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Unhappy triad- Common injury in contact sports due to lateral force applied to a planted leg.

Classically, consists of damage to the ACL, MCL, and medial meniscus (attached to MCL);
however, lateral meniscus injury is more common.
Rotator cuff muscles- SItS (small t is for teres minor).
Wrist bones (So Long To Pinky, Here Comes The Thumb).
Hand muscles Thenar (median) Hypothenar (ulnar)
Both groups perform the same functions: Oppose, Abduct, and Flex (OAF).
Dorsal interossseiabduct the fingers.
Palmar interosseiadduct the fingers.

DAB = Dorsals Abduct

PAD = Palmars Adduct.

Lumbricalsflex at the MCP joint, extend PIP and DIP joints.

PED = Peroneal Everts and Dorsiflexes; if injured, foot dropPED.
TIP = Tibial Inverts and Plantarflexes; if injured, cant stand on TIPtoes.
Muscle conduction to contraction
Contraction results in shortening of H and I bands and between Z lines (HIZ)
A band remains the same length (A band is Always the same length)
Types of muscle fibers
Type 1 muscle Think 1 slow red ox.
Stages of Paget disease:
Mixedosteoclasts + osteoblasts
Quiescentminimal osteoclast/osteoblast activity
Seronegative spondyloarthritis (PAIR)
Psoriatic arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis
Inflammatory bowel disease
Reactive arthritis
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Libman-Sacks Endocarditis
(LSE in SLE).
UVB is dominant in sunBurn, UVA in tAnning and photoAging.
LTB4 is a neutrophil chemotactic agent. Neutrophils arrive B4 others.
PGI2 inhibits platelet aggregation and promotes vasodilation. Platelet-Gathering Inhibitor.

Etanercept is a TNF decoy receptor.

Basal ganglia: Voluntary motor control, procedural learning, eye movement, and cognition
The direct pathway stimulates motion; the indirect pathway inhibits motion.
The hypothalamus makes me hungry for HAM BEETS (Hunger, Autonomic nervous system,
Memory, Behavior, Endocrine, Emotion, Temperature, Sleep-Wake cycle, and Sexual urges)
The thalamus is a subcortical structure that functions like a switchboard in
relaying sensory information to the cortex. It can be divided into functional
Medial geniculate nucleus (MGN): Medial for music
Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN): (Lateral for looking)
Limbic System
Five Fs=Feeding, Fleeing, Fighting, Feeling andSex.
Cranial Nerves
2. 2. 4. 4 rule :
CN I, II: Above brainstem
CN III, IV: Midbrain
CN V, VI, VII, I: Pons
CN IX, X, XI, XII: Medulla
sensory signals, motor signals, or both: Some Say Marry Money, But My
Brother Says Big Business Makes Money.
The trigeminal nerve has Standing Room Only.
VI: Superior orbital fissure (CN III, IV, VI, VI, ophthalmic vein, and sympathetic
V2: Foramen rotundum
V3: Foramen ovale
Foramen spinosum: Middle meningeal artery
Posterior Cranial Fossa
Internal auditory meatus: CNs VII, VIII
Jugular foramen: CNs IX, X, XI, jugular vein
Foramen magnum: CNs XI
Hypoglossal canal: CN XII.

Cavernous Sinus
Remembering the contents is O TOM CAT: Oculomotor nerve (CN III),
Trochlear nerve (CN IV), Ophthalmic nerve (CN VI), Maxillary nerve (CN V2),
Carotid artery (internal), Abducens nerve (CN VI), and Trochlear nerve
Tongue development
Taste -CNVII, IX, X (solitary nucleus).
Pain-CNV3, IX, X.
The hypothalamus wears (TAN HATS)-Thirst and water balance,
Adenohypophysis control (regulates anterior pituitary), Neurohypophvsis
releases hormones produced in the hypothalamus, Hunger, Autonomic
regulation, Temperature regulation, Sexual urges.
Anterior hypothalamus A/C = anterior cooling.
Broca = Broken Boca (comprehension remains intact)
Wernicke is Wordy but makes no sense (word salad)
Common brain lesions
Amygdala (bilateral) Kluver-Bucy syndrome (eg, hyperphagia, hypersexuality,
Cerebellar hemispheres are laterally located- affects lateral limbs
Cerebellar vermis is centrally located- affects central body
Mammillary bodies- W-K syndrome
Normal pressure hydrocephalus
Expansion of ventricles Q distorts the fibers of the corona radiate -> triad of
urinary incontinence, ataxia, and cognitive dysfunction (sometimes
reversible). Wet, Wobbly, and wacky. Characteristic magnetic gait (feet
appear stuck to floor).
Spinal cordlower extent
To keep the cord alive, keep the spinal needle between L3 and L5.
Spinal cord and associated tracts
Legs (Lumbosacral) are Lateral in Lateral corticospinal, spinothalamic tracts |
Dorsal columns are organized as you are, with hands at sides. Arms outside,
legs inside.
Motor neuron signs

Lower motor neuron = everything lowered (less muscle mass, decreased

muscle tone and reflexes, downgoing toes)
Upper motor neuron = everything up (tone, DTRs, toes).
Friedreich is Fratastic (frataxin): hes your favorite frat brother, always
staggering and falling but has a sweet, big heart.
Ataxic GAAit.
Clinical reflexes
Reflexes count up in order:
SI, 2buckle my shoe (Achilles reflex)
L3, 4kick the door (patellar reflex)
C5, 6pick up sticks (biceps reflex)
C7, 8-lay them straight (triceps reflex)
LI, L2testicles move (cremaster reflex)
S3, S4winks galore (anal wink reflex)
Brain stemdorsal view (cerebellum removed)
Your eyes are above your ears, and the superior colliculus (visual) is above
the inferior colliculus (auditory).
Mastication muscles
3 muscles close jaw: Masseter, temporalis, Medial pterygoid. 1 opens: lateral
pterygoid. All are innervated by trigeminal nerve (V3)
Ms Munch. Lateral Lowers (when speaking of pterygoids with respect to jaw
It takes more muscle to keep your mouth shut.
(IVC) ate (8) ten (10) eggs (esophagus) at (aorta) twelve (12).
The common carotid bifourcates at C4.
The trachea bifourcates at T4.
The abdominal aorta bifourcates at L4. (
At T-1-2 its the red, white, and blue
Minute ventilation VE = VT x RR
Alveolar ventilation VA = (VT-VD)xRR
Oxygen content of blood
O2 content = (1.34 x Hb x Sao2) + (0.003 x Pao2)
02 delivery to tissues = cardiac output x 02 content of blood.
Lysosomal storage diseases
No man picks (Niemann-Pick) his nose with his sphinger (sphingomyelinase).
Tay-SaX lacks hexosaminidase.

Hunters see clearly (no corneal clouding) and aggressively aim for the X (Xlinked recessive)
T incidence of Tay-Sachs, Niemann-Pick, and some forms of Gaucher disease
in Ashkenazi Jews.
Fatty acid metabolism
SYtrate = Synthesis.
CARnitine = CARnage of fatty acids.

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