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Om Aum Ohm

February 2 at 7:23am
Hinduism: Sanatana Dharma.
The only Religion of peace. Hinduism is the oldest civilization and spiritual Tradition in the
world. Hinduism is often compared with a giant banyan tree-in its shade a thousand faiths

blooms. Hinduism is not a religion in the sense westerners think of a religion, such as
Christianity, Muslim and so on. It is more a code of life (Dharma) that is practiced by hundreds
of millions of adherents over a period of several millennium. Unlike most of the world's leading
religions Hinduism has no one founder it is called by its practitioners Sanatana Dharma or the
Eternal Faith.
Dharma the code of life means "to hold". Thus Hindus hold to an inner law which leads from
ignorance to truth. As one expert on Hinduism said one can take Hinduism as a whole from its
literature to its rituals to its art and compress it into one affirmation. You can have what you want
within that affirmation are three things all people want-being or the gift of life, knowledge and
joy. While Hinduism does not dismiss worldly possessions or worldly pleasures, they must be
obtained and enjoyed within the context of life, knowledge and joy.
As Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma) is rich in philosophy, science, mathematics in other respects. A
survey shows that there are around 600.000 manuscripts were written over a period of 10
millennium. But unfortunately most of them were lost over a period of time. Today there were
500.000 registered manuscripts names and brief information has be registered. But around
60.000 original manuscripts has been preserved (fully or partially). And the preservation of these
valuable manuscripts has been the mission of life time.
Hinduism is the mother of all religion. Hinduism was the first religion originated. Hinduism is
the world's greatest religion and the world's oldest living religious tradition, it has no beginning it
predates recorded history and has no human founder. It is the only religion (Sanatana Dharma),
that is not founded in a single historic event or prophet.
Long Live Sanatana Dharma
Dhanmatti Dubay, Shiva Shankar Lingam and 43 others like this.

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