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Origin: The earliest Buddhist texts date back
to around 1500BC, but Hinduism may still be
even older.
Major texts:
a) The Bhagavad Gita- A synthesis/theory of
Dharma, bhakti, and yogic ideals
b) The Upanishads- On the nature of reality and
the path to human salvation
c) The Vedas- Four pieces of revelation
concerning Hinduism
d) The Brahmanas- Commentaries on the Vedas

Hinduism Continued
Karma is either the good or bad deeds
someone does in his or her life. If someone
accumulates a lot of good Karma, then one
will move up in placement during there
next life.
Reincarnation is the series of births and
deaths that occur throughout someones
Nirvana is perfection. It concerns
transcending reincarnation through Karmic
actions and enlightenment in order to join
the universal soul.

Hinduism Continued
The caste system divides people into social
classes. These castes are very strict and
hereditary. People are born into a caste
and remain there throughout their lives.
There are five classes:
Brahminthe priest class
Merchantsthose who engage in trade
Untouchablesthose who deal with any type
of human waste, disposal of carcasses, etc.

Hinduism Continued
Again and Again
The Four Life Stages
the student
the householder
the retired person
the ascetic

The Four Life Goals

Dharma is the practice of virtue.
Artha is the goal of success and achieving
Kama is the pursuit of pleasure.
Moksha is a rejection of all the life-affirming
goals and a pursuit of release from life.

Hermann Hesse
Born July 2, 1877 in the town of Calw in
Wrttemberg, Germany.
Son of two Lutheran missionaries in India.
Hesse rebelled against his parents and
their religion early on.
Psychoanalysis: psychological therapy that
aims to treat mental disorders by
investigating the interaction of conscious
and unconscious elements in the mind.
Hesse received psychoanalysis while
writing Siddhartha.

Hesse continued
Writing Siddhartha:
Siddhartha was printed in 1922. The writing
process spanned 3 years starting in 1919
and going to 1922. After writing the first
two section quite rapidly, Hesse took an 18
month break before finishing the third
section because he was unsure how to
finish it.

Carl Jung: The man, the

myth, the legend
Who was he?
Carl Jung was a psychologist famed for his
version of analytic psychology. He was a
student of Sigmund Freud.

How does he know Hesse?

After his fathers death, Hesse underwent
psychoanalysis at the hands of Josef Land,
who was a student of Jung. Through Land,
Hesse and Jung became acquainted.

Carl TMTMTL Jung

What is Jungian Theory?
Psychoanalysis, on which Jungian theory is based, is a
system of psychological therapy. It investigates the
interaction of the conscious and the unconscious within
the mind, which in turn brings out repressed fears and
conflicts into the conscious mind. This process is done
through dream interpretation and association.

The main components?

Archetypes are symbols and patterns with which we
come into contact through art and literature. The
meanings of these symbols are hidden in our collective
unconsciouswhich is a type of primal memory. Jung
believed that we experienced archetypes as symbols in
our dreams, and that by analyzing dreams we could
uncover the workings of our unconscious minds.

Carl TMTMTL Jung

Continued Again
Archetypes in literature:
Good literature can affect us on almost a primal level. For
example, a story can have similar affects on people all
over the world. Sometimes we dont even know why we
are affected by a story, only that we are moved. Jung
would identify this effect as our response to archetypal
patterns in our collective unconscious.

Archetypes in Siddhartha
Quest novel

Jung Continued Again,

In Jungian terms, to become individuated,
you must recognize all aspects of the
individual within yourself that distinguish
you from others. When your persona (who
you present yourself as in public) is in
harmony with this individuated self, you
are self-actualized and on the road to
perfection or Nirvana.

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