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Indicativ prezent simplu, diateza activa

Vb auxiliare to be, to have, to do

Vb. notionale to sing, to see, to write, to understand, to look
Vb. modale can, may, must, shall/will, need

Forma afirmativa
I am/Im
you are/youre
he, she it is/s
we are/were
you are/youre
they are/theyre

I sing
You sing
He,she,it sings
We sing
You sing
They sing

I can
You can
He,she,it can
We can
You can
They can

I have/Ive
you have/youve
he, she, it has
we have/weve
you have/weve
they have/youve

I see
you see
he, she,it sees
we see
you see
they see

I may
you may
he may
we may
you may
they may

I do
you do
he, she, it does
we do
you do
they do

I write
you write
he, she,it writes
we write
you write
they write

I understand
you understand
he,she,it understands
we understand
you understand
they understand

I look
you look
he,she,it looks
we look
you look
they look

I must
you must
he must
we must
you must
they must

I shall
I need
you will
you need
he will
he needs
we shall
we need
you will
you need
they will
they need

La pers.a III-a sg. orice verb notional primeste terminatia s, es, auxiliarele au forma diversa, modalele nu isi
schimba forma.
Auxiliarele au forma lunga si forma contrasa pentru prezent simplu indicativ.
Verbele fac negativul si interogativul cu ajutorul verbului to do, mai putin to be si modalele. To have face singur
negativul in varianta britanica (have got), si cu ajutorul lui do in varianta americana.

Forma negativa
I am not/Im not
You are not/you arent
He, she, it is not/
He, she, it isnt
We are not/we arent
You are not/you arent
They are not/they arent

I have not /I havent

you have/you havent
he, she, it has not/
he, she, it hasnt
we have not/we havent
you have not/we havent
they have not/you havent

I do not/I dont
you do not/you dont
he, she, it does not/
he, she, it doesnt
we do not/we dont
you do not/you dont
they do not/they dont

I dont have
You dont have
He, she, it doesnt have
We dont have
You dont have
They dont have

I dont sing
You dont sing
He,she, doesnt sing
We dont sing
You dont sing
They dont sing

I dont see
you dont see
he doesnt see
we dont see
you dont see
they dont see

I can not
You can not
He,she,it can not
We can not
You can not
They can not

I may not
you may not
he may not
we may not
you may not
they may not

I cant
You cant
He,she,it cant
We cant
You cant
They cant

I dont write
you dont write
she doesnt write
we dont write
you dont write
they dont write

I dont understand
you dont understand
he,it doesnt understand
we dont understand
you dont understand
they dont understand

I dont look
you dont look
he doesnt look
we dont look
you dont look
they dont look

I must not
you must not
he must not
we must not
you must not
they must not

I shall not
you will not
he will not
we shall not
you will not
they will not

I need not
you need not
he needs not
we need not
you need not
they need not

I mustnt
you mustnt
he mustnt
we mustnt
you mustnt
they mustnt

I shant
you wont
he wont
we shant
you wont
they wont

I neednt
you neednt
he neednt
we neednt
you neednt
they neednt

Forma interogativa/afirmativa
Am I?
Are you?
Is he, she it?
Are we?
Are you?
Are they?

Have I?
Have you?
Has he, she, it?
Have we?
Have you?
Have they?

Do I?
Do you?
Does he, she, it?
Do we?
Do you?
Do they?

Do I have?
Do you have?
Does he, she, it have?
Do we have?
Do you have?
Do they have?

Do I sing?
Do you sing
Does he, she,it sing?
Do we sing?
Do you sing?
Do they sing?

can I?
can you?
can he,she,it?
can we?
can you?
can they?

Do I see?
Do you see?
Does he see?
Do we see?
Do you see?
Do they see?

may I?
may you?
may he?
may we?
may you?
may they?

Do I write?
Do you write?
Does she write?
Do we write?
Do you write?
Do they write?

Do I understand?
Do you understand?
Does he understand?
Do we understand?
Do you understand?
Do they understand?

must I?
must you?
must she?
must we?
must you?
must they?

shall I?
will you?
will he?
shall we?
will you?
will they?

Do I look?
Do you look?
Does he look?
Do we look?
Do you look?
Do they look?

need l?
need you?
needs she?
need we?
need you?
need they?

Forma interogativ-negativa
am I not?
are you not?/arent you?
is he, she, it not ?
isnt he, she, it?
are we not?/arent we?
are you not?/ arent you?
are they not?/ arent they?

have l not? /havent l?

have you not?/ havent you?
has he, she, it not?
hasnt he, she, it?
have we not?/havent we?
have you not?/havent you?
have they not?/ havent they?

do l not?/dont l?
do you not?/dont you?
does he, she, it not?
doesnt he, she, it?
do we not?/ dont we?
do you not?/dont you?
do they not?/dont they?

dont l have?
dont you have?
doesnt he, she, it have?
dont we have?
dont you have?
dont they have?

dont I sing?
dont I see?
dont you sing?
dont you see?
doesnt he,she,it sing?
doesnt it see?
dont we sing?
dont we see?
dont you sing?
dont you see?
dont they sing?
dont they see?

can I not?
can you not?
can he,she,it not?
can we not?
can you not?
They can not
cant I?
cant you?
cant it?
cant we?
cant you?
cant they?

may I not?
may you not?
may he not?
may we not?
may you not?
they may not

dont I write?
dont you write?
doesnt he, write?
dont we write?
dont you write?
dont they write?

dont I understand?
dont you understand?
doesnt she understand?
dont we understand?
dont you understand?
dont they understand?

dont I look?
dont you look?
doesnt it look?
dont we look?
dont you look?
dont they look?

must I not?
must you not?
must she not?
must we not?
must you not?
they must not

shall I not?
will you not?
will she not?
shall we not?
will you not?
they will not

need I not?
need you not?
needs he not?
need we not?
need you not?
they need not

mustnt I?
mustnt you?
mustnt he?
mustnt we?
mustnt you?
mustnt they?

shant I?
wont you?
wont it?
shant we?
wont you?
wont they?

neednt I?
neednt you?
neednt she?
neednt we?
neednt you?
neednt they?

La negativ si interogativ (afirmativ si negativ) auxiliarul do preia timpul, forma si persona, verbul de congjugat
ramane la forma de infinitiv scurt.
Need ca verb modal se foloseste in formele negative si interogative.

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