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Domain 4 - Professional Responsibilities (Post to your PLP)

Throughout this course, you have shown evidence in Domain 4a reflecting on teaching.
For this assignment, you will show evidence of your achievements in Domain 4:
Professional Responsibilities. Refer to pages 84-109 in Danielsons 2013 Framework for
Teaching Evaluation Instrument. Specifically, read through the elements and indicators
for each component of Domain 4. Develop a space in your PLP that exemplifies your
strengths in this domain. Include text, multimedia, artifacts, etc.
In the section in Danielson's Framework, Reflecting on Teaching 4B, it states, "As
teachers gain experience, their reflections on practice become more accurate,
corresponding to the assessments that would be given to an unbiased observer."
(Danielson, 83)
One thing that I learned from working with English Language Learners, that I think is true
working with all students, is that sometimes students know more than what teachers realize, and
sometimes students don't understand as much as teachers realize.
To me, being an excellent teacher means having the ability to see the intelligence of others and
the ability to know when students need assistance.
I feel that when I was working with the students in their independent reading station, I was
continually assessing their progress with reading. I saw the student, who is thought to be on the
autism spectrum, by many teachers, go from identifying items in the picture to being able to
identify words on the page. This was a surprise to me, but at the same time, I thought if I didn't
ask her to identify the words to match the picture, I wouldn't know if she could do it. I think the
student made great progress.
The student in my class with behavior problems, went from identifying a few words to being able
to read a book. Without noting his progress, I wouldn't have tried to have him read an entire
book to me. Within the next week or two, he read the same book to all of his friends in his group.
Another student, who had behavior issues and started taking medication during the time I was
teaching went from not being able to read to being able to read most words in a simple book. He
also was able to use his knowledge of sounds to write a sentences during a writing station I ran.
This student was one of the students who improved the most while I was at Oak Park
Elementary School.
One student who the cooperating teacher consistently argued with wanted to make sure that I
knew he was smart. Because I was polite and respectful to the student, he changed from being
somewhat disrespectful to being the most respectful student. He always looked up at me to

make sure that I noticed he was doing the right thing. This was a student who had been yelled at
for not sitting exactly on his square on the rug. This student is also an excellent student. He has
great handwriting, spaces his words, and looks at the word wall to spell every word correctly. I
know that his intelligence and potential is completely unacknowledged by the cooperating
teacher, but I think the student's confidence likely improved because I noticed what a great
student he is.

Another student I worked with went from reading easy leveled books with some assistance to
bringing in a longer book from home that she read to her mom and wanted to read to her group.
I saw a great deal of progress with a student who was the topic of conversation with the
cooperating teacher and the Title 1 teacher. At the morning meeting, the Title 1 teacher said a
certain student couldn't blend the words. I explained how intelligent I felt the student was. I
explained that in the independent reading station, she heard a book one time, memorized all of
the rhymes and read the entire book back from memory when prompted with the first word or
couple words on each page.
After hearing the Title 1 teacher's observations, I noticed when we were blending words, the
student always guessed the word 'goose.' I knew that the student simply didn't understand the
concept of blending, which breaks the words down in the smallest parts (I would call this microreading), when she could memorize poems as a whole (I would call this macro-reading.)
This student went from not being able to blend the words and identify beginning, middle and
ending sounds to reading and identifying beginning, middle and ending sounds. To help the
student understand this concept, I came up with an idea when I had extra time during a station
where we were working on a worksheet with the letter 'N'. During time at the end of the station I
blended the names of the students. For example, I would say: j - o - n, and the students would
guess the name John. Because I was relating blending to something that was easy to
understand, instead of just using random words from the teacher's manual, I think the concept
starting making sense to the student.
In Danielson's Framework, section 4b, about maintaining accurate records, it states, "In
order to plan instruction, teachers need to know where each student "is" in his or her
learning." (Danielson, 87)
Oak Park Elementary School used what they called "the SWAT team" to test for DIBELS. The
Swat team is when eight different teachers came in to the classroom and pulled out the students
for the DIBELS testing. My students met their end year goal after I was there for a month. While

I think DIBELS testing is just one snapshot of how well the students are doing, I think it is
significant that the test showed how much the students' knowledge of sounds had improved.
In Danielson's Framework, section 4c, it states, "A teacher's efforts to communicate with
families conveys the teacher's essential caring, (which is) valued by families of students
of all ages." (Danielson, 87)
I enjoyed meeting parents at arrival, dismissal and at the students' Valentines party.
The interaction that I had were short and friendly. One day after school, I spoke with to a father
at the request of the guidance counselor. His son was afraid to use the bathroom. The guidance
counselor thought the father only spoke Spanish, but he actually speaks English very well. He
said that he would talk to his son about using the bathroom. I also let him know that the school
would work with him to help his son. The guidance counselor and his speech teacher were
coming up with alternate ideas of times and places for the student to use the bathroom.
Several mother's told me how much their children enjoyed my teaching. I told them how much I
enjoyed teaching their children and that their children are excellent students. They said that it is
nice to hear something positive.
One day, when I spoke to the mom whose son had recently started medication, she was thrilled
to hear how well he was doing. I told her how well he had done in the writing station that day.
In Danielson's Framework, Participating in the Professional Community, section 4d, it
states, "teachers maintain professional collegial relationships that encourage sharing,
planning and working together toward improved instructional skill and student success."
(Danielson, 95)
At Oak Park Elementary School, the teachers would meet on Thursdays. There was always a
different focus topic. There were a few meeting where inclusion was discussed. During this time,
teachers were discussing how to improve the stations at Star Time and guided reading time,
when the Title 1 teacher and reading specialist would work with the class. I found this to be very
In Danielson's Framework, section 4e on growing and developing professionally, it
states, "teachers actively pursue networks that provide collegial support and feedback."
(Danielson, 99)
I had the personal experience of being isolated with the cooperating teacher. I did not have
enough time to go to a break room or to communicate very much with other teachers. Teachers

need to get feedback from each other. Teachers need to have someone to speak to if they are
experiencing a problem or if their students are experiencing a problem.
In Danielson's Framework in section 4f, showing professionalism is discussed.
"Teachers solve students' problems as a priority," is a statement made within the section
entitled 'Decision Making.' (Danielson, 103)
It is interesting to thing about the changes I would make had the classroom at Oak Park
Elementary School been my own classroom. I would have used foreign language in the
classroom. I would have taught some foreign language to the students, to help the ESL students
feel welcome. I would have brought snacks in for students that forgot snack. I would never
making children miss their snack as a punishment. I would speak kindly and politely at all times.
I would fill out paperwork in a timely way for students who need evaluations for their doctors to
see. I would bring severe behavior problems to the attention of others. I would acknowledge how
bright students are. I would allow students to rest and put their head down, if they seem tired. I
would include a 25 minute recess. I would give more than 5 minutes for snack time.
These are the changes I would make to solve students' problems. As I was writing the list, I
realize how much needs to be changed in the classroom I was in.
People say that all experiences should be learning experiences. I feel like I was at Oak Park
Elementary School for a reason. I think I helped a lot of students with reading and math. I also
think I helped improve the self confidence of many students. I led by example and showed the
cooperating teacher that being kind and positive improves students' academics and creates a
nice classroom environment.

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