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Overview: Our topic was about the race of the politician running, and the effect it had on

the person voting for them. We printed out two surveys. On one of the surveys there is a
black man, and on the other survey there is a white man. Heres the catch though, both
politicians have the same exact qualifications, but each men are of different races. We
answered this question by surveying different people around Utah, of all ages and races
to see who they would vote for. After surveying all of my people, I realized that all of the
people I had interviewed didnt care about the race. I say this because the surveys I had
take were pretty equal.

Hypothesis: Our topic was about the race of the politician. We were trying to figure out if
people would vote differently based on the race of the man running for office, rather
than their qualifications. My personal hypothesis was that the white man would get more
votes than the black man. Not because I think all white people are racist, rather I just
looked at every single political party out there. I mean the last 43 presidents were all
white, up until Obama won the presidential election in 2008. Again I dont think all white
folks are racists, I just based it mainly off of all of the presidential elections in the past.
Their political status/importance were made up, but both men supported the immigration
reform, but opposed any amnesty for undocumented persons. An amnesty is basically
any person who has been convicted of any political offenses. My hypothesis was far off
(which we will get too later in the essay) it also taught me not to stereotype people
without having any knowledge about them.

Methodology: Our methodology used in this survey was just to interview people of all
age/races/gender to use every effective aspect possible to get the most accurate

results. We didnt want to just survey one race/gender/Age group of people, because
the results wouldnt have been as accurate. By interviewing a diverse group of people
we ended with high quality results. One of the questions asked in the survey was My
religious affiliation (By My religious affiliation it means the person voting in each
survey). I thought this question was very important, because people could instantly start
stereotyping and start basing the electors religion based off of his or her skin color.
What was funny to me was the results I received. Some people really wanted the white
man to win over the black man, and others wanted it the other way around. What they
didnt realized was that both of the men had the same exact qualifications, yet most
people thought one of the politicians was better than the other one. The rest of the
questions were 2. He has sufficient work experience to be a U.S. Senator from Utah 3.
He demonstrates strong leadership skills 4. He has the kinds of life experiences that will
help him understand average Utahans 5. I support more of his policy positions than I
oppose. Our student question was If applicable do you plan on voting in the next
election. We asked this too see who was going to vote in the upcoming presidential

Results: \More people voted for the white guy than the black guy, I think race had a lot
to do with it. I say this because the voting was pretty far off. 102 people strongly agreed
with the white man winning, versus the black politicians 73. One kid in group even had a
buddhist guy strongly disagree on everyone one of his qualifications and on the bottom
of the paper he wrote Can black people even run for political positions. The man didnt
write his name down, but under the religious affiliation column he had said that he was a
buddhist. Which really surprised me because buddhist people are huge on peace and

love. It was surprising to see such an ignorant reaction by someone who is part of such
a peaceful and well known religion. Too me the results were pretty accurate. By that I
mean it kind of showed that people thought the white man was more qualified than the
white man. Which didnt make any sense mainly because both men had the same exact
qualifications. So it was surprising to see those results. The other thing was the ignorant
comments said by that man. Race has nothing to do with how qualified you are for a
political position, what matters is your morals and values and how good you treat all
human beings. Too see someone say such ignorant things caught be by surprise. I
wasnt expecting such ignorant comments to be said. I think we got the results that we
did mainly because we didnt mix up the race. Meaning we shouldve been more diverse
with the people we surveyed. Because it isnt just a matter of a white man going against
a black man, we also wanted to see if people of non caucasian races would vote for the
colored man more than the white man. So I dont think we had enough races involved in
the survey. So next time if another survey project like this is conducted, we must expand
our ideas and create a better scheme on who we are going to survey.

Suggestions: I think it wouldve been a lot better if this project was like an end of the
year project, and if we were asked to survey more people to have the most accurate
results as possible. Also I think we shouldve had more time to do this project and have
the essay at the end be a little bit shorter than five pages. I say this because I think five
pages is way too many pages to have for an essay. There are five different topics to talk
about and 1 page for each topic is just way too much. It would also be good if you gave
the students an idea of who they should survey because the instructor of the class is
usually the most educated on subjects like these. Other than that I dont have any other

suggestions. You gave us a solid amount of time and even let us choose our groups
which made the project a lot more enjoyable.

Further research: To expand our knowledge on this subject it would be smart to mix up
the races involved with the politicians. Rather than just doing a white and black politician
we shouldve done many different races to see if race affected peoples decision on who
they were going to vote for. Also we would keep the qualifications the exact same. But
you need to interview a lot more people. So it would take a little bit more time than
usual. It would be very time consuming but well worth your time. Because its fun seeing
the different political views of people.

Conclusion: Groups in the future should take their in class time very seriously when
your instructor allows you guys to work together. When you and your group get together
you should create a game plan for the part of research your group is chosen to do and
execute your game plan. Survey the people the day after your instructor assigns you
your research subject because I promise you that you will forget to do it and remember
it on the last day. Use your time wisely and work very efficiently and this project will be a
breeze for you and your group. If you dont follow these instructions it will be hard on
your group. We didnt experience something like this with our project, but really its just
common sense. If you dont work hard and slack off, you obviously wont get your
assignment done. But the fact that this is a college level class makes it 10x more
important to take projects like these ones very seriously. If not you will suffer the
consequences and not finish it in time. Pick a highly populated spot for your survey. I
prefer going downtown. Downtown is a very diverse location and highly populated, so

you wont have a problem finding people to survey. Thats why it isnt very smart if you
only interview people in South Jordan, because majority of the time youre going to get
the same race of people (Im not saying all people in South Jordan are white, im saying
that its just not as diverse as Salt Lake). All you have to do is take an hour of your time
during the day and go out and survey people and it will be a breeze for you. You will get
good and accurate information on your surveys which will make it a lot easier for you
and your group to type your 5 page essay at the end of the project. So in conclusion,
you must work hard smart and efficiently and you will get the best results possible for
this project, and if you dont follow these steps, you and your group will experience the
exact opposite, which will be no success in the project and a horrible grade in the class.

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