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Carman Lomas Garza

1. Who is Carman Lomas Garza?
2. When did she live?
3. Where is she from?
4. What do her works depict?
5. What does Barbacoa para cumpleaos show?


Papel Picado
1. What is papel picado?
2. Where is it from?
3. How is it made?
4. What is it used for?
5. What have you ever made that would be similar?
La Familia Real de Espaa
1. Who are the King and Queen of Spain?
2. Since when have they been in rule?
3. What kind of rule do they have in Spain?
Francisco de Goya
1. Who was Francisco de Goya?
2. When did he live?
3. Where was he from?
4. What is his claim to fame?
5. What did many of his works portray?
Diego Rivera

Who was Diego Rivera?

When did he live?
Where was he from?
What did many of his works portray?

El espaol en la comunidad
1. What are the 5 most common last names in the US?
2. Do you know anyone with these last names?
3. What are the 5 most common last names in the US for Spanish-speaking heritage families?
4. Do you know anyone with these last names?
El nombre complete
1. What does a persons full name consist of in the Hispanic world?
2. How do you know if a person marries?
3. How would you write your own name using this formula?




Carman Lomas Garza

1. Who is Carman Lomas Garza? Mexican American painter
2. When did she live? 1948-now
3. Where is she from? Mexican American
4. What do her works depict? Mexican American families
5. What does Barbacoa para cumpleaos show? birthday party barbecue
Papel Picado
1. What is papel picado? cut paper
2. Where is it from? Mexico
3. How is it made? folding and cutting layers of colored tissue paper
4. What is it used for? decorations
5. What have you ever made that would be similar? snowflake
La Familia Real de Espaa
1. Who are the King and Queen of Spain? Juan Carlos I and Sofa
2. Since when have they been in rule? 1975
3. What kind of rule do they have in Spain? monarchy
Francisco de Goya
1. Who was Francisco de Goya? one of the greatest Spanish painters
2. When did he live? 1746-1828
3. Where was he from? Spain
4. What is his claim to fame? father of modern art
5. What did many of his works portray? the royal family and members of nobility
Diego Rivera

Who was Diego Rivera? Mexican muralist

When did he live? 1886-1957
Where was he from? Mexico
What did many of his works portray? daily life of the indigenous people of Mexico

El espaol en la comunidad
1. What are the 5 most common last names in the US? Smith, Johnson, Williams, Jones,
and Brown
2. Do you know anyone with these last names? answers will vary
3. What are the 5 most common last names in the US for Spanish-speaking heritage families?
Garca, Martnez, Rodrguez, Hernndez, and Lpez
4. Do you know anyone with these last names? answers will vary
El nombre complete
1. What does a persons full name consist of in the Hispanic world? first name (usually two
names) and two surnames (father then mother)
2. How do you know if a person marries? the wife will add de and her husbands last
3. How would you write your own name using this formula? answers will vary

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