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Seton Hill University

Greensburg, PA 15601

Daily Lesson Plan for Student Teachers

Teacher: Ms. Plute


Math: factors and multiples


Date: 04/06
Time: 1 hour
Plan approved by:
Rationale for lesson:
The students will review what they already know about factors and multiples and get additional practice with solving
problems and identifying factors vs multiples to help them on the upcoming assessment.
Behavioral Objective(s):

The students will be able to compare two numbers and prove what the LCM or GCM is between them are with 80%
The students will be able to determine if a number is a factor, a multiple, or neither to another number with 80%
The students will be able to find all the factors of a given number with 70% accuracy.
Pennsylvania State Academic Standard(s) or Common Core Standards:
Materials and/or Equipment:

worksheet on factors and multiples
Factor race game cards
Dry erase boards and markers
Factor race scoring sheet and pencil
Modifications for Individual Differences:
The student will be in a group where peers can assist their learning or the teacher can spend more time at that table
helping the students with the game or worksheet.
If a student is especially struggling they can be pulled by the teacher during the worksheet portion of the lesson to
clear up any misunderstandings or misconceptions
Anticipatory Set/ Lesson Opening:
The teacher will open the lesson by having the students discuss with a pair or group of three what the difference is
between a factor and a multiple. This is a review lesson on the topics so the students should already have a general
idea of what each of them is.
Lesson Sequence:

The teacher will ask the students to attach note cards underneath the heading factor/multiple on the board
anonymously to show what they remember about the two concepts.
The teacher will then direct the students attention to the smartboard where they will go over definitions and examples
of each term.
The teacher will have the students do the examples along with the teacher on whiteboards as an informal evaluation of
who understands the material and who is not.
The teacher will go over a number of examples until she is confidant a majority if not all the class understands the
The teacher will then introduce a game called, the Factor Race Game. The game is played in groups of 2-4 students
should they will work at their group table. The students will get a series of numbers, a timer, and a scoring sheet.
The students will then appoint a leader for the first round. The leaders job is to pick a card and time the round for
one minute. The rest of the group will find all the factors possible for a given number that they can in one minute. At
the end of the minute, the leader will record the score of each person. Each number a student gives that is a correct
factor of the initial number gets them a point.
The leader changes each round to the left until all of the initial cards are gone.
The teacher will collect the score sheets after the games to informally assess who understood and applied the concept
during the game.
Finally, for individual practice the students will be provided a worksheet on factors and multiples. There will be a
page with three columns 2 numbers and an answer column the students have to decide if the two numbers are factors,

multiples, or not related at all. That page will also be collected.

Formal/Informal Evaluations
Formal evaluation: There will be no formal grades for the lesson but the work will be collected to informally assess student
Informal evaluation: The informal evaluation assessments will be through the practice as a whole group at the beginning of the
lesson with the white boards working out the examples. Then the scoring sheets of the game will be collected to determine if
the students were able to apply what they had just went over. Finally, the worksheet will also be collected to determine if the
students understood the difference between the two concepts being studied.

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