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PALM OIL INDUSTRY TRAINING COURSE BOILERS WATER TREATMENT Variable sncod ve —_ 4, Chemical feed inlet Outlet launder, S K = ‘Outlet Sludge scrapers Sludge outlet WATER TI ‘ATMENT MODULE PURPOSE PREREQUISITES COMPETENCY STANDARD ASSESSMENT METHOD OF TUITION DELIVERY 1. Understand the basics Of raw water treatment, the chemistry and control and operation. 2. Understand operation of the demin plant, the basic principles of chemistry and the control and operation and normal problems effecting this. 3. Understand the principles of internal boiler water treatment, how to control it, the effects of inadequate control and how to diagnose and rectify these problems 4, Understand ancilliary factors effeting water treatment and there effects including boiler failures. At least twelve months familiarity with boiler operation at supervisory level. The certificate - diploma cannot be awarded until this commitment is fulfilled. Fulfills requirements of water treatment up to intermediate boiter level. Continuing assessment by tutor throughout the course based on direct questions and participation. Final written assessment at the end of the module/ On site training in factory and classroom environment. ‘See method of tuition RESOURCES OCCUPATIONAL H & S AUDIT USE OF RESOURCES together Palm oil industry training manual ‘Supporting T.A.P.E. materials. Suppliers technical literature Recommended technical texts All participants must complete an appropriate module on health and safety matters, Audit procedures to be developed for your plant for each subject heading. ‘The text and diagram manuals must be used to adequately cover cach subject topic. Also appropriate reference needs to be made to the boiler suppliers manual and supporting technical ‘information. LEARNING OUTCOMES CONTENT To understand the following, |, Raw water treatment Demineralisation plant, 3, Internal boiler water treatment. 4, Ancillaries. The above have to be understood in terms of the following, a. Basic chemical processes. b. How these chemical processes relate to actual plant operation. ©. Operating and control parameters. Raw water treatment Extraction Clarification Filtration Demineralisation Ion exchange processes. and equipment Internal boiler ‘reatment Chemicals, procedures and control. Ancillaries Deareation Boiler failures Effects of inefficient treatment. WATER TREATMENT TRAINING TASKS Read and study the notes on water treatment. RAW WATER Look at the water inlet system in your plant. Evaluate silt build up in the inlet, sample the water at inlet and outlet from the pump to evaluate settling of course material and possible effects of turbulence. Study the notes and diagrams on the clarifier and sand filters. ‘You must be able to understand the operation of the clarifier and the use of chemicals, how to control the unit and evaluate its effectiveness. Sand filter operation and control needs to be understood. If possible take a sample of water before and after the sand filter. DEMINERALISATION ‘Study the notes on demin plant. Refer to the diagram 10 and 10A and notes on the demin plant operation, It is necessary to understand the basic chemical process, not to be able to reproduce all the formulae but the effects of salt removal and the basics of regeneration. Study the material on resins and the and the diagrams and notes on demin plants to understand the normal operation of a demin plant. Also study notes on basic inspection and maintenance so that all operating aspects are fully understood. DEAREATOR INTERNAL TREATMENT PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH WATER TREATMENT FINALLY Study the notes and diagrams of deareator operation so that all functions effecting operations are understood, this also applies to the diagram showing how dissolved oxygen is effected by temperature. Study the notes on intemal treatment re oxygen and scale. Refer to diagram 16-19 and 21 to understand the mechanisms of scale formation. Refer to the diagrams showing different aspects of problems in boilers associated with water treatment, Study these diagrams and data so the basic effects of oxygen corrosion, scale and erosion are well understood, Carry out an audit of the water treatment plant in your factory in accord with the notes and materials. WATER TREATMENT ASSESSMENT RAW WATER DEMIN PLANT. INTERNAL TREATMENT 1. What aspects would you look for in a river water inlet system. 2, How would you evaluate operation of the clarification process, explain any reasons. 3. Explain in detail the consequences of inefficient operation of the raw water treatment system, 5. Explain the principle of operation of a demin plant, make particular reference to regeneration. 6. How do you evaluate effective operation of a demin plant, explain your reasons. 7. What is a degasifier ? explain its functions and the effects of not having one. 8, Explain the inspection procedures for maintenance of a demin plant. 9, Explain the most common problems in demin plant operation, their causes and rectification 10, Explain the operating parameters of a DA and how these are controlled. 11. Explain oxygen corrosion and control, 12. Explain factors causing scale and its effect on boiler operation. 13. How do you control and evaluate your internat water treatment. 14. Explain the effects of silica, its control and removal, BOILER FAILURES 15. What is TDS ? How is it controlled and what effects does it have on boiler operation. 16. Explain foaming and priming, what causes them and how are they controlled. 17, Explain procedures of boiler water sampling, problems and solution. 18, What would you look for in evaluating a boiler failure, explain. WATER TREATMENT PLANT AUDIT FULL AUDIT. RAW WATER INLET. CLARIFIER WATER BASIN SAND FILTERS HEAD TANKS, DEMIN PLANT DEAREATOR BOILER INTERNAL BOILER INSPECTION Clear of sand and silt build up Raw water pumps operational No silt build up in inlet basin Cheek floc in clarifier tank Check tank cleanliness Check blowdown runs clear in short period Check chemical dosing pumps operational If turbidity meter available check turbidity before and after the tank Check cleanliness and blow down Check differential Pressure All units in service and non by passed Check for any signs of flock and silt Cheek condition for regen Check throughput between regen last internal inspection chemical used for regen control of regen chemicals Check temperature, as close to 100 degrees C as possible, Check level and site glass Oxygen control Scale control TDS Ph Silica Caustic alkalinity, must 2.5 * silica Waterside check at least once every 3 months operation Side wall headers and tubes and generating tubes. PRESSURE FILTER Note the dizection of water flow in normal operation and in backwash Compare the pipework arrangementwith your owa plant. If the operation was automated which vaives would be replaced. DEGASIFIER ‘What controls the water feed to inlet, How does the float switch operate and what does it control. Compare controls with your own plant. ION EXCHANGER Follow the flow for normal inlet. Follow the flow for backwash. Follow the flow for cemical injection. Follow the flow for rinse. Compare this to your plant. Locate the ejector on your plant How would you automate operation. DEAERATORS Explain the level control mechanism. Explain the steam control system. Compare with your plant Explain the operation of the air ejector CLARIFIER SCALE Note: water flow direction collection of sludge for blovdowmn Compare with your plant HOW OFTEN IS YOUR VESSEL BLOWN DOWN ‘Note the effect of tube wall temperature effected by scale, From your knowledge of the mechanics of materials, what effect will this have on the strength of the material. : ‘Also hai will be the effect on the heat transfer rate. RAW WATER TREATMENT Most fectory water supplies are from the river and this wator usually contains solid matter that needs to be removed prior to demineralisation, This is achieved by; Floculation Coagulation Filtration FLOCCULATION AND COAGULATION ‘This is when chemical is added to the water [ aluminium sulphate ] to cause matter to bind and coagulate so that itis heavy enough to be seperated. ‘The rate of addition of alum sulphate is determined by the water treatment supplier dependant on raw water quality and can vary dramatically. it is necessary to determine on a regular basis the quality of raw water, since it can vary week by Week This should then determine the amount of chemical dosage, This can be achieved by simple settling tests or filtration, but can be done more accurately by jar test. This requirees equipment with stirrers and the addition of chemical for ph control and for coagulation, flocculation. Alum sulphate requires a ph of 5.5 - 7.5, this should not be a problem but should be checked. Samples of raw water are used with different chemical quantaties added and different stirring and setiling times to determine optimum chemical useage. This information should be supplied by the water treatment Contractor, but variations in water quality should be monitorred at site. CLARIFICATION Designs vary from place to place and the unit in your factory should be sxamined. Change in volume and flow direction are used to cause’ matter to be seperated and blown down to effluent. For the unit to be efficient it must be kept clean and well maintained, with regular blowdown. ‘The quality of water from the unit should be checked on a regular basis by filtration. FAILURE OF THIS INITIAL WATER TREATMENT CAN CAUSE SERIOUS PROBLEMS and can Jead to frequent reduction in throughput of sand filters, If these units are Sittied with bypass facilites regular use of those may be made to compensate, THIS WILL LEAD TO DEMIN PLANT AND BOILER PROBLEMS, PROBLEMS ist PHASE Initial design is a critical factor Adequate intake and screening facilities Situation of the river intake to minimise agitation and carry over excessive suspended matter. Adequate settling time with minimal agitation due to inlet. An adequate metering pump to add chemicals in a way that complete mixing takes place prior to settling. Cleaning at 3 - 6 month intervals to remove any sediment. 2nd PHASE Aequate capacityfor clarifier for settling Regular blowdown, ‘Maintenance cleaning of distributors and tank, subject to the rate of fouling. SAND FILTERS The purpose of these units is to remove any further entrained matter or material from flocculation and coagulation. The water is Sltered through a layer of sand that traps suspended matter. Gradually the sand will become clogged and restrict the water flow, causing the pressure at inlet to rise, when the pressure at inlet is < 5 psi above outlet, the unit should be taken out of service and backwashed. ‘This will remove material from the sand and allow efficient operation oncee again. BACKWASH ‘Normal flow is from the top down, backwash takes pumped inlet water and feeds it Som the bottom up, and outlet is to drain via a special bachwash line. This line restricts the water flow rate so that the sand is gently lifted to dislodge solids that are washed out to drain. An excessive backwash flow will result in a loss of sand and reduce operational efficiency of the unit. The zate will be specified in the equipment mannaland should be checked at the time of intemal inspection. Backwash time should also be specified in the manual. When backwash is commenced the the water flow to drain will be dirty [ solids removal ] but should become progressively cleaner just prior to completion, a sample can be taken and passed through a fier to check for cleanliness and sand carry over. RINSE At completion of backwash the unit should be rinsed to establish normal operational conditions, water flow from the iniet at normal flow rate to drain to settle the bed for normal service, BACKWASH CONTROL ‘Some units are fitted with automatic backwash, so that when the pressure differential rises, backwash is carried out automatically. However the units still need to be inspected several times a day, since controls can matfunction and failure 10 operate could severely restrict water flow to the head ianks. Where automatic controls are not fitted the plant should be inspected hourly and backwash initiated manually at the appropriate time. In cases of manual operation it could be benificial to install a differential pressure switch and an audible alarm siren to indicate the need for backwash. INSPECTION ‘The unit should be inspected internally at least every six months by draining and removing the inspection covers, The unit should be backwashed and rinsed prior to inspection NOZZLES. These should be checked for security arid damage and replaced if necessary. Check distibutiuon by opening the valve cautiously with the inspection cover removed. SAND. Remove a sample of the first one to two inches and check for contamination and fouling. It is sometimes necessary to remove the first few inches of the bed. - NOTE: Some plants may use chemicals to reduce the problem of iron fouling, in such cases refer to the suppliers data on use. Many sand filters are fitted with bypass facilities. This bypass should be kept closed and preferably locked with a chain and padlock, the key held by the engineer.1f these units are bypassed or do not operate efficiently it can lead to fouling of the demin plant resins and reduce their operating efficiency and the need to bypass these units also. If this occurs the possible consequences in terms of boiler operation can be VERY DETRIMENTAL. Any need to open the bypass on the sand filiers must be investigated immediately and should only be permitted for brief periods, ie not more than one hour. The short term desire to maintain processing capability can lead to total plant shut down at a later date. WATER SOFTENING - DEMINERALISATION Most have demineralisation units and these will be dealt with in detail, however water softeners will be discussed briefly. SOFTENERS. Water softeners are used to remove scale forming salis from feedwater. This is done by exchanging sodium ions in the softener for calcium and magnesium ions, taken from the water and retained by the resin. Calcium bicarbonate + sodium zeolite TO Calcium zeolite + Sodium bicarbonate Calcium sulphate + Sodium zeolite TO Calcium zeolite + Sodium carbonate ‘Magnesium carbonate + Sodium zeolite TO Magnesium zeolite + Sodium carbonate Magnesium chloride + Sodium zeolite ‘TO Magnesium zeolite + Sodium chloride Eventually all the sodium ions in the softener are all used up and the ions taken from the water have to be removed and replaced with more sodium ions. This is done by regeneration. ‘The soficner is fistt backwashed to remove any dirt and solids and {if the bed of resin. A brine solution is thecen injected, this exchanges Ca and Mg ions for sodium ions, the effluent going to drain. ‘Thee unit is then rinsed to remove surplus sodium chloride to drain and then retumed to service. ‘A measure of the effectiveness of the softener is to measure the hardness at outlet on a regular basis and initiate regeneration when it rises above a preset limit. Generally softeners are reliable and require little maintenance, Some units operate automatically for regeneration controlled by a timer, the operation of this neods to ‘bee periodically checked,. The salt level in the regeneration container also needs to be checked on a daily basis and replenished as necessary. If in doubt refer to the suppliers data, DEMINERALISATION This is a sofiener and is a prereq ich more efficient and effective means of treating water than a if water has a high silica content. R Plants are tvo stream, cation and anion and may or may not have a Gegasifier. Taere are usually two se‘s of cation and anion units to allow for regeneration and maintenance The units will remove mineral salts, CO2, and silica to acceptable levels for boiler water, dependant on feedwater supply quality. Water flow is cation, degasifierane then anion unit. ‘Thee cation unit exchanges minerals for acid ie Calcium for hydrogen The degasifier allows carbon dioxide to leave the liquid so reducing dissolved gases. ‘The anion unit exchanges salts for hydroxyls and holds silica, ‘The construction of the cation and anion units is very similar. CONSTRUCTION. Water to ber treated enters ai thee top of the unit under pressure into the distibutor and nozzles and then into the resin, down through the resin and out at thee base and then in a similar fashion through the anion unit. As the resin becomes exhausted slip will occur and the disclved salt contcent will rise. This directly effects thee conductivity of the water which can be measured by a conductivity meter. When this rises beyond a preset limit controps can be arranged to switch off and isolate the unit, awaiting regeneration or regeneration can be initiated automatically. I cases of silica problems, outlet wateer needs to be monitored at regular intervals to test for silica because silica slip can occur before other salts effect conductivity and may require regeneration prior to conductivity rising substantially. REGENERATION BACKWASH Water is introduced at the base at a controlled flow raie to pass up through the bed and out of the top to drain. This removes any fouling in the bed and lifls the bed prior to regeneration. CHEMICAL INJECTION ‘Chemical should already be mixed in the regeneration veseel pricr to being required. Manufacturers data needs to be referred to for concentrartion, Cation Acid [ usually sulphuric ] Fil container to required level with water Add required acid Mix NOTE PRECAUTIONS SHOULD BE TAKEN WHEN HANDLING CHEMICALS AND APPROPRIATE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING WORN ANION ‘The anion unit uses caustic soda which should also be premixed in the appropriate propertions. ECERCISE CAUTION WHEN HANDLING CHEMICAL INJECTION Important Conceniration Flow rate For effective and efficient regeneration these two factors are essential and need to be carefully maintained. If the flow rate is too high the dilution will be incorrect. if too lowq chemicals will not be drawn up. The injection of the water creates a suction via a venturi device to draw chemical into the water flow and a requisite amount of the solution in the regeneration vessel should be drawn up. THIS NEEDS TO BE MONITORED. Injection of chemicals is one of the most common problems with demin plants. ‘The liquid from regeneration thea passes to drain. However this will be acidic or caustic and should go to a holding tank for neutralisation before being discharged. Injection of chemicals can either be co - current or counter - current, older units ars usually co - current put counter - current is mors efficient. RINSE After chemical injection the bed is rinsed for a fixed period to remove any residual chemicals, FAST RINSE Itis rinsed further to remove all trace of chemicals before refura to service, Conductivity will usually be high at commencement of of rinse due to acids / alkalis but will fall rapidly and when below the alana level the unit can be put back on stream. If the unitis put back online before conductivity reduces this could seriously upset the balance of the boiler feed water. DEGASIFIER This is d between the cation and anion units. Water is sprayed into the top over ceramic rings to cause the water to form surface filmsand small droplets, Air is biown updwough the unit by a fan and acts like a soubber and disolved gases are released and vamried away by the alr. Water is collected at the base of the unit and pumped to the anion unit and then to storeage. MAINTENANCE Inspection . The cation and anion units should be inspected regularly. 1, Check that the nozzles are secured and not damaged. 2. Check that the distribuors are intact. 3. Inspection should be done after backwash and the surface of the resin checked for contamination and fines are resin beads that have mechanically degraded and should be removed and replaced with fresh 4. Measure the distance from the distributor to the resin bed or use some other datum to determine the amount of resin in the vessel. If necessary add resin to ensure that the correct quantaty is in the-vessel. If excessive resin is being added the reason for the loss of resin needs to be determined RESIN LOSS 1. The most common cause is damaged , loose or missing nozzles, allowing Joss of resin during backwash. 2. Check the effluent mixing tank on a regular basis for signs of resin. 3. Resin trap. Fit a trap on the backwash water outlet line and inspect weekly. CHEMICAL INJECTION This system will often cause problems and its operation should be monitored during every regeneration. Failure to pull up all the chemicals will reult in inefficient regeneration and can result in contaminated water passing to the boiler. ‘The most common cause of failure of this system is blockage of the eductor fedd or air leaks not allowing sufficient suction for the chemicals RESIN LIFE This is nominally 3 years but depends on service conditions, number of yegenerations and care of plant and equipment, After three years a sample of resin should be removed about half a metre below the surface and sent to independent laboratories for testing. These labs test the chemical holding capacity of the sesin and efficiency of regeneration, and make recommendations accordingly. Failure to replace and exhausted zesin will result in excessive chemical use for regeneration and hence high cost, but, more importantly, tess efficient removal of scale forming chemicals and possible boiler problems. CONTROLS ‘These vary widely from plant to plant, in the case of mamual operation, there is no problem. CONDUCTIVITY Insatallation of a conductivity meter at the outlet indicates when resin is being exhausted and can be used to switch the unit off to await regeneration. WATER METER These are sonctimes fitted to measure through put ia cubic meires between regenerations, Caution needs to be excersised in this respect as resin gets older and requires regeneration more frequently. Regular checks must be made on quality of waier at the fated of through-put. 7 PERIODIC REGENERATION ‘Many units are regenerated on a time basis i.e. once every one or two days, this can create problems, since though-put per hour/day may vary and water quality at inlet may vary. generally this is not an acceptable method of control unless water is tested on a regular basis . AUTOMATION Some units are parially or filly automated. It is necessary for site personnel to fully understand the automation system. DEMIN PLANT LOG Details of regeneration, throughput between regenerations, chemicals used for regeneration, ete need to be kept and related to fb processed so that the following can be analysed : 1. Demiin water used per tonne of fib processed. 2. Chemicals used per tonne of fb processed. 3. Cost of chemicals per tonne of fib processed. Any variations need to be investigated immediately. DAILY TESTING Feedwater tank should be tested daily for : Hardness Silica Conductivity Pa Any rise above normal indicates demiin plant malfunction and needs to be investigated, ‘The bypass must be kept locked with engineering personnel keeping the key. TRON FOULING High iron content of the raw water can result in resin fouling and reduce ciliciency. There are ways to handle this and site conditions need to be specifically considered together with advice from the water treatment supplier, IMPORTANT NOTE. THIS PRETREATMENT OF WATER PRIOR TO ENTRY TO THE BOILER 18 OFTEN IGNORED AND GIVEN LITTLE ATTENTION BECAUSE IT DOES NOT IMMEDIATELY IMPACT OIL AND KERNEL EXTRACTION AND QUALITY IF IGNORED IT CAN LEAD TO BOILER OUTAGE AND LOSS OF PRODUCTION, EXPENSIVE MAINTENANCE REPAIRS OR REDUCED BOILER EFFICIENCY WHICH CAN EFFECT POWER GENERATION, REDUCE STERILISER EFFIENCY AND EFFECT KERNEL DRYIN DIGESTION AND CLARIFICATION, IT IS NOT ONLY A LAB RESPONSIBILITY, EVERY ENGINEER MUST BE AWARE AND UNDERSTAND. DEAERATION ‘The function of the deacrator is to reduce disolved gases, carbon dioxide and oxygen and to heat the feed water, This is achieved by mechanical processing and heating using steam in a pressure deacrator and by vacuum in 2 vacuum deaerztor. PRESSURE DEAERATOR The DA is in this case a Pressure vessel. Water is pumped into the vessel via 2 spray system to, reduce water to smail particles when it is mixed with steam and heated. This causes gas in the quid to expand and be released, these are then removed by an ejector o a vapour release ia the upper section, Generally the hotter the better. Because water is often heated to 100 * C plus, the DA needs to be high to Prevent cavitation at the feed pump suction : CONTROL, ‘The water level in the DA is automatically controlled by float or float switches, these need to be checked and maintained. Steam pressure should be reduced automatically by a reducing valve. MAINTENACE Little maintenance is required but operation of the level and steam ‘pressure controls should be monitored several times a day, Occasional checks on disolved oxygen before and after the deaerator should be made by water treatment service personnel, VACUUM DEAERATOR { bypass} Some of these units only treat a proportion of the feed water. Water is fed into the vessel via spray nozzies isually by gravity, a vacuum is maintained inside the vessel by a steam ejector. There is a fixed relationship between the jemperature of the water at inlet and the vacuum, determined as stated in the steam tables, {he Rotter the water the lower the vacuume. The principle of operation is that ifthe external Pen wound the water is reduced disolved gases will be released and removed by the gjector. Homiever since only a proportion of the water may be treated these units are nol as ¢Eicient as pressure deacrators, so requiring more chemical treatment. Weter is removed from the unit by an extraction pump and fed to the feed pump iniet. PROBLEMS Air ejector not efficient due to : 1 Blocked or worn nozzle 2 Inadequate condensate removal prior to the ejector, resulting in inefficient ejector opertion Extraction pump 1L.Air leaks, Since the vessel is uader vacuum, air leaks will reduce otSciency, but expecially any Teak in the seal of the mechanical pump which can negate the effect of the DA, Nozzles Blocked inlet nozzles will result in excessive bypass of water direct to the feed pump suction and the DA will be inefficient. NOTE Principle of operation : The bypass deacrator has a line from the inlet to the pump outlet that ciictively bypasses the descrator. The head generatcdby the extraction pump holds the Water back fiom bypassing, if the head gencrated by the pump falls for any reason Ware Wall bypass the DA ditect fo the feed pump suction. System design is eritcal for cores wotration. {ithe Teed tank is too high, too much water wll by-pass, if not hish enough, less Laer Wil by-pass. Any problem with the extraction pump ie. mechanical seal watet wil by-pass. It would be useful to have a flap-flow indicator in the by-pass fine to indicate flow-rate and effective operation. You can also check dissolved oxygen at outlet to confirm effective operation. TRAINING NOTES 1, Draw a schematic diagram of thee raw water supply to the settling ponds. Indicate power supplies for pumps, priming facilities, stand by arrangements, chcks to indicate correct flow and any controls to stop and start the pumps. 2. Draw a schematic diagram of the settling ponds and the clarifier indicating any control points ie blow down. 3. Draw a schematic diagram of the sand filters, showing associated pipework, pumps and sources of power supplies. Indicate methods of controlling raw water and treated water tank levels. Demorstrate an actual backwash operation and the method to determine satisfactory compiction. 4, Draw a schematic diagram of the demincralisation plant to include regeneration facilities, Demonstrate the regeneration process Demonstrate mixing of chemicals for regeneration. Demonstrate checks for quality Show the sources of power supplies for all plant and equipment Explain the control systems for tanks and pumps etc. 5. Draw a diagram of thee DA, show steam supplies, water leevel control system, power supplics and methed of temperature indication Demonstrate adjustment of the steam pressure. Explain the water level control system. TRAINING CUTCOMES 1. Understand the raw water supply system and its control. 2. Understand the clarification system and its controls 3.Understand the demineralisation system and its controls. 4. Understand the DA operation and its control, It is also necessary to understand the impact of raw water treatment on : 1. Boiler operation and efficiency 2. Boiler maintenance ’ 3. Factory operations, production and reliability. 4. Process costs It is also necessary to understand the charge if necessary. oratory control procedures and take IT IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO SAY THAT IS NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY. Personael must understand sufficient to be able to instruct operators and maintenance people and provide basic training for operators. ANCILLIARY EQUIPMENT CHEMICAL INJECTION PUMP ‘These units aze usually reciprocating piston or diaphragm pumps with a method of adjusting the stroke and hence the chemical injected. Trey simple and reliable and attention only needs to be given to lubrication and bearing checks and motor temperature. Adjustment should be made to ensure that the contents of the container are pumed in during the operating hours of the boiler. The concentration of chemicals can be adjusted. FILTERS There are normally two filters, one between the feed pump and the feed tank and one in the discharge of the condensate recovery pumps. ‘These units are often totally neglected. They should be opened once per month or more frequently if service dictates for cleaning and replacement of filter media if mocessary. 1, Feed water. These filters are usually of the mat or cartridge type and are intended to remove entrained solids before the boiler. 2. Condensate. These are often castridge type end usually finer than the feed filter. And remove entrained solids from the condensate. TANKS: 1, Feed’tanks, This should be drained and cleaned annually to remove accumulated sludge and solids or more often than necessary. This tank is oRen subject to severe pitting corrosion and if possible should be treated with a high temperature resistant epoxy. If this is not done, corrosion problems and leaks can be expected in the longer term. 2. Condsasatc tank. Needs to be treated as per the feed water tank. 3. Raw and stored water tanks. These should be inspected annually and cleaned of any debris. we STANDBY BOILER PROTECTION All palm oil mills have stanby boilers, when not in use these need tio be protected against corrosion WET LAYUP In this procedure the boiler is flooded and a sulphite reserve maintained to ensure eiimination of oxygen. The sulphite reserve needs to be checked weekly and the boiler kept Blooded by using some form of head such as an overhead tank. DRY LAYUP In this case the boiler is drained and all water arcas dried. A tray of lime is introduced and the boiler scaled. The lime tray should be checked every month and replaced as necessary. NITROGEN BLANKETING Nitrogen can be used since it is an inert gas but is not practical in palm oif amills. Generally because of the nature of palm oil mills effective storeage is sot often practical. Most boilers suffer leaking drain and blowdown valves and this would sesult in the loss of treated water, or in the case of leaking feed valves, overpressurisation or water leaks leadig to corrosion, Likewise with dry layup if feed lines are not blanked water will leak into the boiler, blanking is not practical for a stanby boiler. NORMAL PROCEDURES When removing a boiler from service for several days or for maintenance, isolate the boiler and allow it to cool. When the presure is two to three bar blowdown all headers heavily, then use the main blowdown to empty the boiler completely. Header blow down Will remove solids and sludge and prevent deposition on hot surfaces. ‘The final emptying will leave the boiler hot and this heat should evaporate any remaining water. If the boiter is out of service for any extended period it should be checked monttily. Any signs of developing corrosion must be deait with and if necessary the boiler blanked off, dried out and lime used. Also if there are problems with oxygen corrosion pitting and normal deaeration and sulphite reseves are good the procedures for out of service boilers needs to be carefully examined. BOILER WATER TREATMENT PURPOSE 1. Prevetion of corrosion 2. Prevention of scale 3. Prevetion of carry over and associated probleras CORROSION ‘The most common causes of corrosion in boilers are ph and oxygn PH Ph needs to be maintained at 9 - 10, subject to water treatment supplicrs recommendations. This will ensuree an alkalinee enviroment and proteect the magnatite coating. Ph is often maintained by caustic injection and this can be automated. OXYGEN Effetive dacration will reduce oxygeen to Ieevels asily managed by internal water trecatment. The most often used chemicals in palm oil mills is sulphite. 2Na2SO3 + O2 = 2Na2SO4 Oxygen in the boiler will cause corrosion pitting and is most commonly found in the steam dram. This can cause pinhole leaks and eventual failure of pressure parts. HYDRAZINE If sodium sulphits is added it effects TDS which can inorease the need for blow down. This can have the result of removing previously added chemicals from the boiler and also wastes heat. Hydrazine does not have this effect but is only usually used in high pressurre boilers and non food industries. MAGNATITE When the boiter is opened up for inspection it should be a dull grey colour, this is a powder likee deposit called magnatite. This protects the surface from corrosion. Bad ph control and high oxygen will attack the magnatite CONDENSATEE CORROSION Carbon dioxide in the steam produced will form carbonic acid in the condensate. CO2 + H20 = H2CO3 This can result in condensates ph levels of below 5 and cause extensive corrosion, especially of pipe threads. DEGASIFIER Use of a degasifier in the demin plant not only improves the performance of, the anion unit but also removes disolved carbon dioxide and helps prevent condensate system corrosion. DEAERATION This also removes disolved gases of which carbon dioxide is one FILMING AMINES ‘These are administered in the feed system and are carried over to the condensate system in the steam and form a protective film that reduces corrosion. However these are not generally used in food processing. HYDRAZINE As well as protecting against boiler oxygen corrosion N2H4 + 02 = 220+ N2 Any excess hyérazine caried over with the steam will decompose and form ammonia which is alkaline and so help maintain condensate Hine ph. SCALE Scale develops in areas of maximum heat transfer and where circulation is Scales concentrate and form an insulating layer of scale that can lead io overheating. The scale can alsom mask corrosion, a combination of excessive heat pits corrosion and pressure can weaken the tube and cause tube failure. Scale build up can also seriously effect boiler efficiency and hence power generation and sterilisation Scale is normally formed by calcium and magnesium salts ‘Temporary hardness due to bicarbonate scales of calcium and magnesiam forms soft scale and shidge. Ub due to sulphates and chlorides of magnesium and calcium and forms a hard insulating scale ‘Silica also forms a hard, tenacious scale that is very difficult to remove SCALE PREVENTION PRECIPITATION ‘The scale forming salts can be converted to a precipitate by phosphate treatment where the phosphate of sodium is exchanged for the slats of calcium and magnesium, forming precipitate - sludge. A reserve of phosphate of 40 - 60 ppm inthe boiler will ensure a reserve to deal with slip past the pretreatment plant ‘The precipitate - sludge can also form sale on heating surfaces if allowed to concentrate. This is prevented by use of : - 1, Shidge conditioner - coagulant. This conditions sludge to keep it in suspension and to cause the sludg to agglomerate 2. TDS control. Blowdown to remove supended solids - studge, Normally for palm oil factory boilers a working level of the order of 2000 ppm is adequte with maximum. allowable 300m ppm, Howevewr in some factories blowdowmn may be controlled to determine silica levels. Norma! maximum silica is 150 ppm and this may necessitate a much lower ‘TDS level, This will however result in extra heat loss and blowing down of phosphate and suiphite necessitating greater chemical use. CHELATION ‘Thais system chelates the magnesium and calcium compounds to prevent scale formation. However control of chelates is critical and can adversley effect the boiler integrity by effecting metal paris. POLYMERISATION ‘This system is in common use in Indonesia where organic polymers coat the scale forming salts and prevent deposition and they are then removed by blow down CONTROLS Eachn method has its own control procedure and racthods of testing for resorvas in the boiler. These need to be studied on an individual basis so that you arc familiar with the concept. BLOWDOWN y The most efficient method of blowdown is continuous controlled by a manually adjusted valve in accord with regular TDS tests CAUTION must be excercised if intermittent manual blowdown is done to. ensure adequate water level and no possibility of starvation of tubes, especially water walls. HEADER BLOWDOWN ‘This should not be done on a boiler when operating at full load. Blowdown needs to be cartied out at least once a week for 30 secs when the boiler is out of service but sill under pressure, If the boiler is shut down at weekends, blowdown at 10bar to remove accumulated solids, blowdown of all main headers can also prove usefull after some settting period. SCALE FORMATION Apart from normal scale formation, scale will form in any areas of poor circulation where overheating can occur. This is especially possible at start up when circulation is just establishing itself if the boiler is forced or overfired, ‘The same conditions can occur in normal operation if the boiler is overfired, this can be caused by poor operation, scale formation or inadequate boiler cleaning - sootblowing. These conditions can aiso cause tube distortion wich will further stress the boiler. CARRY OVER [| PRIMING ] - FOAMING ‘The effects of this phenomena can result in scale in the superheater and hence tube failure and deposits on turbine blading. Excess carryover can cause physical damage to pipelines and valves and damage turbine blading and result in unstable plant operation. CARRY OVER [ PRIMING ] 1. High water level. The causes and consequences are obvious. 2. Rapid load change. If'a very heavy load demand is suddenlly placed on the boiler, pressure will fall and the formation of steam bubbles will increase rapidly causing water level to rise quickly with the possibility of water entrainment in the steam and severe plant operating problems. Control is best achieved by an effective automated water ievel control system and correct load application and operating procedures at the boiler. FOAMING ‘This is when the surface tension of the water in the drum is effected and water forms bubbles that break the surface and form foam carried over with the sream, Usuailly caused by high concentrations of certain chemicals because of inadequate control and high TDS, ‘This needs to be controlled by effective sampling and blowdown and by the use of antifoams that effect surface tension. NOTE - SULPHITE RESERVES If the boiler is not operated on a continuous basis there may be problems maintaining sulphite reserves due to regular introduction of large quantaties of untreated water Sulphite is dosed continuously to give addition of 2 - 3 kgper 24 brs, If the boiler is filled with fresh feed water the sulphite reserve cannot be achieved. To overcome this slug dosing must be employed, Since most plants are not Sted with equipment for this purpose sulphite can be added to the feed tank direct at start up in quantaties that allow establishment of boiler reseves at the beginning of the week, otherwise reserves only start to increase at the end of the week when the cycle will just be repeated. a. TRAINING OBECTIVES BOILER TREARMENT OBJECTIVES 1.Fail understanding of use, application and control of all water treatment chemicals in your factory. 2. Familiarity with chemical data sheets 3. Knowledge of lab procedures and tests. ACTIVITIES 1. Study all supplier data sheets. 2. Carry out fab tests for chemical reserves and controls. Ph Tds Chemical treatment reserves Suiphite 3. Inspect feed filters. 4, Inspect feed and condensate tanks and water storage tanks. 5. Inspect boiler drum for corrosion. Inspect generating tubes for scale. Inspect headers for sludge, 6. Dismantle and reassemble chemical injection pump. Personally 7. Carry out boiler biow down and check tds levels, 8, Adjust chemical reserves in the boiler, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Drew Chemical Corp Principies of industrial Water treatment Y. 8. Cheu Guide to Water Treatment HO. Kuang & K.C. Liau Case Studies on boiler Failure Porim Paper CLARIFICATION COAGULATION Refer to diagrams 1 - 6 In the diagrams showing the clarification tanks the inlet is introduced to a mixing chamber with a cyclonic effect to ensure mixing of chemicals and water. The coagulation begins under the cone where the water velocity falls together with flocculation we have the formation of a sludge blanket. ‘The scraper rotates at very slow speed to move the flocculated material to the sludge blow down, ‘The blow down has to be controlled to retain the sludge blanket Excessive blow down will reduce the sludge blanket and the effects of flocculation. Insufficient blow down will result in a build up of excessive sludge and carryover of solids. Normally coagulation will not occur because the particles suspend in water have a similar electric charge which causes them to repel one another. The addition of a coagulant chemical such as aluminium sulphate reduces these charges allowing the particles to agglomerate. When this has occurred the particles can then join together and flocculate as per the diagram. Addition of aluminium sulphate tends to lower the pH of the water, since the coagulating effect is more noticeable at pH 6- 7 it may be necessary to add soda ash to maintain the correct pH. The data sheet on a polymer is provided for information. This promotes effective flocculation and therefore more effective clarification Variable speed drive SN ‘Outlet tauncer, 2 DAG RAM, ‘Chemical feed inlet ‘Outlet CLARIFIER ‘Siudge outlet Note water flow direction Note collection of sludge for blow down Compare this with your plant HOW OFTEN IS YOUR VESSEL BLOWN DOWN ?2? ay UIE oh 0b bh | [enon 201 2OL Z poy w-Ob oO} 0 -HO +H einen uol}e4]Ua0U09 uolyesjUadu0d ane, uo! |AxoupAH, uo! uaBoupAH Hd Ding. 3 Effective radius {a) (b) (a) Coagulation: The addition of a coagulant neutralizes charges, collapsing the “cloud” surrounding the colloids so they can agglomerate. (b) Flocculation: The bridging of the flocculant chemical between agglomerated colloidal particles forms large settleable flocs. 4 ‘Asian Headquarters 27, Tenjong Penjuns, ‘surong, World Wide Services Fax: 65-285-0958 Drew industrial Division ASHLAND CHEMICAL INC. SUBSIDIARY OF ASHLAND OIL, INC. USA. DREW AMEROID (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. Bingapore 2260, ‘Tob 65-2616544 Tolox: AMEROID RS 21087 AMERFLOC® 275 Flocculant Description AMERFLOC 275 flocculant is a high molecular ‘weight, highly charged anionic granular polymer. Applications AMERFLOC 275 floccutant is highly effective in potable water clarification as well as water plant sludge dewatering applications. When used as a flocculant or a coagulant aid, typical addition levels range between 0.1-1.0 ppm._ For sludge conditioning, typical treatment levels range between 0.5-10 Ibs/ton Of dry solids. Your Drew representative will tacom- mend the optimum dosage of AMERFLOC 275 flocoulant after studying your system. ‘Typical Properties Appearance: PH of 0.5% solution: Tonic charge: White, free-flowing powder 85 High anionic Solution Preparation AMERFLOC 275 flecculant solutions ranging in ‘concentration from 0.1% to 0.25% are recom- mended. These solutions can be prepared manually ‘by addition to a mixing tank with an eductor (available {rom Drew) or automatically 1o reduce operator handling. Polymer should be slowly added to clean water (below 110°F) and stirred for 60 minutes at a speed not to exceed 450 RPM for maximum effec: liveness, PRODUCT DATA To insure a continuous supply of polymer solution, a folding tank is recommended in addition to a mix tank. For best results, the solution should be further Mag ay) fo AsaunoD) ‘a1e1 BUTS ospnjs yoreU OF Ayoojaa Buronpes ul BuNjnses ‘snynuue TINO OY) UT BuISLE JOJeM oy} JOJ ore BuISeaIOU! BUIPIAOI JoYLIE[O 1OxUeIq ospnis NIVAG YOLVAIdIDIYd 3Noz way YOLVYINIONOD ONIXIN, YOLYLIOV 390ms ANaN1443 1601S ONINWDAS, youviioy |WM4 YOLOITION LNINTII DINAN © (‘uonpsodio) audpooy fo dsajino>) “194 11e|9 uSisop uoNR]NosINII ALINIS Joaowas abpnis — uoljDuodas 48{0M 108|9 yy juan|jje 440M payoad Shey WOIjOWA0y 90}; puo Buriur mo]S yo1j0jnd11981 puo Burxiw pidoy SAND FILTERS, Refer to diagram 7 Note the general construction of the vessel Follow the inlet flow. Inlet is at the top filtering out finer particles. Outlet is from the bottom. After a period of operation build up of material on the surface will reduce flow and cause increasing pressure drop, this will necessitate taking the filter out of service and backwashing. To backwash, the flow of water through the filter is reversed and solids removed to drain. In this diagram we have a backwash pump. Follow the flow from pump to drain for backwash, vo DiAaRan 7. Figure 2-13. Pressure fter with surtace PRESSURE FILTER Note the direction of water flow in normal operation and in backwash ‘operation Compare the pipework arrangement with your own plant. Ifthe operation were automated which valves would be replaced DEGASIFIER Refer to diagram 8 The degasifier operation is to remove dissolved gases, particularly CO2, If the CO2 is not removed it takes up places on the anion exchange resin and reduces the resins capability to remove salts and silica therefore resulting in the need to regenerate sooner. You can see from the diagram that water from the cation unit feeds down over a media that breaks the flow up. Air is blown into the vessel from the bottom and flows up, counter to the water flow, this process reduces the dissolved gas content of the water. Water flows into a catchment area where itis pumped to the anion unit, ye DEMIN SCHEMATIC OTHER DESIGNS Refer to diagram 10 This shows co - current water flow through the unit. Follows the flow inlet to the distributor and down through the resin and to the outlet. Backwash Water comes in at the normal inlet, the backwash inlet is open and water passes to the bottom of the vessel, the inlet valve being closed. Any solids filtered by the resin are lifted to the inlet manifold, passing out to the backwash outlet valve and to drain. Chemical injection Water is fed from the inlet to the ejector, where the venturi effect sucks up chemical in proportion to the water flow, this passes to the vessel and the resin and out from the rinse outlet valve to drain. Rinse ‘Water pass via the normal inlet to the vessel, the rinse outlet is open and the outlet valve closed, and the water passes to drain. These may have a multi directional inlet valve to connect the appropriate lines, this system is more commonly found on 2 water softener. Yu Dragan & Forced-dratt degasitior blows air stioam through packing countercurrent to down ‘Ward flow of water to remove COz, E GASIFIER Yperation is simple What controls the water feed to the inlet. ow does the float switch operate and what does it control ‘ompare controls with your own plant. What is the major control for the demin plant Diactam oO. -. Typleal fon exchanger showing sur- aco flow with valve nest for regeneration—beck- washing injecting chemicals, iasing. Diaagan 4. ION EXCHANGER Follow the flow for normal inlet Follow the flow for backwash Follow the flow for chemical injection Follow the flow for rinse Compare this to your plant Locate the ejector on your plant How would you automate operation laa SCHEMATIC ION EXCHANGE Refer to diagram 11 RESIN DATA This shows schematically the process of treating raw water. Mineral salts in the raw water enter the cation vessel. The resin retains the mineral and replaces the mineral ion with an hydrogen ion, as a result of which the pH falls, The effect of the degasifier can be seen by comparing the condition at 2 and 3 where CO2 is removed The anion resin replaces the salts with hydroxy! ions, raising the pH and giving soft demineralised water. Now work out the process of ion exchange for regeneration using sulphuric acid and caustic soda, Refer to the data sheets for resin. Consider IRA 420, Each demin plant has a BV (bed volume ), a volume of resin in the vessel determined by the manufacturer in relation to desired water purity and the condition of the water to be treated. Service flow rate. This is the flow through ch unit If we have a bed volume of 10M3, flow can be (5 TO 40 ) x 10M3/ hr of water Linear velocity. This determines the diameter of the vessel. If we require a flow of 200M3/hr, max flow rate S0M3/hr, so we will require a bed area of 4M2 Regenerant caustic soda. 30 - 150 gms per litre, say 100 gmitr. 10M3 is 10,000 litres x 100gm = 1 tonne Concentration say 4%, ie 40kg of caustic soda Slow rinse 2 x BV, ie 20M3 of water at service flow tate of S0M3 per hour is 24 minutes, Fast rinse for up tom 30minutes. ‘However all of the above will be specified by the plant supplier and determined in the technical handbook. ga Maeda i. widdg > Sq panowai syes We ysowye YM seyeMm payee uoneg wo} UeBOIpAH +H uses uoeo pise Buons ovS wddooe sa. L Jayem MEY oo _ uoneseuebel ploy uowerouebal 1reyIy 06-s'8 Hd s'-0'% Hd sz-0% Hd gZnd OH *ols’H “ols"H “olsen OH ‘os'H *os’H "os’en OH lOHe ION “08W OH OH °00°H “FooHeo t € z b ay ION EXCHANGE RESINS PRODUCT DATA SHEET | | AMBERLITE IRA 426 STRONGLY BASIC (TYPE |) ANION EXCHANGE RESIN | DESCRIPTION i AMBERLITE IRA 420is a : seructure.Itis based on crossiin and excellent rinse perfonnance. Sur moa news manufacturing technology: AMBERLITE TRA $20 has n outstanding physical stabifityiluse | trated by its resistance to osmatic shock and to mechanical stress. corflow, reverse flow and mixed bed | premium grade strongly basic anton exchange resin of the ype L with aclear g2l | ed polystyrene and has a very high bead integricy, zood reyenessnon efficiency OUI grades are avaable forall ion exchange systems wich operation. PROPERTIES . Mamix __ Styrene-divinyibenzene copolymer Functional groups ————————— [CH )s" | Physical form TTT TT Pale yellow ranstucenr beads Ionic formn as shipped — —-— —— Chloride Pout exchange eapuciy ——-—— —— 13eq:L (CI" form) ; | @ Moisture holding capacity 50-57% (Clr form) Specific gravicy _. —_— — About ].07 (Cl- form? | Shipping weight _—— ——— About 720g/L (C!* form) Particle size Sve “Available grades Maximum reversible swelling CI" ON oe Operating pH range ~ Poe Hoh Hoos Chemical ability —_ Insoluble in dilute acids or bases and common solvents SUGGESTED OPERATING CONDITIONS Maximum operating temperature — 60°C Minimum bed depth — 700mm Service flow rate 510 40BV"'h Maximum linear veloc 50m h Regenerane ——_— ——. ——- NaOH Level 0 150 gb : Flow rate 210 (minimum contact time: 30 minutes) Concentration. —————— -_ 210 40 Slow rinse ——-_ 2BV at regeneration flow rate Fast rinse. ——. —_ 2 te 12BV at service flow rate + BY coadWohames =F me wean perm re ut. NR lic sauces — oO FOOD PROCESSING | Rohm and Hass manufactures special resins for food processing and porable water applications. 8° eenmenan gulanons vary rom country to county, its recommended tharall pores! nee seek advice frorn See ERLITL cepresentative mn order ta determine the best resin choice and opumam opersng| ‘conditions. HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS Figure 1 shows the backwash Bow rate required to obtain a given expansion of a bed of standard AMBERLITE IRA 420, as a function of temperature Figice 2 shows the pressute drop data for standard grade AMBERLITE IRA 420, as a function of service flow raed water temperature, Pressure drop data are valid at che start of the service ru with a clear water influent and a correctly classified bed. Figure 1 Figure 2 BACKWASH PRESSURE DROP * "ee se eee Pressure drop LL ma an | | 1 rrr ackwash flow ee CN ° ® Fy wee 5 Temperature Service flow rate += Under identical conditions, AMBERLITE IRA 420 RE wal give 15% lower pressure drop, we wore) ye LALeL vie ION EXCHANGE RESINS sd AMBERLITE IRA 420 ENGINEERING DATA SHEET (Co-flow regeneration) tior let silica lea TABLE 2 + Loakege Correction Factor A versus Te eatedlee Tek 0 tae Silica to Total Anions Ratlo These data provide inforn kage and operating capacity of Amberlite IRA 420 used with co-flow regeneration S10, % Factor A “The properties of Amberlite IRA 420 are described in the 3 oh Product Data Sheet PDS 0193.A Pe 3 2 28 SILICA LEAKAGE 50 50 The average silica leakage is obtained by multiplying the BECP eee ee eee eect basic leakage vaiue from Table1* thecorvection actors A, TABLE 3 Leakage Gorrecilon Factor 8 vorsus Band C from Tables 20 4. ‘Water Temperature Water °C Factor B Leak = Leak, x AxBxC 3 07 0 oe 1S 10 B 15 TABLE 1: Beslc Sillca Loakago versus NoOH 4 re regenerant lovel 7 i NaOH g/L Leanage FPSO, TABLE 41 Leekage Correction Factor & warm Regenerant Temperature @ oss neoure Factor 1 es ion oe 8 137 3 1.00 120 0.027 5 0.76 150 0.019 6 os TABLE 5 : Suggested Operating Conditions ‘Maximum oporating temperatura. core Minimum bed depth ..innnanesnnnrn 700 mm Service flow rate .. Sto40 BY'/n Maximum linear velocity somsh Regenerant NaOH Level 600 150g/L Flow rate: «210 8BV/h (minimum contact time : 30 minutes) Con. nitration 204% 2 BY at regeneration flow rate sun B10 12 BV at service flow rate Slow rinse Fast rinse. "1 BV BedVolume) = 1 msolutlon per my resin, DY 0240 A= Juno wd we gore! 90 ate vu one rete maa RN OPERATING CAPACITY fro Et rt TABLE 8 : Cepacity Correction Factor E versus ‘The operating capacity of Amberlite IRA 420 is obtained by CO, to Total Anions Ratlo multiplying the basic capacity value from Table 6 by the correction factors D 10 G from Tables 7 to 10, C0, % Factor E ° o97 Cap = Cap, xDxExFxG 2 a F cy 1.02 cama 50 108 78 1.08 ” 12 ‘TABLE6: Bosie Capacity vorsus NaOH rogonorant lovol (co-flow roganoration) ‘TABLE 0 t Cepecity Correction Factor F voreus NaOH g/L Capacity oq/L Silleato Total Anions Ratio andNadt (cap) ‘Temporature 60 053 5 5D 75% SIO, » 058 60 061 S°C 096 086 07465, 100 067 1% 098 «= 0880.90.70 120 072 2 100082 O06 150 078 3 020968087 OT & 104 098 «0.93086 TABLE 10 : Capaclty Correction Factor G versus Capacity Correction Factor D voraua Silica Endpoint (A SiO, = ailferance ‘ulphato to Total Anione Ratio, Lotween avsraye leakaye ind win) TABLE $0, % Factor D SiO, Factor G ) i iia (ppb) B 0.96 su vy 50 100 100 095 7 104 200 1.00 ~~ % 108 300 18 SAFE HANDLING INFORMATION ‘A Material Safery Data Sheet is available for each product. To obtain a copy contact your Rohm and Haas representative. CAUTION ‘Acid and basic regenerant solutions are corrosive and should be handled in a manner that will pn-vent eye and skin contact Nitric acid and other strong oxidizing agents can cause explosive type reactions when mixed with lon Exchange Resins. Proper design of process equipment 10 ‘prevent rapid buildup of pressure is necessary if use offen oxicising agen such as inc ald contemplated. Before sing strong oxicizng agents in contact with Jon Exchange Resins, consult sources knowledgeable in use handling of dhese materia The suggestions and doin his bulletin ane based on information we believe 10 be rede, They are offered in goad fit, but without dean ete wid methods ofr of ou” prodact ae beyond car ental We recomend thar ce prospective aser determine the El of rma ard mages lr toi hn od cnmerl te, ages for wes ofr procs Awl EExd teas ary parneref Rol and Haas Company Re and Has Company maining policy feos ape dm the ight ogre a el al wh nt CDAMER! TE isa bedecmar of Roam and Haas Compan, Philadel, USA . iHAAS moh datas. 1887 Dac Codex 17 - Tel (33-1) 400254U0- Telex 214100 $2 Be 20/07 86 14°1544.9 1 yggg POL ma! PRODUCT DATA SHEET TPERKED inant AluitaZapa LO UP. fk, PETER, Brwas AMBERLITE IR 120 STRONG ACID CATION EXCHANGE RESIN DESCRIPTION AMIRI FR | 20 osu yel type strongly acidic eauion oye resin of the sulplionted! poly stytwsie type tt eae be used for softening (in Na” form)-as well a8 for water demineralisation and other chemics! processes (in ues principe character ues ate excelleny ehygial chemical and thermal siahiliy ern inn evehanwe PROPERTIES Siysene shivinyllienzene epuilyees Sulphonates Pinysieal form Amber beads tonic torm as shipped — See “Available grades” Tonal exchange capacity orm) Moisture holding capacity —...- $ - 48% (Na* form) Specific graviyy ia’ forin) ping weight form) Vartiche Size = bs Reversible swellin 10% maximum Opeeaing pil range Chemical stability Insoluble in dilute acids or bases and usual solvents SUGGESTED OPERATING CONDITIONS Moximum operating temperature —— 120 °C Mining bed depth ————_____ 700 mm Service flow rave 5 to 40 BY*/h Manitnuun linear velocly —.. 50h Rogenerant —. HC 50, NaC] Level —. 30 to 150 gL A) t0 240 gL 50 te 250 g/t Bow 1a dw 5BYh — PwAO HVA 2 oA BVH Concentra S108 07 ws 0% lon. Minimnum ceneact time —.. 30 minutes Slow rinse ——__. 2 BY at regeneration low Fast rinse 2 to TZ BY at service Mow rate Bo 20/07 "95 14:16 Po2 Vm Oe [TTA TR AVAILABLE GRADES Name tonic Particle™ Applications L form size (mm) 1 lisation processes Ne | ANGERLITE IR 120 New 03-12 Saljening and standard demi with cocterent oF gounter-curtent reyeneration ANSERLITE R120 © 03-12 arne as i 120 bur supplied in Hr fon for aernineraisation processes. ANDERLITE IR 1201. Ne od Tiigh low rie or deep bed cation units pariculaaly councercurent regenerated systems Als suitable | for mixed bed systems in make up plants. | AMBERLTERR 1200 oa-12 ‘Same a5 18120 L but supplied in He form: | AMBERLITE IR 120L/ST New 04-12 Same as IR 320 L but weaved with a biocide, J (Camocrure RORE Nar 5-11 Tor floating bed and packed bed operation i TARIERPACK 120 Rat 03-10 Ter Ariberpask system i AMBERSEP 12011 H 06-12 Delivered in regenerared form for Ammbersep units, | | STRATARED 120 06-12 Tor use in sated beds with Swatabed 76 ir Dark product, o hc eal wah emg i I OPERATING CYCLE Ww Soltening as well as demineralisution is usually 2 four-step operation: service, bac kwesh, regeneration and vinse : Service | ttug dite sage, ie saw waves passes dhavugle dv acai baal yt 07 oo Ls deat aeftaming, tho oelaiam i eee ncstuns lone ave replueedl by sodium fons. The hardness leakage is usually less than 1% of the hardness of ane reat water tn demineralisation, the resin exchanges all the cations front the water forwnequivalent quanity of Hi ions. The ion leakage (generally Na) depends om regeneration level, toral salinity, sodium and alkalinity | 1 Content, These factors also determine the operating capacity. Backwash. ‘The cesn bed is decompaced dung Sto 1 rinuses whan upward flow of water. The backwash Mow rate must headhusted cogetan expression ofa feast 30%(see lig. 1), When using upflow regeneration, the resin needs only be : rackwashed every 20 10 50 cycles and this backwash is followed by a double regeneracion ' Regeneration We recommend io maintain a minimum contact time of 30 minutes with the regenerant (salt solution for solte~ ‘ ning - hydrochloric or sulphuric acid for demineralisation). ' Tow rates and concentrations are given in the table uf eperaiing conditions in page 1 : ‘with sulphuric acid i is necessary 1 edjust the concentration as function ofthe hardness to avoid the precipica- i tion of calcium sulphate. \ 1 ' Rinse Uc is camied out in two stages: ~ Displacement rinse, in which the excess regenerant and reaction productsare flushed away and che regeneration, process completed. + Fast rinse whielt removes remaining traces of reaction products i PERFORMANCE The operating eapacicy' d data to caleulace the operating capacity and the iontc leanags in the Engineering Vara Sheets (EDS EDS 0262 & 02 EDS 0212 s 02 EDS 0213 = 0265 (Softening) Gemineralisation with H,50, regeneration) neration) LIMITS OF USE Various grades of AMBERLITE IR 120 are suitable for inci pharmaceutical, food processing or potable water appl advice from Rohm anc Haas in order to decermine the HYDRAULIC CHARACTERISTICS Figure 1 shows the backwash flow rate required to obra IR'120 ag a function of water temperature Figure 2 shows the p: rectly classified bed. @Demineralisation wah HEL rege (str io dis om several f2ccors such 3 the water analysis and the level of reger e witl: coeflow and reverse flow regeneration aze given’ a given expansion of a bed of sure drop data for standard grace AMBERLITE (& water cemperature. Pressure drop data are valid a the stack ofthe service eur we 120. anon. The peaific applications such as tha: ali pocential users seek ndard AMBERLITE 120asa function of serviceflow race and aclear wan Fig. 1 Fig 2 BACKWASH PRESSURE OROP* "3 Peer mn : 3 : j ® : g Ab we oF tt n 2 ary [rey 2 i are * z FH we 2% 3 aah ‘ 0 £ ‘| I V7 orf tit i Tt | ] Ey au 8 SS Taen 30 = Ln udentical condlrions, AMBERLITE (R120 RE will give 20% Service low rte lower pressure din rimfluent and cor- arts 10N TECHNOLO ae) (DUSTRIAL GRADE ION EXCHANGE RESINS wae PRODUCT DATA SHEET AMBERLITE IR 120 ENGINEERING DATA SHEET (H,SO,, co-flow regeneration) ‘These data provide information to calculate the soxtivim wakage ond operating capacity of Amberlite IR 120 used with Co-flow regeneration with sulphuric acid, Note: soslium leakage values are expressed as a percentage « the equivalent mineral acidity (EMA), ‘The properties of Amberlite IR 120 are described in the Product Data Sheet PDS 0210 A, TABLE 2: Leakage Correction Factor A varaus SODIUM LEAKAGE Alkalinity to Tota! Anions Ratio erage sodium leakage is obtained by multiplying the ae Factor A bse leakige vate from Table 1 by the correction fctors A i na cid Blown lathe Bud 7 as ae 128 - Leak = Leak, x Ax B io 133 = 1s TABLE 1: Basic Sodium Leekage versus H,SO, TABLES: Leakage Correction Factor B versus | Regenerant Level > ‘Sodium to Total Cations Ratio 2 Leskage EMA 8 mages Ne Factor \ 10 0.06 a Io x ay ) a ) ° on 101 2 2 i 2 8 | @ ti ia Ard 70 123 a 5 2 i » 2 x 240 14 7 fu TABLE 4 : Suggested Operating Conditions ! Maximum operating temperature. sno 20°C ' Minimum bed depth. ro mim, Service flow rat... eeeaheit 5t040 BV"/h Maximum linear e100 cnensennens ne 3020/4 Regenerant : : HO, in stepped concentrations Level snnsnmnsnnnnn 66 10 340 g/L Flow rate. cee 21020 BY/h (minimum contact tine: 30 minutes) Concentration sarrsnman an sonnomnrans0 Yo 6H according wo Ca content Slow Fins6 oon : 2 BY at regeneration flow rate Fad rinse 1» 2t0 12 BY at service flow rate +1 WY ted Vetunnel = Tan station por? fe : Lanes nay ia scm Bo 20/07 "98 14:19 OPERATING CAPACITY TABLE § : Basle Capacity versus H,50, Fogonorant foval and Sodium to Tot) Catlons Ratio (co-tlow regeneration) The operating capacity of Amberfite IR 120 with sulphuric cid rogetesation is obtained by multiplying the basiceapa- city value from Table 5 by the eorrevtion facturs C oF fe pele stas MSO,R/L Capacity 09/1. Cap) ' Cap = Cap, x Cx Dx ExF BM 0 Bw aw IFCcrABLE St Giceeni canal £3 05% 062 ON Oss TABLE 6 : Capacity Correction Factor C versus % ae oa oe OM os Alkalinity to Total Anions Ratio a D4 Obs 073 sp TO WO 0K 073 083 O97 LIS Atk Factor 06807) 082 107125 o 092 we O71 ost 097 16 135 B 096 Ww 073 0B) Lm Lar 1.00 W076 085) TOL Toe 20 680 992 110 138 186 10 TABLE? s Oapacity Ovrsevilvn Faviur © versus MANOSIUM TO Haraness Fi and Alkalinity to Total Anfons Ratlo 0, Sodium to Total Catians Ratio age OmNs wens sons 0 Sem 0 oa eM aan 6 1m 1m tum 409 1 Lm tot aan ath to tn tos tht im te tin oi} re Us te {op 3a a eth te te toe he ioe I ine ete ss ip ih th ue | TABLE 8: Capacity Comection FaslorE verous TABLE 9 Cepscty Correction Feetor F vereve Run Length (Production Time) fater Temperature 1 fan 8 Sea ; 5 an ost + 8 004 0.96 098 B 1.00 1.00 3» 096 os 098 i os ae 2» 098 098 100 3 tos 1s ote Sk zs ws SAFE USE INFORMATION ‘A WaceaalSatety Data Shee is avaiable for each product. Toobin copy sortct your Rohm and Hea presage. stun presen aur rn pray pT mat tera per ar fe er ee ee er ee, SUSSEM I GA crtactoraed ate ERS) Since Gh fu heehee ee the Sie eee il wd ski Ni idand ‘cs ed bas segenrne lus ve ere sad sou be hacen cea wl event eye hin conse Nh 4 SBetstgag aby Steen Seay ahs hen mal oa ena ee canta Nee een eer ene petun w neon rete oo cng gent sucha ne 9 SEUSS rong oxediing eget cones wh lon Eschange Rese, cnt sources knowledge in th handing of cee materi The sugecions anal ta iy ths, Dalen are based ox information we elie vo be rele They ae afer on goad fat, bat wituut {uurante ay conditions antl methods of ie of der produce are beard Dur cour. we recommen thi he ponpeive ae dere the susiabillity * material suggestions before ting them on a commercial scale. Sitges es" oo prod ulm Be andes as coments ft they Be ROHM saa aan of oy es rf german Leet ee any ats of Ro an Faas Cemany” Rohm eh Haas Company maintain «@ prey of cwstinwes development ad neserve they ght w amend any specycatan wiael ice ?H ALLENS a trademash of Kohn an Haas Company, Phladelphua, USA Rohm and Haas / Separation Technologies - 75579 Paris Cedex 12 « Tel. (33-1) 4002 54.00 - Telex 214 100 4 DUSTRIAL GRADE ION EXCHANGE RESINS PRODUCT DATA SHEET AMBERLITE IR 120 ENGINEERING DATA SHEET (HCI, co-flow regeneration) ‘Those data provide information to calculate the sodium Note: sodium leakage values are expressed as a percentage leskage and operating capacity of Amberlito IR 12 used of the equivalent mineral acidity (EMA), vith eovflow regeneration with hydrochlorie acid ‘The value obtained in meq/L must be converted to mg/Las The propertios of Amberlite IR 120 are described in the Na and eventually to a conductivity value, using the graph Product Data Shect PDS 0210 A. supplied in the Memento of fon Exchange published by Rohm and Haas. SODIUM LEAKAGE The average sodium leakage is obtained by multiplying the boosie loakage value from Table 1 by the correction factor A, from Table 2. TABLE 2: Leakage Correction Factor & versus ‘Sodium to Total Cations Ratio Leak = Leak, x A %Na Factor A TABLE 1: Basic Sodium Leakage versus HC! Regenerant Level 10 ons. 20 020 HCI g/L, Leakage % EMA 30 050 (Leak) *0 075 50 1.00 39 60 130 TABLE 3 : Suggested Operating Conditions 120°C 700 mm 51040 BV¢/h 50 m/h Maximum operating temperature Minimum bed depth... Service flow rate. Maximum linear velocity Regencrant.. Huet son nFHC] Level 50 to 150 g/L Flow #380 cnn ssnunnneer2 40 5 BV/h (minimum contact tine : 30 minutes) Concentration... ~5108% Slow rinse 2 BV at regeneration flow rate Fast rinse 2 to 12 BV at service flow rate Fv (eb Votan) Fe matt por Rem EDS 0265+ Apr 92 Bo 20/07 "96 14:21 Pos. OPERATING CAPACITY 7 : am TABLE 5; Copaetty Corraction Factor & vi ‘eeoperting osily wf AmmberIet® 120wuth ny drochtor. acts tet ale! Colioes Ratt ! acid regeneration is obtained by multiplying thebasiceapacil a 7 loo Si : ae 10 fags » os? we Cap = Cap, xBxCxDxE = 097 40 uss 50 1.00 - # 1902 | TABLE 4: Basic Capacity versusHCiRegenerant 70 1.05 | Level (Co-Flow Regeneration) co ty | ” 112 Heig/e Capacity ey/L 10 Lie (Cap) 7 oa TABLE 6; Capacity Correction Factor G versus a t02 Alkalinity to Total Anions Ratio 7 110 1 % Ae Atk Factor } “0 123 100 128 ° o95 120 137 s as? 150 we 1.00 sis 75 1.03 9 10s | ‘TABLET: Capacity Corraction Factor D versus, ——__——_ Woter Temperature TABLE 8: Capacity Correction Factor E vers Run Longin (Production Time) Temperature *c o 80 99%Na Run Time hours) 0 80 995 alk 5 095 089 08s 10 0.98 096 094 5 0.92 0.95 097 a 3 1.00 1.00, 1.00 8 094 0.96 098 x 192 103 108 wo (O86 oar rr) 2 103 105 1.08 20 osm ry rr 201.08 107 um 2 as 1.00 100 SAFE USE INFORMATION, ‘Matsa Saeiy Pa Sie 4 mela for ea pls To aa agi et yo Bs fen enhange tess and polyiericnssbans, sprout ena panulcachy by nlacs The ves mo dete een wis these by pats a serene ey pate ase areata cd see we appropri pats weed stator he ec rae cna wal prot sey saad at eel raga peri ie agate Fath plist wine sted, Koh and is oes not come eon exchange eta or plynereadsoron ts saualeor eptopeaely pure foray parcels uhe Cons jose Reqs ond ansehen! represcnae le ater ition CAUTION Aa an gees ly ate cn asl be hana ae ta wl ray eye ad Ss NE ree debi pete reeten ral beldapal eae ance Belore sing song oxidizing agenus in contact with fon Exchange Resins, cons doures knowledgeable in he handling of chee materials ‘nce Ag suas a The suggestions and data in this bulletin are based on information we believe t be reliable. re eres 1m good faith, but without See eer epee ese ae ae ee et pee eee ert eae Eby of Gor mpenuls sal meee eo adap iano cenit ae rein ; a apie rata acta tecatcn irae ERGY cee ee ei anaes HM 5S sy iia Zoro a emi ee a te ric Rs warnrd any specfeaton ou mee 2 : {HAAS AMBERLITE is 2 trademark of Rohm end Haas Company, Philadelphia, US.A c Rohm and Hees /Separatien Technologies «75579 Paris Cedex 12 - Tel. (33-1) 40 02 5400. lelex 214 100 DEAREATION VACUUM DEAREATOR Pressure type, refer to diagram 12 and 14 Operation is by a system of water spraying and steam scrubbing, Gases are liberated by spraying the water into fine particles, locate the sprays in the drawing. ‘Water is then mixed with steam, this is called steam sorubbing and is intended to further eliminate dissolved gases, The vessel also acts as a water storage, water is heated to 100 - 110 degrees C. ‘What will happen if the level in the vessel rises. Refer to diagram 13 In this unit a vacuum is maintained by a steam air ejector in relation to vapour pressure and the steam tables. Water is sprayed into the top of the vessel under vacuum and any dissolved gas is liberated and removed by the air ejector. ‘A pump is used to pump the water from the vessel, this pump will need to have a balanced suction since the vessel is under vacuum Draw an arrangement for a pump with a typical bypass arrangement. be OXYGEN REMOVAL CARBON DIOXIDE, Refer to diagram 15 This diagram shows how oxygen content of water is effected by temperature, as temperature rises dissolved oxygen is reduced, the deareator should therefore be kept as hot as possible. This diagram clearly shows the need to maintain as high a temperature as possible, In the case of vacuum deareators, the same is achieved by having the water at saturation temperature for the vacuum, refer to the steam tables. This gas is volatile. During operation of the boiler any CO?2 dissolved becomes gas and is carried over by the steam. When the steam condenses the gas combines with water to form carbonic acid which causes corrosion Gy Danaea ie Vent to Atmosphere Gold Water |e Water Lever Returns: Condenser Control Valve Spray Valve ‘Compartment Trap Returns Sentinel Retiet Vaive yun Returns Froat Cage Deaerated Water Outlot ‘Spray type deaerator providing primary heating and secondary deaeration DEAERATOR: Explain the Ievel control mechanism Explain the steam control system Compare these with your plant DEAERATOR Explain the operation of the air ejector Vacuum dearator WATER FLOW Incoming cold water first enters the spray valve compart: ment where stainless steel spray valves direct the flow in conical sheets through the stainlese steel internal direct contact vent condenser into the steam atmosphere of the preheater section. Here most of the corrosive gases are Temoved before the water strikes steel surfaces, This hot and partially deaerated water then passes from the pre heater section to the deaerating steam scrubber section where final ond complete deacration is accomplished as the water “is vigorously scrubbed with 2 large excess of oxygen free stéam. STEAM FLOW Steam is introduced vniveraly through 2 steam distributor into the deaerator scrubuer section. There the steam col lides at high velocity with the heated and partially ae. aerated water entering the scrubber section from the Preheater compartment. Violent scrubbing and mixing ‘action occurs, even at very low load conditions. Th: tion mechanically scrubs the last remaining taces ol condensable gases out of the preheated water. Thuf deaprated water discharging from the top of the scrubber section is free of all mwarurable- non-condel gases. The steam separates from the deversted wate! the outlet of the scrubber section and passes into th heater section to continue the cycle. Vented steamn it dansed in the internal direet contact vent condenser 2 Uny wisp Of steam being vented to atmosphere to away the non-condensable gases released from the INTERNAL VENT CONDENSER The inéernat direct contact vent condenser is a s steel section beneath the spray valve compartment on-condensable gases are separated from the pret section and concentrated before being discharged mosphere. Wiha cams 0OL 5. aunjeradwie| 1aye My 06 08 OL 09 OS Or O€ OZ OL widd juaju09 uaBAxO BOILER CHEMISTRY CORROSION Refer to diagrams 16 - 19 ‘These diagrams show schematically what happens to water content as a result of boiler operation, They need to be understood in the context of heat addition. Refer to diagram 20 Water contains ions, H and OH- (je, H20 is neutral ) any free oxygen will associate with the hydrogen. The free OH- ions combines with metal ions to form Ferric hydroxide which goes into solution. This results in loss of metal ions from the base metal and corrosion, cs DiMaeAM Ie. ayeuoqued poe winigje9, ayUowed OOH ayeuoqiediq winigjeo *FOOH)BO ayeUOGEDIA WN!D}ed LUO} O} Ploe DJUOGIED Aq PANIOSSIP SI (eyeuogeo winigfe0) auojsew] pioe @pixolp a1uoqed 101M uoaed Soo" OH 09 ‘ploe D]UOGUED WO} 0} JOTEM YIM SOUIGWIOD SPIXO!P uoqeo ob Drneieaa 1. Glov OINOBHVO + S1VOS apIxoIp ayeuoqed Je1eM uoqed wnisaubey\ € Z, OH “00 OO8W ayeuoqiediq winisauBew WO} 0} ploe ojwoques Aq panjossip s} (ayeuoqieo wn|seu alov OINOEYYO + 31VOS apixolp ayeuoqueo 422M uoqied winigjeo OH “00 *o0e0 ayeuoqiediq unisoubeyl *(OOH)BW ew) oysoubew ‘Ayes ayeuoqesiq wnigjed *FOOH)eO “plow O1UOqIeD WO} 0} ayesuapUOD OU} U! BAIOSSIP O} WES}S OU) UNM seUIquicd apr XOIp UOGIED, o Direwan & ssoupsey leyoL (Aresodwie 1) sseuprey SUEY (jJuaUeUad) ssoupsey auljeyje-UON 68 Draaoat 19, (SL) spiios panjossip reIOL apixolp uoqieg “00 Ja7eM OH apixoupAy winipos HO®NG @pIxoIp uoqieg z oo eyeuoqied winipos “oo’en ssoupsey fe]OL. eyeuoqueo winipog Ennz OO'eN eyeuoqeciq uinipog “OOHENZ ee Drew Industrial Division ASHLAND CHEMICAL INC. SUBSIDIARY OF ASHLAND Oil, INC. USA. ‘Aslan Heedquerters DREW AMEROID (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. © 27, Tanjong Penjuns, surong, World Wide Services Fax: 65-288-0058 CHARGEPAC™ 12 Coagulant Description CHARGEPAC"™12 coagulant is a biend of highly charged ‘ganic and inorganic cationic liquid polymers. ts use has been approved by the EPA for treatment of potable water Applications CHARGEPAC™™12 is a highly effective primary coaguiant for water and wastewater clanitication. ican be used in place of conventional inorganic coagulants to produce ‘ow turbidity waters i infiuent water and effluent waste- water clarification applications. CHARGEPAC™ 12 Is aso elfective in oily wastewater demulsitication, greasy tower treatment, saveall clarification, and use as a retention or ‘drainage aid, ‘Typical adgition levels tor raw water clartication are 1410 ‘ppm, while levels for industrial wastewater treatment ‘ange trom 5-100 pp. Typical levels for retention and ‘drainage aids are 1-10 Ibsiton. Your Drew Representative will recommend the optimum dosage of CHARGEPAC™ 12 after studying your system. ‘Singapore 2260 ‘Tel 65-2018544 Telex: AMEROID RS 21067 Feeding, Storage and Handling ‘Best results are obtained when the product is diluted at least 10:1 prio to use. Inline dilution with @ Penberthy ‘eductor or static mixer is easiest, Dut it a Nolding tank is, ‘used for polymer dilutions, tne dilution should be used within three (3) days. CHARGEPAC™ 12 should be stored al temperatures Detween 40-95°F. Low temperatures may ‘create feeding difficulty due to increased product viscost ty. It freezing occurs, the product will regain its effective- ‘ess with a gradual increase in temperature and mild agitation. ‘The recommended materials for storage and handling are ‘glass, plastic, and epoxy oF rubber lined stainless stee! ‘equipment, Corrosion resistant positive displacement ‘metering pumps should be used to transter the polymer solution to the point of addition. CHARGEPAC™ 12 wil re- tain its activity in storage tor periods up to 12 months. EPA Approval CHARGEPAC™12 is acceptable for potable water treat- ‘ment, up to a maximum dosage of 20 ppm. ‘Typical Properties Packaging ‘Appearance: Light amber quia CCHARGEPAC™ 12s available in bulk and in 55 gallon Specitic Gravity 25°C): 12 rums, Viscosity 25°C: 300 cps oh 35. Freezing Point: =a°C 24°F) Flash Point: None IMPORTANT INFORMATION: associated with our products. ‘Drew maintains Material Satety Data Sheets (MSDS's) on allot is products. These sheets contain pertinent informa: tion that you may need 10 protect your employees and customers against any known health or safety hazards ‘We recommend that you obtain our Material Safety Data Sheet which should be réad and understood by all super- visory personnel and employees betore using this product in your facilities. CHARGEPAC is 2 trademark of Orew Cremicat Corporation, cs STAPEMENTE nsORMATION AND OATA RRESENTED HERE ARE BELL vEO 10. Bess wanaanty on Moco wanRan!” OF WERCHAN AGILI'Y OF FiNEsS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR EPAES vanes Seitts assumes seen MeSPOnsIeNrtY AND DEY ARE OF EAED SOLELY souAaye amo RELIABLE Triton ExoRS8 OF “ounconsiorma iow me naron sno vemIries Om Nee glee eat eee eee eine cae asic deen bade pod ieae Asian Headquarters C 27, Tanjong Penjurs, ‘urong, World Wide Services Singapore 2260 Drew Industrial Division ASHLAND CHEMICAL INC. SUBSIDIARY OF ASHLAND OIL, INC, USA. DREW AMEROID (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. ‘Tel: 2616544 Tolex: RS 21667 Fax: 265-0959 ADVANTAGE® 114 DEPOSIT INHIBITOR USE ADVANTAGE 114 deposit inhibitor is a highly effective, easy to feed and control, liquid treatment for steam generating systems. A’ polymer-based program, [ADVANTAGE 114 deposit Innibitor advances this proven technology by combining new, innovative polymers with proven deposit inhibitors. Deposit inhibition in ADVANTAGE 114 is accomplished by OPB-42 anti-scalant, a combination of advanced polymers. DPB-42 inhibits the formation of hardness- based scale crystals and disperses the resulting aborted scale fragments in the boiler water. This polymeric action is enhanced by sequestering agents, which also complex ‘deposit-forming cations in the feedwater and provide on- stream cleaning. Iron in the boiler water is kept in the soluble, ferrous form by an effective iron reducing agent. This action better allows the specific iron sequesterants in ADVANTAGE 414 to complex and romove iron via Blowdown. The combination of iron reducing agent and sequesterants prevents iron from forming insulating deposits. ‘The modified natural organics in ADVANTAGE 114 are absorbed by suspended solids, oil and silica compounds in the boiler water. Through this action, the agglomeration of these contaminants is minimized and they are easily removed by blowdown. Antifoam is also present to stabilize the boiler water, thus reducing the tendency of foam-induced carryover. ‘The alkali in the product raises the pH of the feedwater and boiler water to aid in the control of corrosion and does this without adding GQ to the condensate. ‘The liquid combination of the advanced OPB-42 polymers and supporting components combine to make ADVANTAGE 174 @ unique and effective product, The following chart summarizes the superiority of ADVANTAGE 114 vergus conventional treatment programs. 8 MED watowws —<=s DEPOSIT INHIBITOR PROGRAMS —- TYPICAL PROPERTIES ‘Appearance lear, dark brown liquid ‘Specific Gravity at 25°C 1.23 - 1.27 pH (neat) 13.0 (min) Freeze Point 30°F (0°C) Flash Point (PMCC) None. APPLICATION ADVANTAGE 114 deposit inhibitor is fed to the preboiler section, neat or as a dilute solution. The preferred feedpoint is to the feedwater line, downstream of the feedwater pump, through stainless steel piping and injection quit “The dosage is dependent upon feedwater analysis as well as boiler operating conditions. Because this product does rot have to react stoichiometrically with feedwater impurities, stringent control is not required. ADVANTAGE is a repistered trademark of Ashchem |.P., Inc, used by Drew Industrial Division, MALL STATEMENTS, INFORMATION AND OATA PRESENTED HEREIN ARE QELIEVED 10 86 ACCURATE AND RELIABLE BUT ARE MOY ID BE TAKEN AS & Suid feet pase wannany on mrcico WARRANT” OF MERCHAN Baik MPon ritwéss ron AeAmricuLan PURPOSE, OR REPRESENTATION. EXPRESS SEE TE a oe eee eetponsient’. ano THEY Ane OFFERED SOLELY FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION, INVESTIGATION AMD Re ee ee see ce ConCEAVING POSSIBLE USE OF THHS PRODUCT ARE WADE MTHOUT REPREGENTATION OR WARRANTY THAT © 1901 Ashland Chomical Inc, All Rights Reserved. y Asian Headquarters Drew Industrial Division ASHLAND CHEMICAL INC. SUBSIDIARY OF ASHLAND, INC. USA DREW AMEROID (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. e 27, Tanjong Peniuru, Nore ‘wide Services Sgeper anes Tales zorbsea Toler: AMEROWO RS 21867 Fax: 652600059 »_ snes PRODUCT DATA CATALYZED SULFITE™ Corrosion Inhibitor General CATALYZED SULFITE corrosion inhibitor consists of sodium sulfite blended with a specially selected catalyst. tt is used to prevent corrosion in a steam generating system by removing dissolved oxygen from feedwater and boiler water. CATALYZED SULFITE reacts rapidly with oxygen in water to provide greater protection to the boiler and preboiler sections, particularly where mechanical deaeration is ‘Rot complete. Typical Properties Free flowing white powder 90 tbs. per cubic foot 23% at 75°F pH of 1.0% solution: 10.0 Application Recommended feeding method is continuously as a 5 10 10% solution to the preboiler area, typically the deaerator storage section. Solutions of CATALYZED SULFITE may be fed with other boiler water treating chemicals, except phosphates and chelants. Recommended dosage is 8.5 ppm of CATALYZED ‘SULFITE for each ppm of dissolved oxygen in the feedwater, plus the concentration needed to maintain ‘a small excess of sulfite in the boiler. Testing and Control ‘Drew sulfite testing equipment is needed to run the necessary control test. The dosage of CATALYZED SULFITE is regulated to maintain a residual of 30 to 50 ppm as sulfite in the boiler water. For boilers operating at pressures over 600 psig, t may be necessary to maintain a lower residual. Your Drew Representative will recommend the correct dosage of CATALYZED SULFITE after thoroughly evaluating all system parameters. FDA Information CATALYZED SULFITE is FDA acceptable in accor- dance with 21 C.F.R., Section 173.310 - Boiler Water Additives. Packaging CATALYZED SULFITE is packaged in 44 gallon fiber drums, Important Information Drew maintains Material Safety Data Sheets on all of its products. Material Safety Data Sheets contain health and safety information for your development of appropriate product handing procedures to protect your employees and customers. ur Material Safety Data Sheets should be read and understood by all of your supervisory personnel and employees before using Drew's products in your facilities. CATALYZED SULFITE is a trademark of Ashchom LP, ne., used by Drew Industial Division. : ane Sates Pica — sa sed ROR Ashland Cherpeal dl Tide at be hen 28 a gurantee, exprecs waranty dattand cranica or gfe earraray of marchantab2y o ness fr a parteuls purpose, of aprosertaion, express or imped for witch seller acsumes loge cesporeity, ‘Ea wn ll) wy bry cross ad wide Sica gatos ancerg pus so pa ay ‘se nade vadoat rpesertazono wararty aay sch 30 fas of ple nga and Nt ecoreendazons rags on ay pale. ee Asian Headquarters 27 Tanjong Ponjuru ‘durona, ‘Singapore 2260 Drew Industrial Division ASHLAND CHEMICAL INC. SUBSIDIARY OF ASHLAND, INC. USA DREW AMEROID (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. Tel: 65-261-6544 Telex: AMEROID AS 21667 Fax: 65-265-0969 ADJUNCT™ H LIQUID corrosion inhibitor USE aApguNcr™ H Liquid corrosion inhibitor is a solution of pure alkali. It is used to raise the pH of feedwater and maintain the alkalinity of boiler water. Feedwater pH adjustment is needed to control corrosion. Adequate boiler water alkalinity is required precipitation of calcium ium hardness as the sludges and to prevent corrosion. TYPICAL PROPERTIES ‘Appearance Clear to slightly hazy water-white Liquid specific Gravity at 25°c 1.52 Freeze Point APPLICATION ADJUNCT H Liquid should be metered continuously as a solution to the preboiler section or directly to the boiler. This product may be mixed with other boiler water treatment chemicals. CONTROL 10°F (-12.2°C) Equipment to determine both the hydrate alkalinity via the barium chloride method and the pi of boiler feedwater is neoded for dosage regulation. The dosage of ADJUNCT H Liguid is adjusted to iced excess of 200 to 400 ppm of hydrate alkalinity {expressed as calcium carbonate) in the boiler water. Your Drew Representative will recommend the correct dosage of ADJUNCT H Liquid after thoroughly evaluating all system paramete: EDA INFORMATION ApguNcT™ H Liquid corrosion inhibitor is FDA acceptable in accordance with 21 C.P.R., Section 173,310 - Boiler Water Additives USDA INFORMATION ADJUNCT H Liquid is authorized by the United States Department of Agriculture for treating boilers where the steam produced may contact edible products = in federally inspected meat and poultry plant: PACKAGING ADJUNCT H Liquid deposit inhibitor is packaged in 38 kg pails or 146 kg “drums. Do not store where Product will freeze. BWT-DS-10 Rev. 4 ‘ters, ramaton ard at pacrad ar ar baeved wb sca and aie bt ee ot bbe ah a guar, x rinoid vara = tesa pale pub. o aot ep Orogied rcs ate umes open, AMMAR Chemical {2d ay ae ore sy or et crsdraion,iresiaton on vertaton. Sunn © gets acer passe ues Fas POR ‘un made witout vpreeraion eareny al ty Suc use foe of patent intingemant and are not recemmencaione to intingo on any pateet, Aghland Chemical Company 1% Aaekan 20. *suoljoeod pertweays vauV SIGOHLVD MOIS NOYLO313 —> JAILOW SS37 VadV DIGONY SAILOV ¥dr 3A10SSIOQ SNOI 1VL3W — > ee SLoONGOdd NOISONYOD Wu0d 3qIXO YO 30IXONGAH SNOI TAXONGAH ERIN EEE) Psa {[89 UOJSOII09 [e91W9YI0s}99/3 H STEAM FORMATION Refer to diagram 21 Water contains dissolved solids, as the steam forms and leaves the surface these solids get left behind and it is these solids that produce scale. Dueean 21. “9[qQqngq uree4s B Jo AFI] ay} Ul SyUBSUT aALT ysodag jo ysodag jo UONNJOSSIGg [e}O, UONN|OSSIG jeUeW uoyjesodeag uoyejquacu0g —- Buljlog ayeajONN, ‘axqqna ‘ THIS IMAGINARY LINE REPRESENTS THE TEMPERATURE GRADIENT IN BOTH CASES W WITHOUT SCALE THE. AVERAGE W:WITH A LAYER OF SCALE THE AVERAGE § "++ "TEMPERATURE, OF TUBE WALL " TEMPERATURE. OF we. SO°F (3596C) IS INCREASED TO EO" fIcrC) SAN 1" 1 EFFECT. OF SCALE ON TUBE.METAL‘TEMPERATURE SCALE Note how scale effects the tube wall temperature Fron your knowledge of mechanics of materials, what effect will this have on the strength of the material. Also what will the effect be on the heat transfer rate. *(0..08%) 1.008 eaoge aseerep yyguars prides ay} aj0N ‘ernqeiod Wo} JO UOT}OUNY B sB J9a}8 UOGIeD ured jo ssezjs platx edn 001 002 oor. 00e} osz OO} 009 do ‘aumesodwe, 006 O02 00S 00€ Osh 00€ Ost Dp ‘ainyesadwiel OL 02 Oe OF 09 OL 1sd OOO! ‘sseas \NSipe Beonsg Tube. Screen Tubes. Distortion was observed. One rupture tube was found (arrowed) 200x ‘Typical replicated surface micrograph of a good boiler tube. Micrograph exhibits grain structure of pearlite and ferrite. 200% Typical replicated surface micrograph of a deteriorated or overheated boiler tube micrograph exhibits spheriodized carbides in ferritic matrix. Co Steam Drum. Surface replicated micrograph at 200X revealed satisfactory grain structure of ferrite and pearlite. Water Drum. Surface replicated micrograph at 200X revealed grain growth (over-heated). ‘Appearance of the longitudinal crack on condenser tube 200X ‘Transverse cross-section of condenser tube. Micrograph revealed cracks propagating from the outer wall. The cracks are predominantly intergranular in nature. Boiler tube inner wall revealed localised corrosion (arrowed) Macro-sectional view of boiler tube sample showing broad and deep crater-like pit Examples of boiler failure and the swelling and distortion of the main flue tube caused by overheating of metal By courtesy of Government [ss erat hat tncry Depart sysodep yes Aq pesneo eqn, se}eaysedns 40 uoIso0D & Buweoy 49/10g Aq pasneo eqm JejBeysedns uo ysodeq z JejSuey yeey peonpai Aq pesneo eqn) aly jo uOMOISIG L ebewep yeel6 esneo ued sIjeM J8}}0G BU} UO {10 40 10Ae| uly) uaa e UaAs jOaye Buye;nsul Sil JO esneoeg “uONeUIWEIUOD |10 105 Pe10j!UOW eq Pinoys Je}!0g ey} 0} peunje. eyesuepuoo ey, ‘suiejshs e@bueyoxe uo! ul payee. 40 payeyidioaid seyyie eye suo! niseubew pue wnjojeo pajuem -UN ey] “Sieyy pues YBnoiy) perowes eye Jeyem pea} ayy ul seed eb1e7 juau}e81) Je}eMpec4 by courtesy of CS.C. KEMICO BHD. Pitting corrosion in top half of boiler tube. ‘More severe pitting and perforation of tube in bottom half, No. 2 By courtesy of CS.C. KEMICO BHD. Scales and deposits foul the internal of a boiler tube z x(s) x | FLOW (GPM) =1800 Vv WHERE: X = DISTANCE IN FEET Y = DISTANCE IN FEET S=CROSS SECTIONAL AREA, IN SQUARE FEET, OF THE PIPE OR PORTION OF THE PIPE FILLED BY THE STREAM. FIG. 7.18 Measurements needed to measure flow by the coordinate method. ~——— aT, LEAST 6 X D (IN INCHES) FIG. 7.19 Measurements needed for the California pipe method. fo) HOOK GAUGE FOR MANUAL MEASUREMENT OF HEAD OR, USE STILLING WELL AND FLOAT INSTRUMENTATION WEIR BOX DESIGN INLET STILUNG = WEIR. COMPARTMENT BAFFLE DIMENSION A—V-NOTCH— 12” MINIMUM —RECTANGULAR—AT LEAST 3 TIMES THE HEAD (H) DIMENSION B—ABOUT 18° BOTTOM OF WEIR NOTCH MUST ALWAYS BE HIGHER THAN OUTLET, TO INSURE FREE DROP OVER WEIR AT ALL TIMES. V-NOTCH WEIR RECTANGULAR WEIR DETAIL, DETAIL, debo—yek 4b i be J= ATLEAST 3 TIMES MAX. WATER HEAD ABOVE NOTCH APEX C= 90°OR 60°, WITHF = 45° OR 60° RESPECTIVELY E= ATLEASTO75D) WEIR MAY BE MADE OF 16 OR 18 GA. GALVANIZED IRON, FASTENED TO WOODEN PLANK PARTITION G= 4to8 TIMESH HOOK GAUGE = ATLEAST1.5H ° v4" DIA. HOOK ROD POINTER MOUNTED ON MOVEABLE HOOK ROD YARD STICK ATTACHED TO BACKBOARD CONSTRUCT SO THAT POINTER READS ZERO WHEN TIP OF HOOK IS AT LEVEL OF NOTCH APEX OR, ‘SPILL EDGE. FIG. 7.12 Construction of a weir box. {97

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