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August 09, 2014

Minicurso ENEM
Type 1 - questions of literal comprehension
Answers are explicit in the text; they are essential preliminaries to work a text because if the
text is not understood it is pointless to move to more sophisticated exercises.
Type 2 questions involving reorganisation and reinterpretation
Students are required to get the literal information from the whole of the text and put them
together so as to reinterpret and reorganise information.
Type 3 questions of inference
More difficult than other forms of questions, because it requires from the student his
understanding between lines.
Type 4 questions of evaluation
Students must consider what the writer is trying to show or do through the text and how
far he has achieved it. These are, usually, the most sophisticated questions, not only
students have to analyse his response and the objective reasons for it but also measure it
against the presupposed intention of the writer.
Type 5 questions of personal response
This kind of question gives emphasis on the readers reaction to the content of the text.
Students are asked to give their opinion about the content and moreover ask them why
they feel like that. Textual evidence cannot be ignored so those responses are not based
only on the readers considerations but it involves the reader with the writer.

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM


Podem cair questes envolvendo compreenso,

interpretao, verso, traduo, sinnimos, antnimos,
falsos cognatos, formao de palavras, peculiaridades
de alguns vocbulos e gramtica implcita.

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico


Minicurso ENEM
Type 1 - questions of literal comprehension
Answers are explicit in the text; they are essential preliminaries to work a text because if
the text is not understood it is pointless to move to more sophisticated exercises.

(FUVEST SP 2010; p. 8; question 2) Segundo o
texto, no Japo,
a) o nmero oficial de desempregados desconhecido.
b) milhares de pessoas esto perdendo seus empregos e
sua moradia.
c) grande parte dos trabalhadores possui contratos
temporrios de trabalho.
d) os empregadores omitem o nmero de postos de
trabalho porque muitos no so oficiais.
e) os desempregados esto lutando para manter suas

And in Japan, where official

unemployment used to be
all but unknown, tens of
thousands of people on
temporary contracts are
losing not just their jobs
but also the housing
Opo: b

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM
Type 2 questions involving reorganisation and reinterpretation
Students are required to get the literal information from the whole of the text and put them
together so as to reinterpret and reorganise information.

(ENEM exerc.; p. 21; Ap. 2; question 3).

After reading the text, we can state about the
programme official assessment that
a) it will be scheduled when all children receive
their laptops.
b) it is not going to run until the teachers training
c) it has been running since 2007.
d) it started on the first semester of 2010.
e) it is scheduled for the end of 2010.

Zoraida Portillo
20 July 2010
() He added that the first
official assessment of OLPC in
Peru is scheduled for the end of
this year.
{Available at: []Accessed:
August 12th, 2010}
Opo: E

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM

Type 3 questions of inference

More difficult than other forms of questions, because it requires from the student his
understanding between lines.

(UERJ 2010; p. 36; Ap. 2, question 2)

Spider-Man 4 would have to go a little bit
darker than its predecessors to accurately
capture the Carnage story [...] (l. 18-19)
Homem-Aranha 4 teria que
The preview writers opinion is that the
ir um pouco "mais escuro" do
upcoming movie should evoke the following
que seus antecessores para
capturar com preciso a
(A) great anger
histria Carnage.
(B) deep regret
(C) violent disgust
(D) intense sadness
a little bit darker = um pouco
mais triste

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM
Type 4 questions of evaluation
Students must consider what the writer is trying to show or do through the text and how far
he has achieved it. These are, usually, the most sophisticated questions, not only students
have to analyse his response and the objective reasons for it but also measure it against the
presupposed intention of the writer.
(IME - RJ 2011; p. 13; Ap. 2; question1)
What does the passage imply?
a) Bursts of information improve peoples ability
to focus.
b) Scientists play with the primitive human
of responding to immediate opportunities and
c) People feel bored when they talk on their cell
phones or read their emails, nevertheless they are
addicted to it.
d) Feeling excited at work and among family
members demands creativity.
e) Being constantly fed with different stimuli from
multiple sources may make people unable to get
rid of such excitement.

A alternativa resume a idia
central do texto: muitos
estmulos tecnolgicos (e-mail,
ligaes via celular, etc.) geram
vcio s pessoas.
Opo: E

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM

Type 5 questions of personal response

This kind of question gives emphasis on the readers reaction to the content of the text.
Students are asked to give their opinion about the content and moreover ask them why they
feel like that. Textual evidence cannot be ignored so those responses are not based only on
the readers considerations but it involves the reader with the writer.

2. After reading the text, we can conclude that the

main aim of the network is
a) to build a tool to fight against the global
b) to draw national attention to deforestation in
c) to create a problematic issue both in Brazil and
around the world.
d) to negotiate deforestation among national and
international NGOs
e) to have an effect on the governments climate

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

The network, called the

Climate Observatory, aims to
influencing government views
and policies on climate
Opo: E

09 August 2014

Enem exam

Minicurso ENEM

English X PROVAS
Explanations in Portuguese/English or
Focus on the questions
Locating the core of the questions

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM

Os textos tratam de temas variados,
tais como:
literrios trechos de
romance, poesia, poema, fbula,
parbola, fico, etc.;
textos ligados s cincias biolgicas,
exatas e humanas;
textos extrados de peridicos, como
anurios, etc.;
textos ligados tecnologia e mdia
(meios de comunicao).
Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM


Algumas questes so especficas de

candidato no se d conta de que seus
conhecimentos gramaticais esto sendo
testados atravs do texto.
Referncia gramatical
Referncia pronominal
Voz passiva
Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

ENEM - 2010 p. 42 Viva la Vida
I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning and I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemys eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing
Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand


MARTIN, C. Viva la vida, Coldplay. In: Viva la vida or Death and all his friends. Parlophone, 2008.

Letras de msicas abordam temas que, de certa forma, podem ser reforados
pela repetio de trechos ou palavras. O fragmento da cano Viva la vida,
por exemplo, permite conhecer o relato de algum que
a) costumava ter o mundo aos seus ps e, de repente, se viu sem nada.
b) almeja o ttulo de rei e, por ele, tem enfrentado inmeros inimigos.
c) causa pouco temor a seus inimigos, embora tenha muito poder.
d) limpava as ruas e, com seu esforo, tornou-se rei de seu povo.
e) tinha a chave para todos os castelos nos quais desejava morar.

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM


No existe um tamanho padronizado de

texto. Em um mesmo exame, pode haver
textos longos e outros curtos ou mdios.
Convm salientar que as questes
formuladas sobre um texto, na maioria das
vezes, seguem a ordem em que os tpicos
so apresentados no texto.

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM

Quanto mais palavras o candidato conhecer,
melhor ser seu desempenho. A aquisio de

vocabulrio um trabalho paciente e deve ser

constante. A memorizao das palavras pode ser
feita de diversas maneiras: listas de palavras,
leituras, cpias, visualizao (vocabulrio por
imagens), letras de msica, cartas, etc.

Entretanto, no necessrio dominar todas as

palavras de um texto para compreender a
mensagem. Muitas vezes, o leitor "adivinha" o
significado de um termo pelo contexto. Porm, h
palavras que podem enganar o leitor. Por
exemplo, se lhe for perguntado o que significa
"temerrio", talvez voc diga que sinnimo de
temeroso, medroso,
Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM


John no tinha medo de nada. Enfrentava as

situaes difceis e perigosas com audcia e
valentia. Era mesmo um rapaz muito temerrio.
Logo, temerrio significa corajoso, audaz,
Em ingls, acontece o mesmo, ou seja, voc pode
desconhecer a palavra, mas o contexto permite,

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM

Para interpretar, necessrio compreender bem. A
interpretao pode ser uma concluso, uma deduo
a respeito de um fato, uma histria, um provrbio,
uma situao, etc.
Uma boa traduo no o principal requisito para
uma interpretao efetiva.
Compreenso traduo
Interpretao inferncia e deduo

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM


Muitas questes verificam a capacidade do candidato para traduzir um texto de modo a

identificar a resposta. Exemplo:

A dictionary is a book containing a selection of the words of a language, usually

arranged alphabetically, giving information about their meanings, pronunciations,
etymologies, inflected forms, etc., expressed in either the same or another language.
Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary, Gramercy Books, NY, 1989, p. 400.

De acordo com o texto, um dicionrio

a) uma seleo de lnguas.
b) um livro que contm uma seleo de palavras de uma lngua.
c) um compndio sobre a alfabetizao.
d) um livro que explica apenas as palavras de uma lngua estrangeira.
e) um livro que informa sobre as lnguas do mundo.

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM
Quando se compara a lngua portuguesa inglesa, h inmeros vocbulos
cognatos, geralmente procedentes do latim. Exemplos:
absurd - absurdo
police - polcia
permission - permisso
eventually - finalmente
to intend - pretender
large - grande
silicon - silcio
to pretend - fingir
Union - sindicato

eventualmente - occasionaly
entender - understand
largo - wide
silicone - silicone

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM
Marque a alternativa que corresponda traduo da
sentena abaixo.
They eventually intended to visit the large
Silicon Valley in the United States.
a) Por fim, eles entenderam que queriam visitar o largo
Vale do Silicone nos Estados Unidos.
b) Eles eventualmente entenderam o tamanho do Vale
do Silicone nos Estados Unidos.
c) Eles finalmente tentaram visitar o largo Vale do
Silcio nos Estados Unidos.
d) Eles eventualmente pretendiam visitar o Vale do
Silicone nos Estados Unidos.
e) Eles finalmente pretendiam visitar o grande Vale do
Silcio nos Estados Unidos.

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM


Tipos de respostas:
Fora de contexto

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM

Our currency (2012)

Australia was the first country in the world to have a complete system of bank notes made
from plastic (polymer). These notes provide much greater security against
counterfeiting. They also last four times as long as conventional paper (fibrous) notes.
The innovative technology with which Australian bank notes are produced developed
entirely in Australia offers artists brilliant scope for the creation of images that reflect
the history and natural environment of Australia. At the same time, the polymer notes are
cleaner than paper notes and easily recyclable. Australias currency comprises coins of 5,
10, 20 and 50 cent and one and two dollar denominations; and notes of 5, 10, 20, 50 and
100 dollar denominations.

AUSTRALIA GOVERNMENT. About Australia. Disponvel em:

Acesso em: 7 dez. 2011.

O governo da Austrlia, por meio de seu Departamento de Assuntos Estrangeiros, divulga

inovaes tecnolgicas desse pas. Associando as informaes apresentadas na busca pelo
tema, percebe-se que o texto se refere
A educao ambiental na Austrlia. (fora do contexto)
B ao sistema monetrio australiano.
C aos expoentes da arte australiana. (fora do contexto)
D situao econmica da Austrlia. (extrapolante)
E ao controle bancrio australiano. (fora do contexto)

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

August 09, 2014

Minicurso ENEM

Ebonics (2012)
The word Ebonics is made up of two words. Ebony, which means black and phonics, which
refers to sound. It is a systematic rule-governed natural speech that is consistent as any
other language in sentence structure. This is referred to as syntax. What makes this
speech pattern uniquely different to so called American Standard English is its verb tense
or lack of it. An example of this can be seen in the sentence, He is sick today. This same
sentence translated in Ebonics would read, He sick today. As you can see the verb has
been omitted. However, this speech pattern is consistently used. Major controversy has
arisen whether or not Ebonics is a separate language or simply a dialect. In doing my
research, I have found that most linguists take the position that Ebonics is a dialect. What
distinguishes dialect from language is that in dialect two speakers share most or some of
the same vocabulary and is recognizable and understandable. In contrast, separate
languages are present only when the inability to communicate verbally occurs.

Disponvel em: Acesso em: 17 ago. 2011 (adaptado).

A lingustica a cincia que se interessa pela linguagem humana em seus mais diferentes
aspectos, e assim nos ajuda a pensar sobre a diversidade cultural e lingustica. Nesse texto,
a questo da diversidade lingustica discutida por meio
A da polmica em torno da legitimao do ebnico como uma lngua.
B da dificuldade de aceitao do ebnico como uma mistura de lnguas.
C do reconhecimento conquistado pelos afro americanos falantes do ebnico.
D do desprestgio do dialeto ebnico socialmente marcado pelos linguistas.
E do impedimento de compreenso entre falantes de dialetos distintos.

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM
(ENEM 2011) Last Monday was a really awful day. I got to school late because I had
missed the bus. Then I had a Math test and did badly because I hadnt studied for it. Things
went from bad to worse: while I was waiting for the bus home I realised I had lost my
money so I had to walk home. I really wanted to go to the cinema with my parents that
evening but by the time I got home they had already gone out. I put my dinner in the oven,
went to watch TV and fell asleep. When I woke up an hour later, there was a terrible smell
and smoke coming up the stairs: I had forgotten to take my dinner out of the oven.
ACEVEDO, A.; GOWER, M. High Flyer. Longman, 1996.

A inteno do narrador, nesse texto,

A descrever o incidente na cozinha.
B justificar a perda de uma prova.
C lamentar a perda da aula.
D reclamar do atraso do nibus.
E relatar um dia de problemas.

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM
QUESTO 94 (ENEM 2011)
Mary Macs mothers making Mary Mac marry me.
My mothers making me marry Mary Mac.
Will I always be so Merry when Marys taking care of me?
Will I always be so merry when I marry Mary Mac?
(from a song by Carbon Leaf)
Disponvel em: Acesso em: 27 jun. 2011.

O trava-lngua, alm de funcionar como um exerccio de pronncia, tambm pode

abordar assuntos relacionados sociedade. No texto, o tema abordado refere-se
A unio de duas pessoas que se amam h anos.
B deciso de Mary Mac de se casar com seu amor.
C aos cuidados de Mary Mac com seu futuro esposo.
D s dvidas do filho sobre a felicidade aps o casamento.
E felicidade da me com relao ao casamento da filha.

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

QUESTO 95 (ENEM 2011)

Minicurso ENEM

Slumdog Millionaire
Danny Boyles Slumdog Millionaire hits the ground running. This is a breathless,
exciting story, heartbreaking and exhilarating at the same time, about a Mumbai orphan
who rises from rags to riches on the strength of his lively intelligence. The films
universal appeal presents the real India to millions of moviegoers for the first time.
The real India, supercharged with a plot as reliable and eternal as the hills. The films
surface is so dazzling that you hardly realize how traditional it is underneath.
But its the buried structure that pulls us through the story like a big engine on a short train.
By the real India, I dont mean an unblinking documentary like Louis Malles Calcutta or
the recent Born Into Brothels. I mean the real India of social levels that seem to be
separated by centuries. What do people think of when they think of India? On the one
hand, Mother Teresa, Salaam Bombay! and the wretched of the earth. On the other, the
Masterpiece Theater-style images of A Passage to India, Gandhi and The Jewel in
the Crown.
The film uses dazzling cinematography, breathless editing, driving music and headlong
momentum to explode with narrative force, stirring in a romance at the same time.
EBERT, R. Disponvel em: Acesso em: 11 abr. 2011 (adaptado).

O texto trata do premiado filme indiano Slumdog Millionaire. Segundo a resenha

apresentada, a histria retrata uma ndia real, uma vez que
A retrata sentimentos universais compartilhados por algumas culturas.
B revela a tradicional separao de classes sociais em um cenrio inovador.
C se assemelha a documentrios anteriormente produzidos por outros cineastas.
D representa o carter romntico da cultura indiana expressa em suas produes.
E aproxima a nova cinematografia indiana de filmes grandiosos produzidos em outros

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM
(ENEM 2013)

Placas como a da gravura so usadas para orientar os usurios de um espao urbano. Essa
placa, especificamente, tem a funo de avisar que somente
A as despesas feitas com estacionamento so deduzidas.
B os donos de carro entram no estacionamento do parque.
C o proprietrio autoriza a validao do estacionamento.
D os rebocadores precisam de permisso para entrar no local.
E os veculos autorizados podem estacionar naquela rea.

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM
QUESTO 92 (ENEM 2013)
The art of happiness
Nearly every time you see him, hes laughing or at least smiling. And he makes everyone
else around him feel like smiling. Hes the Dalai Lama, the spiritual and temporal leader of
Tibet, a Nobel Prize winner, and an increasingly popular speaker and statesman. Why is he
so popular? Even after spending only a few minutes in his presence you cant help feeling
happier. If you ask him if hes happy, even though hes suffered the loss of his country, the
Dalai Lama will give you an unconditional yes. Whats more, hell tell you that happiness
is the purpose of life, and that the very motion of our life is towards happiness. How to
get there has always been the question. Hes tried to answer it before, but hes never had
the help of a psychiatrist to get the message across in a context we can easily understand.
LAMA, D.; CUTLER, H. The Art of Happiness: a handbook for living. Putnam Books, 1998.

Pelo ttulo e pela sinopse do livro de Lama e Cutler, constata-se que o tema da obra
A o sucesso dos autores no Tibet.
B a busca da felicidade no cotidiano.
C o Prmio Nobel recebido por Lama.
D a liderana de Dalai Lama no Tibet.
E a discusso de Lama e seu psiquiatra.

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM

QUESTO 93 (ENEM 2013)

Cyberbullying is harassment through electronic means such as telephone text messages, social media
such as Facebook and Twitter or online blogs and bulletin boards. In normal bullying, students are
given a daily break from the torment as bully and victim each go to their separate homes. But for
victims of cyberbullying, there is no reprieve, as the abuse enters into their private lives. In the US,
there are at least 44 states that have anti-bullying laws on the books. While only six of them use the
actual word cyberbullying, 31 others have laws that specifically mention electronic harassment.
Prosecution in the UK is a little more difficult. While all schools are required to have anti-bullying
policies in place, cyberbullying itself is not named as a criminal offence. Offenders in the UK would
have to be charged under various other laws, including the Protection from Harassment Act of 2003.
This makes prosecution much more difficult.
Authorities agree that in order to stop cyberbullying, there has to be parental involvement. Parents need
to be vigilant about their childrens access to technology. They should monitor their childrens use of
social media, especially children under the age of 14. Bullies are not going to simply disappear, but
parents can go a long way in protecting their children from being bullied.

Go! English, ano II, n. 14 (fragmento).

De acordo com o texto, nos Estados Unidos, alguns estados tm leis especficas para assdio via
meios eletrnicos. J no Reino Unido, a instaurao de processos contra praticantes de
cyberbullying mais difcil porque
A as vtimas precisam recorrer a outras leis existentes, pois o cyberbullying no considerado
B as leis que regulamentam o uso da internet e dos meios eletrnicos de comunicao so
C os pais das vtimas no tm interesse em denunciar os agressores de seus filhos s
autoridades competentes.
D os estudantes com idade inferior a 18 anos no podem sofrer acusaes de prtica de
cyberbullying ou bullying.
E as leis como a de Proteo contra Atos de Assdio de 2003 estabelecem que o cyberbullying
no crime.

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM
QUESTO 94 (ENEM 2013)

Disponvel em: Acesso em: 26 fev. 2012.

Tirinhas so construdas a partir de contextos sociais e podem promover reflexes diversas.

Essa tirinha provoca no leitor uma reflexo acerca da
A diviso de espao com os pais.
B perda da ateno dos pais.
C submisso aos pais.
D ausncia dos pais.
E semelhana com os pais.

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM
QUESTO 95 (ENEM 2013)

Movie: Hijras The Third Gender

Director: Devika Urvashi Bhis

Duration: 29 minutes

Hijras are the outcastes of Indian society and live on its fringes. These eunuchs (originally
only castrated males) were once employed by sultans and maharajas to guard the women in
their harems. Now shunned by society, they are treated with less respect than the Dalits, or
untouchables. Considered neither men nor women, Hijras have no constitutional rights.
Currently, there is an ongoing debate in India regarding whether or not they should be
granted the status of a third gender.
Most hijras are genetically born as men, but believe they are women within. The rest are
hermaphrodites with some abnormality in genitalia. For those born men, becoming a hijra
is a painful process that involves removing the entire genitalia in a secret ceremony that is
often undergone without any anesthetic.
Currently, most hijras have only three ways in which they can make a living: prostitution,
begging, and as performing shamans removing bad luck and/or spells from suspicious
Indian households. Sex work is one of the only options for hijras because there are few
employment opportunities available to them. Hijras are most commonly seen knocking on
car windows, begging for money at stoplights. Although hijras are feared for their
dissimilarities, they are also revered for their alleged mystical abilities. Most Indian
families seek their blessings during any auspicious ceremony such as a birth, a wedding, or
the building of a new house.

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

Minicurso ENEM
As pariahs of society, they are subjected to prejudice that is often translated into verbal
abuse, humiliation, extreme discrimination, and violence in public as well as private
venues. I have documented a short film to create awareness of the plight of this segment of
society and allow their voices to be heard. I was privileged to share this communitys inner
life and have tried to capture its stark reality as a friend rather than a voyeur. The filming
took place from June 2008 to September 2008 in various cities and locations in India.
Disponvel em: Acesso em: 25 fev. 2012.

O filme Hijras The Third Gendertem como objetivo chamar ateno para a situao
vivida por um segmento da sociedade indiana, os hijras. De acordo com o que se captura
dessas vozes no filme e do que se l no texto, esse segmento reivindica
A os mesmos direitos dos dalits, ou intocveis.
B o direito constitucional de sair da marginalidade.
C um processo mais humano de mudana de sexo.
D a regulamentao de suas atuais funes sociais.
E o reconhecimento de suas habilidades msticas.

Pr-ENEM Frei Serfico

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