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Tiger P.R.I.D.E (physical education, recreation, inclusion, development and

enjoyment) is an internship created by the Health Exercise and Sport Pedagogy

Department in order to develop the skills of the undergraduate students in
engaging in improving their teaching practices to better prepare themselves to
become professional educators. As part of the Delivery Team (DT) my job is to
promote physical education as well as improve my overall skills in instruction
through teaching, lesson planning, and reflection to better and efficientlyeducate
my students. This week inTigerP.R.I.D.EIdecided tofocusonteachingalesson
on jumping.ThisweekIinstructedapproximately810studentsontheconceptsof
straight jumping, hoping, and leaping. I noticed that students have learned this
concept before during instruction so it was very easy to prepare for the next
activities. The facilities that wereusedwastheblacktopoftheelementaryschool
near the basketball courts. In order toaidestudentsintheirsuccesswiththeskills
and the lesson I used equipment such as 2530 polyspots, 1020 jump ropes,10



Psychomotor (P)
SWBAT successfully demonstrate
the COTS for the jumping unit while participating in
MVPA with 50% success rate and perform the skill
5/10 correctly.
Cognitive (C):
SWBAT to accurately
recite the the cues of the skill and demonstrate the
COTS taught in class 90% of the time at the end of
the lesson.
HR Fitness (H):
SWBAT remain actively
engaged in MVPA atleast50%of thetime duringthe

successfully. Mystudentsseemedtohaveagreat timeandwerereallylookingforwardto
thejumpinglesson.Iwasveryproudof mystudentsfull participation and theirabilityto

terms we learned that day. I believethattheirneedsto be more improvement ingiving
precise instruction and really being aware of my wordingduring the lesson. I often use
YouGuys whenIbecamefrustratedandreverttolittlebadhabitssuchasmumbling.I
definitely needto learn howtocombatmyfrustrationduringthelessonandlearntorelax
more. I also need to be more specific with directions and follow them through. In
addition,thelesson seemed togo very well. Iimprovedmyactivityportionofmylesson
and increased the MVPA of my students to above 50%. I hope that next week I can


Iwasabletosuccessfullyimproveincreatingmoreactivitiesthat weremoreMVPA

as lastweek. Sothatslightlyincreasedthequality ofthelearningenvironment. I alsolearnedto

listenmoreto mystudentsand theiropinions ofwhat they reallywantedtodoandtookthatinto
consideration in designing the lesson plansforthenextlesson. This is donesothatstudentsdo
not feel that they are being ordered around to just do a task but are apart of the activities we
created and participate in together.During the lesson it seemed that students have learned this
concept before and performed very well. While other seemed to slightly struggle with the
jumpingactivity. I think the key tothejumpingunit was todefinitelytakeitstepbystepsinceit
isveryeasyto gotoofastwhichcanlead tomistakesandstudentsreachingaplaceofinsecurity
wheretheyfeelthey are unable besuccessful.So planningactivitiestowheretheybuildthrough
successmakes it easierto guidethemto doingtheultimatemovementyou wantandforthemto
As the lesson continued they were able to identify and recite the COTS of the skill
correctly through repetition which made it easier for them to identify or describe/ help other
studentsand themselveswiththemovements. Inusing thecotsstudentswereableto improve

there skills through out the class through practice and challenges (if they were high
skilled or developed to this level).Inaddition, Thepsychomotor,cognitive,andaffective
learning domains were met in myopinion completedsuccessfullythroughoutthelesson.
In the lesson it seemed that my lesson did improve with an increase in MVPA though
instruction and management still needs a little work. During thelessonthepercentageof
time that my students were involved in the activity was about the same as last week or
better. But the instruction and management were about the sameandneedimprovement.
In improving I believe that in order to improve my instruction in Tiger Pride may be
reading my lesson plan before hand will help so that I will remember the best way to
explain the lesson that were doing today. Maybe even just practicing in the car or with
friends for a couple of minutes.Overall, I hope thatIcanhavebetterqualityinstructional
lesson and better management. In addition, I did for this lesson give my students an
option to practice jumping at a high skill if they choose too.If students were struggling
with the activity I did changethetaskandtheirgoalsabit.Ialsowoulddothetaskalong
side the lower skilled students to help build their confidence and thus their skill level. I
think what I could have done better was adjust their jump ropes to their height. I tried
when possible to not tell them that this is moredifficultorhardtodobutrathertellthem
to lets try this movement or this skill. In order to improve my students progress level

and/or improve their skill development I let thempracticealllevelsoftheskillatleasta


Due tothefactthatmyclasssizewasvery smallitwasveryeasytocorrectmystudents

whendoing anactivity.I was alwaysin frontofmystudentsasmuchasIwasabletoo.
However, therearetimes where ifIamimmersedinhelpingonestudent Imaylosetrack
of another.So I willtry tofind differentwaysto betterhelpstudentswithoutlosingsite
of the wholeclass.TheCOTSforthecoursewereexplainedandreinforcedbutIfeelthat
Ishouldhaveassessed mystudentsmore ontheCOTS for this lesson.. MyinstructionI
believe needsa littlemore improvement and needsto bealwaysin frontofthestudents.
My speech has gotten a little better but Ineed tostillpractice onclarity.Since I know
someof mystudentsmaybeEnglishlearners.NexttimeIwilltrytocontinuetoimprove
my speech with utilizing breathingtechniques that I learned froma speech instructor in
the past. In regards to feedback, I did very well in providing feedback to all students
when possible. I am still having troublewithnames whichisbecoming aproblem. Ina
positive note, I didprovidedemonstrations throughouttheactivity.Studentswereableto
follow alongandunderstand the activities we weredoing.Anditseemedtobeclearand
understandablebasedontheirsuccessfulassessmentaftertheclass.Iwas veryhappythat
I did well in utilizing the wholepartwhole method when possible. Also, I did use
studentsto reproducea skillduringinstructionwhichwas great. Attheendofthelesson
dispersing and collecting the equipment was a lot more effective this time. Since my
students were able to assist me in placing the equipment away.Overall, the lessonwas
great and I had so much fun with my students. This weekIhad less disruptions which
was great.I also learned that taking in consideration frommy studentsmakesthem feel
moreapartofthe lessonandlearningprocesswhichincreasesparticipation. Mythreebest
skillsfortheweekwasmy an increase inMVPA,organization,reinforcingmy students
to succeed. The three weaknesses I found was my speech, taking to much time in
management and instruction, and my transitions. I hope to improve a little more next


The strategies I would like to improve on is my management/instruction,

transition, and speech. Working on instruction I will try to keep them in on

spot so students will not have to move to much from place toplaceduringthe
lesson and feel confused. So I think the dance unit next week will work very
well. Also learning to control my speech impediment by breathing and taking
my time for each lesson the students need to be taught. My goal also is to
successfully increase MVPA in the next lesson.In addition, based on what I
achievedthisweekthecontentofmystudentlearningobjectivesfor nextweek

Psychomotor (P):
SWBAT successfully demonstrate
the COTS for the dance unit while participating in
MVPA with 75% success rate.
Cognitive (C):
to practice, reciprocal, and selfcheck in this lesson.
These three are the teaching strategies that will beused.
Using an interactive approach and verbal cues to assist
the students in understanding the techniques thatwillbe
used during the activities will provide the instruction.
They will be able to observe and analyze other
classmates performance. They will be able to know
when their HR increases.
HR Fitness (H):
remain actively engaged in MVPA at least 50% of the

I hope that by tacklingthesestrategiesthatIlistedaboveIwillbeabletoteach

my students the important concepts they will need to learn much more

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