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DATE: _Monday, 2/23___

TIME: 2:12 3:02 ______

SUBJECT: __Math____________
GRADE: __7____
describe location in the four quadrants of a coordinate system, dilate
Sample assessment tool attached
two dimensional shapes, and apply transformations to create and
analyze designs (pg. 103)


plot points using all four quadrants of the Cartesian coordinate plane
(pg. 104)

create and analyze designs involving translations, reflections,

dilations, and/or simple rotations of two-dimensional shapes, using a
variety of tools (pg. 104)

Spatial/Visual: Visual chart paper and translation of object during modeling,
visual movement for different transformations

How will I know students have met the expectations?

Check for Understanding: Active participation in
volunteering for answers; following instructions.
Students will create a chart paper detailing their
procedure and understanding to performing
What will the criteria for level 3 look like?
Level 3 will have an organized and clear procedure
to solve translation problems. Students will complete
the chart paper answering a homework problem with
correct procedures and solution. They will
demonstrate group work and understanding through
volunteering answers.

Logical/Mathematical: Understand and develop clear procedure to

Interpersonal: class discussion and review, Cooperative group activity
Intrapersonal: Homework, understanding transformations and writing
notes in math dictionary
Bodily/Kinesthetic: Thumbs up, thumbs down; group work, physical
manipulation of shape on grid for translation, physical movement for
different transformations
Linguistic/Verbal: group discussion, volunteering answers
BACKGROUND INFORMATION:(Previous Learning/Observation)
Students have a basic understanding of translations from Where Did You Go activity and homework questions from textbook.
Students understand how to translate points from original to new point by counting on the grid.


Review of plotting on graph by asking students (Rishawn, Desiree, Lucy) to
plot points on the grid. I will also ask students the quadrants the points are in.
I will relate transformations to the movie Transformers. This will help students
build a connection between the transformations and the change that shapes
go through.
INPUT: (Modeling/Check for Understanding)
I will introduce the terms transformation and the different types (translation,
rotation, reflection) and write them on the board. I will define each type and
include a visual example for each with a square manipulative. To help
bodily/kinesthetic students, I will pair each transformation with a gesture. For
translation, I will gesture with a slide of the hand horizontal, vertical, and
diagonal direction. For rotation, I will gesture with turning the index finger in a
circular manner. For reflection, I will gesture with flipping a hand.
Think, Pair, Share ask students to turn to a partner and review the three
types of transformations. What does translation/reflection/rotation look like?
We will focus on translation for this class.
I will put a simplified translation problem on the board (attachment).
Turn to Your Partner: Students turn to a neighbor and solve the translation
problem on the board. How did the red shape translate? Blue?
Modelling: Textbook pg. 234 #4 emphasize how the original location is
DEFG. The new location has the prime symbol (DEFG). Practice with
students how to read points and ask for volunteers to write the ordered pairs of
the points. What is the translation? Look at the points. Answer: 4 units to the


I will accommodate students by

providing an entrance for ELL learners
through additional review and one-onone help during group work.
Materials to prepare:
Whiteboard and markers
Square manipulative and blank
coordinate grid
Attachment grid with shapes posted
on chart paper
Textbook pg. 234 #4 posted on
chart paper

PRACTICE: (Guided/Independent)

Group: In their table groups, students will be given a

textbook question (pg. 234 #7a,b and 8a,b) to answer
with explanation on chart paper.
Gallery Walk: The chart paper will be collected and reviewed for correct
answer and procedure. They will be posted at the front of the class so
students can reflect on translation and the procedures that other groups
Homework: Students will practice translations by completing pg. 234
#9, 10, 13


Next Steps

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