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Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Mass balance
The law of mass conservation
states that mass can neither be
produced nor destroyed

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Nama: Victor Yuardi Risonarta
S1: Teknik Mesin ITB (lulus 2002)
S2: Teknik Metalurgi, RWTH Aachen (lulus 2006)
S3: Teknik Metalurgi, RWTH Aachen (lulus 2010)
Mechanical/electrical gedung, proses metalurgi tembaga dan baja, pengelasan,
maintenance procedure heavy equipment, deep drawing


Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

We are from: Indonesia, Germany,

Italy, Belgium, Austria

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta


Definition of a system

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Definition of a system

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Change of system definition and its boundary will affect:

System mass balance
System energy balance
Energy demand and
Determination of energy efficiency

Definition of a system

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Change of system definition and its boundary will affect:

System mass balance
System energy balance
Calculation of energy demand
Determination of mass recovery and
Determination of energy efficiency

Reactor system

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

2 Reactor system based on material flow:

1. Batch Reactor, whose characteristics:
a. Material input is mainly before process starts
b. Material output is mainly after process finishes
c. However, small parts of mass can still enter and leave the reactor during
the process
d. Energy flow can be during the process
e. Example: conventional EAF, Ladle Furnace, Smith Pierce converter, LD
converter, coke oven furnace
2. Continuous Reactor, whose characteristics:
a. Materials enter dan leave the reactor during the process
b. Energy flow can be during the process
c. Example: Blast furnace, sintering machine, rotary kiln
Between these two reactor system, at many cases, there is a semi-continuous reactor.
For instance, Blast furnace can operate either as a batch or a continuos reactor

Reactor system
Exemplary batch reactor


Smith Pierce converter

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Reactor system

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Exemplary continuous reactor

EAF with scrap


Sintering machine

Rotary kiln

Reactor system
Exemplary continuous reactor

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Reactor system

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

General Rules for solving M.B. Problems

1. Draw the system as a diagram
2. Add the available information
3. Draw a dotted line around the component being balanced
4. Decide material to be balanced
5. Using chemistry, calculate the mass of its pure substance
For example:
6. Determine the M.B. equation for each pure substance
Mass input = Mass accumulation + Mass output
7. If only one missing variable, solve
8. If more that one un-balanced, repeat the procedure

Reactor system

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

General mass balance equation in a metallurgical reactor


- 6.2 %
mi,in, mi,out [kg/t]




- 9.1 %



Measuring and analysis system

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Measuring and analysis system:

1. X-Ray Fluorence (XRF) machine
2. Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) machine
3. Off-gas analysing system
4. Flow meter for gas and liquid phase
For ore materials, characterization of its chemical composition uses XRF machine.
Meanwhile, OES machine is applied for characterization of metal product

X-ray fluorescence Machine

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is the emission of characteristic "secondary" (or fluorescent) XRays from a material that has been excited by bombarding with high-energy X-rays or
gamma rays. The phenomenon is widely used for elemental analysis and chemical
analysis, particularly in the investigation of metal, glass, ceramics and building materials.

How does it work?

When materials are exposed to short-wavelength X-rays or to gamma rays, ionization of
their component atoms may take place. Ionization consists of the ejection of one or more
electrons from the atom, and may occur if the atom is exposed to radiation with an
energy greater than its ionization potential. X-rays and gamma rays can be energetic
enough to expel tightly held electrons from the inner orbitals of the atom. The removal
of an electron in this way makes the electronic structure of the atom unstable, and
electrons in higher orbitals "fall" into the lower orbital to fill the hole left behind. In
falling, energy is released in the form of a photon, the energy of which is equal to the
energy difference of the two orbitals involved. Thus, the material emits radiation, which
has energy characteristic of the atoms present. The term fluorescence is applied to
phenomena in which the absorption of radiation of a specific energy results in the reemission of radiation of a different energy (generally lower)

X-ray fluorescence Machine

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

X-ray fluorescence Machine

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta


Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) machine

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

In the Optical Emission Spectroscopy technique, atoms in a sample are excited by

energy that comes from a spark formed between sample and electrode.
The energy of the spark causes the electrons in the sample to emit light which is
converted into a spectral pattern. By measuring the intensity of the peaks in this
spectrum, Oxford Instruments OES analysers can produce qualitative and
quantitative metal analysis of the material composition with uncompromising
These excited atoms and ions in the discharge plasma create a unique emission
spectrum specific to each element, as shown at right. Thus, a single element
generates numerous characteristic emission spectral lines.
Therefore, the light generated by the discharge can be said to be a collection of the
spectral lines generated by the elements in the sample. This light is split by a
diffraction grating to extract the emission spectrum for the target elements. The
intensity of each emission spectrum depends on the concentration of the element in
the sample. Detectors (photomultiplier tubes) measure the presence or absence or
presence of the spectrum extracted for each element and the intensity of the
spectrum to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of the elements.

Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) machine

Spectral lines

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Pengujian XRD ini adalah sebuah pengujian yang dilakukan untuk

mengetahui senyawa/unsur (analisa kualitatif) yang terbentuk
pada sampel dan penentuan komposisi sampel (analisa
kuantitatif). Pengujian XRD dilakukan di Laboratorium
Karakterisasi, Jurusan Teknik Material dan Metalurgi, Fakultas
Teknologi Industri, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember,
Alat yang digunakan dalam pengujian ini adalah difraktometer
tipe Philip Analytical (seharga Rp. 5 Milyar 2 tahun lalu, diimpor
dari Belanda) dengan menggunakan panjang gelombang CuK
sebesar 1.54056 dan range sudut difraksi sinar-X antara 1090o.

X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Cara kerja:
1. Generator tegangan tinggi yang berfungsi sebagai
pembangkit daya sumber sinar-X pada bagian x-ray tube.
2. Sampel padat dan serbuk yang telah dimampatkan
diletakkan di atas wadah yang dapat diatur posisinya.
3. Berkas sinar-X ditembakkan ke sampel dan sinar-X
didifraksikan oleh sampel, kemudian berkas sinar-X masuk
ke alat pencacah.
4. Intensitas difraksi sinar-X
ditangkap oleh detektor
dan diterjemahkan dalam
bentuk kurva.

X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

5. Sampel dianalisa menggunakan XRD dengan mesin

6. Data dan grafik hasil pengujian XRD selanjutnya dicocokkan
dengan menggunakan JCPDS (Joint Committee of Powder
Diffraction Standard) untuk mengetahui senyawa yg sesuai.
7. Hasil pengujian XRD berupa
grafik antara intensitas dan
sudut pengukuran (2)

X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

11. Interpretasi konstruktif radiasi sinar-X yang telah dideteksi

oleh detektor selanjutnya akan diperkuat gelombangnya
dengan menggunakan amplifier.
12. Lalu interpretasi konstruktif radiasi sinar-X tersebut akan
terbaca secara spektroskopi sebagai puncak-puncak.
13. Dengan menganalisa puncak-puncak grafik tersebut maka
kandungan material dan struktur kristal serta komponenkomponen kristalografinya dapat diketahui.
14. Dan dari data hasil grafik dapat diperoleh persamaan untuk
menghitung ukuran kristal
15. Analisa lanjut yang dilakukan adalah analisa kuantitatif dan
identifikasi fasa. Hasil analisa tersebut akan memberikan
gambaran kondisi pengukuran serta sifat-sifat kristal, yaitu:
posisi, tinggi dan lebar, serta puncak difraksi.

Exemplary application of XRD Analysis

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Berdasarkan kemungkinan pembentukan carbides, pembagian

elemen yang terdapat di produk baja:
1) Elemen yang tidak membentuk carbides di baja (contoh Ni,
Si, Co, Al, Cu and N)
2) Elemen yang membentuk carbides stabil di baja (contoh Cr,
Mn, Mo, W, V, Ti, Zr, and Nb).
Elemen alloy yang membentuk carbide stabil di baja dapat
ditemukan dalam bentuk chemical compounds dengan carbon
and besi atau sebagai solid solution. Distribusi elemen-elemen
ini tergantung pada kandungan carbon di baja dan kehadiran
elemen lainnya.

Exemplary application of XRD Analysis

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Efek kehadiran carbide di baja:

1. Menaikkan kekerasan
2. Menaikkan Yield Strength
3. Menaikkan UTS
4. Mengurangi keuletan
5. Mengurangi kemampuan deep drawing
Karena properties yang keras, salah satu carbide yaitu Tungsten
Carbide bahkan digunakan sebagi indentor di Brinnel test untuk
mengukur kekerasan.

Exemplary application of XRD Analysis

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Aplikasi XRD: Mendeteksi kehadiran karbida yang memiliki kekerasan beratus kali

Exemplary application of XRD Analysis

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

PbS mempunyai titik penguapan yang rendah dimana slag dari proses belum
mencapai titik lelehnya. Kehadiran PbS bisa dideteksi menggunakan XRD karena
spectrometry dan SEM EDAX hanya bisa mendeteksi kehadiran Pb dan S sebagai
unsur, tapi tidak bisa PbS sebagai senyawa

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Scanning Electron Microscope adalah jenis mikroskop yang

menampilkan gambar morfologi sampel dengan memanfaatkan
sinar elektron berenergi tinggi dalam pola raster scan.

Cara kerja SEM adalah:

1. Menembakkan elektron dari electron gun lalu melewati
condencing lenses dan pancaran elektron akan diperkuat
dengan sebuah kumparan
2. Setelah itu elektron akan difokuskan ke sampel oleh lensa
objektif yang ada di bagian bawah.

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

3. Pantulan elektron yang

mengenai permukaan sampel
akan ditangkap oleh
backscattered electron detector
dan secondary electron detector
yang kemudian diterjemahkan
dalam bentuk gambar pada

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Beragam pembesaran, dari sekitar 10 kali hingga 100.000 kali.

Back scattered Electron (BSE) adalah dimana elektron yang
tercermin dari sampel oleh hamburan elastis. BSE sering
digunakan dalam analisa SEM dengan spektrum yang terbuat
dari sinar-X. Gambar BSE dapat memberikan informasi tentang
distribusi unsur-unsur yang berbeda dalam sampel.

Off-gas analysing system

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Off-gas analysing system

Infrared CO and CO2 Measurements
The most common principle of CO and CO2
measurements is the infrared gas analysis.
The infrared measurement applies a
principle that each gas species absorbs a
particular wave, e.g. approximately
4.3 microns (m) for CO2 and
approximately 4.7 microns for CO. The CO
and CO2 concentrations in the off-gas are
measured by using a non-dispersive
infrared, NDIR, spectroscopy, which
comprises the sampling chamber and the
reference chamber.

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Off-gas analysing system

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Infrared CO and CO2 Measurements

How does it work?
The infrared light from the infrared source is discharged toward the infrared detector
by passing through the sampling chamber as well as the reference chamber. Both
chambers have identical main components, i.e. an infrared source, two focussing
lenses, a chamber, an infrared filter, and an infrared detector. The infrared filter limits
the light transmitted through the sampling chamber to a narrow range of
wavelengths. This infrared filter eliminates all lights except the gas species with the
specific wavelengths, i.e. CO and CO2. The infrared detector measures the
absorbance at the specific wavelengths and provides the measurement signal. The
other gas molecules, which do not absorb the infrared light at this specific
wavelength, do not affect the amount of light reaching the infrared detector. The
amount of light reaching the infrared detector is then compared with the infrared
light passing through the reference chamber. This therefore reflects the CO and CO2
concentrations in the sampling chamber, since the absorbance of an infrared light at
particular wavelengths is directly proportional to the CO and CO2 concentrations in
the off-gas.

Off-gas analysing system

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Paramagnetic O2 Measurements
In a paramagnetic sensor, the oxygen concentration is determined through the
measurement of gas magnetic susceptibility. The paramagnetic measurement
exploits the relatively strong paramagnetic behaviour of oxygen molecules. Other
gases, e.g. N2, NOx, and CO2, do not indicate this paramagnetic behaviour. The most
well known paramagnetic O2 sensor is the dumbbell type sensor, which consists of
two main parts, i.e. the measuring device and the auto-null system. The thin wire
and the electric circuit serve both main parts. The measuring device part consists of
the magnetic sources and the ball called dumbbell containing the nitrogen gas.
The infrared source and the mirror belong to the auto-null system. The dumbbell
pair connected with a thin wire is located between the permanent magnets as the
source of a non-uniform magnetic field.

Off-gas analysing system

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Paramagnetic O2 Measurements
Oxygen molecules have three degrees of freedom. The magnetic field between the
magnetic sources reduces these 3 degrees of freedom into 2 degrees of freedom. The
oxygen's paramagnetic property causes the off-gas sample containing oxygen to move
within the magnetic field caused by the magnetic sources. This oxygen movement
rotates the dumbbell pair so that the change of the oxygen concentration influences
the measured torque. The generated signal due to the dumbbles torque is used by the
microprocessor to accurately determine the oxygen concentration in the off-gas.

Challenge in off-gas system

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Existing challenge for off-gas system of metallurgical process:

Energy loss through off-gas
CO and CO2 emissions
Dioxin emissions
Acid raid: NOX and SO2

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Energy balance
The 1st law of thermodynamics:
Total energy of an isolated system is
constant, energy can be
transformed from one form to
another but cannot be created nor

Recall: Definition of a system

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Recall: Definition of a system

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Change of system definition and its boundary will affect:

System mass balance
System energy balance
Calculation of energy demand
Determination of mass recovery and
Determination of energy efficiency

The Sankey Diagram

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

The Sankey Diagram is usually used to visualize the energy input and output of a furnace

Equation of energy balance

Source of energy input at a furnace:

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Source of energy output at a furnace:

Preheated air for combustion


Fuel combustion


o Oil

Alloying element

o Coal /coke

Liquid metal

o Fat

Metallurgical reaction

o Natural gas

Radiation loss

o Tyre, etc.

Cooling water

Preheated scrap and alloy

Preheated furnace
Metallurgical reaction
Electrical energy (if any)

Conduction loss

Energy input - Combustion energy

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Form of fuel:

Gas, e.g. Natural gas, LPG

Combustion enthalpy =

Liquid, e.g. Diesel, Marine Fuel Diesel

Combustion enthalpy =

Solid, e.g. coal, coke

Combustion enthalpy =


Heating value [kJ/m3]


37 012 to
42 592


39 992


69 923


59 388

Type of coal

Heating value [kcal/kg]

4 000

Sub bituminous

4 000 to 5 800


5 800 to 8 000


8 000

Energy input - Combustion energy

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Energy input - Combustion energy


Physical Spec Coal

Chemical Spec Coal

Coal types




86 98% C, water content < 8%


68 86% C, water content 8


Sub Bituminus

54 67% C, water content 11



25 53% C, water content 35


Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Energy input - Combustion energy

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Energy input - Combustion energy

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Energy input - Combustion energy

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Energy input Metallurgical reaction

Type of reaction

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta


1. For oxidation reaction, the reaction is always exothermic (negative enthalpy of
reaction, producing heat). For reduction reaction, it is always endothermic reaction
(positive enthalpy of reaction, need heat)
2. For complex reaction, we must use a thermodynamic software to calculate the
enthalpy reaction more accurately

Energy input - Oxidation reaction

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

Energy output off-gas

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

The energy output as off-gas can be determined through off-gas measurement

i = O2, CO, CO2, NOX, and other gas components

Cp = a + b.10-3 T + c.106 T + d.10-6 T2























Energy output Liquid metal

Dr. Victor Yuardi Risonarta

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