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In this globalized, and social media filled society, it's easier to feel more connected with

the world. However, due to our constant consumption of media from our phones/computers, once
we lift up our heads, we subconsciously dismiss whatever events we heard about as only
happening in the screen, and in some far off place that has no association to our lives. Although
our globalized society has brought people together in some respects, it has ultimately led to an
increased dissociation, and apathy from the mass population. This dissociation is not only from
foreign conflicts, but also from local/national problems as well, and though it is important to
address problems overseas, it is also necessary to put some focus into problems in our own
country as well.
Solely in the United States a renewed civil rights movement, the black lives matter
movement, has begun to combat the institutional racisms and murders that have been going on
for decades. Many people, upon hearing about these movements begin to ask themselves
questions such as why is this still going on? Haven't we won? and believe that because a bill
was passed, or because a speech was given that the movement is over and everyone can now
sleep peacefully when in truth the opposite is true. It is in part for this mentality that individual
freedoms are continuously threatened today. A majority of the population is kept just comfortable
enough that they dont feel that there is any need for change, further distancing most of the
population from those being oppressed, and nothing changes.
By seeking out the truth and by thinking critically about any person or group that claims
to have the truth, acceptance of the atrocities being committed by the U.S. government can be
attained. In addition to this the realization that hundreds of United States citizens are killed each
year by their own police, the majority of which are people of color, and the lack of coverage by
the media to these events is at times unbelievable. Due to the lack of coverage by traditional

media outlets, it can be difficult to discover the darker events that take place in the U.S..
However through a little effort in learning more about the mass incarceration and public
executions that have taken place, one can begin to realize that until everyone is free, no one is
free. Only through peaceful resistance of these corrupt regimes, can we advance those rights. It is
one thing to learn about and injustice and to realize it exists. however as stated earlier, the
population is too concerned with technology and sharing how much they care about a subject to
really do anything about it. though being concerned is good, it isn't until discussion and theory
turn into practice and action that anything will actually change. After people inform themselves
they need to speak up, and speak out about the killings of their brothers and sisters, and show, in
any way they can, that it will not be tolerated.

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