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Fill one form for each of the 2 presented chapters in Century Gothic font size

Chapter Title: Chapter 19 Learning about Letters and words
Presenters: Cynthia Gmez and Jessica Castaeda
Description of presentation (brief summary of the chapter plus activities
used from appendixes and/or Already Ready book). Please, include at least
one photo/video.
The presentation and evidence are embedded in the Slides (see below.)
Evidence (minutes in a bullet form from the feedback meeting where each
teacher shared how they applied the chapters content.)
Using the name card for each child to repeat their letter sounds slowly
Children created their ABC book and they sing it frequently
Forming letters with Play-Doh and sand
Teacher teaches the letters by singing the name and sound
Teacher helps the children to be aware of the second letter of their
name. Then they connected it to a friends name
Letter formation with Play-Doh
Using Word wall with their names
When children are around school they have to find letters that they
recognize or are studying and at the same time, they hunt for letter
Counting letters in their names
Using sponges and stamps to create words. By doing this, teacher also
introduces concepts like next to and on top of.
Teacher writes a sentence on the board and asks different questions
about letter names, new word, and letter sound. Children have to
aware and analyze the hole sentence.
When reading, children have to search for specific sight words

Children are challenged to create a sentence by using two words given

by the teacher

By studying letter sounds children have to look for new vocabulary and
write up the words to be more familiarized with the initial letter
Children work on their Green book learning 3 letters a week. They bring
objects that start with that letter, they look for that letter in their
name, and then they trace it. By doing this some children are able to
identify lower and upper case letters
Children count the letters of their name and they compare it with their
friends name
Children draw a picture next to a new word to have a reference and
they also practice the sound and writing.
Spelling and guessing game with their names
Using of soil to trace CVC words

Modeling correct letter formation
PK-K 11 Alphabet book with the initials of all the students
Sight words around the classroom
Clap and sing the letters of their names
Using rhymes

Children learn and sing the ABCs in Spanish. They compare all the
letters and the differences between the English and Spanish alphabet
Letter stamps and clay to make upper and lower case letters
Endless App in Spanish
Each child wrote a book about their spring vacation

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