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Day 4

Technology Workshop Lesson Plan


Classroom Instructors Grades 9-12


Differentiation using assistive technology

Participants must be able to navigate a search engine, send email (for assignment submission), and
understand basic software such as Microsoft Office.


Participants will describe how differentiation in the classroom contributes to enhance

student learning in blog post.

Participants will demonstrate how assistive technology tools can be incorporated in the
classroom by creating a lesson plan by including at least three (3) tools.

2. Design and develop digital age

learning experiences and assessments
c. Customize and personalize learning activities
to address students diverse learning styles,
working strategies, and abilities using digital
tools and resources


How Will This

Lesson Be

(International Society for Technology in Education)

Internet Connection
Curriculum materials for planning
1) Watch instructor-made screencast presentation on differentiation using assistive technology
2) Read instructor-made article on differentiation using assistive technology examine specific
tools such as website builders.
3) Complete Activity 4.1 in which participants will write a summary describing how
differentiation in the classroom contributes to enhance student learning in a blog post on the
Blog Page.
4) Complete Activity 2.2 in which participants will create a lesson plan including at least three
(3) assistive technology tools.

Activity 4.1 will be used to evaluate fulfillment of Objective 1- Describe inquiry based instruction
by including at least three (3) ways this learning style impacts student learning a blog post.
Activity 4.2 will be used to evaluate fulfillment of Objective 2- demonstrate how inquiry based
instruction using Web 2.0 tools enhances student learning by creating at least one (1) inquiry based

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