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Christianity (Western Civilization) Vs. Jihadism (610A.D.

By David Holmes

February 9, 2016A.D. Islamism

What was the major factor in the disappearance of the seven churches of Revelation in the
area that is todays Turkey? Did these churches just merely fade after the First Century? Is there
a direct connection to Islamism beginning in the seventh century (Muhammad: 570-632) that
Western and church leaders have blindly and blissfully ignored for European-focused studies?
Seeking factual historical information, I googled the
Crusades and found Prof. Thomas Madden paper: The Real
History of the Crusades. He opens his article with The







misunderstood event in European history. Most of

what passes for public knowledge about it is
either misleading or just plain wrong. Wow! So,
additionally, I consulted Robert Spensers The Politically
Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)2005 and John
MacArthurs Terrorism, Jihad, and the Bible.2001
I noted several glaring corrections to my ignorance, knowledge of
History and some of my thoughts on the demise of the seven churches.
They begin with the truths about Islam. I list 7 major truth-facts in the

From Mr. Spensers book

The Crusades were delayed

centuries of Muslim aggression.
M uslim p er secuti on of Chr i sti an s
has continued for 13 centuries
and still goes on.
Am er i can M usli m gr oup s ar e
engaged in a huge cover-up of
Islamic doctrine and history.
M uham m ad d i d n ot teach p eace
and tolerance he led armies and
ordered the assassination of his
W hat i s k n ow n today as the
Islamic world was created by a
conquests of non-Muslim lands.
The m uch-ballyhooed Golden
Age of Islamic culture was largely
inspired by non-Muslims.
Tod ays ji had ter r or i sts have the
motives and goals as the Muslims
who fought the Crusaders.

Perhaps the major factor facing America is the underlying

teaching in Universities, Seminaries, Pulpits and Schools that
there is no absolute truth. They demand that words dont
have objective meaning and one persons meaning is equal to
anothers. Now note, not only would the resultant be total
confusion but their proposition is clearly self-denying. If words
have no meaning, they arrogantly presume on our intellectual
laziness and disregard of logic to accept that their words have magical meaning! Additionally, 2
never equals 3! So, dont be fooled.
Thus, my contentions and conclusions are: not only are we grossly ignorant of significant
History and developments relating to Islamism but America and
Christians are in great danger and being blatantly deceived and lied
to. President Obamas, the Democrats and RINOs scorn for the
Constitution, rule of law and National Security are open
unprecedented evils and threats.
Yes, it is my conclusion that the seven churches failed to follow Jesus as exhorted

by John not that they werent spiritually minded but that they spiritualized
His commands rather than diligently applying them objectively to thinking and
daily life. Example, Jesus exhorts knowing and living by every Word of
GodMt.4:4 and Paul identified claimed believers as denying the faith and worse than
infidels if they did not provide for their families.1Tim.5:8 Further, unlike Jesus, John
the Baptist, Paul, Luther, Calvin and others, today we are plagued with
preaching that refuses to address personal, political and public evil, evil
teachings, open immoralities, baby murders, thefts, false promises and lies of
family members, politicians and neighbors.

As the above authors have pointed out, Islamisms leadership is corrupt, murderous, lawless and worships
a non-God of Muhammads evil mind and heart bent on domination of the West. Shall we be silent and ignore the
on-going announced War against our God, His kingdomMt.6:33 and Christianity or shall we repent and practically

stand-up with our Christian forefathers with faith and life nourished and defined by the BibleRom.12, the Constitution
and do righteousness and demand righteousness? Faith believes Him and obeys.

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