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Kristina Olivas

William Greer
POLS 1100
February 27, 2016
John F. Kennedy
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States. His presidential
career yet short, was filled with glory and tragedy. He was best known as JFK or Jack, he is said
to be the first president to be relatable; whether it was his young age, charismatic attitude, or
charming good looks he was well loved and respected by the people of the United States.
Although some political enthusiast question why he was so beloved, they argue that Kennedy's
presidential career was nothing to be impressed about. President John F. Kennedy fell short of
greatness yet left a mark on in everyone's hearts.
Kennedy's political career did not start out with the desire to one day be president. He
enlisted in the Navy after he had graduated from Harvard, where he soon earned the rank of
lieutenant. Kennedy endured many hardships during his time with Navy but none as devastating
as the death of his brother Joseph Kennedy who was killed in a military bombing operation. The
death of his brother led John to pursue career in politics despite the injuries he suffered during
the war and illnesses he had. (WorldBiographies)
To start his political journey, Kennedy successfully ran for Congress in 1946.
According to World Biography, he worked for better social welfare programs, particularly in the
area of low-cost public housing. Kennedy was also a strong supporter of labor, working for
higher wages and better working conditions. After his third term in congress, Kennedy ran for a

seat in the U.S. Senate and won with the support of his family. While taking his seat in the U.S
Senate, Kennedy continued to work on programs to enhanced the labor force. He later became a
strong supporter of civil rights and social welfare legislation.
In 1960 Kennedy formally announced his run for president. His presidential race
against Nixon was a close one but his popularity continued to grow. His strong personality and
family presences is said to be what won the people over. (WorldBiographies). On November 9th
1960 John F. Kennedy was elected president of the United States. He became the youngest
candidate to ever win the presidency. During his inaugural speech, he spoke the lines that he
would become most famous for," Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can
do for your country.. Kennedy gives every American a voice and a responsibility with these
words. He speaks of a country that is united and the power that unity can have on our country.
Although his hopes and dreams for his country were great they became clouded in crisis and
tragedy that soon followed.
Kennedy was immediately thrown into his first crisis and oversaw a a plan and
operation originally developed with President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The Bay of Pigs was
intended to begin an uprising against communist leader Fidel Castro to overthrow his
government. Although this invasion had to take place without the disclosure of the United States
being involved and relied heavily on the local people of Cuba to continue the actions we started.
Unfortunately within the first few hours of the operation, the invasion had begun to fail because
it had not gathered the support from locals on which they relied so heavily on. (U-S-history).
Soon after our efforts to cover up our participation fell through and the invasion was deemed a

However the failed attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro did not stop Kennedy. This
would actually lead the United States into its next crisis. It is speculated that Castro was in search
of a supporting ally after the invasion at the Bay of Pigs. Kennedy would soon find out that the
Soviet Union would be installing nuclear missiles in Cuba. This began the event called The
Cuban Missile Crisis. Kennedy did not want Cuba or Soviet Union to know that the United
States had found their missile base so he kept it a secret from the public for several days until a
plan was developed.
After many long meetings and discussion Kennedy had decided to place a ring of
Navy Ships around Cuba to stop the Soviet Union from bringing in more military equipment and
to demand the removal of current missiles. He then followed by going on national television and
announced the crisis that the United States was in and the operation to stop it. He closed his
speech with a feeling of uncertainty, "My fellow citizens, let no one doubt that this is a difficult
and dangerous effort on which we have set out. No one can foresee precisely what course it will
take or what costs or casualties will be incurred." (Kennedy). The operation was deemed a
success with the agreement that the Soviet Union would remove their missiles if the United
States would remove theirs from Turkey.
Though the implement of Kennedy's plan did turn out successful, the United States
was on the verge of starting World War III. According to, the world's
power countries were on high alert after hearing of Kennedy's plan. It was thought that Kennedy
would bring the world to the brink of a nuclear catastrophe if the Soviet Union did not back
Despite the continual crisis management that Kennedy had to endure throughout his
presidential career, he did accomplish great things. Through his administration he lead the

United States towards economic growth, as well as, enhancing domestic programs. The Peace
Corps was first established on March 1, 1961 by Kennedy to encourage mutual understanding
between Americans and people of other nations and cultures. (JFKlibrary). The programed
focused on motivating Americans to go and assist underdeveloped countries to grow. According
to the JFK Peace Corps History, "From John F. Kennedy's inspiration came an agency devoted to
world peace and friendship and volunteers who continue to help individuals build a better life for
themselves, their children, their community, and their country."
All things considered, John F. Kennedy is president to be remembered. His career was
cut short on November 12th, 1963 when he was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. He was the
4th president to be assassinated and the youngest at age 46. His death laid heavy in the hearts of
Americans and numerous countries around the world.

Works Cited
JFKlibrary. "Peace Corps." John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum. Web.
02 Mar. 2016.
WorldBiographies. "John F. Kennedy Biography." Encyclopedia of World
Biographies. Web. 02 Mar. 2016.
JFKlibrary. "Cuban Missile Crisis." John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum.
Web. 02 Mar. 2016.
Kennedy, John. "American Rhetoric: John F. Kennedy - Cuban Missile Crisis Address
to the Nation." Cuban Missile Crisis Address to the Nation. Web. 02 Mar. 2016.
Swift, John. "The Cuban Missile Crisis." The Cuban Missile Crisis. Web. 02 Mar.
TotalHistory. "John F. Kennedy Biography 35th U.S. President Timeline & Life."
Totally Web. 02 Mar. 2016.
U-S-history. "Bay of Pigs Invasion." United States History. Web. 02 Mar. 2016.

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