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Student names: Jocelyn, Sherri, Tania

Teacher: Pak Agung
School: Sekolah Pelita Harapan Intercultural Sentul City
Address: Sekolah Pelita Harapan, Jalan Babakan Madang, Sentul City, Bogor
Our Idea:
We are going to go to Panti Asuhan Pondok si Boncel in Jagakarsa, an orphanage,
and play educational games with the kids. We will also teach them some subjects
that they lack knowledge in, such as English. Afterwards, we are going to donate
school necessities (notebooks, pencils, pencil cases) in packets along with
sembako that we will purchase using our own money.

Need: Why this plan is needed

This plan is needed for various reasons. Because of the amount of poverty in
Indonesia, many kids cannot go to school and get an education. For the kids that
are able to go to school, many of them still struggle in learning because of a lack of
resources in the school. By going to Panti Asuhan Pondok si Boncel and providing
donations along with playing educational games and helping provide the
information and knowledge that we have on various subjects, we can help children
that in other circumstances would not be able to get that knowledge.

Purpose: How this plan will help

This plan will help in educating less fortunate children. It provides opportunities for
children to learn important subjects like english and help them explore it further,
therefore giving them more knowledge. With more knowledge, it will help make
their futures, especially opportunities to get into good schools and to create good
careers, which too often is not available for impoverished children in Indonesia.
Along with that, the food and school materials that we will donate will help them
have a better, safer, and more comfortable time in school which will enhance their
learning experience.

Participation: Who will be involved and what they do

Students: Sherri, Tania, Jocelyn, Olivia, Felicia, Adinda

Teachers: Bapak Agung
Other adults: Workers at Panti Asuhan Pondok si Boncel
Organizations or groups: Panti Asuhan Pondok si Boncel

Outcomes: What we expect to happen as the result of our work

The outcome that we are hoping for from our work is the increase in understanding
of school subjects, especially important ones like English, for the kids in the o
rphanage. Through several times of playing educational games and helping with
some form of tutoring in subjects like these, we are hoping to help kids in the
orphanage gain information on subjects that they previously might not have been
that knowledgeable on. English, being an extremely important subject, will help
them in their future careers and endeavors and even simple English skills will
hopefully be able to help raise the education for these kids.

How we will check progress and outcomes: What evidence we will collect and
how we will use it
The way in which we will check the progress and outcomes is through self check
[presumably a blog]. For the blog, we will document and journal all the steps of our
CAS from getting and preparing supplies to organizing it to the actual CAS itself,
then put it on a blog and show our journey and review how we have done. With that
information, we will be able to understand how we work and see if there are ways in
which we can improve our skills in the future.

Resources: What we will need to get the job done, such as supplies
-Educational games (prepared)
-Simple age and skill appropriate syllabus
-Good communication skills

-Materials: Pencils, pens, notebooks, rulers, erasers, and other

-Sembako: rice, flour, oil, condensed milk, tea, sugar

Gathering information about a community need.

What does the community need? As the scope of your service should relates to the
national issues, you need to think about a service project which relates to it. As a
group, you might agree to explore one of the following topics: poverty, hunger,
bullying, or environmental concern. Or you might want to help the surrounding
schools which have no decent teaching-learning facilities.

Finding out about.

What media (newspapers, TV and radio station, website, etc.) in the community
might have helpful information? List ways you can work with different media to
learn about the issues and needs in the chosen community.

Since the kids will be of a young age, around five years old and below, we
need to choose a media form that will be simple for them to understand but
still informative. The best would be oral presentation. They are still young, so
some might not be able to read or understand written words. Through oral
presentations, they could be informed about the topics we are trying to teach

To find out more about the kids in the area, we could interview the workers at
the orphanage. We could ask more about the number and age group of kids,
and what kind of subjects would be beneficial for us to help in.

Think of a person who is knowledgeable about this topic in your area , perhaps
someone at school, in a local organization, or government office. Write four
questions you would ask this person in an interview.

An interview with (name and position/ occupation) Sherni Makhijani, does regular
volunteer work for orphans and less fortunate children in Bali

1. In your experience, what is the best way to teach younger children?
2. What subjects do you think are important to educate young people about?
3. How would you teach these subjects effectively?
4. How do you make sure kids remember these lessons?

Essential Purpose or Questions

Service Idea

Play educational English games with kids in Panti Asuhan

Pondok si Boncel so that they will learn English. Donate things
including stationary packets and sembako.

Investigation of
the Need

We will teach them English as they dont know it well and it is

an essential thing to know in life.

Preparation and

To prepare for this, we will make up some simple English

games. Since they do not have advanced English and are of a
young age, we will not be doing particularly difficult or
challenging exercises. We will focus mainly on simple
translations and grammar. We will also buy the materials in
advanced and wrap them nicely.


We will be going to an orphanage in Jagakarsa, Panti Asuhan

Pondok si Boncel, and will be teaching the kids English through
fun games and then we will donate stationary and sembako

Reflection Method

We will be doing a self-reflection from the process by seeing if

we think that we made any positive changes. We will also be

observing to see if we made any progress with the kids English
skills after the service.
Demonstration to
Others (evident).

We will be taking pictures and videos of the process to show to

others as evidence of the service.

Curricular Connections

The subjects that are connected are Biblical Studies, as we are

helping as God wants us to, and English, as that is what we are

Skills being

The skills that a re being developed in the children is their basic

understanding in English. In us, our presentation and
communication skills will be tested. Our creativity and kindness
will also be developed.


Panti Asuhan Pondok si Boncel.

Four square reflection tool

What happened in the community and

what have you done? (Completed with
the evidence when you are doing the

How do I feel about doing the project?

Ideas (What can I do to improve my

service to the community? What will be
more effective project to reach the
community in need)?

Questions (what are the questions have

been answered and havent been

Personal Journal
Each student is expected to write

The following documentation must be uploaded to your e-portfolio or personal website.
Service and Action documentation will be collected at the end of each term to the Biblical
Studies teachers:

A completed the group proposal (approved by Biblical Studies teachers and parents).
Completed the group action research form.
Completed the group planning for service learning form.
Completed the personal reflections for the required activities.
An up to date service and action journal demonstrating evidence of reflection.

Each group should complete the other forms I am attaching today (Form 1 Proposal,
form 2 Action Research, form 3 Planning For Service Learning) and
3. Each student should write a personal reflection using form 4 Reflection.
Regards and blessings,

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