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Rachel Raymond

Mrs. Pfeiffer
1 Black
31 May, 2016
Creatine vs Steroids
The only constant in life is change. Whether you see its results plastered on billboards,
fostering new relationships, advertised across vibrant screens, felt personally by the words of
others- change is inevitable. When you look in a mirror, what do you see? Do you vision
satisfaction or do you seek growth? Society equates people who are physically toned, tall, and
skinny as more desirable, attractive, beautiful. However, many people feel the burning need to
reflect societys standards to match the physical beauty that is advertised to them every day. With
the race against time and the ever evolving world of change, people tune into their curiosity and
turn to supplements in the hope of progress. Supplements take many shapes and types. They are
used widely, expressly in the realm of physical health. But aside from more self-directed agendas
that center on supplements, they are also present at the face of health related and life threatening
treatments. Creatine and steroids are two of the most commonly used supplements and perhaps
two of the most significant in the world. They both play a vital role in both aspects of life.
Steroids and creatine are used in two major ways. One is present within the world of
athleticism and working out, while the other, correlates with ones direct health. An increase in
body images shown in the media of leaner, more muscular men and women has corresponded
with an increase in body dissatisfaction among teens (Jaslow.). People desire a physically fit
appearance because it promises both better health and an increase in attraction. Jaslows
statement supports the reasoning behind why many people use supplements to enhance their

images. There are significant pros and cons steroids and creatine showcases. Both supplements
also emit contrasting long term and short term impacts on the body.
Steroids and creatine are packaged and delivered in different ways. Creatine is typically
bought in flavored powdered and mixed with liquid. It increases the bodys ability to produce
energy rapidly (Risher). The substance creatine is used vastly in varying sports, including weight
training. Steroids come in different varieties. Anabolic steroids are the most popular supplements
that is widely heard about. Steroids can be taken orally or through injections of transdermal
delivery (creams or gels that are applied directly to the skin) (Davis).
There are several important advantages that creatine possesses. Creatine can aid in
muscular growth, muscle recovery, and strength training. Consuming creatine before a workout
will ensure a more intense and powerful workout. Additionally, creatine helps people recover
quicker after a workout, resulting in a more efficient process of healing one's muscles (Kimball.).
Another benefit of creatine that many people appreciate is the safety and inexpensive factors that
the supplement has (Kimball.). Creatine is used to overcome athletic and training peaks. The
supplement advances shorter, strength building exercises more effectively, which in turn, can
help people attain more energy and strength. For example, Italian researchers of the University of
Rome-Tor Vergata, remarkably discovered that jumpers and sprinters who added creatine to their
workout regime experienced a 10% improvement in their overall performance (Demedeiros.).
Creatine can successfully aid athletes of all varieties and their performances. The supplement
enhances the productivity and physical activity of those who partake in it.
However, on the other hand, creatine holds several significant disadvantages. Creatine
causes water retention that presents the potential issue of weight gain (Pros and Cons of
Creatine.). This can contribute to bloating and can also interfere with weight regulated sports

such as wrestling. Furthermore, when abused by consumers, the supplement can cause
dehydration and increase the risk of kidney stones and damage. When creatine is metabolized
inside of one's body, compounds entitled metabolites can be filtered through the kidneys. As a
result, when an increase of metabolites is present, the risk of kidney damage follows (Pros and
Cons of Creatine.). Creatine has differing effects for every individual but can ensue health
dangers if misused.
Steroids are regarded for being detrimental and significantly unhealthy for people and
their bodies. The supplement causes both long terms and short term effects. Athletes consume
steroids with the desire to improve their endurance and strength. However, there is no definitive
proof that it boosts athletic performance. It is known that anabolic steroid abuse in high doses
may impair a number of organs and functions, causing both physical and psychological illnesses
(Anabolic Steroids Cause Long-Lasting Changes in the Brain).
The substance took an immediate negative toll on the famous Alex Rodriguez after
admitting to his use of steroids. It lead to a suspension for his entire 2014 season. His
consequence consisted of a 162-game suspension -- which is the most severe punishment in
baseball history for doping (Sanchez). Steroids are an unfair and illegal sports enhancement,
which entails cheating. Athletes that abuse steroids can face physical, emotional, and reputation
related problems.
When inflammation threatens to damage critical body organs, steroids can be organ
saving and, in many instances, life-saving (Steroids to Treat Arthritis). Steroids are beneficial in
health related situations because it can heal illnesses. This substance primarily and efficiently
helps with inflammation. Doctors administer steroid drugs through injections into the problem
area, by IV, or by mouth. Additionally, steroids aid in the inflammation of blood vessels and

muscles. The substance, in this sense, works through corticosteroids mimicking the effects that
ones body produces. Steroids are a fundamental benefit in medicine.
Initially, I believed steroids were more beneficial because it immediately gave athletes
faster results than creatine. While steroids processed quicker results in the end, allowing it to
work within an athletes competitive schedule, through my research, I have learned that creatine
is a lot safer in the long run. Although creatine takes more time to produce muscle and strength
gain than steroids, it produces healthier results. Through the process of learning more in depth
and comparing the two supplements together, I learned that steroids have much more adverse
effects. I know now that creatine has similar abilities as steroids because they both ensure muscle
gain, giving people a toned and defined look that we, as growing human beings, want. As an
athlete I would rather use creatine because I, myself, have used it before and was satisfied with
its results. I used it for about three months. During this period, I noticed I had more energy and
my muscle growth increased. Based on my research, I also uncovered that creatine is allowed in
the world of sports, unlike the use of steroids.
My research shows that both supplements, steroids and creatine, have their ways of
benefiting and harming people. Collectively, creatine and steroids can become addictive if one
starts abusing them. Creatine has been proven to be the better supplement in athleticism
because it causes less severely harmful, long term effects. Now as I look at steroids, the
substance has more of an aggressive effect on the body. This can cause much more serious and
even irreversible illnesses and disorders. However, when steroids are used in a medical setting, it
can improve the quality of life for people with conditions such as arthritis and leukemia. Steroids
as a medicine has proven to help people with significant inflammatory issues. When comparing
the market for both of the supplements, creatine is more accessible and cost effective. Steroids

are vastly less available because people have to make it or buy it illegally on the black market.
Steroids and creatine both carry varying degrees of advantages and disadvantages in the world.
But within the realms of sports and training, and medicine, each supplement has proven to
prosper over the other. Ultimately, the choice to consume either creatine or steroids to enhance
ones physical appearance, or to improve their health, will always lie within their choice to do so.

Works Cited

Sanchez, Ray. "Alex Rodriguez Suspended for Entire 2014 Season." CNN. Cable News
Network, 14 Jan. 2014. Web. 14 Mar. 2016.
Risher, Brittany. "Creatine: What It Is, What It Does, and Its Side Effects." Men's Health. 2 Sept.
2013. Web. 14 Mar. 2016.
"Introduction to Steroids - Steroids to Treat Arthritis: Side Effects of This Treatment."
MedicineNet. 1996-2016. Web. 14 Mar. 2016.
Davis, Kathleen. "Anabolic Steroids: Facts, Effects, and Health Risks." Medical News Today.
MediLexicon International, 26 Jan. 2016. Web. 14 Mar. 2016.
"Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports Fast Facts." CNN. Cable News Network, 8 Mar. 2016.
Web. 14 Mar. 2016.
Kimball, Molly. "Benefits, Risks of Creatine Supplement?" ABC News. ABC News Network, 1
July 2014. Web. 14 Mar. 2016.
Jaslow, Noah. "Young Teens Turning to Protein Powders, Steroids to Bulk Up: Survey."
CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 19 Nov. 2012. Web. 14 Mar. 2016.
Demedeiros, James. "6 Reasons You Should Be Taking Creatine." Men's Fitness. 2016. Web. 14
Mar. 2016.
Pros and Cons of Creatine - HRFnd." HRFnd. 14 Mar. 2014. Web. 14 Mar. 2016.

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