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Course outcomes

After the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Model and solve simple problems in structural mechanics, thermal analysis and fluid
flow using a standard FEM software package
Part A
Study of FEA Package and Modeling Stress Analysis:
Bars of constant, tapered and stepped cross sections one exercise each
Trusses two exercises
Beams simply supported, cantilever, beams with UDL, beams with varying
loads, etc six exercises


Part - B
Rectangular plate with a hole one exercise
Thermal analysis 2D problem with conduction and convection boundary conditions
two exercises
Fluid flow analysis potential distribution in 2D bodies two exercises
Dynamic analysis one exercise each in:
a. Fixed-fixed beam for natural frequency determination
b. Bar subjected to forcing function
c. Fixed-fixed beam subjected to forcing function

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.



Name of the experiment

Chapter 1:Introduction getting started with ANSYS
Chapter 2:Bars of constant, tapered and stepped cross sections
Chapter 3:Beams simply supported, cantilever, with UDL and
Varying Loads
Chapter 4:Trusses
Chapter 5:Rectangular plate with a hole
Chapter 6:Thermal analysis 1D & 2D problem with conduction and
convection boundary conditions
Chapter 7: Dynamic Analysis

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.



Chapter 1
3.1 Performing a typical ANSYS analysis
The ANSYS program has finite element analysis capabilities, ranging from a
simple, linear, static analysis to a complex, non-linear, transient dynamic analysis. The
analysis guide manual in the ANSYS documentation describes specific procedures for
performing analysis of different engineering disciplines.
An ANSYS analysis has majorly three distinct steps:
1. Build the model
2. Apply loads and obtain the solution
3. Review the results.
1. Building a model:
Building a finite element model requires more of an ANSYS users time than any
other part of the analysis. First, specify a jobname and Analysis title. Then, use the
PREP7 preprocessor to define the element types, element real constants, material
properties and the model geometry.
Tip:Specifying jobname and Analysis title is not required for analysis but its
Defining the jobname:The jobname is a name that identifies the ANSYS job. When a
jobname is defined for analysis, the jobname becomes the first part of all files that the
analysis software creates. The extension or suffix for these files names is an identifier
such as .DB. By using a jobname for each analysis, makes sure no files are over-written.
GUI: Utility Menu File Change Jobname
Defining Element Types: The ANSYS element library contains more than 100 different
element types. Each element type has a unique number and a prefix that identifies the
element category.BEAM4, PLANE77, SOLID96 etc
Table 3.1: categories of elements are available
Viscoelastic (or viscoplastic)

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The element type determines, among other things:

The degree-of-freedom (DOF) set (which in turn implies the discipline
structural, thermal, magnetic, electric, quadrilateral, brick etc
Whether the element lies in two-dimensional (2D) or three dimensional (3D) space
Example:BEAM4 has six structural DOF (UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ) and is a line
element, and can be modeled in 3D space.
Plane77 has a thermal DOF (TEMP), and is an eight node quadrilateral element, and
can be modeled only in 2D space.
Defining element real constants:
Element real constants are properties that depend on the element type, such as
cross-sectional properties of a beam element.
Example: BEAM3 real constants would be 2D element, area (AREA), (Moment of inertia (IZZ),
height (HEIGHT), shear deflection constant (SHEARZ), initial strain (ISTRN)
and added mass per unit length (ADDMAS).
Tip:Not all element types require real constants, and different elements of the same type
may have different real constant values.
As with element types, each set of real constants has a reference number, and the table of
reference number versus real constant set is called the real constant table. While defining
the elements, point to the appropriate real constant reference number using the REAL
command viz..,
GUI: Main Menu Preprocessor Create Elements Elem attributes
Defining material properties:
Most elements types require material properties. Depending on the application,
material properties may be:
1. Linear or non-linear
2. Isotropic, orthotropic or anisotropic,
3. Constant temperature or temperature-dependent.
As with element types and real constants, each set of material properties has a
material reference number. The table of material reference numbers versus material
property set is called the material table. Within one analysis, multiple material properties
sets can be present (to correspond with multiple materials used in the model). ANSYS
identifies each set with a unique reference number.
GUI: Main menu Preprocessor Material Props Material Models

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Creating the Model Geometry:

After defining material properties, the next step in an analysis is generating a finite
element model-nodes and elements- that adequately describe the model geometry.
There are two methods to create the finite element model:Solid modeling and
Solid modeling:Describe the geometric shape of the model, and then instruct the ANSYS
program to automatically mesh the geometry with nodes and elements. It is possible to
control the size and shape of the elements that the program creates.
Direct generation:Define the location of each node and the connectivity of each element.
Several convenience operations, such as copying patterns of existing nodes and elements,
symmetry reflection, etc.., are available.
2. Apply loads and obtain the solution
In this step, the SOLUTION processor is used to define the analysis type and
analysis options, apply loads, specify load step options, and initiate the finite element
solution. Loads can also be applied using the PREP7 processor.
Applying Loads: The word loads used in this manual includes boundary conditions (constraints,
supports, or boundary field specifications) as well as other externally and internally
applied loads.
Loads in the ANSYS program are divided into six categories
DOF Constraints
Surface Loads
Body Loads
Inertia Loads
Coupled-field Loads
Tip: Most of these loads can be applied either on the solid model (key points, lines and
areas) or the finite element model (nodes and elements).
Two important load-related terms areload step and substep.
Load step:A configuration of loads for which solution is obtained. Load steps are also
useful in dividing a transient load history curve into several segments.
Example: - Ina structural analysis, apply wind loads in one load step and gravity in a
second load step.
Sub-steps:are incremental steps taken within a load step. These are used mainly for
accuracy and convergence purposes in transient and nonlinear analyses. Substeps are also
known as time steps-steps taken over a period of time.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Initiating the solution:To initiate solution calculations, use either of the following:
Command(s): SOLVE
GUI: Main Menu Solution Current LS
When this command is used, the ANSYS program takes model and loading information
from the database and calculates the results. Results are written to the results file
(Jobname.TST, Jobname.RTH, Jobname.RMG or Jobname.RFL) and also to the database.
The only difference is that only one set of results can reside in the database at one time,
while one can write all sets of results (for all substeps) to the results file.
3. Review the Results:
Once the solution has been calculated, use the ANSYS postprocessors to review
the results.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


3.2 General steps for solving problems using ANSYS-14.5

Step 1- Ansys Utility Menu
File -Clear and start new -Do not read file ok
File -Change job name -Enter new job name -xxx
File -Change title -Enter new title -yyy ok
Step 2 -Ansys Main Menu Preferences
Step 3- Preprocessor
Element Type - Select type of element from the Table and the required options
Real constants - Details such as Thickness, Areas, Moment of Inertia etc
Material properties - Required depending on the nature of the problem
Select units- Choose one of the following types of unit
- User-defined system (default)
- International system (SI or MKS; m, kg, s, K)
- CGS system (cm, g, s, C)
- MPA system (mm, Mg, s, C)
-British system using feet (ft, slug, s, F)
- British system using inches (in, lbf*s2/in, s, F)
Properties - Details such as Young's Modulus, Poisson's ratio etc
Step 4 - Modeling
Create the required geometry such as nodes, elements, area, and volume by using
the appropriate options.
Step 5 -Generate
Elements / nodes using Mesh Tool if necessary (in 2-D and 3-D problems)
Step 6-Apply the Boundary conditions/loads
Apply constraints such as DOF constraints, Force/Momentum, Pressure etc
Step 7 -Solution
Solve the problem.
Step 8 -General Post Processor
Plot / List the required results.
Step 9 -Plot controls
Animate-deformed shapedef. + undef.Deformed-ok
Step 10 Save
To save the solution / geometry etc follow these steps
Ansys tool bar Save - DB - File - Save as zzz.db - ok
Step 11 -To Open the solution / geometry etc:
Ansys tool bar Resume DB-File -Resume from -zzz.dbok
Plot volume/area/elements/nodes to see the geometry
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Chapter 4
Problem1: Bar of Constant Circular Cross-Section
Determine: - 1) The nodal displacement 2) Stress in each element 3) Reaction forces.

E = 2.1*105 N/mm2

50 mm

1500 N

300 mm

Fig 4.1
Step 1 - Ansys Utility Menu
File - Clear and start new - Do not read file - ok
File - Change job name - Enter new job name - xxx - ok
File - Change title - Enter new title yyy - ok
Step 2 -Ansys Main Menu - Preferences
Select - STRUCTURAL - ok.
Step 3 - Preprocessor
Element Type - Add/Edit/Delete Add - Link -3D finit stn180 ok - close
Real constants Add ok - real constant set no - 1 Area - 15000 - ok.
Material properties- Material Model - Material Model Number 1 Structural
Linear Elastic Isotropic EX - 2.1E5 - PXY 0.3 ok Enter - Close.
Step 4 - Preprocessor
Modeling Create Nodes - In active CS Enter Node number 1 X, Y, Z 0,
0, 0 - Apply (first node is created) Enter Node number - 2 - X, Y, Z 300, 0, 0
Create Elements - Auto numbered - thru node - pick 1 & 2 - ok (elements are
created through nodes).
Step 5 - Preprocessor
Loads - DefineLoads Apply - Structural Displacement On nodes pick node 1
- DOF to be constrained All DOF ok

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Loads -DefineLoads Apply Force/Moment On nodes Apply - pick node 2 Direction of Force/Moment FX - Force/Moment value - 1500(+ve value) Constant Value - Apply ok.
Step 6 - Ansys Main Menu Solution
Solve Solve current LS ok (If everything is ok solution is done and displayed)
- Close.
Step 7 - Ansys Main Menu General Post processor
Element table define table add Type 'Stress' in the user label item blockresults data item - By sequence number select LS, - change to LS, 1 - ok.
Element table define table add Type 'Strain' in the user label item blockresults data item - By sequence number select LEPEL, - change to LEPEL, 1 ok.
Element table define table add Type 'Force' in the user label item blockresults data item - By sequence number select SMISC, - change to SMISC, 1 ok.
Step 8 - General post processor
Plot results Contour plots Line element results Element table item at node I
Stress Element table item at node J Stress Ok.
Plot results Contour plots Line element results Element table item at node I
Strain Element table item at node J Strain Ok.
Plot results Contour plots Line element results Element table item at node I
force Element table item at node J force Ok.
List Results
1. Reaction solutions items to be listed all items ok
(Reactionforces will be displayedwith node numbers)
2. Reaction at the support:
Nodal loads loads to be listed all items ok(Nodal loads will be displayed)
3. Nodal solution- Translation in UX direction ok (for displacement in Xdirection)
Note: The results obtained through Ansys should be validated with the analytical

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Problem 2:SteppedCircular Cross-Section Bar

Determine: - 1) The nodal displacement 2) Stress in each element 3) Reaction forces.
E1 = 2.1*105 N/mm2, A1 = 900mm2
E2 = 0.7*105 N/mm2,A2 = 600 mm2

500 N



Fig 4.2
Step1 Ansys Utility Menu
File Clear and start new Do not read file ok
File Change job name Enter new job name xxx ok
File Change title Enter new title yyy - ok.
Step 2 Ansys Main Menu Preferences
Step 3 Preprocessor
Element Type Add/Edit/Delete Add Link -3D finit stn180- ok Close
Real constants Add ok real constant: set no -1 Area 900- apply, set no 2
c/s area 600 ok- Close
Material properties- Material Model Material Model Number 1:Structural
Linear ElasticIsotropic 2.1E5 PRXY - 0.3 ok.
Material New Model -Define material ID-2: Structural Linear Elastic
Isotropic 0.7E5 PRXY0.3 ok close.
Step 4 Preprocessor
Modeling Create Nodes In active CS Node number 1: X, Y, Z (0, 0, 0)
apply Node number 2: X, Y, Z (600, 0, 0) apply Node number 3: X, Y,
Z (1100, 0, 0) ok.
Create Elements Element attributes Element type number: -1 Link180 Material number 1-Real const set no 1 ok- Auto numbered Thru node

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


pick 1&2 ok Element attributes Element type number: -1 Link180 -Materiel

no 2-Real const set no-2 ok- Auto numbered Thru node pick 2&3 ok.
Step 5 Preprocessor
Loads Define Loads Apply Structural Displacement On nodes pick nodes
1- Apply All DOF ok.
Loads - Define Loads Apply Force/Moment On nodes pick node 3 ApplyDirection of Force/Moment FX- Force/Moment value - 500(+ve value) ok.
Step 6 Ansys Main Menu Solution
Solve Solve current LS ok (If everything is ok Solution is done is displayed)
Step 7 Ansys Main Menu General post processor
Element table define table add Type 'Stress' in the user label item blockresults data item - By sequence number select LS, - change to LS, 1 - ok
Element table define table add Type 'Strain' in the user label item blockresults data item - By sequence number select LEPEL, - change to LEPEL, 1 ok
Element table define table add Type 'Force' in the user label item blockresults data item - By sequence number select SMISC, - change to SMISC, 1 ok
Element table Define table Add Results data item- By sequence num LSLS 1 Ok.
Step 8 General post processor
Plot results Contour plots Line element results Element table item at node I
Stress Element table item at node J Stress Ok.
Plot results Contour plots Line element results Element table item at node I
Strain Element table item at node J Strain Ok.
Plot results Contour plots Line element results Element table item at node I
force Element table item at node J force Ok.
List Results
1. Reaction solution Items to be listed All items ok
(Reaction forces will be displayed with node numbers)
2. Reaction at the support:
Nodal loads Loads to be listed All items ok (Nodal loads will be displayed)
3. Nodal solution- All DOF- X component of displacementok(For displacement in
X- direction)
Note: The results obtained through Ansys should be validated with the analytical

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.



Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Problem 3: Tapered Bar

For the following tapered bar, find the nodal displacements:
The cross sectional area decreases linearly from 1000 mm2 to 500 mm2. Use two elements.
Take E = 2 * 105MPa, = 0.3
1000 mm2

500 mm2
1000 N

750 mm

Fig 4.3
The area of cross section for each element is calculated as follows:
A1 (at node 1) = 1000mm2
A2 (at node 2) = A (mean) = (1000+500)/2 = 750 mm2
A3 (at node 3) = 500mm2
Calculation of moment of inertia:
I1= ( x d4/32) = * ( *d2/4)2= (1000)2=159.16 x103 mm4
I2= (750)2=89.53 x103 mm4
I3= (500)2=39.79 x103 mm4
Step1 Ansys Utility Menu
File Clear and start new Do not read file ok
File Change job name Enter new job name xxx ok
File Change title Enter new title yyy -ok.
Step 2 Ansys Main Menu Preferences
Step 3 Preprocessor
Element Type Add/Edit/Delete Add Beam - Node188- ok Close
Material properties - Material Model Material Model Number 1 Structural
Linear Elastic Isotropic 2E5 PXY- 0.3 ok Enter 3.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Step 4 Preprocessor
Section Beams Common Sections Sub type Select Solid Circle.
ID 1 Name Big R 60 Apply.
ID 1 Name Big R 30 Ok,
Sections Beams Taper Section By XYZ location New Taper Section ID 3
New Section name Taper Beginning Section ID 1 0, 0, 0 End Section ID
2 Small 1000, 0, 0.
Modeling Create Nodes In active CS Node number 1: X, Y, Z (0, 0, 0)
apply Node number 2: X, Y, Z (1000, 0, 0) ok.
Create Lines Lines Straight line Pick 1 & 2 Ok.
Step 5 Preprocessor
Meshing Size cnrls Manual size Global Size No of element divisions 50
Ok Meshing Mesh Attributes Default Attributes Section Number 3
Taper Ok.
Mesh Line Select Line Ok.
Loads Define Loads Apply Structural Displacement Pick keypoint Apply
All DOF Ok.
Loads Define loads Apply Force/Moment Pick Keypoint 2 Apply
Direction of force/Moment FX Force/Moment value 1000(+ve value) Ok.
Step 6 Ansys Main Menu Solution
Solve Solve current LS ok (If everything is ok Solution is done is displayed)
Step 7 Ansys Main Menu General post processor
Element table define table add Type 'Stress' in the user label item blockresults data item - By sequence number select LS, - change to LS, 1 - ok
Element table define table add Type 'Strain' in the user label item blockresults data item - By sequence number select LEPEL, - change to LEPEL, 1 ok
Element table define table add Type 'Force' in the user label item blockresults data item - By sequence number select SMISC, - change to SMISC, 1 ok
Element table Define table Add Results data item- By sequence num LSLS 1 Ok.
Step 8 General post processor
Plot results Contour plots Line element results Element table item at node I
Stress Element table item at node J Stress Ok.
Plot results Contour plots Line element results Element table item at node I
Strain Element table item at node J Strain Ok.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Plot results Contour plots Line element results Element table item at node I
force Element table item at node J force Ok.

List Results
Nodal solution Favorites- Nodal solution X-component of displacement ok
(for displacement in X- direction with the node numbers)
Note: The results obtained through Ansys should be validated with the analytical

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Assignment 1:Stepped Cross-Section Bar

The below stepped bar is subjected to an axial force of 1000 N along positive xaxis. And assume E1 = E3.
E1 =E3= 2.0*105 N/mm2, A1 = A3= 900mm2
E2 = 0.7*105 N/mm2,A2 = 600 mm2


1000 N




Fig 4.4

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Chapter 3
BEAMS: Cantilever, Simply Supported, With UDL, With Varying Loads
Note:Assume rectangular c/s area of 200mm x 300mm, Youngs Modulus of2.1x105
N/mm2 for all the problems on beams.
Tip:For solving the problems, all the values should be in the same units.
Problem 1: Cantilever beam subjected to a concentrated load at free end.
10 KN

5000 mm

Fig 5.1
Step1- Ansys Utility Menu
File Clear and start new Do not read file ok
File Change job name Enter new job name probl ok
File Change title Enter new title yyy ok
Step 2 Ansys Main Menu Preferences
Step 3 Preprocessor
Element TypeAdd/Edit/Delete Add Beam - 2 node 188 ok Close
Material properties- Material Model Material Model Number 1: Structural
Linear Elastic Isotropic 2.1E5 PXY 0.3 ok Close.
Step 4 Preprocessor
Section Beams Common Sections Sub type Select Solid rectangle- c/s 300
x 400 (bxh) Ok.
Modeling Create KeypointsIn active CS Enter Key Point number 1: X, Y, Z
0, 0, 0 - Apply (first node is created) Enter Keypoint number 2: - X, Y, Z 5000,
0, 0 ok.
Create Lines Lines Straight line Pick 1 & 2, Ok
Meshing Size cnrls Manual size Global Size No of element divisions 50
Mesh Lines Select Key Points 1&2 Ok.
Ansys utility menu Plot Lines.(To Display the division of meshing line).
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Step 5 Preprocessor
LoadsDefine Loads Apply Structural Displacement On Keypoints pick
Keypoint 1 Apply DOF to be constrained All DOFok.
Loads - Define Loads Apply Force/Moment On Keypoints pick node 2
Apply- Direction of Force/Moment FY Force/Moment value -10000 (-ve
Step 6 Ansys Main Menu Solution
Solve Solve current LS ok (If everything is ok solution is done is displayed)Close.
(Note: Once Solution is done is displayed, then only List of results will be
Step 7 Ansys Main Menu General post processor
For Bending Moment:
Element table define table add By sequence number select SMISC, change to SMISC, 3 Apply, By sequence number select SMISC, - change to
SMISC, 16 - ok.
For Shear-Force:
Element table define table add By sequence number select SMISC, change to SMISC, 6 Apply, By sequence number select SMISC, - change to
SMISC, 19 ok.
Step 8 General post processor
Plot results Contour plots Line element - Results Element table item at node I
smisc3 - Element table item at node J smisc 16 - ok (Bending moment
diagram will be displayed ).
Plot results Contour plots Line element results Element table item at node I
smisc 6 Element table item at node J smisc19 ok (Shear force diagram will
be displayed).
List of results
1. Reaction solution Items to be listed All items ok(Reaction forces will be
displayed with node numbers).
2. Nodal loads Loads to be listed All items ok (Nodal loads will be displayed).
Note: The results obtained through Ansys should be validated with the analytical
Assignment 1:For the cantilever beam subjected to concentrated loads, draw the shear
force and bending moment diagram.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Fig 5.2
Problem 2: A simply supported beam is subjected to concentrated loads. Compute the
shear force and bending moment for the beam shown and find the reactions at the
20 KN

40 KN

150 mm


300 mm
400 mm

Fig 5.3
Step1- Ansys Utility Menu
File Clear and start new Do not read file ok.
File Change job name Enter new job name probl ok.
File Change title Enter new title yyy ok.
Step 2 Ansys Main Menu Preferences
Step 3 Preprocessor
Element TypeAdd/Edit/Delete Add Beam - 2 node 188- ok Close.
Material properties- Material Model Material Model Number 1: Structural
Linear Elastic Isotropic 2.0E5 PXY 0.25 ok Close.
Step 4 Preprocessor
Section Beams Common Sections Sub type Select Solid rectangle- c/s 200
x 300 (bxh) Ok.
Modeling Create KeypointsIn active CS Enter Key Point number 1: X, Y, Z
0, 0, 0 - Apply (first node is created) Enter Keypoint number 2: - X, Y, Z 150,
0, 0 Apply Enter Keypoint number 3: X, Y, Z 300, 0, 0 Apply Enter
Keypoint number 4: X, Y, Z 400, 0, 0 ok.
Create Lines Lines Straight line Pick 1 & 2, Apply 2&3, Apply 3&4
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Meshing Size cnrls Manual size Global Size No of element divisions 50

Mesh Lines Select Key Points 1&2, 2&3, and 3&4 Ok.
Ansys utility menu Plot Lines. (To Display the division of meshing line)
Step 5 Preprocessor
LoadsDefine Loads Apply Structural Displacement On Keypoints pick
Keypoints 1&4 Apply DOF to be constrained UX UX,UY,UZ,ROTX,ROTY
Loads - Define Loads Apply Force/Moment On Keypoints pick node 2
Apply- Direction of Force/Moment FY Force/Moment value -20000 (-ve
value)- Applypick node 3 Apply Direction of Force/Moment - FY Force/Moment value - 40000 (-ve value)ok.
Step 6 Ansys Main Menu Solution
Solve Solve current LS ok (If everything is ok solution is done is displayed)Close.
Note: Once Solution is done is displayed, then only List of results will be generates.
Step 7 Ansys Main Menu General post processor
For Bending Moment:
Element table define table add By sequence number select SMISC, change to SMISC, 3 Apply, By sequence number select SMISC, - change to
SMISC, 16 - ok
For Shear Force:
Element table define table add By sequence number select SMISC, change to SMISC, 6 Apply, By sequence number select SMISC, - change to
SMISC, 19 ok
Step 8 General post processor
Plot results Contour plots Line element - Results Element table item at node I
smisc3 - Element table item at node J smisc 16 - ok (Bending moment
diagram will be displayed ).
Plot results Contour plots Line element results Element table item at node I
smisc 6 Element table item at node J smisc19 ok (Shear force diagram will
be displayed).
List results
1. Reaction solution Items to be listed All items ok (Reactionforces will be
displayedwith node numbers)
2. Nodal loads Loads to be listed All items ok (Nodal loads will be displayed)
Note: The results obtained through Ansys should be validated with the analytical

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Assignment 2:A simply supported beam is subjected to concentrated loads. Compute the
shear force and bending moment for the beam shown and find the reactions at the

Fig 5.4

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Problem 2:Simply supported beam with uniformly distributed load.

12 KN/m (UDL)



4000 mm
6000 mm

Fig 5.5
Step1- Ansys Utility Menu
File Clear and start new Do not read file ok
File Change job name Enter new job name xxx ok
File Change title Enter new title yyy -ok
Step 2 Ansys Main Menu Preferences
Step 3 Preprocessor
Element TypeAdd/Edit/Delete Add Beam - 2 node 188- ok Close
Material properties- Material Model Material Model Number 1: Structural
Linear Elastic Isotropic 2.1E5 PXY 0.3 ok Close
Step 4 Preprocessor
Section Beams Common Sections Sub type Select Solid rectangle- c/s 200
x 300 (bxh) Ok.
Modeling Create KeypointsIn active CS Enter Key Point number 1: X, Y, Z
0, 0, 0 - Apply (first node is created) Enter Keypoint number 2: - X, Y, Z 400,
0, 0 Apply Enter Keypoint number 3: X, Y, Z 600, 0, 0 ok.
Create Lines Lines Straight line Pick 1 & 2, Apply 2&3, Ok.
Meshing Size cnrls Manual size Global Size No of element divisions 50
Mesh Lines Select Key Points 1&2, and 2&3 Ok.
Ansys utility menu Plot Lines. (To Display the division of meshing line)
Step 5 Preprocessor
LoadsDefine Loads Apply Structural Displacement On Keypoints pick
Keypoints 1& 3 Apply DOF to be constrained UX,UY,UZ,ROTX,ROTY
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Loads - Define Loads Apply Pressure On Beams Select Box Select from
Keypoint 1 to Keypoint 2 Apply- Load Key 2: Pressure value at node I 12000
N/m Pressure value at node J 12000 N/m (I & J are same Because of UDL)ok.
Step 6 Ansys Main Menu Solution
Solve Solve current LS ok (If everything is ok solution is done is displayed)Close.
Note: Once Solution is done is displayed, then only List of results will be generates.
Step 7 Ansys Main Menu General post processor
For Bending Moment:
Element table define table add By sequence number select SMISC, change to SMISC, 3 Apply, By sequence number select SMISC, - change to
SMISC, 16 - ok
For Shear Force:
Element table define table add By sequence number select SMISC, change to SMISC, 6 Apply, By sequence number select SMISC, - change to
SMISC, 19 ok
Step 8 General post processor
Plot results Contour plots Line element - Results Element table item at node I
smisc3 - Element table item at node J smisc 16 - ok (Bending moment
diagram will be displayed ).
Plot results Contour plots Line element results Element table item at node I
smisc 6 Element table item at node J smisc19 ok (Shear force diagram will
be displayed).
List of results
1. Reaction solution Items to be listed All items ok(Reaction forces will be
displayed with node numbers).
2. Nodal loads Loads to be listed All items ok (Nodal loads will be displayed).
Note: The results obtained through Ansys should be validated with the analytical
Assignment 3: For the beam structure as shown in the figure determine the shear force
and bending moment diagram

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Fig 5.6

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Problem 3 Beam with angular loads, one end hinged and at the other end roller support.
(All dimensions in mm).

Fig 5.7
Step1- Ansys Utility Menu
File Clear and start new Do not read file ok
File Change job name Enter new job name xxx ok
File Change title Enter new title yyy -ok
Step 2 Ansys Main Menu Preferences
Step 3 Preprocessor
Element TypeAdd/Edit/Delete Add Beam - 2 node 188- ok Close
Material properties- Material Model Material Model Number 1: Structural
Linear Elastic Isotropic 2.1E5 PXY 0.3 ok Close
Step 4 Preprocessor
Section Beams Common Sections Sub type Select Solid rectangle- c/s 200
x 300 (bxh) Ok.
Modeling Create nodes In active CS Enter node number 1: X, Y, Z 0, 0, 0 Apply (first node is created) Enter nodes number 2: - X, Y, Z 100, 0, 0 Apply
Enter nodes number 3: X, Y, Z 200, 0, 0 Apply Enter nodes number 4: X, Y,
Z 300, 0, 0 Apply Enter node number 5: X, Y, Z 400, 0, 0 ok.
Create Elements - Auto numbered - thru node - pick 1 & 2 Apply 2&3 Apply
3 &4 Apply 4&5 - ok.
Modeling Create nodes rotate node CS by angle Select Node 2 THXY
about nodal Z axis (-50) Apply Select Node 3 THXY about nodal Z axis
(-45) Apply Select Node 4 THXY about nodal Z axis (-60) Ok.
(Note:Enter the angle value by subtracting with 900.)
Step 5 Preprocessor
Loads Define Loads Apply Structural Displacement On node pick node
1 Apply DOF to be constrained UX,UY,UZ,ROTX,ROTY Apply Structural
Displacement On node pick node 5 DOF to be constrained UY Ok.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Loads - Define Loads Apply Force/Moment On nodes pick node 2 ApplyDirection of Force/Moment FY Force/Moment value - -100 (-ve value) Apply
- pick node 3 - Apply Direction of Force/Moment- FX - Force/Moment value -200 (-ve value) - pick node 4 - Apply Direction of Force/Moment- FX Force/Moment value- -250 (-ve value) -ok
Step 6 Ansys Main Menu Solution
Solve Solve current LS ok (If everything is ok solution is done is displayed)Close.
(Note: Once Solution is done is displayed, then only List of results will be
Step 7 Ansys Main Menu General post processor
For Bending Moment:
Element table define table add By sequence number select SMISC, change to SMISC, 3 Apply, By sequence number select SMISC, - change to
SMISC, 16 - ok
For Shear Force:
Element table define table add By sequence number select SMISC, change to SMISC, 6 Apply, By sequence number select SMISC, - change to
SMISC, 19 ok
Step 8 General post processor
Plot results Contour plots Line element - Results Element table item at node I
smisc3 - Element table item at node J smisc 16 - ok (Bending moment
diagram will be displayed ).
Plot results Contour plots Line element results Element table item at node I
smisc 6 Element table item at node J smisc19 ok (Shear force diagram will
be displayed).
List of results
1. Reaction solution Items to be listed All items ok(Reaction forces will be
displayed with node numbers).
2. Nodal loads Loads to be listed All items ok (Nodal loads will be displayed).
Note: The results obtained through Ansys should be validated with the analytical
Assignment:For the following beam with angular loads having one end hinged and at the
other end roller support, determine shear force and bending moment diagram.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Fig 5.8
Problem 4: Beam with applied moment and over-hanging.

Fig 5.9
Step1- Ansys Utility Menu
File Clear and start new Do not read file ok
File Change job name Enter new job name probl ok
File Change title Enter new title yyy ok
Step 2 Ansys Main Menu Preferences
Step 3 Preprocessor
Element TypeAdd/Edit/Delete Add Beam - 2 node 188- ok Close
Material properties- Material Model Material Model Number 1: Structural
Linear Elastic Isotropic 2.1E5 PXY 0.3 ok Close
Step 4 Preprocessor
Section Beams Common Sections Sub type Select Solid rectangle- c/s 200
x 300 (bxh) Ok.
Modeling Create KeypointsIn active CS Enter Key Point number 1: X, Y, Z
0, 0, 0 - Apply (first node is created) Enter Keypoint number 2: - X, Y, Z 2000,
0, 0 Apply Enter Keypoint number 3: X, Y, Z 4000, 0, 0 Apply Enter
Keypoint number 4: X, Y, Z 6000, 0, 0 Apply Enter Keypoint number 5: X, Y,
Z 7000, 0, 0 ok.
Create Lines Lines Straight line Pick 1 & 2, Apply 2&3, Apply 3&4
Apply 4&5 Ok.
Meshing Size cnrls Manual size Global Size No of element divisions 50
Mesh Lines Select Key Points 1&2, 2&3, 3&4 and 4&5 Ok.
Ansys utility menu Plot Lines. (To Display the division of meshing line)
Step 5 Preprocessor
LoadsDefine Loads Apply Structural Displacement On Keypoints pick
Keypoints 1&4 Apply DOF to be constrained All DOF ok.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Loads - Define Loads Apply Force/Moment On Keypoints pick node 2

Apply- Direction of Force/Moment MZ Force/Moment value 6000 (+ve
value) Applypick node 3 Apply Direction of Force/Moment - FY Force/Moment value -6000 (-ve value) Applypick node 5 Apply Direction
of Force/Moment - FY - Force/Moment value -8000 (-ve value)ok
Step 6 Ansys Main Menu Solution
Solve Solve current LS ok (If everything is ok solution is done is displayed)Close.
Step 7 Ansys Main Menu General post processor
For Bending Moment:
Element table define table add By sequence number select SMISC, change to SMISC, 3 Apply, By sequence number select SMISC, - change to
SMISC, 16 - ok.
For Shear Force:
Element table define table add By sequence number select SMISC, change to SMISC, 6 Apply, By sequence number select SMISC, - change to
SMISC, 19 ok
Step 8 General post processor
Plot results Contour plots Line element - Results Element table item at node I
smisc3 - Element table item at node J smisc 16 - ok (Bending moment
diagram will be displayed ).
Plot results Contour plots Line element results Element table item at node I
smisc 6 Element table item at node J smisc19 ok (Shear force diagram will
be displayed).
List of results
1. Reaction solution Items to be listed All items ok(Reaction forces will be
displayed with node numbers).
2. Nodal loads Loads to be listed All items ok (Nodal loads will be displayed).
Note: The results obtained through Ansys should be validated with the analytical

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Problem 5:Beam subjected to uniformly varying load.

40 KN/m
80 KN

3000 mm

1500 mm

1500 mm

Fig 5.10
Step1- Ansys Utility Menu
File Clear and start new Do not read file ok
File Change job name Enter new job name xxx ok
File Change title Enter new title yyy -ok
Step 2 Ansys Main Menu Preferences
Step 3 Preprocessor
Element TypeAdd/Edit/Delete Add Beam - 2 node 188ok Close
Material properties- Material Model Material Model Number 1: Structural
Linear Elastic Isotropic 2.1E5 PXY 0.3 ok Close
Step 4 Preprocessor
Section Beams Common Sections Sub type Select Solid rectangle- c/s 200
x 300 (bxh) Ok.
Modeling Create KeypointsIn active CS Enter Key Point number 1: X, Y, Z
0, 0, 0 - Apply (first node is created) Enter Keypoint number 2: - X, Y, Z 3000,
0, 0 Apply Enter Keypoint number 3: X, Y, Z 4500, 0, 0 Apply Enter
Keypoint number 5: X, Y, Z 6000, 0, 0 ok.
Create Lines Lines Straight line Pick 1 & 2, Apply 2&3, Apply 3&4
Meshing Size cnrls Manual size Global Size No of element divisions 50
Mesh Lines Select Key Points 1&2, 2&3, and3&4 Ok.
Ansys utility menu Plot Lines. (To Display the division of meshing line)
Step 5 Preprocessor
LoadsDefine Loads Apply Structural Displacement On Keypoints pick
Keypoints 1& 4 Apply DOF to be constrained UX, UY, ROTX & ROTY
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Loads - Define Loads Apply Pressure On Beams Select Box Select

From Keypoint 1 to Keypoint 2 Apply- Load Key 2: Pressure value at node I 0
N/m Pressure value at node J 4000 N/m Apply pick node 3 Apply
Direction of Force/Moment - FY - Force/Moment value -80000 (-ve value)ok
Step 6 Ansys Main Menu Solution
Solve Solve current LS ok (If everything is ok solution is done is displayed)Close.
(Note: Once Solution is done is displayed, then only List of results will be
Step 7 Ansys Main Menu General post processor
For Bending Moment:
Element table define table add By sequence number select SMISC, change to SMISC, 3 Apply, By sequence number select SMISC, - change to
SMISC, 16 - ok
For Shear Force:
Element table define table add By sequence number select SMISC, change to SMISC, 6 Apply, By sequence number select SMISC, - change to
SMISC, 19 ok
Step 8 General post processor
Plot results Contour plots Line element - Results Element table item at node I
smisc3 - Element table item at node J smisc 16 - ok (Bending moment
diagram will be displayed ).
Plot results Contour plots Line element results Element table item at node I
smisc 6 Element table item at node J smisc19 ok (Shear force diagram will
be displayed).
List of results
1. Reaction solution Items to be listed All items ok(Reaction forces will be
displayed with node numbers).
2. Nodal loads Loads to be listed All items ok (Nodal loads will be displayed).
Note: The results obtained through Ansys should be validated with the analytical

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Chapter 4
Problem 1: For the three-bar truss, determine the nodal displacements, reactions at the
supports and the stress in each member. Take modulus of elasticity as 200 GPa
15 kN

2000 mm2

2000 mm2

400 mm

1500 mm2

400 mm

400 mm

Fig 6.1
E = 200 GPa
= 200x 103 N/mm2
A1= 1500 mm2
A2 = A3 = 2000 mm2

Fig 6.2
ANSYS Software approach:(For Theoretical method refer any FEM text book)
Step1- Ansys Utility Menu
File Clear and start new Do not read file ok
File Change job name Enter new job name xxx ok
File Change title Enter new title yyy -ok
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Step 2 Ansys Main Menu Preferences

Step 3 To define element:Preprocessor
Element TypeAdd/Edit/Delete Add Link 3D-finit-stn-180 - ok Close.
Step 4 To define element Real constants:Preprocessor
Real constants Add ok Real constant set no 1-c/s area 1500-ok.
Real constants Add ok Real constant set no 2-c/s area 2000-ok.
Step5 To define element Material properties:Preprocessor
Material properties- Material Model Material Model Number 1 Structural
Click Linear Click Elastic Isotropic Click 2.1E5 PXY 0.3 ok
Enter Close.
Step 6 To Create Nodes: Preprocessor
ModelingCreate Nodes In active CS now enter the co-ordinates of the nodes
to be created- Apply - Create first node by entering (0,0, 0) (x1,y1, z1) - Create
second node by entering (800,0, 0) (x2,y2, z2) - Create third node by entering
(400, 400, 0) (x3,y3, z3)-ok respectively along x,y, z direction location.
Step 7 To Create Elements: Preprocessor
ModelingCreate Elements Element attributes Element type no-1 Link1Materiel no 1-Real const set no 1 ok Click-Auto numbered Thru node
pick 1 & 2 Apply,
ModelingCreate Elements Element attributes Element type no-1 Link1Materiel no 1-Real const set no 2 ok Click-Auto numbered Thru node
pick 2 & 3 - Apply pick 3 & 1 ok (Elements are created through nodes).
Step 8 To apply Boundary Condition:Preprocessor
Loads Define Loads Apply Structural Displacement On nodes pick nodes 1
- Apply DOF to be constrained Click All DOF ok
Loads Define Loads Apply Structural Displacement On nodes 3 Apply
DOF to be constrained UYok.
Step 9 To apply Loads:Preprocessor
Loads - Define Loads Apply Force/Moment On nodes pick node 3 Apply Direction of Force/Moment FY Force/Moment value 15,000(-ve value) ok.
Step 10 To solve the problem
Ansys Main Menu Solution-Solve Solve current LS ok (If everything is ok
solution is done is displayed) Close.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Step 11 To interpret the results: General post processor

1. To plot the element stresses:
Ansys Main Menu General post processor - Element table Define table Add
Results data item- By sequence num - Select LS Enter-LS, 1 ok(Element
diagram will be displayed)
General post processor- Element table- Plot element table- Select LS 1- Ok
General post processor -Plot results Contour plots Line element results
Element table item at node I LS 1 Element table item at node J LS 1 ok (Line
stress diagram will be displayed )
2. To plot Deformed Shape:
General post processor -Plot results- Deformed shape-pick def+undeformed-ok
(Deformed+ un-deformed shape of truss will be displayed)
3. To plot Deformed Shape:
Main menu- Plot ctrls Animate- Deformed shape-def+undeformed ok
4. To list the Nodal Solutions:
General post processor - List results-Nodal solution- DOF solution-x componentok (Nodal displacements will be displayed)
General post processor list results- Reaction solution- Item to be listed-all items-ok
(All reaction forces will be displayed with the node numbers)

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Problem 2: Consider the following 4-bar truss and determine i) Element stiffness matrix
for each element ii) Using elimination approach, solve for the nodal displacements iii)
Calculate stresses in each element.
For the given data, find 1) Stress in each element 2) Reaction forces and 3) Nodal
displacement. E=29.5 x106 units, A=1 units for all elements.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.



25,000 units

30 units

40 units




Fig 6.3
Assignment Theoretical Finite Element method calculations (to be entered in record)

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Answers :



27.12x10 3


5.65x10 3

22.25x10 3




1 20,000 units , 2 21,880 units ,

3 5,208 units ,

4 4167 units

Step1- Ansys Utility Menu

File Clear and start new Do not read file ok
File Change job name Enter new job name xxx ok
File Change title Enter new title yyy ok
Step 2 Ansys Main Menu Preferences
Step 3 To define element Preprocessor
Element TypeAdd/Edit/Delete Add Link -3D finit-stn 180- ok Close
Step 4-To define element Real constants Preprocessor
Real constants Add ok Real constant set no 1-c/s-1-ok
Step5 To define element Material properties - Preprocessor
Material properties- Material Model Material Model Number 1 Structural
Click Linear Click Elastic Isotropic Click 2.1E5 PXY 0..3 ok
Enter Close
Step 6 To Create Nodes -Preprocessor
ModelingCreate Nodes In active CS Now enter the co-ordinate of the nodes
to be created- Apply - Create first node by entering (0, 0, 0) (x1, y1, z1) - Create
second node by entering (40,0,0) (x2,y2, z2) - Create third node by entering
(40,30, 0) (x3,y3, z3) - Create first node by entering (0,30, 0) (x4,y4,z4)
respectively along x,y,z direction.
Step 7 To Create Elements - Preprocessor
ModelingCreate Elements Element attributes Element type no-1 Link1Materiel no 1-Real const set no 1 ok - Click-Auto numbered Thru node
pick 1& 2 Apply pick 2 & 3 Apply- pick 3 & 1 Apply- pick 3& 4 ok
(Elements are created through nodes).
Step 8 To apply Boundary Condition - Preprocessor

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Loads Define Loads Apply Structural Displacement On nodes pick nodes 1

& 4 - Apply DOF to be constrained - All DOF ok
Loads Define Loads Apply Structural Displacement On nodes 2 Apply
DOF to be constrained UY ok
Step 9 To apply Loads - Preprocessor
Loads - Define Loads Apply Force/Moment On nodes pick node 2 ApplyDirection of Force/Moment FX - Force/Moment value - + 20,000(+ve value) Apply
Loads - Define Loads Apply Force/Moment On nodes pick node 3 ApplyDirection of Force/Moment FY- Force/Moment value -25,000(-ve value) -ok
Step 10 To solve the problem:
Ansys Main Menu Solution-Solve Solve current LS ok (If everything is ok
Solution is done is displayed)- Close
Step 11 To interpret the results - General post processor
1. To plot the element stress
Ansys Main Menu General post processor - Element table Define table Add
Results data item- By sequence num - Select LS Enter-LS, 1 ok(Element
stress diagram will be displayed)
Ansys Main Menu General post processor- Element table- Plot element tableselect LS, 1- Click - ok.
Ansys Main Menu General post processor -Plot results Contour plots Line
element results Element table item at node I LS 1 Element table item at node J
LS 1 ok (Line stress diagram will be displayed )
2. To plot Deformed Shape
Ansys Main Menu General post processor -Plot results - Deformed shape- Pick
def+undeformed ok(Deformed+ un-deformed shape of truss will be
3. To plot Deformed Shape:
Main menu- Plot ctrls Animate- Deformed shape-def+undeformed - ok
4. To list the Nodal Solutions
Ansys Main Menu General post processor list results- Reaction solution- Item to
be listed- All items ok(All reaction forces will be displayed with the node

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.







TIME = 1.0000



- 0.56497E-02

















Problem 3: Consider the 4-bar truss shown in figure. For the given data, find 1) Stress in
each element 2) Reaction forces and 3) Nodal displacement. Given E= 2x106 kN/mm2,
A=10 mm2.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


50000 N

800 mm

1000 mm

4000 N
2500 N

Fig 6.4
Assignment Theoretical Finite element method calculations (to be entered in record)
Class work Carry out the ANSYS software steps to solve and enter the same in the
Problem number 4: Consider the 4-bar truss shown in figure. For the given data, find 1)
Stress in each element 2) Reaction forces and 3) Nodal displacement. Given E= 2x10 6
kN/mm2, A=10 mm2.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Fig 6.5
Assignment Theoretical Finite element method calculations.

Chapter 5
Problem 1: A plate of 200mm x100mm size and 10mm thick has a centrally drilled hole
of 40mm diameter subjected to a pressure of 2000N/mm 2 under plane stress condition,
find deformed shape of the hole and plot maximum stress distribution. Take E= 2E5,=0.3
40 mm




Fig 7.1

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Step 1 - Ansys Utility Menu

File Clear and start new Do not read file ok
File Change job name Enter new job name xxx ok
File Change title Enter new title yyy -ok
Step 2 Ansys Main Menu Preferences
Step 3 Preprocessor
Element TypeAdd/Edit/Delete Add Solid-quad 4node-182- ok Options
behavior K3 Select Plane strs w/thk Ok Close.
Real constants-Add/Edit/Delete Add Ok THK-10-ok Close.
Material properties-Material Model Material Model Number 1 Structural
Linear Elastic Isotropic 2.1E5 PXY 0.3ok Close
Step 4 - Preprocessor
ModelingCreate Areas- Rectangle-by dimensions- (x1,y1, x2,y2) = (0,0,200,
100) -ok- Create areas- Circle- Solid circle-rad- 20-ok
Operate- Booleans Subtract-areas- Pick area shouldnot to be deleted (Rectangle)
- Apply-pick for area tobe deleted (circle)-ok
Mesh Tool- Smart size on (Select any value, say 4)-mesh-pick area to be meshed
apply if refining is required at some place- Refine- Select- Box/circle-drag on the
area level -3-ok - Close.
Step 5 Preprocessor
Loads Define Loads Apply Structural Displacement On nodes Box- Drag
box left side of the area(to pick all the nodes) - Apply DOF to be constrained
-All DOF ok
Loads Define Loads Apply Force/moment On nodes - Box- Drag box right
side of area (to pick all nodes)- Apply Force/moment value-2000(value) okClose
Step 6Ansys Main Menu- Solution
Solve Solve current LS ok (If everything is ok solution is done is displayed)Close
Step 7-Ansys Main Menu General post processor
Plot results Contour plots Elemental solution- Stress- Von-mises stress-ok
(Stress diagram will be displayed)
Plot results- Deformed shape-pick def+undeformedok
undeformed shape of truss will be displayed)
Plot ctrls- Animate- Deformed shape-def+undeformed- ok
For 3D view Select Plot control style size and shape tick for display element.
Step 8 - Query results
Nodal solution - Stress - Von-mises stress-ok- Select any location on area-value

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


List results
1. Nodal solution DOF solution-ALL DOFs ok- Value displayed Nodal solution
Stresses- Von-mises stress-ok-values displayed
Note: The results obtained through Ansys should be validated with the analytical

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Problem 2:The corner angle bracket is shown below. The upper left hand pin-hole is
constrained around its entire circumference and a tapered pressure load is applied to the
bottom of lower right hand pin-hole. Compute Maximum displacement, Von-Mises stress.

Fig 7.2
Step 1 - Ansys Utility Menu
File Clear and start new Do not read file ok
File Change job name Enter new job name xxx ok
File Change title Enter new title yyy -ok
Step 2 - Ansys Main Menu Preferences
Step 3 - Preprocessor
Element type Add/Edit/Delete Add Solid Quad 8 node 182 ok Option
Element behavior K3 Plane stress with thickness ok Close
Real constants Add ok Real constant set no 1 Thickness 10 ok
Material properties Material models Structural Linear Elastic Isotropic
EX 2.1E5 PRXY 0.3 ok Close
Step 4 - Preprocessor
Modeling- Create Area Rectangle By dimensions X1, X2, Y1, Y2 0, 100,
0, 25 Apply Create Area Rectangle By dimensions X1, X2, Y1, Y2
75, 100, 0,-75 ok
Create Area Circle Solid circle X, Y radius 0, 12.5, 12.5 Apply X,Y,
radius, -87.5 -75, 12.5 ok
Operate Booleans Add Areas pick all.
Create Lines Line fillet pick the two lines where fillet is required Apply
Fillet radius 10 ok
Create Area Arbitrary By lines pick filleted lines ok
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Create Area Circle Solid circle X, Y radius 0, 12.5, 5 Apply X,Y,

radius, -87.5 -75, 5 ok.
Operate Booleans Subtract Areas pick area which is not to be deleted
(bracket) Apply pick areas which is to be deleted (pick two circles) ok
Meshing Mesh tools Mesh areas quad free mesh pick all ok. Mesh
tools Refine pick all level of refinement 3 ok
Step 5 - Preprocessor
Loads Define loads Apply Structural Displacement On lines Select the
inner lines of the upper circle Apply DOFs to be constrained ALL DOF ok
Loads Define loads Apply Structural Pressure On lines pick line
defining bottom left part of the circle Apply Load PRES value 50 optional
PRES value 500 ok. Structural Pressure On lines pick line defining
bottom right part of the circle Apply Load PRES value 500 optional PRES
value 50 ok
Step 6 - Solution
Solve Current LS ok (Solution is done is displayed) Close
Step 7 - General Post Processor
Plot results Deformed shape def + undeformed ok.
Plot results Contour plot Element solution Stress Von-Mises Stress ok
(The stress distribution diagram will be displayed).
Step 8
Plot Ctrls Animate deformed shape - def + undeformed ok.
Note: The results obtained through Ansys should be validated with the analytical
Problem 3: A plate of 200mm x100mm size and 10mm thick has a centrally drilled hole
of 40mm diameter subjected to a pressure of 2000N/mm 2 under plane stress condition,
find deformed shape of the hole and plot maximum stress distribution. Take E= 2E5,=0.3

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Chapter 6
2D Problem With Conduction and Convection Boundary Conditions
General Steps to be followed while solving a heat transfer problem - using FEM:
1. Discretize and select the element type
2. Choose a temperature function.
3. Define the temperature gradient/temperature and heat flux/temperature gradient
4. Derive the element conduction matrix and equations by using either variation
approach or by usingGalerkins approach
5. Assemble the element equations to obtain the global equations and introduce
boundary conditions.
6. Solve for the nodal temperatures
7. Solve for the element temperature gradients and heat fluxes
Problem 1. For the composite wall idealized by the 1-D model shown in figure below,
determine the interface temperatures. For element 1, let K 1 = 5 W/m 0C, for element 2, K2
= 10 W/m 0C and for element 3, K3 = 15 W/m 0C. The left end has a constant temperature
of 200 0C and the right end has a constant temperature of 600 0C.

Fig 8.1
A. Theoretical approach - Finite element method
t1 = 200 0C
K1= 5 W/m 0C

t4 = 600 0C
K2= 10 W/m 0C

A = 0.1 m2
K3= 15 W/m 0C

Finite Element model:(For Theoretical Method refer any FEM text book)


0.1 m

0.1 m



0.1 m

Theoretical results
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


t T 200 0 C

418.2 0 C 527.3 0 C 600 0 C

Analysis using ANSYS 14.5

Step 1- AnsysUtility Menu
File -Clear and start new -Do not read file -ok
File -Change job name -Enter new job name -probl ok
File -Change title -Enter new title -yyy ok
Step 2 -AnsysMain Menu -Preferences
Select -THERMAL -ok
Step 3-Preprocessor
Element Type-Add/Edit/Delete -Add- LINK -3D CONDUCTION33
- ok - Close
Real constants- Add/Edit/Delete-Add- Type 1- LINK - Real constant set no 1
C/S area Enter -0.1-ok- Close
Material properties Material models Material model number 1- Thermal
conductivity Isotropic - Conductivity for material - Thermal conductivity (Kxx)
-ok - Material New model Define material ID-2-ok - Thermal conductivity
Isotropic - Conductivity for material - Thermal conductivity (K xx) 10 ok Material
New model Define material ID-3-ok - Thermal conductivity
Isotropic Conductivity for material - Thermal conductivity (Kxx) 15 ok- Close
Step 4 - Preprocessor
Modeling -Create -Nodes - In active CS - (0, 0, 0) (x,y,z) (x,y value w.r.t first
node) - Apply (First node is created)- 0.1,0,0 - Apply (Second node is created) (0.2,0,0) Apply (Third node is created)-(0.3,0,0) - Apply (Fourth node is
created) -ok
Create Elements- Element attributes- Select material number-1- Real constant
set number-1- Auto numbered Thru nodes pick 1, 2 (Element 1 is created)-ok
- Element attributes- Select material number-2- Real constant set number -1Auto numbered Thru nodes pick 2, 3 (Element 2 is created)-ok - Element
attributesSelect material number-3- Real constant set number-1- Auto numbered
Thru nodes pick 3, 4 (Element 3 is created)-ok
Step 5 Preprocessor
Loads - Define Loads - Apply Thermal Select temperature On nodes-pick
node 1- Apply- SelectTEMP- Value -200- Apply- pick node 2- Apply- Select TEMP
- Value - 600-ok
Step 6 - Ansys Main Menu Solution
Solve - Solve current LS -ok (If everything is ok - solution is done and displayed)

Step 7 -Ansys Main Menu -General Post Processor
Plot results- Contour Plots - Nodal solution DOF solution -temp -ok (Temp.
distribution plot is displayed)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


List of results
1. Nodal solution - DOF solution - Temp -ok (Temperature at all the nodes will
be displayed)
2. Plotctrls- Animate Deformed results DOF solution Temperature ok (For

Note: The results obtained through Ansys should be validated with the analytical

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Problem 2. A composite wall consists of three materials as shown. The outer temperature
is T0 = 20 0C. Convection heat transfer takes place on the inner surface of the wall with

T 800 0 C

and h = 25 W / m20C. Determine the temperature distribution in the wall.

T0 = 20 0C



0.3 m

0.15 m

K1 = 20 W/m 0C , K2 = 30 W/m 0C,

0.15 m
K3 = 50 W/m 0C,

h = 25 W/m20C , = 800 0C

Fig 8.2
A. Theoretical approach - Finite Element model

Element 1



2 Element 2

Element 3

0.3 m

0.15 m

0.15 m

Taking A = 1 m2, the element conduction matrices are,

For element 1, we must consider the convection from the free end (left end)
Theoretical results

t 304.76

C 119.05 0 C 57.14 0 C 20 0 C

Class work: Carry out the ANSYS software steps to solve and enter the same in the record

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Problem 3: (One dimensional finite element formulation of fin)

A metallic fin, with thermal conductivity kxx = 360 W/m0C, 0.1 cm thick, and 10 cm long,
extends from a plane wall whose temperature is 235 0C. Determine the temperature
distribution and amount of heat transferred from the fin to the air at 20 0C with h = 9
W/m20C Take the width of fin to be 1 m.

h = 9 W/m20C,= 20 0C
L = 10 cm = 0.1 m
t = 0.1 cm = 1x 10-3 m

235 0C


Fig 8.3
A. Theoretical calculations and Finite element model:(For detailed steps refer any FEM
text book)
h = 9 W/m20C, = 20 0C

235 0C






Fig 8.4


Theoretical results
t 1 235 0 C(given),

t 2 209.77 0 C,

t 3 195.17 0 C,

t 4 190.39 0 C

The total heat loss in the fin can be calculated as,


Q total Q element
e 1

Qelement h As t avg t
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


t1 t 2


Q element 1 h A s t avg t h 2xL 1 xW

1 235 209.77

9x 2x x1
20 121.431 W

1 209.77 195.17

Q element 2 9x 2x x1
20 109.482 W

1 195.17 190.39

Q element 3 9x 2x x1
20 103 .668 W

Q total Q element 121.431 109.482 103.668 334.581 W

e 1

Class work: Carry out the ANSYS software steps to solve and enter the same in the record
Note: The results obtained through Ansys should be validated with the analytical

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Problem 4. The fin shown in figure is insulated on the perimeter. The left end has a
constant temperature of 100 0C. A positive heat flux q*= 5000 W/m2 acts on the right end.
L L 3L
Let Kxx = 6 W/m0C and C/S area A=0.1 m2. Determine the temperatures at 4 2 4


L, where L = 0.4 m.
T= 100 0C

q = 5000 W/m2

L = 0.4 m

Given: t1 = 100 0 C, Kxx = 6 W / m 0 C, A = 0.1 m2

L1 = L2 = L3 = L4 = 0.1 m
Fig 8.5
A. Theoretical calculations or Finite Element model
T= 100 0C






q = 5000 W/ m2
L = 0.1 m

L = 0.1 m

L = 0.1 m

L = 0.1 m

Fig 8.6
Theoretical results: The temperatures are,

100 0 C 183.3 0 C 266.63 0 C 349.96 0 C 433.297 0 C

Class work: Carry out the ANSYS software steps to solve and enter the same in the record

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Problem 5:Determine the temperature distribution and the rate of heat flow 'q' per meter
of the height for a tall chimney whose cross section is shown below, 3-D view a = 4 m and
b = 2 m. Assume that the inside gas temp is Tg = 311 K, the inside convection co-efficient
is hi, the surrounding air temp is Ta = 255 K and the outside convection coefficient is ho.
Given - Element type -Thermal solid element -PLANE 55
K = 1.7307 W/mK, hi = 68.14 W/m2K, ho = 17.04 W/m2K
Geometric properties-For solving the problem only 1/8 th of the model is


Fig 8.7




a/2 -b






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Step 1 - AnsysUtility Menu

File -Clear and start new -Do not read file -ok
File -Change job name -Enter new job name -probl ok
File -Change title -Enter new title -yyy ok
Step 2 -AnsysMain Menu -Preferences
Select -THERMAL -ok
Step 3 -Preprocessor
Element Type-Add/Edit/Delete -Add- SOLID -QUAD 4 NODE -55- ok - Close
Real constants-No real constants
Material properties Material models Thermal Conductivity Isotropic Conductivity for material - Thermal conductivity (Kxx) 1.7307 -ok- Close
Step 4 - Preprocessor
Modeling -Create -Nodes - In active CS -x,y,z location in CS-1,0 (x,y value
w.r.t first node) - Apply (First node is created)- 1.5,0 - Apply (Second node is
created) -2,0 - Apply
(Third node is created) -1,0.5 - Apply (Fourth node is
created)-1.5,0.5 - Apply (Fifth node is created)-2, 0.5 - Apply(Sixth node is
created)- 1,1 - Apply (Seventh node is created) -1.5, 1 - Apply (Eighth node is
created) -2 , 1 - Apply (Ninth node is created)- 1.5,1.5 - Apply (Tenth node is
created) - 2, 1.5 - Apply (Eleventh node is created)-2, 2 - Apply (Twelfth node is
created) ok
Create Elements-Auto numbered Thru nodes pick 1, 2,5 & 4 (Anticlockwise,
element 1)- Apply- pick 2, 3, 6 & 5 (Element 2) - Apply- pick 4, 5, 8 & 7 (Element
3)- Apply-pick 5, 6, 9 & 8 (Element 4) - Apply - pick 7, 8 & 10 (Element 5)Apply-pick 8, 9, 11 &10 (Element 6)- Apply -pick 10, 11 & 12 (Element 7)-ok
(total seven elements ate created through nodes)
Step 5 Preprocessor
Loads - Define Loads - Apply Thermal -Convection - On nodes -pick inner
by box option - Apply- Film co-efficient (Inner) -68.14 - Temperature (At
inner surface)- 311 (value)-ok
Convection - On nodes -pick outer surface by box option - Apply- Film coefficient
(outer) -17.04- Temperature (At inner surface) 255 (value) - Ok
Step 6 -Ansys Main Menu Solution
Solve - Solve current LS -ok (If everything is ok, -solution is done and displayed)

Step 7 -Ansys Main Menu - General Post Processor
Plot results- Contour Plots - Nodal solution DOF solution - Temp -ok (Temp
distribution plot is displayed)
List results - Nodal solution - DOF solution - Temp -ok (Temperature at all the
nodes will be displayed)
Plotctrls- Animate Deformed results DOF solution Temperature ok (For
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.



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Problem 6. For the body shown in figure, determine the temperature distribution. The
body is insulated along the top and bottom edges, K xx = Kyy = 1.7307 W/m0C. No internal
heat generation is present.

40 0C 6






5 cm

4.0 cm

-20 0C

4.0 cm

Fig 8.8

Assignment Theoretical Finite element method calculations (to be entered in record)

Problem 7. For the two-dimensional stainless-steel body shown below, determine the
temperature distribution. the left and right sides are insulated. the top surface is subjected
to heat transfer by convection. the bottom and internal portion surfaces are maintained at
300 oC. The thermal conductivity of stainless steel = 16 W/moC.
T =40


h = 50 W/m C

0.4 m

300 oC
300 oC

0.3 m

0.2 m

0.2 m

300 oC

0.3 m

Fig 8.9
Assignment Theoretical Finite element method calculations (to be entered in record)

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Chapter 7

Dynamic Analysis:
Problems on Evaluation of Eigen values and Eigenvectors:
Problem 1. Determine the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors for the stepped bar shown
below. Given E = 200GPa, = 7830 kg/m3

100 mm2

50 mm2

0.5 m


0.5 m

Fig 8.12
In general, the elemental stiffness matrix for the bar element is expressed as
A E 1 1
Ke e e
l e 1 1
Therefore, for element 1 and 2 it becomes,

4 x10 7 4 x10 7 1

4 x10 7 2
4 x10

2 x10 7
2 x10


2 x10 7 2

2 x10 7 3

--- (1)

The general expression for the mass matrix for a bar element is
A l 2 1
Me e e e
6 1 2
Therefore, for element 1 and 2 it becomes,
0.1305 0.06525 1
0.06525 0.03263 2

0.06525 0.1305 2
0.03263 0.06525 3
Connectivity table:
Element Nos.

Local Node Nos.

--- (2)

Global DOF Nos.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Now writing the global DOF numbers for the row and column for both the elemental
stiffness and mass matrices (Eqs (1) and (2)) and assembling, we get global stiffness and
mass matrix as

4 x10 7

K 4 x10

4 x10 7
6 x10

2 x10

2 x10 2
2 x10 7 3


0 1
0.1305 0.06525

M 0.06525 0.19575 0.03263 2

0.03263 0.06525 3

But we have the characteristic equation as

K M 0
, where

Substitution for K and M yields,

4 x10 7

4 x10

4 x10 7
6 x10 7
2 x10 7

0.1305 0.06525

2 x10 7 0.06525 0.19575 0.03263 0

2 x10 7
0.03263 0.06525

4 x10 7 0.1305
4 x10 7 0.06525
4 x10 7 0.06525 6 x10 7 0.19575 2 x10 7 0.03263 0

2 x10 7 0.03263

2 x10 7 0.06525

Application of Boundary condition(s): Since node 1 is fixed, we have X1 = 0. Therefore,

modifying the above equation using elimination method i.e. eliminate 1 st row and 1st
column of the above equation we get,

6 x10 7 0.19575 2 x10 7 0.03263

2 x10 7 0.03263 2 x10 7 0.06525
----- (A)

(6 x10 7 0.19575 )( 2 x10 7 0.06525 ) (2 x10 7 0.03263 ) 2 0

On solving,

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


2 6.75 x10 8 6.95 x1016 0

is the characteristic equation.

The roots of the above characteristic equation give the Eigenvalues. Therefore,
Eigenvalues are

1 1.005 108


2 6.8 108

Therefore, the first natural frequency is

1 1.005 10 8 10024






Second natural frequency is

2 6.8 10 8 2.6076.8


rad/sec or



Eigen vectors or mode shapes:

After modification for the boundary condition, Eq. (A) can be written as

2 x10 7 0.03263i X 2i

2 x10 7 0.06525i X 3i

6 x10 7 0.19575i

2 x10 0.03263i

--- (3)

First Mode Shape:

i 1 1.005 10 8
Take any one equation in the above matrix and substitute for
We get first mode shape (i=1).

(6 10 7 0.19575 1.005 10 8 ) X 12 (2.x10 7 0.03263 x1.005 x10 8 ) X 31 0

X 12
X 31

4.033 X 12 2.33 X 31


Normalization of the above mode is obtained by fixing the value of
Then, first mode shape will be,


X 31

X 21

= 1 (a unity)

0.577 1

Second Mode Shape:

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


i 2 6.8 10 8
Substitution of
mode shape.

into any one equation of Eq. (A) yields second

(6 10 7 0.19575 6.8 108 ) X 22 (2.x10 7 0.03263 x6.8 x10 8 ) X 32 0

The above equation gives second mode shape as


X 32

0.577 1

First Mode



Second Mode




Problem 2.Fixed-fixed beam for natural frequency determination

0.01 m

0.01 m

Fig 8.12
Given: Modulus of elasticity, E = 2.068x1011 N/m2
Poissons ratio, = 0.3
Density = 7830 kg/m3
M.I of I section,
C/S Area,
Step 1 -Preprocessor menu - Utility Menu - File - Change title - - Preprocessor menu -Utility Menu - File - Change Job name - - - Enter Dynamic for
the job name
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Step 2 - Define Element Types

Preprocessor - Element Type - Add/Edit/Delete 2 D Elastic (2 node 188)
Step 3 - Define Element Material Properties
Preprocessor - Material Props - Material Models - Structural - Linear Elastic Isotropic
Youngs Modulus, EX 2.068e11
Poissons Ratio, PRXY0.3
Step 4 - Define Beam section
Sections--Beam-common sections- Enter the dimensions of the beam section B (0.01),
H (0.01)
Step 5 - Create Key points
Preprocessor Modeling Create - Key points - In Active CS
X,Y, Z co-ordinates
Step 6 - Define Lines
Preprocessor - Modeling - Create - Lines - Lines - Straight Line
Click on Key point 1 and key point 2.
Step 7 - Define Mesh Size
Preprocessor - Meshing - Size Cntrls- Manual Size Global Size No. of element divisions 10
Step 8 - Mesh the Frame
Preprocessor - Meshing - Mesh - Lines - Click Pick All
Step 1 - Solution - Analysis type - New analysis Modal
Solution - Analysis Type - Analysis Options - The following window will appear

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Fig 8.13

Select the Subspace method.

Enter 5 in the No. of modes to extract
Check the box beside Expand modes shapes
Enter 5 in the No. of modes to expand
Click OK. The following window will then appear

Fig 8.14
Keep default options in the above window and click on OK.
Step 2 - Solution - Define Loads - Apply - Structural - Displacement - On Key points
pick 1&2 DOF to be constrained All DOF
Step 3 - Solution - Solve - Current LS
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Post processing
Step 1- General Postproc -Result Summary

Fig 8.15
The results are compared with theoretical values as shown

Fig 8.16
Table 8.1: Percent Error
Natural Frequencies in Hz

Percent Error

Step 2- View Mode Shapes:

General Postproc - Read Results - First Set
This selects the results for the first mode shape.
General Postproc- Plot Results - Deformed Shapes - Select Def + Undef + edge
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


The first mode shape is now appear in the graphic window.

Fig 8.17
To view the next mode shapes, select
General Postproc- Read Results - Next set
General Postproc- Plot Results - Deformed Shapes - Select Def + Undef +edge
Repeat the above steps for the remaining mode shapes.
Step 3-Animate Mode Shapes
Select Utility Menu (Menu at the top) - Plot Ctrls- Animate - Mode Shapes
Then the following window will appear.

Fig 8.18
Keep the default setting and click OK, animated window will appear

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Problem 3. Harmonic Analysis of a Fixed-Fixed Beam

0.5 m


0.01 m
1.0 m
0.01 m

Fig 8.19
Given: Modulus of elasticity, E = 2.068x1011 N/m2
Poissons ratio = 0.3
Density, = 7830 kg/m3
M.I of I section =8.33e-10 m4
C/S Area=0.0001 m2
Load: cyclic Load
Magnitude, Fo=100 N
Frequency Range = 0 300 Hz
Step 1 - Define Analysis Type - Preprocessor
Solution - Analysis type - New analysis -HarmonicANTYPE, 3
Step 2 - Creation of Cantilever Beam used in Modal Analysis:
Preprocessor menu - Utility Menu - File - Change title - - Preprocessor menu -Utility Menu - File - Change Job name - - - Enter Dynamic for
the job name
Step 3 - Define Element Types
Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete .
For this problem, the BEAM3 (Beam 2D elastic) element is used.
Step 3 - Define Element Types
Preprocessor - Element Type - Add/Edit/Delete .
For this problem, the BEAM3 (Beam 2D elastic) element is used.
Step 4 - Define Real Constants
Preprocessor - Real Constants - Add
In the Real Constants window, enter the following geometric properties:
1. Cross sectional area AREA - 0.0001 m2
2. Area Moment of Inertia IZZ - 8.33e-10 m4
3. Total beam height HEIGHT - 0.01 m
Step 5 - Define Element Material Properties
Preprocessor - Material Props - Material Models - Structural - Linear Elastic Isotropic
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


In the window that appears, enter the following material properties

YoungsModulus, EX 2.068e11
Poissons Ratio, PRXY0.3
Step 6 - Create Key points
Preprocessor Modeling Create - Key points - In Active CS
Create 2 Key points with the following coordinates
X,Y, Z co-ordinates
Step 7 - Define Lines
Preprocessor - Modeling - Create - Lines - Lines - Straight Line
Click on Key point 1 and key point 2.
Step 8 - Define Mesh Size
Preprocessor - Meshing - Size Cntrls- Manual Size - Lines - All Lines . . .
For this example 10 element divisions are specified along the line.
Step 9 - Mesh the Frame
Preprocessor - Meshing - Mesh - Lines - Click Pick All in the small window
1. Set Options for Analysis Type
Solution - Analysis Type - Analysis Options . . .
The following window will appear

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Fig 8.20
Select the Full solution method, the Real + imaginary DOF printout format
Do not use lumped mass approximation.
Click OK

The following window will then appear

Fig 8.21
Keep default options in the above window and click on OK.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


2. Apply Constraints
Solution - Define Loads - Apply Structural Displacement - On Nodes
Fix all DOFs constraints on Key point 1 and Key point 2
Apply Load
Solution - Define Loads - Apply- Structural - Force/Moment - On Nodes
Select the node at mid-point of the beam (i.e. at x=0.5)
Then the following window will appear.
Fill it as shown to apply a load with real value of 100 and an imaginary
value of 0 in the positive y direction.

Fig 8.2
4. Set the Frequency Range
Solution - Load Step Opts - Time/Frequency -Freq and -Substps . . .
As shown in the window below, specify a frequency range of 0 300 Hz, 300 sub
steps and stepped b.c.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIEIT, Mysuru.


Fig 8.23
5. Solve the System
Solution - Solve - Current LS
Post processing
1. Open the TimeHist Processing (POST26) Menu:
2. Define Variables:
TimeHistPostPro- Variable Viewer . . .
The following window will pop up.

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Fig 8.24
Select Add (the green + sign in the upper left corner) from this window and the
following window will appear.

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Fig 8.25
We are interested in the Nodal solution - DOF Solution Y-Component.
Click OK.
Graphically select node 2 when prompted and click OK.

Fig 8.26
3. List Stored Variables:
In the Time History Variable window, click the List button (3rdbuttons to the left
of Add button).

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Fig 8.27

4. Plot UY vs. Frequency

In the Time Variable window click the Plot button (2 ndbuttons to the left of
Add button).

Fig 8.28
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To get a better view of the response, view the log scale of UY.
Select Utility Menu PlotCtrl- Style - Graphs - Modify Axis
As in the above window, change the Y axis scale (LOGY) to Logarithmic.
Select Utility Menu - Plot -Replot The following changes can be seen.

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Fig 8.29

Fig 8.30.

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