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From : Teresa Gowa n [mai lto:teresa.



Sent: Thursday, June 2, 2016 3:55 ptrt

To: Angie Cathrae, Cler Town of South Bruce Peninsula; Brenda Maclsaac,
Clerk of Central Huron; Brenda Maclsaac,
Clerk of central Huron; Chartene overholt.Clert<lg elugwter; nrstne rraser-nioonald,
Deputy clerk Georgian Btuffs;
Debbie Robertson, Clerk for Grey Highlands; Debbie Robertson, Clerk
for Cr"v HghlnAs; oebn Roth, Brockton Clerk;
Donna MacDougall clerk of Kincardine; Donna MacDougall crk
or rncarin; H.iLr stirling, Admin AssisL Twp of
chatsworth; Holly Morison, Clerk Georgian Blutrs; Mark rurne
!l* gr west'erev; ary tynn standen, Clerk of NBp;
Matt Smith Deputy Clerk, Meaford; Peggy Rouse,
of Arran-eHersliq pavfen lartell, Cler Township of Southgate;
Robert rremblav, Directorlerk of Meirdi
qer w.inn." soya waton cterk of Huron-Kints;
*_'r smit!, cting
of chatsworth
lal-eie lanip,
Subjec Fwd: Petition

To: Clerks of Participating Municipalities,

With regard to the recgnt Resolutions you passed regarding Requiring Municipal
Support for proposed RFp
Process by IESO, the Legislative Assistantfor Lisaihomison, Mpp-for
Huron-Bruc, Jessica tranier
contacted me and stated that Lisa Thompson wished to heip th Municipalities
with this Resolution. Jessica
Trepanier has provided a link to a Petitin on Lisa Thompson's website
to support this Resolution.

I have forwarded this link to the MMwTwG Members

as well. The Petition needs to be printed and if at least

2 people sign a hard copy of the Petition this requires Lisa Thompson
to read the petition in the r"tirtature.

The current session of the Legislature ends on June 8, 2016 andif

hard copies can be mailed to Lisa Thompson
before that datg she can read the Petitions during this session. Alternatively,
we can follow up
er sr
again in the fall
for the Fall


Thank you.
Teresa Gowan
Recording Secretary

Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group


trrtg4o-,uce /Aaffino



Mandtory Municpol Participqton in Renewable Energy




the LegislativeAssembly of Ontario:

WHEREAS, The lndependent Electrical System Operator has requested input on


RFP process used

to award renewable

energy contracts; and

WHEREAS, The government indicated

that new contracts would be directed to willing host communities with the Minister
of Energy indicating on March 7th that it would be "almost impossible" for a contract to be granted under the current
process without muncipal agreement; and

WHEREAS, Three of the five contracts announced on March 10th dd

WHEREAS, The current process does

not have muncipal support for the project; and

not meet the government's standards for openness and transparency; and

WHEREAS, The province has not demonstrated

that renewable energy projects are of sufficient strategic importance in

meeting Ontario's electricity generation requirements and/ or carbon emission reducton targets to warrant the province
taking action to override municipal decisions;
the undersigned, petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, and the Government of Ontario to make
municipal support a mandatory requirement in the IESO RFP process, require that full details of the project be made
available to local Councils, and allow municipalities to provide comments on the project directly to the IESO, before any
more approvals are granted.


Name {Printed}




Please mail (do not fax) the original signed petton (no copies) to: lisa Thompson, MPP
Room 425, Legislative Building Queen's Park - Toronto, ON M7A 148

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