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General Info

Expanding and Analyzing Your Supporting




Lesson Plan


SWBAT expand their use of supporting details by practicing how to analyze them.
SWBAT to complete an outline of their essay.

Do Now:
0-5 min

In your journal:
o Could you be someones hero? Why or why not? Explain your answer.

Whole Group
5-10 min

Class share out

Objective and
Action Plan:
11-13 min

13-33 min

Goal: Students will write a 4 paragraph argumentative essay by March 7th (next Monday)
o The essay MUST include:
An Introduction Paragraph with a claim
2 Body Paragraphs
EACH with a key reason/idea
EACH with AT LEAST 2 supporting details
A Conclusion Paragraph
PROMPT: What makes a person a hero? Write a 4 paragraph essay arguing who your hero is
and why they are a hero.
Introduce todays objectives (have a student read them aloud)
Give Action Plan for the day
o Mini Lesson: Expanding Your Supporting Details (20 min)
o Introduction Review (5 min)
o Independent Work Time: Complete an Outline (15 min)
o Cleanup and Homework (2 min)
(5 min) Notes
Todays focus is on explaining and analyzing evidence
Read aloud chart (3 students)

Step 1-Organizing
Transfer your work from your graphic organizer to your outline:
Write your Claim from your graphic organizer under Claim Statement in
the outline
Write your Key Ideas/Reasons from your graphic organizer next to the
stars in the outline
Write your Evidence/Supporting Details from your graphic organizer
next to the dashes in the outline.
Create your Analysis of your evidence/details next to the dots in the
outline (you need to add these during the outlining phase!)
Step 2-Writing

Ask yourself these questions to write your analysis:

Why did I choose to include this piece of evidence?
Think about why you consider this evidence an important piece of
information for your reader to know.
How does this example support my key idea/reason?
Think about how the example shows the quality of a hero that you
are writing about.
How does this example support my claim?
Think about how this example makes your person a hero.
Step 3-Self Check
Check if you have fully explained your evidence by asking yourself
the following questions:
Did I use a because in my analysis?
Did I connect the evidence back to the key idea/reason of the

(5 min) Think Aloud

Go through the steps out loud for the students.
Ask the questions aloud and let students hear my thought process aloud.
Ask students the questions along the way to have them check my work.
(5 min) Guided Practice
Together we are going to correct 1 non-exemplar explanation of evidence.
Find the problem:
Take 10 seconds and look at the example outline under guided practice.
What is missing from this part of the outline?
Have I analyzed my evidence?
Fix the problem:
Ask yourself these questions to write your analysis:
Why did I choose to include this piece of evidence?
Think about why you consider this evidence an important piece of
information for your reader to know.
How does this example support my key idea/reason?
Think about how the example shows the quality of a hero that you are
writing about.
How does this example support my claim?
Think about how this example makes your person a hero.
Check if you have fully explained your evidence by asking yourself the following
Did I use a because in my analysis?
Did I connect the evidence back to the key idea/reason of the paragraph?

(5 min) Independent Practice

Now you are going to correct 1 non-exemplar explanation of evidence by yourself silently and
Find the problem:
Take 10 seconds and look at the example outline.
What is missing from this part of the outline?
Have I analyzed my evidence?
Fix the problem:
Ask yourself these questions to write your analysis:
Why did I choose to include this piece of evidence?
Think about why you consider this evidence an important piece of
information for your reader to know.
How does this example support my key idea/reason?
Think about how the example shows the quality of a hero that you are
writing about.
How does this example support my claim?
Think about how this example makes your person a hero.
Check if you have fully explained your evidence by asking yourself the following
Did I use a because in my analysis?
Did I connect the evidence back to the key idea/reason of the paragraph?
Modeling of

Work Time:
38-54 min

(5 min) Review Pieces of an Introduction

Hook- used to grab the readers attention
o Shocking fact/statistic, expert opinion, moral statement, vivid description, or question

Context statement- what is the problem you are addressing?

o Tell your reader the main idea of your essay
o Give background for your main idea

Claim Statement- what is your opinion on the issue and why?

o It must be a firm stance. No fence sitting!
o Preview your key ideas/reasons
o Your ideas/reasons must be specific and distinct.

(1 min) Expectations During Independent Work:

We will work quietly and respect others thinking and writing time.
We will use this WHOLE time to write.
We will quietly conference with Ms. Agosto
If we get stuck on a word, we will try to sound/tap it out.
We will NOT be lazy writers! We will use our punctuation and best writing skills.
(15 min) Directions: You have 15 minutes to complete an outline for your essay
o an introduction paragraph (check after 5 min)


Homework and
Clean Up:
54-56 min

two key ideas for why this person is a hero

at least 2 supporting details (evidence) for each key idea
examples that support why this person is your hero
analysis of your examples

Goal: Students will finish their outlines.

Turn in your outline to the red classwork bin
Finish the Vocabulary Packet for hw tonight that we started last week!

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