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‘United States Department of State Washington, D.C. 20520 May 25, 2016 Case No, F-2015-15018 Scott Parker Republican National Committee 310 First St. SE ‘Washington, D.C. 20003 Dear Mr. Parker: In response to your request dated September 28, 2015, under the Freedom of Information Act (the “FOTA”), 5 U.S.C. § 552, we have initiated searches of the following Department of Statz record systems: the Bureau of Human Resourees (“HR”), the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (“DS”), the Office of the Chief of Protocol (“CPR”), the Office of Global Partnerships (“GP”), Under Secretary for Management (“M”), the Executive Secretariat (“S/ES”), and the Bureau of Information Resource Management (“IRM”). ‘The processing of responsive records is ongoing and has, thus far, resulted in the retrieval of seven documents responsive to your request. Afier reviewing these documents, we have determined that ali seven may be released with excisions. Further, we have determined that an additional five documents are responsive to your request and can be accessed on the State Department's FOTA website (https:/foia state gov/Search/Search.aspx) in case I'-2015-0S069 under the following document numbers: C05833708, C05833723, C0S833764, 005833787, and (005833778. ‘An enclosure explains the FOIA exemptions and othor grounds for withholding material. Where ‘we have made excisions, the applicable FOLA exemptions are marked on each document. In some cases, (wo or more exemptions may apply to the same document. All released material is enclosed. We will keep you informed as your case progresses. If you have any questions, your attorney ‘may contact Marsha Edney, Trial Attorney, at Marsha Edney@usdoj gov. Please refer to the cese number, F-2015-15018, and the civil action number, 16-cv-00488, in all correspondence about this case. Sincerely, Siro 0 WeBrac to Eric F. Stein, Acting Co-Director Office of Information Programs and Services Enclosures: As stated. wy) (x2) x3) oe es) (bX6) 0X7) x8) 0X9) ‘The Freedom of Information Act (5 USC 552 FOIA Exemptions Information specifically authorized by an executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy, Executive Order 13526 includes the following classification categories: 1.4(@) Military plans, systems, or operations 1.4(b) Foreign government information 1.4(¢) Intelligence activities, sources or methods, or eryptology 1.4(@) Foreign relations or foreign activities of the US, including confidential sources 1.4(€) Scientific, technological, or econotnic matters relating to national security, including defense against transnational terrorism 1.4(Q) U.S. Government programs for safeguarding nuclear materials or facilities 1.4) Vulnerabilities or capabilites of systems, installations, infrastructures, projects, plans, or protection services relating to US national security, including defense against transnational tecrorisra 1.4(h) Weapons of mass destruction Related solely to the internal personne! rules and practices of an agency Specifically exempted fiom disclosure by statute (other than 5 USC 552), for example: ARMSEXP ‘Arms Export Control Act, 50a USC 2411¢¢) CIA PERS/ORG Central Intelligence Ageney Act of 1949, 50 USC 403(2) EXPORT CONTROL Export Administration Act of 1979, 50 USC App. Sec. 2411(€) FS ACT Foreign Service Act of 1980, 22 USC 4004 INA Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 USC 1202(, Sec. 222(f) IRAN Iran Claims Settlement Act, Public Law 99-99, Soc. 505 ‘Trade secrets and confidential commercial or financial information Interagency or intra-agency communications forming part of the deliberative process, attorney-client privilege, or attorney work product Personal privacy information Law enforcement information whose disclosure would: (A) interfere with enforcement proceedings (B) deprive a person of a fair trial (C) constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy (D) disclose confidential sources &) disclose investigation techniques (F) endanger life or physical safety of an individual Prepared by or for a government agency regulating or supervising financial institutions ‘Geological and geophysical information and data, including maps, couceming wells Other Grounds for Withholding Material not responsive toa FOIA request excised with the agreement of the requester UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-15018 Doc No, C05998482 Date: 05/25/2016 CLASSIFIED INFORMATION NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT ANAGREEMENT BETWEEN) 'AND THE UNTTED STATES ‘Printed cried) RELEASE IN PART B7(C),B6, 1. Intercng tobe Iagaly bound, | hereby aocep the obfigstions coniained inthis Agreement in consideration of my beng granted 22208 fo cessed infomation, As used in tis Agrooment clseiied Inermaton le morted or unnersed claefed ifomncton. \netoing oral cormmanicatons, that is cased under the standards of Execuve Order 12958, or under any other Execute ors oF statue tat prohibits the unautrzed dlconure of information in the nésrest of natonel secur: and untiassied formation that ‘ects the slndards for decal and isin the process of Gassiaion determination ae provided n Secon 1.3 end 1.) of Execuve Order 12958, or uncer any cher Executve order or slave tat requires protection fr such inlrmaton inthe interes f national security. | undertend snd accept tat by being granted acces to clesifed ifomaton, special confides sh ‘Fut sha be place in me by te United States Government. ° 2._lnereby acknowledge thet | have reosWed a secur indoctinaton conceming the nature and protection of cessiied information, Including the procedures to be folowed in aecertzning whether Per persone to whem | contemplate dscosing this information have ‘been approved for access toi and thst | understand these procedures, 3 | have been advised thatthe unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized reteton, or negligent handing of dai information by me ‘oulé cause damage o troparable jury tothe Usted Slates or could be uted to advantage bya foreign ration. {hereby agree hat ‘wl Never dvuige assifd information to anyone unless: (8) | nave ofialy verted thet the reapsent cs bean property authorized by tha United States Goverment to receive Hof () Ihave. been given prior ven notice of suthorization tom the United Sistes ‘person 8s provided in (a) 0° (b), above. | further understand that | am obligated to comply with laws and reguations thal promibk the ‘Unauthorized declooure of aaciedinlormation, ‘4. Ihave been advised tat any breach of this Agreement may result in tha termination of ny secury dearances | hol: remove! from any poston of special confidence and trust requring such clearances; or termination of my employment or other relationships with he Departments or Agencies that rented my security Glerance or earances. In adelon | have been advieed tht eny unauthorized ‘acoso of cessed information by me may coretite a vileton, oF violations, of United States criminal laws, inchadg the rowsions of Sections 641, 783, 794, 708, “852 and 1824, Tite 18, Untied States Code, “Ihe provisione of Section 783(0), Te 50, LUnted Stoms cada, end the provion’ of he inteligence Kdenties Protection Act of 1982. | recognize hut nothing in he Agreement ‘constitutes a waiver by he United Stats of he right o prosecute ma for any etatitary Volaton 5. thereby assign to the Unted States Government all oye, remunerations, snd emoluments that hava resulted, wa eu or may ‘eaul rom any diciosure, pubeation or ceveation of classed informaben net consistent wits the term of his Agreement. ‘61 understand thel the Unitad States Goverment may seek any remecy avaliable toi to enforce this Agreement ineucing but not limited 'o, appa for a court erder prohibiting tcoeure of lfrmation i Breach ofthis Agreement. 7. 1 understand hata classifed ifermaton to which | have access or may obtan accats by signing this Agreement now and wit ‘omein the property of or under the contra of the United Sictes Goverment unless and unl oferwise determined by an authorized ‘offical or fine! ning of a cour of aw. | agree that | shal rem al assed materia which hove, or may come into my possestion of for which | am responsibie bacause of such mecess: (a) upon demand by an authorzed representative of the United Stes Government; () upon the conclusion of my employment or otha alslorship wth the Depertmert or Agency tha lost granted me @ ecurty clearance of that proviged me accoss to classed information; oF (¢) upon the conclusion of my employment or cher ‘eatonahin that requires access to Gastifed information. If do not etum such materate Upon request, | understand tha is thay be | Violation of Sectne 793 andlor 1926, Tilo 19, United States Code, a United State esmina law. .”_Untess and unt | am released in wring by an authorize representative ofthe United Stetos Goverment. | undarstand thet at ‘intone and abgions imposed upon me by his Agreement apply xing the ne | om granted accae fo classe infornton, ‘and a al Uines terest, ‘9. Each provision of his Agreement is seversble. If court sig fd eny prowalon of the Agreement to be unenforeable, al other ‘roxisions ofthis Agreement shel remain ofl fore and eter ° Pci Ob any irra FMR FORT Ro 1a Pree eden ean Preemea oy mRAISOD Demon bo ta UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-15018 Doc No, CO5998492 Date: 05/25/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-15018 Doc No, C0S998492 Date: 05/25/2016 10. These resicions are consist wth and do not supersede, conti wih or etherwiso ar the employee obigains, rhs or {abies created by Execitive Order 12058, Secon 7211 of Te 5, Unted Sais code (overing dscouues © Congress): Secton 1084 of Tata 0, United States coe, 08 amended by te Miltary Whisteblower Potecion A Govering deosur to Congres by members of be mtn) Secton 23020) (@) of Tike 5, Unied States Code, c= amended by tbe Wisabower Proecton Act (Governing eecceures of ilegalty wast, aud, abuse or public heath or salty treats): he Insigenco Mees Protection Ac of 1882 (50 USC 425 t seq) (governing ducssures al expect corigentel Goverment gen), andthe sais which prctect gaia laonure Dut may compronise the raonal ecy, inching SacSons 641,700, 74,708, 052 and 1524 of Tbe 18, Unked ‘State Code, and Section 4D) of the Subversive Actes Act of 1850 (50 USC. Secton 7831). The defitons, requtements, Seigler ie, arcors are abies seed bye Eactve Order anid eae nore he Aaron 11.1 have rad tis Agrerent cary and my quesfons, any. have Been answered. | ssknowlege that he bring ofice! Nae. smede avatate 0 . and sj.os eforonced in Pie agreement and ts implementing epultion (2 CFR Becton 2003.20) so at cheese ear TETRA bs ° arene bow! las 02-27-2009 i CRON cranes. roreror ert we Ca Sure YODER Toms enue aw me ie um hn oi | Bureau Assigned: Tetephone:( | vaTReSS, mi i THE EXECUT.OW OF THIS AGREBIENT Wins WITRESSED [THE UESDERSIGYED ACCETED TH!S AGREBHZAT OW | BY THE UNDERSIGIIED. J BEHALS OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERULERT. j Rama RR BS | | Bre) «Lon: _l ° { | aol Noth Lyn Sect ee? Now yen meet, vo occ eiaesSocce™ ‘SECURITY DEBRIEFING ACHOMLEDOAERT ‘ati et, ovis fe ean Jo, te rc le omc rir, rng of da Ee ee ee ea ‘ncnoed peor tone i 5) nnd aot spree wor wre oan een a TROT APPUCABLE TS NON-GOVERRENT PEREGHNEL SGHING TH1S AGREEVENT. . ‘STANDARD FORKEY2 BAEK Rew FO, UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-15018 Doc No. C05998492 Date: 05/25/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-15018 Doc No. C05898493 Date: 05/25/2016 ‘CLASSIFIED INFORMATION NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN “Anne-Marie ‘AND THE UNITED STATES: Wari incu = Pte 6 RELEASE IN PART B7().B6 1. Intending lobe legally bound, 1 hereby accept tbe cbgaons cantanad in this Agreement in cansderation of my being granted socess t clasafed infommalon. As used In tis Agreement, clastifed information is marked or unmarked classtied Information, Including orl communications, hat is dassiied under the standards of Executive Order 12858, or under any other Executive orca or saute Tht prone the unauthorized dlécoaure of Iformation in te inforest of national secur; and uncaseleg information that rests th standards for clasication and is in tha procass of = ctasstfcaion determina ae provided In Socton 1.1, 1.2, 13.2nd 4.a(e) of Executive Order 12968, or under any ater Executive order oF sate tat requires protection for such information in the Interest of raonai secury. 1 uncerstend anc accept tal by being granted access. to classed information, special comfience and ‘nus shal be places in me bythe United States Goverment. 2. | hereby ackrowedgs that | have received a secutly indoctrination concecning the nature 2d protection of classed information, Including the procedures fo be folowed in ascertaining whether other persons to whom {contemplate disclosing ts information have. ‘been approved for access tok, a hat I understand these procedures, 3. 1 have been acvieed that he unauthorized dscosure, unauthorzed retention, or negigen Mending of cassie information by me ‘ould cause damage or inaparable injury to tho United States or could be used to advantage by a foreign nalion. I horeby agree tnat ‘wl never chndge cassie information to anyone uness: (a) nave ofall vorifed thatthe recipient nas been property authorized by the United Statos Govemment to receive it or (p)| have bean given por writen notice of authorzation fom the United States ‘Govarnment Deparment oc Agency (horeinefie Department or Agency) responsible for he classification of informatie or fst graniing me a secumty clearance tat such disciosure is ponmiia. | undorsiand that i 1 om uncertain about the clesaeaton satus of ‘information, lam rguired to confer trom an authorized ofa thatthe information is uncassiied before | may dscoge i, excapt ts a person as provided in (a) or (0), above. | further understand that | 2m obigated io comely with awe and ragutions that promt he Unauthorized dscosure of dassiied information, 4. Ihave been advised tat any broach of his Agreoment may result nthe termination of any securty clearances | hold removal trom ‘any postion of special confidence and tsstraquling such clearances; or tenination of my employmertor other relatonsbipe with he Departments o- Agencies that grantee my security clearance or clearances. in adsiton, {have Doon advised that any urauPorized daclosure of classified information by me may constiule a violation, or volabons, of United States criminal laws. including the prowsions of Sectons G41, 703, 794, 798, "052 and 1024, Tite 18, United Stats Code, “the provisions of Secon 783(0), Tite 60, United Staes code, and the provisions cf the rieligence KentGes Protection Act of 1982. ecogrize thet noting nthe Agreement conctivtes & waive bythe United States ofthe right to prosecute ms fr any statuary vowton. 5. I hereby assign to the United States Governmental royals, remunerations, and emoluments thet have resulted, wil result or ay reeuft com any dscosure, cubation or revelation of classed information net conisiont with tha torme of he Agrecment. 8. | understand thatthe United States Govémment may seek eny remedy avaiable tof to enforce this Agreement including, but not lied, appcatin fora cout order prohibiting Lsccsure cf information in breach ofthis Agreement. 7. understand that al classed Inormation to which | have aocess or may obtain access by signing tis Agreement is now and wi remain the propery of, or under the cont! ofthe United States Government uriase and unt ofhenwse determined by an auhorized ficial or ial ring ofe court f ew. | egroo het | hal reum a ciastifed matorols which have, or may come int my poteestion or for wich | ary responsible because of auch access: (6) upon demand by an authorized represantalve of the United States Govarament; (2) upon te eoncuslon of my employrent or othe relationship with te Deparment or Agency that ast grantod mo a secur clearance or that provded me atcess to deseled Information: oF (¢) upon fre conclusion af my employment or Cher relationship that requires access to classed information. fda nt retum such materale upon request, | understand ina is may be 12 Violation of Sectone 763 andier 1824, Tit 18, Unked Stets Code, ¢ United States criminal aw. 8. Lniess end un am reigesed in wring by wn suthonized representative ofthe United States Govarcment, | understand tnt a condlions end obligations imposed upon me by this Agreement apply coring the time | am grad accass to cated information, ‘nd ata tino thereat '. Each provision ofthis Agreement is severable. i @ cout should find any provision ofthe Agreement io be unenforceable, a other Provisions of tis Agreemant shall remain In ful fore ane afet. (Continua on reverse.) inmaasae EENSARD Foe ev Ty Pron ston noteeate Peer BARS Pea tase UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-15018 Doc No. C05998483 Date: 05/25/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-15018 Doc No. C05998493 Date: 05/25/2016 fo. 10, These resticons are consistent wih and do not supersede, confict with or otherwise aller the employee obligations, righls of ‘iabities crested by Exesutve Oreor 12958, Section 7211 of Tie 6, Unked States code (goveming disclosures to Congress): Secon 1094 of Tite 10, Untad States code, es amended by th Mitary Whietebiowar Protacton Act (governing disclosure © Congres by ‘members of the mitary Secion 2302{b) (8) of Tile 5, Uniied States Code, 2a amended by the Whistebiower Prolacion Adt (goveming disciosures of eps, waste, fraud, abuse or pubic heal: or eafey threats); the Intllgance Identies Protection Ac of 1962 (50 U.S.C. 421 at 30a.) (Governing disclosures that expose confidential Government agents). and the sales wich protect _2gsinei sciosure tet may compromise the national secutty, including Sections 641, 783, 796, 756,952 and 1928 of Tite 18, Untec Slate Code, and Section 4(0) of he Subversive Activities Act of 1850 (60 U.S.C. Section 783(0)}), The dafintions,requernents, ‘bigations, righ, sanctions and lables created by said Execuve Order and listed statis are incorporated Ino this Agreement ‘and are contain. 11.1 have read this Agreement carefuily and my quectons, if ary, have been answered. | acknowledge that the briefing officer hes ‘mado avalablo to ma the Executive Ordar and statutes referenced in this agreement and its implementing regulation (32 CFR Section 2008.20) so hat | may read thom at tis me, | go chovee 7 TERR ———> | ego yt | _comercenson Tee “ FPL Taney Deparoment of St, Foreign Afirs Policy Board —— 2 ——~ —_———_ — ere ‘The EXECUTION OF THiS AGREEMENT VAS VITEBSED |THE UNDERSIGHED ACCEPTED THiS AGREEMENT ON BY THE UNDERSIGNED, JEEHALF OF THE UnITED STATES GOVERMENT. Err BE none resin aon BMO I —_ 2201 C St, NW., Room 1818, Washington, DC 20520 [2201 C'S, NW, Room 1818, Washizgion, DC 20520 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-15018 Doc No. C05998493 Date: 05/25/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-15018 Doc No. 005998494 Date: 05/25/2016 CLASSIFIED INFORMATION NONDISCLOSUAE AGREEMENT AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN Chex Dens ‘AND THE UNITED STATES oT Pi (es 1. Intending to bo lagaly bound, | hereby accept the obigalions conaind inthis Agreement In consideration of ry belng grantad deoess to cltsalled Information. As used inthe Agreement, classied information is marked ox unmasied clssiied Information, ‘including oral communlcalfons, hat Is ciasslied under the standards of Execulve Order 12958, or under any other Executive order of ‘ate tet prohibits the unauthorized dsctoaure of information inthe Interest of allonelsecurly, and untiassifed Information tal ‘Tels the standards fr claselicaion and lef the process of cassielion determination es provided in Section 1.1, 12, 1.3 end 41.40) of Executive Ordor 12958, or under any olhor Execulve ori of slate thal requires protection for such llormalion In tho ‘lores of rational secury. | undorsand and accep tha! by belng gratod eccess fo classed Infomation, special eenidenoe ond trust shall be placed in me by the Untied Stas Goveroment. 4. I hereby acknowedge that | have rocelved a secu indoctnation canoptring ihe natu end preecton of elassiied lformation, ‘cluding the procedures tp be foiowed in asceralniag whether olhgr persons lo whom | contemplate decosing this normiatlon have ‘eon approved tor aocess tol and thet | undoretand these procedures. 3, have been aciod atthe unauthorized eiedosur, unauthorzed celenion or negligent handing ol cassfed formation by me ‘ouks cause demepe ox kreparabie ir oth Unie States or cout bo Used o advantage by aferaign naicn. 1 haraby agree tal wil nvor cvlgo ceased formation 0 anyone Unis: (a) havo oflealy vee thal he racplent hae boon propery auitozed by {he Untied States Government 1 recive Hof (8) 1 heve been givn pr wien nace of ahafzntion from tha United Sates Government Departmen or Agency (herelnahar Deparment or Agency) response for te issn of nformaton or las rang Jormaton, Iam requied to conthm trom an cuthortzod ofa that tha information is uncassved belre | mey cacoee k, oxcapt 1 & ‘Berson: as provided. (a) or (0), ebovs. further understand that | arn obligated to comply with laws and roguations tat rol the ‘unauthorized dscioaue of clasited lxormation, ‘4. {have been ackisad thal any breach of his Agreement may resutin th tamination of any securly closranoes | hold mova frm, ‘any poston ol special conidance and ust roquing euch clearance; oF lerminaicn cf my ernployment or othr relallonshipa with thé Departments or Agancios that grantod my seculy clearance or clrances. In adzan, | have been advised that anp unauthorized ‘deciosure of classed infomation by mo may constiuis @ velaion, oF vellone, of Unled State ciminal lews, iclvcng the provisions of Geétions 841, 783, 784, 788, G62 and 1924, Tle 18, Uiied Sites Coda, “ha provistons of Soeton 783¢3), Tie 60, United States code, end the provisions o the tnaligence Knits Prolecon Act of Y882. | recogrlze that noting in the Agreement ‘constitutes waiver bythe United Siaies of he righ 1 prosecute mo for any atutry vetlon. 5 | hareby assign tothe United States Goverment ai royatie, amuneraons, and emolvmens thal have rasullod, wil resul or may ‘Tesul ftom any dsciosure, publication or rvelaton of clasted Information oot coneleient vi he toms ol hs AgroeTaN. 6. 1 undorsand tha the Unted States Government may seak any remody avatabe to to enforce thie Agreement including, but not lito, application fora cout order pronibing csctosure of informatio a breach ofthis Agoumant. 7, enderstand that al classiid Information to which | have aocoss or may obtain access by signing this Agreement Is now anc wit ‘amaln the prepery ol, or under he conta ofthe Uriied States Government unless and unt! otherwise detomnined by an euthoizad ‘fica or inal ing ofa cour of taw, tage Unt | shal zea al claaided mals which have, er may ome lato my possoscion or for which | am responsible because of such access: (a) upon domend by an auhodzed represontatve of the Urited States ‘Govemment; (0) upen the conclsan of my employment of othe relafonehip with the Department or Agency that last granted mo & security clearance or that provided me access to cles Inlommaton; 0° (c} upen the conciuson of my employment or ether ‘Blatonship that rules acceas to clasifed inomation. 11 do not return such materials upon request! understand that his may BD « ‘4 Molalion of Sections 783 andor 1824, The 18, United Stales Code, a United Stns criminal a, ‘8. Unless and unl) am released n wing by an aubiozed roprecantatv ofthe Unled States Government, | undaretand het emdion and ebigtens imposed uzan me by this Agroament EPpy ig the tine! om grand access to Cassie inematon, ail nes thereat. . ©. ach provision of his Agreement is sverable. I cout should tnd any provision of is Agreament fo be unenvorceable, al ther provisions ofthis Agreement shall remain in fel foro and fet. {Continue on reverse) “SIRNDARO FOR Rv. 720 Prescot HARAMSCO eee axaEo. ane UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-15018 Doc No. COS998484 Date: 05/25/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-15018 Doc No. C05998494 Date: 05/25/2016 10, These recrcsons are consntnt wit and do nol supersede, conlel with or olheriae ater the employee cbigalions, righ oF ‘abies crosiod by Exacutve Order 12968, Seclon 7211 of Tile 8, Unled Stes code (governing dacamures to Congress), Seaton 1004 of Tile 10, Uned States code, ax amandod bythe Miltary Writebiower Protecdon Aal (governing dielonure fo Congress by ‘members of te milter); Seeton (©) of The 6, United Sites Codo, és amanded by the Whisleblower Protection Act (goveming cacioeures of italy, waste fraud, abvso or pubic heeth or safety teats); the InistigenceIaentNes Protection Ac of $902 (60 USC. 421 al seq) locosures that expose confident Govemmsel agonts), and tho salves which protect ‘guint disclosure that may compromise the national secur, tnctuting Section 641, 73, 704, 780, 982 and 1904 of To 18, Uied ‘Stato Code, and Secton-4() otha Subversive Aativtlas Act of 1980 (50 USC. Seal 7690)}..The tations, requirement, ‘igh, eanctons ang lebtles created by seid Executve Order and cid statues ae Incorporated Into iis Agrooman’ ed ere contaling. 11.1 ave read ths Agroercentcarfuily and my quoston, I any, have been answered. { echnowiedgo thal the brising olicer has ‘made avalebo lo me the Execuve Order and staiues referenced in is agreement ans ie implemeniing voguaion (82 GFR Secon 2008.20) a0 thal aay rad tech at sino, H 0 Ghoose. + THE EXECUTION OF THIS ACREEWENT WAS WITNESSED | THe UNDERSIGHED ACCEPTED THIS AGREEMENT By THe uroengtoneD, EEUALP OF Tie WTED STATES GOvERUMNENT. fe cea pensas 20 13th Fl. DSISTAPD Siesase™ UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-15018 Doc No. CO5998494 Date: 05/25/20 86 B7(C) 16 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-15018 Doc No, C05998498 Date; 05/25/2018 CLASSIFIED INFORMATION NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT Ee ‘AN AGREEWENT BETWEEN Tacos Sulliwn "AND THE UNITED STATES "Clare incl ~ Prvted orp RELEASE IN PART B7(G),56 4._inencing tobe leaky bound. | hereby accept the obligations contained io tie Agreement in conslaration of my being grantea s2oees to casted information. As used in tha Agreement, Gessifed inormation Ws med or unmaried catale Intomation, ‘ncucng oral commoniceons, tf Classi under to standrd of Exeawve Order 12058, cr undo’ eny athe Exeatve order ot ‘tate that prtibts the uneuhorzed cscceure of information inthe intrest of natonel seca: ond unceasted Information at ‘mosis te sanders for czsafcaton and isthe process of» clatalfcaton dterminaon ae provided in Seaton 1, and 1.4) of Exacutve Order 12858, or undar any cher Executive omer or situa Det rues protacdon fr euch byermadon in Ve ‘nareat of national scary. | undarstand end acco that by bang greed accass to cassfedInformatin, specs caries and ‘nat shal ba placed in me by the Une Staton Goverment 2. hereby acknowledge that | hove received « secur indoctrination concering the nature ond protecion of dassife information, Including the procadures to be followed in asoertarng wivthercthar parsons to whom | contempiete dsclosing tis Kvormation have ‘been approved for access to, and that | understand these procedures. ‘% t nave been advised tat the unauthorized closure, unauthorized relation, or negigent handing of claslfed formation by me ‘ould couse damage or ireperabe injury tothe Untad Siaies or could be uted to advantage by a foreign nation 1 hereby agree that | ‘wil naver dvuge cassie irformation fo aryone uness: (2) | have officially verted that he replant hex boen properly authored Dy the United States Government to receve & or (0) | have been given prior ven notice of euthorzation fom the Unked States ‘Govemment Department or Ager (herehneter Department or Agency) reqponsible forthe clssitecion of infomation of ae grentng ‘ma a secunty Gearance thal such disclosure is permitsd. | understand thet # | am uncedain abot! the clansfcztion status of Information, | am required fo contin from an aut orizad oficial tat the Information i¢ unlassiod botore | may discose R. except la @ ‘arson aa provided in () or (B), above. | futher understand thal | am obligated to comply wi Laws end reputations that prom tha \uneuharized disiosure of cased information 4 have boon adveed tat any breach ofthis Agreament may resut inthe termination of any secutty clearances {hold removal fom ny positon of specic| confidence and tus raquing such Geeronces; or tsminaton of my employment orate etaioneipe wt tho Departments or Agencies that grented my secur clearance or clearances. in addon, | heva been edvieed tet any unauthorized of cxtstied information by me may conetute @ voiaten, ef volatons, of Urited States criminal laws, the (rovslons of Sections 6<1. 783, 764, 768, “852 and 1824, Tile 18, United States Code, “he provilone of Sectlen 783(2), The 50, United Stee cade, and the provisions of the inialigance Kierttes Protection Act of 1082. | recognize that nothing lathe Agreement ‘onsite © wala by ths United States ofthe fight prosecute rm fr any etattory owen, ‘5. hereby assign fo the Urited Sues Government a yates, remuneravons, and erent that have reeuted, wil ru or may ‘waft rom any cecicure, publiction or revelation of cles information not consistent with he ters of is Agreement. 6. | understand tht the United States Government may ses: any remedy maitale to it to enforce this Agreement Including, But Pot ‘test, application fra cau order pretibiting closure of intormation in breach of his Agroamont 7._Lunderotand thats classed information to which | have access or mey obiain access by signing is Agreerent fs now and wil ‘amin the propery of, or under the conto ofthe Untied States Govommant untass and unt obwerwice determined by an eutrericed ‘fii! or Sal rung ofa cout ofc. | agree that | hel relum all cassie’ materse which have, or my come ino my possession or for which | @m responsible beczuse of such accass: (8) upon demand by an authorzod Fopresentcive of the United States ‘Goverament: () upon the conclusion of my employment or ather relationship wih the Department or Agency tha lat evertod me ‘ecuriy Gearance or thal provitad me accoes to doesiled infermaton, oF (@) upon the contusion of my eriployment or other Felatonship thet require cocess to classified informeton. If donot return such meters upon request, |urderetand thet this may be '8 Votan of Secfons 783 encior 1624, Tie 18, United States Code, « Untod States crninal iw. ‘8 Unless end unt | am releated in weting by en authored representative ofthe United Sistas Goverment, | understand tet ai ‘znaone an cbgations imposed upon me by hi Agreament Bepy dung the tne gm gente acco clad intemetn, tes thereat. 2, sn rode of ti Areata several. facut poi fray pron of erent sb inererceate, ol her Browsers orbs Aoomashanterain naa cs tod one ierremacae ne wi = =e nae aR Bormeeeten. a8 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-15018 Doc No, C05998498 Date: 05/25/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-15018 Doc No, C05988498 Date: 05/25/2016 10. These resticions are consistent with and do net supersede, confict wit or therwise tar the employes obigatons, rights of Sables cried by Execute Onder 12868, Section 7211 of Tile 5, United States code (govering disiosures to Congress): Secon 1004 fT 10, Unies Sie ae. as amended by fe itary Webbower Preecten Ac (oreing isso f Congres by members of the mit): Secion 23020) (8) of Tita 8, Uniod States Code, as amended by the Whistleblower Protection (Goveringdaclonueso ely, weal tu, tue of puesto ely reds lnaepenceldotins Protection at ot 1682 (60 U.S.C. 421 et ssc.) (governing disclosures that expoee conigenil Government apes), and the statues which protect ‘2ainet iatoeure thal may compromise the national eecuriy. including Secions 641, 788, 78, 768, 962 and 1824 of Tite 18, United State Code, anc Socten “(o) of te Subversive Actes Act of 1960 (50 U.S.C. Section 78X0).. The defaitons, requirements, gations, rights, sanctions and lai’ created by sald Executive Order and Ist statutes are incorporated iro this Agreement ‘and are controling. 14.1 have read tis Agreoment careful and my questone, f any, have bsen antwored. | acknowlodge thatthe briefing oftcar as made avaible to me the Executive Order end etclutos referenced in this agreamert and is implemeniing regulation (32 CFR Secon 2003.20) eo thal | may read them a this ma, 1 go chowss. ERATURE ~ ~ STR WER BG be 1-1 “| “Tema toc et one TE ame Circteone: GS FS PSC AE Conmactor inte Other V Buren Assigned: __ tenminstion of eny securty clearances | holt removal fom ‘any postion of special conidencs and tust requiing such clearances; cr terminetion of my employe or other relaliships with the Daportments or Agoncies thet granted my sscurty dearance o: lesrances. in addon, | have Deen advised Dat any unauthorized ciouure of cassied information by me may consttite 2 vation, or wolatons, of Unted Stales criminal laws, Inciting the Provisions of Sectons 641, 783, 764, 788, 952 and 1824, Tie 18, Unted Ststes Code, “ho provisions of Section 783(t), Tile 50, Unies States code, and tne provisons ofthe inieligence Iderties Protection Act of 1882. | recognize that nothing in the Agraement ‘onsftutes @ waiver bythe United Stats o he ght prosecute me for any statutory viksion, 5. thereby assign to the United States Governmental roales, remuneration, and emoluments thet heve rested, vil rest or my result from any dtclosure,pubcation or revelation of casei information not consttent withthe rms of this Agreement. ‘5. | understand thatthe Unites Statss Government may seek any remedy avaible to it to enforce this Agreement incoding, but nat lmted to, application fr a cout order prohibiting Buctosure of information in breach of his Agreement 7. 1 uncarstond met el ciassited intormaton to which eve access oF may obtain access by signing tis Agreement Is now and vl ‘emain the property of, or under the conta! ofthe United States Government urless znd uni otherwise determined by an authored (ficial final ruing ofa court ef law. | agree that | che ratum al cated mcteile which have, or may come into my poteeasion oF for which } am responsile because of such access: (9) upon demand by en autvorized representziive of the Unted Siaies Goverment: (0) upon the cancusion of my employment or oer rectonship wit the Depertment or Agency thet est granted me 9 ‘ecurty clearance of Ut provided me accass to classed infamaten: of (c) upon the conclusion of my employment or othe: ‘eleionehip that requires ecooes to Gassifed information. I donot reum such meterials upon request, | undersiand tht this may be 12 votation of Sectone 783 end'or 1924, Tie 18, Untied States Code, a Unted States rime! iw. '8_Uniess and unt am rleesed in witing by en suthorzed represartatve of the Uritad Sictes Governmant, | understand that af Cendtons and patos imposed won me by hs Agree py cng he tne | am grand excess fo cal ino, 8. Esch provision ot hie Ageoment ie sovrce. a cout shbg frtciy tein of fis Agere to be unenorceabi, of cher rovisons of hia Agreemort sha remain fl ore and een. i 824 Ol we jaz a2 omeaace ‘BATOARS FORT aw 1) Prvoos ator nt see . Protas WBRANECO re ern seab eo. tase UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No, F-2015-15018 Doc No. C05998502 Date: 05/25/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-15018 Doc No. 05908502 Date: 05/26/2016 10, These restrictions are consistant wit and do not _supernace, confit with of obverwise ater the employee fights 0 ‘bigaions, ‘iabites crocted ty Executive Onéer 12688, Section 7211 of Te 5, Untad Stas cade (gowaming dlcioeures to Congress): Section 1024 of Tite 10, Unted Staten code, a amended by he Miltary Whislebiower Protection Act (goverring iscosure to Congress by rerners of the maltary); Secton 2302(0) (8) of The 5, United Sites Code, ex amended by the WhisBeblower Protecton Ad daclowures of ilegaiy, waste, fraud, abuee or pubic hei or safety treat); the Inteigence ienities Protection Act of (governing "1982 (50 U.S.C. 421 et seq) (governing dlaciores that expose condortal ‘against disclosure thet may compromise the national secur, ‘Sgerts), end the states which protect Secions 641, 783, 794, 798, 952 and 1926 of The 18, United State Code, and Secon 4(0} of the Subversive Actes Act of 1980 (20 U.S.C. Section 783(0)). The definkons, roquements, ‘obigatons nights, sanctions and lites created by sald Executive Order and Sstod statis are incorporated io this Agreement ‘ard re conveling ° 11.1 nave raed ths Agreement carefily and my questions, tf any, have been snswored. | ectnowledge thc the brieting oficer has rede cvaable te mo the Executive Order and situa referenced inthis geeemant and its implemarting regiation 22 GFR Secton ~~ 2003.20.40 rata rand ham a tia bre, so cheoee, IBEALF OF THE URITED STATES GOVERH:E07. TAT 02.27.2009, {ce trea pige “Virginia 22209 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2018-15018 Doc No, COS998502 Date: 05/25/2016 BS Be B7(C) UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-15018 Doc No. CO5988503 Date: 05/25/2016 CLASSIFIED INFORMATION NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT ‘AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN an "ANO THE UNITED STATES = RELEASE IN PART B7(C] 85 1 se ttt son ct hen ory Bet ‘2ccess fo claselied information. As used in this Agreement, classiied Information fs marked or unmarked classed lnfornation, Including orl commuricatons, that Is lassfed under ths standards of Exectve Ordor 12958, or under ny othar Exnculive order of statute that prohibis the unauthorized cleciceure of Intemaion Inthe ntrect of nolonal secu; and unctasifed information that 3s the slandars for casslicaon and isn tho process of a classiialon dolernalon as provided in Section 1.1, 1.2 1.8 and 1L4(e) of Executive Order 12988, af under any other Execulve order or eiatui tht requires protection for such information In the Interest of naional security. | understand ana accap tat by belng granted access to classed Inormaton, specisl confidence and trust shel be placed in me by the Urild States Goverment. 2. thereby acknonfodge that.| have received a secur Indoctinatin conceming the nature and protection of cassie information, Including the procedures to bo followed in sscertaining whother other pereons to whem | cortemplale disclosing thi nloratin have ‘been epproved for excess to, and that lunderstand these procedures, 3. Ihave been advised thatthe unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized retention, or negigan handing of classlied Inermalon by ne ‘ould cause damage or lreparabie Injury to tho United States or could be used Wo advantage by a foreign nalica, | hareby agree Bat \walnaverciulge classified information to anyone unless: (a) Ihave ofclalyverfed thatthe recipint hs been properly authorized by (ho Untied States Government {0 receive i or (2) | have bean given prior vnitan noice of aunodcalion from the Untied States Government Doparanent or Agonoy (hereinafter Department or Agency) response fo” the cessation of lformation or lst granting mo a socutly clearence that euch ciscloswre fs permited. | understand that i | am uncertain about the classifeaton status of Information, | em required to confin fom an auhertzed oes! tal the inforraon Is unclssliedbafore | may disclogs i, except to a eroon 98 povided I (a) 0 (0), above. fuer understand that | am obigated fo comply wth favs and regltions that prohibit the wrauborized discosure of cassied information, 4. 1 have been zeyised thst any breach ofthis Agreemont may resin the tansinakon of any secemly clearances 1 old; rrmoval fom any postion of spatial confidence and lst requiring such clearances; of taminallon of my employment or cer ralatorships with te Copartments or Agencies thal granted my secury clearance or cearances, In adion, | have been advised that any unaihorced isclosure of classed infermalion by me may consitule a volaton, or Violabons, of Unted Slates ciminal laws, Inckdng the provisions of Seclens G44, 799, 784, 786, "952 and 1924, Ts 18, Unie Stales Code, “he provisions of Section TES(b), Tie $0, United Sta code, andthe provisions of the intaligance dentes Proocton Act of 1982. | recognize tht nating Inthe Agreement constiides 8 waiver by the United States ofthe right fo prosecute mé for any statuory violallon, 5. thereby assign tote United States Governmental royaes, remuneration, and smoluments that have reste, wil result or may result rom any ¢ectosue,publeation or revelation of cigeified nermation not consistent wth to toms ofthis Agrocment, 6. 1 understand that tho United States Govermmant may seck any remedy svallabe to I lo enfore this Agreement ncuding, but nol [ted te, application for court ordar pring closure o normal in breach of hs Agreement. 7, 1 understand thats cassfed information to which I have access or may obtain access by sgning thi Agreemant I now and wi remsin the property of, oF under the control ofthe United Silas Government unless and untlolhewise determined by an aulhorized ‘tl or rt rufng of w court of aw. | agroo tha | shal retom ai classed materiale which have, or may como Inio my postoesion or for which | am responsible because of such access: (e) upon demand by an subborized representative of the United States ‘Govamment; (0) upon tha canelislen of my employerent or othr alelonehip wih the Dopertment or Agency thet last granied me & ‘securty clearance or that provided me access 10 classified lvonmation; of (c) upon the conclslon of my employment or ober relationship thal roqulras eceesa to cased Information, {1 donot rlum sueh materials upon requost,l understand hat tls may be 2 vialallon of Sections 783 andor 1924, Tie 18, Unied States Code, 9 Unted Sales criminal nv. Unless and untl | am released In wring by an authorized representative of the United States Government, t undorstend that ol

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