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Varun Patel
Dr. Lynda Haas
WR 39C
29 May 2016

(AP Final Draft)

The Challenges of Saving our Bee Colonies

Did you know that bees can collect up to 2 tablespoons of honey in their life time (Breed
131)? This equates to 512 tons of honey produced in the world or about the combined weight of
five blue whales. Over the past several years, honey production has decreased and the rate at
which bees die have significantly increased. In the fiscal year of 1999-2000, America contributed
to more than 110 tons of honey to the global market, coincidentally, now America produce less
than 70 percent of that amount (149-150). Honey farms have seen a drastic decline in their
production and blame the environment surrounding bees which cause them to die. Through the
various years we can conclude that something is wrong with the production of honey and how
bees are sustaining to the global environment. With a multitude of problems, for example, the
environment and pesticides farmers and home owners use have statistically shown that they
affect bee behavior and causes sudden death when ingested by the bees (191). Moreover, there is
a solution that can solve this challenging problem.
Bee population has decreased over 40% in the past several years say scientists who have
been studying bee colony collapse. Jennifer Palladini a PhD research scientist who graduated in
2001 from University of Montana confirms that there over 27,000 classifications of bees but a
decline in the species has caused instrumental damage to food resources. Scientists and

researchers have relentlessly been working on bees to find a source and cure for this unfortunate
outcome. Researchers have tested bee behavior, mental cognitive ischemia and other methods to
resolve bee death. Some scientists claim that states like Nebraska, Iowa, and Minnesota have
converted their grasslands and wetlands into cropland. They also say this conversion
significantly affects bees tolerance to the environment since no pollination is available for bee to
have. Conservationists and Arboretum experts have since condemned this act and raised
awareness on this issue. They have also started to plant pollinating based plants in and around the
state. This is of course to promote and save bees from the lack of pollination and endurance
many types of bees face.

Figure 1: The figure above shows the phylogeny of all the

bees to existence.
Diagram Courtesy of- Bryan Danforth
hundreds of classifications of bees, many wonder what do they share in common. Bees are


unique to their mental, physical and behavioral characteristics. Research proves that their
behavioral actions are distinct during the formation of their honey bee colonies. Bees usually
swarm an establishment when they are making a new colony. Most bees share this impeccable
characteristic which is unique to the honey bee and bumblebee. Experts in the field of
entomology, biology, and neurobiology have common findings into just why bees act and behave
the way they do. From utilizing brain chemistry and using it to train a specific neurotransmitter
in rendering an outcome to placing a gene that directly effects the brain in a non derogatory way.
Capacity for bees:
Ideally, Bee structure and behavioral capacities for bees are indeed phenomenal.
According to the lead researcher at University of Illinois, Hagai Shipgler who studies bee
behavior and social life of bees stated, social pathways need to include sensory and integrative
systems that ensure that the individual is tuned to the relevant social signals social pathways
need to include sensory and integrative systems that ensure that the individual is tuned to the
relevant social signals that integrate the molecular and physiological processes needed for
producing the appropriate social behavior. Meaning there is evidence that shows social behavior
of bees is directly effected by the body and skeletal systems of the bees body. Regardless of the
bees size, many people underestimate the complexity of bees when comparing them to the social
behavior and intellect.
In 2012, another researcher from Tel Aviv University studied bees and evaluated their
behavior based on the gene development bees had. Etya Amsalem, the lead scientist in this study
concluded that there is a positive relationship between certain genes in bumblebees and the
behavior they portray. For example, Amsalem found out that bee colonies can be divided into
two periods: the pre- CP and the CP. These two phases or periods as Amsalem describes it as, can

be characterized in the way they behave by their mating castes. Amsalem stated, Queen
domination of male production also seems to prevail after the competition point. Behavioral
observations followed by male genotyping showed that although over 38% of the workers
were egg-layers, over 95% of the adult males were queen-born (Amsalem 52). This study not
only shows dominance is effected based on behavior, but also, shows mating and the social
behavior bees present are positively correlated. Amsalems conclusion showed, Both the
behavioral and physiological evidence indicate high regulation by brain factor (65).
From genes to the neural aspect of bee behavior, Randolph Menzel a world renown
researcher from Germany studied the effects and variance of the way bees behave under
abnormal conditions. Another finding he concluded in 2015 was his famous study of memory
and how well bees remembered certain characteristics Menzel and his team implemented on the
bees. With Menzel having expertise in the field of neurobiology his studies mostly consist of the
brain and behavior bees incorporate. Menzels current experiment is evaluating the mechanisms
that relate to sensory perception and complex behavior. Menzel claims that the honeybee is a
eusocial species with a rich behavioral repertoire (Menzel 44). Meaning the dance, the bee does
is directly proportional to it ability to a given act. The fundamental behavior a bee adheres to,
impacts it social and behavioral constraints according to Menzel. The signaling pathway Menzel
is studying has to do with brain memory and the specific RNAs that inhibit a receptor which can
localize and deem it unnecessary for the neurotransmitters.
The ideas and studies done by these profound research scientists have shown such
challenging outcomes. These experiments on bees serve a purpose of life and how this outcomes
effects people on a daily basis. From issues like food insecurity where bees serve the foundation
for food grown across the world by pollination to simply making natural beauty. With such

unfortunate circumstances that surround the bee population, it is vital that research on bees is
done to the fullest extent so we can understand their behavior in order to find a solution to save
these endangered species.
Why This Is a Problem:
From showing distinct characteristics in genes to diverse groups of bees that show
behavior as a norm of their own lifestyle, Bryan Danforth an entomologist at Cornell University
claims Environmental change affects species differentially, by having various changes in the
environment bees and others species that have a low tolerance on the specific environment can
cause great harm or even colonies of bees dying. This also effects the behavior when bees are
presented with such excruciating environmental factors. According to Danforths study that was
completed in 2012, found 87% or 1 out of every 3 bites a person eats food comes from a bee that
pollinates the seed which in turn becomes the fruit or vegetable a person consumes (Danforth
66). With these statistics on bees it is absolutely crucial that conservation efforts and protection
of bees is held to the highest standard of the law. Bees and their distinct behavior play an
important role in the global food market and if we cannot stop the declining of the bee
population, there will be a major crisis on not only the environment but also, the food we eat.
The food we consume has a huge influence on bees and how we get our food. If was not
for the bees and their power of pollinating different plants, we would not have our food. There
are over forty thousand different endangered species around the world today. Of the forty
thousand, one-third are going to be extinct within the next twenty years. Through such statistics,
these unbelievable creatures are dying at an alarming rate. One species that is affected by this
tragic trend are bees. Bees are vital influential species that help produce two- thirds of Americas

food by their nectar and pollination techniques says Daniel Lee an Environmental Sociologist
from the University of Wisconsin Madison.
Across the globe the bee specie influences the way humans eat, live and survive. The
ecosystem bees live in, is surrounded by attributes that harm their colonies thus killing huge
amounts of bees every year. According to a recent research finding by Greenpeace an
organization that promotes an ethical standpoint on various subjects of research, claimed, bee
population decreased over 50 percent from last year. These findings are incomprehensible
since scientists only had thought only 30-40 percent of bee colonies have collapsed over the
past year. These statistics prove that bees are dying at an alarming rate and something needs to be
done about it.
So what is causing this catastrophic event? Terrence McCoy an editor from The
Washington Post explains, the culprit behind such deaths are widely-used pesticides called
neonicotinoids. These pesticides are deliberately released in the environment to spray and kill
insects and weeds. Through this process neonicotinoids are released into the soil and atmosphere,
thus effecting bees ability to collect nectar from flowers and inability to reproduce. This affect
on bees will be a detrimental loss to not only the American people, but also, the farmers who
produce the fruits and nuts for the world to consume. With billions of dollars at stake for the
agricultural industry, bees remain the heart of the food business. Without these
pollinators, many of us would no longer be able to enjoy coffee, chocolate and apples, among
many other foods that are part of our daily lives, said Simon Potts, a Ph. D biodiversity
professor at the University of Reading. With the environment changing and pesticides being
widely available for consumers to use, bee populations are going to decrease at a very high rate.

Additionally, the use of pesticides causing long term harm to bees and having an effect on
its population consists of a few factors says Alexis Morris a writer and expert in bees from
Rolling Stone. The combination of plants and bees are the essential tools of keeping the
biodiversity of an ecosystem secure. This is seemingly like a domino effect, when one is affected
by another the other one is in the crossfire. When there are no bees to take the pollen from the
plant, the reproduction rate exponentially decreases thus effecting the stress of plant and bee life.
This type of foraging that happens in the wild is not only vital for the ecosystem, but also,
important for human activities. Nevertheless, plants and the environment bees live in have
confounding factors that cause great harm to the expectant life of bees.
Contesting the Research:
However, findings made by Kenneth Warchol and Richard Callahan have contradicting
claims that shows bees are not affected by agricultural pesticide use. These two researchers from
Harvard School of Public Health claim, colder weather and inadequate flowers growth
results in higher bee colony collapse rather than the main ingredient in pesticides. Nevertheless,
they agree with majority of the scientific community in regards to bee colony collapse, just not
the way they die. With much criticism Warchol and Callahan receive they still continue with their
efforts to refute the scientific communities work. Warchol says their findings are valid and show
meaningful effect on the deteriorating bee colony collapse. With counterclaims like this, it
shows distinct and various efforts by the scientific community to prove this issue persists and
that there are multiple causes and solutions to the bee colony problem.
These claims may oppose the researchers views on this very issue, but this is not
scientifically the best way to look at and solve this problem. There must be involvement by the

federal government and agencies like the EPA and USDA to implement a strategic plan that is
consistent with scientific proof on how and why bees are dying.
What Steps are Necessary to Solve this Problem:
The total colony losses for the yearincluding the 28 percent in both summer and
winter, and the meager additions of new coloniesends up at 44 percent, says Dan Nosowitz a
Popular Science editor who graduated from the McGill University in Canada. The regeneration
rate at which bees reproduce has been recorded the lowest ever since they started recording the
specifics on bee regeneration. The problem is obvious Nosowitz says, he points the finger to
farmers and homeowners who use pesticides on plants and flowers to deter and repel insects
away. However, he claims farmers and homeowners dont know what they are doing to the bee
population. The small use of any pesticides release neonicotinoids and harm the bees effecting
reproduction rate and the bees main purpose which is promoting pollination. Above all, many
plants and flowers need bees to safeguard their pollen and bees need pollen to survive, thus
making the environment a crucial priority for the likewise elements.
Efforts by the federal government and laws that have been passed by congress in have
had much influence on saving bees. For example, The Environmental Protection Agency stated,
the fiscal year of 2006-2007 the bee colony collapse was 29 percent, after the legislation
passed in 2011 the death rate dropped to 23 percent. From this perspective we can conclude
that the laws that have been enacted are working towards one goal, which is to curb the decline
in bee deaths. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is implementing new research
methods and is working hand on hand with farmers and ranchers to asses the quality of safe bee
What Different Governments are Doing to Solve this Problem:

Additionally, the EPA has created a committee consisting with top government officials
including President Obama and his Cabinet to foreshadow a strategic and aggressive plan that
will reduce the risk of bee death and increase sustainable environments for bees. Moreover, the
long term goals of the committee include Restore honey bee colony health to sustainable levels
by 2025 and Restore or enhance seven million acres of land for pollinators
over the next five years. Another solution the EPA is implementing is the Proposal of restrictions
on all highly toxic pesticides to prohibit their use on crops under contracted pollinator services.
This means large agriculture farms will be mandated to use less toxic chemicals so that the effect
on bees in not harsh on the tolerance the bees can handle.
Globally, in Europe and China where more than half of the bee population live; similar
laws are being implemented to reduce and protect the remaining bees. In England, the European
Commision which is like the USDA, FDA, and EPA has also restricted and banned many
pesticides that were known to cause substancial or even death in bees. They are also expiditing
their surveillance program that consists of bee watching and keeping track of where bees colony
collapse is highly endangered. Through these positive steps there is the benefit of reviving our
bee colonies acros the world.
Nevertheless, involving social media to todays problem solving methods can efficently
and directly influence the culture of the phenomenon. Many conservationists and bee keepers
have taken bee colony collapse to the internet to show a force of unity among other bee keepers.
This shows the efforts and perseverance many community members who are concerned of bee
colony collapse have worked relentlessly to portray. It is vital for us to not ignore the concerns of
bee keepers and bee conservationists because of the importance on how crucial bees are for the


Figure 2- Showing a colony of bees dead after what

seems to be a massive effect on the tolerance bees
can handle.
Picture Credit- Rolling Stone.
Indeed, both pesticides and plant life effect the lifespan of bees. However, the main issue
is what we are going to do about this very issue. Some insists that we stop the use of pesticides
but this is not necessarily true. According to Chenzg Li a biologist from Fudan University in
China claims, pesticides are needed to protect the plants from foreign insects. This is hugely a
controversial issue that many agree and disagree with. Li claims, bees are vibrant creatures and
that they[bees] are essential to the atmosphere. To improvise and not use pesticides on plants
would be a huge mistake Li states. To properly keep our bees safe and reintroduce the population
that has died, we must create and strategically implement a plan to revive the nature of safe bee
keeping otherwise face major repercussions.

Works Cited


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