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Chapter Title: Developing Early Writing Behaviors Through Teaching
Presenters: Laura Solrzano and Beln Guillemin
Description of presentation (brief summary of the chapter plus activities
used from appendixes and/or Already Ready book). Please, include at least
one photo/video.
This chapter talks about how teachers can TEACH, PROMPT and REINFORCE
early writing behavior through language interactions.
Instead of expressions like good job, children will benefit from clear
directions that will help them grow in their ability to express meaning when
drawing and writing.
When our students work on their journal entries or book creations, teachers
are invited to use these strategies to help children write:
Teach: Start at the top on the starting point.
Prompt: What do you need between each word?
Reinforce: You left a good space between each word!
It is also helpful to describe the directionality of the letters out load (we do
this a lot with the HWT program: songs, catchy words, etc.) Children enjoy
moving their bodies in the air forming letters and the tactile experiences with
shaving cream, sand, rice, clay, chalk, etc.
Using sound analysis to construct words:
We teach our students to write phonetically or construct words by using
sound analysis. We invite our students to listen to the words and identify
each sound and represent it with a letter.
Teach: Say the word slowly and listen for the sounds.
Prompt: Listen for the sounds you hear in the first part.
Reinforce: You heard those sounds!
Using visual analysis to construct words:
Since we have the bake sale poster on the wall, some children have learned
many of the words in the list, they have recognized a pattern/ details on
some words and therefore they are now able to read or copy them.
Also, when we were writing the poster together we talked about each word.
Example: The word cookies has two os like the words book and school.
(video attached)
Monitoring and correcting words:

This behavior is related to the language interactions the teacher is using

while the child is writing or once he has finished. Example:
Prompt: Check if all the sounds in the word are there.
Revisiting text: There are many exercises you can do to help children revisit
text. Watch the video for more examples (video attached).
Using mentor text to help children draw and write:
The Pigeon Goes to School book created by kinder 10 and inspired by Mo
Willems is a good example of this behavior (video attached.)
Evidence (minutes in a bullet form from the feedback meeting where each
teacher shared how they applied the chapters content.)
N1: Teach, prompt and reinforce through a bingo letter sound game,
where the children look for the letter of the initial sound that goes with
the picture.
N2: Monitoring and correcting words while the children write their
name (they used their name card to compare the way they wrote it
versus the name on the card.) Revisiting text by writing a Q word and
then revisit the text to find words with the same sound.
N3: Teach, prompt and reinforce: Spaces on the line and flying letters.
During circle time the child would write a friends name on the helpers
board, mainly focusing on prompting and teaching new letters using
their friends names
PK4: Revisiting text: World wall on solar system vocabulary, they
would revisit these words through interactive writing.
PK5: Teach, prompt and reinforce: Mandy noticed she would skip right
from Teaching to Reinforce, rather than going through Prompt. Now,
she is more intentional about the language interactions around the
writing process.
K6: Teach, prompt and reinforce with the journals. Working on lower
cases, teaching the letters, but mainly focusing on the prompting and
reinforcement of the letters formation.
K7: Sound analysis to construct words through a set of CVC word cards
game in which children play to form words. Revisiting words through
letter boards.
PK-K8: Story creation focusing on the book format: title page, title
formation (single words for PK, phrases for K), letter formation, letter
positioning on the page. Revisiting the writing and the sounded out
words. Using mentored text to help children write. A PK-K8 student
copied a book and wrote her name as the illustrator.
PK9: Revisiting the childrens texts: looking at the text they wrote by
looking at every sound of the words. Interactive writing: children wrote
words by sounding out or just letter sounds on the board.

PK- K11: Teach, prompt and reinforce through shared writing on the
board. Revisiting text, through exercises on the board during circle
Spanish: Teach, prompt and reinforce depending on the childs level.
Monitoring the word and correcting sentences about Spring.

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