal3 and Manik Chandra Kundu4

Reseach Scholar, SSAC, PSB, Visva Bharati, Sriniketan- West Beangal

Programme Coordinator, KVK, Sakoli, Maharashtra.
Research Scholar, FRI, Dehradun
Asst. Prof., SSAC, ASEPAN,PSB, Visva Bharati, Sriniketan

AbstractEvery year in Monsoon our nature gives us our life in the

form of rainfall but little beat of it is stored in the soil, damps, lakes
etc. and remaining water get wasted in rivers. At the time of rainfall
we didnt even recognize that running water but when the water level
of our wells goes down then we think on it but at that time we cant
do anything so we face water scarcity, only mean to say When the
well is dry, we learn the value of water. Now days we are reaching
to the heights of development and covering all the earth surface by
cement and concrete material but we are forgetting that we are
closing the route of water to get entered in the earths surface and it
directly affects on our ground water level and we need face water
scarcity. If this condition goes on then our new generation will face a
high water problems for drinking and Agriculture purpose. Till about
thirty years back, the areas around our homes and offices used to be
unpaved and the rain falling on these areas would percolate into the
soil and remain there for being drawn through shallow open wells.
With the proliferation of flat complexes, not only have these areas
been avid and percolation of rainwater into the soil almost totally
stopped, the quantity of water drawn from the soil below has
increased manifold. Consequently open wells and not - so - deep bore
wells started drying up. The reason is that no sincere attempt is made
to replenish the ground water table with rainwater during the
monsoon. The Rainwater harvesting is the simple collection or
storing of water through scientific techniques from the areas where
the rain falls. It involves utilization of rain water for the domestic or
the agricultural purpose. The method of rain water harvesting has
been into practice since ancient times. It is as far the best possible
way to conserve water and awaken the society towards the
importance of water. The method is simple and cost effective too. It is
especially beneficial in the areas, which faces the scarcity of water.
People usually make complaints about the lack of water. During the
monsoons lots of water goes waste into the gutters. And this is when
Rain water Harvesting proves to be the most effective way to
conserve water. We can collect the rain water into the tanks and
prevent it from flowing into drains and being wasted. It is practiced
on the large scale in the metropolitan cities. Rain water harvesting
comprises of storage of water and water recharging through the
technical process.

In ancient times the water cycle was properly going on but due
to the interruption of mankind the Ground water level is going
down and down. It was difficult to imagine few years before
that you will require to buy drinking water but now we need to
buy it everywhere we travel. Today Fresh water is a scarce
resource, and it is being felt the world over. More than 2000
million people would live under conditions of high water
stress by the year 2050, according to the UNEP (United
Nations Environment Programme), which warns water could
prove to be a limiting factor for development in a number of
regions in the world. About one-fifth of the worlds population
lacks access to safe drinking water and with the present
consumption patterns; two out of every three persons on the
earth would live in water-stressed conditions by 2025. Around
one-third of the world population now lives in countries with
moderate to high water stresswhere water consumption is
more than 10% of the renewable fresh water supply, said the
GEO (Global Environment Outlook) 2000, the UNEPs
millennium report. Actually water harvesting means a system
that collects rainwater from where it falls doesnt allow it to
drain out. It may include water that is collected within the
boundaries of a property, from roofs, agriculture land and
surrounding surfaces. Various ways of harvesting water:

Capturing run-off from rooftops of Home / Offices.

Capturing run-off from local catchments
Capturing seasonal flood water from local streams
Conserving water through watershed management.

Advantages of rainwater harvesting

Homemade or Cheap material can be used for the construction
of Container and Tanks. It has low maintenance costs and
requirements also. Collected rainwater can be consumed with
proper treatment. It provides supply of safe water close to
homes, agricultural field and other areas

An Overview on the Ground Water Recharge by Rain Water Harvesting


Technique of Rain Water Harvesting:

Co-efficient for evaporation, spoilage, flush = 0.80 (Constant)

A rainwater harvesting system comprises components of

various stages - transporting rainwater through pipes or drains,
filtration, and storage in tanks for reuse or recharge.

Runoff co-efficient = 0.85 (Constant)

Roof Rain Water harvesting:

= 100 x 0.60 x 0.85 x 0.80

Rain water harvesting involves following components:

= 40.8 cum

Catchment Area / Roof: Surface upon which rain falls it may

be Roof, Agriculture field, Ground Surface.

= 40,800 liters

Pipe line/ Gutters: Transport channels from Catchment to

Storage. The size of the pipe is depend on the rainfall rate.

of pipe in


Average rate of rainfall (mm/hr)

Roof Area (Sqm.)
16.0 12.0
27.0 20.4 16.3 13.6
57.0 42.7 34.2 28.5
80.5 64.3 53.5


Charcoal Filter
A proportionate layer of Gravel + Charcoal + Sand + Gravel ,
are used as filter.
Sand Filter
Easy to construct and inexpensive. Filters can be employed for
treatment of water to effectively remove turbidity (suspended
particles like silt and clay), colour and microorganisms. In a
simple sand filter that can be constructed domestically, the top
layer comprises coarse sand followed by a 5-10 mm layer of
gravel followed by another 5-25 cm layer of gravel.
Storage tanks: Storage tank for the Harvested rain water and it
is usable in Domestic, Animal and for Gardening purpose. For
designing the optimum capacity of the tank following aspect
have to be considered:
Average Annual rainfall
Size of the catchment
Drinking water requirements
Suppose the system has to be designed for meeting the
meeting drinking water requirement of a 5 member family
living in a building with a roof top area of 100 Sqm. Average
annual rainfall is 600 mm. Daily drinking & cooking water
requirement / person is 10 Liters .
We shall first calculate the maximum amount of rainfall that
can be harvested from roof top.
Area of roof top = 100 Sqm.
Average annual rainfall = 600 mm.

100 sq m roof top= (Area of roof top)x(Annual rainfall in

meter)x( Runoff Co-efficient)x(Co-efficient of evaporation)

The tank capacity has to be designed for dry period i.e. the
period between two consecutive rainy seasons. With monsoon
extending over 4 months the dry season is of 245 days has
been considered.
Drinking water requirement for family for dry season 245 x 5
x 10 = 12,250 litres.
As a safety factor , the water tank should be built 20 % larger
than required i.e. 14700 litres = (1.2 x 12,250)
This tank meet the basic meet drinking & cooking water
requirement of a 5member family for the day period.
Over flow connection: There should be a overflow connection
for avoiding overflow condition during excess/heavy rainfall.
Overflow connection should be opened on a Canal or in a
Sloppy region of the particular area.
Cost of installation
Estimated average cost of installing a Water Harvesting
System for :
An individual house of average area of 300-500 m2, the
average cost will be around Rs. 20,000-25,000. A recharge
well will be constructed near the existing bore well. The roof
water through PVC pipe will be diverted to recharge well.
An apartment building, the cost will be less since the many
people will share the cost. More over in apartments there are
separate storm water drains, which join the MCD drains in the
main road. Here along with recharge well, recharge trench and
percolation pits can be constructed. The cost will be around 60
to 70 thousand
A colony, the cost will be much less. For instance, around 36
recharge wells were installed at the cost of 8 lakh, which is
around Rs 500-600 per house. In many colonies storm water
drains are present but it is difficult to isolate them from
sewage drains because there has been violation of the drainage
master plan. Also, these drains are not properly maintained.
Hence, care needs to be taken while using storm water for
water harvesting. Rooftop harvesting is preferred because the
silt load is less. In storm water drain the silt load is high and
generally the municipality does not maintain the storm drains
An institution with campus, the cost was around 4 lac. Here
two recharge wells and three trenches cum percolation pits
were constructed.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Sumedh R Kashiwar, Usha R Dongarwar, Bijoya Mondal and Manik Chandra Kundu


Fields Runoff water Harvesting

In rainfall we lose our fertile soil every year with runoff water,
thats why Indian soils are losing their productivity day by
day. There are few techniques to conserve the fertile layer of
soil. In a field the water flows to the direction of slope, as the
slope get sloppier the water flows with a high speed but water
takes the upper layer of soil along with it. To conserve the soil
and water we need to take it in preferred direction by making
proper channels. But how???
Now a days tube wells are getting use a Major source of
water in India due to the low cost for implementation bur
sometimes it is not able to meet the need of Any Agriculture
field , House or any Industry.
Due to the lowering of ground water level a direct effect is
shown on tube wells. Tube wells are the Best medium for the
Ground water Recharge due to their long depth.
Water Harvesting potential = Rainfall (mm) X Collection
Consider a building with a flat terrace area of 100m2. The
average annual rainfall in Nagpur is approximately 1,110 mm
(44 in)in simple terms; this means if the terrace floor is
assumed impermeable, and all the rain that falls on it is
retained without evaporation, then, in one year, there will be
rainwater on the terrace floor to a height of 1,110mm.
Area of the plot = 100 m2
Height of annual rainfall = 1.11 m {1,110 mm (44 in)}
Volume of rainfall over the plot = Area of plot X Height of
= 100 m2 X 1.11 m
= 111 m3 (1, 11,000 litres )
Assuming that only 50 percent of the total rainfall is
effectively harvested,
Volume of water harvested = 55,500 litres
This volume is about twice the annual drinking water
requirement of a 5-member family. The
Average daily drinking water requirement per person is 10
Case Study:
In thane (Maharashtra) in the year 2003 Rain water Harvesting
project was done in VIKAS Complex B wing for five
buildings 9 storage each. They had dug 3 bore wells and a pit
of 6ft X 4ft pit. So total cost was around Rs. 300000 including
the piping. Due to this they have 5000 liters of output in the
morning and evening. So total 10000 liters per day. So the
total 5 building supply per day was 50000 per day. For instant

from the year 2003 they receive 50000 liters of water nonstop
every day.
Sustaining and recharging the groundwater along with
judicious use of the limited fresh water resources is the need
of the hour. One of the most logical steps towards this goal
would be acknowledging the importance of rainwater
harvesting. It can be concluded from above findings that
rainwater, if conserved and utilized using the rainwater
harvesting technology, can be an effective tool of replenishing
ground water resources.
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The Journal of Sri Krishna Research & Educational Consortium
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(IJMMR Volume 2, Issue 12 (December, 2011) ISSN 22296883) pg 47-66.
[11]. Indian Standard Guidelines for Rain Water Harvesting in hilly
areas by roof water collection system IS 14961:2001
[12]. Harvesting, Storing, and Treating Rainwater for Domestic
Indoor Use, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
[13]. A pilot scheme for rooftop rainwater harvesting at Centre of
Mining Environment, Dhanbad. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL
OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Volume 1, No 7, 2011 pg.
[14]. Krishna, H. J., (2005). The success of rainwater harvesting in
Texas a model for other states. Proceedings of the North
American rainwater harvesting conference, Seattle, WA, July 14
16, 2005, American Rainwater Catchment System
[15]. Thomas, T.H. and Martinson, D.B. (2007). Roofwater
Harvesting: A Handbook for Practitioners. Delft, The
Netherlands, IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre.
(Technical Paper Series; no. 49). 160 p.

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016

Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET)

p-ISSN: 2394-1561; e-ISSN: 2394-157X; Volume 3, Issue 2; April-June, 2016; pp. 149-149
Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Clean Energy Technology for Sustainable

Development in an Input-output FrameworkA Case Study of New Holland Agriculture
Farm Industry
Saloni Chaudhary*1 and Raghavendra G.Rao*2
*Department of Environmental Sciences SRM University Delhi-NCR , Plot no 39,
Rajiv Gandhi Education city Sonipat Haryana -131029, India

AbstractClean Energy is central to achieving sustainable social and economic development. It is not possible to achieve
economic growth to satisfy current basic needs of Humanity without an intensive use of energy. On the other side, one of the
main challenges for the use of energy is the negative effects of greenhouse gases on the global climate. Agricultural implements
industries are highly energy intensive. Some of these industries are: John Deere, Mahindra & Mahindra, Massey Ferguson,
Escorts and Preet. Many of these industries use fossil fuel as energy source and release green house gases. There is a need to
use clean energy resources in agriculture implements for the preservation of our environment and natural resources.
This paper presents a frame work of clean energy technology for sustainable development with input-output framework. The
industry chosen for this study is the New Holland industry situated in India. The New Holland is a global brand of agricultural
machinery produced by CNH Industrial. New Holland agricultural products include tractors, combine harvesters, balers.
Forage harvesters, self-propelled sprayers, haying tools, seeding equipment, hobby tractors, utility vehicles and implements, as
well as grape harvesters. The original New Holland Machine Company was founded in 1895 in New Holland, Pennsylvania; it
was acquired by a couple of companies and finally by Fiat in 1991, becoming a full line producer. New Holland launched the
clean Energy Leader strategy for the active promotion of renewable fuels, emission reduction of green house gases and
sustainable agriculture technology.
Keywords: Clean energy; Agriculture; New Holland; Green House Gases; Sustainable Development; Renewable Fuels; Global

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