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1465 Jefferson Crescent.

Oakville, ON L6H3G5


Bachelor of

Intermediate Senior Divisions (English/Geography)

Concentration: At-risk Adolescents and Young Adults
Queen's University, Kingston ON 2016

Bachelor of Arts

English Literature
Trent University, Peterborough, ON 2015


Canada Scholar, Ontario Scholar

Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School, Oakville, ON 2011

Practicum Experience_______________________________________________________
Teacher Candidate
4 weeks

Collaboratively worked with the Canadian and World Studies department to

implement inquiry-based learning. Worked to develop units based on
student-developed questions through blended learning classroom using
digital applications (Desire to Learn). Employed a variety of structural
approaches (collaborative inquiry) and structural approaches (mindmaps,
classroom discussion, and self-assessment). Facilitated conversations
around current issues in Geography including sustainability, citizenship, and
the interrelationships between physical environment and human action.
Assisted with After-school literacy program providing programming to
students who are preparing for OSSLT.
Assumption Catholic Secondary School, Burlington, ON 2016

Teacher Candidate
6 weeks

Assumed classroom responsibilities for a Grade 9 pre-IB English class and

a grade 10 pre-IB English. Effortlessly worked to develop lessons which
subscribed to a blended learning classroom using digital applications
including Google Classroom, Padlet, Mindmeister, and Google Slide.
Employed a variety of structural approaches (collaborative inquiry groups)
and classroom strategies (exit cards, mindmaps) to encourage collaborative
inquiry skills within the class. Assisted with co-curricular debate team and
had the opportunity to judge the Ontario Student Debating Union
tournament alongside other education professionals.
Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School, Oakville, ON 2015

Special Education/
Resource Room
Teacher Candidate
3 weeks

Collaboratively developed literacy preparation for the Ontario Secondary School

Literacy Test in order to help prepare at-risk students for the test. Created resources
which helped students develop skills related to reading strategies, test-taking,
variety of media texts including infographics, and text connection and inferencing.
Conducted in-class sessions with two Grade 9 applied English classrooms in order
to model effective strategies for the literacy test. Worked one-on-one and in small
groups focusing on building student rapport and encouraging interest in OSSLT
Thomas A. Stewart Secondary School, Peterborough, ON 2014

Experience Highlights_______________________________________________________
Family Care

Will assist with March Break camp in conjunction with the Children's
program coordinator. Arrange meetings and approved families for camp,
ensuring proper documentation is provided. Connected with families to
provide on-going correspondence in helping secure adequate resources in
the community. Participate in the planning and promotion of family events
in conjunction with other community agencies in Halton.
Kerr Street Mission and Family Care, Oakville, ON March-Apr.2016

Senior At-Risk

Camp counselor for a non-profit organization which provides educational summer

camp programming to families who fall below the poverty line in Halton.
Responsible for 8 weeks of program development tailored towards youth ages 1014. Collaboratively worked with other camp staff including director, senior staff,
and junior counselors to ensure adequate programming for all interests, ages, and
needs were met. Team Lead for the 11/12 age division which included managing
camp staff as well as modelling positive leadership, engagement, and structure for
those entrusted in my care.
Kerr Street Mission and Day Camp, Oakville, ON, June-Aug 2015

Network Staff

Responsible for assisting with Off-Campus and Mature students with their
transitions to university through regular correspondences. Connected students to
on-campus resources, services, and activities to ensure positive relations with their
College and University. Collaboratively worked with other on-campus departments
to run Off Campus Social and No Stress November workshop to provide students
opportunities to interact with organizations, professors, and resources on-campus.
Office of Student Affairs, Trent University, Peterborough ON Aug-Dec 2014

Senior Outreach

Student-led organization which aims to provide literacy opportunities to all

ages within the Peterborough Community. Matched seniors with student
volunteers to provide one-on-one companionship through Riverview Manor
Senior Home. Collectively organized training, workshops, and professional
development conference for volunteers including Annual Literacy
Conference, Re-Training Day, and Program Training.
Trent Students for Literacy, Trent University, Peterborough, ON 2015

Community and
Human Issues

Education Student Association to provide education-related events,

workshops, and activities to promote on-going professional development
amongst teacher candidates. Co-ordinated activities in conjunction with
executive including Learning Disabilities professional development, School
Supply Drive, Charity Formal Fundraiser. Attended weekly meetings, and
promoted community-led events.
Queen's-Trent Concurrent Education Student Assoc., Trent University,

Professional Development and Skills______________________________________________

First Aid, CPR

Medic First Aid CarePlus CPR and AED. July 2015.

B. Ed Workshops

Mental Health in the Classroom Workshop Part 1,2,3 (2015)

BYOD Technology Conference (February 2015)
Queen's Conference on Education January 2015
Frontier College Annual Literacy Conference (2014-2015)
Queen's-Trent Concurrent Education Conference (2011, 2013, 2014)

Personal Interests_____________________________________________________________

Champlain College Peer Support Leader

Concurrent Education Student Association Conference Coordinator
ISW Charity Executive Committee Member
Trent Students for Literacy Conference Coordinator, Penpal Volunteer
Academic Note-Taker.

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