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Third English Class

By Danissa Rebolledo

Yesterday (yesterdei) = ayer
Today (tudei)= hoy
Tomorrow (tumorrou)= maana
Night (nait)= noche
Morning (morning) = maana (sale el sol)
Afternoon (afternun) = tarde
Evening (ivening) = anochecer

Verbo to be interrogativo
Se usa para preguntar. soloinvertimos el

orden de el pronombre y el verbo ser:

Am Ipretty? (em ai preti?) Soy yo linda?
Are youRichard? (arr yu richard?)eres tu
Are westudents? (arr gi student) Somos
nosotros estudiantes?
Are theynew? (arr dei niu) Son ellos
Is ita dog? (is it ei dog?) Es un perro?

Pon en orden las palabras para hacer

preguntas.(Put the words in order to make

are/Gastn and joe/they?
are/we/Richard and Brian/?

Verbo to have presente del indicativo

(simple present)Significa "haber" y
"tener" en castellano.
I have (ai jav) Yo he/tengo
You have (yu jav) tu has/tienes
We have (gi jav) Nosotros hemos/tenemos
They have (dei jav) Ellos/ellas han/tienen
He has (ji jas) El/ha/tiene
She has (shi jas) ella: ha/tiene
It has (it jas) El/ella: ha/tiene

Forma abreviada verbo to

have tiempo presente
I have


You have

Youve (yuv)

We have

Weve (giv)

They have

Theyve (deiv)

He has

Hes (his)

She has

Shes (shis)

It has

Its ( its)

Verbo to have en pasado

(simple past)
I had (ai jad) Yo haba/tena /hube/tuve
You had (yu jad) Tu habas/tenas

We had(gi jad) Nosotros habamos/tenamos
They had (dei jad) Ellos/ellas haban/tenan
He had (ji jad) El haba/tena /hubo/tuvo
She had (shi jad) Ella haba/tena /hubo/tuvo
It had (it jad) El/ella haba/tena /hubo/tuvo

Negative form to have presente

simple (la forma negativa del verbo)
I have not (ai jav not) Yo no he/tengo
You have not (yu jav not) tu no has/tienes
We have not (gi jav not) Nosotros

They have not (dei jav not) Ellos/ellas no
He has not (ji jas not) El no /ha/tiene
She has not (shi jas not) ella no : ha/tiene
It has not (it jas not) El/ella no : ha/tiene

Forma negativa abreviada verbo

to have tiempo simple present
I have not

I havent (ai javent)

You have not

You havent (yu javent)

We have not

We havent (gi javent)

They have not

They havent (dei


He has not

He hasnt (ji jasent)

She has not

She hasnt (shi jasent)

It has not

It hasnt (its jasent)

Forma negativa to have

pasado simple (simple past)
I had not (ai jad not) Yo no haba/tena /hube/tuve
You had not (yu jad not) Tu no habas/tenas

We had not (gi jad not) Nosotros no
habamos/tenamos hubimos/tuvimos
They had not (dei jad not) Ellos/ellas no
haban/tenan hubieron/tuvieron
He had not (ji jad not) El no haba/tena
She had not (shi jad not) Ella no haba/tena
It had not (it jad not) El/ella no haba/tena

Forma negativa abreviada verbo

to have tiempo pasado simple
I had not

I hadnt (ai jadent)

You had not

You hadnt (yu jadent)

We had not

We hadnt (gi jadent)

They had not

They hadnt (dei


He had not

He hadnt (ji jadent)

She had not

She hadnt (shi jadent)

It had not

It hadnt (its jadent)

Sin embargo para negar en pasado el verbo

to have se prefiere hacer de una manera

distinta a hadnt.
Lo veremos mas adelante

El verbo "to have" se puede utilizar como un

verbo ordinario y en este caso tiene el

significado de "tener":

I have a car. (ai jav ei car) Yo tengo un auto

She had a dog (shi jad ei dog) ella tuvo un
Y tambin se utiliza en algunas expresiones

con el sentido de "tomar":

she has a bath (shi jad ei bath) ella toma un

I had a drink yesterday (ai jad ei drink
yesterdei) tom una bebida ayer

Verbo "to do" presente simple

I do (ai du) Yo hago
You do (yu du) Tu haces
We do(gi du) Nosotros hacemos
They do (dei du) Ellos/ellas hacen

He does (ji das) El hace

She does (shi das) Ella hace
It does (it das) El/ella hace

Verbo "to do" pasado simple

I did (ai did) Yo hice
You did (yu did) Tu hiciste
We did (gi did) Nosotros hicimos
They did (dei did) Ellos/ellas hicieron
He did(ji did) El hizo
She did (shi did) Ella hizo
It did (it did) El/ella hizo

Forma negativa verbo to do

I do not (ai du not) Yo no hago
You do not(yu not) Tu no haces
We do not(gi not) Nosotros no hacemos
They do not (dei not) Ellos/ellas no hacen

He does not(ji not) El no hace

She does not(shi not) Ella no hace
It does not(it not) El/ella no hace

Negative form abreviada

I do not

I dont (ai dount)

You do not

You dont (yu dount)

We do not

We dont (gi dount)

They do not

They dont (dei dount)

He does not

He doesnt (ji dosent)

She does not

She doesnt (shi dosent)

It does not

It doesnt (its dosent)

Negative form for the verb "to

do" in simple past
I did not (ai did not) Yo no hice
You did not (yu did not) Tu hiciste
We did not (gi did not) Nosotros no hicimos
They did not (dei did not) Ellos/ellas no

He did not (ji did not) El no hizo
She did not (shi did not) Ella no hizo
It did not (it did not) El/ella no hizo

Negative form for verb to be in

simple past (abreviada)
I do not

I didnt (ai dident)

You did not

You didnt (yu dident)

We did not

We didnt (gi dident)

They did not

They didnt (dei dident)

He did not

He didnt (ji dident)

She did not

She didnt (shi dident)

It did not

It didnt (it dident)

The end

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