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Natalie Crockett

Health 1050
Research paper

Alcohol and its Effects

I decided to write my research paper on alcohol and its effects on the
mind and body. Because alcoholism runs in my family, I wanted to find out
more about what some of the people I love have gone through, and what it
was doing to their bodies in the process. I will cover what is happening with
the body and mind when someone is dependent on alcohol and some ways
to overcome this disease.
There are many stages of alcoholism, it really depends on how much
and how often alcohol is consumed. I am going to focus on the later stages
because that is the area I am most interested in. Also, it feels like it is more
important because that is when the major problems start to take place in the
The signs connected to overconsumption and intoxication can start
with slurred or incoherent speech, poor balance and clumsiness, delayed
reflexes, stomach pains, vomiting or nausea, loss of consciousness or
blacking-out, or redness of the face during or after periods of consumption.
It is good to watch for any of these signs because the person could have

alcohol poisoning which could lead to death. These are signs to watch for
with any average drinker.
When it comes to alcohol abuse cases, there are also signs to watch
for. Loss of control over amount consumed once they begin drinking is one.
Also, regular inattention to family and professional obligations or dangerous
behaviors that carry risk of legal, financial and/or health consequences for
themselves and others. They may increase in expressions of anger or other
emotions, especially in inappropriate settings. Insomnia, which may be
followed by oversleeping could also become an issue. It is good to keep an
eye out for any of these signs so you can get that person help as soon as
As the person continues to progress with alcohol abuse they start to
become alcohol dependent. This is a time when the person starts to build a
physical and emotional need to consume alcohol, despite serious
consequences to their health and lives. When a person becomes alcohol
dependent they start to run their lives around getting the next drink. It
becomes the deciding factor in all they do. This runs many risks that can
lead to serious and permanent problems.
Signs to watch for with a person that has reached alcohol dependency
include significant hangovers, and increase in time needed to recover from
after-effects of alcohol use.

They could increase the amount of alcohol consumed because of increased

tolerance or, decrease in the effects of alcohol use without substantial
increases in the amount consumed. Also, there could be a reduction in
attention to personal and professional responsibilities. Another is that they
acknowledge side effects of medical complications from alcoholism and still
decide to drink. A person could have repeated unsuccessful efforts to reduce
alcohol consumption and show withdrawal symptoms when unable to
consume alcohol. When these symptoms are shown it is a big sign that
changes are necessary for the persons well-being.
The effects that are present in the body caused by alcoholism are
many. It can affect the brain by interfering with communication pathways,
which in part can lead to a change in mood and behavior, or make it hard to
think and move with coordination. Drinking a lot over a long period of time,
or a lot in a short amount of time (binge drinking) can lead to heart
problems. Some of the issues are cardiomyopathy (stretching and drooping
of the heart muscle), arrhythmias (irregular heart beat), stroke, and high
blood pressure. On a side note, consumption of alcohol on a moderate level
can actually help to prevent the development of coronary heart disease.
When it comes to alcoholism the liver is hit hard. It can lead to many
liver issues and inflammations like steatosis, or fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis,
fibrosis, and cirrhosis. There can also be problems concerning the pancreas.
Alcohol causes the pancreas to produce toxic substances that can eventually
lead to pancreatitis, a dangerous inflammation and swelling of the blood

vessels in the pancreas that prevents proper digestion. This can lead to pain
in the abdomen that radiate into the back.
Drinking too much alcohol can also lead to certain types of cancer in
the body. Some of these include cancers of the mouth, esophagus, throat,
liver, and breast. Alcoholism not only can lead to cancer, but it also weakens
your immune system so your body cant fight off disease as easily. Chronic
drinkers are more prone to getting diseases like pneumonia and tuberculosis
than moderate drinkers. Heavy drinking on one occasion can weaken your
immune system for up to 24 hours, leaving it open to infection and disease.
Now that I have gone over the ways that alcohol dependency can
affect your mind and body, I am going to go over the different ways that a
person with this disease can get help to a better life.
Overcoming any addiction can be a strenuous journey and is a lifelong
commitment. Some people feel it is impossible, but it is not. By finding the
right support and process that works for you, changes can be made.
First of all, you need to make a commitment to stop drinking. Some
people stay in denial about their problems with alcohol. Some people feel
ambivalent about quitting drinking. To get past this hurdle it is best to sort
out the pros and cons that come along with drinking alcohol. By
acknowledging the costs and benefits of drinking versus not drinking, it can
put some things into perspective.

The next step would be to set some goals and prepare for change. The
more specific, realistic, and clearer your goals, the better. It can be as
simple as stating that you will quit and choosing a day to quit drinking. You
can also write out a plan for days that you will or wont be drinking, being
very specific on the days and how much you will allow yourself to consume.
It all depends on if you want to completely stop drinking or just cut back. Be
very specific on when you want to stop or slow down drinking so you have a
goal set. Write everything down along with ways that can help you achieve
these goals.
When you finally figure out the details, it is good to let others know
about your plans. You can let family members, co-workers, and friends know
about your goals and ask any who drink to help support your decision.
Getting rid of any temptations will help a lot also. This includes alcohol,
barware, and any reminders of drinking. Letting people know that you
arent having alcohol in your home and that you will need to avoid situations
including alcohol will help a lot. Distancing yourself from people who dont
support your decision will have to be done. This might mean giving up
certain relationships and friends that are bad influences. Also it is good to
look back on the past and figure out what has worked and what hasnt.
Figure out what you can do differently to make it a lasting commitment.
With alcoholism, the best choice is to quit drinking completely, but if
you are an alcohol abuser and want to just cut back there are ways to set
goals and minimize your drinking habits. Set a goal for how much and when

you want to drink. Write it down and put it somewhere that can be seen
every day. Keeping a drinking diary can help to keep track of drinking habits
and where you have the biggest problems so you can prevent them later.
Pick a couple days a week to not drink at all. On those days really focus on
how you feel emotionally and physically. Eventually you can try to go a week
without drinking, and maybe it will lead to stopping all together.
Some people need more than just goals and change in their lives to
stop drinking. Going to a recovery center might be an option that needs to
be taken so they can get the correct medical help to aid them through the
detoxing process. There are many different symptoms when it comes to
withdrawals from alcohol. Headaches, shaking, sweating, nausea or
vomiting, anxiety and restlessness, stomach cramps and diarrhea, trouble
sleeping and concentrating, and elevated heart rate and blood pressure.
Withdrawals can begin within 24 hours and last anywhere from 2 to 5 days.
Some withdrawals can be life threatening, so it is best to have medical help
through the process.
After getting support and going through the withdrawals, you are to the
point where you can find a new meaning in life. The most important things
are to take care of yourself, build a support network, develop new activities
and interests, continue treatment, and learn to deal with stress in a healthy

One thing to remember is that everyone has set-backs in recovery.

The best thing to do, when or if this happens, is to take it as a time to learn
and recommit to a healthier lifestyle. This way you will be less likely to
relapse in the future.
As a person that has dealt with friends and family that are alcoholics, I
have seen the effects of this disease first hand. It is a continuous battle that
grips people and drags them into dark places. But you can get help and you
can get past it, you just need to want a change and have the courage to
follow through.

Bibliography (n.d.). Retrieved from Help Guide.Org: (n.d.). Retrieved from National Institute on Alcohol Abuse
and Alcoholism:
Timberline Knolls residential treatment center. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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