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3 Evaluation of Altemative Once all the consumers gather all the information he then evaluates the various option available to him. When evaluating the potential alternatives, consumer uses two types of information the first is the “list” of brands from which they plan to make their selection and the second is the criteria from which they planto make their decision: Beliefs and Attitude: Evaluations often reflects beliefs and attitudes. And these are acquired by ‘experiences and learnings. MAGGI has always provided its consumers with something new fromtime te time which has developed a good belief in the brand and thus has helped them to choose them from their other alternatives. Their competitors like top ramen always find it difficult on the evaluation front with magi because of strong assaciation of consumers with it. ‘Awareness set is Maggi Torn Ramen WaiWai Cup of Noodles Chings vvvyy ‘So out of the above awareness set the consumers decides to choose Maggi because after analyzing the different parameters of the brand Maggi was chosen as the best alternative among the rest leading ta its maximum market share. 4 Purchase Decision In the evaluation stage the consumer forms preferences among the brandsin the choice set, the consumer may also forman intention to buy the most preferred brand .In executing a preferred intention the consumer takes up five sub decisions Brand Dealer Quantity Timing Payment Method vyvwy In some cases consumer may decide not to formerly evaluate each and every brand; in other cases intervening factors may affect the final decision Because of the strong consumer awareness about the brand MAGGI, consumer generally prefer Maggi out of all the available brands , due to the mass distribution strate gy adopted by Maggi, any-consumer can easily purchase it from their local gracery store without wast ing much of his/her time in searching for the product , Maggi comesin various sizes like single , double and

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