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Lines of Latitude are horizontal and an example is the Equator.

China, Mongolia, and Taiwan contain various physical features
Natural resources in China include coal, lead, tin, tungsten, and
timber; Taiwan-farmland, sugarcane, tea, bananas; Mongolia-coal,
iron, tin, livestock
China contains various physical features including the worlds tallest
mountain peaks to the driest deserts and longest rivers
Mongolia is a land-locked area located north of China; it is dry and
rugged with vast grasslands and desert
Taiwan is off the coast of mainland China and is a green tropical
Much of the Taiwan, China, Mongolia range is mountainous
In southwest China, the Plateau of Tibet lies north of the Himalayas
The two major rivers that run through China are the Chang Jiang and
the Huang He
The Huang He floods often and brings loess or yellow fertile soil that
helps farming. However these floods cause death and devastation.
Many people live on the North China Plain because the land levels out
into low plains and river valleys which contain good land for growing
crops and ease of water access for drinking and transportation.
Typhoons are violent storms similar to hurricanes that bring high
winds and rain and can cause a lot of devastation to an area
Climate varies across China-in the southeast, it is warmer and wetter
and is subject to typhoons, in the northwest, it is dried and colder
China has a 4000 year old civilization
China was ruled by dynasties and the rules of these dynasties were
called emperors
The Chin Dynasty was the first to unite China under one
i. Greatest Chin ruler was Shi Huangdi and he ordered the
building of the Great Wall of China
Last dynasty in China was the Qing Dynasty and it was ruled by
invaders called the Manchu
Outside influences affected Chinas early history in that European
powers forced China to open up trade in the 1800s.
Previously, China limited its contact with the outside world due
to its geography and mindset that their culture was superior
Increased contact with the west exposed the Chinese to new
The 2 groups that fought for power in Chinas civil war were the
Nationalists and the Communists
Nationalists led by Chiang Kai-shek
Communists led by Mao Zedong
Ultimately the Communists would win in October 1949 and
founded a new government: The Peoples Republic of China
Mao contributed to the political and economic history of China by
allowing for the government to take over the economy and imprison
or put to death all those who opposed the communist political rule
Chinas two major religions are Daoism and Buddhism

Many Chinese blend elements of Daoism and Buddhism with elements

of Confucianism

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