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Learner Education Profile

Kelsey Cloughley
Behavior Observation
Spring 2015

There were somethings I needed so I could learn best as a student and there are
somethings I need to do as a teacher to teach students to the best of my ability. I need to reflect
what worked for me and what I must do to be an efficient teacher. I need to figure out a teaching
style that will work well for me, so I can better help my students to the best of my ability. I need
to improve the intelligences that are a weakness for me, so that they do not become a hindrance
to me. I have to make sure I do not use just the intelligences that are my strong points. The
different intelligences need to be applied in the classroom to help all students. I must figure
myself out first so I can be an efficient teacher.
How I learned best as a student throughout my education career was verbal and visual
aid. It was the most effective way to get through to me. The teacher could separate the two, but I
learned faster if they were combined. If they were together I understood a concept better and
quicker. I also did better on tests. I needed to hear a lecture then have a hand on approach to fully
grasp a concept. When I was learning about the different states in America I needed a map to
interact with for me to understand it better. The states meant nothing to me until that point. I
needed to say the different states out loud as I played with a map. When I learned the presidents I
needed flashcards to learn them faster. I know there is a song to learn the presidents. It did not
help me. Using other methods to try to teach me and to attempt to get me understand a concept
did not work well. I may eventually understand the lesson, but I usually ended up with lower test
scores and never really comprehending purpose of the lesson. Visual and verbal methods seemed
to be my strong point when I was growing up. They still play a strong role in the way I learn to
this day. I learned to be more flexible with the other learning styles. Visual and verbal is the best
way I learn concepts and lessons.

The teaching style that worked best for me when I was a student was when a teacher was
not too strict, but not to laid back. They were authoritative in their methods. This was my
effective teacher, their style worked for me well. They would be a teacher that was in between
strict and laid back. They are somewhat strict to have control over the classroom. There are
somewhat laid back so the kids are not too nervous to join in the discussion. They are a perfect
medium to get the job done without overwhelming the students. They made the classroom feel
safe and secure. These teachers made taking a risk seem possible and encouraged it. I was always
a shy student and depending on how a teacher was it affected how I was. A teacher that made
classroom feel safe made it easier for me to attempt in class. They made it seem like they wanted
to be there and wanted to help the students to the best of their ability. Learning from these
teachers was a good experience.
An ineffective teacher for me would be if the teacher was too strict and inflexible. I do
not respond well when a teacher was too rigid and serious. Their method is authoritarian and
usually does not work well. I felt teachers like this cared too much and was afraid to let any
lesson fall out of the schedule. They do not want their kids to be disorderly; the best way to do
that is not let them do anything at all. When they try to get group discussions going it usually
does not go well. Most students are too nervous to respond or they do not think they can. Usually
learning from these teachers is difficult and not an enjoyable experience. The students do not
usually put their opinion in the classroom. It seemed like there was no room for creative
thinking. Teachers like this make me really uneasy and I can never do my best in this setting. I
feel like I can never meet the teachers expectations. The teacher that is too strict and too serious
makes the classroom unbearable and uncomfortable to be in.

Another example of an ineffective teaching style for me would be a laid back or a relaxed
teacher. Their methods are permissive and these teachers are usually taken advantage of. I never
did well when a teacher was like this. I felt that they did not really care for their jobs or did not
really care for the students. Students usually do not respect a teachers authority if they let kids
do whatever they want. Trying to get kids to do schoolwork does not work out. There is usually
no control in the classroom. It is hard to get a lesson done in this type of environment and the
class usual falls behind. When I have a teacher like this I do not even try. They cannot motivate
me to do my best because I do not think they are doing the best they can. There is no chance to
take a risk and to many opinions are happening with this type of style.
After taking Howard Gardners Multiple Views of Intelligence Quiz the intelligence that I
favor is kinesthetic. This kind of surprised me at first, but then I realized this was accurate. I
fidget when I am in a classroom and move my legs under my desk. I tap my pencil and move as I
write. I pace back and forth when I have to write a paper or if I am studying for a test. I go to the
gym thrice a week and if I do not I am restless. Moving helps me focus and think better. I am a
kinesthetic learner I need movement to help my learning process.
My strengths were in verbal, visual, and intrapersonal intelligences. I can learn verbally
fairly well. If I hear instructions I can usually do what is asked of me. I have the characteristics
of this intelligence. I keep a journal to write my thoughts and feelings down. I am good at
reading and vocabulary. I can understand a concept visually. The visual characteristics I have are
my active imagination and I am good designs. I am intrapersonal learner. My intrapersonal
characteristics are I keep to myself; I rather do individual work rather than group work.

My weaknesses were in interpersonal, logical, naturalist intelligences. I am not a logical

thinker. This made mathematics a struggle for me. Numbers meant nothing to me. I cannot
decipher codes or do pattern games. Problem solving is an issue for me. If I had to do word
problems it was hard for me to complete the assignment. M intelligence is not interpersonal. I do
not like group work and giving feedback. Collaborating and group projects has always been a
struggle for me. I am not a naturalist thinker either. I do not need field trips to learn. In fact I
rather spend my time at a school than a field trip. I was the kid that dreaded going on a field trip.
The real world does not need to be in a lesson for to comprehend it.
I have a few strategies to teach to my strength and weaknesses in intelligences. I will try
to apply all intelligences into my lesson plans, of course not all at once. I will record which
intelligences I use so that I am aware that I am not mainly using the intelligences that are my
strengths. My weaknesses I will try to improve on. I will not just cut out those intelligences that
are not my strongest point because it would make learning some of the concepts hard for the
students that learn better that way. I will be constantly recording everything I do so I know that I
am using all the intelligences equally. I will continually find new and creative ways to teach and
help my students. I cannot let the intelligences that do not suit me to be on the back burner. It
would not benefit some students if I do this. My assignments, homework, and projects would
bring out the different intelligences. So the students can have a chance to excel in the areas that
they are best at. I will give every student the opportunity to do well.
There are many things I must consider before becoming a teacher. I must think back to
when I was a student, so I can understand my students better. In intelligences I must correlate
them all into my lesson. I cannot favor one over the others. I must know the most effective way
to get through to my students. I must know myself in order to effectively teach students to the

best of my ability. I must use different strategies to be an effective teacher and come up with
different ideas that will help my students the best.

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