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Srividya Sadhana Scientific Healing Prayer for Digestive

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha
Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha
Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha
Now I connect with Divine Mother Maha Tripuara Sundari,
the source of all creation, healing and power.
Now I trust unconditional love and power of divine mother
Now I accept blessings, healing and love for all of
Now my intention is to regenerate my digestive system to
the divine mothers standard for me.
I visualize before me a silvery sphere of light which
contains all the information of the divine mothers
standard for my digestive system, regenerated, diseasefree and working perfectly. I pull all the negative
information about my digestive system from my body and
place it in the divine transformer that convert into golden
light of unconditional love.
Now, as I watch, all the information about my digestive
system is made perfect.
I accept this healing from divine mother and my heart is
filled with gratitude and devotion to my real mother Maha
Tripuara Sundari.
I love you. Thank you. So be it & So It is.

Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha

Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha
Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha

Srividya Sadhana Scientific Healing Prayer for whole body

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha
Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha
Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha
Now I connect with Divine Mother Maha Tripuara Sundari,
the source of all creation, healing and power.
Now I trust unconditional love and power of divine mother
Now I accept blessings, healing and love for all of
Now my intention is to regenerate my whole body to the
divine mothers standard for me.
I go to the Akashic records where I may tap into the
source of all healing, the place of healing peace, the
fountain of joy and the river of abundance. I am wrapped
in a cloak of power, which may only be used for good. I
offer blessings of rejuvenation to every cell and organ in
this body. I offer a boodt to every process within this
body.Every organ is re-energized, every gland blanaced.
The DNA is boosted and re-charged.The purple healing
energy of divine mother fills me from the top of the head

to the soles of the feet.The emotions are calmed, and the

muscles are peacefully relaxed.I accept this healing from
divine mother and my heart is filled with gratitude and
devotion to my real mother Maha Tripuara Sundari.
I love you. Thank you. So be it & So It is.
Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha
Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha
Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha

Srividya Sadhana






-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha

Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha
Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha
Now I connect with Divine Mother Maha Tripuara Sundari,
the source of all creation, healing and power.
Now I trust unconditional love and power of divine mother
Now I accept blessings, healing and love for all of
Now my intention with this healing is to attain the
physical, mental, emotional and spiritual standard that
divine mother and I have planned for me to have now.
I go back in time, my soul knows exactly when, to before
the incident which was the trigger for me to allow skin

psoriasis into my life. From that place and time I make a

different choice.I will not follow the ways that lead to skin
psorosis, I will, instead, follow the amazing path of my
spiritual purpose.
By changing the past I have changed the probabilities of
the present moment. By removing the cause of the illness
I can release the effects and I do, easily and with grace.
Any other people involved will follow their own path and
our lives are not entangled.
The magenta colour healing energy of divine mother fills
me from the top of the head to the soles of the feet.This
healing energy corrects any gene errors in my body and
flushes any negatives out of my body and into the earth. I
can feel the build-up of energy and good health. I am open
to accept and allow the changes I need to make so that my
healing may manifest.
I accept this healing from divine mother and my heart is
filled with gratitude and devotion to my real mother Maha
Tripuara Sundari.
I love you. Thank you. So be it & So It is.
Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha
Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha
Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha

Srividya Sadhana
Immune disorders






-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha

Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha

Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha
Now I connect with Divine Mother Maha Tripuara Sundari,
the source of all creation, healing and power.
Now I trust unconditional love and power of divine mother
Now I accept blessings, healing and love for all of
Now my intention with this healing is to attain the
physical, mental, emotional and spiritual standard that
divine mother and I have planned for me to have now.
I go back in time, my soul knows exactly when, to before
the incident which was the trigger for me to believe that
my immune system was no longer serving me, but was
attacking itself, or working against my best interest. From
that place and time I make a different choice I will not
go on into illness(psoriasis), instead I will follow the
amzing path of my spiritual purpose that brings me to the
best possible version of myself.
By changing the past I have changed the probabilities of
the present moment. By removing the cause of the illness
I can release the effects and I do, easily and with
grace.Any other people involved will follow their own path
and our lives are not entangled.
The magenta colour healing energy of divine mother fills
me from the top of the head to the soles of the feet.This
healing energy corrects any gene errors in my body and
flushes any negatives out of my body and into the earth. I
can feel the build-up of energy and good health. I am open
to accept and allow the changes I need to make so that my
healing may manifest.

I accept this healing from divine mother and my heart is

filled with gratitude and devotion to my real mother Maha
Tripuara Sundari.
I love you. Thank you. So be it & So It is.
Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha
Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha
Om Aam Hreem Kroom Ehi Parameshwariye swaha

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